Please read the disclaimer at the end of the document before you continue. By using this document in any way you are in full agreement that you have read the disclaimer.


 Episode 1...... 5

 Episode 2...... 14

 Episode 3...... 22

 Episode 4...... 31

 Episode 5...... 40

 Episode 6...... 48

 Episode 7...... 54

 List of contributing interviewees...... 70

 Directory of naturopathic physicians...... 100

 Disclaimer...... 101


Hello! Thank you again for joining us on the "Live Longer, Feel Better!" journey. We are still pinching ourselves that we get to help so many people. And we genuinely do appreciate every single one of you. This Insider Guide really grew out of all the questions we got about the series and its contents. Some of them more bizarre than you might ever imagine! In the next 100+ pages we have attempted to give you information on many of the key points from the documentary. It's NOT an attempt to diagnose or cure disease and it's crucial that you understand that. Neither is it an attempt to give you FULL information on everything discussed. For example, a book on water could take 500 pages on its own. The same for the different diet types and so on. What we have attempted to do instead is give you notes on our own experiences with things where appropriate - and refer you to people we know and trust for other answers.

3 this guide will undoubtedly be added to and changed occasionally - you are always welcome to download the updated version when it is. Now, enjoy! With a bit of luck you've plenty of years left for the updates!



1) Scrabo Tower

Mike introduces Episode One from outside Scrabo Tower with a true story about his childhood. (That may suggest some of his stories are NOT true- that's not the case -they are. But people are sceptical these days :-) ). There are not as many notes on Episode One simply because it's an introductory episode and the notes have been saved for when the clips are used in the other six episodes. Scrabo Tower is one of Northern Ireland’s best known landmarks located to the west of Newtownards in County Down. The landmark, erected in 1857, was built as a monument to Charles William Stewart - 3rd Marquess of Londonderry. It stands 540 feet above sea level and is 125 feet high, boasting incredible views over Strangford Lough and the surrounding countryside. https://discovernorthernireland.com/Scrabo-Tower- Newtownards-P2886/ 5 http://www.scrabotower.com/scrabo-tower.html http://archiseek.com/2011/1857-scrabo-tower-newtownards- co-down/#.U1k7q_ldVws

2) Blue Zones Being a film on longevity, it was almost possible for "Blue Zones" not to be mentioned in a lot of the interviews. If you don't have a clue what people were referring to, hopefully this will help you. https://bluezones.com/ https://draxe.com/blue-zones/ Blue zones are places in the world where people live longer and healthier than anywhere else on earth. Researchers observed that those living in the blue zones share several familiar lifestyle and behavioral characteristics, despite differing in race, religion and nationality. Some characteristics reported included plant- based diets, no smoking, daily physical activity and an involvement of all ages in their communities. The five blue zones are as follows: Zone 1. The Italian island of Sardinia. Residents of this area have kept to a very traditional, healthy lifestyle due to cultural isolation. They still hunt, fish and

6 harvest the food they eat and they drink red wine in moderation. Family and friends are heavily valued here, the strength of their relationships reducing stress and depression.

Zone 2. Okinawa, Japan. Once called the land of immortals due to the longevity in the islands, the people of Okinawa have less illness such as cancer and heart disease and women there live longer than women anywhere else in the world. Their plant-based diet, their high intake of soy and their physical activeness all contribute to their longevity. Almost all Okinawan centenarians grow or once grew a garden, providing a source of physical activity and an almost constant source of fresh vegetables. They have a strong dedication to friends and family, maintaining a powerful social network called a ‘moai’, a lifelong circle of friends that supports people into old age.

Zone 3. Loma Linda, California. The Seventh-day Adventist church in Southern California was founded in the 1840s, its members viewing health as central to their faith. Living as much as a decade longer than the rest of us, the Adventists attribute longevity to their moderate daily exercise, lack of meat in their diet, daily water intake, consumption of plant-based foods and avoidance of smoking

7 and alcohol. They highlight the importance of spending time with like-minded people, giving something back to their community by volunteering and finding a sanctuary in time.

Zone 4. Nicoya (Costa Rica) The residents of this Caribbean nation place emphasis on ‘plan de vida’ – a reason to live. The elders maintain a strong sense of purpose and feel needed, which accumulates a positive outlook. Again, a strong focus on friends and family is evident here. Nicoyan centenarians tend to live with their families and get frequent visits from neighbors. They enjoyable physical work and eat light dinners early in the evening. Their water intake is also a factor, Nicoyan water containing the country’s highest calcium content.

Zone 5. Icaria (Greece) Ikarians are almost entirely free of dementia and some of the chronic diseases that plague Americans; one in three make it to their 90s. This is explained by a combination of factors, including geography, culture, diet, lifestyle and outlook. They eat a variation of the Mediterranean diet, enjoy drinking herbal teas and preference goat’s milk over cow’s milk. They aren’t constrained by time; they enjoy red wine, games and a relaxed pace of life.


3) Eric Zielinski

Eric Zielinski is a biblical educator and a good friend of ours. He mentions living to 120 in his interview because that's what God talks about in the bible, a 120 year lifespan.

Here are some of the references he's referring to.

Genesis 6:3 ESV Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.”

Deuteronomy 34:7 (ESV) Moses was 120 years old when he died. His eye was undimmed, and his vigor unabated. ( Trevor's note: - How amazing it would be to be able to say in your older age that your eye was undimmed and your vigor was unabated!)

Genesis 21:5 (ESV) Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him.

Psalm 21:4 (NLT) He asked you to preserve his life, and you granted his request. The days of his life stretch on forever.


Exodus 20:12 (ESV) Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.

Proverbs 9:11 (ESV) For by me your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life.

4) Dr Thomas Levy Dr Levy mentions finding a new and better physician in the interview. We have included a list of Naturopathic doctors in the Appendix, but it's far from complete. You can use this list of websites to try to find someone suitable if you are on the search. Google is also your best friend here. If you know of any other sites that are basically directories of Naturopathic Doctors, please send us the link for future versions. We cannot take information of individual doctors as collating that information is a full time job all on it's own.


5) Fake News Fake news - or - is something we all need to be very concerned about (in life in general at the moment and especially in the health realm). There's way too much money involved for people not to be tempted to stretch (or completely ignore) the truth. Especially if they can financially benefit. Here's a great article on that from the OMNS - contact details at the end....

The Disinformation Playbook

There is a Disinformation Playbook used for decades by corporations to delay government action on matters of great public interest that would adversely affect their income and profit. Some of the well-known examples involve the sugar industry, tobacco, oil and gas, and the National Football League. The Union of Concerned Scientists outlined the five pillars of the Playbook http://www.ucsusa.org/our-work/center-science-and democracy/disinformation-playbook#.WiA5wlWnFpg The five elements are:

1. The Fake Conduct counterfeit science and try to pass it off as legitim ate research


2. The Blitz Harass scientists who speak out with results or views inconvenient for industry

3. The Diversion Manufacture uncertainty about science where little or none exists

4. The Screen Buy credibility through alliances with academia or professional societies

5. The Fix Manipulate government officials or processes to inappropriately influence policy

There is NO DOUBT that fake information is being fed out to confuse and mislead people. But we must be aware of it. The article above is taken from the News Service - the actual article is here - http://orthomolecular.activehosted.com/index.php?action=soc ial&chash=f033ab37c30201f73f142449d037028d.84 You can subscribe (highly recommended) to their newsletter for free here - http://orthomolecular.acemlna.com/lt.php?s=65ad4be7ae3e91 c774f350b95a0e1e14&i=80A84A1A3854

12 and the full archive of their wonderful articles is here - http://orthomolecular.acemlna.com/lt.php?s=65ad4be7ae3e91 c774f350b95a0e1e14&i=80A84A1A3855 It all goes to demonstrate the quote from David McCarthy about the volumes of research that people choose to ignore.



1) Dangers of Smart Meters

You may well never have heard of the controversy around Smart Meters. To be honest, I hadn't either until quite recently. And we couldn't get an interview recorded quickly enough to get it into the series. But when I looked into it more, I was taken aback at what I found. Here are a few references to get you started - and if we do get to conduct an interview on it - we'll let you know. http://emfsafetynetwork.org/smart-meters/smart-meter- health-complaints/ http://stopsmartmeters.org.uk/smart-meter-radiation-and- health-why-are-we-neglecting-non-toxic-alternatives-2/ http://stopsmartmeters.org.uk/smart-meter-radiation-and- health-why-are-we-neglecting-non-toxic-alternatives/ If you really want the full low down on them, you have to watch this film. It will amaze you what is going on. Details here: http://stopsmartmeters.org.uk/film/


There is also a full blown campaign going on to help people refuse smart meters coming in from their utility companies, and it's got full legal backing. You can read about that here. https://inpowermovement.com/ https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/08/05 /smart-meter-dangers.aspx

2) Report on thyroid cancer and flame retardants

This was in the news just last week (January 2018) - and is an example of how things are sneaking into our home that we don't give a second thought to. The thyroid is under attack from all sides and it's becoming obvious that it's very susceptible to attack from all kinds of pollutants and toxins. And sadly that's only getting worse. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/health/Thyroid-Cancer-Linked- to-Your-Home-469040993.html https://www.ksat.com/health/thyroid-cancer-is-your-house- killing-you-

3) American Academy of Paediatrics Article


Reference to 74 billion pounds on page 984 of article as referred to by Tom Malterre. It's a real number. And it's frightening. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/early/ 2011/04/25/peds.2011-0523.full.pdf

4) Dangers of stain resistant chemicals (VOC’s)

Again referred to by Tom Malterre. And again very frightening how pervasive this is all becoming. http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/indoorair/voc/ https://www.alencorp.com/pages/the-epa-on-the-dangers-of- volatile-organic-compounds http://www.medicaldaily.com/9-toxic-chemicals-found- furniture-your-home-hazard-zone-256572

“Per Fluorinated Compounds (PFCs) are used in stain-resistant fabrics often included in furniture as well as in non-stick cookware like Teflon. Some researchers believe PFCs may cause birth defects and cancer; studies of laboratory animals given large amounts of PFCs show that these compounds affect

16 growth and development, reproduction, and function of the liver. Studies have linked exposure before birth to lower birth weight in both animal and human studies.”

