
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 09/11 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 292 - Mai 2011 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde! Aufmerksamen Lesern unseres Editorials ist es vermutlich schon aufgefallen. Denn in unserer Ab- handlung über das “Beyond – 3Days of Dimension”-Festivals in Karlsruhe ist uns ein kleiner, aber feiner Fehler unterlaufen. Bei dem zur Aufführung kommenden Film INFERNO unter Regie von Roy Ward Baker handelt es sich keines- falls um einen Western, sondern um ein als Abenteuerfilm verpacktes Drama. Sollte Ihnen unser kleines Versehen nicht aufgefallen sein, dann haben wir nochmal Glück ge- habt! Andernfalls: sorry. Und damit ganz herzlich willkommen zur neue- sten Ausgabe unseres Newsletters.

An dieser Stelle geben wir immer wieder gerne Empfehlungen für Filme, die jenseits des Mainstreams existieren und zu unrecht sehr we- nig beachtet werden. So möchten wir Ihnen dieses Mal zwei Filme ans Herzen legen, die uns gut ge- reits auf DVD und Blu-ray Disc in Tatsachen – wie der Fußball nach fallen haben und die – man höre Deutschland veröffentlicht worden: Deutschland kam. Daniel Brühl und staune! – sogar familien- DAS KONZERT unter Regie von glänzt in der Rolle des Lehrers tauglich sind. Der erste Film ist be- Radu Mihaileanu. Bei dieser Komö- Konrad Koch, der 1874 an einem die über die Reise eines russischen altehrwürdigen Gymnasium Eng- Orchesters zu einem Konzert nach lisch unterrichten soll und da so stimmt einfach alles. Ange- seine ganz eigenen Methoden hat. fangen von der Besetzung (brillant: Man soll es kaum glauben, doch Melanie Laurent!) über die Aus- trotz seines sportlichen Themas stattung bis hin zur Musikauswahl bietet der Film auch reichlich ge- überzeugt jeder Aspekt. Ganz zu fühlvolle Momente. Gut fotografiert schweigen vom exzellenten Dreh- und mit hervorragender Filmmusik buch, das sich nie dem Edelkitsch ausgestattet bietet DER GANZ hingibt, sondern stattdessen mit im- GROSSE TRAUM perfekte Un- mer neuen Überraschungen auf- terhaltung im Stil von DER CLUB wartet. Kleiner Tipp: man sollte den DER TOTEN DICHTER. Film im französisch-russischen Ori- ginal anschauen. Leider wurde die Und jetzt heisst es wieder “Weg Mehrsprachigkeit des Originals bei frei!” für die interessantesten Neu- der deutschen Synchronisation et- ankündigungen aus Deutschland was unbeholfen umgesetzt. Der und den USA sowie Annas Ge- zweite Film, den wir hier empfehlen spräch mit Hollywood und Wolfram wollen, gibt sein Debüt auf DVD Hannemanns nicht enden wollender und Blu-ray Disc am 12. August. Filmblog. Viel Spaß! DER GANZ GROSSE TRAUM ist eine Produktion aus deutschen Landen und erzählt – basierend auf Ihr Laser Hotline Team

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011

Love and Let Love

In unserer hyperinformierten Welt denken wir oft, zustimmen können, was sie da oben sahen. Ho- dass wir alles über Hollywood-Stars wissen. mosexualität wäre der Mehrheit der Kinogänger Schließlich ist es kein Geheimnis, wie viele Tat- nicht zuzumuten gewesen. Wie furchtbar, wenn toos Angelina Jolie hat, welche Schlüpferfarbe einer erführe, dass ein Kuss zwischen Hepburn bevorzugt, wie Jamie Foxx‘ Schlawi- und Bogart reine Fälschung war! ner aussieht und wie falsch Tom Cruises weiße Zähne sind. Im Internetzeitalter haben die Stars Heute ist Homosexualität weitgehend akzeptiert, scheinbar nicht viel, was sie verbergen können – als eine Facette des Menschseins. Es gibt schwu- ob Beziehungs- oder Schwangerschaftsstatus le Außenminister, Bürgermeister und Sänger, les- oder ihre Lieblingssorte Kaffee bei Starbucks. Die bische Fernsehmoderatorinnen, Priesterinnen und frühen Hollywood-Stars hatten es besser. Könnte Models. Doch wie steht es mit Hollywoodstars? man meinen. Doch wie das Buch “The Sewing Auf Anhieb fallen einem natürlich immer Rosie Circle” von Axel Madsen beweist, war dies nicht O’Donnell, Portia de Rossi und Lindsay Lohan ein. zwangsläufig der Fall. Von Greta Garbo über Bar- Oder Neil Patrick Harris, Ian McKellen und George bara Stanwyck bis hin zu Katharine Hepburn, ein Takei. Aber diese Berühmtheiten gehören nicht der Geheimnis wurde mit allen Mitteln unterdrückt: Sie A-List der Stars an, der Riege, die am meisten alle waren lesbisch. Der “sewing circle”, zu verdient, am berühmtesten ist und die besten Zu- Deutsch etwa “der Nähkreis”, war der Deckname schauerquoten holt. Auf der A-List steht Angelina für die natürlich völlig inoffizielle lesbische Ge- Jolie, doch die ist “nur” offen bisexuell. Und da sie meinschaft der damaligen Zeit. sich einen Mann als Lebenspartner und Vater ihrer Kinder ausgesucht hat, ist sie weiterhin als Hete- In einer Ära, in der Homosexualität gesellschaft- rosexuelle glaubwürdig. Ein bisschen Enfant lich höchst verpönt war, achteten die Studios, terrible, aber trotzdem völlig sicher fürs Boxoffice. aber auch die Stars selbst, darauf, dass niemand Immer wieder kochen Gerüchte zur Homosexuali- diesem Geheimnis auf die Schliche kam. Es galt tät von Tom Cruise oder John Travolta hoch, doch nicht nur als pervers und krank, das eigene Ge- diese werden stets effektiv niedergeschlagen. schlecht zu lieben, in Hollywood war auch das Wirklich homosexuelle A-Lister gibt es nicht. Stu- Problem der Glaubwürdigkeit ein Grund, den dien beweisen, dass sich der Prozentsatz an Ho- “sewing circle” unter Verschluss zu halten. Das mosexuellen in der Bevölkerung niemals groß ver- Studiosystem war ein eiskaltes, hartes Geschäft. ändert. Nur das Wissen um sie ist mal größer, Damit die Menschen in die Kinos strömten, mal kleiner. So ist es unmöglich, dass es unter mussten sich möglichst viele mit den Figuren auf Hollywoods Topverdienern keine Schwulen oder der Leinwand identifizieren können, mussten dem Lesben gibt. Seit Greta Garbos Zeiten sind wir

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nicht weit gekommen. Die Lösung ist einfach, aber so idealistisch, dass sie utopisch erscheint. Damit die Glaubwürdigkeit Das Argument der Glaubwürdigkeit unserer stimmt, braucht es hervorragende Schauspieler. Leinwandlieblinge hält sich weiter. , Vom Kaliber einer Jodie Foster, die z.B. in The der den ultraschwulen Jack in Will & Grace spiel- Brave One eine so echt wirkende, intensiv roman- te, ist erst Jahre nach Ende der Serie, mehr aus tische Liebesgeschichte mit Naveen Andrews Versehen, geoutet worden. Er gab dann schließ- spielte, dass mir bis heute bei der Erinnerung dar- lich zu, dass er tatsächlich schwul ist. Davor hat- an der Atem stockt. Wenn die Schauspieler so gut te er sich hartnäckig gewehrt, etwas über seine würden, dann wäre es uns Zuschauern egal, ob sexuelle Orientierung zu sagen. Sein einziges Zi- sie im Privaten Männer oder Frauen lieben. tat dazu ist: “Wenn Sie mich Jack spielen sehen, Obwohl es nicht möglich ist, von Fernsehserien will ich, dass Sie glauben, dass diese Figur bis zu Blockbustern alles mit oscarwürdigen schwul ist. Nachdem Will & Grace vorbei ist, will Schauspielern zu bevölkern, so bin ich am Ende ich, wenn ich einen Hetero spiele, dass Sie auch doch dafür, dass wir die Stars leben und lieben das glauben können.” Jodie Foster und Queen lassen, wie und wen sie wollen. Schauspieler Latifah hielten sich ebenfalls jahrelang ähnlich be- müssen von Natur aus einen Zugang zu ihrer deckt. Sänger haben es einfacher. Zu ihrer Marke männlichen und weiblichen Seite finden, um gut gehört, dass sie vor allem sie selbst sind. Nur spielen zu können. Ist es da ein Wunder, dass der weil Ricky Martin schwul ist, heißt das nicht, dass Beruf mehr Lesben, Schwule und Bisexuelle an- Frauen ihn nicht weiterhin heiß finden und seine zieht als andere? Unsere Stars sollten sich entfal- Musik tanzbar bleibt. Schauspieler leben jedoch ten können. Sie sollten sich wohl fühlen in ihrer davon, erfundene Figuren zu spielen. Sie werden Haut und ihre Sexualität akzeptieren. Das ist we- dafür bezahlt, nicht sie selbst zu sein. Wenn der sentlich einfacher, wenn wir Zuschauer es ihnen Zuschauer nicht mehr die Performance sieht, son- durch unsere Unterstützung erleichtern. Am Ende dern die Sexualität, über die er in den Klatsch- profitieren alle. Die Stars können privat furchtlos spalten gelesen hat, hat er nichts mehr vom Film. und offen leben, was ihre schauspielerischen Lei- Da Heterosexualität das ist, was die meisten als stungen verbessert, was letztendlich dem Zu- Standardmodell wahrnehmen, bleibt den Stars schauer ein besseres Erlebnis im Kinosaal oder nichts anderes übrig, als die Magie nicht zu bre- vor dem Fernseher beschert. Love and let love. chen. Anna-Franz Rudschies

Aber wollen wir das wirklich? Wollen wir wirklich Stars, Menschen, die sich im privaten Leben ver- stellen und verstecken müssen, damit wir uns ei- Anna freut sich über Ihr Feedback! nige Male im Jahr für ein paar Stunden nicht un- [email protected] wohl fühlen? Nein, das können wir nicht wollen.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 09. Mai 2011 Dialogfilm, bei dem die deutschen Un- wiegend gelingt. Auch Situationskomik Anderssein tertitel ab Rolle 3 auf mysteriöse Weise kommt nicht zu kurz in dieser netten Eine nette kleine Komödie stand am verschwanden! – keine Bange: der Ver- kleinen Komödie, die leider etwas ein- Anfang der neuen Woche, die mir für leih hat mir eine komplett untertitelte getrübt wird durch ein paar unpassen- jeden Tag einen Film verspricht. Fassung für nächste Woche in Aus- de realistisch-brutale Einlagen. Denn sicht gestellt) hat es bei der heutigen es ist einfach weder komisch noch wit- EINE INSEL NAMENS UDO (1:1.85, DD Pressevorführung wieder reibungslos zig, wenn Dany Boon den belgischen 5.1) geklappt – in Deutsch. Zöllner mit scharfer Munition um sich Verleih: X Verleih (Warner) schießen lässt und sogar einen Flüchti- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2011 NICHTS ZU VERZOLLEN (1:2.35, DD gen in den Rücken schießt. Genau an Regie: Markus Sehr 5.1) dieser Stelle tut der Film dann richtig Darsteller: Kurt Krömer, Fritzi OT: Rien à Declarer weh, weil er sich von der Laurel & Haberlandt, Jan Gregor Kremp Verleih: Prokino (Fox) Hardy Brutalität meilenweit entfernt. Kinostart: 16.06.2011 Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2011 Regie: Dany Boon Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2011 Niemand nimmt ihn jemals wahr – doch Darsteller: Benoît Poelvoorde, Dany Du darfst niemals aufgeben! es gibt ihn wirklich: Udo. Der kauzige Boon, Julie Bernard Heute gab es das einzige Double-Fea- Typ mit dem vollkommen unscheinba- Kinostart: 28.07.2011 ture in dieser Woche: einen Erwachse- ren Äußeren arbeitet als Kaufhaus- nen-Film und einen Kinderfilm. detektiv. Hier kommt ihm sein chamäle- Der belgische Zollbeamte Ruben ist onartiges Auftreten sehr zugute, kann bekennender Rassist und lässt das sei- er doch die Langfinger in Seelenruhe ne französischen Kollegen auf Schritt beobachten und sie dann auf frischer und Tritt spüren. Obwohl es durch das Tat erwischen. Ansonsten registriert zusammenwachsende Europa eigentlich jedoch niemand, wenn er einfach den gar keine Zollkontrollen mehr gibt, hält Kaffee eines Kaufhausgastes vor des- er eisern an den Kontrollen fest. Sein sen unsehenden Augen trinkt oder gar ärgster Rivale auf französischer Seite ein Stück Kuchen dem Besitzer entwen- ist der gutmütige Mathias, der sich det. Doch eines Tages passiert das auch noch ausgerechnet in Rubens Unfassbare: die junge Jasmin sieht ihn! Schwester verliebt hat. Das muss na- Auch sie ein etwas kauziger Charakter türlich streng geheimgehalten werden! und noch immer auf der Suche nach Als die belgischen und französischen dem richtigen Partner. Es scheint, als Vorgesetzten eines Tages beschließen, haben sich endlich zwei Seelenver- eine mobile, grenzübergreifende Zoll- wandte gefunden. Doch ganz so ein- truppe ins Leben zu rufen, melden sich fach ist das mit der Liebe nicht... Mar- Ruben und Mathias freiwillig. Fortan kus Sehr liefert mit EINE INSEL NA- müssen die beiden in einem abgewrack- MENS UDO eine sympathische kleine ten Renault in der Knüste gemeinsam Komödie ab, in der es nicht nur um das Dienst tun. Das bekommt den beiden Anderssein geht, sondern auch darum, allerdings nicht sehr gut... Nach WILL- selbst dazu zu stehen. Da gibt es dann KOMMEN BEI DEN SCH’TIS, in dem einige hübsche Episoden wie z.B. jene , sich Dany Boon mit innerfranzösischen in der die beiden Protagonisten bei Unterschieden beschäftigte, wagt er ihrem ersten Date gemeinsam im Re- jetzt einen größeren Schritt und be- COUNTRY STRONG (1:2.35, DD 5.1) staurant essen wollen und der Kellner leuchtet das Verhältnis zwischen Belgi- OT: Country Strong nur Jasmin registriert, nicht aber Udo. ern und Franzosen. Er tut das natürlich Verleih: Sony Pictures Leider reicht die Geschichte nicht ganz auf seine ganz eigene, stets liebevolle Land/Jahr: USA 2010 für einen abendfüllenden Film und er- und immer komödiantische Art und Regie: Shana Feste geht sich daher in Wiederholungen mit Weise. Da klingen dann sogar Schimpf- Darsteller: Gwyneth Paltrow, Tim Variationen. Hier wäre der Regisseur wörter wie “Franzacke” oder McGraw, Garrett Hedlund, Leighton gut beraten gewesen, die Story in ei- “Frittenfresser” wie Liebeserklärungen Meester nem Kurzfilm zu erzählen. an das jeweilige andere Land. In der Kinostart: 09.06.2011 deutschen Synchronfassung des Films Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2011 ist man auch stets darum bemüht, die Ein Jahr ist es her seit Country & We- Von Franzacken und Frittenfressern feinen sprachlichen Unterschiede zwi- stern Star Kelly Canter wegen übermä- Nach der mittleren Katastrophe von schen den beiden Nationen entspre- ßigem Alkoholkonsum bei ihrem Kon- gestern (gezeigt wurde ein japanischer chend Einzudeutschen, was auch über- zert in Dallas von der Bühne stürzte

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog und dabei ihr ungeborenes Kind verlor. Eltern und dem großen Bruder von der Es folgte ein Aufenthalt in einer Stadt in ein kleines Häuschen auf dem Entziehungsklinik, bei dem sie den ta- Land. Weit und breit sind keine Spiel- lentierten Song-Schreiber Beau Hutton kameraden zu finden. Da fällt Lillebror kennen und lieben lernt – sehr zum ein lustiger Baumast in die Hände, der Missfallen ihres Ehemannes James. die Form eines kleinen Männlein hat. In Obwohl Kelly noch nicht ganz geheilt seiner Phantasie beginnt der Ast, der ist, wird sie von James, der zugleich ihr sich Knerten nennt, mit ihm zu spre- Manager ist, wieder für eine - chen. Gemeinsam erleben sie aufregen- Tournee verpflichtet, die ihr Finale in de Abenteuer. Da das kleine Häuschen Dallas finden soll. Widerwillig enga- jedoch mehr Renovierung benötigt als giert James Beau Hutton für das Vor- geplant, kommt die Familie bald in fi- programm der Show. Auch die aufstre- nanzielle Nöte. Doch Lillebror und bende junge Sängerin Chiles Stanton Knerten habe eine Idee... Ein ganz lie- kommt als Vorprogramm mit an Bord. benswürdiger Kinderfilm aus Norwegen Bald schon bandelt sie mit dem sanft- nach den bekannten Büchern “Kleiner mütigen Beau an... In COUNTRY Freund Knorzel” von Anne-Catharina STRONG übernimmt Gwyneth Paltrow Vestly. Angesiedelt in den 1960er-Jah- sozusagen die Rolle, die Jeff Bridges in ren kommt der Film vollkommen ohne CRAZY HEART inne hatte. Und sie tut neumodischen Technik-Schnick- das sehr überzeugend. Nicht nur, dass schnack wie Handy oder Playstation sie alle ihre Lieder selber singt, auch aus und nimmt sich viel Zeit, um die die gebrochene Existenz nimmt man ihr kindliche Phantasie anzuregen. Themen ohne weiteres ab. Gleiches gilt auch für wie Freundschaft, die erste Liebe, Ar- sequent, auch noch einen vierten Teil die anderen Mitglieder des Ensembles. mut und mehr werden ohne Hektik und nachzuschieben. Zumindest im Hinblick Garrett Hedlund als Beau erinnert an auch ohne erhobenen Zeigefinger prä- auf ein profitorientiertes Geschäft. So den jungen Michael Pare und spielt sentiert und führen letztendlich zur wird sicherlich auch Teil 4 der Reihe seinen Part ebenfalls sehr glaubwürdig. Kernaussage des Films: man darf nie der Kassenerfolg nicht verwehrt blei- Leighton Meester jedoch, die als aufgeben! ben. Wie auch? Der Kinozuschauer Jungtalent Chiles Stanton agiert, hat wird am Startwochenende kaum eine mir mit der Interpretation ihrer Rolle am Freitag, 13. Mai 2011 Chance haben, einen anderen Film als besten gefallen: naiv, schwärmerisch, Zu Gast bei Captain Jack Sparrow diesen zu sehen! Doch lohnt der Be- aber auch ein bisschen geheimnisvoll Zum Wochenausklang gab es die dritte such dieses Blockbusters? Die Ge- und berechnend zugleich. Shana Feste, Fortsetzung der Piraten-Saga um Jack schichte selbst könnte fast schon ei- die nach ihrem eigenen Drehbuch in- Sparrow. Und es war ein Wettlauf mit nem INDIANA JONES Film entsprun- szeniert hat, liefert mit COUNTRY der Zeit, da der digitale Schlüssel für gen sein. Da geht es um die Suche STRONG keinen spektakulären Film das DCP nur bis 15:00 Uhr wirksam war. nach einem mystischen Jungbrunnen, mit viel Glitter ab, sondern beleuchtet Bei einem Film von fast 140 Minuten dessen Wasser ewige Jugend ver- die Schattenseiten des Ruhms. Ein Film Länge, der erst um 12:38 Uhr begann, spricht. Die temperamentvolle mit einem hervorragenden Cast und mit ein echtes Wagnis. Doch es hat ge- Angelica, die vor vielen Jahren einmal viel Gefühl, der es vermutlich an der klappt! ein Techtelmechtel mit Piratenkapitän (deutschen) Kinokasse schwer haben Jack Sparrow hatte, sorgt dafür, dass wird. Immerhin hat mir dieses Werk PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN – sich Sparrow mit auf die gefährliche besser gefallen als CRAZY HEART. FREMDE GEZEITEN (1:2.35, 3D, DD Reise begibt. Unter dem strengen Regi- 5.1) ment ihres Vaters, dem berüchtigten MEIN FREUND KNERTEN (1:1.85, DD OT: Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Str- Blackbeard, steuert die beiden in ein 5.1) anger Tides großes Abenteuer. Doch sie sind nicht OT: Knerten Verleih: Walt Disney allein: auch Hector Barbossa, Erzrivale Verleih: Polyband (24 Bilder) Land/Jahr: USA 2011 von Sparrow, will die Quelle finden. Land/Jahr: Norwegen 2009 Regie: Rob Marshall Was anfangs noch ganz amüsant zu Regie: Åsleik Engmark Darsteller: Johnny Depp, Penélope werden scheint, verliert sich nach der Darsteller: Adrian Grønnevik Smith, Cruz, Geoffrey Rush, Ian McShane ersten halben Stunde bereits in Ein- Petrus Andreas Christensen, Pernille Kinostart: 19.05.2011 fallslosigkeit und Langeweile. Johnny Sørensen Depp mimt den Pirat zwar in altbekann- Kinostart: 30.06.2011 (limitiert) Nach drei enorm umsatzstarken Piraten- ter Manier, doch das Drehbuch wartet Abenteuern aus dem Hause Jerry kaum mit frischen Ideen oder gar ein Der kleine Lillebror zieht mit seinen Bruckheimer war es eigentlich nur kon- paar richtige Überraschungen auf. Im-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog merhin gibt es eine Konfrontation mit neues Häuschen eingezogen, ereignen einem Heer verführerischer Meerjung- sich seltsame Dinge. Da knarrt und frauen, die relativ gut gelungen ist. ächzt es bei jedem Tritt, aus dem Alles andere gab es in wesentlich bes- Babyphone sind gruselige Stimmen zu serer Form bereits in den ersten drei hören und Bücher fallen von selbst Teilen zu bestaunen. Ganz und gar wieder aus dem Regal. Eines Tages fällt nicht in den Film passen will eine Ne- der älteste Sohn in ein mysteriöses benhandlung, in der sich ein Missionar Koma. Die Ärzte sind ratlos. Die Eltern in eine Meerjungfrau verliebt. Das er- pflegen ihn zuhause. Jetzt nehmen die weckt den Eindruck, als ob hier eventu- seltsamen Geschehnisse sogar noch zu. ell versehentlich etwas im Drehbuch Auf Drängen der Mutter zieht die Fami- hängen blieb, was eigentlich hätte ge- lie schließlich in ein anderes Haus. Und löscht werden sollen. Sehr störend: die mit ihr die übernatürlichen Phänome- 3D-Technik. Nicht nur verdunkelt sie ne... INSIDIOUS soll nach Meinung das Bild derart, dass bei dunklen Auf- seiner Macher der POLTERGEIST-Film nahmen das Minenspiel der Darsteller der nächsten Generation werden. Das nicht mehr zu erkennen ist, sie liefert Rüstzeug für den “Haunted House”- darüber hinaus auch kaum räumliche Horror jedenfalls hat der Film. Aber Eindrücke. Letztere aber hätte der Film vielleicht doch ein bisschen zuviel da- dringend nötig, um seinem Publikum von. Denn Regisseur James Wan und wenigstens noch etwas Wirkungsvol- sein Drehbuchautor Leigh Wannell (der les bieten zu können. Um das unausge- im Film selbst auftritt) lassen wirklich gorene Drehbuch zusammenzuhalten, kein Klischee aus, das man nicht be- darf Komponist Hans Zimmer noch frontiert und muss erkennen, dass er reits zur Genüge aus anderen Filmen einen bombastischen Klangteppich von seinem vermeintlichen Vater nur kennen würde. So ist z.B. das Innere ausrollen, der sich jedoch alsbald als adoptiert wurde! Je näher er dem Feind des Hauses stets derart unterbelichtet, recht einfallslos entpuppt. Da hat das jetzt rückt, desto näher kommt er an die dass man sich fragt, wie die Familie Drehbuch wohl auch auf die Musik Wahrheit über seine Kindheit... Wenn darin überhaupt etwas sehen kann. abgefärbt. der computeranimierte Spaß zu Ende Oder der Auftritt von Geisterjägern, die ist, fragt man sich unweigerlich, warum schon rein äußerlich der Inbegriff von Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011 das Ganze nicht einfach mit Schauspie- “Nerds” sind. Pluspunkte allerdings Schwacher Panda, schwaches Geisterhaus lern und als Realfilm inszeniert wurde. gibt es für die Tonebene des Films. Dass die Filmverleiher zum Wochenbe- Denn die überwiegende Zeit des Films Hier ziehen die Sounddesigner sowie ginn nicht gleich ihr bestes Pulver ver- wird mit Martial Arts Kämpfen vergeu- der Filmmusikkomponist alle Register, schießen, geht durchaus in Ordnung. det. Da gibt es dann gigantische um das Publikum aus den Sitzen zu he- Ich tröste mich immer damit, dass nicht Schlachten, die zeitweise gar keinen ben. Das natürlich setzt ein ton- jeder Film ein Meisterwerk sein kann Lacher oder auch nur einen Schmunzler technisch anspruchsvolles Kino vor- und dass auf zwanzig mittelmäßige Fil- zulassen. Überhaupt wurde weitgehend aus. Taugt die Soundanlage nichts, hat me ein guter kommt. auf Humor in diesem Fortsetzungsfilm der Film von Anfang an verloren. verzichtet. Der schleppt sich dann INSIDIOUS ist jedoch bei weitem nicht KUNG FU PANDA 2 (1:2.35, 3D, DD mehr recht als schlecht voran und be- der beste Gruselhausfilm, der gemacht 5.1) weist damit ständig, dass es besser wurde. Da spielen Klassiker wie THE OT: Kung Fu Panda 2 gewesen wäre, dieses Sequel nicht zu HAUNTING oder THE ENTITY in einer Verleih: Paramount realisieren. KUNG FU PANDA 2 ist ein ganz anderen Liga – indem sie Maßstä- Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Film für alle Familien, die auf Langewei- be setzen. Das aber schaffen Wan und Regie: Jennifer Nelson le stehen. Wannell leider nicht, obwohl man es Kinostart: 16.06.2011 ihnen seit SAW durchaus zugetraut INSIDIOUS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) hätte. Denn mit Letzerem haben die Als ein übermächtiger Bösewicht mit OT: Insidious beiden schließlich einer neuartigen Superwaffe ganz Chi- Verleih: Wild Bunch (Central) (Horror)Filmgeschichte geschrieben. na unterjochen möchte, muss Pandabär Land/Jahr: USA 2010 und Drachenkrieger Po zu Hilfe eilen. Regie: James Wan Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2011 Gemeinsam mit seinen treuen Freunden Darsteller: Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Anfänger und Suizide will er dem Tyrannen den Garaus ma- Barbara Hershey Der Mittwoch gestaltete sich relativ chen. Das gestaltet sich schwieriger als Kinostart: 21.07.2011 anstrengend in Bezug auf die konsu- erwartet. Denn unversehens wird Po mierten beiden Filme... mit seiner eigenen Vergangenheit kon- Kaum ist die fünfköpfige Familie in ihr

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog dabei zwischen Komödie, Drama und Lee Ping Bin) verlangt jedoch dem Zu- Tragödie und führt dem Zuschauer schauer Einiges ab, sind doch die deutlich vor Augen, dass wir alle An- Handlungsweisen der Charaktere nicht fänger sind wenn es um Beziehungen ohne Weiteres nachzuvollziehen. Da ist geht. Im Film überzeugt insbesondere dann die Lauflänge von 133 Minuten das Ensemble: Ewan McGregor als Oli- auch nicht besonders hilfreich. ver, der sich seinen Gefühlen und einer Beziehung stellen muss. Christopher Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2011 Plummer, einmal als intellektueller Menage a Trois Schwuler, ein anderes Mal bereits auf Schon wieder großes Gefühlschaos – dem Sterbebett liegend – aber immer hatten wir das nicht bereits gestern? energiegeladen. Und schließlich Mélanie Laurent als Anna, die Oliver HERZENSBRECHER (1:1.66, DD 5.1) wachrüttelt. Wie immer sind ihre Auf- OT: Les Amours Imaginaires tritte von einer ganz besonderen Aura Verleih: Kool umgeben. BEGINNERS ist Kino mit Land/Jahr: Kanada 2010 Anspruch. Regie: Xavier Dolan Darsteller: Xavier Dolan, Monia Chokri, NAOKOS LÄCHELN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Niels Schneider OT: Noruwei No Mori / Norwegian Kinostart: 07.07.2011 Wood Verleih: Pandora Francis und Mary sind beste Freunde. BEGINNERS (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Land/Jahr: Japan 2010 Er hoch sensibel und schwul, sie etwas OT: Beginners Regie: Tran Anh Hung ausgeflippt mit Retro-Look. Als die Verleih: Universal Darsteller: Rinko Kikuchi, Ken’ichi beiden dem jungen Nicholas begegnen, Land/Jahr: USA 2010 Matsuyama, Kiko Mizuhara ist es um sie geschehen: Beide verlie- Regie: Mike Mills Kinostart: 30.06.2011 ben sich in den blonden Lockenkopf. Darsteller: Ewan McGregor, Christo- Zunächst will es keiner sich selbst pher Plummer, Mélanie Laurent Japan Ende der sechziger Jahre. Kizuki noch dem anderen eingestehen. Doch Kinostart: 09.06.2011 und Naoko sind unzertrennlich und schon bald beginnen beide mit ihren schon lange ein Paar. Ständig sind sie ganz eigenen Balzritualen. Eifersucht Durch die Begegnung mit der ebenso mit ihrem gemeinsamen Freund Toru treibt die einst engsten Freunde aus- unkonventionellen wie attraktiven Watanabe auf Achse und unternehmen einander... Wenn Männer und Frauen Anna beginnt Oliver ein einschneiden- viel. Doch die Harmonie wird durch den immer wieder freimütig vor der Kamera des Erlebnis zu verarbeiten: unmittelbar Kizukis Suizid jäh zerstört. Watanabe von ihren Flops in der Liebe erzählen, nach dem Tod seiner Mutter outete zieht nach Tokio um dort als Student dann fühlt man sich gleich wieder an sich sein Vater als homosexuell – und Abstand zu gewinnen. Eines Tages den Klassiker HARRY UND SALLY das im Alter von 75 Jahren. Doch sein trifft er Naoko wieder. Die beiden füh- ausschweifendes Leben endet schon len sich eng verbunden und es kommt fünf Jahre später – Olivers Vater stirbt zur Liebesnacht. Vollkommen über- an Krebs. Mit interessanten Collagen rascht muss Watanabe feststellen, dass von Bildern aus der jeweiligen Zeit Naoko nie mit Kizuki geschlafen hatte. kommentiert Mike Mills seinen auto- Die Gründe erfährt er nicht, denn biographischen Film. Da gibt es die Naoko ist am nächsten Morgen ver- fünfziger Jahre, in denen Olivers Eltern schwunden. Da tritt die temperament- heirateten und in denen Homosexuali- volle Midori in sein Leben. Doch er tät absolutes Tabu war. Und es gibt kann sich ihr nicht öffnen, weil er auch die Zeit davor, als seine Eltern Naoko nicht vergessen kann... noch Kinder und Jugendliche waren NAOKOS LÄCHELN ist japanisches und in der sich Olivers Vater seiner Erotikdrama mit hohem Selbstmord- Veranlagung bewusst wurde. Mills ver- faktor. Inszeniert nach einem weltwei- arbeitet in seinem Film sowohl Allen ten Bestseller fängt der Film Seelen- Ginsbergs Gedicht “Howl” wie auch schmerz und Liebesglück seiner Prot- den Dokumentarfilm “The Life and agonisten in einer Zeit ein, in der die Times of Harvey Milk” – beides Mei- Studenten weltweit gegen das Esta- lensteine für die Enttabuisierung Ho- blishment aufbegehren. Der faszinie- mosexueller. Mills Film bewegt sich rend fotografierte Film (Kamera: Mark

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog erinnert. Doch so fröhlich wie dort Razieh eine Fehlgeburt erleidet... Re- Doch als er die hübsche Holly Hills läuft es in diesem Film nicht ab. Hier gisseur Asghar Farhadi entführt zumin- sieht, ist es um Greg geschehen – er herrscht Melancholie vor. Regisseur dest westliche Zuschauer in eine ex- verliebt sich. Seinem großen Bruder Xavier Dolan beobachtet sehr präzise trem anmutende Welt: den Iran. Simin Roderick gefällt das sehr, gibt es ihm die Gewissenskonflikte, in die er seine und Nader verkörpern die wohlhabende doch ausreichend Gelegenheit, Greg Protagonisten stürzen lässt, strapaziert Mittelschicht, Razieh und ihr jähzorni- damit aufzuziehen. Durch die ständigen aber seinen Film gleichzeitig durch den ger sowie arbeitsloser Ehemann eine Querelen zwischen Greg und Roderick übermäßigen Einsatz von Slow Motion. Familie aus ärmlichen Verhältnissen. sehen sich deren Eltern veranlasst, Wenn man am Ende des Films (das man Beides Familien, die in einer unfreien Maßnahmen zu ergreifen: die beiden sich als Zuschauer eigentlich schon Gesellschaft leben und die durch un- müssen am Wochenende alleine das viel früher gewünscht hätte) dann wei- glückliche Umstände aus dem Gleichge- Haus hüten und lernen, sich zu vertra- terhin Dalidas Song “Bang Bang” in wicht geraten. NADER UND SIMIN ist gen. Doch damit beginnt der Spaß erst den Ohren hat, dann wird deutlich, trotz seines fast dokumentarischen richtig – denn eine sturmfreie Bude dass Dolan auch die musikalische Ebe- Charakters mit langen Einstellungen verlangt nach einer Mega-Party... Der ne seines Films etwas überstrapaziert und ohne Filmmusik dennoch extrem zweite Film nach den Büchern von Jeff hat. emotionales Kino. Das ist insbesonde- Kinney präsentiert auch dieses Mal re dem durchweg guten Schauspieler- wieder viel Pennäler-Klamauk, hält sich Freitag, 20. Mai 2011 ensemble zuzuschreiben, die ihre Rol- jedoch im Bereich des Fäkalhumors Schwere Kost, leichte Kost len sehr authentisch anlegen. Damit weitgehend (und sehr wohltuend) zu- Zum Ende der Woche gab es mal wie- gelingt ein sehr intensiver Film, dem rück. Wenn Greg sich mit seiner der extremes Kontrastprogramm: Dra- seine Länge von knapp über zwei Stun- Sonntagshose in einen warmen matisches aus dem Iran wurde von den nicht anzumerken ist und der mit Schokoriegel setzt und daraufhin die leichter Kost aus den USA abgelöst. einem Ende versehen ist, das noch lan- Kirche betreten muss, dann ist das ge nach dem Filmgenuss im Kopf blei- schon ziemlich peinlich. Wenn er dann NADER UND SIMIN – EINE TREN- ben wird. Auf der diesjährigen Berlinale allerdings der versammelten Gemeinde NUNG (1:1.85, Dolby SR) wurde der Film mit dem Goldenen Bären beweisen möchte, dass es sich bei den OT: Jodaeiye Nader Az Simin sowie zwei Silbernen Bären ausgezeich- Flecken auf seinem Hinterteil nur um Verleih: Alamode net. Schokolade handelt und dazu mit sei- Land/Jahr: Iran 2011 nem Finger eine Kostprobe von der Regie: Asghar Farhadi GREGS TAGEBUCH 2: GIBT’S PRO- Hose abstreift und den Finger in den Darsteller: Leila Hatami, Peyman BLEME? (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Mund führt, worauf die Kirchgänger Moadi, Shahab Hosseini OT: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid 2 – Roderick vollkommen entsetzte Gesichter ma- Kinostart: 14.07.2011 Rules chen, dann darf richtig gelacht werden. Verleih: Fox Natürlich gibt es noch viele weitere Simin und ihr Mann Nader erscheinen Land/Jahr: USA 2011 kleine Episoden in diesem hübsch ge- vor dem Scheidungsrichter. Ihr Regie: David Bowers stalteten Film (oft verwandeln sich Entschluss steht fest. Simin möchte mit Darsteller: Zachary Gordon, Devon Realszenen in schwarzweiße Animatio- ihrer 11jährigen Tochter ins Ausland, Bostick, Rachael Harris nen), dessen übergeordnetes Thema Nader möchte sich um seinen an Kinostart: 02.06.2011 ein ganz familiäres ist: nämlich die Be- Alzheimer leidenden Vater kümmern. Da ziehung zwischen Brüdern. So meister- er jedoch nicht möchte, dass Simin die Greg schreibt wieder in seine Tage- haft wie dies in DER KLEINE NICK gemeinsame Tochter mitnimmt, willigt buch. Wir erinnern uns: vor etwa einem verarbeitet wurde, ist das hier zwar er in die Scheidung nicht ein. Simin Jahr lernten wir den kleinen Pimpf be- nicht der Fall, doch man kann sich den zieht zu ihrer Mutter, die Tochter bleibt reits kennen, als er sich auf der Junior Film durchaus anschauen. bei Nader. Da er tagsüber arbeiten High School gegen seine Mitschüler muss heuert er eine Haushälterin an, und auch gegen seinen großen Bruder die auch den Vater pflegen soll. Die behaupten musste. Greg hat inzwischen junge Razieh, eine streng gläubige, die siebte Klasse erreicht. Geändert hat schwangere Mutter, tritt die Stelle an. sich aber nicht viel. Auch weiterhin Als sie jedoch eines Tages Naders Va- werden er und sein gefräßiger Kumpel ter ans Bett fesselt, um das Haus ver- Rupert von den lieben Mitschülern lassen zu können, entspinnt sich ein gehänselt. Business as usual eben. Drama, an dessen vorläufigem Ende

Immer aktuell: der Filmblog im Netz: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

04.08.2011 Gnomeo und Julia (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040931 Animation Gnomeo And Juliet Dir. Kelly Asbury Die Schlümpfe und die Zauberflö- American Dad - Season 5 (3 Trickfilm/Fantasy 2011 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) te DTS-HD 7.1 (E) DTS-HD 5.1 (It) 84min. Discs) Smurfs Walt Disney Studios Home Dir. Raja Gosnell American Dad Entertainment(Touchstone) 04.08.2011 Trickfilm min. Dir. Seth MacFarlane, Brent Woods, Albert 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040988 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Calleros, Rodney Clouden, Anthony Lioi, 04.08.2011 John Aoshima, Ron Hughart, Mike Kim, Pam Gurren Lagann - Complete 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040932 Cooke, Caleb Meurer, Scott Wood Collection (6 Discs) Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Spiel, Trivia Zeichentrick/ 2005-2010 FF DD 2.0 Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Sound of the Sky (OmU, 3 Discs) (D) DD 5.1 (E) min. Dir. Hiroshi Iketomi, Hiroyuki Imaishi So-Ra-No-Wo-To Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 2007-2010 Dir. Mamuro Kanbe 29.07.2011 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) (F) (Jap) min. Trailer, Textloser Ab- und Nachspann Kriegsfilm/Zeichentrick 2010 (E) (Jap) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041012 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(beez Entertainment) 24.06.2011 300min. Babar, DVD 1 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040941 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(beez Entertainment) 24.06.2011 Babar 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041079 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1989-2001 min. Lava-Lava! Lava-Lava! Universum Film(Universum Kids) Tom und das 29.07.2011 Zeichentrick 1995 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) 48min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041053 epiX Media AG 01.07.2011 Erdbeermarmeladebrot mit Ho- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040905 nig, DVD 1 Backyardians - Die Hinterhof- Dir. Andreas Hykade zwerge: Der geheimnisvolle Ret- Phineas und Ferb - Team Phineas Zeichentrick 2004 50min. tungsschwimmer und Ferb Universum Film(Universum Kids) Phineas Und Ferb 15.07.2011 The Backyardians Dir. Dan Povenmire 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040939 Dir. Dave Palmer, Mike Shiell Zeichentrick 2007 min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2004-2008 FF DD 2.0 Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Trickfilm Classics (D) DD 2.0 (E) 100min. 30.06.2011 Trickfilm 60min. Foreign Media Group Germany(FM kids) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040967 ZYX Music 10.06.2011 17.06.2011 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041097 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040975 Rio (+ DVD, inkl. Digital Copy) Bali ...und der Aufräumzauber (Blu-ray) Winnie Puuh Winnie The Pooh Bali Rio Roland Hemmo - Dir. Stephen J. Anderson, Dir. Louis Asselin, Sorya Hocini, Inés Dir. Don Hall Cachwa Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Kurzfilm, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006 FF DD 2.0 (D) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD Germany 19.08.2011 DD 2.0 (E) 65min. 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 66min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040942 Foreign Media Group Germany(FM kids) Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment 17.06.2011 Rio (Blu-ray 3D, + DVD, inkl. Digi- 18.08.2011 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040974 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040973 tal Copy) (Blu-ray) Bella Sara - Das Zauberkarussell Rio (+ Audio-CD) Dir. Carlos Saldanha Bella Sara Tales: The Magical Carousel Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 min. Film Dir. Phil Trumbo Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Bildergalerie, Sammelkarten Germany 19.08.2011 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040943 2012: Doomsday (Special 3D-Edi- 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 25min. tion) (Blu-ray) WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 29.07.2011 Rio (inkl. Digital Copy) 2012: Doomsday 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040914 Rio Cliff De Young, Dale Midkiff, Ami Dolenz, Dir. Carlos Saldanha Danae Nason, Joshua Lee, Sara Tomko, First Squad - Moment der Wahr- Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 min. Caroline Amiguet, Shirley Raun - Dir. Nick Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment heit Everhart Fâsuto Sukuwaddo Germany 19.08.2011 2D- & 3D-Fassung enthalten, inkl. zwei 3D-Brillen Dir. Yoshiharu Ashino 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040925 Science Fiction/Drama 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 Zeichentrick/Kriegsfilm 2009 69min. (D) DD 5.1 (E) 96min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Die Schlümpfe - Die komplette dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 11.08.2011 erste Season (4 Discs) 22.06.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040933 The Smurfs tba BestellNr.: 20041108 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981-1990 min. Gnomeo und Julia Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 300 Killers (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Gnomeo And Juliet 04.08.2011 300 Killers Dir. Kelly Asbury 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040930 Johnny Andrews, Tierra Peterson, J.P. Trickfilm/Fantasy 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Simmons, Anthony Tomei - Dir. Matt Jaissle (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) DD 5.1 (It) Die Schlümpfe - Die komplette Interviews, Bildergalerie, Trailer 81min. zweite Season (4 Discs) Action 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 79min. Walt Disney Studios Home The Smurfs dtp entertainment AG 22.06.2011 Entertainment(Touchstone) 04.08.2011 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981-1990 min. tba BestellNr.: 20041106 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040970 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

