Separation Hearings Conclude, Ruling on Referendum by Mar, 1

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Separation Hearings Conclude, Ruling on Referendum by Mar, 1 KQSin'jfll CO. A3-..** fBESKOVP* : ‘ * i . m i This Week COVERING t o w n sh ips o r BOLMDEU MADI&ON Two Sections HAKLBOHO, MATAWAN AND 18 Pages MATAWAN U U U O I 91 at YEAR — 31st WEEK Vaoout MtArtAl awftrtitlM MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1960 Single Copy Ten Cents Separation Hearings Conclude, That Much-Awaited Madison Township School: What There Is Of It Today Marlboro School Rate Up $1.72 Ruling On Referendum By Mar, 1 Regional Election, Hearing;! concluded Friday in murs from William J. O'Hagnn, vote. Mr. Groezinger believed an Budget Vote Tuesday Trenton on the application of Uie Asbury Pirk, attorney for Mata­ expression of feeling by a borough ' Matawaa Borough Council to a wan Township, and Vincent C;' De- resident would not'aflect the board Marlboro Township school taxes (tale board of review to hold a Maio, Middletown, attorney for the of review when its duty was to will be up 139,082.23 to IU1.M4.S0 referendum on constituting the bor­ Matawan Township Board of Edu­ give an unbiased decision. from 1176,212.19. This will bring to ough a separate school district cation, against this injection of o­ Mr. Currie introduced Mr.. Mc­ Increase In the tax rata for schools _Jrora the present joint borough- pinion , into the proceedings. Mr Curdy as superintendent of Mata­ of 11.72 from |I U per 1100 to township school district. Opposing Currie hastened to have Mr. Mc­ wan SctwolJ from 1921 to 1945. Mr. 11.21 per 1 100. ' :' - , attorney* gave consent for decision Curdy testify he had not taken a DeMaio questioned if he was being . of'th e board of review to be de­ stand on the issue of separation qualified as an "expert” in edu­ State aid will Increase from (IN,- : layed to Mar. 1 from the original nor would he divulge how he would cation in that Mr. Currie had fail­ 312 to tll4,IU, but this no more 'return date of Jan. 31. providing ed to qualify his prior witness, than offsets a dropping of appro­ ^here was no prejudice to either Donald T. Day, as an "expert" in priation from free balances. The .aide’s right of appeal. No Quorum Halts the subject oq which he had testi­ board hsd an accumulation ol Eric Groezlnger, assistant state fied, school economics. Mr. Currie 15914.99 lt could-use last year. The commissioner of education, pre­ parried reference to the inconsist­ Increase In thl total budget, from siding, In turn, stipulated “no Zone Amendment ency by holding qualifying' experts im iW .50 to 1240,991.(0, or 191.419. prejudice” with the reservation the Was of no. point in such hearings accordingly la reflected Is the add­ board of review, of course, could Borough Council* ’ and any citizen had a right to give ed tax levy, no{ commit the courts on such an To Meet Tuesday his views. Board Secretary Frank Dugun Issue. Mr, Groezlnger’s attendance Mr. Currie noted that the edu­ related that Ihe appesl of "tmo" In the place ef Frederick M. Rau- Public hearing of an amendment cational feasibility of having sep­ value ratablea taken au ln it the bloger, State Commissioner of Ed­ to the newly adopted zoning ordi­ arate high schools in the borough county figure of 117,700,110, up ovtr ucation and a stipulated member nance for Matawan waa held up and township was a part of the 12,000,000, will not affect the school ot-a board of review by statute, one week Tufsday night when the Issue of separation,- He noted Mr. rate. The appeal against the eounly la an Issue raised. George C. figure, up 19 per eentrwlll be hesrd Matawan Borough Council failed hi McCurdy had heard Mr. Day tes­ This Is the present slate ef construction ol the Madison Township Township receiving district high schools, Matawan and Sayrevllle, gains Sklllman, Director of the Local muster a quorum for Its regularly tify that in 82 of the 123 high'school High School, stsrted last summer* The 11,MO,00* building shows some force In this vlow of how long they will havs to continue In thelMotnt Feb. 9. Th* school levy Is sgainst Government Division of the State scheduled meeting. - -• districts in the state, high schools resemblance to an alr-rakl ebeltet but little to a high school right st role with South River and South Amboy. Madison Board Member* ap rstables figure of (2 ,100,000 Department of the Treasury, and Mayor Ralph R. Dennis, who a­ had-beea- operated with less than prediction of an opening date for their high school of September 1M2, sgslnst 11,497.000. The township Salvatore A. Bontempo, Commis- long with Councllmen Cyrus -K. 500 resident enrollment, Mr, Currie <k*<lK{i>0 irreBt commotion ever (threatened trlple+essloas at Madlaea appears wholly warranted. rstlo to true vslue has been ralsod aion^r Of tbe State Department of Brown and Vemon Ellison, were also recalled ‘the record produced T r to ll.ot from 14.