Winnipeg Single Or Married Man to Take Full Charge of Wholesale Office· and -'• • ,>
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- . Page Six THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWs, • Wednesday, November 30, 111~9 Wednesday, November 30, 1949 THE WF.STERN JEWISH NEWS Page Seven Elect Representatives ludo by partaking fully in nil that connected with the business at tho of Vuncouvt?r; Mrs. H. Brotman ol' Monash Legion Opens New Clubrooms To Congress Executive Hebrew Fraternal ·-To .Present ls provided them. And ten or fifteen . NEW "Y" ·To HAVE CHAPEL Early Jewish Settler, time of his death. He was n member San Francisco. Western exccutivC committee of ycors hcnCc they will know who to WANTED of B'nai B'rith and Beth Israel SynnM Funeral services were held in_ the ,--~.--· ~,o•··.,;• :·,;;., ... ,·., .·. '~.•: the Canadian Jewish Congress, hold thank for makmg them better citi Samuel Goldbloom coguc. He nlso belonged to the Schnrn Tzcdeck Chapel with Rabbi ing its first meeting in Winnipeg Single or married man to take full charge of wholesale office· and -'• _• ,> . 1 I l:··,.:' •.1·.• ,..;;...•. t.\ '"1),.·, ,, Service and .Aliyah Gifts zens . shipping depnrtmcnt. Must have knowledge of bookkeeping and Passes Away Masons und Oddfcllows, David Kogen officiating. Interment since the 8th plenary session, elected He wns predeceased by his wife was in the Beth Israel cemetery. ' •-,,.., . western representatives to the nn typing. Good opportunity for odvancemcnt. Vancouver. - Samuel Gol<lbloom, colorful B.C. pioneer, who lived in five months ngo after 61 years of tionnl executive committee. Apply to: P.O. BOX 87, WINNJPEG marriage. He is survived by two The meeting heard a report from Vancouver !or 40 years, passed away NEW APARTMENT Friday, November 18, at the age of sons nnd a daughter: Dr. Alton GoldM B. Sheps on the result of the West IAWI...,,'"" MDltl1 bloom, professor of pediatrics, M:c BUILDINGS 87. ern Congrcss-U.J.R.A. campaign, 111'11 Wt1•1t .El Mr. Goldbloorri was born in Latvia Gi1l University, Montrcalj Theodore, MAIN STREET BETWEEN and passed n vote of thanks to A. M. in 1862 and he came to Ir-------------, SMITHFIELD AND RU• Klein, who visited 19 western comM PERTSLAND A VENUES, munities in the interest of the cam- 1883. He was one of the first con FOR RENT a£AN5£Ni, LISTEN TO struction men on the C.P.R. and ULTRA MODERN 3 AND 4 paign. / 3 room suite in North End. ROOM SUITES. The following western members ,Al1 IA'f ,A/ft, Grand Trunk railroad lines; He wnE Complete "with fddge and ltDltDMlr.41 stove. Self-contained." RENTALS - $59.0-0 PER were elected to the national cxecuM a friend of the late railroad mag MONTH AND UP. tive committee of Congress: A. H. nates, Sir Donald Mann and Sir APl'LY TO: OCCUPATION ON AND Aronovitch and M. A. Gray, M.L.A., ''THE -ANXIOUS ONE'' William Mackenzie. Later, for 35 P.O. Box 87, Winnipeg AFTER JANUARY 1ST. 1950. years, Mr. Goldbloom was travelling Winnipeg; Dr. D. Baltzan of Saska A Broadcast of the Series watch inspector for the Grand,-------------- toon; B. Pearlman, Calgary; A. D. SHEPS AGENCIES Samuels, Regina; and F. Swartz, Trunk and C.N.R. between Vancou FOR RENT Edmonton. The following chairmen ver and Winnipeg. LIMITED He- came to Vancouver in 1910 and Single bright furnished room. 5th Floor, Crown Trust Bldg. of standing committees will also be ''In Search of Citizens'' Linen supplied. BE WISE founded the flfm of Goldbloom & 364 Mnir• St. Phone 927 563 members of the national executive The broadcast will be heard on Tuesday, December· 6, PHONE 54596 committee: H. Buchwald (youth Son, dealing in wholesale clothinr. Member or Wpg. Real Estate STANDARD-IZE I 10.30 p.m. C.S.T. on Station CKRC Winnipeg, and the and jewellery. He was sti11 actively or Apply to: Board committee), S. Hnrt ·Green, K.C. Dominion network of CBC. (public relations), S. M. Selchen WITH 431 BURROWS A VE. (cdueution), and B. Shops (UJRA). CANADIAN JEWISH CONGRESS Stenographer Wanted MKS, RAE DITLOVE MAX NATCH . Chairmen of other Congress com WESTERN DIVISION for general office work. · Ma1e POSITION WANTED Edward H. Crawford K.C. mittees elected at the Western The distribution ·of the Hebrew Fraternal lodge- and Ladies' auxiliary Standard Dairies or female. Must have knowl M,i\., D.C.L, IOXON) Executive meeting were: M. Cohen edge of bookkeeping. Experienced bookkeeper, capable The official opening ~l the new clubrooms of the General Mortash branch of the Canadian Legion, located Service Fund and Youth Aliyah monies will take place. at the Hebrew Ltd. )f taking complete charge of books BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and .at 1414 Main street, took place oh Monday, Nov. 21. Pictured above at the ribbon-cutting ceremony which (land settlers committee), S. Feld PHONE 28186 and office, desires position . NOTARY PUBLIC man (rehabilitation committee), S. Fraternal clubrooms this Friday; Dec. 2, at 9 p:m. Mrs. Rae Ditlove is PHONE !12t 303 :marked thei opening are (left to right: S. Winston; H. Robins; W. Shi.naff, past president; Lt.