300 Killers (k.J.) Mikhail Efremow, Stanislaw Lyubshin - Dir. Parts (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 300 Killers Eldar Salawatow Sutures Johnny Andrews, Tierra Peterson, J.P. Action/ 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Andrew Prine, Jason , Carlos Simmons, Anthony Tomei - Dir. Matt Jaissle (D) DD 5.1 (Russ) DD 2.0 (Russ) 93min. Lauchu - Dir. Tammi Sutton Interviews, Bildergalerie, Trailer MIG Film 14.07.2011 Thriller/Horror 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) Action 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041041 DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 83min. 75min. WVG Medien(I-On New Media) 26.08.2011 dtp entertainment AG 22.06.2011 Antikiller 3 (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041131 tba BestellNr.: 20041087 Antikiller D.K: Lyubov Bez Pamyati Jurij „Gosha“ Kutsenko, Iwan Bortnik, Autopsy II - Black Market Body Alarm für Cobra 11 - Staffel 20 (3 Mikhail Efremow, Stanislaw Lyubshin - Dir. Parts (k.J.) Eldar Salawatow Discs) Sutures Action/Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Erdogan Atalay, Gedeon Burkhard, Charlot- Andrew Prine, Jason London, Carlos DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (Russ) DD 2.0 (Russ) te Schwab, Gottfried Vollmer, Dietmar Lauchu - Dir. Tammi Sutton 89min. Huhn, Carina Wiese Thriller/Horror 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) MIG Film 14.07.2011 Action/Kriminalfilm 2006 min. DD 5.1 (E) 83min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041026 Universum Film(RTL video) 08.07.2011 WVG Medien(I-On New Media) 26.08.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041050 Arthaus Collection Französisches 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041119 Allein mit Onkel Buck (Blu-ray) Kino - Gesamtedition (10 Discs) Be Cool (Blu-ray) Uncle Buck Atalante / Die Verachtung - Le Mépris / Be Cool Macaulay Culkin, John Candy, Jean Louisa Die Enttäuschten / Fahrstuhl zum Schafott John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Vince Kelly, Amy Madigan, Gaby Hoffmann, Laurie / Die große Illusion / Madame de ... / Paris Vaughn, Cedric the Entertainer, André Ben- Metcalf, Garrett M. Brown - Dir. John gehört uns / Regenschirme von Cherbourg jamin, Steven Tyler, Robert Pastorelli, Chri- Hughes / Sie küssten und sie schlugen ihn / Vier stina Milian, Paul Adelstein, Debi Mazar, Komödie 1989 99min. im roten Kreis Gregory Alan Williams, Harvey Keitel, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Jean Dasté, Dita Parlo, Michel Simon, Gilles Dwayne Johnson, Danny DeVito, James 07.07.2011 Margaritis, Louis Lefebvre, Brigitte Bardot, Woods, Wyclef Jean, Fred Durst, Sérgio 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040956 Michel Piccoli, Jack Palance, Fritz Lang, Mendes, Gene Simmons, RZA, Joe Perry, Giorgia Moll, Jean-Luc Godard, Linda Ve- Anna Nicole Smith, Anthony Ribustello, Alpendrama - Am Seil ras, Gérard Blain, Jean-Claude Brialy, Ber- Steve Maye, Alex Kubik, Darren Carter, Katharina Stemberger, Heio von Stetten, nadette Lafont, Michele Meritz, Claude Carol Duboc, Minae Noji, Arielle Kebbel, Hans-Michael Rehberg, Dieter Kirchlechner, Cerval, Jeanne Perez, Maurice Ronet, Kimberly J. Brown, Jordan Moseley, Christian Schaeffer, Bettina Redlich, Stefa- Jeanne Moreau, Georges Poujouly, Lino Margaret Travolta - Dir. F. Gary Gray nie von Poser, Alexander Mitterer, Sabrina Ventura, Yori Bertin, Jean Wall, Charles Featurette, Entfallene Szenen, Musikvideo, Trailer, Making of Litzinger - Dir. Fabian Eder Denner, Hubert Deschamps, Erich von Str- Komödie 2005 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA Drama 2008 DD 2.0 (D) 90min. oheim, Jean Gabin, Pierre Fresnay, Julien (E) DTS (F) DTS (It) 120min. KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Carette, Marcel Dalio, , Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 16.06.2011 Danielle Darrieux, Vittorio De Sica, Jean Germany(MGM/UA) 15.07.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041048 Debucourt, Mireille Perrey, Lia Di Leo, Betty 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041002 Schneider, Gianni Esposito, Françoise American Graffiti (Blu-ray) Prévost, Daniel Crohem, François Maistre, The Beast of Bray Road (k.J.) American Graffiti Paul Bisciglia, Claude Chabrol, Jacques The Beast Of Bray Road Richard Dreyfuss, Ron Howard, Paul Le Demy, Henri Poirier, Jean-Marie Robain, Jeff Denton, Thomas Downey, Sarah Mat, Charles Martin Smith, Harrison Ford, Catherine Deneuve, Anne Vernon, Nino Lieving, Joel Hebner, Tom Nagel, Noel Cindy Williams, Candy Clark, Wolfman Jack, Castelnuovo, Ellen Farmer, Marc Michel, Thurman - Dir. Leigh Slawner Bo Hopkins, Manuel Padilla jr., Jim Bohan, Jean-Pierre Léaud, Albert Rémy, Claire Bildergalerie Kathleen Quinlan - Dir. George Lucas Maurier, Patrick Auffay, Georges Flamant, Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Drama/Komödie 1973 112min. Yvonne Claudie, Guy Decomble, Robert (E) 81min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Beauvais, Alain Delon, Yves Montand, Gian da music(Great Movies) 20.05.2011 21.07.2011 Maria Volonté, Bourvil (Kommissar Mattëi), 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041057 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040957 François Périer, Paul Crauchet, Andre Eckyan, Pierre Collet, Paul Amiot, Jean- Chamissoplatz Anatevka (Blu-ray) Pierre Rosier, Jean-Marc Boris, Ana Sabine Bach, Hanns Zischler, Wolfgang Douking - Dir. Jean Vigo, Jean-Luc Godard, Kinder, Gisela Freudenberg, Alexander Chaim Topol, Norma Crane, Molly Picon, Claude Chabrol, Louis Malle, Jean Renoir, Malkowsky, Ulrich Ströhle, Bela Leonard Frey, Paul Mann - Dir. Norman Max Ophüls, Jacques Rivette, Jacques Brauckmann, Anna Klasse - Dir. Rudolf Jewison Demy, François Truffaut, Jean-Pierre Thome Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Songs, Storybild und Film- Melville Drama 1980 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 107min. vergleich, Trailer, TV-Spots Drama/Komödie 1934-1970 min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Musikfilm/Musical 1971 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS- Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 21.07.2011 HD 7.1 MA (E) DTS (F) DTS (Sp) 181min. 14.07.2011 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040904 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041029 Germany(MGM/UA) 15.07.2011 The Bet 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041001 Atalante The Bet Matthew Newton, Aden Young, Sibylla Angriff aus dem All (Blu-ray) L’ Atalante Jean Dasté, Dita Parlo, Michel Simon, Gilles Budd - Dir. Mark Lee Krieg der Welten 2 / Supernova 2012 / Margaritis, Louis Lefebvre - Dir. Jean Vigo Behind the Scenes Princess of Mars Booklet Drama/Thriller 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Science Fiction 250min. Drama 1934 FF DD 1.0 (F) 85min. DD 2.0 (E) 88min. dtp entertainment AG 22.06.2011 Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Infopictures 16.06.2011 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041114 14.07.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040898 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041015 Antikiller 3 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The Bet (Blu-ray) Antikiller D.K: Lyubov Bez Pamyati Autopsy II - Black Market Body The Bet Jurij „Gosha“ Kutsenko, Iwan Bortnik, Matthew Newton, Aden Young, Sibylla

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Budd - Dir. Mark Lee Sharni Vinson, Elizabeth Mathis, Gideon 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040964 Behind the Scenes Emery, Ben Milliken, Patrick Lyster, Sasha Drama/Thriller 2006 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) Jackson, Rodger Halston, Katharina Damm, Casino Royale (Blu-ray) DTS-HD 2.0 (E) 92min. Chris Fisher, Rosy Hodge - Dir. Mike Elliott Casino Royale Infopictures 16.06.2011 Action/Drama 2011 112min. Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040919 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Jeffrey Wright, Dame Judi Dench, 28.07.2011 Giancarlo Giannini, Caterina Murino, Simon Billy Elliot - I Will Dance (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040952 Abkarian, Jesper Christensen, Ivana Billy Elliot Milicevic, Tobias Menzies, Sebastien Jamie Bell, Julie Walters, Jamie Driven, Bodyguards & Assassins (k.J.) Foucan, Ade, Urbano Barberini, Tsai Chin, Gary Lewis, Jean Heywood, Stuart Wells, Shi Yue Wei Cheng Charly Levi Leroy, Lazar Ristovski, Tom So, Nicola Blackwell - Dir. Stephen Daldry Donnie Yen, Leon Lai, Wang Xueqi, Tony Veruschka Gräfin Lehndorff, Daniel Andre- Drama/Komödie 2000 110min. Leung Ka Fai, Nicholas Tse, Hu Jun, Li as, Ludger Pistor, Richard Sammel, Jürgen Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Yuchun, Tsang Chi-wai, Simon Yam, Tarrach - Dir. Martin Campbell 07.07.2011 Bingbing Fan - Dir. Teddy Chan Audiokommentar, Making-of, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040961 Abenteuer/Action 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Action/Thriller 2006 Ltbx 145min. (D) DD 5.1 (Manda) 133min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Black Hawk Down (Limited Editi- Splendid Film 26.08.2011 Germany(MGM/UA) 15.07.2011 on, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041143 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041003 Black Hawk Down Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor, Tom Brügge sehen... und sterben? Charlie Chaplin - Arthaus Close- Sizemore, Eric Bana, William Fichtner, (Limited Edition, Steelbook) (Blu- Up (3 Discs) Ewen Bremner, Sam Shepard, Ron Eldard, ray) Goldrausch / Moderne Zeiten / Der große Tom Guiry, Jason Isaacs, Zeljko Ivanek, Diktator In Bruges Jeremy Piven, Brian Van Holt, Nikolaj Sir Charles Chaplin, Mack Swain, Henry Colin Farrell, , Ralph Coster-Waldau, Matthew Marsden, Orlando Bergman, Tom Murray, Georgina Hale, Fiennes, Clémence Poésy (Chloë), Thekla Bloom, Kim Coates, Hugh Dancy, Ioan Paulette Goddard, Allan Garcia, Stanley Reuten, Jérémie Renier, Jordan Prentice - Gruffudd, Charlie Hofheimer, Danny Hoch, Sanford, Hank Mann, Lloyd Ingraham, Dir. Martin McDonagh Glenn Morshower, Brendan Sexton III, Trailer, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Juana Sutton, Cecil Reynolds, Louis Johnny Strong, Richard Tyson, Steven Ford dynamicHD, Interviews Natheaux, Stanley Blystone, Heinie Conklin, - Dir. Ridley Scott Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Frank Moran, Richard Alexander, Wilfred Audiokommentar, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 107min. Lucas, Edward Kimball, John Rand, Myra Alternative und entfallene Szene Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG McKinney, Sam Stein, Edward LeSaint, Jack Kriegsfilm/Action 2001 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA 08.07.2011 Oakie, Reginald Gardiner, Henry Daniell, (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 144min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041067 Billy Gilbert, Grace Hayle, Carter De Haven, Senator Home Entertainment 08.07.2011 Maurice Moscovitch, Emma Dunn, Bernard 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041066 Burlesque Cabaret Girls Gorcey, Paul Weigel, Chester Conklin, Blauvogel Cabaret Berlin Esther Michelson, Florence Wright, Rudolf Julie Silver - Dir. Nils Molitor Anders - Dir. Sir Charles Chaplin Robin Jäger, Gabriel Marian Oseciuc, Jutta Erotik 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 91min. Making of, Intro, Bildergalerie, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, 3 Hoffmann, Kurt Böwe, Jan Spitzer, Ileana Sunfilm Entertainment(Fun Film Wendecover Mavrodineanu, Gheorghe Patru, Traian Drama/Komödie 1925-1940 368min. Entertainment) 07.07.2011 Petrut, Gheorghe Haliu, Anca Szonyi - Dir. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041090 Ulrich Weiß 21.07.2011 Bildergalerie, Original DEFA-Indianer-Trailer, Aus der 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040906 Reihe Filmberufe: Der Filmdramaturg Prof. Gerd Gericke Burlesque Cabaret Girls (Blu-ray Abenteuer 1979 FF DD 1.0 (D) 93min. 3D) + 2D Fassung (Blu-ray) Collateral Damage - Zeit der Ver- ICESTORM Entertainment(rbb) 13.06.2011 Cabaret Berlin geltung (Limited Edition, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041147 Julie Silver - Dir. Nils Molitor Erotik 2007 DTS-HD 7.1 MA (D) 91min. Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Blue Crush (Blu-ray) Sunfilm Entertainment(Fun Film Collateral Damage Blue Crush Entertainment) 07.07.2011 , Elias Koteas, Kate Bosworth, Michelle Rodriguez, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041110 Francesca Neri, Cliff Curtis, Miguel Sand- Matthew Davis, Sanoe Lake, Mika Boorem, oval, Harry J. Lennix, , Faizon Love, Chris Taloa, Kala Alexander, Burn Notice - Die komplette John Turturro, Michael Milhoan, Lindsay Ruben Tejada, Kaupena Miranda, Asa Season 3 (4 Discs) Frost, Raymond Cruz, Tyler Posey, Jsu Aquino, George Veikoso - Dir. John Garcia, Rick Worthy, Ethan Dampf, Jorge Burn Notice Stockwell Behind the Scenes, Featurette Zepeda - Dir. Andrew Davis Action/Drama 2002 104min. Kriminalfilm/Drama Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, Interview, Entfallene Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Szenen, Trailer 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) min. Action/Drama 2001 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA 07.07.2011 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 116min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040960 Germany 29.07.2011 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041013 Blue Crush 2 08.07.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041068 Blue Crush 2 Caramel (Blu-ray) Sharni Vinson, Elizabeth Mathis, Gideon Sukkar Banat Countdown in den Tod Emery, Ben Milliken, Patrick Lyster, Sasha Nadine Labaki, Yasmine Elmasri, Joanna Two-Minute Warning Jackson, Rodger Halston, Katharina Damm, Mkarzel, Gisele Aouad, Adel Karam, Sihame Charlton Heston, John Cassavetes, Beau Chris Fisher, Rosy Hodge - Dir. Mike Elliott Haddad, Aziza Semaan, Fatme Safa, Dimitri Bridges, Marilyn Hassett, David Janssen, Action/Drama 2011 108min. Stancofski, Fadia Stella, Ismaïl Antar - Dir. Jack Klugman, Gena Rowlands, Walter Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Nadine Labaki Pidgeon, Brock Peters, David Groh, Mitchell 28.07.2011 Interview, Featurette, Making of, Trailer Ryan, Martin Balsam - Dir. Larry Peerce 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040938 Komödie/Drama 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD Originaltrailer 5.1 (Arab) 95min. Drama 1976 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Blue Crush 2 (Blu-ray) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing (E) 115min. Blue Crush 2 AG(Alamode) 17.06.2011 Koch Media 20.06.2011

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13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041142 Carroll, Kate Vernon, Evan Ellingson, Randy Neal, Stephanie Gatschet, Cyndi Lauper, Holleschau, Wiley M. Pickett, Bob Rumnock, Caitlin Fitzgerald, John Scurti - Dir. Jerry Crank (Extended Version, Limited Craig Shoemaker - Dir. Jonathan Meyers Daigle, Christopher Meloni Edition, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Thriller/Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Audiokommentar, Featurette Komödie 2011 Ltbx (D) (E) 94min. Crank DD 2.0 (E) 90min. Senator Home Entertainment 22.07.2011 Jason Statham, Amy Smart, Jose Pablo S.A.D. Home Entertainment 15.07.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041065 Cantillo, Efrem Ramirez, Dwight Yoakam, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041150 Carlos Sanz, Keone Young, Glenn Dreifacher Lederhosen-Gaudi (3 Howerton, Valarie Rae Miller - Dir. Mark Defector (k.J.) Neveldine, Brian Taylor Long Zai Tian Ya Discs) Action 2006 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Jet Li, Nina Li Chi, Dick Wei, Stephen Chow, Jagdrevier der scharfen Gemsen / Zwei HD 5.1 MA (E) 94min. Mark Williams, Tom Spinoza - Dir. Hin Sing Kumpel in Tirol / Urlaubsgrüße aus dem Universum Film 08.07.2011 ‘Billy’ Tang Unterhöschen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041069 Action/Eastern 1989 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Josef Moosholzer, Franz Muxeneder, Rosl DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (Kanton) 93min. Mayr, Alexandra Bogojevic, Ingrid Steeger, Cry Baby (Blu-ray) KNM Home Entertainment(Cine Club H) Rinaldo Talamonti, Leopold Gmeinwieser, Cry Baby 16.06.2011 Johannes Buzalski, Wolfgang Scherer, Johnny Depp, Amy Locane, Susan Tyrrell, tba BestellNr.: 20040900 Gisela Schwartz, Karin Götz, Kurt Polly Bergen, Iggy Pop, Ricki Lake - Dir. Großkurth - Dir. Hubert Frank, Alois Brum- John Waters - Die kom- mer, Walter Boos Komödie 1990 84min. plette sechste Staffel (6 Discs) Erotik 1973-1978 min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Desperate Housewives WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 29.07.2011 21.07.2011 , , Marcia tba BestellNr.: 20041049 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040959 Cross, , Ricardo Chavira, , , James Den- Du hast gesagt, dass du mich Danach - The Bed Sitting Room ton, Drea de Matteo, Jeffrey Nordling, Beau liebst The Bed Sitting Room Mirchoff, , Shawn Pyfrom, Hannelore Elsner, Johannes Herrschmann, Rita Tushingham, Sir Ralph Richardson, Charles Carver, Joshua Moore, Kyle Anna de Carlo, Urs Remond, Bastian Trost, , , Spike Milligan, MacLachlan, Dana Delany, Kathryn Michael Gerber, Guntram Brattia, Lars Sir Michael Hordern - Dir. Richard Lester Joosten, Richard Burgi, Lyndsy Fonseca, Löllmann, Thomas Zug - Dir. Rudolf Thome Trailer Kendall Applegate, Maiara Walsh, Madison Interview, Trailer, Wendecover Science Fiction 1968 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) De La Garza, Mason Vale Cotton, Kevin Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 112min. DD 1.0 (E) 87min. Rahm - Dir. Larry Shaw, David Grossman, Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) EuroVideo Bildprogramm 14.07.2011 Andrew Doerfer, David Warren, Bethany 21.07.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041020 Rooney, Ken Whittingham, Lonny Price 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040978 Komödie/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Danni Lowinski - Staffel 2.1 (2 DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 945min. Earthquake in Tokyo Discs) Walt Disney Studios Home Monster Annette Frier, Nadja Becker, Jan Sosniok, Entertainment(ABC Studios) 18.08.2011 Sarah Lynch, Erin Sullivan, Justin L. Jones, Sebastian Bezzel, Axel Siefer, Oliver Flei- 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040969 Kazuyuki Okada, Yoshi Ando, Jennifer Kim, scher, Tino Mewes, Michael Brandner, Akira Sato, Hiroshi Ueha - Dir. Erik Esten- Wanda Worch - Dir. Peter Gersina, Zoltan Die - Ein Spiel auf Leben und Tod berg Spirandelli, Uwe Janson, Richard Huber Die Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie Action/Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Drama/Komödie Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Emily Hampshire, Elias Koteas, John Pyper- DD 2.0 (E) 86min. 309min. Ferguson, Caterina Murino, Patricia da music(Great Movies) 20.05.2011 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) McKenzie, Karl Pruner, Katie Boland, Fabio 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041054 14.07.2011 Fulco, Simone-Elise Girard, Peter Miller - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040977 Dir. Dominic James Eingemauert Thriller/Horror 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Walled In Darkworld (Blu-ray) DD 5.1 (E) 88min. Mischa Barton, Cameron Bright, Deborah Darkworld Senator Home Entertainment(Universum Unger, Darla Biccum, Shannon Jardine, Gina Valona, Mara Marini, Sean Wing, Film) 12.08.2011 Noam Jenkins, Josh Strait, Rob van Meenen Steve Jones Watson, Tiffany Gonzáles, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041124 - Dir. Gilles Paquet-Brenner Chrissy May - Dir. David Palmieri Making of Trailer Die - Ein Spiel auf Leben und Tod Thriller/Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Horror/Erotik 2006 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E) (Blu-ray) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 88min. 86min. Die Sunfilm Entertainment 16.06.2011 Intergroove Media(Starlight) 24.06.2011 Emily Hampshire, Elias Koteas, John Pyper- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041122 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041118 Ferguson, Caterina Murino, Patricia Dead Men Walking (k.J.) McKenzie, Karl Pruner, Katie Boland, Fabio Eingemauert (Blu-ray) Fulco, Simone-Elise Girard, Peter Miller - Walled In Dead Men Walking Dir. Dominic James Mischa Barton, Cameron Bright, Deborah Griff Furst, Bay Bruner, Chriss Anglin, Bob- Thriller/Horror 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA Unger, Darla Biccum, Shannon Jardine, by James, Brandon Stacy, Jonathon Downs (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 92min. Noam Jenkins, Josh Strait, Rob van Meenen - Dir. Peter Mervis Bildergalerie Senator Home Entertainment(Universum - Dir. Gilles Paquet-Brenner Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Film) 12.08.2011 Making of Thriller/Horror 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 MA (E) 66min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041138 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) da music(Great Movies) 20.05.2011 92min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041059 Dirty Movie - Der erste schmutzi- ge Witz in Spielfilmlänge (Blu- Sunfilm Entertainment 16.06.2011 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041134 Deadly Secrets ray) Confession National Lampoon’s Dirty Movie Die Enttäuschten Chris Pine, Cameron Daddo, Bruce Christopher Meloni, Cantone, Robert Le Beau Serge Davison, Tom Bosley, Peter Greene, Lukas Klein, Adam Ferrara, Ted Ferguson, Diane Gérard Blain, Jean-Claude Brialy, Berna- Behnken, Adam Bussell, Robert Pine, Janet

LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD dette Lafont, Michele Meritz, Claude Cerval, Booklet, Trailer, Interview Jeanne Perez - Dir. Claude Chabrol Kriminalfilm/Drama 1957 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 Ein Fisch namens Wanda (Blu- Booklet (D) DD 1.0 (F) 88min. ray) Drama 1958 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (F) Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) A Fish Called Wanda 94min. 14.07.2011 John Cleese, , Kevin Kline, Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041021 Michael Palin, Maria Aitken, Tom 14.07.2011 Georgeson, Patricia Hayes, Geoffrey 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041019 Fantastische Kreaturen (Blu-ray) Palmer - Dir. Charles Crichton Sherlock Holmes / Dreams of the Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Alternative und entfallene Erotische Fantasien Sleepwalker / Conjurer Szenen Porn Hard Art Fantasy 270min. Komödie 1987 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA Dir. Nils Molitor dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) (E) DTS (F) DTS (It) 108min. Erotik 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 80min. 22.06.2011 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sunfilm Entertainment(Fun Film 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041111 Germany(MGM/UA) 15.07.2011 Entertainment) 07.07.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041004 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041092 Fast and Fast And Sexy Flipper (Blu-ray) Erotische Fantasien (Blu-ray 3D) Dir. Nils Molitor Flipper +2D (Blu-ray) Erotik 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 72min. Elijah Wood, Paul Hogan, Chelsea Field, Porn Hard Art Sunfilm Entertainment(Fun Film Isaac Hayes, Jonathan Banks, Jason Dir. Nils Molitor Entertainment) 07.07.2011 Fuchs, Jessica Wesson, Robert Deacon, Erotik 2008 DTS-HD 7.1 MA (D) 80min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041096 Mark Casella, Luke Halpin - Dir. Alan Sunfilm Entertainment(Fun Film Shapiro Entertainment) 07.07.2011 Fast and Sexy (Blu-ray 3D) + 2D Abenteuer 1996 95min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041115 (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Fast And Sexy 07.07.2011 Erotische Fantasien 2 Dir. Nils Molitor 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040962 Porn Hard Art - Colour Nights Erotik 2008 DTS-HD 7.1 MA (D) 72min. Dir. Nils Molitor Sunfilm Entertainment(Fun Film Die Flucht ohne Ende (2 Discs) Erotik 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 81min. Entertainment) 07.07.2011 Helmuth Lohner, Fritz Muliar, Mario Adorf, Sunfilm Entertainment(Fun Film 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041117 Prof. Peter Weck, Michaela Rosen, Dagmar Entertainment) 07.07.2011 Mettler, Kurt Sowinetz - Dir. Prof. Michael 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041094 Faster (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kehlmann Faster Drama 1985 DD 2.0 (D) 230min. Erotische Fantasien 2 (Blu-ray 3D) Billy Bob Thornton, Dwayne Johnson, Oli- Pidax film media(Pidax film) 01.07.2011 + 2D (Blu-ray) ver Jackson-Cohen, Carla Gugino, Ade- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041129 wale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Maggie Grace, Porn Hard Art - Colour Nights Flugstaffel Meinecke (3 Discs) Dir. Nils Molitor Moon Bloodgood, Lester Speight, Matt Ge- Jürgen Zartmann, Günter Schubert, Hart- Erotik 2008 DTS-HD 7.1 MA (D) 81min. rald, Annie Corley, John Cirigliano, Tom mut Schreier, Diana Urbank, Jens-Uwe Sunfilm Entertainment(Fun Film Berenger, Courtney Gains, Mike Epps, Bogadtke, Andreas Schmidt-Schaller - Dir. Entertainment) 07.07.2011 Xander Berkeley - Dir. George Tillman Jr. Jörg Wilbrandt 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041116 Action/Thriller 2010 97min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Abenteuer 1989 FF DD 2.0 (D) 399min. Eyeborgs - Nichts ist, wie es 25.08.2011 ICESTORM Entertainment(rbb) 13.06.2011 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041146 scheint 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040944 Eyeborgs Faster (k.J.) Frankensteins Horror-Klinik (Bri- Adrian Paul, Megan Blake, Luke Eberl, Mark Faster tish Splatter Classics, 2 DVDs) Joy, Danny Trejo, John Rushton, James D. Billy Bob Thornton, Dwayne Johnson, Oli- Horror Hospital Ballard, James Marshall Case - Dir. Richard ver Jackson-Cohen, Carla Gugino, Ade- Robin Askwith, Dennis Price, Michael Clabaugh Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes wale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Maggie Grace, Gough - Dir. Anthony Balch Moon Bloodgood, Lester Speight, Matt Ge- Audiokommentar von Richard Gordon und Tom Weaver, Science Fiction/Thriller 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD Trailer, Bildergalerie, Filmografie Michael Gough, Bühnen- 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 98min. rald, Annie Corley, John Cirigliano, Tom interview mit Robin Askwith und Richard Gordon, Super 8 EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.08.2011 Berenger, Courtney Gains, Mike Epps, Fassung tba BestellNr.: 20041148 Xander Berkeley - Dir. George Tillman Jr. Horror 1973 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Action/Thriller 2010 94min. (E) 87min. Eyeborgs - Nichts ist, wie es Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Anolis 15.04.2011 scheint (Blu-ray) 25.08.2011 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040965 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040926 Eyeborgs Freunde im Sattel Adrian Paul, Megan Blake, Luke Eberl, Mark Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Pals Of The Saddle Joy, Danny Trejo, John Rushton, James D. (Limited Edition, Steelbook) (Blu- John Wayne, Ray Corrigan Ballard, James Marshall Case - Dir. Richard Artwork, Bildergalerie Clabaugh ray) Western 1938 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas 55min. Science Fiction/Thriller 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD Johnny Depp, Benicio Del Toro, Craig KSM 17.05.2011 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 102min. Bierko, Ellen Barkin, Gary Busey, Cameron 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041078 EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.08.2011 Diaz, Flea, Mark Harmon, Katherine tba BestellNr.: 20041152 Helmond, Michael Jeter, Penn Jillette, Lyle From Paris with Love (Limited Lovett, Tobey Maguire, Christina Ricci, Har- Edition, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Fahrstuhl zum Schafott ry Dean Stanton, Tim Thomerson - Dir. Terry From Paris With Love L’ Ascenseur Pour L’Echafaud Gilliam John Travolta, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Maurice Ronet, Jeanne Moreau, Georges Komödie/Drama 1998 (D) (E) 128min. Kasia Smutniak, Richard Durden, Ying Bing, Poujouly, Lino Ventura, Yori Bertin, Jean Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Amber Rose Revah, Eric Gordon, François Wall, Charles Denner, Hubert Deschamps - 08.07.2011 Dir. Louis Malle Bredon - Dir. Pierre Morel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041072 Making of, Interviews, B-Roll, Musikvideo, BD-Live

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Action/Thriller 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041123 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040971 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 93min. Universum Film 08.07.2011 Der ganz große Traum (Blu-ray) Die große Illusion 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041073 Daniel Brühl, Burghart Klaußner, Kathrin La Grande Illusion von Steinburg, Justus von Dohnanyi, Axel Erich von Stroheim, Jean Gabin, Pierre Das fünfte Element (Limited Editi- Prahl, Jürgen Tonkel, Thomas Thieme, Theo Fresnay, Julien Carette, Marcel Dalio, Dita on, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Trebs, Adrian Moore, Till Valentin Winter, Parlo - Dir. Jean Renoir The Fifth Element Anna Stieblich, Henriette Confurius, Josef Booklet, Trailer Drama 1937 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (F) Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Sir Ian Holm, Ostendorf, Michael Hanemann, Lennart 109min. Milla Jovovich, Chris Tucker, Luke Perry, Betzgen, Josef Dragus, Fabio Seyding, Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Brion James, Tommy ‘Tiny’ Lister Jr., Lee Sten Horn, Vincent Kastner, Thomas 14.07.2011 Evans, Charlie Creed-Miles, John Bluthal, Spencer, Milan Peschel, Christina Große, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041022 Christopher Fairbank, Maiwenn Le Besco, Rüdiger Kuhlbrodt, Aljoscha Stadelmann, Max Gertsch - Dir. Sebastian Grobler Mathieu Kassovitz, John Neville, Kim Chan - Die größten Westernhelden (2 Dir. Luc Besson Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Making of, Bildergalerie Discs, Metallbox) Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Making of, Teaser, Drama/Komödie 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA Trailer, Interview-Dokumentation, dynamiv HD-Live Western FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 500min. (D) 114min. Science Fiction/Action 1997 Ltbx DTS-HD dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Senator Home Entertainment(Senator/Uni- 6.1 (D) DTS-HD 6.1 (E) 126min. 22.06.2011 versum Film) 12.08.2011 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041093 08.07.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041137 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041070 Geboren am 4. Juli (Blu-ray) Gunblast Vodka - Der unheimli- Futuresport Born On The Fourth Of July che Killer Gunblast Vodka Futuresport Tom Cruise, Raymond J. Barry, Caroline Götz Otto, Angie Everhart, Jürgen Wesley Snipes, Dean Cain, Vanessa L. Kava, Kyra Sedgwick, Willem Dafoe, Bryan Prochnow, Mariusz Pujszo, Anja Kruse, Williams - Dir. Ernest R. Dickerson Larkin, Frank Whaley, Tom Berenger, Filmografien, Wendecover Stephen Baldwin, , John Getz, Alain Figlarz, Agnieszka Mursiala, Piotr Action/Science Fiction 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD Jamie Talisman, Sean Stone, Seth Allen, Wyrwas, Leandros Caras, Ken Samuels, 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 88min. Josh Evans, Anne Bobby, Jenna von Oy, Dorota Kwiatkowska, Rick Richardson - MIG Film 14.07.2011 Samantha Larkin, Kevin Harvey Morse - Dir. Dir. Jean-Louis Daniel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041018 Oliver Stone Action/Kriminalfilm 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Drama/Kriegsfilm 1989 144min. (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (F) DD 2.0 (F) 97min. Futuresport (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) MIG Film 11.08.2011 Futuresport 07.07.2011 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040992 Wesley Snipes, Dean Cain, Vanessa L. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040953 Williams - Dir. Ernest R. Dickerson Hair (Blu-ray) Filmografien, Wendecover Geschichten aus der Grotte Hair Action/Science Fiction 1998 Ltbx DD 2.0 Simon Gosejohann, Martin Loesche - Dir. John Savage, Treat Williams, Beverly (D) DD 2.0 (E) 92min. Thilo Gosejohann D’Angelo, Annie Golden, Dorsey Wright, MIG Film 14.07.2011 Komödie FF DD 2.0 (D) 525min. Richard Bright, Miles Chapin - Dir. Milos 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041040 KNM Home Entertainment(Cine Club Home Forman Entertainment) 12.05.2011 Trailer Musikfilm/Musical 1979 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) Gamer (Limited Edition, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040995 Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) 121min. Gamer - Season 1.2 (3 Discs) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Gerard Butler, Amber Valletta, Michael C. Glee Germany(MGM/UA) 15.07.2011 Hall, Kyra Sedgwick, Ludacris, Logan , , , 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041005 Lerman, Alison Lohman, Terry Crews, John , , Kevin McHale, Leguizamo, Milo Ventimiglia, Zoe Bell - Dir. , - Dir. Brad Hans Beimler, Kamerad (2 Discs) Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor Falchuk, Elodie Keene, , Paris Horst Schulze, Wera Paintner, Gela Götze, Interviews mit Cast & Crew, Inside the Game: Controlling Barclay, John Scott Gamer, First Person Shooter: The Evolution or Red, The Featurettes, Karaoke, Making of Michael Ziehm, Jürgen Frohriep - Dir. Rudi Doobie-ness Cut Trailer, Kinotrailer Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Kurz Action/Thriller 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) min. Drama 1969 FF DD 1.0 (D) 370min. (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 94min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment ICESTORM Entertainment(rbb) 13.06.2011 Universum Film 08.07.2011 Germany 29.07.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041145 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041074 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041014 Heinrich Heine (2 Discs) Der ganz große Traum Grey’s Anatomy: Die jungen Ärzte Christoph Bantzer, Barbara Sukowa, Daniel Brühl, Burghart Klaußner, Kathrin - Die komplette 6. Staffel (6 Discs) Arnfried Krämer, Horst C. Beckmann - Dir. von Steinburg, Justus von Dohnanyi, Axel Klaus Emmerich Grey’s Anatomy Prahl, Jürgen Tonkel, Thomas Thieme, Theo Drama 1977 FF DD 1.0 (D) 236min. Ellen Pompeo, Sandra Oh, Katherine Heigl, Trebs, Adrian Moore, Till Valentin Winter, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 01.07.2011 Justin Chambers, Chandra Wilson, James Anna Stieblich, Henriette Confurius, Josef 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041080 Ostendorf, Michael Hanemann, Lennart Pickens Jr., Patrick Dempsey, Sara Betzgen, Josef Dragus, Fabio Seyding, Ramirez, Eric Dane, Chyler Leigh, Amy Hellbound - Das Buch der Toten Madigan, Kevin McKidd, Jessica Capshaw Sten Horn, Vincent Kastner, Thomas (k.J.) Spencer, Milan Peschel, Christina Große, - Dir. Edward Ornelas, Bill D’Elia, Michael Cadaver Bay Rüdiger Kuhlbrodt, Aljoscha Stadelmann, Pressman, Tom Verica, Tony Phelan, Allison Jeff Dylan Graham, Elizabeth North, Lucien Max Gertsch - Dir. Sebastian Grobler Liddi, Chandra Wilson, Jessica Yu, Rob Entfallene Szenen, Ouettakes, Making of, Bildergalerie, Corn, Robert Berlinger, Randall Zisk, Donna Eisenach, Dawn DuVurger, Sequoia Rose Audiokommentar Deitch, Jeannot Szwarc, Stephen Cragg Fuller - Dir. Steve Sessions Drama/Komödie 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Werbetrailer Horror 2003 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 109min. (E) DD 5.1 (F) 999min. 82min. Senator Home Entertainment(Senator/Uni- Walt Disney Studios Home da music(Great Movies) 20.05.2011 versum Film) 12.08.2011 Entertainment(ABC Studios) 18.08.2011