5) Mitochondria – importance to aging well https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3582127/ http://www.cell.com/molecular-cell/pdf/S1097- 2765(16)00081-2.pdf

There's a great article here on the whole subject which quotes our good friend Dr Michael Gonzalez from Puerto Rico, an expert on Mitochondrial Function. Michael was in That Vitamin Movie. http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/reverse-cancer-targeted- mitochondrial-restoration

6) Aging and Anti-Oxidants

A totally huge subject, we won't really attempt to cover it here - but a couple of references if you're interested.

17 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2685276/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3982418/

7) Rob Verkerk and DECT phones

Undoubtedly one of the big surprises for me was that a DECT phone (that's a cordless house phone) could emit the same radiation as having a cell tower mast in your backyard. If you have a DECT phone I'd strongly recommend that you get rid of it. Simple. https://www.healthleadsuk.com/magnetic-radiation-killing- you-slowly/ http://it-takes-time.com/2015/06/01/health-effects-of- cordless-phones/

8) Bio Initiative Report

This is the huge report referred to by Jonathan Landsman in relation to cell phone usage and studies. Very interesting reading - but huge.

18 http://www.bioinitiative.org/table-of-contents/

9) Jeffrey Smith talking about GMOs

Jeffrey is very smart and very humble. That's a nice combination. He has various videos around Youtube and the like - here are a few of the best ones.

THE GMO THREAT (1 hour) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPvkZv5MfRw

The Profound Implication of GMOs (2:22) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmMCb0hCKZ0

How Vigilant Have You Been About Avoiding GMOs? (11:57) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY3W6hwaEmg

10) Tom Levy - Dental Hygiene and Root Canals

When we first interviewed Dr Levy for "That Vitamin Movie" we were amazed at the information linking root canals to heart disease. And please - Dr Levy is no quack -he is a higly

19 intelligent doctor of both medicine and law - we realized very quickly that we should listen to what he says.

Tom Levy discussing root canals (10:32) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxJsTKL_laY

Dr Thomas Levy – The Toxic Tooth (10:44) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH6ndTMkDkY

11) Vaccines

Just a HUGE topic. As I write, our friend Dr Suzanne Humphries has received at least two death threats for taking the stance she has taken against vaccines. And this because she dares enter the debate. This is her Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/drsuzanne/

We have huge respect for the whole team behind the Vaxxed documentary (http://vaxxedthemovie.com/) and particularly for , the producer. Del left a very lucrative job in television because he believed he needed to shine some light on this issue. We have found him to be highly intelligent and

20 with high integrity. You can cath up with what he is doing here - https://www.facebook.com/HighWireTalk/

Finally, if you have an open mind and you want to find out a lot more about vaccines I can't recommend this highly enough:- Ty Bollinger out together a documentary about vaccines called "The Truth About Vaccines." You can watch the whole first episode here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHWeJ0f_o3A

And you can buy the whole programme here at a special rate we have arranged for you with Ty. It's 50% off the normal price. Highly recommended if you are really serious about the subject. http://bit.ly/LLFBvaccines

Finally, Helen Saul Case wrote several great pieces about giving your children vitamin C ALONG WITH their vaccines. It's in 3 different parts and you can read them at these links:- http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v11n09.shtml http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v12n07.shtml http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v12n16.shtml



1) Patrick Holford and Glycemic Load

Patrick is much better known in the UK than he is in the US. But he is a prolific author (see Amazon) and he talks a lot about a Glycemic Load diet rather than relying on the Glycemic Index. Here are a few links to this. https://www.patrickholford.com/topic/low-gl https://www.patrickholford.com/advice/the-secret-to- successful-weight-loss


Glycemic Load Chart: http://dietdatabase.com/glycemic-index-and-glycemic-load/


Links to a couple of different charts: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a3/67/41/a36741ae85b80875c 3136e27eb2bd55f.jpg

http://hollylegare.com/decoding-glycemic-index/ *Scroll Down

2) Holford and Grounding Grounding is another subject that you may or may not have heard about. Again, Holford talks about it in these links. https://www.patrickholford.com/advice/the-importance-of- earthing https://www.patrickholford.com/advice/are-you-earthed

The first person that ever convinced me of the need for grounding (I now sleep on a grounding sheet) was Dr Sinatra. No he doesn't sing.

3) Stephen Sinatra on Grounding

The Earth’s surface contains a limitless number of free electrons that are continually replenished through solar 24 radiation and lightning strikes; your body naturally absorbs these particles when you make physical contact with the ground. In the body, these electrons have an anti-inflammatory effect because they reduce the free-radical activity that causes inflammation and chronic pain. Without a regular connection to the Earth, people can develop what Dr Sinatra calls an electron deficiency. In turn, this can lead to imbalances in the body and potentially to significant health problems such as chronic inflammation—which is increasingly being identified as the cause of many chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and autoimmune disorders. Dr Sinatra claims getting started with grounding is easy – if conditions allow, we literally just go barefoot outside, walking on grass, sand or dirt for even 40 minutes making a difference.

The Health Benefits of Grounding | drsinatra.com (1:30) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp_NBMq5wjw

Dr Sinatra on Earthing/Grounding (3:12) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzffW_Pz3pQ


Stephen Sinatra talks about Bioenergetics, Earthing and Grounding (30:24) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQBe4xZQndE

4) Marc David Links

Marc David was a joy to interview. One of our favorite people from all the interviews we have done. Here's his information. http://psychologyofeating.com/about-marc-david/

The Pyschology of the Perfect Diet – Marc David (7:55) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxUDPSVlRQ4

5) Ocean Robbins and the Food Revolution Network

Another pillar of the health community, Ocean and his father were heirs to the Baskin/ROBBINS fortune, but they turned their back on it because they could foresee the health issues that it would cause. Ocean's details are here. https://foodrevolution.org/about-us/


And you can sign up for his really informative (and FREE) Food Revolution Summit here. It runs every year. https://www.foodrevolutionsummit.org/ended/?orid=464172& opid=235

6) Michael Greger

Michael Greger and his organisation produce wonderful videos (a new one every single day!) on nutrition. The videos are at www.nutritionfacts.org , and here are a few samples from Youtube of interviews etc with Dr Greger.

Michael Greger: “How Not To Die” | Talks at Google https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rNY7xKyGCQ

Diet Doctor VS Big Pharma – Plant Based Throwdown w/ Dr. Michael Greger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlWvy1mN2DI


7) Recent Vegan Movie – ‘What the Health’ ‘What the Health’ – pro-Vegan documentary which was released on Netflix http://www.whatthehealthfilm.com/facts/

Articles about its controversy: https://www.eater.com/2017/8/7/16107678/scientists- criticize-aggressively-pro-vegan-documentary-what-the-health http://time.com/4897133/vegan-netflix-what-the-health/ http://www.independent.co.uk/arts- entertainment/tv/news/netflix-documentary-what-the-health- miley-cyrus-vegan-lifestyle-kip-andersen-keegan-kuhn-joaquin- a7880426.html

8) Patrick Holford – Talking about Kamut https://www.patrickholford.com/advice/kamut-khorasan- wheat-supergrain

28 https://www.patrickholford.com/advice/dont-blame-grain Scroll down to: Ancient Kamut Khorasan wheat

9) Tom Malterre and Elimination Diet

The Elimination Diet is a foundational tool of and has been used for centuries as means of discovering which foods make you feel good and which foods make you feel the opposite. The most common thing that immune cells react to is food, as the gut has the highest concentration of immune cells. Therefore, the Elimination Diet is powerful tool in getting to the bottom of diseases and disorders. It has shown to lessen arthritis, migraines and skin issues such as eczema and to improve gallbladder disease and even our moods. https://wholelifenutrition.net/programs/elimination-diet https://wholelifenutrition.net/articles/elimination-diet http://www.integrativehealthcare.com/the-elimination-diet- with-tom-malterre/


10) The MTHFR enzyme Dr Ron Hunninghake talks about this is the episode. MTHFR Testing: https://www.amymyersmd.com/2017/07/test-mthfr- mutations/ https://wellnessmama.com/27148/mthfr-mutation/ http://mthfr-genetics.co.uk/ https://labtestsonline.org/tests/mthfr-mutation



1) DANGERS OF CHLORINE AND FLUORIDE IN THE WATER SUPPLY CHLORINE: http://www.mercola.com/downloads/bonus/chlorine/default.h tm http://www.mindbodyhealth.com/Chlorine1.htm http://www.pure-earth.com/chlorine.html

 Heart attacks  Tiredness, dizziness or headaches  Eye, sinus and throat irritation  Your sperm count (men)  Your risk of a miscarriage (women)  Childhood asthma  Damaging hair cuticles and the cause or worsening of dandruff  Skin rashes, headaches, gastrointestinal difficulties and arthritis  Liver problems  The drying out of your hair and scalp  A toxic cocktail of indoor pollution in your home


 Spontaneous abortion, stillbirths and congenital formations  Kidney problems  Your odds of having a child with spina bifida  A weakened immune system, significantly impacting your body's ability to fight disease

FLUORIDE: https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/9- shocking-dangers-of-fluoride/

 Weakens skeletal health  Causes arthritis  Toxic to the thyroid  Calcifies the ultra-important pineal gland  Accelerates female puberty  Harmful to male and female fertility  Bad for kidney health  Harmful to the cardiovascular system  Negative cognitive effects

Link to table of countries that fluoridate their water: http://fluoridealert.org/content/bfs-2012/


 In total, 377,655,000 million people worldwide drink artificially fluoridated water. This represents 5% of the world’s population.  There are more people drinking fluoridated water in the United States than the rest of the world combined!!!!!

