514 the Edinburgh Gazette, April 19
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514 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, APRIL 19, of all or any part of the Militia, so that the whole " stewartry or stewartries, city or cities, town er period of training and exercise in any year should M towns, or place or places, specified ia any nest not exceed fifty-six days, DOT be leas than three " Order or Orders in Council shall take place in days. <* any year, anything contained in any Act or Acts And whereas it haa seemed fit to Her Majesty, " of Parliament to the contrary notwithstanding.* hy and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to And whereas it has seemed fit to Her Majesty, extend the period of training and exercise in the by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to present year 1861, of all the Regiments and Corps suspend the calling ont of the Militia of certain of the Militia in Scotland specified in the Schedule parts of the United Kingdom hereinafter men- annexed to this Order. tioned, for the purpose of being trained and exer- Now therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the cised iq the year one thousand eight hundred and advice aforesaid, ia pleased to order, and it sixty-one. * is hereby ordered, that the period of- training Now there/ore, Her Majesty, by the advice of and exercise of all the Regiments and Corps Her Privy Council, doth hereby suspend the of the Militia in Scotland, specified in the calling ont of the Regiments of Militia specified in Schedule annexed to this Order, which Schedule the Schedule annexed to this Order, for the pur- is hereby directed to be taken as part of this pose of being trained and exercised in the year Order, be extended for and during the present one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, which year 1861, so that the whole period of training Schedule is hereby directed to be taken as part of and exercise of the said Regiments and Corps in this Order ; and it is further ordered that this the said year 1861 shall not in any case exceed Order and the said Schedule be published in the fifty-six days, nor be less than three days^ and London Gazette. ARTHUR HELPS. Her Majesty is further pleased to direct that this Order be forthwith published in the Edinburgh Schedule of Militia Regiments referred to in the Gazette, and be transmitted to the respective foregoing Order. lieutenants of the counties and places in Scotland, in order that they should proceed upon the same, in Bedfordshire Light Infantry. pursuance of the directions of the said Act of 2d Royal Cheshire. Parliament. Durham Artillery. And the Right Honourable Lord Herbert, one of Hampshire Artillery. Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, is to East Kent. give the necessary directions herein accordingly. Royal Lancashire Artillery. ARTHUR HELPS. Royal North Lincoln. 5th Middlesex, or Royal Elthorne Light Infantry. Schedule of Militia Regiments referred to in the Norfolk Artillery. foregping Order. Northumberland Artillery. Aberdeenshire. Oxfordshire. Argyll and Bute Artillery. 1st or King's Own Staffordshire. Ayrshire and Wigtown Rifles, Royal. 2d or King's Own Staffordshire Light Infantry, Haddiugtonshire, Berwickshire, Linlithgow- Suffolk Artillery. ehire, and Peeblesshire Artillery. 1st Royal Sussex Light Infantry. Dumfriesshire, Roxburghshire, Selkirkshire, King's Own Light Infantry, or 1st Tower and Kirkcudbright. Hamlets. Edinburgh County. 2d Warwickshire. Inverness-shire, Banffshire, Morayshire, and Royal Wiltshire. Nairn shire. 1st West Yorkshire. 1st Lanarkshire. 3d West Yorkshire. Perthshire. Edinburgh City Artillery. Renfrewshire, Royal. Fifeshire Artillery. Ross-shire, Cromartyshire, Caithness-shire, Forfarshire and Kincardineshire Artillery, and Sutherlandshire. 2d Lanarkshire. Stirlingshire, Dumbartonshire, Clackmannan- shire, and Kinrosshire. At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the 16th day of April 1861. At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the PRESENT, 16th day of April 1861. The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. PRESENT, Whereas by an Act passed in the Session The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. of Parliament hoi den in the fifty-seventh year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Whereas by an Act passed in the Session of Third, intituled " An Act to empower His Majesty Parliament holden in the fifteenth and " to suspend training, and to regulate quotas of sixteenth years of Her Majesty's reign, intituled " the Militia," it is amongst other things enacted " An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws « That it shall be lawful for His Majesty, by " relating to the Militia," it was provided that " any Order or Orders in Council, to suspend the period of training and exercise of all or any " the calling out of the Militia of the United part of the Militia in England or Wales should " Kingdom, or any part of the United Kingdom, not exceed twenty-one days in any year, save as " or of any county, riding, shire, stewartry, city, was thereinafter provided, and whereas it was by " town, or place, for the purpose of being trained the said Act enacted "That it should be lawful " and exercised in any year, and to order and " for Her Majesty, from time to time, where, with " direct that no training or exercising of the " the advice of Her Privy Council, she might see " Militia of the United Kingdom, or of any part " fit so to do, to extend or reduce the period of " of the. United Kingdom, of of any county or " training and exercise of all or any part of the " counties, riding or ridings, shire or shires, " Militia, so. as the whole period of training and.