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9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041056 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040896 Jodie Foster, Abigail Breslin, Gerard Butler, Christopher Baker, Peter Callan, Michael Hellbound - Hellraiser II (gekürz- Horny House of Horror (Blu-ray) Carman, Rhonda Doyle, Morgan Griffin, te Fassung) (k.J.) (k.J.) Maddison Joyce - Dir. Jennifer Flackett, Hellbound - Hellraiser 2 Fasshon Heru Mark Levin Clare Higgins, Ashley Laurence, Kenneth Miho Arai, Saori Hara, Asami, Yûya Abenteuer 2008 96min. Cranham, Doug Bradley, Imogen Boorman, Ishikawa, Wani Kansai, Akira Murota, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Sean Chapman - Dir. Tony Randel Takashi Nishina, Demo Tanaka, Tôshi 07.07.2011 Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Pressematerial, Yanagi - Dir. Jun Tsugita 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040954 Produktionsnotizen, TV-Spots, Trailer, Wendecover Thriller/Horror 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) Horror 1988 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 1.0 DTS-HD 5.1 (Jap) 73min. It’s Kind of a Funny Story (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 89min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 26.08.2011 It’s Kind Of A Funny Story Kinowelt Home Entertainment 21.07.2011 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041140 Zach Galifianakis, Emma Roberts, Lauren 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040984 Graham, Zoë Kravitz, Viola Davis, Jeremy Davies, Keir Gilchrist, Jim Gaffigan - Dir. Hellbound - Hellraiser II (gekürz- Horny House of Horror (k.J.) Fasshon Heru Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck te Fassung) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Miho Arai, Saori Hara, Asami, Yûya Komödie/Drama 2010 97min. Hellbound - Hellraiser 2 Ishikawa, Wani Kansai, Akira Murota, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Clare Higgins, Ashley Laurence, Kenneth Takashi Nishina, Demo Tanaka, Tôshi 14.07.2011 Cranham, Doug Bradley, Imogen Boorman, Yanagi - Dir. Jun Tsugita 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040936 Sean Chapman - Dir. Tony Randel Thriller/Horror 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Pressematerial, It’s Kind of a Funny Story (Blu- Produktionsnotizen, TV-Spots, Trailer, Wendecover DD 5.1 (Jap) 73min. Horror 1988 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- WVG Medien(I-On New Media) 26.08.2011 ray) HD 1.0 Ma (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS-HD 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041127 It’s Kind Of A Funny Story 2.0 MA (E) 93min. Zach Galifianakis, Emma Roberts, Lauren Kinowelt Home Entertainment 21.07.2011 Horror Meisterwerke (Blu-ray) Graham, Zoë Kravitz, Viola Davis, Jeremy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040990 (k.J.) Davies, Keir Gilchrist, Jim Gaffigan - Dir. Animals / Shallow Ground / Der Teufels Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck Hellraiser (gekürzte Fassung) Pakt Komödie/Drama 2010 101min. (k.J.) Horror 250min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 14.07.2011 Hellraiser dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040950 Andrew Robinson, Clare Higgins, Ashley 22.06.2011 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041112 Laurence, Sean Chapman, , James Ivory - Arthaus Close-Up (3 Robert Hines, Doug Bradley - Dir. Clive Barker Hustle - Unehrlich währt am läng- Discs) Featurette, Interviews, Pressematerial, Produktionsnotizen, sten, Staffel 2 (2 Discs) Zimmer mit Aussicht / Maurice / Wieder- TV-Spots, Trailer, Wendecover Hustle sehen in Howard’s End Horror 1987 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 1.0 Adrian Lester, Robert Vaughn, Robert Dir. James Ivory (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 88min. Glenister, Jaime Murray, Marc Warren, Rob Audiokommentar, Biografie, Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Kinowelt Home Entertainment 21.07.2011 Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Jarvis, James Laurenson, Tom Mannion - 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040985 Drama/Komödie 1986-1992 383min. Dir. Bharat Nalluri, Minkie Spiro, Rob Bailey Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Hellraiser (gekürzte Fassung) Kriminalfilm 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 21.07.2011 2.0 (E) 300min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040986 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Foreign Media Group Germany(BBC) Hellraiser 17.06.2011 Jigoku (OmU) Andrew Robinson, Clare Higgins, Ashley 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041081 Jigoku Laurence, Sean Chapman, Oliver Smith, Dir. Nobuo Nakagawa Robert Hines, Doug Bradley - Dir. Clive Ich bin Nummer Vier Trailer, Wendecover Barker I Am Number Four Horror 1960 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (Jap) 98min. Featurette, Interviews, Pressematerial, Produktionsnotizen, TV-Spots, Trailer, Wendecover Alex Pettyfer, Dianna Agron, Teresa Palmer, Rapid Eye Movies HE 15.07.2011 Horror 1987 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Timothy Olyphant, Callan McAuliffe, Kevin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040976 HD 1.0 Ma (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS-HD Durand, Jake Abel, Jeff Hochendoner - Dir. 2.0 MA (E) 92min. D.J. Caruso Judge Dredd (Limited Edition, Kinowelt Home Entertainment 21.07.2011 Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2011 Ltbx 16x9 Steelbook) (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040991 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 Judge Dredd (Türk) 105min. Sylvester Stallone, Armand Assante, Diane Herkules und die Prinzessin von Walt Disney Studios Home Lane, Rob Schneider, Joan Chen, Jürgen Troja Entertainment(Touchstone) 04.08.2011 Prochnow, Max von Sydow, Joanna Miles, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040972 Hercules And The Princess Of Troy Balthazar Getty, James Remar, Scott Wilson - Dir. Danny Cannon Gordon Scott - Dir. Albert Band Ich bin Nummer Vier (Blu-ray) Abenteuer 1965 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Making ofs, Featurette, Trailer, TV-Spots I Am Number Four Science Fiction/Action 1995 Ltbx DTS (D) 50min. Alex Pettyfer, Dianna Agron, Teresa Palmer, DTS (E) 96min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Timothy Olyphant, Callan McAuliffe, Kevin Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG 22.06.2011 Durand, Jake Abel, Jeff Hochendoner - Dir. 08.07.2011 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041089 D.J. Caruso 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041075 Herzschlag - Das Ärzteteam Nord: Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2011 Ltbx DTS- HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) DTS-HD 5.1 (It) Julia’s Eyes Staffel 1, Folge 1-13 (3 Discs) 109min. Los Ojos De Julia Christoph Quest, Margrit Sartorius, Silvan- Walt Disney Studios Home Belen Rueda, Lluís Homar, Clara Segura, Pierre Leirich, Maike Bollow, Christoph Entertainment(Touchstone) 04.08.2011 Hector Claramunt, Julia Gutiérrez Caba, Mory, Frank Behnke, Judith von Radetzky, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040989 Francesc Orella, Daniel Grao, Pablo Derqui Oliver Betke, Ly Châu - Dir. Guillem Morales Drama 1999 DD 2.0 (D) 585min. Die Insel der Abenteuer (Blu-ray) Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Edel Germany(Aviator) 10.06.2011 Nim’s Island Horror/Thriller 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)

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DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (Sp) 122min. David Michael Latt 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040910 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 Interviews, Bildergalerie, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040907 Science Fiction/Action 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD Les Patterson rettet die Welt 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 93min. Les Patterson Saves The World Julia’s Eyes (Blu-ray) dtp entertainment AG 22.06.2011 Barry Humphries, Pamela Stephenson, Los Ojos De Julia 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041084 Thaao Penghlis, Andrew Clarke, Dame Belen Rueda, Lluís Homar, Clara Segura, Edna Everage - Dir. George Miller Hector Claramunt, Julia Gutiérrez Caba, Krieg der Welten 3 (Blu-ray) Wendecover Francesc Orella, Daniel Grao, Pablo Derqui War Of The Worlds Komödie 1987 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 - Dir. Guillem Morales C. Thomas Howell, Rhett Giles, Andrew (E) 85min. Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Lauer, Tinarie Van Wyk-Loots, Jake Busey, MIG Film 14.07.2011 Horror/Thriller 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA Peter Greene, Dash Howell, Kim Little - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041033 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Sp) 127min. David Michael Latt Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 Interviews, Bildergalerie, Trailer Der letzte Bulle - Die komplette 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040921 Science Fiction/Action 2005 Ltbx DTS-HD zweite Staffel 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 97min. Henning Baum, Maximilian Grill, Floriane dtp entertainment AG 22.06.2011 Die jungen Wilden Daniel, Proschat Madani, Helmfried von 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041103 The Young Savages Lüttichau, Robert Lohr, Luise Risch, Tatjana Burt Lancaster, Dina Merrill, Shelley Win- Der Kuss des Sandmanns - Tom Clasing, Jochen Nickel, Caroline Beil, Katy ters, Edward Andrews, Larry Gates, Telly Karrenbauer, Sonja Kirchberger, Helmut Savalas - Dir. John Frankenheimer Thorne ermittelt Zierl, Heio von Stetten, Claudelle Deckert, Drama/Kriminalfilm 1961 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD Thorne: Sleepyhead Thomas M. Held, Sonja Baum, Elmira 1.0 (E) 99min. David Morrissey, Eddie Marsan, Martin But- Rafizadeh - Dir. Sebastian Vigg, Sophie EuroVideo Bildprogramm 14.07.2011 ler, Stephen Campbell Moore, Joshua Close, Allet-Coche, Michael Wenning 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041030 O.T. Fagbenle, Daniel Fearn, Aidan Gillen, Kriminalfilm 2011 min. Sara Lloyd-Gregory, Aisling Loftus, Lily Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Jungleground (k.J.) Loveless - Dir. Stephen Hopkins Division(Spassgesellschaft) 17.06.2011 Jungleground Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040911 Roddy „Rowdy“ Piper, Torri Higginson, Pe- (D) DD 5.1 (E) 120min. ter Williams, JR Bourne - Dir. Don Allan EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.08.2011 Die Lindenstraße - Das vierzehn- Action 1995 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) tba BestellNr.: 20041149 te Jahr (Folgen 677-728) 83min. Intergroove Media(Voulez Vouz) Der Kuss des Sandmanns - Tom (Collector’s Box, 10 DVDs) 24.06.2011 Thorne ermittelt (Blu-ray) Marie-Luise Marjan, Joachim Hermann Luger, Moritz A. Sachs, Ludwig Haas, Ge- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041101 Thorne: Sleepyhead org Uecker, Hermes Hodolides, Domna David Morrissey, Eddie Marsan, Martin But- Adamopoulou, Sybille Waury, Andrea The Kid: Chamaco ler, Stephen Campbell Moore, Joshua Close, Spatzek, Jo Bolling, Joris Gratwohl, Marian- Chamaco O.T. Fagbenle, Daniel Fearn, Aidan Gillen, ne Rogée, Amorn Surangkanjanajai, Knut Álex Perea, Kirk Harris, , Sara Lloyd-Gregory, Aisling Loftus, Lily Hinz, Bill Mockridge, Anna Nowak, Julia Danny Perea, Sofía Espinosa, Michael Loveless - Dir. Stephen Hopkins Stark, Johannes Scheit, Sontje Peplow, Madsen, Raúl Méndez, Daniella Evangelista Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Erkan Gündüz, Moritz Zielke, Sara - Dir. Miguel Necoechea MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 125min. Turchetto, Harry Rowohlt, Birgitta Interviews, Trailer EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.08.2011 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Weizenegger, Susanne Evers, Claus tba BestellNr.: 20041153 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 91min. Vincon, Giselle Vesco, Cosima Viola, Klaus Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Global The Land That Time Forgot Nierhoff, Heinz Marecek, Gunnar Solka, Cinema) 27.05.2011 Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr, Anja Antonowicz, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040968 (Special 3D-Edition) (Blu-ray) Susanna Capurso, Toni Snétberger, Daniela The Land That Time Forgot Bette, Wookie Mayer, Jeremy Mockridge, The Kid: Chamaco (Blu-ray) C. Thomas Howell, Timothy Bottoms, Michael Baral, Jennifer Steffens, Philipp Chamaco Lindsey McKeon, Darren Dalton, Stephen Sonntag, Christian Rudolf, Tanja Frehse, Álex Perea, Kirk Harris, Martin Sheen, Blackehart, Anya Benton, David Stevens - Cynthia Cosima, Clara Dolny, Annemarie Danny Perea, Sofía Espinosa, Michael Dir. C. Thomas Howell Wendl, Franz Rampelmann, Liz Baffoe, Madsen, Raúl Méndez, Daniella Evangelista 2D- & 3D-Fassung enthalten, inkl. zwei 3D-Brillen Rebecca Siemoneit-Barum, Irene Fischer, Abenteuer/Fantasy 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) - Dir. Miguel Necoechea Arnfried Lerche, Ulrike C. Tscharre, Markus DD 5.1 (E) 90min. Interviews, Trailer Anton, Jacqueline Svilarov, Urs Villiger, dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Drama/Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx DTS (D) DTs Fritz Egger, Marc-Oliver Moro, Margret van 22.06.2011 (E) 95min. Munster, Ute Mora, Thorsten Nindel, Til tba BestellNr.: 20041109 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Global Schweiger, Christian Kahrmann, Willi Her- Cinema) 27.05.2011 Lassie 5 ren, Bernd Tauber, Monika Woytowicz, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040987 Raimund Gensel, Dagmar Hessenland, Lassie Wolfgang Grönebaum, Susanne Gannott, Dir. William Beaudine, William Beaudine jr. Killer Pad Costas Papanastasiou, Tim Knauer, Ines Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 1954-1974 FF DD 1.0 Killer Pad Lutz, Sigo Lorfeo, Tilmar Kuhn, Horst D. (D) 100min. Daniel Franzese, Eric Jungmann, Shane Scheel, Philipp Neubauer, Stefanie Mühle, KNM Home Entertainment(Spirit Media) McRae - Dir. Robert Englund Herbert Steinmetz, Selma Baldursson, Fritz 16.06.2011 Komödie/Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Bachschmidt, Tilli Breidenbach, Ursula Lud- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040909 DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 82min. wig, Dietrich Siegl, Claudia Pielmann, Franz MIG Film 19.08.2011 Lassie 6 Braunshausen, Marcus Off, Cetin Ipekkaya, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040993 Hasan Ali Mete, Michael A. Grimm - Dir. Lassie Herwig Fischer, Wolfgang Frank, Hans W. Dir. William Beaudine, William Beaudine jr. Krieg der Welten 3 Geißendörfer, Holger Gimpel, Michael Gün- Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 1954-1974 FF DD 1.0 War Of The Worlds ther, Kaspar Heidelbach, Jens Hercher, (D) 100min. C. Thomas Howell, Rhett Giles, Andrew Daniel Anderson, Karin Hercher, Nikolai van KNM Home Entertainment(Spirit Media) Lauer, Tinarie Van Wyk-Loots, Jake Busey, der Heyde, Ilse Hofmann, Ron Jones, Lutz 16.06.2011 Peter Greene, Dash Howell, Kim Little - Dir. Konermann, Heidi Kranz, Kerstin Krause,

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George Moorse, Christa Mühl, Maria 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041023 Miss Molly Mill (2 Discs) Neocleous, Dominikus Probst, Peter Inge Brück, Benno Hoffmann, Gerd Vesper- Wekwerth, Patrick Winczewski, Claus Pe- Manderlay mann, Erna Nitter - Dir. Thomas Engel ter Witt, Susanne Zanke, Iain Dilthey Manderlay Kriminalfilm 1970 FF DD 1.0 (D) 325min. Audiokommentar Bryce Dallas Howard, Isaach De Bankolé, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 01.07.2011 Drama 1985-2011 FF DD 2.0 (D) min. Willem Dafoe, Lauren Bacall, Danny Glover, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041082 MORE Music and Media (More Brands and John C. Reilly, Jeremy Davies, Chloë Products) 24.06.2011 Sevigny, Jean-Marc Barr, Udo Kier, Michaël Nach Fünf im Urwald 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040935 Abiteboul, Virgile Bramly, Ruben Brinkmann, Franka Potente, Axel Milberg, Dagmar Doña Croll, Llewella Gideon, Fredric Gildea, Die Lindenstraße - Das vierzehn- Manzel, Farina Brock, Sibylle Canonica, Mona Hammond, Andrew Hardiman, Aki Peter Ender, Thomas Schmauser, Johann te Jahr (Folgen 677-728) (Special Hirvonen, Ginny Holder, Emmanuel Idowu, von Bülow, Max Urlacher, Natali Seelig, Edition, Collector’s Box, 10 DVDs) Zeljko Ivanek, Michael Johansson, Wendy Karl-Heinz Vietsch, Simone Ascher, Matthi- Marie-Luise Marjan, Joachim Hermann Juel, Hasse Karlsson, Rik Launspach, as Beier, Stefan Hunstein, Alexander Wag- Luger, Moritz A. Sachs, Ludwig Haas, Ge- Suzette Llewellyn, Charles Maquignon, Ian ner, Wilfried Hochholdinger, Michael org Uecker, Hermes Hodolides, Domna Matthews, Seth Mpundu, Sherrell Murphy- Tschernow, Meike Schlüter, Carina Adamopoulou, Sybille Waury, Andrea Ramos, Joseph Mydell, Derrick Odhiambo- Braunschmidt, Arnd Klawitter, Werner Spatzek, Jo Bolling, Joris Gratwohl, Marian- Widell, Javone Prince, Clive Rowe, Maudo Abrolat, Götz Otto, Julia Thurnau, Wolfgang ne Rogée, Amorn Surangkanjanajai, Knut Sey, Erich Silva, Nina Sosanya, Ross Lieberwirth, Kerstin Pfau, Mark Welte, Hinz, Bill Mockridge, Anna Nowak, Julia Tamlor, Eric Voge, Alemayehu Wajikira, Nick Pierre Soldatenko, Markus Nau, Deniz Stark, Johannes Scheit, Sontje Peplow, Wolf, Geoffrey Batemann, Teddy Kempner Güven, Jörn Knebel - Dir. Hans-Christian Erkan Gündüz, Moritz Zielke, Sara - Dir. Lars von Trier Schmid Turchetto, Harry Rowohlt, Birgitta Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Interviews, Trailer Eastereggs Komödie 1995 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 93min. Weizenegger, Susanne Evers, Claus Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) Universum Film 26.08.2011 Vincon, Giselle Vesco, Cosima Viola, Klaus DD 5.1 (Norweg) DTS (Norweg) 103min. tba BestellNr.: 20041125 Nierhoff, Heinz Marecek, Gunnar Solka, Legend Home Entertainment 14.07.2011 Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr, Anja Antonowicz, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041034 Susanna Capurso, Toni Snétberger, Daniela National Lampoon’s Animal Bette, Wookie Mayer, Jeremy Mockridge, Der Mann, der vom Himmel fiel House (Blu-ray) Michael Baral, Jennifer Steffens, Philipp The Man Who Fell To Earth National Lampoon’s Animal House Sonntag, Christian Rudolf, Tanja Frehse, David Bowie, Rip Torn, Candy Clark, Buck John Belushi, Tim Matheson, John Vernon, Cynthia Cosima, Clara Dolny, Annemarie Henry, Bernie Casey, Jackson D. Kane, Verna Bloom, Tom Hulce, Peter Riegert, Wendl, Franz Rampelmann, Liz Baffoe, Rick Riccardo, Adrienne La Russa, Linda , Cesare Danova, Kevin Rebecca Siemoneit-Barum, Irene Fischer, Hutton - Dir. Nicolas Roeg Bacon - Dir. John Landis Arnfried Lerche, Ulrike C. Tscharre, Markus Interview, Trailer, Wendecover Komödie 1978 109min. Anton, Jacqueline Svilarov, Urs Villiger, Science Fiction/Drama 1975 Ltbx 16x9 DD Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Fritz Egger, Marc-Oliver Moro, Margret van 1.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 133min. 21.07.2011 Munster, Ute Mora, Thorsten Nindel, Til Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040958 Schweiger, Christian Kahrmann, Willi Her- 21.07.2011 ren, Bernd Tauber, Monika Woytowicz, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040979 Der Nebel (Limited Edition, Raimund Gensel, Dagmar Hessenland, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Wolfgang Grönebaum, Susanne Gannott, Matrix Fighters The Mist Costas Papanastasiou, Tim Knauer, Ines Circadian Rhythm Thomas Jane, Marcia Gay Harden, Laurie Lutz, Sigo Lorfeo, Tilmar Kuhn, Horst D. Rachel Miner, Robert Berson, Seymour Holden, Toby Jones, Jeffrey DeMunn, Scheel, Philipp Neubauer, Stefanie Mühle, Cassel, Sarah Wynter, David Anders, Frances Sternhagen, Nathan Gamble, Herbert Steinmetz, Selma Baldursson, Fritz Jonathan Banks, Lisa Jay, Terasa William Sadler, Andre Braugher, Alexa Bachschmidt, Tilli Breidenbach, Ursula Lud- Livingstone - Dir. René Besson Davalos, Chris Owen, Sam Witwer - Dir. wig, Dietrich Siegl, Claudia Pielmann, Franz Thriller/Mystery 2005 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Frank Darabont Braunshausen, Marcus Off, Cetin Ipekkaya, (E) 82min. Audiokommentar, Trailer, Schwarz-Weiß Filmfassung mit Hasan Ali Mete, Michael A. Grimm - Dir. Intergroove Media(Pasadena Pictures) Einleitung, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurettes, Herwig Fischer, Wolfgang Frank, Hans W. 24.06.2011 webisodes Horror 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Geißendörfer, Holger Gimpel, Michael Gün- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041100 HD 5.1 MA (E) 126min. ther, Kaspar Heidelbach, Jens Hercher, Senator Home Entertainment 08.07.2011 Daniel Anderson, Karin Hercher, Nikolai van Mein Essen mit André 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041071 der Heyde, Ilse Hofmann, Ron Jones, Lutz My Dinner With Andre Konermann, Heidi Kranz, Kerstin Krause, Wallace Shawn, Andre Gregory, Jean , New York (Blu-ray) George Moorse, Christa Mühl, Maria Lenauer, Roy Butler - Dir. Louis Malle New York, New York Neocleous, Dominikus Probst, Peter Interviews, Trailer , , Lionel Stan- Wekwerth, Patrick Winczewski, Claus Pe- Drama 1981 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) der, Barry Primus, Mary Kay Place, Georgie ter Witt, Susanne Zanke, Iain 107min. A-3-Film-Poster, Audiokommentar AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Pierrot Auld, George Memmoli - Dir. Martin Drama 1985-2011 FF DD 2.0 (D) min. Le Fou) 15.07.2011 Scorsese Intro, Alternative und entfallene Szenen, „New York, New MORE Music and Media (More Brands and 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040893 York“-Stories: Erster + Zweiter Teil, Audiokommentar, Trailer Products) 24.06.2011 Musikfilm/Musical 1977 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS- 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040934 Der Millionenbauer (3 Discs) HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS (F) DTS (It) 163min. Walter Sedlmayr, Veronika Fitz, Elmar Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Madame de ... Wepper, Werner Asam, Monika Germany(MGM/UA) 15.07.2011 Madame De... Baumgartner, Irene Kohl, Marianne Brandt, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041006 Charles Boyer, Danielle Darrieux, Vittorio Jo Bolling, Robert Zürner, Veronika Faber, De Sica, Jean Debucourt, Mireille Perrey, Reinhard Glemnitz, Elisabeth Karg, Bettina Ninja Mission (k.J.) Lia Di Leo - Dir. Max Ophüls Redlich, Helmut Fischer, Richard Haller - The Russian Ninja Booklet Dir. Georg Tressler Helena Michaelsen, Frederick Offrein, Drama 1953 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (F) Drama 1978 FF DD 1.0 (D) 637min. Harley Melin - Dir. Mats Helge 96min. Universum Film 22.07.2011 Action 1989 DD 1.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 87min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041052 KNM Home Entertainment(HDMV) 14.07.2011

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16.06.2011 MIG Film 11.08.2011 Priscilla - Königin der Wüste 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040899 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040998 (Blu-ray) One Night with the King (Blu-ray) Der Philosoph The Adventures Of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert One Night With The King Johannes Herrschmann, Adriana Altaras, Terence Stamp, Hugo Weaving, Guy Tiffany Dupont, Luke Goss, Peter O’Toole, Friederike Tiefenbacher, Claudia Matsch- Pearce, Bill Hunter, Sarah Chadwick, Ken Omar Sharif, James Callis, John Rhys- ulla, Jürgen Wink, Werner Gerber - Dir. Radley, Rebel Penfold-Russell - Dir. Ste- Davies, John Noble, Tommy ‘Tiny’ Lister Jr. Rudolf Thome phan Elliott - Dir. Frank Preissler (SynchronRegie) Trailer, Wendecover Drama 1988 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 79min. Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Historienfilm/Drama 2006 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Komödie 1994 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) MA (D) DD 2.0 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) (E) DTS (F) DTS (It) 102min. 21.07.2011 123min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040980 MIG Film 14.07.2011 Germany(MGM/UA) 15.07.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041044 Rosamunde Pilcher: Heimkehr 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041007 Orcs! Coming Home Public Enemy - Ein harter Cop Peter O’Toole, Joanna Lumley, Emily Orcs! Gonggongui Jeog Mortimer, George Asprey, Paul Bettany, Brad Johnson, Adam Johnson, Maclain Seol Gyeong-gu, Lee Seong-jae, Kang Gruschenka Stevens, Katie Ryder- Nelson - Dir. Andrew Black Shin-il, Kim Jeong-hak, Do Yong-gu, Ahn Richardson, Penelope Keith, Anneliese Horror/Action 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Nae-sang, Lee Mun-shik (Lee Ahn-su), Uhlig, David McCallum, Heikko Deutsch- DD 5.1 (E) 77min. Sung Ji-ru, Oh Seung-myeong, Park Seung- mann, Patrick Ryecart, Carol Drinkwater, Splendid Film 29.07.2011 tae, Ahn Jin-su - Dir. Kang Woo-suk Susan Hampshire, Malcolm Stoddard, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040913 Thriller 2002 FF DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) 106min. Charles Edwards, Keira Knightley - Dir. KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Giles Foster Orcs! (Blu-ray) 12.05.2011 Drama 1997 Ltbx (D) (E) 177min. Orcs! tba BestellNr.: 20040966 Brad Johnson, Adam Johnson, Maclain Concorde Home Entertainment(ZDF Video) Nelson - Dir. Andrew Black 07.07.2011 Quarantäne 2: Terminal 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041039 Horror/Action 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) Quarantine 2: Terminal DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 81min. Rosamunde Pilcher: September Josh Cooke, Bre Blair, George Back - Dir. Splendid Film 29.07.2011 John Pogue September 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040923 Horror 2011 min. Jacqueline Bisset, Michael York, Edward Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Fox, Mariel Hemingway, Virginia McKenna, Paris gehört uns 11.08.2011 Jenny Agutter, Emily Hamilton, Jesse Paris Nous Appartient 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040928 Betty Schneider, Gianni Esposito, Birdsall, Sarah Winman, David Pullan, Anna Françoise Prévost, Daniel Crohem, Fran- Cropper, Judy Parfitt, Thomas Szekeres, Die Regenschirme von Cherbourg Angela Pleasence, Paul Guilfoyle, Rachael çois Maistre, Jean-Claude Brialy, Paul (OmU) Bisciglia, Claude Chabrol, Jacques Demy, Dowling, Martin Dunne, Tristan Gribbin - Les Parapluies De Cherbourg Jean-Luc Godard, Henri Poirier, Jean-Marie Dir. Colin Bucksey Catherine Deneuve, Anne Vernon, Nino Robain - Dir. Jacques Rivette Drama 1996 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Booklet, Trailer 172min. Castelnuovo, Ellen Farmer, Marc Michel, Drama 1960 FF DD 1.0 (F) 136min. Concorde Home Entertainment(ZDF Video) Mireille Perrey - Dir. Jacques Demy Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 07.07.2011 Booklet Musikfilm/Musical 1963 Ltbx 16x9 PCM (F) 14.07.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041011 88min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041024 Der Plan Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus Premium) 14.07.2011 Pater Brown, Vol. 3 (2 Discs) The Adjustment Bureau 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041025 Josef Meinrad, Ernst Fritz Fürbringer, Gui- Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Anthony Mackie, do Wieland, Eduard Linkers - Dir. Rainer John Slattery, Michael Kelly, Terence Die Rembrandt Connection Wolffhardt, Imo Moszkowicz, Hans Quest Stamp, Anthony Ruivivar, Donnie Night Watch Kriminalfilm 1966-1972 FF DD 1.0 (D) Keshawarz, Chuck Scarborough, Gregory Pierce Brosnan, Alexandra Paul, William 325min. P. Hitchen, Jon Stewart, Lisa Thoreson, Devane, Michael J. Shannon, Lim Kay Siu, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 01.07.2011 Florence Kastriner, Natalie Carter, Phyllis Irene Ng, Hidde Maas, Thom Jansen, Harold 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041083 McBryde - Dir. George Nolfi Bone, Rolf Saxon, Natalie Roles, Kate Thriller/Mystery 2011 105min. Harper, Ron Berglas, Goran Visnjic, Frano Pathfinders - Die Kompanie der Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Lasic - Dir. David S. Jackson 21.07.2011 Unbekannten Action/Thriller 1995 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040937 Pathfinders: In The Company Of Strangers DD 5.1 (E) 94min. Michael Conner Humphreys, Philip De Der Plan (+ Digital Copy) (Blu- Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Lorenzo, Christopher Serrone - Dir. Curt A. Home Edition) 07.07.2011 Sindelar ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040894 Action/Kriegsfilm 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 The Adjustment Bureau (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 90min. Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Anthony Mackie, Reservoir Dogs (Limited Edition, MIG Film 11.08.2011 John Slattery, Michael Kelly, Terence Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040994 Stamp, Anthony Ruivivar, Donnie Reservoir Dogs Keshawarz, Chuck Scarborough, Gregory Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, Chris Penn, Steve Pathfinders - Die Kompanie der P. Hitchen, Jon Stewart, Lisa Thoreson, Buscemi, Lawrence Tierney, Michael Florence Kastriner, Natalie Carter, Phyllis Unbekannten (Blu-ray) Madsen, Quentin Tarantino, Eddie Bunker, McBryde - Dir. George Nolfi Pathfinders: In The Company Of Strangers Kirk Baltz, Randy Brooks - Dir. Quentin Thriller/Mystery 2011 109min. Michael Conner Humphreys, Philip De Tarantino Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Lorenzo, Christopher Serrone - Dir. Curt A. Thriller 1991 (D) (E) 99min. 21.07.2011 Sindelar Universum Film 08.07.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040951 Action/Kriegsfilm 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041076 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 94min.

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The Roommate Interviews, Trailer, Booklet Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Komödie/Horror 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA The Roommate Germany(MGM/UA) 15.07.2011 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 82min. Leighton Meester, Minka Kelly, Cam 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041008 Capelight Pictures 01.07.2011 Gigandet, Alyson Michalka, Danneel Harris, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040963 Frances Fisher, Tomas Arana, Billy Zane - Schreie in der Nacht (k.J.) Joachim Fuchsberger, Marianne Koch, Hel- Dir. Christian E. Christiansen Ruf der Wildnis Thriller 2011 87min. ga Anders, Claudio Camaso, Dominique Call Of The Wild Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Boschero, Luciano Pigozzi, Gudrun Christopher Lloyd, Ariel Gade, Wes Studi, 25.08.2011 Schmidt - Dir. Antonio Margheriti Aimee Teegarden, Devon Graye, Timothy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040927 Thriller 1969 DD 1.0 (D) 80min. Bottoms, Veronica Cartwright - Dir. Richard KNM Home Entertainment(Donau Film) The Roommate (Blu-ray) Gabai 16.06.2011 Abenteuer/Drama 2009 min. The Roommate 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040903 Universum Film 15.07.2011 Leighton Meester, Minka Kelly, Cam 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041051 Gigandet, Alyson Michalka, Danneel Harris, Schuldig bei Anklage (k.J.) Guilty By Association Frances Fisher, Tomas Arana, Billy Zane - Ruf der Wildnis (Blu-ray) Dir. Christian E. Christiansen Jeff Edward, Daemon Moore, Morgan Call Of The Wild Thriller 2011 91min. Freeman, Jaimie Patton, Queen Pen, Inno Christopher Lloyd, Ariel Gade, Wes Studi, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Johns - Dir. Po Johns, Howard Gibson Aimee Teegarden, Devon Graye, Timothy 25.08.2011 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2003 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD Bottoms, Veronica Cartwright - Dir. Richard 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040945 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 80min. Gabai KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Rotfuchs Abenteuer/Drama 2009 min. 16.06.2011 Universum Film 15.07.2011 Manfred Borges, Günter Naumann, Jürgen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040897 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041064 Zartmann, Harald Wandel, Angelika Waller, Schwarzer Engel Jens-Uwe Paff - Dir. Manfred Mosblech Saints and Soldiers (Blu-ray) Komödie 1973 FF DD 1.0 (D) 77min. Obsession Saints And Soldiers ICESTORM Entertainment(rbb) 14.06.2011 Cliff Robertson, Geneviève Bujold, John Corbin Allred, Larry Bagby, Kirby 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041144 Lithgow, Sylvia Kumba Williams, Wanda Heyborne, Peter Holden, Alexander Blackman, Pat McNamara, Stanley J. Reyes Ruanda - The Day God Walked Polinsky, Lincoln Hoppe, Alex Niver - Dir. - Dir. Ryan Little Away (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Drama 1975 (D) (E) 95min. Behind the Scenes Concorde Home Entertainment 07.07.2011 Le Jour Où Dieu Est Parti En Voyage Kriegsfilm/Drama 2003 Ltbx DTS-HD 55.1 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041037 Ruth Nirere, Laetitia Reva, Pierrick Le MA (D) DD 5.1 (E) 92min. Pochat - Dir. Philippe Van Leeuw EuroVideo Bildprogramm 14.07.2011 Sea Fighter (k.J.) Drama 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041043 Sea Wolves 5.1 (F) 100min. Cynthia Khan, Simon Yam, Tsai Siu-keung, WVG Medien(I-On New Media) 26.08.2011 Satte Farben vor Schwarz Gary Chau - Dir. Cheng Siu-keung 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041139 Senta Berger, Bruno Ganz, Barnaby Action 1990 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Kanton) Metschurat, Carina Wiese, Leonie 87min. Ruanda - The Day God Walked Benesch, Sylvana Krappatsch, Thomas KNM Home Entertainment(HDMV) Limpinsel, Traute Hoess, Ruth Glöss, Carlo Away (k.J.) 16.06.2011 Ljubek - Dir. Sophie Heldman Le Jour Où Dieu Est Parti En Voyage 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040908 Ruth Nirere, Laetitia Reva, Pierrick Le Making of Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 81min. Pochat - Dir. Philippe Van Leeuw EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Farbfilm) Sex Pot (3D) Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 11.08.2011 Sex Pot (F) 100min. tba BestellNr.: 20040902 Rollin Perry, Seth Cassell, Michelle Penick, WVG Medien(I-On New Media) 26.08.2011 Rana Davis, Maurice Constable, Lindsey 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041128 Satte Farben vor Schwarz (Blu- Ahern, Brent Anthony, Teryl Brouillette, ray) Theresa Deveaux, Elina Madison - Dir. Eric Rubber Forsberg Rubber Senta Berger, Bruno Ganz, Barnaby Interviews, Bildergalerie, Trailer Stephen Spinella, Roxane Mesquida, Tho- Metschurat, Carina Wiese, Leonie Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 mas F. Duffy, Gaspard Augé, Devin Brochu, Benesch, Sylvana Krappatsch, Thomas (E) 92min. Pete Dicecco, Hayley Holmes, Tara Jean Limpinsel, Traute Hoess, Ruth Glöss, Carlo dtp entertainment AG 22.06.2011 O’Brien, James Parks, Daniel Quinn, Haley Ljubek - Dir. Sophie Heldman 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041088 Ramm, Blake Robbins, Courtenay Taylor, Making of Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) Remy Thorne, Jack Plotnick - Dir. Quentin Sex Pot / Meine Braut, meine be- 85min. Dupieux EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Farbfilm) sten Freunde und ich (Blu-ray) Interviews, Trailer Sex Pot / Äntligen Midsommar! Komödie/Horror 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 11.08.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20040920 Making of, Interviews, Bildergalerie, Trailer DD 5.1 (E) 79min. Komödie 2009 178min. Capelight Pictures 01.07.2011 Schnappt Shorty (Blu-ray) dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040940 22.06.2011 Get Shorty 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041107 Rubber (Limited Edition, 3 Discs) John Travolta, Gene Hackman, Rene (Blu-ray) Russo, Danny DeVito, Dennis Farina, Sexy Models , James Gandolfini, David Rubber Models Paymer, Martin Ferrero, Miguel Sandoval, Stephen Spinella, Roxane Mesquida, Tho- Dir. Nils Molitor Jon Gries, Linda Hart, , Harvey mas F. Duffy, Gaspard Augé, Devin Brochu, Erotik 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 93min. Keitel, Penny Marshall - Dir. Barry Sonnen- Pete Dicecco, Hayley Holmes, Tara Jean Sunfilm Entertainment(Fun Film feld O’Brien, James Parks, Daniel Quinn, Haley Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Vom Dreh- Entertainment) 07.07.2011 Ramm, Blake Robbins, Courtenay Taylor, buch zum Film, Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041120 Remy Thorne, Jack Plotnick - Dir. Quentin Komödie 1995 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA Dupieux (E) DTS (F) DTS (It) 104min. Sexy Models (Blu-ray 3D) + 2D

