Higher Education Department, Odisha, Bhubaneswar Government of Odisha

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Higher Education Department, Odisha, Bhubaneswar Government of Odisha 20/03/2021 Higher Education Department, Odisha, Bhubaneswar Government of Odisha Admission Update Spot Print Sl.# Barcode Applicant Name Father Name DOB Course Mobile No E-Mail Gender Social Graduation Board Graduation Mark Mark with Action No. Category YOP weightage 1 20P0154427 SOUMYASHREE KAMALA KANTA 12- Biotechnology 8763844070 soumyashreedash1204@gmail.com Female General Ramadevi Womens 2020 77.38 77.38 Admit DASH DASH 02- University,Bhubaneswar 1998 2 20P1760683 Payal Patra Ganesh Chandra 20- Biotechnology 8280004488 payalpatra.12@gmail.com Female General University of Delhi,Delhi 2020 74.99 74.99 Admit Patra 12- 1999 3 20P0013001 Nibha Nityojjwala Banamali Mohanta 01- Biotechnology 9438851860 n.nityojjwala1997@gmail.com Female General Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 67.73 67.73 Admit 12- 1997 4 20P0774510 SK RAMEEJ RAJA SK MUSLIM ZAMA 16- Biotechnology 8249745201 skrameejraja123@gmail.com Male General Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2017 66.60 66.60 Admit 03- 1997 5 20P2214076 KABINDRA SAHU CHINTAMANI SAHU 27- Biotechnology 8658654267 kabindrasahoo45@gmail.com Male OBC Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2019 62.49 62.49 Admit 08- 1998 6 20P1833459 Priyanka Ashok Kumar 05- Biotechnology 7436999595 priyankapnahak9853@gmail.com Female General Ramadevi Womens 2020 62.24 62.24 Admit Priyadarshini Nahak Nahak 02- University,Bhubaneswar 2000 7 20P4821410 MINAKETAN KAILASH CHANDRA 26- Biotechnology 8260910242 Male SEBC North Orissa University, 2020 61.18 61.18 Admit MOHANTA MOHANTA 02- Baripada 1999 8 20P5697010 SURJYAPRATAP DILLIP KUMAR 08- Biotechnology 7978432453 surjyapratap123@gmail.com Male General Khallikote University, 2020 61.15 61.15 Admit SARANGI SARANGI 04- Berhampur 1999 9 20P1421144 SHOURYASOMA SHACHI KANTA 06- Biotechnology 9437495352 shourjyasomkhuntia@gmail.com Male General Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan 2020 60.19 60.19 Admit KHUNTIA KHUNTIA 10- University, Bhubaneswar 1998 10 20P1855610 Arpita Pattnaik Amarendra Pattnaik 08- Biotechnology 8917242686 arpitapattnaik9@gmail.com Female General Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 60.01 60.01 Admit 12- 1999 11 20P1097343 JYOTIRMAYEE BASUDEV RANA 23- Biotechnology 7328885982 jyotirmayeer96@gmail.com Female General Fakirmohan University, 2018 59.75 59.96 Admit RANA 10- Balasore 1996 1/25 20/03/2021 12 20P0673187 AJU KISAN SUSHIL KISAN 14- Biotechnology 7735477255 ajukisan@gmail.com Male ST Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2019 58.85 58.85 Admit 05- 1999 13 20P1057392 SUBHASHREE SUBASH CHANDRA 12- Biotechnology 8260635870 biswalsubhashree7777@gmail.com Female OBC Sambalpur University,Jyoti 2020 58.52 58.52 Admit BISWAL BISWAL 04- vihar,Sambalpur 2000 14 20P1261036 JASHASWI JAGANNATH JENA 05- Biotechnology 9938639020 jenajashaswi75@gmail.com Female OBC Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2018 58.49 58.49 Admit PRIYADARSHINI 04- JENA 1998 15 20P6136810 TAMANNA RANJAN KUMAR 18- Biotechnology 7992416922 mohapatra.tamanna18@gmail.com Female General Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 58.34 58.34 Admit MOHAPATRA MOHAPATRA 10- 1998 16 20P2384710 IPSITA PUJARI PRAKASH 11- Biotechnology 8249342218 