Winnipeg Single Or Married Man to Take Full Charge of Wholesale Office· and -'• • ,>
- . Page Six THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWs, • Wednesday, November 30, 111~9 Wednesday, November 30, 1949 THE WF.STERN JEWISH NEWS Page Seven Elect Representatives ludo by partaking fully in nil that connected with the business at tho of Vuncouvt?r; Mrs. H. Brotman ol' Monash Legion Opens New Clubrooms To Congress Executive Hebrew Fraternal ·-To .Present ls provided them. And ten or fifteen . NEW "Y" ·To HAVE CHAPEL Early Jewish Settler, time of his death. He was n member San Francisco. Western exccutivC committee of ycors hcnCc they will know who to WANTED of B'nai B'rith and Beth Israel SynnM Funeral services were held in_ the ,--~.--· ~,o•··.,;• :·,;;., ... ,·., .·. '~.•: the Canadian Jewish Congress, hold thank for makmg them better citi Samuel Goldbloom coguc. He nlso belonged to the Schnrn Tzcdeck Chapel with Rabbi ing its first meeting in Winnipeg Single or married man to take full charge of wholesale office· and -'• _• ,> . 1 I l:··,.:' •.1·.• ,..;;...•. t.\ '"1),.·, ,, Service and .Aliyah Gifts zens . shipping depnrtmcnt. Must have knowledge of bookkeeping and Passes Away Masons und Oddfcllows, David Kogen officiating. Interment since the 8th plenary session, elected He wns predeceased by his wife was in the Beth Israel cemetery. ' •-,,.., . western representatives to the nn typing. Good opportunity for odvancemcnt. Vancouver. - Samuel Gol<lbloom, colorful B.C. pioneer, who lived in five months ngo after 61 years of tionnl executive committee. Apply to: P.O. BOX 87, WINNJPEG marriage. He is survived by two The meeting heard a report from Vancouver !or 40 years, passed away NEW APARTMENT Friday, November 18, at the age of sons nnd a daughter: Dr.
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