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(Blu-ray) (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 88min. John Corbett, Amaury Nolasco, Cedric the Models KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Entertainer, The Game, Ray Liotta, Linda Dir. Nils Molitor 16.06.2011 Boston, Shawn Hatosy, Kevin Chapman, Erotik 2009 DTS-HD 7.1 MA (D) 93min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040901 Inbar Lavi, Noli McCool, Jack Moore, Clifton Sunfilm Entertainment(Fun Film Powell, Tiren Jhames, Otis Youngsmith - Entertainment) 07.07.2011 Sylvester Stallone Box (Special Dir. David Ayer, Chris Fisher Collector’s Edition, 2 Discs) Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Alternative 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041132 Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Death Race 2000 / Nachtfalken / Vorhof Thriller/Drama 2008-2011 193min. Shocking Shorts 2011 zum Paradies Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Kurzfilm/Thriller 2010 min. Sylvester Stallone Germany 15.07.2011 Concorde Home Entertainment 07.07.2011 Biografie, Wendecover 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041000 tba BestellNr.: 20041038 Action 1974-1980 310min. MIG Film 14.07.2011 Street Kings 1+2: Double Action 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041035 Sie küßten und sie schlugen ihn (2 Discs) (k.J.) Les Quatre Cents Coups Street Kings / Street Kings: Motor City Jean-Pierre Léaud, Albert Rémy, Claire Stand by Me - Das Geheimnis ei- Keanu Reeves, , Naomie Maurier, Patrick Auffay, Georges Flamant, nes Sommers (Blu-ray) Harris, Hugh Laurie, Chris Evans, Martha Yvonne Claudie, Guy Decomble, Robert Stand By Me Higareda, Terry Crews, Common, Jay Mohr, Beauvais - Dir. François Truffaut Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Corey John Corbett, Amaury Nolasco, Cedric the Booklet, Kurzfilme, Featurettes Feldman, Jerry O’Connell, Richard Entertainer, The Game, Ray Liotta, Linda Drama 1959 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Dreyfuss, Kiefer Sutherland - Dir. Rob Rei- Boston, Shawn Hatosy, Kevin Chapman, (F) 95min. ner Inbar Lavi, Noli McCool, Jack Moore, Clifton Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Abenteuer/Drama 1986 87min. Powell, Tiren Jhames, Otis Youngsmith - 14.07.2011 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041027 Dir. David Ayer, Chris Fisher 25.08.2011 Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Alternative 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040947 Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Siren - Verführung ist mörderisch Thriller/Drama 2008-2011 193min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Star Wars - Trilogie, Episode IV- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Siren VI (Blu-ray) Germany 15.07.2011 Eoin Macken, Anna Skellern, Tereza Star Wars - Trilogy, Episode IV-VI 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040997 Srbova, Anthony Jabre - Dir. Andrew Hull Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford - Thriller/Horror 2010 Ltbx DTS 5.1 (D) DTS Dir. George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Richard Street Kings 2 - Motor City (Blu- 2.0 (E) 90min. Marquand ray) (k.J.) dtp entertainment AG 22.06.2011 Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1977-1983 min. Street Kings: Motor City tba BestellNr.: 20041105 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Ray Liotta, Linda Boston, Shawn Hatosy, Germany 16.09.2011 Kevin Chapman, Inbar Lavi, Noli McCool, Siren - Verführung ist mörderisch tba BestellNr.: 20040917 Jack Moore, Clifton Powell, Tiren Jhames, (k.J.) Otis Youngsmith - Dir. Chris Fisher Siren Star Wars - Trilogie: Der Anfang, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Eoin Macken, Anna Skellern, Tereza Episode I-III (Blu-ray) Thriller/Drama 2011 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS (F) DTS (Jap) 94min. Srbova, Anthony Jabre - Dir. Andrew Hull Star Wars - Trilogy: The Beginning, Episo- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Thriller/Horror 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) de I-III Germany 15.07.2011 DD 5.1 (E) 86min. Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040999 dtp entertainment AG 22.06.2011 Portman, Jake Lloyd, , tba BestellNr.: 20041086 Pernilla August, Ian McDiarmid, Frank Oz, Street Kings 2 - Motor City (k.J.) Samuel L. Jackson, Oliver Ford Davies, Street Kings: Motor City Snakes on a Train Hugh Quarshie, Ahmed Best, Ray Park, Ray Liotta, Linda Boston, Shawn Hatosy, Snakes On A Train Ralph Brown, Terence Stamp, Brian Kevin Chapman, Inbar Lavi, Noli McCool, Julia Ruiz, Giovanni Bejarano, Alby Castro, Blessed, Sofia Coppola, Anthony Daniels, Jack Moore, Clifton Powell, Tiren Jhames, Amelia Jackson-Gray, Shannon Gayle, Kenny Baker, Keira Knightley, Christopher Otis Youngsmith - Dir. Chris Fisher Isaac Wade - Dir. The Mallachi Brothers Lee - Dir. George Lucas Action/Thriller 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1999-2005 min. Thriller/Drama 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 87min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (It) 90min. da music(Great Movies) 20.05.2011 Germany 16.09.2011 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041058 tba BestellNr.: 20040915 Germany 15.07.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040996 Spooks - Season 2 (3 Discs) Star Wars: Complete Saga I-VI (9 Spooks Discs) (Blu-ray) Stuart Little (Blu-ray) Peter Firth, Hugh Simon, Rupert Penry- Star Wars: Complete Saga I-VI Stuart Little Jones, Jenny Agutter, Megan Dodds, Oliver Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Ewan McGregor Geena Davis, Hugh Laurie, Jonathan Fox, Stephen Hudson, Kerry Rolfe - Dir. - Dir. George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Ri- Lipnicki, Brian Doyle-Murray, Estelle Getty, Bharat Nalluri, Rob Bailey, Andy Wilson chard Marquand Julia Sweeney, Dabney Coleman - Dir. Rob Drama/Thriller 2003 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Diverse Minkoff 500min. Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1977-2005 min. Kinderfilm/Komödie 1999 85min. Foreign Media Group Germany(BBC) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 17.06.2011 Germany 16.09.2011 25.08.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041095 tba BestellNr.: 20040916 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040948 Spring Break Massacre (k.J.) Street Kings 1+2: Double Action Stuart Little 2 (Blu-ray) Spring Break Massacre (2 Discs) (k.J.) Stuart Little 2 Reggie Bannister, Linnea Quigley, Renee Street Kings / Street Kings: Motor City Geena Davis, Hugh Laurie, Jonathan Darmiento, Christian Anderson, Toni Buena, Keanu Reeves, Forest Whitaker, Naomie Lipnicki, Anna Hoelck, Ashley Hoelck, Marc Patrick Engleman, Bob Farster, Rick Harris, Hugh Laurie, Chris Evans, Martha John Jefferies, Angelo Massagli, Jim Federman - Dir. Michael Hoffman jr. Higareda, Terry Crews, Common, Jay Mohr, Doughan, , Conan McCarty, Thriller/Horror 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 26 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Maria Bamford, Daniel Hansen, Kevin Berléand, Natalja Rudakowa, David MacDonald, David Keeley, Jennifer Miller, Johnson Olson, Dyllan Christopher, Bobby Atrakchi, Jeroen Krabbé, Eriq Ebouaney - Jacqueline MacInnes Wood, Dewshane Walsh, Michael C. Fuchs, Raymond Ma, Dir. Olivier Megaton Williams, Simin Aamin, Kevin McGarry, Amelia Marshall, Ronobir Lahiri, Connie Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, Storyboards, Shawn Byfield - Dir. Bradley Walsh Roderick, David Shiner - Dir. Rob Minkoff Trailer, Teaser, Wendecover Trailer Action 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Trickfilm 2002 77min. Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 HD 5.1 MA (E) 104min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) (E) 88min. Universum Film 08.07.2011 25.08.2011 Capelight Pictures 13.07.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041077 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040949 tba BestellNr.: 20041151 Swinging with the Finkels - Lang- True Romance (k.J.) Turn the Beat Around (Blu-ray) True Romance weilig war gestern! (Blu-ray) Turn The Beat Around Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette, Dennis Romina D’Ugo, David Giuntoli, Adam T. Swinging With The Finkels Hopper, Gary Oldman, Brad Pitt, Christo- Brooks, Sudano, Shauna Mandy Moore, Martin Freeman, Melissa pher Walken, Val Kilmer, Bronson Pinchot, MacDonald, David Keeley, Jennifer Miller, George, Jerry Stiller, Jonathan Silverman, Michael Rapaport, Saul Rubinek, Chris Jacqueline MacInnes Wood, Dewshane Graham Bohea, Elizabeth Tan, Carolyn Penn, Tom Sizemore, Samuel L. Jackson - Williams, Simin Aamin, Kevin McGarry, Tomkinson - Dir. Jonathan Newman Dir. Tony Scott Shawn Byfield - Dir. Bradley Walsh Making of, Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer Audiokommentar, Storyboard-Film-Vergleich, Trailer, Wende- Komödie 2010 Ltbx (D) (E) 84min. Trailer cover Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Senator Home Entertainment(Wild Bunch Thriller/Action 1993 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) HD 5.1 MA (E) 92min. Germany) 01.07.2011 DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 115min. Capelight Pictures 13.07.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041062 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 21.07.2011 tba BestellNr.: 20041154 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040982 Der Tag an dem die Erde still- François Truffaut: Antoine-Doinel- Unter die Haut - Gefährliche Be- stand 2 gierde (Blu-ray) The Day The Earth Stopped Zyklus (5 Discs) Kvinden Der Drømte Om En Mand C. Thomas Howell, Judd Nelson, Sinead Sie küssten und sie schlugen ihn / Antoine Sonja Richter, Marcin Dorocinski, Michael McCafferty, Darren Dalton, Bug Hall, und Colette / Geraubte Küsse / Tisch und Nyqvist, Alberte Blichfeldt, Olga Boladz, Cameron Bender, Jonathan Sanders, Lew Bett / Liebe auf der Flucht Tammi Øst, Charles Lelaure, Rafal Fudalej, Knopp, Jason Ellefson, Graham Denman - Jean-Pierre Léaud - Dir. Shintarô Ishihara, Sara Hjort, Monika Krzywkowska - Dir. Per Dir. C. Thomas Howell Marcel Ophüls, Renzo Rossellini und Fly Outtakes, Trailer Andrzej Wajda), aus dem „Antoine und Drama/Thriller 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA Action/Science Fiction 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD Colette“ stammt; erstmals auf DVD die Do- (D) (Mehrsprachig) 96min. 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 86min. kumentation „Arbeit mit François Truffaut“ Senator Home Entertainment 01.07.2011 dtp entertainment AG 22.06.2011 (ca. 46 Min., 1986, Regie Rainer Gansera); 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041063 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041085 Einführungen des Truffaut-Biografen Serge Toubiana zu den zwei Kurz- und vier Spiel- Vampiro - Wächter der Nacht Der Tag an dem die Erde still- filmen; Truffauts Kurzfilm „Die Unver- Vampiro stand 2 (Blu-ray) schämten“/“Les Mistons“ (1957); Probeauf- Damian Chapa, Vida Harlow, Leslie Garza, The Day The Earth Stopped nahmen von Jean-Pierre Léaud, Patrick Armando Elcamino, Robert Rexx, Ray C. Thomas Howell, Judd Nelson, Sinead Auffay und Richard Kanayan zu „Sie Chavez Jr., Veronica Rodriguez, Iglesias McCafferty, Darren Dalton, Bug Hall, küssten und sie schlugen ihn“; Jean-Pierre Estefania - Dir. Jorge Ramirez Rivera Cameron Bender, Jonathan Sanders, Lew Léaud bei der Cannes-Premiere von „Sie Horror/Action 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Knopp, Jason Ellefson, Graham Denman - küssten und sie schlugen ihn“; Exzerpt aus DD 2.0 (E) 82min. Dir. C. Thomas Howell der Fernsehsendung „Cinéastes de notre Intergroove Media(Pasadena Pictures) Outtakes, Trailer temps François Truffaut, dix ans, dix films“ 24.06.2011 Action/Science Fiction 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD (1970) Truffaut spricht über die ersten drei 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041099 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 89min. Teile des Zyklus; Exzerpt aus der Fernseh- dtp entertainment AG 22.06.2011 sendung „Midi Magazine“ (1970) seltene Die Verachtung - Le Mépris 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041104 Aufnahmen von den Dreharbeiten zu Le Mépris „Tisch und Bett“; Exzerpt aus der Fernseh- Brigitte Bardot, Michel Piccoli, Jack Tag der Gesetzlosen sendung „Approches du cinéma François Palance, Fritz Lang, Giorgia Moll, Jean-Luc Day Of The Outlaw Truffaut ou la Nouvelle Vague“ (1972) Godard, Linda Veras - Dir. Jean-Luc Robert Ryan, Burl Ives, Tina Louise, Alan Truffaut spricht über Gemeinsamkeiten von Godard Marshal, Nehemiah Persoff, Venetia Doinel, Léaud und ihm selbst; Exzerpt aus Stevenson - Dir. André De Toth Booklet, Trailer der Fernsehsendung „Cinescope“ (1980) Drama 1963 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Western 1959 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Truffaut spricht über den Abschluss des (E) DD 1.0 (F) 99min. (E) 88min. Zyklus; Exzerpt aus der Fernsehsendung Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) EuroVideo Bildprogramm 14.07.2011 „Champ contrechamp“ (1981) Truffaut 14.07.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041032 spricht über die Antoine-Doinel-Figur und 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041016 den kompletten Zyklus; Unterstützungsspot Tarot für Henri Langlois von François Truffaut Vergessene Eastern Vol. 4 - Drei Vera Tschechowa, Rüdiger Vogler, Hanns und Jean-Luc Godard; Originaltrailer zu Spaghetti in Shanghai Zischler, Katharina Böhm - Dir. Rudolf den Spielfilmen; 24-seitiges Booklet mit Crash! Che Botte Strippo Strappo Stroppio Thome seltenen Bildern Interview, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Diverse Robert Malcom, Antonio Cantafora - Dir. Drama 1986 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 115min. Drama/Komödie 1959-1979 451min. Adalberto Albertini Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Bildergalerie, Trailer Action/Komödie 1974 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (It) 21.07.2011 21.07.2011 min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040981 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040983 Intergroove Media(Voule Vouz) 24.06.2011 Transporter 3 (Limited Edition, Turn the Beat Around 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041102 Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Turn The Beat Around Vergessene Welten Transporter 3 Romina D’Ugo, David Giuntoli, Adam T. The Lost World Jason Statham, Robert Knepper, François Brooks, Brooklyn Sudano, Shauna Wallace Beery, Bessie Love, Lloyd Hughes,

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Lewis Stone, Arthur Hoyt, Finch Smiles, Crauchet, Andre Eckyan, Pierre Collet, Paul (Blu-ray) Alma Bennett, Margaret McWade - Dir. Har- Amiot, Jean-Pierre Rosier, Jean-Marc Boris, Warbirds ry Hoyt Ana Douking - Dir. Jean-Pierre Melville Jamie Elle Mann, Brian Krause, Lucy Faust, Vier verschiedene Tonfassungen, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Booklet, Trailer Tohoru Masamune, David Jensen, Caleb Szenen, Featurettes, Bildergalerie Thriller 1970 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Michaelson, Stephanie Honore, Gizza Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1925 DD 5.1 (F) 140min. Elizondo, Dennis Nguyen - Dir. Kevin 112min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Gendreau bellaphon records(Great Movies) 14.07.2011 27.05.2011 Trailer, Wendecover 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041028 Fantasy/Action 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041098 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 89min. Visus - Expedition Arche Noah Vergessene Western Vol. 22 - MIG Film 14.07.2011 Stephan Luca, Julia Molkhou, Hilmi Sözer, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041042 Land der Verfluchten Michael Gwisdek, Jean-Yves Berteloot, Santa Fe Trail Tayfun Bademsoy, Fahri Yardim, Philip The Warrior’s Way Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, Raymond Danne, Friederike Kempter, Roberto The Warrior’s Way Massey, Alan Hale, Ronald Reagan, Van Guerra, Sonsee Neu, Komi Togbonou, Wal- Jang Dong-gun, Kate Bosworth, Geoffrey Heflin - Dir. Michael Curtiz demar Kobus, Kasem Hoxha - Dir. Tobi Bau- Rush, Danny Huston, Tony Cox, Ti Lung, Western 1940 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) mann Analin Rudd - Dir. Sngmoo Lee 105min. Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen Action 2009 min. Abenteuer/Thriller 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) (D) 125min. 24.06.2011 11.08.2011 Universum Film 03.06.2011 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041126 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040929 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041047 Das Verhör Vollidiot (Blu-ray) The Warrior’s Way (Blu-ray) Garde à Vue The Warrior’s Way Oliver Pocher, Oliver Fleischer, Tanja Wen- Lino Ventura, Michel Serrault, Romy Jang Dong-gun, Kate Bosworth, Geoffrey zel, Anke Engelke, Ellenie Salvo González, Schneider, Guy Marchand, Elsa Lunghini, Rush, Danny Huston, Tony Cox, Ti Lung, Jean-Claude Penchenat - Dir. Claude Miller Herbert Feuerstein - Dir. Tobi Baumann Entfallene Szenen, B-Roll, Trailer, Audiokommentar, Inter- Analin Rudd - Dir. Sngmoo Lee Kriminalfilm/Drama 1981 (D) (F) 84min. views Action 2009 min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Komödie 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Classic Selection) 07.07.2011 12min. 11.08.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041036 Senator Home Entertainment(Universum 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040946 Film) 05.08.2011 Das Verhör (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041136 The Wizard of Gore (Blu-ray) Garde A Vue (k.J.) Lino Ventura, Michel Serrault, Romy Voodoo Moon (k.J.) The Wizard Of Gore Schneider, Guy Marchand, Elsa Lunghini, Voodoo Moon Kip Pardue, Bijou Phillips, Crispin Glover, Jean-Claude Penchenat - Dir. Claude Miller Eric Mabius, Charisma Carpenter, Jeffrey Jeffrey Combs, Brad Dourif, Joshua Miller, Kriminalfilm/Drama 1981 (D) (F) 88min. Combs, Rik Young, Jayne Heitmeyer, Dee Garz Chan, Tim Chiou, Evan Seinfeld, Flux Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Wallace - Dir. Kevin VanHook Suicide, Amina Munster, Cricket Suicide, Classic Selection) 07.07.2011 Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurette, Bildergalerie, Nixon Suicide, Kenneth Moskow - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041046 Trailer Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Jeremy Kasten Die Versuchung (E) 86min. Horror 2006 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DD 2.0 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 95min. Dir. Nils Molitor da music(Great Movies) 20.05.2011 MIG Film 14.07.2011 Erotik 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 65min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041055 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041045 Sunfilm Entertainment(Fun Film Der Vorleser (Blu-ray) Entertainment) 07.07.2011 A Woman, a Gun and a 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041091 The Reader Kate Winslet, David Kross, Ralph Fiennes, Noodleshop (Blu-ray) Die Versuchung (Blu-ray 3D)+ 2D Lena Olin, Bruno Ganz, Jeanette Hain, Su- San Qiang Pai An Jing Qi (Blu-ray) sanne Lothar, Matthias Habich, Jürgen Sun Honglei, Ni Dahong, Yan Ni, Shen-Yang Tarrach, Hannah Herzsprung, Karoline Xiao, Wang Xiaojuan - Dir. Zhang Yimou Dir. Nils Molitor Herfurth, Burghart Klaußner, Sylvester Trailer Erotik 2009 DTS-HD 7.1 MA (D) 65min. Groth, Alexandra Maria Lara, Vijessna Thriller/Komödie 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 MA Sunfilm Entertainment(Fun Film Ferkic - Dir. Stephen Daldry (D) DTS-HD 7.1 MA (Manda) 90min. Entertainment) 07.07.2011 Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte, Audiokommentar, Entfalle- Sunfilm Entertainment 07.07.2011 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041113 ne Szenen, Featurettes, Making of, PiP, BD Live 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041133 Drama 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Vidocq (Blu-ray 3D) + 2D (Blu-ray) HD 5.1 MA (E) 124min. Der Zauberwunsch (Blu-ray) Vidocq Senator Home Entertainment 01.07.2011 A Simple Wish Gérard Depardieu, Guillaume Canet, Ines 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041061 , Mara Wilson, Robert Sastre, André Dussollier, Edith Scob, Pastorelli, Amanda Plummer, Francis Capra, Moussa Maaskri, Jean-Pierre Gos, Isabelle Warbirds - Drachen des Todes Kathleen Turner, Ruby Dee, Teri Garr, Alan Renauld, Jean-Pol Dubois, André Penvern, Warbirds Campbell, Jonathan Hadary, Deborah Odell, Gilles Arbona, Jean-Marc Thibault, François Jamie Elle Mann, Brian Krause, Lucy Faust, Lanny Flaherty, Aidan Quinn - Dir. Michael Chattot - Dir. Jean-Christophe „Pitof“ Comar Tohoru Masamune, David Jensen, Caleb Ritchie Thriller/Fantasy 2001 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 MA Michaelson, Stephanie Honore, Gizza Komödie/Fantasy 1997 89min. (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (F) 98min. Elizondo, Dennis Nguyen - Dir. Kevin Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Sunfilm Entertainment 07.07.2011 Gendreau 07.07.2011 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041135 Trailer, Wendecover 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040955 Fantasy/Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Vier im roten Kreis DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 85min. Zwei hinreißend verdorbene MIG Film 14.07.2011 Le Cercle Rouge Schurken (Blu-ray) Alain Delon, Yves Montand, Gian Maria 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041031 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Volonté, Bourvil, François Périer, Paul Warbirds - Drachen des Todes Steve Martin, Sir Michael Caine, Glenne

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Headly, Barbara Harris, Anton Rodgers, Ian McDiarmid - Dir. Frank Oz Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Komödie 1988 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) 110min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(MGM/UA) 15.07.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041009

Special Interest

Die 4. Revolution Dir. Carl-A. Fechner Featurette, Musikvideo, Clip, Making of, Trailer Dokumentarfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 83min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 16.06.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041017 Plug & Pray Joseph Weizenbaum, Raymond Kurzweil, Minoru Asada, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Neil Gershenfeld, Giorgio Metta, Hans-Joachim Wünsche, Joel Moses - Dir. Jens Schanze Dokumentarfilm/Wissenschaft 2008-2010 91min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment 27.05.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041130 Serengeti (Blu-ray 3D, Blu-ray 2D) (Blu-ray) Dir. Reinhard Radke Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) 102min. Universum Film 29.07.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041060 Tortuga - Die unglaubliche Reise der Meeresschildkröte (Blu-ray) Turtle: The Incredible Journey Dir. Nick Stringer Making of, Interviews, Trailer Dokumentarfilm/Tiere 2009 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS (E) 79min. polyband Medien GmbH 24.06.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20040924

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 30 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100385 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100192

Animation Happiness Is A Warm Blanket, El Perro Y El Gato: From Here To Adieu Galaxy Express 999 Charlie Brown (Blu-ray) There - De Aquí Para Allá Linus and his blue blanket go together like peanut butter and Who wants to be an astronaut? Or a vet? Or go on a jungle Tetsuro Hoshino was once a boy willing to give anything to jelly, sunny days and baseball games, Snoopy and adventure? Then join up with El Perro y El Gato, two best board the Three-Nine, including a promise to accompany a Woodstock. But when Linus discovers his Grandma friends who go from an under the sea encounter with an mysterious woman named Maetel to the other side of the disapproves of his childish attachment, he wonders if it’s time octopus to a not-quite-ordinary trip to the supermarket. Galaxy, if only to fulfill a vow to avenge the cruel death of his to ditch that blanket. Linus enlist the help of best buddy Wherever they go, it’s always fun, and always in English and mother at the hands of the villainess Count Mecha. Now, two Charlie Brown to keep the security object away from him. in Spanish. This dog and cat are going places! years after the events of Galaxy Express 999, Earth has When that doesn’t work, he turns to his older sister, amateur Animated Animals, Educational, , HBO become a battlefield, and Tetsuro is summoned to board the psychiatrist Lucy, for some tough love. Can Linus kick his Three-Nine once more. In this, the shattering full-length habit once and for all? Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie 2004 30min. theatrical conclusion to creator Leiji Matsumoto’s epic story, Brown is sure to snugly wrap your whole family in happiness. HBO Home Video 09.08.2011 all questions will be answered and all mysteries revealed as Tetsuro embarks on a journey the destination of which is Family, Based On A Comic Strip 2011 46min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100150 unknown even to Galaxy Express Railways locomotive C6248 Warner Bros. 24.05.2011 itself... a journey which will reveal a secret so awful, even 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100243 El Perro Y El Gato: The Maetel herself can hardly bear to speak of it. Science Fiction, Anime 1981 Ltbx 16x9 S Adventure Begins - La Aventura 135min. Hero 108: Season 1- Volume 2 Comieza Long ago in The Hidden Kingdom, animals and humans lived Eastern Star 28.06.2011 together in peace . . . until the evil HighRoller tricked the Meet El Perro y El Gato. In their debut show, they introduce 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100303 animals into believing that the humans were their enemies. pre-schoolers as well as older brothers and sisters to their HighRoller convinced his animal armies to attack the humans non-stop world. With lots of vibrant colors and plenty of and drive them from their homes. Most humans were so attitude, these two best friends - a dynamic dog and a laid Bleach: Box Set 10 downtrodden, they gave up all hope for better days. That is back cat - create wonderful adventures from the beach to the As Ichigo and his friends battle their way through the until Commander ApeTrully created a base of strategic zoo to the first day of school. And everything is in English and Arrancar stronghold, Chad is overcome by Espada Number operations in a giant abandoned turtle shell, submerged in a in Spanish. El Perro Y El Gato is a totally fun way to learn Five Nnoitora—and the drop in his Spiritual Pressure is felt seemingly quiet lake. He called upon rebel humans and both languages! throughout Las Noches. Elsewhere, Uryu and Renji struggle animals to fight the villainous HighRoller and dubbed his Animated Animals, Educational, Family, HBO against Szayelaporro, who has sealed away most of their rebel force „Big Green.“ Their mission? Restore peace to the 2004 30min. abilities, and Orihime and Nel watch in horror as a Hollowfied land. Big Green’s most elite team of warriors is called First Ichigo faces off against the exultant Grimmjow. Squad and consists of Lin Chung, Mighty Ray, Mystique HBO Home Video 09.08.2011 Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Sonia and Jumpy GhostFace. Together they face off against 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100151 all manner of fierce creatures, like fire-breathing Ligers and Adventure 401min. magic lantern-wielding Zebras. Viz Entertainment 06.09.2011 Adventure, Animated Animals, Anime, Car- El Perro Y El Gato: Together 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100440 toon Network, Fantasy, Martial Arts 2010 Again - Juntos Otra Vez 150min. Take a trip with El Perro y El Gato as they pack for a Curious George: A Day At The vacation in the wild, wild west and the hills of Hollywood. Viz Entertainment 16.08.2011 Don’t forget your sunglasses! And the adventures don’t end at Library 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100230 the airport! It’s non-stop action as our gregarious dog and unflappable cat figure out what it means to be best friends - Family, Preschool, Animated Animals and pass on a few bilingual lessons, of course. Learning a 108min. Mobile Suit Gundam 00: new language has never been so much fun! Universal Studios 02.08.2011 Wakening Of The Trailblazer Animated Animals, Educational, Family, HBO 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100205 2314 A.D. The new government of the Earth Sphere 2004 30min. Federation is carrying out a program of peaceful HBO Home Video 09.08.2011 reconciliation, and preparing for the appearance of the In- Franklin: Franklin Goes To Camp novators who will lead the human race into a new era. But the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100152 Franklin likes to be center stage. When it comes to clowning return of a derelict Jupiter exploration ship marks the around, Franklin can get laughs like no one else, especially beginning of an unprecedented crisis. What are the alien El Perro Y El Gato: Unleashed - from his best friend Bear. However, at Day Camp, Fox begins entities known as Extraterrestrial Living-metal Shape- stealing the show and it begins to look like Bear is Fox’s shifters? What do they want? And will Setsuna F. Seiei and Sin Correa biggest fan. Franklin becomes determined to regain the his fellow Gundam Meisters be able to answer these What could be more fun than hanging out with an unstoppable spotlight and his audience. questions before humanity is wiped out? Featuring the popular dog and a taking-it-easy cat, and learning a new language CBS, Animated Animals 60min. heroes from the TV series in an all-new original story, and along the way? Their worldviews may be different, but they’re Phase 4 Films 22.06.2010 depicting the first appearance of alien life forms in the still best friends, and totally bilingual. In Unleashed/Sin Gundam saga, this theatrical feature will amaze you with its Correa, El Perro Y El Gato make some beautiful music, do a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100162 breathtakingly animated spectacles of space combat and invite little yoga, walk us through all four seasons, and welcome a you to mind-expanding adventures throughout the solar system new baby to the family. Plus, lots more. But whatever they are and beyond! up to, it’s always fun. Franny’s Feet: Let’s Dance Science Fiction, Anime, Foreign, Giant Franny lands in a dance studio where she meets Flash a little Animated Animals, Educational, HBO 2004 boy who would like to dance but is too unsure of himself. Robots, Japanese, Action, Adventure, 30min. Franny gives him a „magic coin“ that she tells him will help Animated Feature Films 2010 min. HBO Home Video 09.08.2011 him be a good dancer and sure enough it works. Once Flash Bandai Visual 23.06.2011 sees what a good dancer he can be, Franny helps him realize 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100153 it wasn’t because of the coin but because of his own ability. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100179 PBS, Preschool 2006 66min. Piper Penguin And His Fantastic Phase 4 Films 08.06.2010 Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Flying Machines 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100161 Wakening Of The Trailblazer Harry Cason (Blu-ray) Piper Penguin has a dream to invent a machine that will let Galaxy Express 999 2314 A.D. The new government of the Earth Sphere penguins fly. But pursuing his dream has made him the Galaxy Express 999. Tetsuro Hoshino is a youth who’ll give Federation is carrying out a program of peaceful laughing stock of Penguinville High. Even with the help of his anything to board the Three-Nine, including a promise to reconciliation, and preparing for the appearance of the In- friends Pepperoni, a fearless test , Winthrop, a walrus accompany a mysterious woman named Maetel all the way to novators who will lead the human race into a new era. But the that wants to be a rock star, and Penny, who has a crush on Andromeda, the planet where, she tells him, he can get a free return of a derelict Jupiter exploration ship marks the Piper, Piper’s inventions never quite come together. His dad, machine body to avenge the cruel death of his mother at the beginning of an unprecedented crisis. What are the alien a famous inventor in his own right, tries to help, but Piper’s hands of the villainous Count Mecha. But nothing is as easy entities known as Extraterrestrial Living-metal Shape- latest flying contraption almost destroys the prom. When as it sounds, and Tetsuro is about to learn the true price not shifters? What do they want? And will Setsuna F. Seiei and Wiley, the killer whale and mortal enemy of all penguins, sets only for boarding the Three-Nine and avenging his mother, but his fellow Gundam Meisters be able to answer these a trap for Penny and the citizens of Penguinville, only Piper for leaving his childhood behind, falling in love, and becoming questions before humanity is wiped out? Featuring the popular can come to their rescue. But to do so, Piper must realize his a man. heroes from the TV series in an all-new original story, and dream... for a penguin to actually fly! Anime, Fantasy 1979 Ltbx 16x9 S 128min. depicting the first appearance of alien life forms in the Animated Animals 2008 54min. Gundam saga, this theatrical feature will amaze you with its Phase 4 Films 14.06.2011 Eastern Star 28.06.2011 breathtakingly animated spectacles of space combat and invite 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100307 you to mind-expanding adventures throughout the solar system 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100165 and beyond! The Gruffalo Science Fiction, Foreign, Giant Robots, Pippi Longstocking: Pippi Goes Japanese, Anime, Action, Adventure, Animated Animals min. To The Fair Animated Feature Films 2010 min. NCircle Entertainment 31.08.2011 Annika and Tommy introduce Pippi to a local custom, the Bandai Visual 23.06.2011 annual town fair. It is all a bit confusing to Pippi and she has

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 31 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA her own unique interpretation for everything she encounters, (Blu-ray) this is the extraordinary story of six very independent heroes including the fire breather, snake charmer, card reader, who, like it or not, must fight as one to save the world. Little bumper cars and Ferris wheel. When Adolphe, the world’s Johnny Depp, Abigail Breslin, Isla Fisher, did they know that their biggest threat would emerge from strongest man, challenges to take on anyone, he is not aware Harry Dean Stanton, Alfred Molina, Bill within their very own ranks - The Incredible Hulk! that Pippi Longstocking is in the audience. He regrets the Nighy, Ray Winstone, Timothy Olyphant, Based On Comic Book, Family, challenge. Superheroes 2006 min. 88min. Stephen Root Lionsgate 02.07.2011 Phase 4 Films 19.07.2011 Get ready to tango with Rango, a winner with critics and audiences that’s „like nothing you’ve ever seen before“ (Peter 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100441 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100290 Travers, Rolling Stone). Johnny Depp is spectacular as Rango, a kooky pet chameleon who gets tossed into a wild and raucous town in desperate need of a hero. Refreshingly Pocoyo: Dance Pocoyo Dance original with eye-popping animation, Rango is „loads of fun Computer Animation, Preschool min. and genuinely funny“ (Betsy Sharkey, Los Angeles Times). NCircle Entertainment 16.08.2011 Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, Spa- Film 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100384 ghetti Westerns, Western 2011 107min. Paramount Pictures 15.07.2011 The 10th Victim (Blu-ray) Pokemon: Diamond & Pearl 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100241 Ursula Andress, Marcello Mastroianni, Elsa Galactic Battles - Vol. 5 Martinelli, Salvo Randone Revolutionary Girl Utena: Black It is the 21st Century, and society’s lust for violence is As the menace of Team Galactic continues to loom over the satisfied by „The Big Hunt,“ an international game of legalized Sinnoh region, Ash and Dawn keep getting caught up in the Rose Saga Set 2 (Limited Edition) murder. But when the sport’s two top assassins (Marcello schemes of this mysterious group of villains-as well as facing Revolutionary Girl Utena: Black Rose Saga. Contains Mastroianni and Ursula Andress) are pitted against each some other unexpected challenges! Dawn’s got her hands full episodes 13-24. This is the second of three, limited-edition other, they find that love is the most dangerous game of all. As dealing with the many problems of her Pokémon, while Ash’s dvd box=sets that feature premastered video and a newly the world watches, the hunt is on. Who will become The 10th ongoing rivalry with Paul finally comes to a head in a full 6- created Dolby Digital 5.1 Japanese audio track, as well as Victim? The 10th Victim is the international cult classic whose on-6 battle! It might be the ultimate test of training styles - will Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo for English and Japanese audio, and wild action and sexy style has influenced a generation of our heroes come out on top? English-language subtitles and on-screen translations. On- movies, from The Running Man to the Austin Powers. Action, Anime, Based On Video Game, disc extras will include animated art galleries, in 1997 Utena Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Italian, Action, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Space 150min. promotional video footage, and interviews conducted with Utena director Kunihiko Ikuhara during a previous visit to the Science Fiction, Thrillers 1965 min. Viz Entertainment 30.08.2011 . Additionally, the set will be housed in a Blue Underground 30.08.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100232 collectors’ art box and also include a book with content from 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100369 the limited-edition Japanese release with episode commentary, artwork, and the second installment of production notes from Pokemon: Diamond & Pearl the Japanese laser disc release. Only a limited quantity of 4 Film Favorites: Charleton Galactic Battles - Vol. 5 & 6 (2 this premium set will be produced. Revolutionary Girl Utena has been both critically acclaimed and a fan favorite since its Heston Pack) 1997 broadcast debut on TV Tokyo and features direction by Charlton Heston, Kim Basinger, Edward G. Ash and Dawn are on a journey to be the best in Sinnoh-but Kunihiko Ikuhara Sailor Moon S and SuperS), series Robinson, James Brolin, Anthony Zerbe, whether it’s an imitation Professor Oak or a sweet-looking composition by Yoji Enokida (Orun High Host Clu Togepi with a deviousdouble nature, the quest for the Sinnoh Anime, Foreign, Japanese 300min. Paul Koslo, Eric Laneuville League and Grand Festival is full of surprises! Can Dawn BayView Entertainment 02.08.2011 Four films that celebrate the versatility and greatness of icon beat her mother Johanna in a Contest battle?Is Ash tough Charlton Heston. Soylent Green The Omega Man Skyjacked enough to beat Palmer, the Battle Frontier’s own Tower 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100432 Science Fiction, Thrillers, Wilderness, Ac- Tycoon? What is the nefarious Team Galactic up to on Mt. tion, Adventure, Aerial Action, Apocalyptic Coronet? And why would Piplup pick a fight with Dawn’s cute Scooby-Doo! Mystery new Pokémon? Find out the answers in these thrilling Future, Cult Film / TV, Drama 437min. episodes of Pokémon: DP Galactic Battles! Incorporated: Season One - Warner Bros. 02.08.2011 Action, Anime, Based On Video Game, Volume 3 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100312 Double Features, Fantasy, Foreign, Vivica A. Fox, Matthew Lillard, Mindy Cohn, Japanese, Space 300min. Kath Soucie, Patrick Warburton, Kevin 4 Film Favorites: Classic Holiday Viz Entertainment 30.08.2011 Dunn, Gary Cole, Frank Welker, Lewis Collection Vol. 1 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100245 Black, Casey Kasem, Grey Delisle, Dee Barbara Stanwyck, Debbie Reynolds, Syd- Bradley Baker, Jeff Bennett ney Greenstreet, Mickey Rooney, Spencer Pokemon: Diamond & Pearl The adventures of a talking dog and his four human pals as Tracy, Ricardo Montalban, Reginald Owen, Galactic Battles - Vol. 6 they try to unravel the strange and haunted history of their hometown. The tone is comedic, but it will never lose the edge Gene Lockhart As the menace of Team Galactic continues to loom over the that our heroes are in some frightening situations. The stakes A Christmas Carol Christmas In Connecticut The Singing Nun Sinnoh region, Ash and Dawn keep getting caught up in the are real. Academy Award Winners, Charles schemes of this mysterious group of villains-as well as facing some other unexpected challenges! Dawn’s got her hands full Cartoon Network, Comedy, Mystery, Dickens, Christmas, Classics, Comedy, dealing with the many problems of her Pokémon, while Ash’s Animated Animals 2010 min. Drama, Family, Historical / Period Piece, ongoing rivalry with Paul finally comes to a head in a full 6- Warner Bros. 30.08.2011 Holidays 361min. on-6 battle! It might be the ultimate test of training styles-will our heroes come out on top? 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100449 Warner Bros. 02.08.2011 Action, Anime, Based On Video Game, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100313 Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Space 150min. Shaun The Sheep: Animal Antics Viz Entertainment 30.08.2011 Get ready for farm-fresh fun and laughter with Shaun the 4 Film Favorites: Classic Holiday Sheep? and his barnyard buddies, as they set the scene for 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100233 more mayhem on the farm. Laugh out loud as Shaun tries to Collection Vol. 2 outfox a fox, Bitzer discovers his jazzy side, and the sheep Robert Mitchum, Janet Leigh, Glynis Johns, Rango try to sell everything on the farm to the highest bidder. Shaun and his friends deliver 7 hilarious adventures full of animal Ann Harding, Cameron Mitchell, Victor Moo- Johnny Depp, Abigail Breslin, Isla Fisher, antics that will make the whole family cock-a-doodle doo! re Harry Dean Stanton, Alfred Molina, Bill Animated Animals, Family, Stop Motion Ani- Holiday Affair It Happened On 5th Avenue Blossoms In The Nighy, Ray Winstone, Timothy Olyphant, mation 44min. Dust Romance, Christmas, Comedy, Family, Stephen Root Lionsgate 26.07.2011 Holidays min. Get ready to tango with Rango, a winner with critics and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100185 audiences that’s „like nothing you’ve ever seen before“ (Peter Warner Bros. 02.08.2011 Travers, Rolling Stone). Johnny Depp is spectacular as 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100314 Rango, a kooky pet chameleon who gets tossed into a wild Ultimate Avengers: The Movie and raucous town in desperate need of a hero. Refreshingly original with eye-popping animation, Rango is „loads of fun Limited Edition 4 Film Favorites: Denzel Wa- and genuinely funny“ (Betsy Sharkey, Los Angeles Times). Nan McNamara, Grey Delisle, Fred shington Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, Spa- Tatasciore, Nolan North, Michael Massee, Robert Duvall, Denzel , John ghetti Westerns, Western 2011 107min. Marc Worden, Dave Boat, Justin Gross, Paramount Pictures 15.07.2011 Goodman, Julia Roberts, James K. Ward, Andre Ware John Q Fallen The Pelican Brief 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100212 Animated Marvel Features. A world in crisis. Age-old enemies on the verge of attack. So a mighty team is recruited, and Serial Killers, Thrillers, Academy Award Earth’s ultimate hero is sought to lead them - Captain Winners, Action, Cops, Crime, Crooked Rango (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) America. Unfortunately, he’s been frozen in ice for over sixty Cops, Drama, Horror, Hostage Crisis, years. Inspired by Marvel’s best-selling book, The Ultimates,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 32 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Lawyers / Legal Issues 499min. abandon her, so she has to walk home alone in the dark. But, identities, missed chances, and tragic consequences. Strange when Dory doesn’t show up to school the next day, everyone, as it sounds, this real-life condition has sprung up in pop Warner Bros. 02.08.2011 including Bianca, starts to worry... It’s not until Dory’s dead culture with increasing frequency - in episodes of Nip/Tuck 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100315 body is found and Bianca, and her mother go to the police, that and Grey’s Anatomy among others. Unlike many pop culture this childish prank leads to a more adult outcome... An treatments of B.I.I.D., which aim to shock, Armless. 4 Film Favorites: Epic Adventures outcome where one murder may not be enough to silence the Comedy 2010 88min. truth. Vanguard 22.02.2011 Charlton Heston, Laurence Olivier, Jared Thrillers, Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100435 Leto, Ursula Andress, Hildegard Neil, Brad 90min. Pitt, Colin Farrell, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom MTI Home Video 02.08.2011 Alexander: Director’s Cut Clash Of The Titans Antony And 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100154 Rowan Atkinson Presents Canned Cleopatra Laughter Romance, Shakespeare, Action, Ancient Rowan Atkinson Greece / Rome, Drama, Epics, Fantasy, After Dark: Scream Of The British, Comedy 1979 30min. Historical / Period Piece min. Banshee Millennium Entertainment 23.08.2011 Warner Bros. 02.08.2011 A college professor and her students discover an ornate box in the basement of their university. When they open the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100258 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100316 artifact, a bloodcurdling scream is unleashed. According to Irish lore, those who hear a banshee scream will die, which is 4 Film Favorites: Nicholas Sparks what begins to happen as the creature comes for each of them. Back To The Secret Garden Thrillers, Horror 90min. Joan Plowright, Camilla Belle, Cherie Romances Lionsgate 26.07.2011 Lunghi, David Warner, George Baker Richard Gere, Gena Rowlands, Diane 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100182 Return to the magical place where hope and friendship grow.. Lane, Mandy Moore, Robin Wright Penn, It’s been 30 years and the Secret Garden is in trouble again. Rachel McAdams, Kevin Costner, James The once vibrant and beautiful garden is dying and nobody After Dark: The Task knows why. The enchanted door to the garden can’t be found Garner, Shane West, Ryan Gosling Something diabolical is taking place on the set of „The Task,“ and the magic has disappeared. When a special girl named The Notebook Message In A Bottle A Walk To Remember a new reality show in which players compete for a cash prize Lizzie is chosen to live in the castle, she discovers the Odd Couples, Romance, Tearjerkers, Drama by enduring a night in an abandoned prison and completing a garden and is determined to save it. She sneaks away from 483min. series of creepy tasks designed for maximum terror. As six the watchful eye of her guardian Miss Sowerby (Academy college students explore, things start to go amiss. Locked in Award® nominee, Joan Plowright) and runs off with the key to Warner Bros. 02.08.2011 this decrepit, labyrinthine prison, the contestants and the the garden door. Once inside, even with the help of a few 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100317 production staff start to realize that the scary reality show friendly animals, she still can’t solve the garden’s mystery. they thought they were taping has become real horror. She realizes that she must break all the rules and follow her Thrillers, Horror 94min. heart to bring life and magic back to the Secret Garden. It’s 4 Film Favorites: Sci-Fi never too late to return to the Garden. Relive the magic. Lionsgate 26.07.2011 Gary Oldman, William Hurt, Sharon Stone, Discover the mystery. And unravel all its secrets. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100183 Classics, Drama, Family 2000 100min. Jodie Foster, Samuel L. Jackson, Val Lionsgate 02.08.2011 Kilmer, Tom Sizemore, Dustin Hoffman, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100378 Matthew McConaughey Alien Thunder Lost In Space Sphere Red Planet Donald Sutherland, Kevin McCarthy, Gor- Science Fiction, Space, Thrillers, Action, don Tootoosis, Chief Dan George Battle Of Algiers: The Criterion Adventure, Aliens, Fantasy, High Seas, He hunted his best friend’s killer - while he hunted him.. Collection (Blu-ray) Award winner Donald Sutherland joins Academy Award Monsters 527min. nominee Chief Dan George (Little Big Man, Outlaw Josey One of the most influential films in the history of political Warner Bros. 02.08.2011 Wales) in this tale based on a true story. Alien Thunder cinema, Gillo Pontecorvo’s The Battle of Algiers focuses on 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100320 vividly recounts the adventures of a feisty Indian named the harrowing events of 1957, a key year in Algeria’s struggle Almighty Voice (Gordon Tootoosis, Legends of the Fall, Lone for independence from France. Shot in the streets of Algiers Star) and a powerful Northwest Mountie named Dan Candy in documentary style, the film vividly recreates the tumultuous 4 Film Favorites: Vampires (Donald Sutherland, M*A*S*H, The Eye of the Needle, Invasi- Algerian uprising against the occupying French in the 1950s. on of the Body Snatchers), when a Canadian mountie becomes As violence escalates on both sides, the French torture Corey Feldman, Lena Olin, Vincent Perez, a driven hunter, and then desperate prey, when he tries to prisoners for information and the Algerians resort to terrorism Autumn Reeser, Tanit Phoenix, Kiefer track down the Indian who killed his partner (Kevin in their quest for independence. Children shoot soldiers at McCarthy, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Howling). point-blank range, women plant bombs in cafés. The French Sutherland win the battle, but ultimately lose the war as the Algerian Lost Boys: The Tribe Lost Boys: The Thirst Queen Of The Now see it for the first time, in widescreen, from an HD master made from the original camera negatives. people demonstrate that they will no longer be suppressed. Damned The Criterion Collection is proud present Gillo Pontecorvo’s Thrillers, Troubled Youth, Vampires, Western 1974 Ltbx 90min. tour de force, a film with astonishing relevance today. Comedy, Horror 368min. Scorpion Releasing 28.06.2011 War, Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, Warner Bros. 02.08.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100334 Foreign, French, Art House 1965 125min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100322 Criterion 09.08.2011 Amelie (Blu-ray) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100408 The 7th Hunt Dominique Pinon, Audrey Tautou, Claire Five victims. Five killers. One aim... to survive.. The victims Maurier, Yolande Moreau, Isabelle Nanty, Becoming Eduardo of The 7th Hunt never knew that they were being stalked, Mathieu Kassovitz, Maurice Benichou, photographed and profiled. How could they have known that Elizabeth Pena, A Martinez, Gary Perez files were built on their eligibility - to die?! For the gothic Rufus Eddie Corazon, a 16-year-old juvenile delinquent and secret Callie, her deaf sister Arie, the beautiful Sarah, nerd Chris She’ll change your life.. The City of Lights sparkles in this reader, attends an alternative high school in Rosablanca, and misogynist Ricky; their evening plans are about to be „delightful and original“ (Boston Globe) quirky comedy that New Mexico. A former straight-A student, Eddie now walks rewritten. They are about to discover who they really are. garnered 5 Academy Award® nominations. At a tiny Parisian the thin line between tragedy and glory as he searches for his Kidnapped and taken to an abandoned military training school, café, the adorable yet painfully shy Amelie accidentally place in the world. A long-time friend, T.J. Ritchie, pushes him they find themselves the targets of five sadists, each with discovers a gift for helping others. Soon Amelie is spending to deal drugs. Miss Beecher, an unorthodox teacher, their own style of killing: the Knife, the Inquisitor, the Hand, her days as a Cupid, guardian angel and all-around do- encourages him to develop his intellect. When Eddie meets a the Sniper and the Hacker. They fight for their lives against gooder. But when she bumps into a handsome stranger, will college-bound beauty, Lupe Garcia, he is struck by love. these vicious sociopaths, becoming increasingly outnumbered she find the courage to become the star of her very own love Desperate to impress Lupe, he even tries his hand at poetry. as their friends are killed off... one by one. The 7th Hunt story? Audrey Tatou (The Da Vinci Code) shines in this To his surprise, Eddie discovers that he has a natural gift for serves up a classic terror in the tradition of Saw and Hostel - „lighthearted fantasy“ (Roger Ebert, Sun-Times) that writing, but he also makes some bad choices and is sent to shot in the style of Sin City. stole the hearts of audiences and critics worldwide. live with his uncle, Tio Antonio, in a different town. Eddie Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French, Indepen- uses the opportunity to re-invent himself. He takes off his Horror 2009 94min. bandana, tucks in his shirt, and starts calling himself Vanguard 22.02.2011 dent Women, Art House, Romance 2001 Eduardo. His exposure to Tio’s way of life shatters all his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100436 122min. masculine stereotypes and inspires him to view the world - Lionsgate 19.07.2011 and himself - in a new light. Pulled in opposite directions by 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100194 the people surrounding him, Eddie finally realizes that his Accused At 17 own life is at stake and that it is ultimatel Linden Ashby, Cynthia Gibb, Janet Drama 2008 85min. Montgomery, Barbara Niven, Stella Maeve, Armless Vanguard 29.03.2011 Nicole Gale Anderson, William Moses Janel Maloney, Daniel London 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100438 Meet the real mean girls.... When Bianca finds out her Armless tells the story of a man who suffers from Body boyfriend cheated on her with Dory, a classmate, she’s Integrity Identity Disorder (B.I.I.D.), a real-life psychological Bedways furious and out for revenge. Bianca and her best friends, condition in which an individual paradoxically doesn’t feel Fallyn and Sarah, team up to play a prank on the girl to make „whole“ unless he loses one or more major limbs. When he Director Nina Bader wants to shoot a film about love and sex her pay. The three lure her to a remote location, intending to leaves his wife and goes to find a doctor willing to amputate and invites her actor-friends Hans and Marie for screen tests his arms, it triggers a twisted romp filled with mistaken for a couple of days. For Nina love is not necessarily a matter