2) EZ Water Dr Joe Mercola on Pollack’s book ‘The Fourth Phase of Water’:

“His book, The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor, is a phenomenal read that is easy to understand even for the non-professional. It clearly explains the theory of the fourth phase of water, which is nothing short of ground- breaking. The fourth phase of water is, in a nutshell, living water. It’s referred to as EZ water—EZ standing for “exclusion zone”—which has a negative charge. This water can hold , much like a battery, and can deliver energy too.”

https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/08/18 /exclusion-zone-water.aspx https://www.pollacklab.org/research


3) Desert communities and water https://www.usgs.gov/news/helping-desert-communities-find- hidden-water https://greenlivingaz.com/desert-community-water-wise/

4) Dehydration – What are the dangers? https://articles.mercola.com/dehydration-symptoms.aspx


Dr. Mercola (from Mercola.com):

http://rehydrate.org/dehydration/ https://www.hbmag.com/dangers-of-dehydration-2/


5) Importance of movement in general to our health

 boost your levels of good cholesterol  improve blood flow (circulation)  keep your weight under control  prevent bone loss that can lead to osteoporosis  Helps you quit smoking and stay tobacco-free  Boosts your energy level so you can get more done  Helps you manage stress and tension  Promotes a positive attitude and outlook  Helps you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly  Improves your self-image and self-confidence  lower your blood pressure https://healthyforgood.heart.org/move-more/articles/why-is- physical-activity-so-important-for-health-and-wellbeing https://mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown- health/featured-topic/the-importance-of-movement http://www.ndhealthfacts.org/wiki/Movement https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/phys ical-activity-its-important


And here's how movement can help to get water moving around our bodies and thus improve hydration. http://www.freedrinkingwater.com/water_heal/medical1/1- water-capillary-action-in-your-body.htm

6) Richard Feynman Referred to in this episode - here are his thoughts on the negative charge of the earth. http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/II_09.html http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/II_01.html http://feynman-answer.blogspot.co.uk/2016/08/electric- current-flow-of-electrons-or.html

7) Vitamins We don't talk very much about vitamins and supplements mainly because we covered them to a large extent in "That Vitamin Movie." You can see the first 30 minutes of the film here. http://www.ThatVitaminMovie.com


For all things vitamin related I would refer you to Andrew Saul's website at http://www.DoctorYourself.com Both Mike and I have had tremendous success with vitamin C and vitamin D supplementation, I cannot recommend it highly enough. Just do a search at the link above and you'll find mountains of information. There's also a very good course by Dr Saul which you can get the details about here. http://www.andrewsaulcourse.com

8) Water Filters If you are drinking tap water, you need to stop. If you make your tea or coffee (or baby formula) with it, you need to stop. Like so many other things in this guide, we can't possibly discuss water in the depth that we would like to. All I can tell you is that you need a decent source of drinking water. All I can do is share my journey with water. I never drank tap water. I hated the taste.


So about 5 years ago I started drinking bottled water. From Plastic bottles. When I found out how bad that was (the plastic) I started drinking water from glass bottles. That tasted great - but was so expensive that I didn't drink much. I didn't drink nearly enough. When Mike and I made That Vitamin Movie we were both approached by the maker of one of the more expensive filters and offered trials with their machine - they were obviously hoping we would promote them in return. Well, we didn't really like the filters! I also tried the store bought filters that you can get in the likes of Target for about $30, but on further investigating realized they take out very little of the toxins that are the problem. So I ended up buying a Berkey filter and I absolutely love it. I probably drink twice as much water now as I ever have before. You can buy a Berkey here if you are US based. http://bit.ly/BerkeyLLFB And for one of my daughters I invested in a Aquatru- filter. http://bit.ly/LLFBAqua The aqua tru is used by Chris Wark and Ocean Robbins, both from Live Longer, Feel Better!



1) Medistem Panama - the stem-cell clinic founded by Dr Neil Riordan

 Address: Ciudad del Saber, Edif. 221 / Clayton Panama, Rep. of Panama  Phone: Treatment Info: (800) 980-7836 http://www.medistempanama.com/contact-us/ We don't have an email address for the clinic, but if you are interested in contacting them you can send a message via the page above.

2) Functional Forum – James Maskell The Functional Forum is the world’s largest integrative medicine conference. On the first Monday of every month, this new concept in practitioner education, “medutainment”, brings together the latest health news, functional medicine research, practice development and health technology in an upbeat, entertaining way.


Website: http://functionalforum.com/ YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/functionalforum

3) Dr. George M. Slavich http://www.georgeslavich.com/services.html Dr. Slavich is a leading expert on the basic science, assessment, and management of life stress, and in psychological and biological mechanisms linking stress with poor health. He is a standing member on several scientific working groups at the National Cancer Institute and National Institute on Aging, and has also helped many large companies and universities design and implement brief social-psychological stress intervention programs using sophisticated, computer-based systems.

George M. Slavich, Ph.D. - Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences - Research Scientist, Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology - Director, Laboratory for Stress Assessment and Research - B.A. with honors, Stanford University - Ph.D., University of Oregon 41

- Clinical Internship, McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School - NIMH Postdoctoral Fellowship, UCSF & UCLA

4) Quotes: THICH NHAT HANH (referred to in the episode)

A teacher, writer and vocal opponent of war. The man Martin Lurther King Jr. called “an apostle of peace and nonviolence”.

 "Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a daily practice... No one can prevent you from being aware of each step you take or each breath in and breath out."  "People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar."  "Enlightenment is always there. Small enlightenment will bring great enlightenment. If you breathe in and are aware that you are alive—that you can touch the miracle of being alive—then that is a kind of enlightenment."  "Many people are alive but don't touch the miracle of being alive."  "It is possible to live happily in the here and now. So many conditions of happiness are available—more than enough


for you to be happy right now. You don't have to run into the future in order to get more."  "People suffer because they are caught in their views. As soon as we release those views, we are free and we don't suffer anymore."  "Mindfulness helps you go home to the present. And every time you go there and recognize a condition of happiness that you have, happiness comes."  "Life is available only in the present. That is why we should walk in such a way that every step can bring us to the here and the now."  "When you love someone, the best thing you can offer is your presence. How can you love if you are not there?"  "To be loved means to be recognized as existing."  "Every thought you produce, anything you say, any action you do, it bears your signature."  "We have to continue to learn. We have to be open. And we have to be ready to release our knowledge in order to come to a higher understanding of reality."


5) Ed Thorpe, Kripps Pharmacy, Vancouver Dr. Edward Thorpe, President

 Kripps Pharmacy Ltd. 5413 West Boulevard Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6M 3W5

 Toll-free phone: Tel: 1-877-312-8822

 Local phone: Tel: 604-687-2564 Fax: 604-685-9721

[email protected]

6) Book referred to - Science and Civilisation in China Science and Civilisation in China is a series of books initiated and edited by British biochemist, historian and sinologist Joseph Needham, Ph.D. For nearly fifty years, Needham and his collaborators have revealed the ideals, concepts and achievements of China's scientific and technological traditions from the earliest times to about 1800 through this great enterprise. There have been seven volumes in twenty- seven books to date.


 Volume I is an introductory volume, in which Dr Needham prepares his readers for the study of a whole human culture. He begins by examining the structure of the Chinese language; he reviews the geography of China and the long history of its people, and discusses the scientific contacts which have occurred throughout the centuries, between Europe and East Asia.

 The second volume devoted to the history of scientific thought. The author opens his discussion by considering the remote and pictographic origins of words fundamental in scientific discourse, and then sets forth the influential doctrines of the Two Forces and the Five Elements. Subsequently he writes of the important sceptical tradition, the effects of Buddhist thought, and the Neo- Confucian climax of Chinese naturalism

 In Volume 3 Dr Needham now embarks upon his systematic study of the development of the natural sciences in China. The Sciences of the Earth follow: geography and cartography, geology, seismology and mineralogy.

 Dr Needham's fourth volume traces the development of physics and physical technology in ancient and medieval China. It is conveniently divided into three separate parts, the present volume, IV:1, dealing with physics as such, IV:2


with mechanical engineering and IV:3 with civil engineering and nautics.

 The fifth volume as a whole covers the subjects of alchemy, early chemistry, and chemical technology (which includes military invention, especially gunpowder; paper and printing; textiles; mining and metallurgy; the salt industry.

 Volume 6 offers a broad and readable account of medicine in culture, including hygiene and preventive medicine, forensic medicine and immunology, and the examinations taken by some Chinese physicians for more than a thousand years.

 This series caused a seismic shift in western perceptions of China, revealed as perhaps the world's most scientifically and technically productive country in pre-modern times. But why did the scientific and industrial revolutions not happen in China? Joseph Needham reflects on possible answers to this question in the concluding volume of this series and provides fascinating insights into his great intellectual quest.