(7 by Auessor Conservation and Economic Devel­ the only ones to attend the meet* by Mr. Day Ip show high schools A Souquetl Howard J. Preston, opment, the other two members of ing, said the session will bt post­ were Operating with enrollmenta if Report Vandalitm ( Regloaa! Rata Dow* the board of review, aa stipulated State Action Demanded Before Triple The Increese In the local school poned until next Tuesday. A num­ as low as gjf Ip New Jersey snd The Rev, Cornelius J. Kaa*| In I h,e newspaper business by statute, w en In attendance all ber of residents were, present in that there were 22 high schools with words of commendation ^re rare. rats will be somewhat eesed by day Friday. pastor of .St, Joseph’s Church^ a slight decreese In the Freehold the hsll, apparently for the zoning enrollments. comparable with the Maple PI., Keyport, Mooday'- Sessions Hit Matawan, Sayrcvillc Fact la brickbats are morV4||ual Hearing wa* being resumed af­ hearing, ' 249 high school pupils in the lior- sight reputed to Keyport Polica than beuqUetsI Regional High School rate as It s|»- ter a two-week, lapee. Edward W. The new zoning amendment es­ ough today, or tbe township’s fig­ that two acts *1 vandalism hadl South Amboy, Still On Full Sessions, For that'reason The Matawaa pllcs to Ihe district. II so hsppens Currie, Matawan; as attorney for tablishes alt business properties a­ ure of M2. • ■ bees discovered at the school Asked To Take Madison High Overflow Journal particularly appreciate* that Marlboro will be the only "one the Committee for Better Borough long both sides of Route (continued on page two) aad church. ; HUee ar» coo- the following not* from an adver­ of the areas Included In the Re­ gional District to be decreased this Schools, hidaecured a halt In hear­ dividual business zones. In the or­ Unulng thelr Investigation State Department ot Education remove thre* pupils this week frony tiser, Ely's Easo Service, Part ings Jan, 7 until tha. attorney gen- dinance as Introduced In Septem­ wllUhe called on to provide other that school and send them to Sayre- and Union Avee., Unloa Beach, year. eral’a office had ruled on the va­ Follce sald the Rev. Father The regional budget lo be voted ber, the highway was zoned en­ County National Kaae reported that an Iran bar housing for Madison Township high vllle because 109 violates the 100- whe announced a ohange ef their lidity of Mr, Groezlnger "sitting tirely residential, except for a school pupils next term who sre wpll limit put by the South Am- service ststlen sddrees te the on Tuesday shows an Increaae of In” tor Commissioner Raublnger. had been Ou«wn through a plate 171,910 In taxation. The overall Re­ small strip. Residential properties (fam-wM ew at the school. I»- In excess of the number thsl csn ■oy Board ot Education oa Madi­ present locstloni It waa the view of the attorney are to remain zoned aa residential. Elects Directors be taken by the Mstawan and son attendance al their high *chool. "It really pays I* advartl**, gional goes up from 11.17 per 1100 general'a office In the Interim that additlea^ a swastika was di*. to 11.77 per 1100, but lor Marlboto Strip leae Before covered ertsdsly drawn In crayoa Sayrevllle receiving districts, lest The projected figures of atten­ We oouldn'l take caie ol tbe the atatute gave a member of the Keyport Advisory these schools be forced Into triple dance In 1060-81, according to Mr 'phone calls. Customers Irom th* Township, It goes down from 19.01 , board of review the right to depu­ The strip included the area on on an eutsldei wall of the build*' per 1100 to 14.16 pur 1100. As the Board Renamed Ing. sessions. Kordzlnskl, are: Perth Amboy 12. eld stsllon who didn't know we tise one of hii assistants to repre­ the Borth side of the highway from The possibility of triple sessions Matawan 250, Sayrevllle 220, South had opened here In Union Beach township Is tha second highest ol sent him at a hearing, as long aa Jackson St. to the railroad right- At the organizational meeting M Lt. LeRoy Huylar reported the at Matawan lilgh School has been the districts In regional rale, thlu vandalism apparently was the.'’ River 107 and lloffman ISO. lt was all started coming In. I thought a proper record of the proceed­ of-way and on the south side of the Board of Director* of The Mon­ publicized with "scere" headlines admlttod ruefully the Hoffman fig­ you would Uke lo know." (Signed tends to equalise It a little aa was ings was takfn.
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    Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 189 / Monday, October 1, 2007 / Notices 55771 consumers believe may have aired FCC Form 501. FCC Form 501, date of account changes will help IXCs obscene, profane, and/or indecent Slamming Complaint Form, is devised to maintain accurate customer account programming. FCC Form 475–B remains to ensure complete and efficient information and that including the unchanged. submission of necessary information to carrier identification code of the OMB Control No.: 3060–0967. process slamming complaints. FCC customer’s IXC will enable an IXC to OMB Approval Date: 09/05/2007. Form 501 remains available to verify that it is the proper recipient of Expiration Date: 09/30/2010. consumers electronically and in hard the transmitted information. Title: Section 79.2, Accessibility of copy. The Commission will use this Paragraph 64.402(g) of the Programming Providing Emergency information to provide redress to Commission’s rules is modified to make Information. consumers and to act against companies the information categories included in Form No.: N/A. engaged in this illegal practice. paragraph 64.402(g) consistent with Estimated Annual Burden: 100 OMB Control No.: 3060–1084. those included in other LEC responses; 1 to 2 hours per response; OMB Approval Date: 06/25/2007. notifications requirements. Paragraph 210 total annual hourly burden. Expiration Date: 06/30/2010. 64.4002(g) also is modified to require Needs and Uses: 47 CFR 79.2 is Title: Rules and Regulations that when a customer changes LECs, but designed to ensure that persons with Implementing Minimum Customer wishes to retain his current PIC, the new hearing and visual disabilities have Account Record Exchange Obligations LEC must so notify the current PIC so access to the critical details of on All Local and Interexchange Carriers that the current PIC does not emergency information.
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