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 33 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA of emotion - she is rather looking for an authentic depiction of slaughtering vampires and those that get in her way. In 1943 Action 1972 90min. sex. The intimate collaboration turns into experiments with Europe, during World War II, Rayne faces her greatest foe, a film, love and bodies and finally has an impact on the private growing army of undead Nazi soldiers led by Ekart Brand, a Code Red 31.05.2011 relationships between the three of them. It seems that the top Nazi official turned day-walker. Rayne must team up with 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100210 boundaries between acting and reality begin to disappear. a group of resistance fighters to defeat Brand and his vampire Drama, Erotica, Film About Film, Foreign, army before they reach Berlin to grant Hitler immortality. Vampires, War, World War II, Action, Based Camille 2000: Extended Version German 2010 79min. A child of the sixties sexual revolution, beautiful, sensuous Strand Releasing 21.06.2011 On Video Game, Horror, Killer Beauties Marguerite (Daniel Gaubert) is addicted to sex and money. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100407 2010 79min. She is kept by a wealthy man, has a string of young lovers Phase 4 Films 05.07.2011 and hosts wild orgies in her luxurious villa. When she falls in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100267 love with the handsome bachelor Armand (Nino Castelnuova), Blitz (Blu-ray) he insists on absolute fidelity. Known by her reputation, Jason Statham, Paddy Considine, Aidan Armand’s controlling father soon intervenes, triggering a Bloodsucking Nazi Zombies tragic turn of events. From Radley Metzger, the essential Gillen director of elegant erotic arthouse, comes the dazziling new L’abime des Morts vivants, Oasis of the Zombies, Le Tresor 2000 version of Alexandre Dumas The Lady of the Camellias. Thrillers, Action 2011 97min. des Morts Vivants, Oase der Zombies Germany and The Millennium Entertainment 16.08.2011 Oasis of the Living Dead.. Cult Film / TV, Erotica, Foreign, Italian 1969 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100172 Zombies, Horror 82min. 129min. Music Video Distribution 15.03.2011 CAV 14.06.2011 Blitz (DVD + Digital Copy) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100450 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100189 Jason Statham, Paddy Considine, Aidan Gillen The Blues Brothers (Blu-ray) Camille 2000: Extended Version Thrillers, Action 2011 97min. Comedy icons John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd star in the (Blu-ray) Millennium Entertainment 16.08.2011 outrageously funny musical comedy The Blues Brothers. After A child of the sixties sexual revolution, beautiful, sensuous the release of Jake Blues (Belushi) from prison, he and Marguerite (Daniel Gaubert) is addicted to sex and money. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100147 brother Elwood (Aykroyd) take their blues band back on the She is kept by a wealthy man, has a string of young lovers road in an attempt to raise money for the orphanage where and hosts wild orgies in her luxurious villa. When she falls in BloodRayne: The Third Reich they were raised. Havoc ensues as the brothers seek love with the handsome bachelor Armand (Nino Castelnuova), redemption on their „mission from God“. Directed by John he insists on absolute fidelity. Known by her reputation, Michael Pare, Clint Howard, Natassia Landis (National Lampoon’s Animal House), the soul-stirring Armand’s controlling father soon intervenes, triggering a Malthe comedy classic features musical performances by blues tragic turn of events. From Radley Metzger, the essential legends Ray Charles, James Brown, Aretha Franklin and Cab director of elegant erotic arthouse, comes the dazziling new Half-vampire, half-human, Rayne hides in the shadows Calloway. slaughtering vampires and those that get in her way. In 1943 2000 version of Alexandre Dumas The Lady of the Camellias. Europe, during World War II, Rayne faces her greatest foe, a Music, Musical, Road Trips, Blues, Buddy Cult Film / TV, Erotica, Foreign, Italian 1969 growing army of undead Nazi soldiers led by Ekart Brand, a Pictures, Classics, Comedy min. 129min. top Nazi official turned day-walker. Rayne must team up with Universal Studios 26.07.2011 a group of resistance fighters to defeat Brand and his vampire CAV 14.06.2011 army before they reach Berlin to grant Hitler immortality. tba BestellNr.: 40100368 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100198 Vampires, War, World War II, Action, Based On Video Game, Horror, Killer Beauties The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Camp Hell 2010 79min. (Blu-ray) At the end of every summer, the children of a local community Phase 4 Films 05.07.2011 attend Camp Hope. While teaching them the ways of a proper David Thewlis, Vera Farmiga, Rupert Friend society, one teacher leads them, unknowingly, into a world of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100266 Based on the best-selling novel by John Boyne, The Boy in evil. As deep dark secrets are exposed about Camp Hope, the the Striped Pajamas is the tale of curious 8 year-old Bruno. children’s bodies slowly start to be taken over by something BloodRayne: The Third Reich - Bored in his new home, Bruno wanders off into the nearby evil. What was supposed to be a safe summer camp has now woods where he discovers an unusual fence, behind which is turned into a nightmare that not even faith can end. Director’s Cut (Unrated) a boy strangely dressed in „black- and-white pajamas.“ Bruno embarks in a most unusual friendship with the boy, one that Thrillers, Horror 99min. Michael Pare, Clint Howard, Natassia proves both ordinary and remarkable, both inspiring and Lionsgate 09.08.2011 Malthe tragic in this „unforgettable motion picture experience“ (Pete 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100451 Half-vampire, half-human, Rayne hides in the shadows Hammond, Hollywood.com). slaughtering vampires and those that get in her way. In 1943 Drama, Holocaust, Art House, Tearjerkers, Europe, during World War II, Rayne faces her greatest foe, a War, World War II 2008 94min. Carolina growing army of undead Nazi soldiers led by Ekart Brand, a Shirley MacLaine, Alessandro Nivola, Julia top Nazi official turned day-walker. Rayne must team up with Lionsgate 19.07.2011 a group of resistance fighters to defeat Brand and his vampire 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100195 Stiles, Randy Quaid, Jennifer Coolidge, army before they reach Berlin to grant Hitler immortality. Mika Boorem, Azura Skye, Edward Atterton Vampires, War, World War II, Action, Based Bridget Jones’s Diary (Blu-ray) She met the boy of her dreams...twice. Julia Stiles (MONA On Video Game, Horror, Killer Beauties LISA SMILE) and Academy Award(R) winner Shirley Colin Firth, Renee Zellweger, Hugh Grant, MacLaine (1983 Best Actress, TERMS OF ENDEARMENT) 2010 79min. Gemma Jones, Jim Broadbent star in CAROLINA, the endearing romantic comedy about a Phase 4 Films 05.07.2011 young woman (Stiles) trying to escape the eccentric ways of Academy Award winner Renee Zellweger (Best Supporting her wacky Southern family and meet the man of her dreams — 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100268 Actress, Cold Mountain, 2003; Chicago) and Hugh Grant a nice, normal available guy. Finding him appears easier said (Love Actually, two Weeks Notice) star in a delightful comedy than done until she meets a handsome and debonair BloodRayne: The Third Reich - about the ups and downs of modern romance. Bridget Englishman. Will Carolina’s dream turn into a nightmare when (Zellweger), a busy career woman, decides to turn over a she introduces her perfect guy to her less-than-perfect Director’s Cut (Unrated) (Blu-ray) new page in her life by channeling her thoughts, opinions and family? And what will her best friend Albert have to say? As insecurities into a journal that becomes a hilarious chronicle funny and charming as SWEET HOME ALABAMA, this Michael Pare, Clint Howard, Natassia of her adventures. Soon she becomes the center of attention Southern belle is sure to sweep you off your ever-loving feet. Malthe between a guy who’s too good to be true (Grant) and another Romance, Comedy 2002 98min. Half-vampire, half-human, Rayne hides in the shadows who’s so wrong for her, he could be just right (Colin Firth - slaughtering vampires and those that get in her way. In 1943 Love Actually)! Based on the best-selling book, Bridget Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Europe, during World War II, Rayne faces her greatest foe, a Jones’s Diary is another acclaimed crowd-pleaser from the 05.07.2011 growing army of undead Nazi soldiers led by Ekart Brand, a hitmakers of Four Weddings And A and Notting Hill. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100348 top Nazi official turned day-walker. Rayne must team up with Comedy, Drama, Independent Women, a group of resistance fighters to defeat Brand and his vampire Romance 2001 98min. army before they reach Berlin to grant Hitler immortality. Lionsgate 19.07.2011 Jackie Chan Kung Fu Master (Blu- Horror, Killer Beauties, Action, Based On 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100196 ray) Video Game, Vampires, War, World War II Bing Bai, Yishan Zhang, Jackie Chan 2010 79min. Brute Corps Jackie Chan is the undefeated Kung Fu Master who dishes Phase 4 Films 05.07.2011 out the action in traditional Jackie Chan style. When a young 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100271 Alex Rocco, Michael Pataki, Jennifer boy sets out to learn how to fight from the Master himself, he Billingsley, Felton Perry, Paul Carr, Joseph not only witnesses some spectacular fights, but learns some important life lessons along the way. BloodRayne: The Third Reich - Kaufmann The most expert killing machine in the world!. A beautiful Chinese, Comedy, Family, Foreign, Martial Director’s Cut (Unrated) With Di- hitchhiker and a draft dodger travel to Mexico and encounter Arts, Action 2009 85min. gital Copy a pack of mercenaries awaiting their next mission in Central Phase 4 Films 07.06.2011 America. A terribly psychotic merc takes a liking to the girl 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100175 Michael Pare, Clint Howard, Natassia which sets the couple on a brutal and violent course of torture and rape. Gritty and exciting, this one is not for the faint of Malthe heart. Half-vampire, half-human, Rayne hides in the shadows Charlie Chaplin: Premium

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Collection Vol. 1 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100425 Her students heap adoration upon her, a love that Miss G basks in and returns until the arrival of Fiamma, a wild and Charlie Chaplin self-confident transfer student from Spain. Fiamma’s new role Aberle-media proudly present soem of Chaplin’s early The Color Purple: Special Edition as teacher’s pet ignites the jealousy of former class queen Di classics in a newly restored and remastered edition. „Kid Auto (Juno Temple) and triggers an obsession in Miss G that Races at Venice“ is a 1914 American-mad motion picture , Danny Glover, Margaret quickly spirals out of control. A sterling cast leads this dark starring Charlie Chaplin in which is „Little Tramp“ character Avery, Rae Dawn Chong, Adolph Caesar coming-of-age thriller, the debut feature of Jordan (daughter makes it’s first apperance. Watch some of the most infamous Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Prize-winning story. Color it fuller, of Ridley) Scott. and historical short films of Chaplin’s illustrious career, like color it richer, color it even more of an enthralling movie Romance, Thrillers, Drama, Historical / Kid Auto Races At Venice, The Rival Mashes, The experience. The Color Purple shines anew in this expansive Adventurer, One A.M., The Rink and A Night Out. deluxe 2-disc edition DVD. Celie. „Mr.“ Sofia. Nettie. Shug. Period Piece 2009 104min. Classics, Comedy 125min. The unforgettable characters of Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Prize MPI 16.07.2011 novel brighten the screen in this rhapsodically cinematic 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100145 Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 adaptation directed by Steven Spielberg. At the center of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100261 tale is Celie (Whoopi Goldberg in her movie debut), whose search for fulfillment in a world closed to her becomes a Cul-De-Sac: The Criterion triumph of cruelty overcome by love, of pain eclipsed by joy. Cherry Acting and honors all came to The Color Purple. Collection (Blu-ray) Kyle Gallner, Laura Allen, Brittany But today as yesterday, its greatest honor is the embrace of Donald Pleasence, Lionel Stander, Robertson movie fans everywhere. Francoise Dorleac Black Heritage, Drama, Historical / Period Comedy, Drama 2010 99min. Roman Polanski (Repulsion) orchestrates a mental ménage à Piece 1985 153min. Millennium Entertainment 30.08.2011 trois in this slyly absurd tale of paranoia from the director’s Warner Bros. 12.07.2011 golden 1960s period. Donald Pleasance (Halloween) and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100149 Françoise Dorleac The Soft Skin) star as a withdrawn couple 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100221 whose isolated house is infiltrated by a rude, burly American gangster on the run, played by Lionel Stander (Unfaithfully Chocolat (Blu-ray) Conan The Barbarian (Blu-ray) Yours). The three engage in a game of shifting identities and Johnny Depp, Lena Olin, Judi Dench, sexual and emotional humiliations. Cul-De-Sac. , Max Von Sydow, William Juliette Binoche, Alfred Molina, John Wood, Thrillers, Art House, British, Comedy, Smith, , Gerry Lopez, Sandahl Leslie Caron, Robert Nelson Jacobs, Leslie Criterion Collection, Cult Film / TV, Dark Bergman, Valerie Quennessen, Cassandra Holleran, David Brown, Kit Golden, Lasse Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Woes Gaviola, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ben Hallstrom 1966 112min. Juliette Binoche and Johnny Depp star in the „delicious“ Davidson Criterion 16.08.2011 (Good Morning America) romantic comedy that swept The Warrior Gladiator King.. Through the history of mankind, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100409 audiences off their feet and earned 5 Oscar® nominations the times that are most recorded in mythology and song are including Best Picture. When Vianne (Binoche) arrives into a those of the great deeds and fantastic adventures. Such a time sleepy, old-fashioned French village and opens a chocolate was the Hyborean Age. Such a tale is the story of „Conan The Dalziel & Pascoe: Season Four shop, she sends the townspeople into a flutter with her Barbarian.“ Cimmeran Conan is captured as a child after his uniquely gifted treats. Before long the straitlaced villagers parents’ savage murder by raiding Vanir led by Thulsa Doom, Warren Clarke, Colin Buchanan find themselves abandoning their reservations and head also of the snake-cult of Set. Fifteen years of agony, BBC, British, Crime, Detectives, Foreign, succumbing to their deepest desires! But when the handsome first chained to the Wheel OF Pain grinding grain and then International TV, Mystery 1999 380min. stranger Roux (Depp) breezes into town, Vianne discovers enslaved as a pit fighter, forge a magnificent body and that she too is susceptible to the charms of love in this sweet indominitable spirit. Freed miraculously one day by his owner, BBC Home Video 20.09.2011 confection from the director of The Cider House Rules. Conan, with his companions Suboti the Mongol and Valeria, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100236 Queen of Thieves, sets forth upon his quest to learn „the Comedy, Drama, Art House, Romance 2000 riddle of steel“ which, his father has prophesied, will confer 122min. ultimate power; and to kill the arch-villian Thulsa Doom. Dante’s Peak (Blu-ray) Lionsgate 19.07.2011 Fantasy, Medieval Times, Action, Based On Linda Hamilton, Charles Hallahan, Pierce 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100197 Comic Book, Science Fiction 1981 131min. Brosnan Universal Studios 02.08.2011 Whatever You Do, Don’t Look Back!. Without warning, day Christmas In July 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100238 becomes night. Air turns to fire, and solid ground gives way to white-hot molten terror. Brace yourself for action-packed. Ellen Drew, Dick Powell Earth-shaking thrills, and whatever you do don’t look back. Experience all the joy of Christmas in July, a classic Conan The Destroyer (Blu-ray) Peirce Brosnan and Linda Hamilton star in an epic adventure screwball comedy written and directed by Academy Award from Director Roger Donaldson that will blow you away! winner Preston Sturges (The Lady Eve). A workplace Mako, Grace Jones, Tracy Walter, Sarah Erupting with spectacular special effects, heart-pounding practical joke goes awry when an office clerk (Dick Powell), Douglas, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Wilt suspense, romance and remarkable characters, „Dante’s Peak believing he has won a $25,000 prize, takes his girlfriend Chamberlain is a blast.“ Washington Post. (Ellen Drew) on an extravagant Christmas shopping spree...in The Most Powerful Legend Of All Is Back In A New Disasters, Action 1997 109min. the middle of July! After they discover it was all a hoax, their Adventure.. In this second Conan epic, he is asked by the evil Universal Studios 26.07.2011 spending spree turns into a wild slapstick riot. More than just Queen Taramis to accompany a beautiful young princess to a holiday heart-warmer, this madcap masterpiece is a classic find a magic treasure. If he returns with the treasure and the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100240 gift of laughter that is perfect for every season. virgin, the Queen promises to bring his beloved Valeria back Romance, Classics, Comedy 1940 68min. from the dead. But little does he know that she plans to kill Dazed and Confused (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 10.05.2011 them both, or that the return of the treasure will mean the extinction of mankind. Complete with tie-dye and bell bottoms, macramé and mood 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100207 rings, Dazed and Confused follows a group of high school Classics, Fantasy, Medieval Times, Action, students on the last day of school and one wild night they’d Based On Comic Book, Science Fiction never forget...if only they could remember. Featuring a superb Closed For The Season 1984 102min. ensemble cast including Ben Affleck, Matthew McConaughey, Aimee Brooks, Joe Unger, Damian Maffei Universal Studios 02.08.2011 Milla Jovovich and Parker Posey, Richard Linklater’s (The Welcome to the carnival of fear.. When trapped in a forgotten School of Rock) critically acclaimed cult favorite features amusement park, a young girl finds herself terrorized by the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100239 classic rock music by Aerosmith, Black Sabbath and KISS and living memories of the park. Now, she must break free from the delivers an enduring film that Rolling Stone calls park’s grasp before she becomes its next victim. Cougar Hunting „spectacularly funny!“ Horror 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 90min. Nostalgia, Stoners, Comedy, Criterion Lara Flynn Boyle, Vanessa Angel, Jillian MTI Home Video 23.08.2011 Collection, High School 103min. Murray, Matt Prokop Universal Studios 09.08.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100155 Three buddies in their 20’s who love-lives are in shambles decide to go to Aspen and pursue the booming trend of dating 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100366 Cold Weather cougars: hot older women who prey on hot young guys. The young men’s „Cougar Hunting“ quest, turns into a series of Doctor Who: Day Of The Daleks Cris Lankenau, Brendan McFadden hilarious disasters as they fall into awkward relationships After abandoning a promising academic career in forensic with Aspen’s elit, eligible vixens. Aubrey Woods, Katy Manning, Jon science, self-styled detective Doug (Cris Lankenau) returns Comedy 102min. Pertwee, Richard Franklin, Nicholas to Portland, Oregon to live with his more responsible big sister Gail (Trieste Kelly Dunn, The Craigslist Killer). He Screen Media Films 26.05.2011 Courtney lands a dead-end job working in an ice factory, but soon finds 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100356 A band of rebels from a future world ruled by the Daleks an opportunity to use his passion and skill in detective work sabotage a present-day peace conference in a desperate when his ex-girlfriend Rachel (Robyn Rikoon, In Treatment) attempt to change history. goes missing. Enlisting a team of ramshackle slacker-sleuths, Cracks Time Travel, BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, Doug leads the way down a complex trail of clues that brings Eva Green, Imogen Poots, Juno Temple, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Science him increasingly close to discovering the mysterious truth about Rachel. Maria Valverde Fiction 1972 100min. Miss G (Eva Green, Casino Royale) is seemingly a force of BBC Home Video 13.09.2011 Art House, Crime, Drama 2010 96min. nature, a glamorous presence beloved and idolized by her MPI 02.08.2011 blossoming charges at an all-girls British boarding school. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100446

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Complete Second Season (Blu- his ultimate bloody masterpiece. The body count is climbing and a madman is watching in this relentless, suspenseful Dogpound Shuffle ray) shocker, also starring Kill Bill. Ron Moody, David Soul Danny McBride Serial Killers, Thrillers, Christmas, Horror The doggonedest song and dance you ever saw.. Davis Soul HBO® premieres the second season of its outrageous, 2007 93min. (Starsky and Hutch, Salem’s Lot) and Academy Award irreverent half-hour, hit comedy series about an arrogant, Image Ent. 14.06.2011 nominee Ron Moody (Oliver, The Twelve Chairs) star in this burned-out, former major-league pitcher named Kenny Powers bright, whimsical family film about two drifters who form a (Danny McBride), In Season 2, Kenny will take up residence 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100278 wonderful friendship when they try to rescue a dog from the in a small Mexican town; there, joined by his lackey Stevie pound! Steps (Moody) is an aging ex-vaudeville tap dancer Janowski and a new love interest, Vida, he’ll fashion a Fast Times At Ridgemont High down on his luck. He’s got only one friend in this world - a comeback scenario that involves a local baseball team, the scruffy dancing dog named Spot. Pritt (Soul) is a young Charros, and its filthy-rich owner, Sebastian Cisneros. (Blu-ray) harmonica playing wanderer who isn’t doing much better. When Spot is picked up and put in a pound, Pritt offers to help Comedy, HBO, Sports, Baseball 2010 Academy Award® winner Sean Penn stars as the Steps raise the money to free the talented canine. And so a 180min. unforgettable Jeff Spicoli in the film that defined the new song and dance team is born. Their effort to rescue Spot, HBO Home Video 02.08.2011 outrageous and bold teen comedy genre, Fast Times at and the effects of their new friendship, dreams, and their Ridgemont High. Follow a group of Southern California high lives, form the basis of this heartwarming tale that will 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100173 school students as they explore their most important subjects: entertain and delight both adults and kids in the family! sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll. Directed by Amy Heckerling (Clueless) and written by Cameron Crowe (Almost Famous), Family 1975 M 90min. The Eleventh Aggression this hilarious portrait of 1980s American teen life features film Scorpion Releasing 28.06.2011 Taken from police archives of a real series of brutal murders debuts of future stars Nicolas Cage and Forest Whitaker, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100344 that occurred over a period of eleven years, the tense story plus decade-defining music from The Go-Go’s, Oingo Boingo laid out by critically acclaimed director, Charles Peterson and The Cars. (White Rabbit, Creep, Laws of Deception and more), reflects National Film Registry, Stoners, Troubled Don’t Be a Menace to South a new style of storytelling. Quick paced, and slickly presented, this study in human nature and not-so-humane Youth, Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Central While Drinking Your actions focuses on just how difficult it is for modern law Drama, High School 90min. Juice in the Hood (Blu-ray) enforcement to cope with the never-ending ability of mankind Universal Studios 09.08.2011 to devise new ways to force hurt upon us all. The Eleventh Marlon Wayans, Shawn Wayans Aggression tells the twisted story of a Vietnam Era, special 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100365 From the creator of TV’s In Living Color, this outrageous services operative Jeffrey Walters who assumes the role of a comedy hit had critics and audiences roaring with laughter! serial killer. Walters simply can’t control his rage and he Flesh Wounds From block parties and beepers to high tops and high- boils over the normal human anger response meter when he powered weapons, it’s everything that’s funny about growing crosses into - The Eleventh Aggression. , Bokeem Woodbine, Heather up in the ‘hood’...the Wayans Brothers’ neighborhood, that is! Serial Killers, Horror 2011 FF 90min. Marsden Marlon, Shawn (TV’s The Wayans Brothers) and Keenen ADA 28.06.2011 On a remote U.S. Army facility a group of scientists vanish Ivory Wayans (TV’s In Living Color) get together and deliver while conducting experiments with a top secret weapon. An a series of hilarious situations that all move to a hot, hit 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100299 elite covert ops team commanded by Lt. Tyler (Kevin Sorbo) is soundtrack! Get ready for a good time, because there are sent on a rescue mission that quickly turns deadly. With time plenty of laughs in this neighborhood! Elvira’s Movie Macabre: Night Of running out and the death count rising, Tyler’s team must hunt Comedy, Crime 1996 min. and destroy a predator unlike any they have ever encountered Echo Bridge Home Entertainment The Living Dead / I Eat Your Skin or become its next victim. 05.07.2011 Elvira, Karl Hardman, Heather Hewitt, Betty Science Fiction, Action, TV Movies min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100376 Hyatt Linton, William Joyce, Duane Jones Phase 4 Films 26.07.2011 George Romero’s „genuine cultural phenomenon“ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100294 (Entertainment Weekly) meets one of Elvira’s all-time favorite Double Crossed zombie flicks! Miguel A. Nunez Jr. Zombies, Double Features, Horror min. The Frankenstein Syndrome Action 2010 102min. E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 Ed Lauter, Patti Tindall, Louis Mandylor, Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100332 Scott Leet A beautiful young stem-cell researcher, Elizabeth Barnes, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100297 joins a secret research group attempting to develop a stem- Elvira’s Movie Macabre: The cell based universal healing serum. Despite opposition from Eastbound & Down: The the projects leaders she quickly develops a serum that can Satanic Rites Of Dracula / The bring the dead back to life - but with horrific results. When Complete First Season (Blu-ray) Werewolf Of Washington one of the project’s security guards is murdered and then re- animated, Barnes and her team must contend with a man, who Katy Mixon, Will Ferrell, Danny McBride, Elvira, Peter Cushing, Dean Stockwell, Chri- at first, is like a child but quickly becomes something much, John Hawkes, Andrew Daly, Steve Little stopher Lee much more. Former Major League pitcher Kenny Powers (Danny Hammer’s final Dracula film starring (The Horror 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 90min. McBride) used to have it all: fame, endorsements, and a Lord of the Rings) and Peter Cushing (Star Wars) meets MTI Home Video 05.07.2011 lucrative contract. Now, after hard living took its toll on his Oscar®-nominee Dean Stockwell (Blue Velvet) in the world’s fastball, Kenny has found himself crashing with his brother’s first political werewolf film! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100156 family and teaching gym class at the North Carolina middle school he once attended. Wherever he goes, Kenny wreaks Vampires, Werewolves, Double Features, havoc with his boorish behavior and even makes a pre- Dracula, Horror min. Frogs And Toads: Max’s Magical emptive romantic strike on his former high school squeeze, E1 Entertainment 14.06.2011 Journey now teacher engaged to the school principal. Out of baseball, and discarded by the game he abused so well, can Kenny 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100333 Six year old Max has an important mission: find some frogs succeed in his plot to triumphantly return to the big leagues? eggs for his older brother. Together with his friend, Jesse he embarks an adventurous and heartwarming journey through Comedy, HBO, Sports, Baseball 2009 Evidence Of A Haunting fields, farms and a forest which eventually leads to his 180min. Three investigations conducted by the Supernatural grandma’s house. There he’s welcomed by his grandma, her HBO Home Video 02.08.2011 Phenomena Research Society are documented, beginning with pancakes and the desired frogs eggs. On his overwhelming the exorcism of a young girl in Louisiana, then on to an Ameri- journey through nature he’s accompanied by cheerful 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100174 can Indian Poltergeist in Oklahoma, then finally a particularly childrens songs. difficult case in Dallas, Texas. Something haunts the tunnels Adventure, Drama, Family, Foreign 2009 Eastbound & Down: The deep below the Trinity River Community College, something evil. As they probe deeper below, it becomes apparent that 75min. Complete Second Season they’ve invaded the realm of the son of Satan, and they may Phase 4 Films 05.07.2011 Danny McBride not all escape. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100265 HBO® premieres the second season of its outrageous, Haunted Houses, Horror 82min. irreverent half-hour, hit comedy series about an arrogant, Brain Damage Films 08.08.2011 From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The burned-out, former major-league pitcher named Kenny Powers 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100300 (Danny McBride), In Season 2, Kenny will take up residence Hangman’s Daughter (Blu-ray) in a small Mexican town; there, joined by his lackey Stevie Michael Parks, Rebecca Gayheart, Sonia Janowski and a new love interest, Vida, he’ll fashion a Fall Down Dead Braga, Temuera Morrison, Jordana Spiro, comeback scenario that involves a local baseball team, the Udo Kier, Dominique Swain, David Charros, and its filthy-rich owner, Sebastian Cisneros. Ara Celi, Kevin Smith, Danny Trejo, Orlando Baseball, Comedy, HBO, Sports 2010 Carradine, Mehmet Gunsur Alpha Dog’s Dominique Swain) faces the most terrifying Jones, Marco Leonardi, Lennie Loftin 180min. Christmas Eve ever when she becomes the sole witness to A Must-See Thrill Ride!. The latest bone-chilling installment HBO Home Video 02.08.2011 the handiwork of the Picasso Killer (Halloween’s Udo Kier), of From Dusk Till Dawn reveals how this frightening saga all 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100148 a cold-blooded maniac with an eye for beautiful women. Now a began! Narrowly escaping death, outlaw Johnny Madrid citywide blackout has Christie trapped in an isolated office (Marco Leonardi - Like Water For Chocolate) is on the run building with a group of strangers as this unstoppable killing from the hangman (Temuera Morrison - Six Days, Seven Eastbound & Down: The force closes in, picking them off one by one in preparation for Nights)...with the hangman’s sensuous daughter Esmeralda by his side! Along with Madrid’s gang, Johnny and Esmeralda

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 36 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA embark on an adventure filled with colorful and unsavory First Season 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100184 characters who lead them straight into the fight of their lives! Also featuring Danny Trejo (Con Air), Rebecca Gayheart Tina Louise, Alan Hale, Jim Backus, Bob (Scream 2), and Michael Parks (From Dusk Till Dawn 1 & 2) Denver Guilty Hearts - you won’t want to miss a minute of the epic confrontation that Now way off the island. No escaping the fun.. A three-hour Follow the lives of nine strangers living worlds apart as they results in Esmeralda’s discovery of her secret birthright! tour? No way! Not when you have all 36 Season-One look for love, happiness, success, and friendship against all Horror, Horror Series, Thrillers, Vampires episodes of Gilligan’s Island plus a cargo of DVD extras that odds. Carrying the burden of guilt, they must escape their 1999 94min. include the originally unaired pilot. The S.S. Minnow first pasts before they can move forward. sailed into living rooms on September 26, 1964, and from there Drama min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment steered into legend. Certainly much credit for the show’s 05.07.2011 three-year run and amazing afterlife goes to the remarkable Phase 4 Films 28.06.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100374 cast whose characters managed to endure life on the island 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100167 while never losing their comic timing. Bravo to Bob Denver, Alan Hale, Jim Backus, Natalie Schaefer, Tina Louise, Frontera Roja 2 (Red Frontier 2) Russell Johnson and Dawn Wells. It’s a joy to be stranded Hail The Conquering Hero Valentin Trujillo Jr., Angel Soto, Eleazar with them time and again - here on Gilligan’s Isle. Academy Award-winning writer and director Preston Sturges Comedy 1964 916min. (Sullivan’s Travels) delivers a hilarious satire on the Ameri- Garcia Jr. can penchant for hero worship in Hail the Conquering Hero. El Cartel has a new boss named Raymundo Hernandez and a Warner Bros. 28.06.2011 Born on the day his father died a hero in WWI, Woodrow 2nd in command named El Guacho. Seeking more power, El 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100224 Truesmith (Eddie Bracken) enlists proudly when WWII Guacho betrays Raymundo, starting a war that creates a begins. Although anxious to serve his country, Woodrow is blood bath in the city. In order to hold on to what is his, quickly discharged because of his chronic hay fever. Raymundo must put his trust in the other cartels to help him Gilligan’s Island: The Complete Ashamed to return, the „conquering hero“ manages to dupe his defend against El Guacho’s attempted takeover. Second Season girlfriend, friends and entire hometown by having his buddies Action 2010 90min. forward his letters from the „Pacific.“ Nominated for a Best Tina Louise, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Alan Hale, Jim Navarre 10.05.2011 Original Screenplay Academy Award, this quick-witted Backus, Bob Denver, Vito Scotti comedy classic showcases the talents of Preston Sturges at 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100168 Just sit right back...“. Ahoy, again! Beach yourself for Season his best. 2 of the comedy series that’s part of everyone’s growing up, War, Classics, Comedy 1944 101min. Gantz and you’ll notice a big change. Ginger’s hair is flame red. The Universal Studios 10.05.2011 sea is a forever blue. That’s right. Season 2 is in color. But Kenichi Matsuyama, Takayuki Yamada, one thing doesn’t change for Gilligan and his pals: color them 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100209 Kazunari Ninomiya stranded. If Gilligan and friends could vote themselves off the Kei Kurono and his childhood friend Masaru Kato attempt to island, they’d do it in a heartbeat. Their loss is our gain. In 32 A Haunting In Salem second-season episodes (plus DVD extras), the three-hour save a man who has fallen onto the train tracks but are run When the new sheriff of Salem, Massachusetts discovers that down by an oncoming train. However, rather than finding tour (a three-hour tour) remains comically eternal for the skipper, his first mate and five passengers embarked out of he is the victim of a centuries-old curse, he must protect his themselves dead, they are transported to a strange apartment family from the vengeful ghosts that torment his home. in which they find a mysterious black orb known as „Gantz.“ Honolulu and marooned on a remote uncharted isle. Their ship Along with others there, they are provided weaponry and sent was the Minnow but their impact is colossal: Gilligan’s Island Thrillers, Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Horror on missions to battle alien beings. Is this world, which tests is one of the most frequently aired programs ever. Welcome 90min. your will to survive, a game or reality? ashore, little buddies! Asylum Home Entertainment 23.08.2011 Comedy 1965 811min. Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100166 Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese 2011 128min. Warner Bros. 28.06.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100227 Viz Entertainment 30.08.2011 He 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100323 Gilligan’s Island: The Complete Sean Cain, Ariauna Albright, Julie Rose, Trent Haaga, Creep Creepersin Gantz (Blu-ray) Series Collection He is about a couple that has been together for so long, that Kenichi Matsuyama, Takayuki Yamada, Tina Louise, Natalie Schafer, Dawn Wells, the couples has become strangers inside their own home. This pyschological thriller takes a deep look inside a ouple that is Kazunari Ninomiya Jim Backus, Alan Hale Jr., Bob Denver, growing apart so quickly that the sight of each other’s better Kei Kurono and his childhood friend Masaru Kato attempt to Russell Johnson half sends the other into fright. He. save a man who has fallen onto the train tracks but are run Just Sit Right Back... For All Three Seasons. down by an oncoming train. However, rather than finding Mystery, Thrillers, Drama 70min. themselves dead, they are transported to a strange apartment Boxed Sets, Comedy 1964 2057min. Music Video Distribution 17.05.2011 in which they find a mysterious black orb known as „Gantz.“ Warner Bros. 28.06.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100453 Along with others there, they are provided weaponry and sent 171,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100228 on missions to battle alien beings. Is this world, which tests your will to survive, a game or reality? Heat: Special Edition Science Fiction, Fantasy, Foreign, Gilligan’s Island: The Complete Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Jon Japanese, Action, Adventure 2011 128min. Third Season Voight, Natalie Portman, Ashley Judd, Wes Viz Entertainment 30.08.2011 Tina Louise, Natalie Schafer, Dawn Wells, Studi, Amy Brenneman, Diane Venora, Tom 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100362 Jim Backus, Alan Hale Jr., Bob Denver, Sizemore Russell Johnson When Al Pacino and Robert De Niro square off, Heat sizzles. Getting High Welcome back, Little Buddies, to the isle of coconuts and Written and directed by Michael Mann, Heat includes other assorted nuts - first mate Gilligan, the Skipper, the dazzling set pieces and a bank heist that USA Today’s Mike Kirk Acevedo, Isaach De Bankole, Mike Howells, the Professor, and two beauties forever linked to the Clark calls „the greatest action scene of recent times.“ It also Doyle, Paz De La Huerta socially relevant question „Guys, who’s your type: Ginger or offers „the most impressive collection of actors in one movie Best friends, Hunter and Santo, live the excess of New York Mary Ann?“ It’s year three of a three-hour tour (a three hour this year“ (Newsweek). Val Kilmer, Jon Voight, Tom Sizemore City: late night parties, women and drugs. After a rough night tour), and that means the end of civilization as we know it, or and Ashley Judd are among the memorable supporting players Santo starts having visions from the 1800s, and the two at least, the end of the series that went on to unending in this tale of a brilliant L.A. cop (Pacino) following the trail embark on a spiritual journey to escape from the success in repeat viewings across generations. Join the fun from a deadly armed robbery to a crew headed by an equally responsibilities of reality. as Gilligan dreams he’s Dracula, the group puts on Hamlet brilliant master thief (De Niro). Drama 98min. (the musical), Mary Ann insists she’s Ginger and Gilligan Thieves, Action, Cops, Crime, Drama 1995 becomes Mrs. Howell’s fairy godmother. Enjoy these hijinks 171min. Screen Media Films 10.05.2011 and more in 30 episodes that helped make us all what we are 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100358 today: a bunch of nuts! Warner Bros. 31.05.2011 Comedy 1966 780min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100246 Ghastly Grabs: Vol. X Warner Bros. 28.06.2011 The Farm. Deader Country. Biophage. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100229 Hellraiser: Hellworld (Blu-ray) Boxed Sets, Horror 256min. Lance Henriksen, Katheryn Winnick, Doug Brain Damage Films 05.07.2011 Goblin Bradley, Christopher Jacot 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100301 In 1831, on the eve of Halloween, the villagers of Hollow Glen Evil Goes Online. Experience a real-life nightmare in this all- engage in an annual festival where they toss their diseased new and totally unique chapter in the terrifying and insanely crops into a blazing fire, in hopes of blessing them with an popular series created by horror master Clive Barker! Star- Ghastly Grabs: Vol. XI abundant field for the next year. But when one couple takes ring Lance Henriksen (Alien, Scream 3) - and once again Rock ‘N’ Roll Frankenstein. Vampageddon. Fistful of Brains. the ritual too far and throws their sickly, deformed child into Doug Bradley as the infamous Pinhead! When five hardcore Boxed Sets, Horror 250min. the inferno, their murderous action results in something far internet gamers are invited to a special party thrown by the more horrific than they could have imagined. Out of the ashes web site Hellworld, they are about to endure a night of Brain Damage Films 05.07.2011 and smoke rises something so evil, so monstrous, that the unspeakable terror they believe only existed in cyber space! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100304 town is forever cursed. This creature is known as The Goblin Fresh, entertaining and crawling with amazing special effects and he waits for the moments when he can seek his revenge! - don’t miss the chilling return of Pinhead in this awesom Thrillers, Murder Mysteries, Horror 92min. thriller from Dimension Home Video! Gilligan’s Island: The Complete Devils And Demons, Hellraiser, Horror, Hor- Lionsgate 26.07.2011