7) Clinic in Tahoma Washington – Jonathan Wright

 Address: Tahoma Clinic, 6839 Fort Dent Way #134, Tukwila, Washington 98188  Clinic: (206) 812-9988  Fax: (206) 812-9989  http://tahomaclinic.com/contact-us/

*There is no email address given for the clinic – you can send a message using the form on the page above. Jonathan referred to http://www.femalenaturalhormones.com/ in the episode.



1) Dr Veronique Desaulniers Dr V isn't featured in this episode but she can be a huge help if breast cancer is your issue. Here are some of her contact details. Youtube videos:

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers (5:38) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAV4epVRaAA

7 Essential Steps for Breast Cancer Prevention – Dr. Veronique Desaulniers (4:59) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REOqBtPDYoE

Her website is here: http://bit.ly/DrVtke


2) St Patrick/Downpatrick

Mike mentioned St Patrick and Downpatrick at the start of this episode. Saint Patrick is considered the patron saint of Ireland. Known as the “Apostle of Ireland”, he was a fifth-century Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. Born in Roman Britain, he was captured by Irish pirates during a raiding party and taken to Ireland as a slave. Growing up a pagan, during his captivity he became a Christian. He held massive responsibility in converting the island, making missionary journeys all over Ireland. And he never wore a green t-shirt on St Patrick's Day as far as we know! https://www.christianitytoday.com/history/2008/august/real- st-patrick.html https://www.irish-genealogy-toolkit.com/history-of-st- patrick.html

Downpatrick is a small-sized town south of Belfast in County Down, Northern Ireland. It is ancient and historic, one of its landmarks being Down Cathedral – said to be the burial place of Saint Patrick.

49 http://www.virtualvisittours.com/downpatrick-town/ https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/archive/old-photographs- of-downpatrick-from-the-belfast-telegraph-archives- 29815374.html

3) Brian Houston Brian has been a friend of both Trevor and Michael for many years. The three of them travelled to Haiti together several years ago to make a film about the abject poverty there - but although it was filmed in its entirety - it was never commissioned by the BBC and was never edited. Brian continues to work as a live musician in Ireland. Website: http://www.brianhouston.com/ YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/brizee80

4) ‘God’s Way to Ultimate Health’

Chris Wark mentions being sent a book that was the trigger to him making many of the decisions he eventually made about

50 his cancer journey. That book was "God's Way to Ultimate Health." The link below is to a video by the author of that book and the talk shares the same title. A very interesting watch. https://vimeo.com/24404254

5) George Malkmus – as referenced above These are the rest of his books as listed on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Books-George- Malkmus/s?ie=UTF8&page=1&rh=n%3A266239%2Cp_27%3AG eorge%20Malkmus

6) Cancer resources This episode was deliberately made to show the emotions and thoughts which are raised by a cancer diagnosis or journey. We didn't attempt to give any information on treatments. If you would like to get much more information on the dozens of alternative therapies available, you should check out the Truth About Cancer Series. You can watch episode one here if you have never seen it.

51 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqJAzQe7_0g This is an incredibly comprehensive series and we can't recommend it highly enough. It will be a great encouragement to you to see how many alternative cancer treatments there actually are. As with the vaccine series at the end of episode 2, we have done another 50% off deal for you if you want to buy this whole series. You can't buy this at the moment for this price anywhere else, so take advantage if you are interested. http://bit.ly/LLFBTruthAboutCancer - Silver Edition http://bit.ly/LLFBTruthAboutCancerGold - Gold Edition Another great resource is Chris Wark's Square One program. Chris takes you through step by step instructions of what you can do after a cancer diagnosis. I have said for a couple of years - if I or one of my family had a cancer diagnosis, this is what I would follow:- but I'm no Doctor, so I have to caution you that this is not medical advice. Consult your medical practitioner! Again you can watch episode one here for free:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLs7r5Zkej0 And you can buy the series at a discount here: -

52 http://bit.ly/SqOneOne And finally - I am a great believer in Vitamin C for everything - and certainly for cancer. This is a great link to the Riordan Clinic (Dr Ron Hunninghake) who can and will give you lots of information. https://riordanclinic.org/research-study/vitamin-c-research-ivc- protocol/



We loved making (and watching) this episode. Judging from the feedback, so did many of you. There's a short section about India - and it's our full intention to make a longer episode that explains the India situation somewhere down the line. In the meantime here are a few notes about it. In the episode, DP Daniel talks about the porridge that the Yuvalok foundation gives to their children. He mentions something called Jaggery that they add to it. Here's the scoop:-

1) Jaggery – sweetner that comes from sugar cane used in India

The following extract is taken from: https://food.ndtv.com/health/15-jaggery-benefits-ever- wondered-why-our-elders-end-a-meal-with-gur-1270883. Point 15 was particularly interesting to Trevor who has huge depression issues when his body tries to deal with unrefined sugars.

Here are 15 jaggery benefits everyone should know -


1. Prevents constipation: Jaggery activates the digestive enzymes in the body, stimulates bowel movements

2. Detoxes the liver: flushes out harmful toxins from the body

3. Treats flu-like symptoms: All you need to do is mix it with warm water and drink up, or even add it in your tea instead of sugar to reap the benefits.

4. Blood purifier: When consumed on a regular basis and in limited quantities, it cleanses the blood, leaving your body healthy.

5. Boosts immunity: Jaggery is loaded with antioxidants and minerals such as zinc and selenium, which in turn help prevent free-radical damage and also boost resistance against infections. Jaggery also helps increase the total count of haemoglobin in the blood.

6. Cleanses the body: It efficiently cleans the respiratory tract, lungs, intestines, stomach and food pipe. Eating jaggery is highly recommended for people working in heavily polluted areas such as factories or coal mines.


7. Eases menstrual pain: Provides relief from cramps. In case you experience sudden mood swings just before your period, you should eat a small piece of jaggery daily to combat symptoms of PMS since it leads the release of endorphins. These endorphins relax your body, thereby preventing premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

8. Prevents anaemia: Jaggery is rich in iron and folate which help prevent anaemia by ensuring that a normal level of red blood cells is maintained. This is especially beneficial for pregnant women.

9. Boosts intestinal health: Due to its high magnesium content. With every 10 gram of jaggery, you get 16 mg of magnesium, which is 4 percent of the daily requirement of this mineral.

10. Cools the stomach: Jaggery helps in maintaining normal body temperature. Experts recommend drinking Gur Sharbat (jaggery soaked in ice cold water) during the summer months to cool off.

11. Controls blood pressure: Jaggery contains potassium and sodium, which play an important role in the maintenance of acid levels in the body.


12. Prevents respiratory problems: Prevents many respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, etc. Experts recommend eating this natural sweetener with sesame seeds for wonderful benefits for the respiratory system.

13. Relieves joint pain: "If you suffer from aches and pains in your joints, eating jaggery can provide you with much-needed relief", says Dr. Manoj K. Ahuja, Sukhda Hospital. You can eat it with a piece of ginger to alleviate joint pain, or even drink a glass of milk with jaggery every day to help strengthen the bones, thus preventing joint and bone problems such as arthritis.

14. Weight loss: "Jaggery is surprisingly effective as an aid for weight loss. This is because jaggery is a rich source of potassium, which is a mineral that helps in the balance of electrolytes as well as building muscles and boosting metabolism. Potassium also helps in the reduction of water retention, which helps in managing your weight", says Delhi- based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat.

15. Good source of energy: While sugar is a simple carbohydrate that gets absorbed in the bloodstream instantly and gives instant energy, jaggery is a complex carbohydrate that gives energy to the body gradually and for a longer time.


This means that the levels of blood sugar do not get raised immediately. It also helps prevent fatigue and weakness of the body. NOTE from LLFB - we have no idea if Jaggery is something we can get in the US or Europe. Certainly Latin America I would imagine. Extra Links: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/jaggery#section5 https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/other/what-is- jaggery.html

2) Female infanticide in India As you can imagine, when we were dealing with female infanticide up close and personal, it was very difficult. And as you can imagine, the Indian Government are not keen to shine a spotlight on issues like this and therefore would rather it's not widely reported. They are making some headway, but it's still a large problem. Here's some background:- Female infanticide is a deliberate and intentional act of killing a female child within one year of its birth either directly by using poisonous organic and inorganic chemicals or indirectly by deliberate neglect to feed the infant by either one of the

58 parents or other family members. You can also consider female feticide as the termination of the life of a foetus within the womb on the grounds that its sex is female and is also known as sex selective abortion. Sadly MD's in India will often give a death certificate for this, stating that the child died naturally. Cost can be as low as 50c for this. The reasons behind it are almost always cultural, rather than directly religious. In India, it is hugely a result of the patriarchal nature of Indian society. Women are considered subservient because of their role as carers and homemakers, whilst men predominantly ensure the economic stability of the family. Therefore, girl babies are often killed for financial reasons. Not only do male babies have a greater income potential but also in many societies, parents depend on their children to look after them in old age. However, in these cultures when a girl marries she leaves her parental family and joins her husband’s family. Girls are considered a drain on family resources as children, as well as not promising to provide economic benefits later in life. In Indian society it is tradition for the parents of the bride to give a dowry to the groom and his family – this consists of a large amount of money and valuable goods. Often girl babies are killed as to pay a dowry, perhaps for several daughters, can be a serious financial burden.

