British Wait French Answer

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British Wait French Answer TWELVB iH attr^rato^ E nraittii ¥oraO t THOTSDAT, OCTOBER 1 7 ,19M . AVBBAOB DAILY OHUniLATIOM The Women's Hodia Missionary Mlsa Bernice Juul of the Weldon Scandla Lodge, Order of Vaasi, The flrat get-together of the 'tor the Moatk of September, 1888 t h e w b a t b e b n B U C SETBACK TONIGHT DANCE TONTGHT SMIUNG FRANKIE CARLE society of the South Methodlet Beauty Bolen, Mro. Mary Seastrand will hold Its rejpilar meeting at Friendly B rid^ cliib will take place rewcaat of U. S. Weatber church has poatpon'ed Its regular of the Beauty Nook and James Trl- Oryige hall at 8 o’clock tonlghL tomorrow afternoon at the home of ATLANTIC Hartford Odd Fellows HaO. Liberty HaU, Gtdway St. AND HIS ORCHESTRA meeting tomorrow night to next vigno are among the local beauti­ Mrs. Robert Martin, 168 South Main No. 2 FURNACE OIL 5 , 5 7 1 week Friday,.because of the W. C. cians attending the Hairdressers' street. Member of the Audit aoudy with oocaelowd fight rata 125.00 in Prises. ^ Art McKay’s Orchestra School Street Beo T. U. convention at the Center convention at the Hotel Pcnnsyl- 6c per gallon tonight and poeaibly Batarday 910, 97, 95, 9S Friday Eveningr, Oct. 18th church. vafila. New York City, this week. UnreM of Otreulatlons morning; slightly warmer tonight 9:30 Sharp. Admission 50c. Dancing 8 to U. Admission SSc. Admission SAe. For Quality L. T. WOOD CO. The detailed work Involved In pre­ Jack Sanson, manager of the ThtJW .IUUcOM VOL. LV„ NO. 16. (Olaesllled Advertiatnjg on Page 18.) paring checks for the school teach­ State theater, will bo master of MaMCMMTta Coww MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1935. (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THRBB CBNTil i A B O injQ W N ers delayed their distribution until ceremonies at the annual Cabaret P U B L IC R RANGE today, one day later than usual. Night to be sponsored October 20 In 3 to 6 Specials 'n«r« wtu b« a ipecUl meetlnf of After the selectmen voted Tuesday the State Armory by Company K of Given by the Tall Cedars on. Om ottleen of John Mather Chap­ night to meet the school system pay­ the National Guard, It was announc­ DRIVE At the Fall Bargains Boom Built To Block Harbor At Malta ter Onler of DeMolay at the roll along with those of the police ed today by the committee In MABONIO TEMPLE Dial 4129 FRIDAY MRS. E. F. BURR CABINET SHOT ICaaonic Temple at 7:80 o'clock to- department and the administration charge. A vaudeville show will be IN aisht. departments, a check for the total arranged for by Mr. Sanson while 3-Ponnd Can school payroll was sent by Town TONIGHT CAMPBELL STRAIN GROWS; BRITISH .Sergeant Thomas Paganl has SAFELY OF THIS TOWN PUTS AUSTRIA The defree team of the Daugh­ Treasurer George H. Waddell to Su­ charge of hiring an orchestra. Admission 26c. CRI8CO U sed Cars ters of Liberty, L.L.O.L., will hold a perintendent of Schools Arthur H. Tickets are available at Metter'a 12 Gameo and Door Prise! Service Station apeclal rehearsal tomorrow evening Illlng. * Headlights at 6:80 In Orange hall. It la Im­ Smokesbop, Reymander's Tavern 1930 Ford S ^ an HEADm CT.U. NEARE ITALY portant that every member be pres­ and the Army and Navy club. The first of the six meetings of WAIT FRENCH ANSWER ent. the Nutmeg Trail Institute for 193.1 * Windshield The first setback tournament of will be held tomorrow evening at Armour’s Star $125 Elected State President at Prince Yon Starhemberg, the season by the Zlpser club will be the South Methodist church, with Wipers held Saturday evening at 8 o’clock supper at 6:30 o'clock. Dr. Hor- WHEN you are considering TONIGHT P o rk and B eam 1930 Ford Sedan Anniial Meeting m Center Now in Power, Is Close War Briefs at the club house. Members and nell Hart of the Hartford Seminary Automobile Insurance, buy it * (DeLoxe) their wives are Invited to attend. will speak at this first meeting. Speedometers Genoa, .Italy, Oct. 18.