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 37 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA ror Series 2005 95min. Thrillers, Drama, Fantasy 81min. to the gut. And with its precise tracking shots and gratifying Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Universal Studios 30.08.2011 sense of irony, it’s Kubrick to the core. Classics, Criterion Collection, Film Noir, 11.07.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100439 Mystery, Thieves, Thrillers 1956 85min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100375 Criterion 16.08.2011 Johnny Mnemonic (Blu-ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100412 Her Majesty, Mrs. Brown Keanu Reeves, Dolph Lundgren, Dina Mey- Judi Dench, Gerard Butler, Billy Connolly er, Takeshi Kitano, Takeshi Korkoro Drama, Historical / Period Piece 105min. The hottest data on earth. In the coolest head in town.. Keanu Reeves is a space-age courier who’s plugged in, turned on Marc Lavoine, James Thierree Echo Bridge Home Entertainment and buffed up to deliver the most important data of the 21st During the Second World War, a Gypsy family travels the 05.07.2011 century, wet-wired directly into his brain! A rapid-fire roller roads of France before learning that the Vichy regime no 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100346 coaster of action and high-impact imagery! Also starring longer gives them the right to travel freely. Another lush, Dolph Lundgren, Takeshi, Ice-T, Dina Meyer and Henry moving exploration of the Gypsy life by filmmaker Tony Gatlif Rollins. (Latcho Drom, Gadjo Dilo, Vendo), given added resonance by If....: The Criterion Collection Clones, Cult Film / TV, Killer Technology, Nicolas Sarkozy’s recent decision to dismantle illegal Action, Science Fiction 1995 96min. settlements and forcibly displace the country Gypsy groups. (Blu-ray) War, World War II, Drama, Foreign, French, Image Ent. 14.06.2011 Malcolm McDowell, Richard Warwick, David Gypsy 2009 111min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100310 Wood Kino Video 14.06.2011 Lindsay Anderson’s If.... is a daringly anarchic vision of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100324 British society, set in a boarding school in late-sixties Eng- Kalamity land. Before Kubrick made his mischief iconic in A Clockwork Orange, Malcolm McDowell made a hell of an impression as Alona Tal, Nick Stahl, Jonathan Jackson, Kung Fu: The Complete Third the insouciant Mick Travis, who, along with his school chums, Beau Garrett trumps authority at every turn, finally emerging as violent Haunted by memories of his ex-girlfriend Alice, a heartbroken Season savior against the draconian games of one-upmanship played Billy returns home to Northern Virginia seeking solace from Barbara Hershey, Radames Pera, Patricia by both students and the powers that be. Mixing color and old friends. But what he finds is more disconcerting than black and white as audaciously as it mixes fantasy and comforting: his best friend Stanley has become mysterious and Neal, Rhonda Fleming, John Carradine, reality, If.... remains one of cinema’s most unforgettable rebel withdrawn from those around him. Billy attempts to find out William Shatner, David Carradine, Leslie yells. what is going on, and as he probes Stanley’s recent activities Nielsen, , Lew Ayres, Jose British, Criterion Collection, Dark Comedy, , his friend’s behavior seems increasingly bizarre and Feliciano, Philip Ahn Drama, Foreign, Art House, Troubled Youth frightening. The discovery of blood-stained evidence among Stanley’s possessions pulls him deeper into the nightmare - He has crossed high mountains and traversed miles of 1968 112min. and eventually leads to a violent confrontation that not parched desert, finding work here and there before resuming Criterion 30.08.2011 everyone will survive. his trek. He’s faced lynch mobs, confronted bigots, eluded bounty hunters eager to claim the $10,000 price on his head. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100410 Thrillers, Drama 98min. But now Kwai Chang Caine’s (David Carradine) relentless Screen Media Films 08.02.2011 search for his half-brother Danny intends to kill him. A four- The Image 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100361 episode story are encompassing Caine’s reunion with his brother concludes this third and final Kung Fu season (24 From highly acclaimed director Radley Metzger, The Image episodes on 4 discs) that features many guest stars, including (aka The Punishment Of Anne / The Mistress And The Slave) Buster Keaton: The General - William Shatner, Lew Ayres, Patricia Neal, Jose Feliciano, is a fascinating study of the sadomasochistic relationship John Carradine, Rhonda Fleming, Leslie Nielsen and Barbara between a man, a young girl, and an older woman. Jean (Carl Premium Collection Vol. 1 Hershey. Complete the journey with the Old West’s most Parker, Score), meets his old friend Claire (Marilyn Roberts) unusual hero. at a party and is introduced to the young, seductive Anne Buster Keaton (Mary Mendum). Jean discovers the two women have a Consistently ranked among the greatest films ever made, Action, Martial Arts 1975 1221min. master/slave relationship and gets seduced into their perver- Buster Keaton’s The General is so brilliantly conceived and Warner Bros. 31.05.2011 se sexual games. Based on the classic novel L’Image from executed that it continues to inspire awe and laughter with 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100447 Catherine Robbe-Grillet (under the pseudonym of Jean de every viewing. Union soldiers have stolen The General, a Berg), this masterpiece of cinema is hailed by critics as one confederate train manned by Johnnie Gray, who was unable to of the best erotic films ever made. Beautifully photographed enlist in the Confederate army because he is needed as an La Femme Nikita: The Complete with highly explicit imagery and provocative situations, The engineer. The Union plans to use the train to supply its Image will titillate, arouse and shock you like no other film soldiers in a sneak attack against the Confederates. But now Seasons 1 - 5 you’ve ever seen. Newly remastered in high definition and it’s up to Gray and his love, Annabelle Lee, to reclaim The Roy Dupuis, Alberta Watson, Peta Wilson, created directly from the original 35mm camera negative, this General recross enemy lines, and war the Confederates. version of The Image is presented uncut and uncensored with Classics, Comedy 98min. Cindy Dolenc, Don Francks, Matthew a newly remixed 5.1 surround soundtrack. Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 Ferguson, Eugene Robert Glazer Cult Film / TV, Erotica 1975 91min. The entire First Season of the fiery five-year series from 24 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100262 co-creators Robert Cochran and Joel Surnow unfolds in this Synapse Films 14.06.2011 DVD Collection including a must-see Bonus Features Port- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100190 The Killing: The Criterion folio. Peta Wilson (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) portrays Nikita, framed for murder... but given a way out by Collection becoming a Section One operative codenamed Josephine. The Image (Blu-ray) She’s dressed to kill. Trained to survive. A new fashion in From highly acclaimed director Radley Metzger, The Image Sterling Hayden, Vince Edwards, Marie action. The femme remains fatale. The world’s most secret and (aka The Punishment Of Anne / The Mistress And The Slave) Windsor, Colleen Gray, Jay C. Flippen most uncompromising anti-terrorist organization relies on the is a fascinating study of the sadomasochistic relationship Stanley Kubrick’s account of an ambitious racetrack robbery elite operative named Nikita. La femme Peta - star Peta between a man, a young girl, and an older woman. Jean (Carl is one of Hollywood’s tautest, twistiest noirs. Aided by a Wilson (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) - returns as Parker, Score), meets his old friend Claire (Marilyn Roberts) radically time-shuffling narrative, razor-sharp dialogue from Nikita in the 22-episode third season of the high-impact spy at a party and is introduced to the young, seductive Anne pulp novelist Jim Thompson, and a phenomenal cast of series. All personal feelings were to be abandoned when (Mary Mendum). Jean discovers the two women have a character actors, including Sterling Hayden (Dr. Nikita took on her new life as a Section One agent. That’s not master/slave relationship and gets seduced into their perver- Strangelove), Coleen Gray (Red River), Timothy Carey Nikita’s way. She still has compassion. Still finds ways to se sexual games. Based on the classic novel L’Image from (Paths Of Glory), and Elisha Cook Jr. (The Maltese Falcon), bring humanity to an impersonal system. But Section is now Catherine Robbe-Grillet (under the pseudonym of Jean de The Killing is both a jaunty thriller and a cold-blooded punch more determined than ever to end her on-again, off-again Berg), this masterpiece of cinema is hailed by critics as one to the gut. And with its precise tracking shots and gratifying romance with Michael (Roy Dupuis). What’s more, Section of the best erotic films ever made. Beautifully photographed sense of irony, it’s Kubrick to the core. One fears her. Because Nikita knows a key secr with highly explicit imagery and provocative situations, The Mystery, Thieves, Thrillers, Classics, Thrillers, USA Network, Action, Based On Image will titillate, arouse and shock you like no other film you’ve ever seen. Newly remastered in high definition and Criterion Collection, Film Noir 1956 85min. , Boxed Sets, Killer Beauties created directly from the original 35mm camera negative, this Criterion 16.08.2011 4267min. version of The Image is presented uncut and uncensored with 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100387 Warner Bros. 07.06.2011 a newly remixed 5.1 surround soundtrack. 600,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100231 Cult Film / TV, Erotica 1975 min. Synapse Films 14.06.2011 The Killing: The Criterion 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100199 Collection (Blu-ray) The Last Godfather Mob boss Don Carini (Harvey Keitel) is retiring from the Sterling Hayden, Vince Edwards, Marie Mafia business but when he gathers the family to announce The Incredible Shrinking Man Windsor, Colleen Gray, Jay C. Flippen his heir, the Don surprises everyone by anointing his goofy When Scott Carey (Grant Williams) encounters a mysterious Stanley Kubrick’s account of an ambitious racetrack robbery adopted son Young-gu (Hyung-Rae Shim) as the next radioactive mist on a boating trip, he soon finds his life taking is one of Hollywood’s tautest, twistiest noirs. Aided by a godfather. With everyone gunning for his job and his father on a bizarre and frightening twist. His physical size begins to radically time-shuffling narrative, razor-sharp dialogue from pressuring him to succeed will Young-gu overcome his diminish as he shrinks to a mere two inches. Suddenly, pulp novelist Jim Thompson, and a phenomenal cast of enemies and rise to become the head of the family before he ordinary household situations loom over him with lethal character actors, including Sterling Hayden (Dr. winds up snoring with the fishes? intensity: a playful cat becomes a demon and a spider a Strangelove), Coleen Gray (Red River), Timothy Carey Comedy, Crime 100min. gargantuan monster. Carey finds he must rely on his wits to (Paths Of Glory), and Elisha Cook Jr. (The Maltese Falcon), Lionsgate 09.08.2011 survive in his new oversized world. The Killing is both a jaunty thriller and a cold-blooded punch

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45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100452 her straight into office. With the love and support of her family to guide her, it is up to Mary to prove that she has the right ingredients to clean up the town. All rise for Mayor Cupcake! Mist: Sheepdog Tales (3 DVD Laurel & Hardy Stan & Oliver: Politics, Comedy, Family 2011 86min. Value Pack) Flying Deuces - Premium Phase 4 Films 19.07.2011 Mist is one of three pups born at Borough Farm with a dream 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100269 of becoming a real sheepdog. But things are not as easy as Collection Vol. 1 she might have hoped. Can Mist really learn her craft and one Classics, Comedy min. day prove herself worthy of a place in the team of sheepdogs The Medallion (Blu-ray) at Borough Farm? Join Mist as she, with the help of her Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 friends, grows from clumsy puppy to helpful sheepdog in this 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100263 Claire Forlani, Jackie Chan, Lee Evans, heartwarming 3 DVD set that is perfect for the whole family. Anthony Wong, Julian Sands, Christy TV Movies, British, Family, Foreign, Interna- Legacy Chung, Gordon Chan, Alfred Cheung, Paul tional TV 201min. Wheeler, Bey Logan, Alfred Cheung, Gor- Francesca Brown, Will Wallace, Wolfgang Phase 4 Films 08.06.2010 don Chan 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100160 Bodison Action superstar Jackie Chan (Rush Hour 2, Shanghai Kill a man, you’re a murderer. Kill everyone . . . you’re a god. Knights) combines his high-flying style with state-of-the-art Ari Larsen has resurfaced after a five year absence, still special effects as he unleashes the power of The Medallion, The Music Never Stopped harboring the memories of a scarred childhood. Kidnapped at the film Roger Ebert gives a big „Thumbs Up!“ Chan plays From the author of awakening comes this heartwarming tale of the age of eleven by her serial killer father, Professor David Hong Kong detective Eddie Yang, who works with the Larsen, and taken on a three week odyssey of murder and a father and son who find a connection through the music that beautiful Interpol agent Nicole (Claire Forlani from Meet Joe embodied the generation gap of the 1960s. An unforgettable savagery, Ari was left abandoned in the desert. One horrifying Black and The Rock) and the bumbling agent Watson (Lee fact remains; her father has never been captured. Now, the soundtrack features the Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan, Crosby, Evans of Mouse Hunt) to try to rescue a boy from the clutches Stills and Nash, and more. beautiful young woman with the haunted past has returned to of the villainous Snakehead (Warlock’s Julian Sands). But the same house where her father brutally murdered her when a fatal accident ends his life, Eddie is brought back to Drama 105min. mother. Following an interview about her best-selling book, a this world with the help of The Medallion and is Lionsgate 02.08.2011 new nightmare enters Ari’s world. After the interview airs on supercharged! Now empowered with superhuman strength, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100377 national TV, young women begin turning up dead in Ari’s home Eddie sets out to thwart Snakehead’s plan for world town. The killer’s style is eerily reminiscent of Ari’s father domination. Filmed on location in Hong Kong, Thailand, and from years before. Is there a copycat on the loose? Has Ireland. Jackie Chan has got the power - and kicks The My Little Chickadee Professor Larsen returned to resume his reign of terror? Or is Medallion into high gear! Mae West, W.C. Fields Ari really the l Cult Film / TV, Martial Arts, Action 2003 Serial Killers, Thrillers, Crime, Comedy legends Mae West and W.C. Fields team up in their 88min. Dysfunctional 2010 116min. one and only film together, My Little Chickadee. The Image Ent. 21.06.2011 reputation of voluptuous Flower Belle Lee (West) is tarnished Osiris Entertainment 12.07.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100481 when she is seen embracing a masked bandit in her bedroom. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100177 Forced to leave town until she can return married and respectable, Flower Belle boards a train where she meets the Mega Python Vs. Gatoroid incorrigible Cuthbert J. Twillie (Fields) and soon accepts his The Lincoln Lawyer marriage proposal. The fun continues as the newlyweds In the gripping thriller The Lincoln Lawyer,“ Matthew Carey Van Dyke, Katherine Joosten, Kevin arrive at the town of Greasewood where Twillie’s McConaughey stars as Michael „Mick“ Haller, a slick, M. Horton exaggerated tales of adventure earn him the honor of charismatic Los Angeles criminal defense attorney who Science Fiction, Action, Fantasy, Killer becoming the sheriff of the town and bartender at „The Last operates out of the back of his Lincoln Continental sedan. Gasp“ saloon. Filled with fast-paced one-liners, this comedy Having spent most of his career defending petty, gutter- Animals, Monsters 2011 91min. classic showcases two iconic superstars at their best. variety criminals, Mick unexpectedly lands the case of a Image Ent. 21.06.2011 Western, Classics, Comedy 1940 84min. lifetime: defending a rich Beverly Hills playboy (Ryan Phil- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100479 Universal Studios 10.05.2011 lippe) who is accused of attempted murder. However, what initially appears to be a straightforward case with a big 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100214 money pay-off swiftly develops into a deadly match between Mega Python Vs. Gatoroid (Blu- two masters of manipulation and a crisis of conscience for National Lampoon’s Animal Haller. ray) Thrillers, Action, Lawyers / Legal Issues Carey Van Dyke, Katherine Joosten, Kevin House (Blu-ray) 119min. M. Horton Starring comedy legend John Belushi, National Lampoon’s Animal House is the ultimate college movie filled with food Lionsgate 12.07.2011 Fantasy, Killer Animals, Monsters, Action, fights, fraternities and toga parties! Follow the uproarious 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100180 Science Fiction 2011 91min. escapades of the Delta House fraternity as they take on Dean Image Ent. 21.06.2011 Wormer (John Vernon), the sanctimonious Omegas, and the entire female student body. Directed by John Landis (The The Lincoln Lawyer (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100482 Blues Brothers), the most popular college comedy of all-time In the gripping thriller The Lincoln Lawyer,“ Matthew also stars Tim Matheson, Donald Sutherland, Karen Allen, McConaughey stars as Michael „Mick“ Haller, a slick, Melvin Kevin Bacon, Tom Hulce and Stephe Furst along with Otis charismatic Los Angeles criminal defense attorney who Day and the Knights performing their show-stopping rendition operates out of the back of his Lincoln Continental sedan. Melvin is dead... Now, three years after his accidental of ‘Shout’. Having spent most of his career defending petty, gutter- murder, he is finally making up for lost time. After enlisting the National Film Registry, Classics, College variety criminals, Mick unexpectedly lands the case of a involuntary help of nerdy college student Norton Pincus, he’s lifetime: defending a rich Beverly Hills playboy (Ryan Phil- ready to take on those who are responsible for his death. Life, Comedy, Cult Film / TV 109min. lippe) who is accused of attempted murder. However, what Melvin’s thirst for vengeance will take this dynamic dork duo Universal Studios 26.07.2011 initially appears to be a straightforward case with a big on a mind-blowing streak of throat ripping, vomit spewing, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100370 money pay-off swiftly develops into a deadly match between head decapitating and much, much more. Featuring a cameo by two masters of manipulation and a crisis of conscience for Troma Entertainment’s Lloyd Kaufman (The Toxic Avenger, Haller. Poultrygeist. Nick Of Time / What’s Eating Zombies, Horror 2011 FF 75min. Thrillers, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Action Gilbert Grape (2 Pack) 119min. ADA 28.06.2011 Johnny Depp, Juliette Lewis, Christopher Lionsgate 12.07.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100302 Walken 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100193 The clock is ticking for Johnny Depp in Nick Of Time, a twist- Midnight Horror Collection: filled, race-against-time thriller directed by John Badham. And Lord, All Men Can’t Be Dogs Puppet Master V. 2 indeed it is a race, filmed in „real time“ so that onscreen events unfold minute by nail-biting minute as they would in Vivica A. Fox, John Gray, Christian Keyes, Chandra West, Gordon Currie, Nicholas real life. No sooner does accountant arrive at L.A.’s Union Elise Neal, Johnny Gill, Tony Grant Guest Station with his six-year-old daughter than he’s plunged into a nightmare. Two shadowy strangers separate Watson from Music, African Americans, Drama, Gospel Puppets, Horror, Horror Series 251min. his little girl, slap a gun into his hand and present a devil’s 2011 113min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment bargain: kill a top government official before she leaves a Image Ent. 14.06.2011 12.07.2011 nearby political rally...or never again see his beloved child. The clock starts now. Johnny Depp plays Gilbert and Juliette 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100279 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100353 Lewis is the girl who turns his life around in this flawless blend of comedy and drama that includes Leonardo DiCaprio’s Mayor Cupcake Midsummer Madness stunning Oscar®- nominated performance as Gilbert’s mentally impaired younger brother. Newcomer Darlene Cates Judd Nelson, Lea Thompson, Dorian Maria De Medeiros, Dominique Pinon, Victor (as Momma) and Mary Steenburgen (as a housewife who Harewood Mcguire, Chulpan Khamatova wants Gilbert all to herself) co-star in „one of the most real, Mary Maroni (Lea Thompson) is a loving wife, a caring A star studded European slapstick.. Midsummer Madness. honest and unusual pictures of the year“ (Bill Diehl, ABC mother-of-three, and Bridgestone’s finest cupcake baker. Her Comedy 2007 90min. RadioNetwork). Thrillers, 2 Packs, Action, Drama min. simple life becomes a lot more complicated when her daughter Vanguard 22.02.2011 secretly nominates her to run for mayor. Before she can react, Paramount Pictures 19.07.2011 a unfortunate accident involving the incumbent mayor sends 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100437

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100215 Season BBC Home Video 16.08.2011 Peter Gallagher, Mischa Barton, Rachel 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100448 Nonames Bilson, Kelly Rowan, Melinda Clarke, Adam Gillian Jacobs, James Badge Dale, Jamie Brody, Ben McKenzie Outcasts: Season One (Blu-ray) Harrold, Barry Corbin, Darren E. Burrows A witty pop-culture satire and a shamelessly enticing guilty Liam Cunningham, Eric Mabius, Hermione It’s easy to be forgotten when you let your life fade away.. pleasure.“ -Detroit Free Press. Senior year. Prom. Norris Inspired by true events, Nonames follows Kevin (James Graduation. College visits. Old friends. New problems. And plenty of Korean popstars. Ryan’s savior complex becomes a From the makers of award-winning and international hit series Badge Dale) and his family of friends as they struggle within Life On Mars, MI-5, and Hustle, comes the new high concept the confines of a small town. After his mother’s death, Kevin recipe for disaster. Seth and Summer’s relationship hits the rocks thanks to Seth’s compulsion to edit the truth. As Kirsten drama Outcasts. When Earth becomes uninhabitable, a decides to make a life for himself in his childhood home in surviving group of pioneers decides to leave for the planet spite of his father’s decision to move. In the wake of tragedy, attempts to put her life back together, Sandy assumes leadership of the Newport Group and finds himself the heir- Carpathia to rebuild their lives, and hopefully the human race. Kevin must end his extended adolescence or lose the things The series takes viewers into a the new frontier as it he holds most dear. Haunted by unsettled scores, it becomes apparent to Caleb Nichol’s legacy of scandal. Marissa spirals out of control after little sis Kaitlin - a Julie Cooper in explores survival, sex, politics and the drive for power in a clear that he must leave the town he loves in order to save new post-Earth era. And as the group continue to work and himself from it. A new beginning is only a bus ride away. the making - returns home to stir the pot. And speaking of Julie Cooper, she’s cast out of her Palace - into the slums of live together, they come to realize that this brave new world Drama, Family Relationships 2010 108min. the OC. No sign of senioritis here. All 25 episodes lead to the harbors a lurking mystery that threatens to topple the fragile Osiris Entertainment 19.07.2011 most shocking season finale yet. With humor, heart, great peace they built. Created by Ben Richards (MI-5), the series 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100176 music and all the teen angst you could hope for (and more), stars Eric Mabius (, The L Word), Liam see why „The O.C. has become the John Hughes movie of the Cunningham (Clash Of The Titans) and Hermione Norris (MI- 2000s“ (popmatters.com). 5, Wire In The Blood). The O.C.: The Complete Second Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Fox, High BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, International Season School, Soap Opera 2005 1089min. TV, Science Fiction, Space 2011 400min. BBC Home Video 16.08.2011 Peter Gallagher, Mischa Barton, Rachel Warner Bros. 28.06.2011 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100473 Bilson, Kelly Rowan, Melinda Clarke, Adam 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100327 Brody, Tate Donovan, Ben McKenzie There’s trouble (and plenty of fun) in paradise in this 24- Opposite Day Pecado Y Penitencias (3 DVD Set) episode, 7-disc Season 2 collection of the smash-hit series Luis Enrique Parra, Valentin Trujillo Jr., about the restless lives of Orange County’s haves and have- Pauly Shore nots. The romances of Ryan-and-Marissa and Seth-and- Comedy, Family 2009 81min. Tania Selmes, Alicia Encinas, Monica Cantu, Summer go from very over to very on, Sandy and Kirsten face Starz / Anchor Bay 16.11.2010 Mario Almada, Tono Infante, Fernando choices that could train wreck their 20-year marriage, felon Saenz, Guillermo Quintanilla, Mario De Je- (and Ryan’s brother) Trey gives Newport Beach living a try, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100339 Julie’s past comes back to haunt her, and others with shady sus, Ramon Vaca pasts and shaky futures join the scene. In the California Orpheus: The Criterion Collection This three-pack is loaded with best selling action and beach paradise that is The O.C., they do everything under the suspense titles, all for a great low price! Pecador Herencia sun. Jean Marais, Maria Casares Asesina Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Fox, High This 1950 update of the Orphic myth by Jean Cocteau (Beauty Action 2010 270min. And The Beast) depicts a famous poet (Jean Marais) scorned Navarre 10.05.2011 School, Soap Opera 2004 1048min. by the Left Bank youth, and his love for both his wife Eurydice Warner Bros. 28.06.2011 (Marie Déa) and a mysterious princess (Maria Casarès). 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100170 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100326 Seeking inspiration, the poet follows the princess from the world of the living to the land of the dead through Cocteau’s Peep World famous mirrored portal. Orpheus represents the legendary The O.C.: The Complete First Cocteau at the height of his abilities for peerless visual Lesley Ann Warren, Ron Rifkin, Judy Greer, Season poetry and dreamlike storytelling. Taraji P. Henson, Sarah Silverman, Kate Romance, Art House, Criterion Collection, Mara, Alicia Witt, Troian Bellisario, Lewis Peter Gallagher, Mischa Barton, Rachel Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, French 1950 Black, , Michael C. Hall, Bilson, Kelly Rowan, Melinda Clarke, Adam 85min. Stephen Tobolowsky Brody, Tate Donovan, Chris Carmack, Ben Criterion 30.08.2011 At a dinner celebrating their father’s 70th birthday, tensions McKenzie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100388 among four siblings explode thanks to the success of the Money and beauty are the key values of this Southern youngest son’s new novel, a thinly veiled portrait of the California coastal enclave. but from the moment troubled family. The best-selling expose reveals the oldest, outsider Ryan Atwood (Benjamin McKenzie) moves in with the Orpheus: The Criterion Collection „responsible“ son as a porn addict, the daughter as a catty Cohens, all statuses aren’t quo. Peter Gallagher, Kelly drama queen, and the third son as a living disaster with a Rowan and Adam Brody plat the Cohens, a family willing to (Blu-ray) loony plan to change his life around. And things aren’t exactly give a newcomer a chance. Ryan’s arrival triggers a Newport Jean Marais, Maria Casares going so great for the hot new writer due to a bad reaction to wave of peer pressure, love triangles, generational conflicts This 1950 update of the Orphic myth by Jean Cocteau (Beauty a certain men’s medication. An all-star cast including Michael and more. Twenty-seven must-see Season One Episodes and And The Beast) depicts a famous poet (Jean Marais) scorned C. Hall (Dexter), Sarah Silverman (School of Rock), Rainn Cool DVD Extras await. California here we come! by the Left Bank youth, and his love for both his wife Eurydice Wilson (The Office), Ben Schwartz (Parks and Recreation), Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Fox, Soap (Marie Déa) and a mysterious princess (Maria Casarès). Judy Greer (Archer), Kate Mara (127 Hours) and Taraji P. Opera 2003 1186min. Seeking inspiration, the poet follows the princess from the Henson (The Karate Kid) make the hilarious Peep World the world of the living to the land of the dead through Cocteau’s ultimate case of a family in . Warner Bros. 28.06.2011 famous mirrored portal. Orpheus represents the legendary Comedy 2010 79min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100318 Cocteau at the height of his abilities for peerless visual MPI 19.07.2011 poetry and dreamlike storytelling. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100146 The O.C.: The Complete Fourth Romance, Criterion Collection, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, French, Art House 1950 Season 95min. Peep World (Blu-ray) Peter Gallagher, Rachel Bilson, Kelly Criterion 30.08.2011 Lesley Ann Warren, Ron Rifkin, Judy Greer, Rowan, Autumn Reeser, Melinda Clarke, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100413 Taraji P. Henson, Sarah Silverman, Kate Willa Holland, Adam Brody, Ben McKenzie Mara, Alicia Witt, Troian Bellisario, Lewis High school is over. Time to move on. But events conspire to Outcasts: Season One Black, Rainn Wilson, Michael C. Hall, reunite Ryan, Seth and Summer in posh, seaside Newport. Stephen Tobolowsky And there may even be a new Core Four. Because after Liam Cunningham, Eric Mabius, Hermione Taylor Townsend says a quick if not passionate au revoir to At a dinner celebrating their father’s 70th birthday, tensions her education in France, she just might pursue Ryan until he Norris among four siblings explode thanks to the success of the catches her. Time, too, for the series to move on with these 16 From the makers of award-winning and international hit series youngest son’s new novel, a thinly veiled portrait of the Final Episodes. Seth marries Summer? (Maybe.) Ryan goes Life On Mars, MI-5, and Hustle, comes the new high concept family. The best-selling expose reveals the oldest, through life like it’s a steel-cage brawl? (Sometimes.) Kaitlin drama Outcasts. When Earth becomes uninhabitable, a „responsible“ son as a porn addict, the daughter as a catty tries to hook up her mom Julie with a billionaire? (Well, the surviving group of pioneers decides to leave for the planet drama queen, and the third son as a living disaster with a apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.) But things happen, Carpathia to rebuild their lives, and hopefully the human race. loony plan to change his life around. And things aren’t exactly sometimes quite unexpectedly. Time to hit the beach for all the The series takes viewers into a the new frontier as it going so great for the hot new writer due to a bad reaction to surprising events of a cool, compelling and revealing explores survival, sex, politics and the drive for power in a a certain men’s medication. An all-star cast including Michael conclusion of The O.C. new post-Earth era. And as the group continue to work and C. Hall (Dexter), Sarah Silverman (School of Rock), Rainn live together, they come to realize that this brave new world Wilson (The Office), Ben Schwartz (Parks and Recreation), Drama, Fox, High School, Romance, Soap harbors a lurking mystery that threatens to topple the fragile Judy Greer (Archer), Kate Mara (127 Hours) and Taraji P. Opera 2006 727min. peace they built. Created by Ben Richards (MI-5), the series Henson (The Karate Kid) make the hilarious Peep World the Warner Bros. 28.06.2011 stars Eric Mabius (Ugly Betty, The L Word), Liam ultimate case of a family in arrested development. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100328 Cunningham (Clash Of The Titans) and Hermione Norris (MI- Comedy 2010 79min. 5, Wire In The Blood). MPI 19.07.2011 BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, International 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100171 The O.C.: The Complete Third TV, Science Fiction, Space 2011 400min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 41 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Platoon (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100260 Willem Dafoe, Charlie Sheen, Tom Berenger Priest Of Love (Blu-ray) Winner of four Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Ian McKellen, Ava Gardner, Janet Suzman, Pure Country 2: The Gift Directing, this harrowingly realistic war film (based on director Oliver Stone’s firsthand experience) arrives on Blu- Penelope Keith, Cheech Marin, Michael McKean, Bronson ray for the first time in this 25th Anniversary Edition - loaded The later years of the life of author D.H. Lawrence are Pinchot, Katrina Elam, Jackie Welch with explosive extras that take you to the front lines of dramatized in this screen . Following the Music, Musical, Country, Drama 2010 min. moviemaking. Starring Tom Berenger, Willem Dafoe and controversial reception of his novel The Rainbow, David Charlie Sheen, Platoon is a powerful, riveting and starkly Herbert Lawrence (Two-time Academy Award Nominee, Ian Warner Bros. 02.08.2011 brutal tale of an American soldier’s descent into the chaos McKellen) and his wife Frieda (Academy Award Nominee, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100234 and horror of the Vietnam War. Janet Suzman) leave England for the United States, where Vietnam War, War, Drama, Marines, Military, they hope that Lawrence’s bold themes will be received in a more tolerant climate. Such is not the case, and the Rising Stars Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top Lawrence’s travel first to Mexico, and then to Italy, while Kyle Riabko, Catherine Mary Stewart, 100 1986 Ltbx DD 4.0 120min. David attempts to complete and then publish his best known (and most controversial) work, Lady Chatterley’s Lover. Rebecca St. James, MGM / UA 24.05.2011 However, as the furor over the book taxes David’s well A musical family with heart, Rising Stars explores the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100480 being, tuberculosis saps his physical health. Also starring sacrifices that come with fame in -obsessed Academy Award Nominee (and screen legend) Ava Gardner in culture. Challenged with creating songs and music videos, one of her last big screen roles and Academy Award Winner three musical acts find more than their futures on the line Playing By Heart John Gielgud. when the competition gets fierce and their lives are caught on Dennis Quaid, Gena Rowlands, Anthony Drama, Biography, Romance 1981 min. tape, broadcast to the nation. Egos clash and worlds collide as these teens find how far they will go to win the coveted Edwards, Jay Mohr, Madeleine Stowe, Jon Kino Video 21.06.2011 prize and achieve stardom. Stewart, Angelina Jolie, Ellen Burstyn, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100364 Musical, Family 90min. Gillian Anderson, Sean Connery, Ryan Phil- Screen Media Films 22.02.2011 lippe La Profecia De Los Justos (The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100360 The Sexy Comedy With A Twist.. A sexy romantic comedy about modern couples coming together in funny and Last Of The Just) unexpected ways, Playing By Heart features an amazing cast Ana Claudia Talancon, Pedro Armendariz The Romantic Englishwoman of hot stars! Paul (Sean Connery - The Rock) and Hannah (Gena Rowlands - The Mighty) discover that.. Even after 40 Jr., Brian Thompson, Raul Mendez, Goya Glenda Jackson, Michael Caine, Helmut years of marriage..they can still learn some very surprising Toledo, Diego Martin Berger things about eachother! Meredith (Gillian Anderson - X Files) Two ancient armies have been fighting secretly since the Elizabeth, (Two-time Academy Award Winner, Glenda is a serious theatre ditrector who isn’t looking for a beginning of time. Their conflict is based on the belief that the Jackson) is the wife of Lewis (Two-time Academy Award relationship.. But has one looking for her in the person of the guardians of the Apocalypse, The Just, do actually exist and Winner, Michael Caine), a novelist. At this point in his life, funny, persistent Trent (Jon Stewart - The Faculty)! Then that the Final Judgement will depend upon their survival. Both Lewis thinks in nothing but literary terms: Elizabeth is there’s Joan ( Angelina Jolie - Playing God) and Keenan groups act in the name of God, but are diametrically opposed; vacationing in Europe alone, ergo she must be having an (Ryan Phillippe - I Know What You Did Last Summer), young One group wants to protect „The Just“ for the sake of affair. Half out of frustration, she confirms her husband’s people searching for love in an L.A. club scene where the humanity, while the other wants to destroy „The Just“ in order suspicions by romancing German drug dealer Thomas (Helmut rules of dating seem to change every night! A witty, charming to regenerate the human race. After years of conflict, Theo is Berger, The Godfather III, Dorian Grey). Things get even motion picture that critics loved- you too will fall for this the last surviving Just man... he is a common fellow suddenly dicier when Lewis invites Thomas into his home, requesting seductive treat! involved in a war for which he’s both the cause and the aim. his technical advice on a screenplay he is working on. Also Comedy, Drama 1998 min. Thrillers 2007 102min. starring Academy Award Nominee Kate Nelligan (The Prince of Tides, Premonition) and Michael Lonsdale (Of Gods and Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Navarre 10.05.2011 Men, Ronin), The Romantic Englishwoman credibly explores 05.07.2011 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100169 the notion that a writer can manipulate the people in his life as 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100347 deftly as he can manipulate the characters in his imagination. Puppet Master IV: WHen Bad Comedy, Drama 1975 125min. Presumed Innocent / Frantic Kino Video 21.06.2011 Puppets Turn Good 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100325 (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Puppets, Horror, Horror Series 79min. Harrison Ford, Brian Dennehy, Raul Julia, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment The Romantic Englishwoman Betty Buckley, John Mahoney, Emmanuelle 12.07.2011 Seigner 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100350 (Blu-ray) Harris Ford teams with two supremely gifted filmmakers - Glenda Jackson, Michael Caine, Helmut Alan J. Pakula and Academy Award winner Roman Polanski - Puppet Master V Berger on a pair of suspenseful and involving mysteries. From Scott Elizabeth, (Two-time Academy Award Winner, Glenda Turow’s bestseller, Pakula directs the twist-filled whodunit Chandra West, Gordon Currie, Nicholas Jackson) is the wife of Lewis (Two-time Academy Award Presumed Innocent, in which Ford is pledged to uphold the Guest Winner, Michael Caine), a novelist. At this point in his life, law yet determined to escape it. he plays an attorney who’s Lewis thinks in nothing but literary terms: Elizabeth is both the prosecutor of a murder case...and Suspect #1. Polan- Puppets, Horror, Horror Series 82min. vacationing in Europe alone, ergo she must be having an ski helms the edge-of-your-seat caper Frantic. After his wife Echo Bridge Home Entertainment affair. Half out of frustration, she confirms her husband’s suddenly disappears in Paris, American doctor Ford confronts 12.07.2011 suspicions by romancing German drug dealer Thomas (Helmut a bewildering web of language, locale and bureaucracy as he Berger, The Godfather III, Dorian Grey). Things get even scrambles to find her. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100351 dicier when Lewis invites Thomas into his home, requesting Double Features, Drama, Murder Mysteries, his technical advice on a screenplay he is working on. Also Mystery, Thrillers 2008 247min. Puppet Master VI: Curse Of The starring Academy Award Nominee Kate Nelligan (The Prince Warner Bros. 31.05.2011 of Tides, Premonition) and Michael Lonsdale (Of Gods and Puppet Master Men, Ronin), The Romantic Englishwoman credibly explores 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100477 the notion that a writer can manipulate the people in his life as Josh Green, George Peck, Emily Harrison deftly as he can manipulate the characters in his imagination. Puppets, Horror, Horror Series 251min. Priest Of Love Comedy, Drama 1975 125min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Kino Video 21.06.2011 Ian McKellen, Ava Gardner, Janet Suzman, 12.07.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100363 Penelope Keith, John Gielgud 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100352 The later years of the life of author D.H. Lawrence are dramatized in this screen biography. Following the The Sacrifice: Remastered Editi- controversial reception of his novel The Rainbow, David Puppet Monster Massacre Herbert Lawrence (Two-time Academy Award Nominee, Ian on McKellen) and his wife Frieda (Academy Award Nominee, Wolfgang Wagner A group of teens are challenged to spend a night in the Wag- Erland Josephson Janet Suzman) leave England for the United States, where In The Sacrifice, Alexander’s (Erland Josephson) birthday they hope that Lawrence’s bold themes will be received in a ner mansion on the edge of town. Little do they know they owner (Dr. Wolfgang Wagner) has concocted a monstrosity in party is interrupted by news that World War III has begun and more tolerant climate. Such is not the case, and the mankind is hours away from annihilation. To avoid war, Lawrence’s travel first to Mexico, and then to Italy, while the basement and plans to make the hapless teens the creature’s first big meal. This is The Puppet Monster Alexander promises to God that he’ll sacrifice all he has — David attempts to complete and then publish his best known even his son. This new remastered edition of Tarkovsky’s (and most controversial) work, Lady Chatterley’s Lover. Massacre, a wild and raucous love letter to the monster films of the glorious 1980’s! Heads will roll and felt will fly in this final film features a new, much improved transfer of the film in However, as the furor over the book taxes David’s well anamorphic widescreen! being, tuberculosis saps his physical health. Also starring visually rich splatter-fest. Thrill as an army of over 400 Academy Award Nominee (and screen legend) Ava Gardner in soldiers is helpless against a monstrous menace, Chill as a Swedish, Art House, Disasters, Drama, one of her last big screen roles and Academy Award Winner man collapses from the aroma of a thousand bunny farts, Foreign 1986 145min. John Gielgud. Shriek as puppets make sweet monkey love in a spooky graveyard! This is the low budget film you have been waiting Kino Video 05.07.2011 Romance, Biography, Drama 1981 115min. for! 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100330 Kino Video 21.06.2011 Horror min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100329 Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 The Sacrifice: Remastered Editi-