59 http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/abortion/medical/infanticide_1.s html http://time.com/3830874/2000-girls-killed-every-day-india- minister/ https://www.sociology.org/female-infanticide-killing-the-little- girls-of-the-world/ https://www.youthkiawaaz.com/2010/12/female-infanticide- in-india-2/

3) The Indian Connection Here's where you can find information on the two centres we talk about in the film. Firstly, if you would like to donate to the work there you can do so at this link - and sincere thanks if you do. 100% of this money goes to the centres. http://bit.ly/LLFBIndia And here are the details of the two centres themselves. Yuvalok: - http://www.yuvalok.org/ Bethel: - http://bethelaf.org/group-of-institutions-2/baby- rescue-home/


4) Richard Rohr – The Work of the People In case you haven't already gathered - Mike and I love this man! He has brought added meaning to both our lives by explaining things that never previously made sense. He does some wonderful teaching on the Perennial tradition (something which Marc David was also keen to discuss with us). If you like Richard you should look that up. His best book in my opinion is Falling Upward - it's that book that gets many people hooked on his teachings. The following website has some fantastic videos by Richard that you wont find on Youtube etc. http://www.theworkofthepeople.com/list/people/richard-rohr And the following is the link for Richard's organization in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

5) Links for Richard’s own organisation: Center for Action and Contemplation https://cac.org/ https://www.spiritualtravels.info/articles-2/north-america/a- school-for-the-soul-richard-rohrs-center-for-action-and- contemplation/


6) Richard Rohr talking about ‘Divine Dance’ (YouTube Video)

We "borrowed" the name for the seventh episode from one of Richard's books which he refers to in the episode. This is a Youtube talk where he discusses the book. Richard Rohr: "Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation" | Talks at Google (48:36) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1rA_gOgcjs

7) Japanese concept – ‘Ikigai’ Dr Ron Hunninghake talked about the word Ikigai. Here's some background:- Studies show that losing one’s purpose can have a detrimental effect on our health. The Japanese have embodied a concept to avoid such attitudes called ikigai. There is no direct English translation, but it’s a term that embodies the idea of happiness in living. Essentially, ikigai is the reason why you get up in the morning. Dan Buettner describes it as “purpose in action”. The author of Blue Zones: Lessons on Living Longer from the People Who’ve Lived the Longest, has travelled the globe exploring long-lived communities around the world, which he calls “blue zones”. Buettner believes that this concept of ikigai contributes

62 to longevity, Japan having some of the longest-living citizens in the world – 87 years for women and 81 for men, according to the country’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20170807-ikigai-a-japanese- concept-to-improve-work-and-life http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/ikigai-hygge-lagom- swedish-danish-japanese-scandinavian-lifestyle-happiness- meaning-of-life-a7956141.html

8) Dr Eric Zielinski Another guy that we love working with is Dr Eric Zielinski. I would describe him as the real deal. Eric is a biblical educator as well as one of the world's top authorities in Essential Oils. He reminds us of Andrew Saul for the reason that he is an expert on oils who refuses to sell them, just as Andrew is an expert on vitamins who refuses to endorse a brand. Anything Eric says you can take as gospel!


Links on Dr Eric Zielinski This is his brand new, free ten part course. Beautifully filmed and full of great free information, you'll love it. http://bit.ly/LLFBOils

More links: https://drericz.com/ https://drericz.com/daily-essential-oils-guide/ Essential Oils Blog: https://drericz.com/essential-oils-blog/ Essential Oils Starter Kit: https://drericz.com/offer-eo-starter-kit/ Biblical Health Gut Triology: https://drericz.com/offer-bh-gut-trilogy/ Mama Z’s Kitchen Makeover: https://drericz.com/offer-mama-z-kitchen-makeover/


9) How anti-depressants increase suicide risk Debate persists on whether some antidepressant drugs (ADs), in particular the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), cause the emergence or worsening of suicidal ideas in vulnerable patients. Across the globe, ADs, especially SSRIs, are among the most commonly prescribed medications. SSRIs don’t cure depression. They can only treat the symptoms, which, in this case, are hormonal imbalances. The brain’s chemistry naturally wants to remain balanced and any disruption from SSRIs or other medications throws that balance off. What results from this instability is a person’s mood goes from consistently depressed to temporarily content to all over the place very quickly. Some links: http://www.center4research.org/antidepressants-increase- suicide-attempts-risks/ http://www.medicaldaily.com/why-do-antidepressants-raise- your-suicide-risk-surprising-science-behind-paradoxical- reactions https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3353604/ https://www.pharmaceutical-journal.com/news-and- analysis/news/antidepressants-associated-with-increased-risk- of-suicidal-thoughts-in-healthy-adults/20201834.article


10) Patrick Holford – Spiritual Domain

‘The Power of Meditation’ https://www.patrickholford.com/advice/the-power-of- meditation ‘The mind/body connection – transforming health with the mind’ https://www.patrickholford.com/advice/mind-body- connection-transforming-health-mind

11) Dangers of Lonliness Taken from: https://www.campaigntoendloneliness.org/threat- to-health/ Loneliness and physical health:

 Loneliness increases the likelihood of mortality by 26% (Holt-Lunstad, 2015)  The effect of loneliness and isolation on mortality is comparable to the impact of well-known risk factors such as obesity, and has a similar influence as cigarette smoking (Holt-Lunstad, 2010)  Loneliness is associated with an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease and stroke (Valtorta et al, 2016)


 Loneliness increases the risk of high blood pressure (Hawkley et al, 2010)  Lonely individuals are also at higher risk of the onset of disability (Lund et al, 2010)

Loneliness and mental health:

 Loneliness puts individuals at greater risk of cognitive decline (James et al, 2011)  One study concludes lonely people have a 64% increased chance of developing clinical dementia (Holwerda et al, 2012)  Lonely individuals are more prone to depression (Cacioppo et al, 2006) (Green et al, 1992)  Loneliness and low social interaction are predictive of suicide in older age (O’Connell et al, 2004) https://www.ahsw.org.uk/userfiles/Research/Perspectives%20 on%20Psychological%20Science-2015-Holt-Lunstad-227-37.pdf https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2017/01/18/loneliness- might-be-a-bigger-health-risk-than-smoking-or- obesity/#3ec0197a25d1

67 https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/oct/12/loneliness- as-bad-for-health-as-long-term-illness-says-gps-chief

12) The Guardian, England UK – Article about how news is bad for your health https://www.theguardian.com/media/2013/apr/12/news-is- bad-rolf-dobelli First Paragraph: “In the past few decades, the fortunate among us have recognised the hazards of living with an overabundance of food (obesity, diabetes) and have started to change our diets. But most of us do not yet understand that news is to the mind what sugar is to the body. News is easy to digest. The media feeds us small bites of trivial matter, tidbits that don't really concern our lives and don't require thinking. That's why we experience almost no saturation. Unlike reading books and long magazine articles (which require thinking), we can swallow limitless quantities of news flashes, which are bright-coloured candies for the mind. Today, we have reached the same point in relation to information that we faced 20 years ago in regard to food. We are beginning to recognise how toxic news can be.”


13) Tony Robbins – Purposes of Life: ‘Contribution’ being one ‘The secret to living – is giving.’ Combining growth and connection, contribution takes into account other people and the world at large. If we are active in contributing to other individuals and groups, rather than just 'belonging', we increase our connection with them and it feels good as our sense of identity is expanded.

YouTube: Contribution: Key to A Happy Life | Tony Robbins (5:32) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iFiWh14_X4 https://www.habitsforwellbeing.com/6-core-human-needs-by- anthony-robbins/ http://changingminds.org/explanations/needs/robbins_needs. htm


List of contributing interviewees

Ocean Robbins Author | Food Revolutionary | Speaker https://www.oceanrobbins.com Ocean Robbins is co-founder and CEO of the 500,000+ member Food Revolution Network, adjunct professor in Chapman University’s Peace Studies Department, and co-author with his father, bestselling author John Robbins, of Voices of the Food Revolution. He launched the organization Youth for Environmental Sanity (YES!) at age 16, directing it for 20 years. Ocean has spoken in person to more than 200,000 people and facilitated hundreds of gatherings for leaders from 65+ nations. He has received many awards, including the Freedom’s Flame Award and the national Jefferson Award for Outstanding Public Service.

Chris Wark Speaker | Cancer Survivor https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com

Chris Wark is an author, speaker and health coach. He was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in 2003 at 26 years old. He had surgery but decided against chemotherapy, using nutrition

70 and natural therapies to heal himself. Chris has lectured at smoothie bars, health and wellness events, hospitals, churches, culinary schools and Whole Foods Market. Chris has made many appearances on radio and television including The Ricki Lake Show and The Lisa Oz Show. He was also featured in The Truth About Cancer docu-series and in the documentary film The C Word. Chris inspires countless people to take control of their health and reverse disease with a radical transformation of diet and lifestyle. Founder GreenMedInfo.com http://sayerji.com http://www.greenmedinfo.com

Sayer Ji is a widely recognized researcher, author, and lecturer, an advisory board member of the National Health Federation, and the founder of the world’s most widely referenced, evidence-based natural health resource of its kind. He founded Greenmedinfo.com in 2008 in order to provide the world an open access, evidence-based resource supporting natural and integrative modalities. Sayer’s work has been published in various online and print publications, including Truthout, The Wellbeing Journal, Mercola.com, The Journal of Gluten Sensitivity. Sayer attended Rutgers University, where he studied under the American philosopher Dr. Bruce W. Wilshire,

71 with a focus on the philosophy of science, receiving a BA degree in Philosophy in 1995. In 1996, following residency at the Zen Mountain Monastery in upstate New York, he embarked on a 5 year journey of service as a counselor-teacher and wilderness therapy specialist for various organizations serving underprivileged and/or adjudicated populations, from the Princeton-Blairstown Center (NJ), the Mayhew Foundation (NH) and Eckerd Youth Alternatives (FL).