p.ipsdisha99@gmail.com Female General Sambalpur University,Jyoti 2019 57.01 57.01 Admit CHANDRA PUJARI 02- vihar,Sambalpur 1999 17 20P1894572 LOKESH KUMAR JAGADISH 17- Biotechnology 9438424429 pasayatlokesh@gmail.com Male OBC Sambalpur University,Jyoti 2020 56.99 56.99 Admit PASAYAT PASAYAT 01- vihar,Sambalpur 1998 18 20P0855580 RAJASHREE RAJ KISHORE 10- Biotechnology 6371642860 rajashreeghana98@gmail.com Female OBC North Orissa University, 2020 56.38 56.38 Admit SHUBHADARSHINEE GHANA 12- Baripada GHANA 1998 19 20P0806932 DEBASHREE DASHARATHI 07- Biotechnology 6371380926 debashreebehera613@gmail.com Female SEBC Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 56.35 56.35 Admit BEHERA BEHERA 08- 2000 20 20P0578768 Lipi Dishri Rajkumar Dishri 22- Biotechnology 9668655760 lipidishri1998@gmail.com Female General Gangadhar Meher 2020 55.82 55.82 Admit 11- University,Sambalpur,Odisha 1998 21 20P0331540 ADDHYA PRADEEP KUMAR 11- Biotechnology 7978856665 simandash07@gmail.com Female General Sambalpur University,Jyoti 2020 55.73 55.73 Admit AISHWARYA DASH DASH 02- vihar,Sambalpur 1999 22 20P1337969 Ipsa Manjaree Surendra Mahanta 31- Biotechnology 6370324564 ipsamanjaree7@gmail.com Female OBC North Orissa University, 2020 55.11 55.11 Admit Mahanta 03- Baripada 2000 23 20P1810579 Manasmita Mahanta Govinda chandra 22- Biotechnology 9668417638 manasmitamahanta65@gmail.com Female OBC Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 54.74 54.74 Admit mahanta 05- 1999 24 20P0029705 SANJAY KUMAR BASANTA KUMAR 23- Biotechnology 9337371080 sanjay.behera1999@gmail.com Male OBC Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2019 54.34 54.34 Admit BEHERA BEHERA 06- 1999 25 20P1016244 PRIYANKA HEMANT KUMAR 24- Biotechnology 9439640997 pratappriyanka096@gmail.com Female General Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 54.11 54.11 Admit PRIYADARSHINI PRATAP 05- PRATAP 1999 2/25 20/03/2021 26 20P4062210 DIBYASHREE SARATA CHANDRA 13- Biotechnology 8328907854 dibyashreesoumyakantajena@gmail.com Male SEBC Sambalpur University,Jyoti 2020 54.06 54.06 Admit SOUMYAKANTA JENA 02- vihar,Sambalpur JENA 2000 27 20P0065471 RAHUL PUJAPANDA SUNIL KUMAR 10- Biotechnology 9040574460 rahul.pujapanda99@gmail.com Male General Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 53.30 53.44 Admit PUJAPANDA 11- 1999 28 20P1217377 CHINMAYEE PANCHANAN 22- Biotechnology 8917332053 chinmayee.kvs@gmail.com Female General Gangadhar Meher 2020 53.15 53.15 Admit BEHERA BEHERA 05- University,Sambalpur,Odisha 1998 29 20P6905910 IPSITA ROJALIN PRASANTA KUMAR 05- Biotechnology 8917461755 ipsita.rojalin1995@gmail.com Female General Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 53.01 53.01 Admit PANDA PANDA 05- 1995 30 20P1253932 RUDRESHYA NATH KAILASH CHANDRA 24- Biotechnology 8328972560 rudreshyanath36@mail.com Male OBC Gangadhar Meher 2020 52.77 53.57 Admit NATH 07- University,Sambalpur,Odisha 2000 31 20P1100313 Pal Anurag Pal Rabichandra 17- Biotechnology 7978140313 palanurag007@gmail.com Male General Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 52.46 52.46 Admit 06- 1997 32 20P0514392 Durgapada sarkhel Subasish sarkhel 29- Biotechnology 7978107297 ramusarkhel92@gmail.com Male General Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 52.00 52.00 Admit 09- 1998 33 20P0397732 PRIYANKA PATEL SANTASIL PATEL 07- Biotechnology 7978639534 priyankapatel711999@gmail.com Female General Sambalpur University,Jyoti 2020 51.78 