—(AP)— ------------------------------------------- on the basis of real merit . can Church Today; Has Been Friend of n Dnce; Mon­ Ougllslmo Marconi, reported to London Asks Frahlc ITS EMERGENCY VALUE! —2 Free Prizes—2 have been turning radio into a REFLECTORS »I4S weapon ot warfare, sought an Inter­ At the Baker’s Baking Active Many Years. archists Disappomted. view with Premier Mussolini today RESILVERED 1931 Ford Coach to offer hla services with troops in View On Situation John L. Jenney Etast Africa. 10 Depot Square Phone 68A0 ARMORY TAVERN CHOCOLATE Mrs. Ella F. Burr of 302 West ■Vienna, Oct. 18 — Prince Ernst The usefulness of new radio NORTON waves, his latest Invention, was Reprraentlng^ .>06 Main Street Vincent Binello, Prop. »I4S enter street, vice prcaldent-at- von Starhemberg, close friend of HUSKING THE TKAVELERS, Hartford, Oonh. 1-2 Ib. demonstrated to several motorists British Public Confidence m France’s Loyalty to League ELECTRICAL Free Chances Given With Every Glass of Beer! 1931 Ford IVg-Ton "large of the State W.C.T.U., was Premier Mussolini of Italy, had last May when the scientist showed INSTRUMENT CO. elected state president of the union gained military ascendancy over his it to II Duce. The motorists, on the Try Our Rack Body at the annual election of officers political foes today through a Cab­ Rome-Ostia highway, discovered Shaken by Evasive Replies Made by Laval—Still Hope Hilliard St. Phone 4060 held this morning In the Center Con­ their motors stopped suddenly, re­ SPAGHETTI AND MEAT BALLS gregational church. Mrs. Burr, wife inet reorganization, and political ob­ fused to yield to any perauaslone, BEE It’s Made the Way You Like It! of Louis St. Clair Burr, Hartford servers said they expected to see authorltlea to admit Italian ihlps to the harbor at Laataratto, In Malta, Is Indicative and then suddenly starM again. That France Will Back Britain — Geneva Continues S225 realtor. even closer cooperation In the or the critical state of affairs in the explosive Mediterranean sone aa the League of Nations seeks to atop That demonstration coincided HARVARD AND KINGSBURY Walter N. Leclerc Mrs. Mabel P. Preuaaer of Water, future between Austria and Italy. the Ethiopian war. A British ship Is shown building the boom across Laszaratto Harbor to keep out with reports that Marconi was ex­ Parley On Embargo Ust— Contradictory Reports Ashes Removed 1933 International bury, president of the New Haven Chancellor Kurt Schuachnigg, undesirable ships while the island prepares for any emergency. perimenting to determine whether DANCING On Draught Funeral Director Ck)unty union, was elected vlce- who owes much of his political he could stop the motors of air­ WATKINS BROS., IVz-Ton Panel resident-at-large, succeeding Mrs. power to Von Starhemberg'a sup­ planes In mld-alr. Come from War Zona Modem and Old Fashion Weekly — 25c 959 No. MrIo 8t« Msooheot*t Urr. Mrs. Nellie Arnold of Meri­ port, shifted his Cabinet around Neat, Dependable Service. gden, as treasurer, Mrs. Sarah A. yesterday, deposing MaJ. Emil 'Fey, Asmara, Eritrea, Oct. 16.—(De­ Inc. Hull, of Bristol, corresponding sec­ who long stood In the way of Von layed In 'TmnamiBslon)—The flrat ART McKAY’S ORCHESTRA MOVING and TRUCKING »24S Starhemberg'a rise. 60GIANTPLANES real opposition to the Italian ad­ London, Oct. 18.