Richard Rohr OFM - Author | Founder of The Centre of Action and Contemplation https://cac.org/richard-rohr/richard-rohr-ofm/

Fr. Richard Rohr is a globally recognized ecumenical teacher, a Franciscan priest of the New Mexico Province and founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Fr. Richard’s teaching is grounded in the Franciscan alternative orthodoxy—practices of contemplation and self-emptying, expressing itself in radical compassion, particularly for the socially marginalized. Fr. Richard is the author of numerous books, including Everything Belongs, Adam’s Return, The Naked Now, Breathing Under Water, Falling Upward, Immortal Diamond, and Eager to Love: The Alternative Way of Francis of Assisi. His newest book is The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation (with Mike


Morrell). He is academic Dean of the Living School for Action and Contemplation; its mission to produce compassionate and powerfully learned individuals who will work for positive change in the world based on awareness of our common union with God and all beings.

Andrew Saul PHD Author | Megavitamin Specialist https://andrewsaul.com/ www.doctoryourself.com Andrew Saul is also affectionately known as the MegaVitamin Man. He has been a consulting specialist in natural healing for over 30 years. He completed his non-traditional PhD in Ethology (behavioral biology) in 1995. He has authored or co- authored fourteen books, including four with Abram Hoffer and is a veteran lecturer for three colleges. Saul is Editor of Basic Health Publications’ popular Vitamin Cure book series, with over a dozen titles in prin. His world-famous, peer-reviewed, non-commercial natural healing website, www.DoctorYourself.com, receives thousands of hits per day. He is featured in the documentary Dying to Have Known: The Evidence Behind Natural Healing and the very popular Food Matters movie, before being the main featured expert in That Vitamin Movie. In 2006, Psychology Today named Saul as one of seven natural health pioneers.


Ty Bollinger Journalist | Author | Journalist https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/ www.truthaboutvaccines.com

Ty Bollinger is a health freedom advocate, cancer researcher, former competitive bodybuilder, documentary film producer, radio show host and author. Having lost several family members to cancer, he began to research alternative cancer treatments and the medical industry refusing to accept that chemotherapy, radiation and surgery were the most effective treatments. He is the author of best-selling book. Cancer: Step Outside the Box and has produced two documentary series on cancer treatment; The Quest for Cures (2014) and The Truth about Cancer: A Global Quest (2015), and one on Vaccines, The Truth About Vaccines. He is married to Charlene, is a devout Christian and lives near Nashville.

Dr Eric Zielinski Essential Oil Author | Biblical Health educator https://drericz.com/

Formally trained as an aromatherapist and public health researcher, Dr. Zielinski launched his online health ministry

74 with DrEricZ.com in June 2014. Visited by more than 3 million people each year, it has become the #1 ranked, fastest growing website devoted to Biblical Health on the Internet. Specializing in the therapeutic use of essential oils, more than 400,000 people have since joined one of three email newsletters (Essential Oils Digest, Biblical Health News and his wife's Mama Z's DIY Tips) to learn how to use natural therapies safely and effectively. Dr. Z is an accomplished researcher with several publications, conference proceedings and currently sits as peer-reviewer for multiple journals.

Marc David Founder of the Institute for Pshycology of Eating http://psychologyofeating.com/about-marc-david/ Marc David M.A. is the Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, a leading visionary, teacher and consultant in eating psychology and nutrition, and the author of the classic and best-selling works Nourishing Wisdom and The Slow Down Diet. He has held senior consulting positions at Canyon Ranch Resorts, the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, the Johnson & Johnson Corporation, and the Disney Company. Marc has worked in product development in the natural foods and supplements industry, combining expertise in clinical nutrition and natural health. He also served on the editorial board of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. Marc’s

75 work has been featured on CNN, NBC and and in publications such as The New York Times, Chicago Times, McCall’s, Glamour, Elle, Utne Reader, Yoga Journal, WebMD and numerous others. His books have been translated into over 10 languages. His engaging speaking style has made him a popular presenter and he has presented at a long list of professional settings including Harvard University and The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine.

Leanne Ely Author | Mother of "Menu Planning" https://savingdinner.com/ Leanne Ely began creating Menu-Mailer on Saving Dinner in 2001 to help families get back to the dinner table. Within just a few years, Readers Digest declared a new industry had been born — the menu planning industry — and Leanne was dubbed the “mother” of menu planning. Saving Dinner’s goal is to bring families closer together by enjoying healthy and easy-to- prepare meals. This is achieved by creating innovative menu planning products like Premium Menu-Mailer, which includes delicious and nutritious recipes, shopping lists and nutritional information. Saving Dinner also features an informative daily blog where you can find nutritional tips and tricks, delicious

76 recipes and the tools you need to eat healthy and prepare delicious family dinners.

Dr Joe Mercola Speaker | Author | Founder of Mercola.com http://www.mercola.com

Dr Joe Mercola is an osteopathic physician, practicing a "whole person" approach, treating the entire person rather than just symptoms. Focusing on preventive health care, Dr Mercola helps patients develop attitudes and lifestyles that don't just fight illness, but help prevent it, too. Dr Mercola is board- certified in family medicine and served as the chairman of the family medicine department at St. Alexius Medical Center for five years. He is trained in both traditional and natural medicine. Additionally, he was granted fellowship status by the American College of Nutrition (ACN) in October 2012. For his insight on a variety of healthcare issues, he has been interviewed on national and local news, including Today Show, CNN, ABC's World News Tonight and The Dr. Oz Show. He has featured in many magazines and on dozens of nationally broadcast radio shows. He also authored three New York Times Bestsellers, The Great Bird Flu Hoax, The No-Grain Diet, and Effortless Healing.


Jonathan Landsman Host NaturalHealth365 https://www.naturalhealth365.com/author/admin/

Jonathan Landsman is the managing director of NaturalHealth365.com and host of the NaturalNews Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show sponsored by NaturalHealth365.com and NaturalNews.com. Jonathan is helping millions of people worldwide create health and physical fitness through a variety of educational and entertaining articles, teleconference calls, live shows and special events.

Dr Tom Malterre Founder Whole Life Nutrition https://wholelifenutrition.net/

Tom studied at Bastyr University, holding a bachelor’s and master’s degree in nutrition. He has advanced training from the institute for Functional Medicine and is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner with over a decade of clinical experience. Tom also lectures regularly for the Institute for Functional Medicine. He is a past faculty member of the Autism Research Institute and was a medical affairs member of Thorne Research. He has lectured on nutrition and supplementation across the United States and Canada. He currently coaches doctors and other health-care practitioners on Functional Medicine

78 protocols in his Progressive Practitioner Coaching Program, while doing interviews and blogging on a vast array of health topics. Together with his wife, Ali, who focuses on functional nutrition and intuitive eating, they have married the latest nutritional science and whole foods cooking to bring Whole Life Nutrition.

Jeffrey Smith GMO Consumer Advocate http://responsibletechnology.org/ Jeffrey Smith is the leading consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices. His research documents how biotech companies continue to mislead legislators and safety officials to put the health of society and the environment at risk. Mr. Smith’s feature-length documentary, described as a “life changer”, Genetic Roulette — The Gamble of Our Lives was awarded the 2012 Movie of the Year (Solari Report) and the Transformational Film of the Year (AwareGuide). The film links genetically engineered food to toxic and allergic reactions, infertility, digestive disorders, and numerous problems that have been on the rise in the US population since genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were introduced. His books include: Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’re Eating, which is the world’s bestseller on GMOs; and Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods. Mr. Smith has lectured in more

79 than 40 countries, counseled leaders from every continent, and has been quoted by thousands of news outlets including: The New York Times, Washington Post, BBC World Service, The Independent, Daily Telegraph, New Scientist, The Times (London), Associated Press, Reuters News Service, LA Times, and Time Magazine. He appears on influential radio shows and television programs, such as the BBC, NPR, Fox News, Democracy Now, and the Dr. Oz Show. He is the founding executive director of The Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT), a leading source of GMO health risk information for consumers, policy makers, and healthcare professionals.

Erin Elizabeth Journalist | Original Health Nut https://www.healthnutnews.com/ As a long time “health nut,” author and public speaker, Erin Elizabeth has had a passion for the healing arts for nearly 25 years. Starting in her teens, she worked for a green non-profit during her four years of undergrad. Later she worked in the tech and entertainment industry in Los Angeles. Erin has spoken to tens of thousands of holistic doctors at lectures since 2015 and has starred in various documentaries along with a show coming out this month on the Discovery ID channel. She’s been featured in Documentaries such as The Truth About Cancer, The Truth About Vaccines, and That Vitamin Movie.


Erin divides her time between Florida and her birth place of Chicago with her better half; Dr Mercola.

Helen Saul Case Author |Vitamin Expert |Child Health Specialist https://helensaulcase.com/ Helen Saul Case, daughter of the megavitamin specialist Andrew Saul, is an author, speaker and educator. She is the author of The Vitamin Cure for Women's Health Problems, Vitamins & Pregnancy: The Real Story, Orthomolecular Nutrition for Everyone, and coauthor of Vegetable Juicing for Everyone. She is also featured in the documentary That Vitamin Movie (2016). Mrs. Case is Assistant Editor for the peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and she has published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. Her articles on nutrition have appeared in health magazines in several countries, and have been featured on many health advocacy websites. Her papers also appear in The Orthomolecular Treatment of Chronic Disease and The Vitamin Cure for Infant and Toddler Health Problems.