51.78 Admit 01- vihar,Sambalpur 1999 34 20P1296586 LIPUN SAHOO PRASANNA KUMAR 26- Biotechnology 9853948889 sahoothomas501@gmail.om Male OBC Gangadhar Meher 2020 51.77 51.77 Admit SAHOO 02- University,Sambalpur,Odisha 2000 35 20P1020376 AJAYA KUMAR NABAGHANA 18- Biotechnology 7008045378 ajayapradhan433@gmail.com Male SEBC OUAT, Bhubaneswar 2020 51.42 51.42 Admit PRADHAN PRADHAN 03- 2000 36 20P3418910 SUBRAT SEKHAR PANA GOUDA 21- Biotechnology 8763487779 ssekhar48@gmail.com Male SEBC Berhampur 2018 51.17 51.17 Admit GOUDA 04- University,Bhanjabihar,Ganjam 1998 37 20P0162088 SUDHIR BADHAI TRILOCHAN 28- Biotechnology 9938215365 sudhir.badhai97@gmail.com Male OBC Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2018 51.06 51.06 Admit BADHAI 01- 1997 38 20P1386236 SASWAT BEHERA RAMESH CHANDRA 26- Biotechnology 9777187878 saswatbehera407@gmail.com Male OBC Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 50.98 50.98 Admit BEHERA 09- 1999 39 20P0277530 Pratiksha Susanta kumar 01- Biotechnology 8018736498 viswanadium@gmail.com Female SEBC OUAT, Bhubaneswar 2020 50.91 50.91 Admit Priyadarshini singha 01- 1999 3/25 20/03/2021 40 20P0639828 BISWAJIT KAILASH CHANDRA 23- Biotechnology 8018282657 biswajitsamantaray112@gmail.com Male General OUAT, Bhubaneswar 2020 50.87 50.87 Admit SAMANTARAY SAMANTARAY 05- 1999 41 20P1818410 Gayatri Mohanty Ranjit Kumar 07- Biotechnology 7377301164 gayatrimohanty7878@gmail.com Female General OUAT, Bhubaneswar 2020 50.73 50.73 Admit Mohanty 03- 1998 42 20P0864820 MANIJEETA THATOI MAHENDRA KUMAR 14- Biotechnology 9777317178 manijeetat@gmail.com Female SEBC Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 50.63 50.63 Admit THATOI 01- 1999 43 20P0132618 PRATYUSH RANJAN KRUSHNA 06- Biotechnology 7008974952 pratyushnahak@gmail.com Male General Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 50.57 50.57 Admit NAHAK CHANDRA NAHAK 01- 2000 44 20P0753252 Jyosnamayee Manoranjan Behera 28- Biotechnology 9337154669 Jyosna012@gmail.com Female General Sambalpur University,Jyoti 2020 50.56 50.56 Admit Behera 10- vihar,Sambalpur 1998 45 20P0032732 DEEPIKA DEEPAK KUMAR 09- Biotechnology 8917386541 Deepikadeepanitwa@gmail.com Female OBC Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 50.49 50.49 Admit DEEPANITWA SAHOO 09- SAHOO 1999 46 20P0011967 Arpan Khamari Prabhat ku. 25- Biotechnology 9668728194 khamariarpan@gmail.com Male General Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 50.26 50.26 Admit Khamari 03- 2000 47 20P1080537 PRABIN SUBUDHI SHIKAR SUBUDHI 10- Biotechnology 8917228021 prabinsubudhi@gmail.com Male General Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 50.26 50.26 Admit 03- 2000 48 20P1427710 Sankalp Das Arun Kumar Das 21- Biotechnology 8763789897 san.saturn123@gmail.com Male General Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 50.12 50.12 Admit 12- 1999 49 20P1416673 PRATIKSHYA MANUNATH SETHI 11- Biotechnology 9337541291 nabikshya21@gmail.com Female SC OUAT, Bhubaneswar 2020 50.03 50.64 Admit BAISHNABI 09- 1998 50 20P0872662 SHREEYA MISHRA DURJAY KUMAR 03- Biotechnology 8917223663 mishra.shreeya.9@gmail.com Female General Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2020 49.97 49.97 Admit MISHRA 06- 2000 51 20P1265152 SUBIDITA LAXMIKANTA 16- Biotechnology 7978148354 samantaraysubidita@gmail.com Female General Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 2019 49.92
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