-Col. L. M. Baxter, MILK - CREAM Aller 5 p,m. call 54 526 B. Nitikmnn (community organiza-· Apply to: 6U AVENUE DLDG. WlNNJPt:Q. president of the Dominion Command, Canadian Legion; R: I. Sc,ronow, branch president; W. I. Krisman, past Youth Aliyah chairman and Max Natch is Service Fund chairman. David BUTTER ]President; and M. Migie, tion committee), ·and D. Slater Levin will preside. A musical program will complete the evening and P.O. Box 87, Winnipeg (finance committee). all members and frfonds have been invited to attend. "Where Quality Reigns The First WANTED A. I. SIIUMIATCHEn, K.C. M, C SHUMJATCIIEU. D.A., LL.ll.,. The suburban record however is St. Vital which has already returned Supreme" Young mnn with knowledge FOR RENT LL.M., JUR.D. community's cultural and social life. Alao of the Drltl!.h Columbl11 Dar Community Chest much higher. Here $16,380 or 98.5% 106%, of its quo,a with subscriptions of bookkeeping and typing. It is the youth who will benefit Religious obligations of those Winnipeggers who find themselves in Nicely furnished rdom. Close to of the quota has been returned, and at $2,836. Further donations are also YOUTH WILL BENEFIT MOST Million Jews or near the business district will be fulfilled more easily with the erection Splendid oppor,unity for transportation. Male preferred. Shumiatrher & Shumiatcher Reports 87 .5 Per Cent in· some areas the canvas is still in- outstanding in West Kildonnn ac most from the Y.M.H.A. co·mmunity Phone 57 237 BARRISTERS & SOl,ICITORS By HI\ROLD BUCHWALD of the new Y.M.H.A.-community centre. The new "Y" will feature a advancement. complete. counting for 89.1 % of its quota; centre. They will expreSs their grati- "-------------'"' Phone 53 786 or l'IIONE M1711 Of Objective Reached chapel where a daily minyan, in the proper surroundings, will always be Grain Exchan111 Dldr. Calgary, Alta.. In East and North Kildonan where President, Winnipeg Jewish Youth Council WRITE TO: Gaining steadily on its $595,719 Fort Garry with a tally of 87.7%, HISTt,DRUT in Israel! assured. With daily services closing this month at the only downtown Apply to: Manitoba Ave, the canvas has been completed, sub- 602 <>bjective, the Community Chest of and St. James where contributions There is at present a communityM These are all things the "Y" has synagogue in the city, the inclusion of a chapel in building plans has P.O. Box 87, Winnipeg Greater Winnipeg by last weekend scriptions went over the quota in stand at $4,102 or a total of 96.37,. wide campaign to raise funds neces tions, of educational programs, of already drawn the appreciation of wide circles. DR. MAURICE BERGER both municjpatities. · sary to give our city a Y.M.H.A. with a lllinimum of sPace and hardly Presidents, S€Cretaries and workers in •all Jewish folk had collected $521,647, or 87.5%. organizations, societies, landsmanschaften school auxiliaries The building, which gets under construction at Qu'Appelle and DISEASES OF CHILDREN The canvas !s still incomplete in Community centre which will, by the proper equipment. 1t makes no MR. and MRS. Edmonton next spring, will also contain a suite of offices to house central TALBOT REAL TY CO. cultural circles, and youth .. , ' ' D. A. ZAHARJA Conducts B.B.Y.O. adequate comparison, be second to difference whether you hold a mem~ Office Phone 51649 . Jewish communal services such as B'nai B'rith, Z.O.C., Welfare Fund REAL ESTATF. AOEN"Tfl Res, Phone 594 060 We Invite the Jewish People n0ne .in the American Jewish com bership card or not-the Y's facili ELECT DELEGATES NOW TO THE 1950 ANNUAL and Congress. FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE Choir In Chanukah munity. The- Jewish youth of this "SEOVICE WITII COURTESY" 1348 MAIN STREET ,~ATIONAL to ties haVe always been your facilities. As the current drive for $500,000 continues_ its steady, successful {MAIN AT CA1'11EDR,\L) city, through their representative HOMEMAKER! Phone 931565 EAT at Concert Dec. 22 Jewish young people have come record, all plans are assured of being brought out of the blueprint stage 300 McIntyre Block Winnipeg PARK EAKERY and co-ordinating body, the Winni to know the "Y" as a wonderful WINNIPEG and into the realm of reality; W, D, HOU.ffi'GSHEAD, Prop, Dominion Cafe peg Youth council, feel compelled to place at which to pass their spare If you are planning to Build or Remodel, In memory of a dear wife Where You Get Good Thlnp bring to the community's attention time. Here they meet their friends and loving mother DR.