Dr Tony Jimenez Founder Hope for Cancer https://hope4cancer.com/about-us/our-doctors/dr-tony- jimenez-m-d/ Chief Medical Officer Dr. Antonio Jimenez founded Hope4Cancer in 2000 and has dedicated his life to researching alternative strategies to treat cancer, chronic infections, and immune disorders. His research was inspired after witnessing firsthand the negative side effects that accompanied the conventional treatments his father underwent in suffering prostate cancer. After completing his traditional undergraduate education in the United States, Dr. Jimenez received his M.D. degree from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara Faculty of Medicine in Mexico, and went on to pursue his N.D. degree at the Trinity School of Natural Health. For over 30 years, he has traveled the world learning and researching new approaches to cancer treatment, with the dream in mind of opening an alternative clinic capable of providing any method to give patients their best chance of recovery. Dr. Jimenez now has two international Hope4Cancer Institutes. As the founder of Hope4Cancer and a pioneer of holistic protocol approach The Seven Key Principles of Cancer Therapy, Dr. Jimenez has been recognized by various forums worldwide. Most notably, he was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award by The Truth About Cancer organization in 2016 for his dedicated study, research, and implementation of effective non-toxic medical treatments.


Dr Michael Greger Author | Speaker |Video Host https://nutritionfacts.org/

Dr. Greger is a physician, author and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety and public health issues. A founding member and Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Greger is licensed as a general practitioner specializing in clinical nutrition. He is a graduate of the Cornell University School of Agriculture and Tufts University School of Medicine. In 2017, Dr. Greger was honored with the ACLM Lifestyle Medicine Trailblazer Award. His latest book, How Not to Die, became an instant New York Times Best Seller.

Dr Veronique Desaulniers Founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror https://breastcancerconqueror.com/

Dr Veronique Desaulniers graduated in 1979 from Life College as a Doctor of Chiropractic and became certified in many post graduate protocols. Having faced the diagnosis of Breast Cancer, her experience led her down the path of research, discovery and personal transformation. This led Dr. V to create The 7 Essential Systems, a step-by-step guide

83 to prevent and heal Breast Cancer naturally. She has undertaken extensive studies in the various fields of “” and has specialized in Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, , , Digital Thermography, EFT and Chiropractic. Her approach to Health and Wellness, a very unique one, attracted people from all over North America and as far as Europe and Africa when she was in active practice. Dr V Desaulniers’ first book, Heal Breast Cancer Naturally, is a #1 Best seller on Amazon in 6 different categories.

Rob Verkerk Founder of The Alliance for Natural Health International http://anhinternational.org/about-us_2/

Robert Verkerk PhD Executive & Scientific Director of Alliance for Natural Health, has worked for the last 25 years on sustainability issues in the agricultural, environmental and health fields. He completed his MSc and doctorate at Imperial College London and worked as a post-doctoral research fellow in the field of trophic (feeding) level interactions in agricultural systems. Robert established the Alliance for Natural Health in 2002 to help protect and promote, using the tools of good science and good law, sustainable and natural methods of

84 healthcare which are increasingly threatened by regulatory and pharmaceutical industry pressure.

Dr Neil Riordan Author | Medistem Panama founder https://riordanclinic.org/speaker-archive/neil-riordan-phd/

Dr. Neil Riordan earned his Bachelor of Science at Wichita State University, received his Master’s degree at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and completed his education by earning a Ph.D. in Health Sciences at Medical University of the Americas. He is the Founder and Chairman of Medistem Panama, Inc. (2007), a leading stem cell laboratory and research facility. Medistem Panama is at the forefront of research of the effects of adult stem cells on the course of several chronic diseases. He has more than 60 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals. In the stem cell arena, he and his colleagues have published more than 20 articles on Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal Cord Injury, Heart Failure, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Autism, and Charcot Marie Tooth Syndrome. In 2007, Dr. Riordan’s research team was the first to discover and document the existence of mesenchymal-like stem cells in menstrual blood, his team honored with the “Medical Article of the Year Award” from Biomed Central for this discovery. Dr. Neil Riordan has made a number of novel discoveries in the field of cancer research since the mid-1990s when he

85 collaborated with his father Dr. Hugh Riordan on the effects of high dose vitamin C on cancer cells and the tumor microenvironment. This pioneering study on vitamin C’s preferential toxicity to cancer cells notably led to a 1997 patent for the treatment of cancer with vitamin C being granted. In 2010, Dr. Riordan was granted an additional patent for a new cellular vaccine for patients with cancer.

Polly Tommey Vaccine campaigner http://www.vaxxed.com/team/

Polly Tommey has three children, Bella, Toby and Billy, her 20 year old son with autism. Polly is a leading autism advocate and activist and has appeared as a spokesperson for individuals and families living with autism. She has appeared in the media around the globe and initiated autism campaigns directed at political leaders and society in general to increase awareness of autism. Polly founded The Autism Trust charity in the UK in 2007, concerned that current access to specialist autism service remains insufficient. Polly co-authored her book “Autism- a practical guide to supporting your child’s quality of life” released by Piatkus in 2011. Polly founded the Autism Media Channel (2010) that has produced over 60 videos for the European Sky Information Channel and successful documentaries and films including “Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis”.


Dr Ron Hunninghake Chief Medical Officer, Riordan Clinic https://riordanclinic.org/staff/ron-hunninghake-m-d-2/

Dr. Ron Hunnighake began his career as a small town doctor in Minneapolis, Kansas where he first started teaching clinic- based wellness. Later, he joined nearby Salina Family Physicians and was instrumental in founding WellPlan, a comprehensive lifestyle modification program. Seeking even greater involvement in helping patients learn innovative ways to rebuild and maintain their health, he joined the Riordan Clinic in 1989 as its Medical Director. In addition to his full-time practice as a holistic medical doctor at the Riordan Clinic, Dr. Ron has made multiple trips to Japan, Spain, Ecuador, Columbia, New Zealand, Canada and South Korea to lecture on The Riordan IVC Protocol for Cancer. He is currently the elected chairman of the International Schizophrenia Foundation and has been a regular presenter at their Orthomolecular Medicine. He has co-authored three books on subjects including inflammation, energy-boosting supplements, and how to stop pre-diabetes.


Dr Suzanne Humphries Author |Speaker |Vaccine campaigner http://drsuzanne.net/

Dr Suzanne Humphries is an educated medical doctor who was a participant in the conventional hospital system from 1989 until 2011. After leaving the hospital in 2011, she has been furthering her research, lecturing in various parts of the world, writing books, and conducting her own private practice in Maine and Virginia. She is co-author of Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History, and author of Rising From The Dead. She has lectured throughout Scandinavia, the USA and New Zealand on vaccines, holistic health, infant immunity, and vitamin C. She has recently been extremely active for the Vaxxed organisation, shining a light on the truth about vaccines.

Dr Tom Levy Author | Doctor | Lawyer https://www.peakenergy.com/

Dr. Thomas E. Levy is a board certified cardiologist and author, having written six books on health-related issues. Most of his work has centered on how to restore and maintain good health

88 in the face of the many different forms of toxicity that we all typically face on a daily basis. He no longer has a clinical practice of medicine and cardiology, devoting his time to research and writing. His seventh book was Death by Calcium: The Supplement that Kills.

Dr Jonathan Wright Pioneer in natural medicine http://tahomaclinic.com/

Dr. Jonathan Wright is the Medical Director of Tahoma Clinic where he also practices medicine. A Harvard University (A.B. 1965) and University of Michigan graduate (M.D. 1969), he continues to be a forerunner in research and application of natural treatments for healthy aging and illness. Along with Alan Gaby, M.D., since 1976 he has accumulated a file of over 50,000 research papers about diet, vitamins, minerals, botanicals, and other natural substances from which he has developed non-patent medicine (non-“drug”) treatments for health problems. Dr. Wright has taught natural biochemical medical treatments since 1983 to thousands of physicians in the USA, Europe, and Japan. An acclaimed lecturer, Dr. Wright speaks nationwide on varied topics including nutritional medicine, natural hormone replacement therapies for men and women, the natural treatment of cardiovascular diseases, asthma, diabetes, the use of D-mannose for bladder infection,

89 the health benefits of Vitamin D (including correct usage and laboratory testing) as well as many other topics.

Dr David Jockers Doctor of Natural Medicine http://drjockers.com/

Dr. David Jockers DNM, DC, MS is a doctor of natural medicine, functional nutritionist and corrective care chiropractor. He currently owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Georgia. He is also the author of the best-selling book “SuperCharge Your Brain” the complete guide to radically improve your mood, memory and mindset and the SuperCharged Recipe book with over 180 full-color recipes to help you take back control of your health. He has developed 6 revolutionary online programs, including E-guides, recipe guides, meal plans and video instructions such as “The Sugar Detox,” “The Cancer Cleanse,” “Navigating the Ketogenic Diet,” and “The Digestive Health Restoration Program,” and “The AutoImmune Elimination Program” and the “Super Brain Program.” Dr Jockers is a sought after speaker around the country on such topics as weight loss, brain health, functional exercise, natural detoxification and disease prevention.


Dr Victor Marcial-Vega Integrative Holistic Doctor http://www.marcialvegamd.com/

Dr. Victor A. Marcial-Vega graduated from the University of Puerto Rico Medical School in 1984. Having completed his internship and residency in radiation oncology in 1988, he was an Instructor of radiation oncology at the Washington University School of Medicine from 1988 to 1990. He was then in private practice at the Baptist Hospital in Miami. He was also a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Miami School of Medicine from 1990 to 1994. He testified before the Committee on Government Reform on March 10, 1999 about the use of intravenous chelation EDTA therapy in the management and cure of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and other illnesses. He contributed a chapter in the book “The Definitive Guide to Cancer “, by Goldberg, Cowden and Diamond: a textbook on the use of nutritional, alternative and complementary medicines in the management and healing of cancer and other diseases. In 2014 he received his certification from the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine. He presently dedicates his time to the research and implementation of Integrative Medicine for the management of all diseases in adults and children.