—(AP)—Tension ETHIOPIANS USE OUNS retary and Mrs. Ethel D. Barrows of FOE OF ADMINISTRATION between the British and French Given by Local and Long Distance. Robert K. Anderson 1930 Buick Coach New London, recording secretary Austrian Monarchists, who long vance through Ethiopia was believ­ MANUFACTURED IN ITALY Modern EQuipment. were re-elected. have had in mind a plan to make ed to be developing today around mounted today as the British gov­ ST. BRIDGETS HOLY NAME SOCIETY Funeral Director Assessors Pledged To Program Archduke Otto King, restoring the ON NAVY PROGRAM Makale, major objective 60 miles ernment let It ' be known plainly Rome, Oct. 18—(AP) —Relia­ COMMUNITY FRUIT And Mrs. Burr, who has )>een Identi­ Hapsburg throne, were character­ ASKED FOR HIS ADVICE south of Adowa. that recent events have shaken the ble Quarters said today Italian Benefit of St. Bridget's Church Austin Chambers Funeral Home, »14S fied with the work of the W.C.T.U. ized as disappointed and surprised Three Important Ethiopian lead­ troops In Bast Africa were re­ Phone 6260 142 Ea-st Center Street for several years, was presented to by Von Starhemberg'a sudden seiz­ ers were reported concentrating British public confidence In France's ceiving fire from guns manufac­ NOTICE the assembly amid rousing ap­ ure of vast political power and some their forces in that district, where loyalty to the League of Nations. tured by four nauona, including VEGETABLE STORE 1930 Chevrolet Coupe Washington Laughing O m Construction to Start at Once it has long been predicted that Italy. Telephone: THE INHABITANTS OF THE plause. of them declared that the cautious DEAIN SENTENCE The restoration of thia confidence, Entertainment Office 5171 — House 7494 Under a visable emotional strain, movement was under way to make there was a good chance for a big authoritative sources aald, hinges It was stated wsapona captur­ 241 North Main Street TOWN OF MANCHESTEB $ 1 2 S due to the large amount of work the Prince, who b vice chancellor, — Department Already battle. i ^ n an unconditional afflrmsuve ed from the BXhloplona were of Read The Herald Advs. Liable to pay taxes are hereby noti­ done preparing the convention the King of Austria.
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    Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 189 / Monday, October 1, 2007 / Notices 55771 consumers believe may have aired FCC Form 501. FCC Form 501, date of account changes will help IXCs obscene, profane, and/or indecent Slamming Complaint Form, is devised to maintain accurate customer account programming. FCC Form 475–B remains to ensure complete and efficient information and that including the unchanged. submission of necessary information to carrier identification code of the OMB Control No.: 3060–0967. process slamming complaints. FCC customer’s IXC will enable an IXC to OMB Approval Date: 09/05/2007. Form 501 remains available to verify that it is the proper recipient of Expiration Date: 09/30/2010. consumers electronically and in hard the transmitted information. Title: Section 79.2, Accessibility of copy. The Commission will use this Paragraph 64.402(g) of the Programming Providing Emergency information to provide redress to Commission’s rules is modified to make Information. consumers and to act against companies the information categories included in Form No.: N/A. engaged in this illegal practice. paragraph 64.402(g) consistent with Estimated Annual Burden: 100 OMB Control No.: 3060–1084. those included in other LEC responses; 1 to 2 hours per response; OMB Approval Date: 06/25/2007. notifications requirements. Paragraph 210 total annual hourly burden. Expiration Date: 06/30/2010. 64.4002(g) also is modified to require Needs and Uses: 47 CFR 79.2 is Title: Rules and Regulations that when a customer changes LECs, but designed to ensure that persons with Implementing Minimum Customer wishes to retain his current PIC, the new hearing and visual disabilities have Account Record Exchange Obligations LEC must so notify the current PIC so access to the critical details of on All Local and Interexchange Carriers that the current PIC does not emergency information.
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