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 42 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA on (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100277 Marin, Christopher McDonald, Holland Erland Josephson Taylor, Alexa Vega, Steve Buscemi, Danny In The Sacrifice, Alexander’s (Erland Josephson) birthday The Sign Of The Cross Trejo, Ricardo Montalban, Mike Judge, Daryl party is interrupted by news that World War III has begun and Ancient Rome comes to life on a grand scale in the epic Sabara mankind is hours away from annihilation. To avoid war, spectacular The Sign Of The Cross from legendary director The coolest spy kids anywhere are back for a huge new Alexander promises to God that he’ll sacrifice all he has — Cecil B. DeMille (The Ten Commandments). In the year 64 adventure! This time, Carmen and Juni are on a mission to even his son. This new remastered edition of Tarkovsky’s AD, the corrupt and maniacal Emperor Nero (Charles recover a device that threatens the entire world! They enlist final film features a new, much improved transfer of the film in Laughton) torches the city so he can blame the ensuing the skills of Mom and Dad (Carla Gugino and Antonio anamorphic widescreen! destruction on the unsuspecting Christians. Meanwhile, Banderas) and even their spy grandparents (Holland Taylor Disasters, Drama, Foreign, Art House, Roman Prefect Marcus Superbus (Fredric March) falls for an and Ricardo Montalban) in a thrilling show of family Swedish 1986 min. innocent and beautiful Christian maiden, Mercia (Elissa teamwork! With even more cool gadgets, imaginative Landi). When the seductive and wicked Empress Poppaea creatures, and awesome special effects, it’s a nonstop high- Kino Video 05.07.2011 (Claudette Colbert) learns that she has a romantic rival for tech adventure for everyone! 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100367 Marcus’s attentions, she conspires with Nero to send all Comedy, Family, Action, Science Fiction Christians to a chilling death. Filled with some of the most outrageous and breathtaking scenes ever filmed, including the 2002 100min. Schoolgirls In Chains / Terror Cir- infamous „milk bath,“ this pre-code classic is a dynamic Lionsgate 02.08.2011 cus (Double Feature) testament to Cecil B. DeMille’s visionary style. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100372 Ancient Greece / Rome, Classics, Drama Stafford Morgan, Manuela Thiess, Sherry 1932 125min. Alberoni, Suzanne Lund, Andrew Prine, Spy Kids 3: Game Over (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 10.05.2011 Gary Kent, John Parker Sylvester Stallone, Cheech Marin, Carla 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100211 Thrillers, Double Features, Exploitation Gugino, Holland Taylor, Alexa Vega, Antonio 1974 180min. Banderas, Ricardo Montalban, Mike Judge, Navarre 17.05.2011 Sledgehammer Daryl Sabara 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100206 Have you ever stuffed an entire sandwich into your mouth? The Spy Kids are back again! This time, their trademark Have you ever poured a bottle of alcohol over your head? action is combined with the very latest digital technology and Furthermore, have you ever been stalked by an unending evil the thrill of the 3-D experience to deliver a motion picture Secret Sunshine: The Criterion in the claustrophobic confines of a righteously depressing event that pushes family fun to the next level! Secret agents haunted condo? In slow motion? No? Then welcome to Juni (Daryl Sabara) and Carmen The Spy Kids are back Collection Sledgehammer! Heralding the revolutionary roar of shot on again! This time, Carmen (Alexa Vega) and Juni (Daryl A master of intensely emotional human dramas, director Lee video (SOV) horror at the dawn of the 1980s, Sledgehammer Sabara) are on a mission that takes them inside a living video Chang-dong (Poetry) is a leading light of contemporary is the gore-soaked saga of seven party animals, their trip to a game, where awe-inspiring graphics and creatures come Korean cinema, and his place on the international stage was haunted house, and their ensuing battle with an ultra-creepy, dangerously to life. As they face more and more challenges cemented by this stirring and unpredictable work examining flannel-wearing, sledgehammer-wielding behemoth. In other through each level of the game, this brother-sister superhero grief and deliverance. An effortless mix of light and words, it’s everything you want out of a SOV duo must rely on their gadgets and each other to defeat the uncompromising darkness, Secret Sunshine (Miryang) stars slasher...complete with Bill Murray impersonations! Helmed super-villain Toymaker (Sylvester Stallone) and save the Cannes best actress winner Jeon Do-yeon (The Housemaid) by writer-director David A. Prior (Killer Workout, Deadly world yet again. Don’t miss this super fun, totally exciting as a widowed piano teacher who moves with her young son Prey) and starring Ted Prior, David’s iconic trash-superstar follow-up to Robert Rodriguez’s action franchise for kids of from Seoul to her late husband’s provincial hometown for a sibling, Sledgehammer is SOV nirvana, a paradoxical all ages! fresh start. Quietly expressive, supple filmmaking and subli- wonderland of outrageous hilarity, cool sweatpants, and Comedy, Family, Fantasy, 3D, Action, me, subtle performances distinguish this remarkable portrayal genuinely unsettling chills. Appropriately staking its claim as of the search for grace amid tragedy. the very first SOV horror film produced implicitly for the home Science Fiction 2003 84min. Art House, Criterion Collection, Drama, video market, Sledgehammer joins Boardinghouse, Black Lionsgate 02.08.2011 Devil Doll From Hell, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100373 Family Relationships, Foreign, Korean 2007 Slasher, Cult Film / TV, Horror 1983 85min. 142min. CAV 10.05.2011 Criterion 23.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100191 Stake Land 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100389 Danielle Harris, Kelly McGillis, Chance La Soga Kelly, Marianne Hagan, Michael Cerveris, Adam Scarimbolo, Sean Nelson, Conner Secret Sunshine: The Criterion Juan Fernandez, Paul Calderon, Manny Collection (Blu-ray) Paolo Perez America has fallen. A vampiric scourge sweeps the nation, A master of intensely emotional human dramas, director Lee Based on true events in the Dominican Republic, La Soga turning brother on brother and parent on child as the blood- Chang-dong (Poetry) is a leading light of contemporary tells the personal struggle of one grave cop who revolts hungry beasts take deeper and deeper hold upon the land. It’s Korean cinema, and his place on the international stage was against his country’s unscrupulous government. He risks hard for the survivors to know whether to be more afraid of cemented by this stirring and unpredictable work examining everything in order to find justice and avenge his father’s the creatures themselves or the violent religious groups that grief and deliverance. An effortless mix of light and death. La Soga is a reverting emotional story of redemption in have sprung up in response, but there is clearly only one uncompromising darkness, Secret Sunshine (Miryang) stars the midst of inhumane brutality and political corruption. choice: fight or die. Connor Paolo (Glee)) stars as Martin, a Cannes best actress winner Jeon Do-yeon (The Housemaid) Thrillers, Crime, Drama 95min. young man traveling with only his taciturn mentor - a hardened as a widowed piano teacher who moves with her young son Screen Media Films 03.05.2011 fighter known simply as Mister - as protection against this from Seoul to her late husband’s provincial hometown for a blasted earth in search of the rumoured safe haven of New fresh start. Quietly expressive, supple filmmaking and subli- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100357 Eden. Winner of the Midnight Madness Award at the me, subtle performances distinguish this remarkable portrayal International Film Festival and hailed as „the American horror of the search for grace amid tragedy. Spy Kids (Blu-ray) film of the year“ (Todd Brown, TwitchFilm.com), Stake Land Criterion Collection, Drama, Family establishes director Jim Mickle as a leader in the new Relationships, Foreign, Korean, Art House Carla Gugino, Antonio Banderas, Robert generation of horror. 2007 142min. Patrick, Cheech Marin, Teri Hatcher, Alexa Vampires, Horror 2010 98min. Criterion 23.08.2011 Vega, Danny Trejo, Tony Shalhoub, Alan MPI 02.08.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100414 Cumming, Daryl Sabara 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100423 Real Spies . . .Only Smaller. Bursting with ultracool, high- tech gadgetry, Spy Kids delivers enough thrilling Secretos Sangrientos entertainment for the whole family! Nine years ago, top inter- Stake Land (Blu-ray) national spies Gregorio and Ingrid Cortez traded the Danielle Harris, Kelly McGillis, Chance Valentin Trujillo Jr., Enoc Leano, Arturo excitement of espionage for the adventure of parenthood. But Martinez, Salvador Pineda, Julio Bracho, when they are called out on a secret mission, the Costezes Kelly, Marianne Hagan, Michael Cerveris, Gustavo Sanchez Parra are separated from their family and kidnapped by the evil Adam Scarimbolo, Sean Nelson, Conner These eclectic, best selling gems are sure to be snapped up Fegan Floop. Fortunately, there are two people who possess Paolo by film buffs. La Sangre Iluminada Justiciero Sin Ley the skills and know-how to reunite the family: Carmen and America has fallen. A vampiric scourge sweeps the nation, Drama 2010 280min. Juni Cortez, their kids! Your family will love every fun-filled turning brother on brother and parent on child as the blood- second as Carmen and Juni bravely crisscross the globe in a hungry beasts take deeper and deeper hold upon the land. It’s Navarre 10.05.2011 thrilling quest to save their parents. All the while, they hard for the survivors to know whether to be more afraid of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100187 discover that keeping the family together is the most important the creatures themselves or the violent religious groups that mission in the world for kids and parents alike! have sprung up in response, but there is clearly only one Comedy, Family, Science Fiction 2001 choice: fight or die. Connor Paolo (Glee)) stars as Martin, a Shake 88min. young man traveling with only his taciturn mentor - a hardened Chrystale Wilson, Kaira Whitehead, Clifton fighter known simply as Mister - as protection against this Lionsgate 02.08.2011 blasted earth in search of the rumoured safe haven of New Powell 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100371 Eden. Winner of the Midnight Madness Award at the Toronto Shake is an erotic thriller, with an intense overdose of International Film Festival and hailed as „the American horror passio. This urban drama combines the grittiness of Hustle & film of the year“ (Todd Brown, TwitchFilm.com), Stake Land Flow and the sensuality of Players Club and Trois. Spy Kids 2: The Island Of Lost establishes director Jim Mickle as a leader in the new Thrillers, Drama 2010 90min. Dreams (Blu-ray) generation of horror. Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 Horror, Vampires 2010 98min. Carla Gugino, Antonio Banderas, Cheech

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MPI 02.08.2011 unattractive, unloved, unarmed inner child in each of us. Brad Wilson, John Thaddeus 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100444 Musical, Comedy 2007 98min. What wouldn’t you do for ten million dollars?. A desperate Vanguard 22.02.2011 artist tries to keep his murdered wife a secret upstairs while 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100434 downstairs he conspires with his competitive protégé and his Stake Land 2 Disc Special Edition wife’s assistant to close a deal with wealthy buyers for $10 Danielle Harris, Kelly McGillis, Chance million. It’s a setup; A murdered wife, a jealous husband, a Supreme Champion jilted lover and a frightened friend; all in the same apartment Kelly, Marianne Hagan, Michael Cerveris, at the same time. Three of them set aside their bitter Adam Scarimbolo, Sean Nelson, Conner Leila Arcieri, Daniel Bernhardt, Stephan differences and better judgment in the hope of earning a $10 Bonnar million payday. When washed-up artist Michael Taylor Paolo discovers his wife murdered in the upstairs bedroom of their America has fallen. A vampiric scourge sweeps the nation, Sports, Action, Kidnapping, Mixed Martial swanky loft, the decision about what to do doesn’t come easy, turning brother on brother and parent on child as the blood- Arts 2010 86min. because downstairs, an impromptu dinner party is under way hungry beasts take deeper and deeper hold upon the land. It’s Phase 4 Films 07.06.2011 for two wealthy patrons interested in purchasing Michael’s hard for the survivors to know whether to be more afraid of art. He convinces Martin, his dead wife’s dedicated assistant, the creatures themselves or the violent religious groups that 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100163 and Dominick, his young, sexy artist protégé and his wife’s have sprung up in response, but there is clearly only one ex-lover, to keep quiet and close the deal. Despite their choice: fight or die. Connor Paolo (Glee)) stars as Martin, a Sweeney Todd / Sleepy Hollow (2 uncertainty about each other’s motives - and the paranoia young man traveling with only his taciturn mentor - a hardened over who the killer is - they form a fr fighter known simply as Mister - as protection against this Pack) blasted earth in search of the rumoured safe haven of New Mystery, Drama 2008 85min. Eden. Winner of the Midnight Madness Award at the Toronto Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci, Helena Vanguard 29.03.2011 International Film Festival and hailed as „the American horror Bonham Carter 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100442 film of the year“ (Todd Brown, TwitchFilm.com), Stake Land Set in an imaginative world that only Tim Burton and Johnny establishes director Jim Mickle as a leader in the new Depp could capture, Sweeney Todd has been hailed as a generation of horror. masterpiece by critics and audiences everywhere. Supported To Walk With Lions Special Editions, Vampires, Horror 2010 by a stellar cast including Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Richard Harris, Ian Bannen, John Michie, 98min. Baron Cohen. Depp’s „spellbinding“ (NY Magazine) performance as Sweeney brilliantly elevates Burton’s dark Honor Blackman, Geraldine Chaplin, Kerry MPI 02.08.2011 vision of a wronged man obsessed with revenge. Sweeney Fox, Hugh Quarshie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100424 Todd is „mighty entertainment“ (NY Post) that will win your In the pridelands, there can only be one king.. More than 30 heart with a vengeance. Master storyteller Tim Burton years after the Academy Award® triumph Born Free moved (, Edward Scissorhands) weaves an eerie, enchanting millions, To Walk With Lions brings you the dramatic Sucker Punch version of this classic tale of horror. Johnny Depp is Ichabod continuation of George Adamson’s fight to save Kenya’s Scott Glenn, Vanessa Hudgens, Jamie Crane, an eccentric investigator determined to stop the wildlife. Together with his young assistant Tony Fitzjohn, murderous Headless Horseman. Christina Ricci is Katrina Adamson battles to keep the animals on his game reserve Chung, Carla Gugino, Jena Malone, Abbie Van Tassel, the beautiful and mysterious girl with secret ties „Kora“ from dangerous poachers and deadly „shifta“ warriors Cornish, Emily Browning, Jon Hamm, Oscar to the supernatural terror. who are determined to destroy rhinos and elephants for their Isaac Musical, Thrillers, Action 2007 min. tusks, and lions for their rich pelts. Academy Award® Born from the creative vision of filmmaker Zack Snyder Paramount Pictures 19.07.2011 Nominee Richard Harris of Gladiator and Harry Potter and (Watchmen, 300), this epic action fantasy launches from the The Sorcerer’s Stone takes you to the wilds of Africa in an vivid imagination of a young girl whose dream world provides 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100213 inspirational story about one man’s magnificent crusade. the ultimate escape from her darker reality. Locked away Drama 2001 107min. against her will, Babydoll (Emily Browning) has not lost her Sweet Karma Lionsgate 02.08.2011 will to survive. Determined to fight for her freedom, she urges four fellow captives - outspoken Rocket (Jena Malone), Shera Bechard, John Tokatlidis, Frank J. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100379 street-smart Blondie (Vanessa Hudgens), fiercely loyal Amber Zupancic () and reluctant Sweet Pea (Abbie Cornish) - to Karma Balint is a shy, mute Russian girl whose sister Anna Torchwood: The Complete Origi- band together and try to escape their terrible fate at the hands left for Canada with bright hopes of making some money for of their captors Blue (Oscar Isaac), Madam Gorki (Carla the two of them. When Karma discovers that Anna’s body has nal UK Series Gugino) and the High Roller (Jon Hamm). been found in the woods, the apparent victim of a Russian Burn Gorman, John Barrowman Action, Adventure, Fantasy 2011 110min. mafia hit, Karma sets off to infiltrate the criminal underworld to The BBC’s Torchwood is such a hit on U.S. television, Warner Bros. 28.06.2011 avenge her sister. Her journey takes her through the twisted breaking ratings records for BBC America and acclaimed by 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100399 underbelly of society leaving behind death and mayhem in her critics as „sci-fi with attitude“ (Chicago Tribune) and „one of wake. TV’s most entertainment of sci-fi romps“ (USA Today), that it Revenge, Thrillers, Crime, Drama 2009 is being remade for U.S. cable network Starz. Timed to Sucker Punch: Extended Cut (Blu- 85min. coincide with the premiere of the new series on Starz, BBC will bring together the complete, original UK series in this ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu- Phase 4 Films 14.06.2011 comprehensive box set. Separate from the government, outside ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100164 the police, beyond the United Nations, Torchwood sets its own rules. Led by the enigmatic, ever watchful Captain Jack Scott Glenn, Vanessa Hudgens, Jamie Harkness (John Barrowman, Doctor Who, Central Park Chung, Carla Gugino, Jena Malone, Abbie Tapas West), the Torchwood team delves into the unknown and Elvira Minguez, Maria Galiana, Alberto De fights the impossible. Everyone who works for Torchwood is Cornish, Emily Browning, Jon Hamm, Oscar young. Some say that’s because it’s a new science. Others Isaac Mendoza, Angel de Andres Lopez, Juan say it’s because they die young. Born from the creative vision of filmmaker Zack Snyder Cruz, Ruben Ochandiano Time Travel, BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, (Watchmen, 300), this epic action fantasy launches from the Five stories are uncovered in a picturesque neighborhood of vivid imagination of a young girl whose dream world provides Barcelona, Spain. This emotional character based film follows International TV, Science Fiction 1584min. the ultimate escape from her darker reality. Locked away the experiences of Mariano, Conchi, Rachel, Cesar, Opo, BBC Home Video 19.07.2011 against her will, Babydoll (Emily Browning) has not lost her Lolo, and Mao as each try to find the light at the end of their 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100249 will to survive. Determined to fight for her freedom, she urges chaotic days. Truly a must see film for all film enthusiasts. four fellow captives - outspoken Rocket (Jena Malone), Comedy 2005 94min. street-smart Blondie (Vanessa Hudgens), fiercely loyal Amber Torchwood: The Complete Origi- (Jamie Chung) and reluctant Sweet Pea (Abbie Cornish) - to Navarre 10.05.2011 band together and try to escape their terrible fate at the hands 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100188 nal UK Series (Blu-ray) of their captors Blue (Oscar Isaac), Madam Gorki (Carla Burn Gorman, John Barrowman Gugino) and the High Roller (Jon Hamm). The Thorn Birds The BBC’s Torchwood is such a hit on U.S. television, Fantasy, Action, Adventure 2011 min. breaking ratings records for BBC America and acclaimed by Warner Bros. 28.06.2011 Christopher Plummer, Barbara Stanwyck, critics as „sci-fi with attitude“ (Chicago Tribune) and „one of Jean Simmons, Rachel Ward, Richard TV’s most entertainment of sci-fi romps“ (USA Today), that it 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100420 is being remade for U.S. cable network Starz. Timed to Chamberlain coincide with the premiere of the new series on Starz, BBC Sunny & Share Love You Love. Unattainable. Forbidden. Forever.. A priest torn will bring together the complete, original UK series in this between God and human passion. A beautiful girl desiring comprehensive box set. Separate from the government, outside Micah Schraft, Mink Stole, Chris Parnell, only what she cannot have. Five decades of ambition, fear, the police, beyond the United Nations, Torchwood sets its Martin Klebba longing and revenge. From Colleen McCullough’s bestseller, own rules. Led by the enigmatic, ever watchful Captain Jack The Thorn Birds tells this epic story against the limitless Harkness (John Barrowman, Doctor Who, Central Park A washed-up rock duo reinvents itself as a wildly horizons of Australia’s Outback. With a brilliant all-star cast, inappropriate children’s act.. A washed-up rock duo reinvents West), the Torchwood team delves into the unknown and this TV landmark won six Emmy Awards and remains one of fights the impossible. Everyone who works for Torchwood is itself as a wildly inappropriate children’s act. Anneka Hawn the most beloved miniseries of all time. and Clay Monroe, one-hit wonders „Kill The Puppy,“ may be young. Some say that’s because it’s a new science. Others washed-up... but they are still dirty. Modesto filmmaker Kevin Drama, Religion/Spirituality, Romance 1983 say it’s because they die young. Keith Baker follows the bitterly divorced rockers as they 487min. Time Travel, British, Drama, Foreign, Inter- unleash their music on a whole new audience: Warner Bros. 28.06.2011 national TV, Science Fiction, BBC 1584min. Kindergarteners. By day, they’re „Sunny & Share,“ injecting their twisted tunes about pedophilia, lung cancer and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100235 BBC Home Video 19.07.2011 homemade bombs into the curriculum. By night, they walk on 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100270 the dark side, dabbling in drugs, amateur porn and Tiny Little Lies prostitution. Finally, a rock ‘n’ roll movie musical for the

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Tsotsi Michel Simon, Dita Parlo, Jean Daste Ben Cross, Victoria Tennant, Serena Scott Terry Pheto, Zola, Kenneth Nkosi, Presley Even among cinema’s greatest legends, Jean Vigo stands Thomas alone. The son of a notorious anarchist, Vigo had a brief but Who says fairy tales don’t come true?. How did Kate Chweneyagae, Mothusi Magano, Zenzo brilliant career making poetic, lightly surrealist films before Middleton, an ordinary British girl, come to be Prince Ngqobe his life was cut tragically short by tuberculosis at age twenty- William’s intended? Over an eight-year courtship, her Hope Set Him Free.. Captivating audiences worldwide, this nine. Like the daring early works of his contemporaries Jean warmth, humor, and grace under pressure convinced him she compelling story of crime and redemption has earned Cocteau and Luis Buñuel, Vigo’s films refused to play by the was the one. From University to the altar...this is the true life countless awards around the globe. One the edges of Johan- rules. This set includes all of Vigo’s titles: À Propos De Nice, making of a Princess. They’ve charmed the world with their nesburg, Tsotsi’s life has no meaning beyond survival. One an absurdist, rhythmic slice of life from the bustling coastal romantic love affair, engagement and eagerly awaited royal night, in desperation, Tsotsi steals a woman’s car. but as he city of the title; Taris, an inventive short portrait of a wedding. The Lifetime Original Movie William & Kate tells the is driving off, he makes a shocking discovery in the backseat. swimming champion; Zéro De Conduite, a radical, delightful story of Prince William (Nico Evers-Swindell, NCIS: Los In one moment his life takes a sharp turn and leads him down tale of boarding-school rebellion that has influenced Angeles, Law & Order) and Kate Middleton (Camilla Ludding- an unexpected path to redemption... giving him hope for a countless filmmakers; and, of course, L’Atalante, widely ton, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, The Defenders), from the future he never could have imagined. Tsotsi is an regarded as one of cinema’s finest achievements, about moment they met at the University of St. Andrews to the extraordinary portrait of the choices that are made in life and newlyweds beginning their life together on a canal barge. intense media attention surrounding their storybook romance. how compassion can endure in the human heart. From These are the endlessly witty, visually adventurous works of William & Kate also stars Ben Cross (Chariots Of Fire) as Miramax Films, the studio that brings you the best in world a pivotal film artist. Prince Charles, Serena Scott-Thomas (The World Is Not cinema (City Of God, Amèlie, The Chorus. Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Enough) as Carole Middleton, Richard Reid (Harry Potter Troubled Youth, Drama 2005 min. French, Marriage Woes, Art House, And The Sorcerer’s Stone) as Ian and Victoria Tennant (L.A. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Romance, Troubled Youth 161min. Story) as Celia. TV Movies, Drama, Romance, Royalty 2011 05.07.2011 Criterion 30.08.2011 93min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100349 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100411 A&E 21.06.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100186 Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall Vs. The Dead His Past Lives In a careless government mix up, the deadly virus ROUND 2, ends up in a small Canadian city. Unsuspecting patrons of a Zenith Jenjira Pongpas, Sakda Kaewbuadee local tattoo shop are infected with the experimental germ, Jason Robards, Al Nazemian Winner of the top prize at the Cannes Film Festival Uncle inevitably turning into flesh eating ghouls. It is up to Danny A retro-futuristic steam-punk thriller, about two men in two Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives is a unique tale of a Druff and his friends to stop the zombies and find answers time periods, whose search for the same grand conspiracy man embracing life’s greatest mystery. Choosing to spend his before the situation escalates out of control. With no option leads them to question their own humanity. Starting from a final days surrounded by his loved ones in the countryside, but to fight, Danny and his posse wage war against the fictional recreation of the Obedience to Authority experiment, Boonmee is visited by his dead wife (a ghost) and his lost son meandering cadavers. Zenith plunges into exploring the multifaceted dimension of the (a strange hairy beast with red glowing eyes) who come to Thrillers, Zombies, Horror 91min. human experience. Zenith follows two parallel stories - a guide him to his final resting place, a cave where his first Brain Damage Films 02.08.2011 father and son - now, and 40 years in the future. Searching soul began. With a wry sense of humor and a humanist spirit, for the same elusive conspiracy, both father and son find no Uncle Boonmee, one of the most critically acclaimed films of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100284 answers; instead, their journey’s unravel their lives and force the year, is a magical tale of reincarnation, karma and nature. them to look deep and hard at themselves and their Religion/Spirituality, Thai, Drama, Family The Warped World Of Koreyoshi surroundings. Relationships, Fantasy, Foreign 2010 Science Fiction, Thrillers 2010 93min. 113min. Kurahara: Eclipse From The Music Video Distribution 22.02.2011 Strand Releasing 12.07.2011 Criterion Collection 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100460 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100430 Koreyoshi Kurahara’s ingeniously plotted, pocket-sized noir concerns the intertwining fates of a desperate bank manager, blackmailed for book-cooking, and his resentful but timid Zonad Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall underling, passed over for a promotion. Elegantly stripped- Simon Delaney His Past Lives (Blu-ray) down and carefully paced, Intimidation (Aru Kyouhaku) is a A small town welcomes its most unusual visitor in this odd and moody early film from one of the Japanese New Wave’s charming comedy from brothers John and Kieran Carney. A Jenjira Pongpas, Sakda Kaewbuadee preeminent stylists. A juvenile delinquent gets out of the pen thief (Simon Delaney) escaped from a rehab clinic convinces Winner of the top prize at the Cannes Film Festival Uncle and immediately embarks on a rampage of misdirected anger, a local family that he’s Zonad, a voyager from outer space. Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives is a unique tale of a most of it unleashed on an unsuspecting young woman. Shot Ensconced in their comfy home, this pretend alien finds that man embracing life’s greatest mystery. Choosing to spend his through with the same kind of bebop bravado that Godard was the most tempting pleasure is Jenny (Janice Byrne), the final days surrounded by his loved ones in the countryside, experimenting with half a world away, the anarchic descent family’s beautiful teenage daughter. Anxious to experience Boonmee is visited by his dead wife (a ghost) and his lost son into amoral madness that is The Warped Ones (Kyonetsu No love but unable to convince her rich boyfriend Guy (Rory (a strange hairy beast with red glowing eyes) who come to Kisetsu) sounded a lost generation’s cry for help and kicked Keenan) to go all the way, Jenny finds Zonad a more-than- guide him to his final resting place, a cave where his first off Japan’s cinematic sixties with a bang. Inspired by Preston willing lover. But soon Zonad’s fellow escapee Bonad turns soul began. With a wry sense of humor and a humanist spirit, Sturges’s Sullivan’s Travels, I Hate But Love (Nikui up to get in on his buddy’s good fortune, and Guy has to figure Uncle Boonmee, one of the most critically acclaimed films of Anchikusho) is a high-octane romantic comedy and road movie a way to win back a girl whose heart is lost in the stars. the year, is a magical tale of reincarnation, karma and nature. that follows a celebrity dissatisfied with his personal and professional life who impulsively leaves Tokyo to deliver a Comedy 2009 min. Drama, Family Relationships, Fantasy, much-needed Jeep to a remote village. When his controllin MPI 19.07.2011 Foreign, Religion/Spirituality, Thai 2010 Odd Couples, Romance, Art House, Boxed 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100144 113min. Sets, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama, Strand Releasing 12.07.2011 Film Noir, Foreign, Japanese 446min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100445 Criterion 23.08.2011 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100390 Vigo: The Criterion Collection Music Michel Simon, Dita Parlo, Jean Daste The Waterhole Franco Alfano: Cyrano De Even among cinema’s greatest legends, Jean Vigo stands Drama 2009 87min. alone. The son of a notorious anarchist, Vigo had a brief but Bergerac (Blu-ray) brilliant career making poetic, lightly surrealist films before Vanguard 29.03.2011 his life was cut tragically short by tuberculosis at age twenty- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100471 While best known today for having composed the ending of nine. Like the daring early works of his contemporaries Jean Puccini’s unfinished Turandot, Franco Alfano wrote some Cocteau and Luis Buñuel, Vigo’s films refused to play by the dozen operas, including Cyrano De Bergerac (1936) with a rules. This set includes all of Vigo’s titles: À Propos De Nice, White Lion libretto by Henri Cain based on Edmond Rostand’s drama of an absurdist, rhythmic slice of life from the bustling coastal the same name. It is a moving tale of romantic city of the title; Taris, an inventive short portrait of a Jamie Bartlett, John Kani misunderstanding, swashbuckling bravado and heartbreaking swimming champion; Zéro De Conduite, a radical, delightful A young African boy named Gisani finds himself destined to loyalty, in which the eloquent Cyrano feels unable to express tale of boarding-school rebellion that has influenced protect a rare and magnificent white lion cub named Letsatsi his love for Roxane because of his famously protuberant nose countless filmmakers; and, of course, L’Atalante, widely who is cast form his pride and is forced to survive to survive - except on behalf of his handsome but inarticulate friend, regarded as one of cinema’s finest achievements, about on his own. After many perilous adventures young Letsati Christian. When Domingo and Radvanovsky sang Cyrano and newlyweds beginning their life together on a canal barge. befriends Nkulu, an older lion who teaches him how to Roxane at New York’s Metropolitan Opera, Andante magazine These are the endlessly witty, visually adventurous works of survive in the harsh African wilderness. With Nkulu’s help, wrote: „Incredibly, Cryano is his 121st role. And it suits him a pivotal film artist. Letsati grows from a young and naive lion cub into a splendidly...Soprano Sondra Radvanovsky was luminous as magnificent adult. But before he can take over his rightful Roxane, her passionate outburst showing off her powerful Romance, Troubled Youth, Art House, place as the real lion in. Letsatsi must face his greatest upper register to good effect.“ Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, challenge - a trophy hunter - for whom legends are worthless Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing French, Marriage Woes 161min. and his rare skins priceless. Arts 141min. Drama, Family min. Criterion 30.08.2011 Naxos 31.05.2011 Screen Media Films 15.02.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100386 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100416 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100359 Vigo: The Criterion Collection Louis Armstrong: Live In (Blu-ray) William & Kate

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Australia 1964 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100252 Crack 11: Raps New Generation Louis Armstrong This magazine features Fred The Godson, Oun-P, Shawt This rare jewel, including such hits as „Blueberry Hill“, „ Johnny Cash: Man In Black - Dawgs, Young Riot, Wiz Khalifa, Tinie Tempah, Freddie High Society“, „Mack The Knife“, and many more captures the Gibbs, Mully Man, and Tech N9ne, plus a live performance by genius in all this glory. Outstanding! Louis Armstrong’s Limited Edition XXL 2011 Freshman. virtuousity and tunning technique made him one of the most Johnny Cash Music, Rap min. influential artists of the century. This recording is a testament Documentary, Music 50min. Music Video Distribution 12.07.2011 to his unparalleled talent. Recorded in 1964. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100286 Concerts, Jazz, Music 56min. Music Video Distribution 22.02.2011 Music Video Distribution 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100456 tba BestellNr.: 40100255 Miley Cyrus: Growing Up Colosseum: Complete Reunion Unauthorized Claudio Arrau: Beethoven Piano Concert Miley Cyrus has always been way ahead of her time. At the tender age of nine she decided that acting would be her Sonatas Dick Heckstall Smith, career. Her passion for acting, and singing has catapulted her Track List: 01: Those About To Die 02: Skelington 03: Elegy into a global teen idol. This inspirational film explores her Classical Music, Music 190min. 04: Tanglewood ’63 05: The 06: Rope Ladder astonishing evolution - from favorite to a mega movie and pop Naxos 31.05.2011 To The Moon 07: Theme For An Imaginary Western 08: The star. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100467 machine Demands Another Sacrifice 09: Solo Colonia (Drum Documentary, Music 70min. Solo) 10: Lost Angele 11: Stormy Monday Blues 12: Walking In The Park 1994. Colosseum reunited in Cologne, Germany. Music Video Distribution 22.02.2011 Claudio Arrau: The Emperor Original members Chris Farlowe (vocals), Dick Heckstall- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100463 Smith (sax), (guitars), Dave were Classical Music, Music 85min. joined by and played an incredible show. The Naxos 31.05.2011 show displayed the band’s incredible energy and outstanding A Daring Game 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100465 virtuosity. Classical Music, Concerts, Music 98min. Concerts, Music, 113min. Naxos 31.05.2011 Buju Banton & Sizzla: Living Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100461 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100256 Legends- Live In Concert Grammy award sinner Buju Banton is one of the rare reggae Depeche Mode: Rewind - 30 artists who have broken Bob Marley’s record of the greatest Julian Cope: Copeulation Years At The Edge number of Number 1 singles in a year. With his gruff voice, This collection contains 10 years worth of videos from Julian politically outspoken lyrics and true Rastafarian beliefs, Buju Cope and Teardrop Explodes.. Issued for the first time as a When four lads got together in 1980 sharing a love for the shows that he is still on top of his musical game, after being in DVD collection, the videos of Julian Cope and Teardrop synthesizer sounds then just gaining ground, they could the reggae industry since 1987. Sizzla Kolonji, arguably the Explodes display some seminal moments of genius and English barely envisaged the kind of impact they would have on the most commercial and critically successful reggae artists, is pop/rock history. This collection tracks ten years in the life of world music scene. Today Depeche Mode remain the most well known for his fierce spiritual and socially conscious Julian Cop, through times when he burnt out, rose again, burnt successful electronic group ever, and have themselves lyrics. With over 45 albums spanning his career and out, and then rose again - showing why he got the epithet „ influenced a huge array of artists - stand up Marilyn Manson, numerous accolades, Sizzla has used his influence in the flawed genius“. Beginning with his work as part of the Pet Shop Boys, Linkin Park & the creators of thousands of roots reggae community to spread his Rastafarian beliefs of legendary UK rock band The Teardrop Explodes and dance and records. This 2 DVD set celebrates the love and faith in the almighty Jah. This exclusive DVD continuing onto his highly successful solo career - the DVD astonishing music and career of Depeche Mode by way of features 2 of the greatest roots reggae artists that Jamaica charts the extraordinary musical and personal journey that stunning documentary film in which their extraordinary story has spawned. Cope experienced during the period. Many believe that he is told in depth. Featuring an array of performance and studio was a weird... footage, archive interviews with members past and present, Jamaican, Music, Reggae 2011 min. and contributions from those who know the group best - Music Video Distribution 12.07.2011 British, Music 60min. including Gary Numan, Thomas Dolby & OMD’s Andy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100283 Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 McCluskey. Throw into the mix some of the most outstanding 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100250 music from the last three decades and the program will prove a joy for the millions of Depeche Mode fans across the globe. La Bayadere Documentary, Music 157min. Ballet, Music, Opera, Orchestral, Elvis Costello: Spectacle - Music Video Distribution 22.02.2011 Performing Arts 123min. Season 2 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100454 Naxos 31.05.2011 The wildly popular Spectacle Sundance Channel TV show hosted by Elvis Costello, presented here in its second and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100398 final season! This 2-disc DVD/Blu-ray package features Elvis Drumbassadors: One For The Costello in an extensive, already-legendary interview and Money, But Two For The Show Alban Berg: Lulu performance with , as well as a separate episode starring U2’s Bono and The Edge. Costello himself is Featuring Europe’s most dynamic drumming duo, the Music, Opera, Performing Arts 164min. interviewed in one segment by Weeds TV star Mary Louise Drumbassadors, the 2-dvd set combines beautifully filmed Parker, an exchange that will fire you up concert footage with tons of educational content. Disc one Naxos 31.05.2011 contains a concert performed by the Dumbassadors (Rene 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100396 Interview, Music min. Creemers and Wilm De Vires) for a wildly enthusiastic live Music Video Distribution 07.06.2011 audience in the Netherlands in 2009. Rene and Wim display 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100478 the amazing creativity and virtuosity that they have become Biebermania! known for, while performing beautiful original drum The incredible story of the world’s biggest singing sensation.. compositions. Supported by a handful of guest musicians, the Biebermania!. Elvis Costello: Spectacle - performances take you to a unique peak in the world of Documentary, Music 2011 Ltbx 16x9 S musical drumming., Disc 2 is an instructional DVD on which Season 2 (Blu-ray) Rene and Wim discuss matters such as stick grip, stroke 70min. The wildly popular Spectacle Sundance Channel TV show technique, motion, balance, tone, dynamics, coordination, Allegro Entertainment 17.05.2011 hosted by Elvis Costello, presented here in its second and phrasing and melodic playing with brushes and effective 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100331 final season! This 2-disc DVD/Blu-ray package features Elvis practice habits. Rene and Wim then demonstrate once again, Costello in an extensive, already-legendary interview and through a number of solo, duo and band performances, how performance with Bruce Springsteen, as well as a separate hugely creative and varied their style of playing is. Bruckner: Symphony No. 8 episode starring U2’s Bono and The Edge. Costello himself is Educational, Music 2011 222min. interviewed in one segment by Weeds TV star Mary Louise Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 112min. Parker, an exchange that will fire you up Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 Naxos 31.05.2011 Interview, Music min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100287 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100397 Music Video Distribution 07.06.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100483 Bob Dylan: Revealed Kate Bush: A Life Of Surprises When Bob Dylan turns 70 in May 2011, his iconic career will have spanned five decades. Yet, a true portrait of the Kate Bush Crack 10: Midwest Xplosion reclusive „voice of the generation“ has eluded Dylan fans. A singer, songwriter, and musician of rare talent, Kate Bush This video magazine features DJ Sixteen & Poppi, L.U.V., Through exclusive insider interviews, and never-before-seen is arguably England’s’ finest ever female artist. And despite Lost Souls (Tefman), producer DJ Pain One, SMB, photos and footage spanning Dylan’s 50-year career, Bob long gaps between new albums, she has yet to release any Selfmadeboss, JLP, M.I.C., Showtime, J-Sin, Boogieman, Dylan Revealed offers an intimate biography of who Bob work which does not stand up against the music she made in Twister Team (Scooter & Twista Hypman), Xxtra, R&B artist Dylan was, and who he is today. her heyday. These 2 DVD documentary set is fitting tribute to Ben-One, Co-Still, Sly Polaroid, Romey Smokes, Lepbogus Kate’s extraordinary career, featuring rare footage, archive Biography, Documentary, Music min. Boys, and GLC. J-Diamondzz hosts. Music Video Distribution 21.06.2011 interviews, contributions from those who have known her best Music, Rap 60min. and some of the finest music ever made. This set will prove a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100472 delight for anyone with eve a hint of interest in this quite Music Video Distribution 22.02.2011 astonishing woman. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100462 British, Documentary, Music 180min. The Elephant DVD Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 Eric Herman is becoming a household name in the kids’ music

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 46 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA world, and his legions of fans and YouTube subscribers have the kind of talent Michael so naturally possessed. But after a the sound down and you’ve got a visual stimulus in the long been clamoring for a DVD collection of his videos. The period of grief and reflection the time is now right to celebrate background. But it’s usually too distracting. Ambient videos Elephant DVD is a fun-filled romp of music that will have kids again the enormous contribution Michael offered to the world are the answer. They allow you to relax, listen to your and families singing, dancing and laughing along. Including and the joy he brought it through some of the most magical favorite music without staring at the furniture. Middle Line the viral hits, „ The Elephant Son“ and „Dance Like An Animal“ records ever made. This two disc set both traces the entire Ambient: The original Jettisoundz ambient. A collage, cut up of and „The Tale Of The Sun And Moon“, which was highlighted Michael Jackson story and remind us just what it was that so an amazing collection of images by Karen Bentham. Taken from in the Warner Bros. film Life As We Know It, and featuring the enamored the world to this extraordinary human being. the whole video collection. Lazergraphic: Constantly moving, brand-new instant animated classic, „ Steve And The Documentary, Music, Pop Music min. hypnotic laser imagery. Ideal for parties, discos or just Superhero“. Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 chilling out with to your favorite tunes. Computer Animation, Music 2010 min. Educational, Music 2011 116min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100253 Music Video Distribution 19.07.2011 Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100275 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100272 Mick Jagger: The Roaring 20’s Not always credited with such, Mick Jagger has been equally Duke Ellington: Reminiscing In as pivotal to the Rolling Stones as his songwriting partner The Mission: Crusade Tempo and band mate for almost 50 years, Keith Richards. Indeed the Formed in the 1986 from the freshly dissolved Sisters Of differences in style, character and philosophy between Mick Mercy, The Mission, was one of the seminal gothic rock Filmmaker Gary Keys crafts a compelling tribute to late jazz and Keith, make for probably the greatest union in the history bands of their decade. Led by Wayne Hussey they developed icon Duke Ellington in this companion piece to Key’s 1980 of popular music. This documentary film concentrates on a following of millions of fans worldwide, touring ever documentary Memories Of Duke, which combines unseen Jagger’s life and career both within and without the Stones, continent and changing style and temperament with every one clips captured during the famed pianist and bandleader’s 1968 across the period during which he was in his twenties, the of the 10 studio albums they released. This live show from Mexican tour with footage and interviews shot at sister Ruth period that also, for most fans, was the band’s golden years, Rock City, shows the band at the peak of their early years - Ellington’s annual birthday celebration. Though fans know during which they produced music of a quite staggering still with a brace of hits under their belt - and engaging with well that the man known as Duke never celebrated his own quality. an absolutely fanatical audience. According to their own birthday, ever since his death in 1974 sister Ruth has made up website - „ if you’re a Mission fan, then this is a must.“ for lost time by hosting an annual gathering in which friends, Documentary, Music 106min. family and former bandmasters all gather for a yearly birthday Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 Concerts min. bull session. In addition to offering a closer look at beloved 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100254 Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 jazz master, this lovingly - crafted documentary also features 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100251 an original suite that was never commercially recorded. Documentary, Jazz, Music min. Vladimir Jurowski: Orchestra Of Music Video Distribution 22.02.2011 The Age Of Enlightenment Mozart’s Casanova Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100457 Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Orche- Arts 173min. stral 89min. Naxos 31.05.2011 Der Fliegende Hollander Naxos 31.05.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100393 Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 167min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100469 Naxos 31.05.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100468 Vladimir Jurowski: Orchestra Of Nobel Prize Concert: Joshua Bell Classical Music, Concerts, Music 117min. The Age Of Enlightenment (Blu- Der Fliegende Hollander (Blu-ray) Naxos 31.05.2011 ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100392 Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 167min. Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Orche- Naxos 31.05.2011 stral 89min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100474 Nobel Prize Concert: Joshua Bell Naxos 31.05.2011 (Blu-ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100475 Friedrich Gulda Plays Beethoven Classical Music, Concerts, Music 117min. And Bachs Naxos 31.05.2011 Kiss: Invasion - A Look At The 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100418 Classical Music, Music 79min. Lost Egyptian God, Vinnie Naxos 31.05.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100466 Vincent Orphee Aux Enfers - La Belle He- A must have for Kiss fans, Invasion gives you rare unseen lene footage of the Egyptian god himself. Vinnie Vincent was with John Holt & Freddie McGregor: Kiss for only a short time. Here for the first time are rare Music, Opera, Performing Arts 276min. Living Legends - Live In Concert interviews and convention appearances. This DVD contains Naxos 31.05.2011 the rare Nightflight unedited interview and more. This material 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100401 Freddie McGregor, John Holt is presented for the first time in DVD format and is an essenti- Specially priced double disk package! Grammy nominated al item to complete your music collection. Every effort has Freddie McGregor is reggae’s most durable and soulful been made to provide the highest possible picture and sound La Petite Danseuse De Degas singers, with an incredible career that started in the 1960s. quality allowing for the availability of the original masters. As a world renowned artist, with many classic hits under his Unauthorized by the man, management and record label. Music, Opera, Performing Arts 132min. belt, Freddie has been able to transcend musical borders, Documentary, Music 90min. Naxos 31.05.2011 which has earned him his rightful place among roots reggae Music Video Distribution 22.02.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100394 elite. John Holt, one of the biggest reggae artists in history, started his musical career in 1963. As an accomplished 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100458 singer/songwriter, his songs went on to be covered by La Petite Danseuse De Degas musical legends as Blondie, Dennis Brown and UB40. Holt’s Michel Legrand And The Cinema romantic style is a recognizable forerunner, which brought (Blu-ray) about the famous Lover’s Rock movement. Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Orche- Music, Opera, Performing Arts 132min. World Music, Music, Reggae 2011 min. stral 161min. Naxos 31.05.2011 Music Video Distribution 12.07.2011 Naxos 31.05.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100419 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100285 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100395 Pink Floyd: Whatever Happened Hype: 4th Anniversary Mahler: Des Knaben Wunderhorn To Pink Floyd? Once again Hype lived up to its name with amazing Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 88min. performances from a star studded line-up which is captured One of the most rock groups of the 1970s, Pink Floyd on one DVD. Lady Shaw Jah Cure Beenie Man I-Octane Naxos 31.05.2011 achieved superstar status despite being routinely experimen- Assassin Pamputae Macka Diamond Lisa Hype Konshens 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100391 tal and often downright bizarre. Indeed the group have proven Singer J Fantan Mojah Kargo Determien Peter Meter D’Angel an enormous influence on numerous contemporary bands - Sniper Killer Dorn Beatle Bailey Food Kartel Blacka Shine stand up Muse, Radiohead, Linkin Park and 100 others - and Villa Dutch Freekez Natty Pure Ras Pilot Glamerous Mahler: Des Knaben Wunderhorn remain a wholly credible name to drop more than 30 years Brimstone (Blu-ray) since Punk Rock was supposed to have killed off their kind of Music, Reggae 2011 60min. ‘progressive nonsense“ This film traces the path Floyd took Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 88min. after the recording of the Animals album - an era when cracks Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 Naxos 31.05.2011 in the band first started to show - and brings the story of the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100288 group and the intense relationship between Waters and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100417 Gilmour right up to date with the unexpected collaboration of these two maverick musicians at a 2010 charity event. Michael Jackson: DVD Collector’s Featuring numerous interviews with Waters, Gilmour, Wright Middle Line Ambient & Mason, liberally interspersed with classic and rare Box Lazergraphics performance footage, plus contributions from friends, Since the sad and wholly unexpected passing of Michael colleagues and the finest rock journalists. Jackson, the music world has been bereft of a performer with When you put on a record or CD, switch on the TV, turn on