Phillip Day Health Journalist http://credence.org

Phillip Day is an author, journalist and international speaker. His work revolves around uncovering the most effective treatments available today and distributing this information. Phillip believes in taking responsibility for one’s own health and his educational books surround topics such as cancer and other terminal illnesses, his view on Pyschiatry and Modern medicine, and its flaws. His books include 'Cancer, Why were dying to know the truth', 'The ABCs of disease', 'The mind game', 'The truth about HIV', 'The essential guide to Water & Salt' and 'Simple changes'. He also produced a DVD, 'Healthy at 100' and was a supplier of the 'Making a Killing' documentary on psychiatry & drugs.

Anne Zauderer, DC Chiroprator based at the Riordan Clinic https://riordanclinic.org/staff/anne-zauderer-dc/

Anne Zauderer, DC earned a bachelor of arts in psychology from Texas Tech University then spent a year studying

92 naturopathic medicine in Seattle, Washington before finding her calling as a chiropractor. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Life University in Atlanta, Georgia, as a Doctor of Chiropractic. Dr. Anne has extensive hours of training and experience in the field of pediatrics and pregnancy through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) as well as being certified in the Webster Technique. Dr. Anne is passionate in working with moms and families to help raise children with a conscious and healthy lifestyle and also works with athletes to help rehabilitate injuries and enhance their performance. Dr. Anne is the daughter of Dr. Ron Hunninghake, Chief Medical Officer, and has grown up living the vision and mission of Riordan Clinic.

Dr Gerard Pollack Water Expert https://www.pollacklab.org/

Gerard Pollack, recognized internationally as an accomplished speaker and author, maintains an active laboratory at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is the Founding Editor- in-Chief of WATER: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal; Executive Director of the Institute for Venture Science; co- founder of 4th-Phase Inc.; and founder of the Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of 93

Water. He has received numerous honors including: the Prigogine Medal for Thermodynamics; the University of Washington Annual Faculty Lecturer; the NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award; and the 1st Emoto Peace Prize.

Patrick Holford Author https://www.patrickholford.com/

Patrick Holford, BSc, DipION, FBANT, NTCRP, is a pioneer in new approaches to health and nutrition. He is a leading spokesman on nutrition in the media, specialising in the field of mental health. He is the author of 37 books, translated into over 30 languages and selling millions of copies worldwide, including The Optimum Nutrition Bible, The Low GL-Diet Bible, Optimum Nutrition for the Mind and The 10 Secrets of 100% Healthy People, 10 Secrets of Healthy Ageing and Good Medicine. In 1984 he founded the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION), an independent educational charity, with his mentor, twice Nobel Prize winner Dr Linus Pauling, as patron. Patrick is the Founder of the Food for the Brain Foundation and on the board of trustees, and a Director of the Brain Bio Centre, the Foundation’s treatment centre that specialises in helping those with mental health issues, ranging from depression to schizophrenia. He is an honorary fellow of the British Association of Nutritional Therapy, as well as a member of the


Nutrition Therapy Council and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council. He is also Patron of the South African Association of Nutritional Therapy. In 2014 Patrick was inducted to the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame. Patrick is frequently quoted in the media and presents lectures and workshops throughout the world.

Nia Stephanopoulos-Chichura, MD Medical Doctor, Riordan Clinic https://riordanclinic.org/staff/nia-stephanopoulos-chichura- md/ Dr. Nia attended the University of Illinois, graduating with a degree in biology and microbiology along with a minor in chemistry. While in medical school, she completed a post- sophomore pathology fellowship. She studied cancer and medical laboratory techniques extensively. After Medical School, she joined the Residency program in Internal Medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Center, serving patients at the University of Kansas Hospital as well as veterans at the VA Medical Centers in both Kansas City and Leavenworth. During Residency she was given the Mark Beck Award for Humanism in Medicine and the Medical Student Assembly Professionalism in Residency Award. Dr. Nia is Board Certified in both Internal Medicine and Integrative Medicine. She describes Integrative Medicine as medicine that strives for the healing of the whole person (mind, body and soul) through changing of mind and

95 lifestyle, correcting deficiencies, eliminating toxicities from the body, and doing what is needed to aid on the path to wholeness. Dr. Nia is a member of the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine, the Society for Integrative Oncology and the Alliance for Natural Health.

David McCarthy MD Retired military family physician https://riordanclinic.org/speaker-archive/david-mccarthy/

Dr. McCarthy is a retired military family physician having served 24 years in the U.S. Air Force. He founded a residency program, served as a physician consultant for Strategic Air Command (SAC) and Air Mobility Command (AMC) and, while Chief of Professional Services, the Minot regional hospital was twice selected as the Department of Defense Model Facility for Healthcare Innovation in recognition for creative programming. In 1998, he founded Family Physicians of O’Fallon, an all- electronic medical practice which became one of the largest primary care clinics in Southwestern Illinois. He set out to change the future of healthcare by providing outpatient primary care access every day of the year. In 2008, he founded and hosted the O’Fallon Forum on Healthcare Redesign, with speakers Gov. Mike Huckabee and actor/director LeVar Burton, as a means to educate over 80 regional community leaders on the theme: Making Americans Healthier.


Gina Bria Anthropologist and author https://www.hydrationfoundation.org/hyfo

Gina Bria, anthropologist, author and speaker, researches and consults on integrative nutrition and hydration. She combines traditional worldwide approaches with the latest science research to design shortcuts for hydrating in our water- challenged world, consulting with businesses, schools, clinics, and spas about wellness programs and hydration strategies. Gina has been researching ritual, ritual foods, nutrition, and hydration strategies for 25 years. A graduate of Columbia University's anthropology department, she was a Berlin Fellow with the Social Science Research Council, Harvard summer fellow, and National Endowment for the Humanities finalist. She was featured at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and named Real World Scholar with World Evolved Lecture Series. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Grand Central Station, Harvard University, and Wissenschaftskollege in Berlin. She is a founding member of the World Wide Water and Health Association with Dr. Gerald Pollack, who helped launch the Hydration Foundation in 2014.


Brian Houston Irish Musician http://www.brianhouston.com/

Brian Houston, a professional singer and songwriter and experienced worship leader from Belfast, Ireland, has shared stages with the likes of Van Morrison, Robert Plant, Chuck Berry and Elvis Costello. He is signed as a recording artist and songwriter with Capitol Records and Thank You music and is also an accomplished record producer and skilled recording engineer, having produced more than 25 albums for various artists. He is an influential worship leader at CFC Belfast and Catch the Fire Raleigh, North Carolina. Brian has conducted worship and songwriting workshops across the world, including the UK, Europe, Canada and more than 30 states in the US.

James Maskell Creator of Functional Forum http://functionalforum.com/ James Maskell is the creator of Functional Forum, the world’s largest integrative medicine conference. Following education in healthcare economics, James has played a part in building a number of successful businesses in the integrative medicine space. He lectures internationally, has been featured on


TEDMED, HuffPost Live, TEDx, and more, and contributes to Huffington Post, KevinMD, thedoctorblog and MindBodyGreen. He serves on the faculty of George Washington University's Metabolic Medicine Institute.


Directories of Naturopathic Practitioners

Originally we were going to include lists of naturopathic doctors here for your information. But the guide ran to over 200 pages and we decided to just give you links where you could find the information yourself. It's very well presented and easy to use.

Please search the following sites and see if you can find what you are looking for.

US and Canada http://www.findanaturopath.com/

UK https://www.naturopathy-uk.com/resources/practitioners- directory/

New Zealand http://www.naturopathsofnz.org.nz/practitioners/#14608646 00843-ee490389-380f

Australia http://www.healthdirectory.com.au/Complementary_health/ Naturopathy/search



We are not doctors.

We're just two aging Irishmen trying to make a difference.

All information presented on this guide and in our films should be regarded as friendly advice and opinions based on our experience and research. It's educational material, used for educational purposes and should not be interpreted as medical advice.

In no way is it an attempt to prescribe any medical treatment — and the information contained in this guide is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified health practitioner. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and the information in this guide is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We are also not dieticians dispensing diet advice, as you can tell to look at us.


DISCLOSURE We're using the following modified disclosure that we copied from Tim Ferris.

This guide is not financially motivated. We produced it to help people find the right ways to increase their longevity. Our approach to that involves health-related products that cost money. If we have a good experience with a product we recommend it to others.

Affiliate items and programs help cover the costs involved with producing our films. We could easily recommend ten times more things in this guide and make more money. But the message is more important than the money. So if a company that makes a product we love, we will mention it. If Coke wants to advertise, we say “no”.

Bottom line: we only promote products and people that we believe in. Period. That said, beginning December 1, 2009, the FTC requires bloggers to provide disclosures whenever there could be hidden interests or unspoken biases related to recommendations. If we ever interview someone and they pay for lunch, we would need to specify this, as we would if we use an Amazon link that gets us 6 cents instead of an Amazon link that gets me zero cents. If someone gives us nice t-shirts with a logo and we wear them in a photo, same. Disclaimers all over.


This would be tedious for us and a continual eye sore for readers. But those are the rules. To cover our bases and preserve your reading experience, please assume that, for every recommendation, link, person, product or service that I mention, go ahead and assume that I was compensated with:

-Huge stacks of money -Stock options -Food -Clothing -Goodie bags -First class travel -Limo rides -Luxury vacations

-Trevor & Michael

PS. If you know anyone else who WANTS to send us those things - please refer them asap.