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Documentary, Music 83min. to the supernatural terror. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100443 Music Video Distribution 22.02.2011 Horror, Musical, Thrillers, 2 Packs, Action 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100455 2007 min. American History Of The Wild Paramount Pictures 19.07.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100242 West Play Hendrix Western, Cowboy, Documentary min. A new series of informative and entertaining instructional Mill Creek Entertainment 14.09.2010 programs illustrating both scale & chord voicings made Szymanowski: Symphonies Nos.1 famously recognizable by the world’s greatest guitarists, the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100309 first program will concentrate on the one and only Jimi and 2 (Blu-ray) Hendrix. The program will demonstrate how Jimi approached Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 53min. American Muscle Car: The the blues through illustrations of examples both in minor and Naxos 31.05.2011 major key structures, in addition identifying signature licks Complete Series and phrases that the guitarist can use and incorporate into 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100415 their own playing style. Hosted by Max Milligan, Guitar The American Muscle Car series relives that incredible time Institute (London) Instructor and Senior Examiner for Registry when Detroit produced the most outrageous cars ever to hit of Guitar Tutors (London College of Music), Artsmagic’s Play Theodora the street. From the car that started it all, the 1964 Pontiac Hendrix will unravel the secrets so you too will be able to GTO, experience the glory days of power and speed through Classical Music, Opera, Performing Arts the stories of those who lived and breathed it. Includes play like Hendrix! 189min. Blues, Documentary, Instructional, Music Seasons 1-3 on 6 discs! Naxos 31.05.2011 Documentary 990min. 2011 FF S 60min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100402 MPI 19.07.2011 Artsmagic DVD 28.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100142 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100298 Theodora (Blu-ray) The Pointer Sisters: Live In Mon- Classical Music, Opera, Performing Arts Ancient Astronauts: Our 189min. tana 2004 Extraterrestrial Legacy Naxos 31.05.2011 Dating to the 5th millennia B.C., Sumerian civilization One of the most popular and influential female R&B groups of 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100422 emerged out of nowhere with no predecessor in the land that all time, The Pointer Sisters combined the influence of jazz, is now southern Iraq. We attribute to the Sumerians over 100 soul, gospel, scat, pop and sometimes even country music into of the firsts needed for an advanced civilization. From the a winning amalgam. They continue to perform their enduring Giuseppe Verdi: La Traviata wheel to the first known form of writing called „cuneiform.“ and new songs, that maintain their devoted following; this The Sumerians also divided the heavens into 12 parts, concert was recorded in April of 2004 at the Alberta Blair Classical Music, Music, Opera 154min. assigning each section of the sky with a symbol. It’s clear that Theatre in Billings, Montana. It features the most recent Naxos 31.05.2011 a vast body of knowledge emanated from the Sumerian people lineup, consisting of Ruth, Anita and Ruth’s daughter Issa, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100470 but where did they learn these things? In the early 1900’s and the group plays some of their most enduring hits. The set British archeologists began excavations and discovered list includes „Fairytale“, „Chain Of Fools“, „Yes We Can“, and thousands of clay tablets which detailed a time when the „I’m So Excited“, among many others. Giuseppe Verdi: La Traviata (Blu- Sumerian people lived amongst their gods, which they called Concerts, Music 2004 min. the „Anunnaki.“ Amazingly, these tablets detail not only what Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 ray) the planets look like from above, but the distance between the Classical Music, Music, Opera 154min. planets in our solar system including Pluto, which was not 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100295 discovered until 1930. They also detail a planet called Naxos 31.05.2011 „Nibiru,“ the planet from which they came... the planet of the Giacomo Puccini: Tosca (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100476 gods. Learn of a time when there were „Giants upon the earth“ and see the actual evidence and artifacts from a Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Richard Wagner: Parsifal UFOs, Documentary 2011 FF 240min. Arts 119min. Reality Films 28.06.2011 Music, Opera, Performing Arts 268min. Naxos 31.05.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100308 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100421 Naxos 31.05.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100403 Yoruba Andada: Rumba En La Giacomo Puccini: Turandot Johnny Winter: Live Rockpalast Habana Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing In 103 minutes the viewer experiences the mystical world of Arts 139min. 1979 the African Yoruba religion as it is celebrated in Cuba. The Naxos 31.05.2011 Johnny Winter, Jon Paris gods are called on with rumba, singing and dancing. The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100400 Johnny Winter and his three piece band (John Paris - Bass, African songs accompanied by drumbeats are known in Cuba Bobby Torello - Drums) live in Germany’s famous Rockpalast as Rumba. Rumba is an important element of the religious TV show in 1979. Straight up blues like only Johnny can ceremonies. The lead singer calls on the gods („Orishas“), Super Producers In Hip Hop: deliever, lean and mean. Johnny and the band also blaze and the choir fervently repeats the prayer. The drumming is through some killer covers like the Rolling Stones „ Jumping done on this sacred drum, which may only be played by one Kanye West & Pharrell Jack Flash“ and „Suzie Q.“. person their whole life. This DVD is a unique experience. It Kanye West, Pharrell Blues, Concerts, Music min. shows ceremonies which ordinary tourists never get to see. Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 103min. A two DVD collection: Super Producers In Hip Hop: Kanye Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 Music Video Distribution West & Pharel. Kanye West: Follow the journey of one of Hip 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100257 Hop’s most taltented and influential Grammy winning tba BestellNr.: 40100273 producers turned double platinum artist. Pharrell: PHarrel was six years old when the Sugar Hill Gang introduced the hit single „Rappers Delight“ to the entire world in 1979. In the Animal Atlas: Animal 123’s ’90s, he and Chad Hugo formed the group the Neptunes and Educational, Family, Preschool min. were discovered by Teddy Riley at high school taent show. Special Interest Documentary, Music 120min. NCircle Entertainment 12.07.2011 Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100381 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100247 Actiongirls: Volume 7 Action min. Animals Atlas: Animals ABC’s Sweeney Todd / Sleepy Hollow (2 Scotty JX 25.05.2011 Educational, Family, Preschool min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100264 Pack) (Blu-ray) NCircle Entertainment 12.07.2011 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100380 Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci, Helena Afterlife Bonham Carter What happens when we die?. This and other questions about Arizona Basketball: Elite Again Set in an imaginative world that only Tim Burton and Johnny the afterlife are scientifically explored through modern Depp could capture, Sweeney Todd has been hailed as a research into near-death experiences. Through interviews 2010-2011 Arizona Men’s Basketball Season. Get the inside masterpiece by critics and audiences everywhere. Supported with noted researchers like best-selling author on the subject story on how the 2010-11 Wildcats turned themselves into by a stellar cast including Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Raymond Moody MD. PhD. and Jeffrey Long MD., and champions and delivered one of the most unexpected and Baron Cohen. Depp’s „spellbinding“ (NY Magazine) testimonials from people that have had near-death unforgettable seasons in Arizona basketball history...30 wins, performance as Sweeney brilliantly elevates Burton’s dark experiences, and featuring re-enactments, this documentary a Pac-10 title, a run to the Elite Eight ...All the memorable vision of a wronged man obsessed with revenge. Sweeney explores the evidence of the afterlife using insightful moments, plus exclusive interviews with Pac-10 Coach-of- Todd is „mighty entertainment“ (NY Post) that will win your interviews, case studies, event re-creations and rich the-Year Sean Miller, many of the players, and plenty of heart with a vengeance. Master storyteller Tim Burton rendering of classic spiritual art on the subject. Afterlife is a special features! (Batman, Edward Scissorhands) weaves an eerie, enchanting provocative and inspirational examination of the science, and Sports, Basketball, NCAA 85min. version of this classic tale of horror. Johnny Depp is Ichabod evidence, of life after death. Crane, an eccentric investigator determined to stop the Team Marketing 24.05.2011 murderous Headless Horseman. Christina Ricci is Katrina Documentary 2010 70min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100181 Van Tassel, the beautiful and mysterious girl with secret ties Vanguard 29.03.2011

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balance of flowing Chi Kung exercises, grounding Tai Chi 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100158 postures, and centering prana-filled Yoga poses, along with Belly Dance Body, Mind & Soul movement therapy, innovative stretching and seamless Belly Dance Body, Mind & Soul. During the class I will take transitions that make Yoga Tai Chi so marvelously unique and Devil Dogs Of Nam: Tour Of Duty you to beautiful places in the „Enchanted Island“ of Puerto powerful at all levels. Yoga Tai Chi with Scott Cole is a Vietname was one of the longest wars fought by the US Rico, in order to achieve the relaxation you want. At the end complete workout experience, concluding with Scott’s famous Marine Corps - more Marines were deployed in Vietnam than of each section you will learn choreography for you to White Light Guided Imagery Savasana Meditation. In addition in World War II. By the end of the war, 13,091 Marines had practice in the comfort of your own home and watch a Bonus to the main workout, advanced BONUS sections include: 1. been killed and 51,392 had been wounded. In total, 57 Medals Performance recorded at the „Ateneo Theater“ of Puerto Rico. Chiseling Yoga Abs and Core (with Rich Roe) 3.Tai Chi of Honor were awarded to Marines for exemplary courage Bellydance, Dancing, Fitness, Health, Martial Da Lu (with Kaleo Indigo). Yoga Tai Chi is great for during the Vietnam War. Tour Of Duty. all levels of exercisers. America’s Premier Wellness Expert, Instructional, Instructional Dance 90min. Scott Cole is a pioneer of mind/body exercise. From starring Vietnam War, Marines, Military 2010 FF S Celebrity Video Distribution 12.07.2011 in Abs of Steel to creating the gorgeous Millennium Stretch, 120min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100335 the dance-happy Disco Dojo, and the top-selling Discover Tai Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 Chi DVD series, Scott has also entertained LIVE aud 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100159 Yoga, Fitness, Health 50min. Michael Blackson: African King BayView Entertainment 02.08.2011 Of Comedy - Surviving America 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100433 Dog Whisperer With Cesar Millan: Season 1 Season 5 Michael Blackson, The African King of Comedy presents his Compassion In Emptiness Cesar Millan first ever sketch comedy show. Surviving American: Season Each year, His Holiness the Dalai Lama travels the world Emmy Award - nominated Cesar Millan has been called the 1. You’ve see him „Modasucka“ this and „Modasucka“ that in offering teachings and public talks to individuals from many Dr. Phil for Dogs due to his uncanny ability to rehabilitate Next Friday („I can’t get jiggy with that!“), Barber Shop, different faiths and backgrounds. In 2010, His Holiness problem dogs of all shapes and sizes. With the major success BET’s Comic View, The Dave Chappelle Show, Master P’s traveled to to teach A Commentary on of his hit show on National Geographic Channel and DVD, Repos, 30Rock as African man, Ice Cube’s Are We There Bodhisattva by Nagrajuna and A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Cesar has captured the national spotlight as America’s Yet? as hilarious Valet. Now see him perform his Tarrel Way Of Life by Shantideva. Following teachings, His favorite dog expert. Each episode of the Dog Whisperer Owens character in I Didn’t Say that“, Valedictorian and the Holiness the Dalai Lama went on to address a sold-out crowd documents the remarkable transformations that take place „GED Graduation“, Man-on-the-street in New York City and at with Awakening the Heart of under Cesar’s guidance by teaching and helping dogs and Live Stand-up at the famed Laugh Lounge NYC. Selflessness, a public talk followed by a candid question and their owners achieve happier lives together. Comedy, Sketch Comedy 2010 min. answer session. In this talk, His Holiness discusses ways in Documentary, National Geographic 686min. Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 which one can achieve the realization of selflessness and Screen Media Films 31.05.2011 ultimately achieve inner peace, which in turn generates a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100289 genuine sense of responsibility for the happiness of others 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100355 and eventually creates a more compassionate world for British Rail Journeys: Blaenau everyone. Hosted by The Gere Foundation and The Tibet Energy Flow: Beginner Vinyasa Center and brought to you by Oscilloscope Laboratories, Ffestiniog Compassion In Emptiness presents two historic records of Yoga With Jennifer Kries The Ffestiniog Railway, starting on the glorious Welsh one of the world’s most important spiritual leaders and his unique message of wisdom and compassion. Jennifer Kries Coastline at Porthmadog, protected by the imposing castles of Tone, sculpt, breathe, and de-stress with this beautifully Harlech and Criccieth, is a memorable journey through the Buddhist, Religion/Spirituality 2010 835min. designed and easy-to-follow DVD designed for the Yoga Snowdonia National Park. From Harbour Station at Oscilloscope Laboratories 05.07.2011 beginner by Jennifer Kries. Yoga is one of the most effective Porthmadog, the train climbs through the sleepy pastures and 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100291 ways to reduce stress, sculpt and strengthen the body, luscious forests, skirting lakes and waterfalls. Clinging to enhance flexibility and cultivate peace of mind. This and tunneling through the sides of mountains, the track takes classically designed, flowing practice is an excellent in horseshoe bends which include a complete spiral. This Dark Days introduction for the beginner, or anyone looking for an easy- area is so remote that the train is occasionally required to For years, a homeless community took root in a train tunnel to-follow and effective yoga program. Explore the foundational stop at isolated cottages whose inhabitants depend entirely principles essential to yoga and learn how to get the most out upon the railway. This journey covers the 13.5 miles from beneath New York City, braving dangerous conditions and perpetual night. Dark Days explores this surprisingly of your practice. We embark on this path with an introduction Porthmadog, rising to over 700 feet above sea level at to the basic yoga asanas (poses) and learning proper Blaenau Ffestiniog. domestic subterranean world, unearthing a way of life unimaginable to those above. Through stories simulatneously alignment, technique and breathing. Next , you’ll move through Documentary 1999 FF S 60min. heartbreaking, hilarious, intimate, and off the cuff, tunnel a dynamic and expertly configured 30-minute program to Artsmagic DVD 28.06.2011 dwellers treveal their reasons for taking refuge and their cultivate new energy, rejuvenate the body and clam the mind. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100292 struggle to survive underground. Filmed in striking black and You’ll become more open, flexible and energized. You’ll totally white with a crew comprised of the tunnel’s inhabitants and transform your body and feel powerful and calm at the same scored by legendary turntablist DJ Shadow (Entroducing.) time. Yoga has so many unique benefits, and what you do on Brutal Beauty: Tales OF The Rose Dark Days remains a soulful and enduring document of life on the mat, you carry into your life - enjoy this inspiring the fringe. introduction - embrace the grace and beauty City Rollers Documentary 2000 84min. Yoga, Fitness, Health 55min. Roller derby is an American contact sport that has seen a BayView Entertainment 26.07.2011 nationwide revival in recent years. Brutal Beauty: Tales Of Music Video Distribution 19.07.2011 The Rose City Rollers tells the story of Portland, Oregon’s 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100293 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100428 league, the Rose City Rollers. For more than a year and half, an embedded film crew documented the thrills and spills of Facez of Death 2000 Pt. 1 derby life. The Rollers tell how derby saved their souls and Devil Dogs Of Nam changed their lives. Rollicking fun from beginning to end, Vietname was one of the longest wars fought by the US Shockumentary min. Brutal Beauty plants you in an exotic, rapidly growing, and Marine Corps - more Marines were deployed in Vietnam than Brain Damage Films 02.08.2011 oddly empowering world of librarians and regular girls in World War II. By the end of the war, 13,091 Marines had embracing their feminine power. been killed and 51,392 had been wounded. In total, 57 Medals 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100336 Sports, Documentary 80min. of Honor were awarded to Marines for exemplary courage during the Vietnam War. Explores the legacy of the USMC, its Facez of Death 2000 Pt. 2 Music Video Distribution 22.02.2011 early deployment in Vietnam and the first operations against 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100459 the Viet Cong. Covers the dramatic escalation of the Vietnam Shockumentary min. War from the first clashes with regular NVA troops to the Brain Damage Films 02.08.2011 bloody Tet offensive. Follows the most dramatic conflicts of Classic U.S. Combat Aircraft Of the Vietnam War, including the long and bloody Battle of Hue, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100337 WWII: P-47 Thunderbolt the historic Siege of Khe Sanh, Operation Duey Canyon, and the final liftoff from the roof of the US Embassy. Facez of Death 2000 Pt. 3 The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, first flown in May 1941, and Vietnam War, Marines, Military 2010 FF S powered by a single radial engine, had a range of 200 miles Shockumentary min. 360min. greater than that of the P-38. The „Jug,“ or juggernaut, was a Brain Damage Films 02.08.2011 mighty warplane with eight Browning machine guns in the Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 wings. It became the medium-range fighter to provide the relay 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100338 of bomber escorts over Europe. In fact a U.S. Thunderbolt 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100157 squadron became the highest scoring unit in Europe. World War II, Documentary, Military 2011 FF Devil Dogs of Nam: Call In The Facez of Death 2000 Pt. 4 S 60min. Shockumentary min. Marines Brain Damage Films 02.08.2011 Artsmagic DVD 28.06.2011 Vietname was one of the longest wars fought by the US 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100296 Marine Corps - more Marines were deployed in Vietnam than 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100340 in World War II. By the end of the war, 13,091 Marines had been killed and 51,392 had been wounded. In total, 57 Medals Facez of Death 2000 Pt. 5 Scott Cole: Yoga Tai Chi of Honor were awarded to Marines for exemplary courage Scott Cole during the Vietnam War. Call In The Marines. Shockumentary min. Experience the ultimate blending of martial and healing arts: Vietnam War, Marines, Military 2010 FF S Brain Damage Films 02.08.2011 Yoga and Tai Chi with Scott Cole. Enter the Hall of Harmony 120min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100341 with breath-filled magnificence as you embark upon a miraculous mind/body/spirit journey. Feel the Yin/Yang Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011

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Facez of Death 2000 Pt. 6 MPI 22.08.2006 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100305 Shockumentary min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100200 Brain Damage Films 02.08.2011 Jim Henson’s Pajanimals: Good 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100342 The Girls Next Door: Season 2 Night, Pajanimals Bridget Marquardt, Holly Madison, Kendra Family, Preschool, Puppets min. Facez of Death 2000 Pt. 7 Wilkinson, Hugh Hefner NCircle Entertainment 09.08.2011 We call it fantasy. They call it home.. Ever wonder what Shockumentary min. really goes on behind the gates of the legendary Playboy 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100383 Brain Damage Films 02.08.2011 Mansion? Join Hugh Hefner’s three gorgeous girlfriends - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100343 Holly, Bridget and Kendra - for a second season of How To Club Dance unscripted, uncensored, and unbelievable fun! It’s where fantasy meets reality - with hilarious results! E!’s top-rated, If you want to get down with friends and be able to hit the Fested: A Journey To Fest 7 laugh-loaded series follows the Girls Next Door through their dance floor, let Barry „Griz“ Rabkin teach you club dance all-new adventures: from a star-studded celebration at Hef’s moves. Learn from clear step by step breakdowns of many Welcome to Gainesville, Florida on Halloween weekend - popular club moves. Even beginners with no dance Population 3,000 punk rockers. In the spirit of the Decline of over-the-top birthday bash, to the glamour and glitz of the Playboy Club’s grand opening in Las Vegas, to unforgettable experience will quickly be able to hit any club, house party or Western Civilization series this documentary, filmed over 2 wedding dance floor fresh and clean! weeks in 2008 and featuring interviews and performances travels through the hottest of European „hot spots.“ This from some of the genre’s most well known and talented sensational season sizzles, proving once again that blondes Educational, Instructional Dance 2010 musicians, follows local favorites Spanish Gamble on their really do have more fun! 63min. journey to play and experience what has come to be known Playboy, Reality 2006 418min. Music Video Distribution 12.07.2011 only as „The Fest“! Features interviews and songs from 20 MPI 01.05.2007 bands including: 10-4 Eleanor, American Steel, Dear Land- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100282 lord, The Falcon, The Flatliners, Fleshies and more! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100201 Documentary, Punk Rock 109min. Impact 911 Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 The Girls Next Door: Season 3 See real emergencies caught on tape! Horrible car crashes, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100248 Bridget Marquardt, Holly Madison, Kendra terrible accidents, gruesome crime scenes, shootings and Wilkinson, Hugh Hefner much much more. Crime min. Filthy: „Donzilla“ Don Tjernagel Season three of The Girls Next Door proves that the third time really is the charm! Holly, Bridget and Kendra - Brain Damage Films 02.08.2011 Comedy 2011 min. Playboy’s Blond Mafia - are back for another outrageous peek 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100306 Music Video Distribution 12.07.2011 behind the scenes at Hugh Hefner’s legendary Playboy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100280 Mansion. Whether they’re building a holiday snowman in 70 degree temperatures, horseback riding through the rugged Andy Kaufman: The Death Of hills of Hollywood, or making hairpin turns around the track at Firepower: The Complete Series the Toyota Celebrity Grand Prix, Hef’s girls really do want to Andy Kaufman have fun! And joining them are some of the sexiest and most Andy Kaufman Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the latest in beautiful women in the world. Proof positive that good things defense and aerospace technology is no longer classified. really do come in threes! Comedy, Documentary 2011 80min. Firepower. This 6-disc set includes 20 half-hour episodes. Playboy, Reality 2007 min. Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 Air Force, Army, Documentary, Military, MPI 22.01.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100274 Navy 600min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100202 MPI 19.07.2011 Lady In Black: The Story Of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100143 The Girls Next Door: Season 4 Darlington Raceway Gangsta Rap Icons: Snoop Dogg Bridget Marquardt, Holly Madison, Kendra There’s only one original superspeedway: Darlington in South Wilkinson, Hugh Hefner Carolina. And all of NASCAR’s greatest driver’s, from Dale & Ice Cube Earnhardt to Cale Yarborough, have had their turn on the It’s Season Four - and there’s so much more! More glamour, track dubbed „Lady in Black.“ How did it get its nickname? Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg more exotic travel, and - most importantly - more of Hugh What makes this place so special? Was the creation of a Two DVD collection, Gangsta Rap Icons: Snoop Dogg & Ice Hefner’s stunningly sexy leading ladies, Holly, Bridget and track at Darlington actually decided by the outcome of a card Cube. Ice Cube- The true life tale of great American draem. Kendra. Take a peek behind the scenes at the legendary game? Get the answers to these questions and more in Lady In One man’s rise form the streets of South Central Los ANgeles Playboy Mansion, where the Girls’ adventure unfold in Black: The Story Of Darlington Raceway. to the hillos Hollywood. Snoop Dogg - See how Snoop Dogg, unparalleled luxury. Travel to Holly’s home state of Alaska Sports, Auto Racing, Documentary, A.K.A the Dogg Father, created his own niche in Hip HOp and to the beaches of Jamaica. You’ll witness spectacular with his unique sound that keeps all his fans wanting more. photo shoots, quirky pet psychics, and a Midsummer Night’s NASCAR, PBS, Racing 55min. Documentary, Rap 120min. Dream Party so outrageously hot, it’ll leave you begging for Topics Entertainment 12.07.2011 more, more, more of The Girls Next Door! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100404 Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 Playboy, Reality 2007 368min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100259 MPI 10.03.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100203 Mighty Machines: Super Pack Georgia’s Civil War Boxed Sets, Family, Technology min. Historians, diary entries, letters and descendants of Civil The Girls Next Door: Season 5 NCircle Entertainment 19.07.2011 War-era Georgians weave the tale of the South’s rebellion in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100382 this four-part film seen on public television. Explore the Bridget Marquardt, Holly Madison, Kendra causes of the war and Georgia’s role in the early days of the Wilkinson, Hugh Hefner Confederacy, then listen as the voices of the past come alive Whoever said „blondes have more fun“ wasn’t kidding! New Body! Pilates Toys With through the writings of people from Macon, Atlanta and Glamorous photo shoots, exotic travel, and outrageous parties Jennifer Kries Savannah. Feel the excitement, anticipation and dread at the world-famous Playboy mansion - they’re all in a day’s experienced by those who lived through Georgia’s Civil War. work for Hugh Hefner’s three gorgeous girlfriends, The Girls Jennifer Kries War, American Civil War, Documentary, PBS Next Door. In Season Five, Holly coordinates a special The New Body! Pilates Toys DVD. The Magic Circle Series: 120min. nationwide Playmate search, Bridget plans a rockin’ Las invented by Joseph Pilates in the 1930’s, this amazing metal Vegas wedding, and Kendra swings for the fence at the ring sculpts and tones the upper and lower body in a Topics Entertainment 12.07.2011 world’s sexiest softball game. From a thrilling run for the surprisingly gentle yet effective way. You work to your 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100405 roses at the Kentucky Derby to a romantic stroll down memory capacity as you tone and strengthen the muscles of your lane with Mr. Playboy himself, join The Girls Next Door, and entire body and improve your posture while creating see why blondes really do have more fun! unmatched length and core strength. One of the most The Girls Next Door: Season 1 Playboy, Reality 2008 min. convenient ways to increase your overall isometric strength Bridget Marquardt, Holly Madison, Kendra and control, the magic circle is the perfect tool for women for MPI 23.06.2009 pre and post-natal conditioning and for men as an exceptional Wilkinson, Hugh Hefner 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100204 cross-training supplement. It travels easily and once you If the girls next door to you were this hot, you’d never leave learn this workout, you can perform it anywhere - from your the house!. Welcome to the world’s most famous and exotic won living room to your hotel room! The Sculpting Series: personal palace, the Playboy Mansion! For the first time ever, Going Postal using a light 3 - 5 lb. hand weights, tone and sculpt the entire The Girls Next Door takes you beyond the Mansion’s gates „Going Postal“. Watch as man turns against his fellow man in body while improving your posture and strengthening your and behind closed doors where you’ll meet Holly, Kendra and explosive outbursts of horrible chaos. See vicious gang core. Grow taller as you learn to engage your core and the Bridget, three gorgeous women with glamorous and, at times, warfare, blood-drenched schoolyard rampages, horrific muscles of the legs to create a strong base so that you can hilarious daily lives! Join these lovely ladies for a candid, hostage dramas, animals on attack and brutal parking lot target your arms, shoulders and muscles of the upper back uncensored view of their world as they laugh, love, play, and fights. Witness the darkest human behavior ever „Caught On more safely and effectively. Rather than simply isolating party, and see why being Hugh Hefner’s girlfriends definitely Tape“, all Uncensored and uncut. Could your friend or specific has its advantages! The Girls Next Door also features sexy, neighbor be the next to „snap“ out of control and shoot up your never-before-seen, uncensored versions of episodes - Fitness, Health, Pilates 57min. neighborhood? BayView Entertainment 26.07.2011 unbleeped and unbelievable! There’s no place like Crime, Horror min. home...especially if it’s the Playboy Mansion! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100431 Playboy, Reality 2005 min. Brain Damage Films 02.08.2011

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Okefenokee BayView Entertainment 19.07.2011 Antelopes, monkeys, sea lions and eagles, among others, fight among themselves to establish and hold status. This order of Home to alligators and numerous species of beautiful flowers, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100426 dominance determines who eats first and who gets to mate and the Okefenokee Swamp is an eerie and unique habitat that will carry on their species. give the viewer yet another amazing place to explore. Hosted by Sharon Collins, an Emmy-winning correspondent and Bob Rizzo’s Hop Dance Fuzion Documentary FF M 50min. former anchor for CNN, Georgia Outdoors’ Okefenokee takes With Gregg Russell Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 you through what the Creeks and Seminoles called, „Land of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100217 Trembling Earth.“ Hip Hop Fuzion With Gregg Russell is a high-energy DVD Documentary, PBS 40min. that breaks down the basics of break dancing and „fuzes“ together today’s latest Hip Hop and moves. Gregg Ultimate Wildlife: Animal Topics Entertainment 12.07.2011 Russell playfully gets you in the groove with his warm-up, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100406 and then carefully breaks down several hip hop & break Defense combos for all levels. Gregg than showcases his versatility A breathtaking exploration of some of nature’s most and passion in an extra long, smooth routine for the aspiring spectacular wildlife! Watch stunning footage from the BBC The Play Of Light Hip Hop/Funk dancer. It starts with the basics of poppin’ and motion gallery of animals as they live, play, and hunt in their A documentary about those who have devoted their lives to lockin’, then teaches popular hip-hop, break-dance moves like native habitats around the world. This program examines the revealing the hidden beauty of diamond crystals. The Play Of Harlem Shake and Alpha. Don’t worry - all steps are daughter various ways animals defend themselves from attacks by Light. The Play Of Light follows the remarkable path of a from the back! Gregg Russell is an Emmy-nominated predators. Some animals group together in large herds or rough stone that becomes a brilliant diamond. The Play Of choreographer who was a guest performer and choreographer schools, some make themselves look bigger, some rely on Light. This fascinating documentary details some of the on the Disney show Even Stevens and Buffy The Vampire poisons or spines, and others defend themselves with claws, world’s most beautiful diamond cuts, such as the origin of the Slayer. He danced in the films Newsies and Clueless. jaws, or horns. Rhinos, turtles, armadillos, and arthropods all Buddha cut, created by Olivier Korn. Also profiled is the Fitness, Health, Instructional Dance 60min. have one thing in common - a thick coat of armor. In this contribution of Seema Javeri who, as a woman and a member BayView Entertainment 19.07.2011 program we examine the various forms of „armor“ that animals of the Indian diamond community, brings a unique and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100427 employ. historical insight into the captivating world of diamonds. Documentary FF M 50min. Documentary 2000 50min. Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 Osiris Entertainment 26.07.2011 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling: 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100223 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100178 Against All Odds / Victory Road 2011 Twin Pack Ultimate Wildlife: Animal Fee- Power Flow: Advanced Vinyasa Matt Morgan, Kazarian, Mickie James, ding Yoga With Jennifer Kries Madison Rayne, Ric Flair, Kurt Angle, Matt A breathtaking exploration of some of nature’s most Jennifer Kries Hardy, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles, spectacular wildlife! Watch stunning footage from the BBC Challenge the body and strengthen the mind with this Yoga Jeff Jarrett, Samoa Joe, Mr. Anderson, motion gallery of animals as they live, play, and hunt in their dvd designed for the advanced practitioner. Developed by native habitats around the world. All animals must eat to internationally acclaimed yoga teacher, Jennifer Kries, and Beer Money survive and often spend a large portion of their time searching influenced by Iyengar and Astanga schools of yoga, this In this 2 disc DVD set, you will see two of TNA’s top Pay- for food. Watch how humpback whales roundup schools of advanced program will take your practice to the absolute Per-View events: Against All Odds 2011 and Victory Road small fish, how baboons have learned to raid corn crops in highest level. Embrace the unique capabilities of your body, 2011. You’ll be treated to Title matches, Grudge matches, Kenya, and how rodents harvest and store food for the winter. celebrate renewed energy, and explore a completely new street fights, and of course... knockouts. This program examines the range of animal hibernation. Some dimension of control and balance. You’ll flow in a beautifully Sports 2011 360min. animals, like bears and marmots in the Rocky Mountains, sequenced program of challenging postures, each designed to Navarre 24.05.2011 hibernate to survive harsh winters, while others, like African increase mental stamina, as well as physical strength and lungfish and bullfrogs, hibernate to avoid hot, dry summers. endurance. From sun salutations with advanced variations, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100208 Documentary FF M 50min. standing and arm balances, backbends, twists and inversions, Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 you’ll be introduced to intense poses that will inspire you to Ultimate Wildlife: Animal Adapta- go beyond your comfort zone! You’ll reach new heights of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100222 physical and mental strength and focus, resulting in an outer tion reflection of your inner victories - a beautiful body, greater A breathtaking exploration of some of nature’s most Ultimate Wildlife: Animal peace of mind and deep satisfaction on all levels. Flow into spectacular wildlife! Watch stunning footage from the BBC your power and grace like never before ... Embrace your motion gallery of animals as they live, play, and hunt in their Intelligence highest self with this ancient practi native habitats around the world. This episode explores how A breathtaking exploration of some of nature’s most Yoga, Fitness, Health 57min. animals have adapted to living in areas with extreme changes spectacular wildlife! Watch stunning footage from the BBC BayView Entertainment 26.07.2011 in temperatures. Camels in the Sahara and rattlesnakes in motion gallery of animals as they live, play, and hunt in their Arizona are examples of adaptation to hot, desert native habitats around the world. This fascinating program 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100429 environments, while penguins and Siberian tigers have focuses on how young animals learn to survive in the wild adapted to life in frigid climates. In this program we examine through play and imitation. The youngsters learn from older Qi Gong For Self-Healing the myriad ways that animals adapt to harsh, cold climates. animals how to find food and shelter as well as how to behave Macaque monkeys and polar bears rely on thick fur, Andean as an adult. This episode shows the ingenious side of animals Awaken your inner healing power with movemenr & self- hummingbirds hibernate every night, and Emperor penguins - from macaque monkeys in Japan keeping warm by using massage.. There is no treatment or drug that can match the have a layer of fat under densely packed feathers. natural hot springs during the winter, to chimpanzees making body’s own astonishing capability to heal itself. In traditional tools to get food as well as hunting their prey in an organized Chinese medicine (TCM), the gentle art of qi gong (the Documentary FF M 50min. Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 group. „practice of energy“) allows us to consciously activate the Documentary FF M 50min. body’s natural healing intelligence and direct vital energy to 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100226 the places in need of restoration and repair. On Qi Gong for Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 Self-Healing, internationally acclaimed qi gong master Lee 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100216 Holden presents a step-by-step training video with easy-to- Ultimate Wildlife: Animal learn practices that will help viewers relieve pain, clear stress and tension, and harness the body’s unequaled Builders Ultimate Wildlife: Animal Migrati- capacity for self-restoration. Includes a 16 page illustrated A breathtaking exploration of some of nature’s most study guide. spectacular wildlife! Watch stunning footage from the BBC on Health, Meditation/Relaxation 2011 Ltbx motion gallery of animals as they live, play, and hunt in their A breathtaking exploration of some of nature’s most native habitats around the world. This program focuses on the spectacular wildlife! Watch stunning footage from the BBC 16x9 S 52min. builders and burrowers of the animal kingdom. Watch as motion gallery of animals as they live, play, and hunt in their ADA 28.06.2011 beavers gnaw down trees to build dams and lodges, birds native habitats around the world. This program focuses on 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100354 weave nests in trees, bees and wasps build extensive locomotion and the wide variety of ways that animals navigate colonies, and badgers burrow underground to build dens. This their environment. Highlights include armyworms that eat their episode explores the animals that live in large colonies above way across Africa, crustaceans and mollusks on the ocean Bob Rizzo’s All That Dance: Jazz, and below the ground. We look at puffins who nest in cliff floor, and wild horses galloping across the plains of North tops above the ocean, and at prairie dogs, meerkats, and ants America. Animal migration is one of the recurring cycles of the Lyrical & Ballet With Keith Clifton who all build large underground „cities.“ animal kingdom. In this program we look at a variety of animal Learn 3 full length dance routines with the DVD All That Documentary FF M 50min. migrations - from caribou in the arctic north to lobsters Dance: Jazz, Lyrical & Ballet With Keith Clifton. This is a Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 beneath the sea. complete dance DVD that encompasses the best movements as Documentary FF M 50min. Keith Clifton takes you through high energy Jazz, gorgeous 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100218 Lyrical and Ballet choreography that’s as delicate as it is Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 powerful. With music composed by Keith Clifton, All That 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100220 Dance will encourage dancers to tap the range and versatility Ultimate Wildlife: Animal they all posses. Designed for the intermediate and advanced Communities dancer, the three routines are taught in segments with both Ultimate Wildlife: Animal Senses front and back views! Keith Clifton is an acclaimed dancer, A breathtaking exploration of some of nature’s most A breathtaking exploration of some of nature’s most teacher and choreographer based in Los Angeles. His work spectacular wildlife! Watch stunning footage from the BBC spectacular wildlife! Watch stunning footage from the BBC includes commercials for Dr. Pepper, Wendy’s, Dodge, motion gallery of animals as they live, play, and hunt in their motion gallery of animals as they live, play, and hunt in their McDonald’s and Levi’s Jeans. As a musician, Keith composes native habitats around the world. From underground termite native habitats around the world. Animals have developed an his own music and currently performs with Clifton Drum Tap colonies to the treetop world of the black and white colobus amazing array of adaptations in order to survive. Giraffes . monkeys to the cliff dwellings of sea birds, this program looks have long necks to feed on treetops that are unreachable by Fitness, Health, Instructional Dance 60min. at the diversity of communities in the animal kingdom. other herbivores, while bearded vultures survive in the desert

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 52 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) Mai 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA by scavenging bones and dropping them from great heights to Image Ent. 14.06.2011 break them open and eat the marrow. Many animal species have highly developed and unique senses that allow them to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100276 navigate their environment or find food. Bats use echoes from their high pitched sounds to navigate, moles use sensitive When They Were Young (Blu-ray) whiskers and hairs to feel their way underground, and sharks can sense electromagnetic fields around their prey. Kobe Bryant, Chris Bosh, Kevin Garnett, Telefonische Documentary FF M 50min. LeBron James, Amare Stoudemire, Dwyane Bestellannahme: Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 Wade, Carmelo Anthony Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100225 Every NBA star can tell you exactly how they felt on the day Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr they were drafted. It’s a time of anticipation and excitement as Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr they are about to fulfill their ultimate dream: joining the NBA Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Ultimate Wildlife: Nature’s Cycles elite! Some, like Shaquille O’Neal, Kevin Garnett and Tim A breathtaking exploration of some of nature’s most Duncan, have had legendary careers. Others such as LeBron spectacular wildlife! Watch stunning footage from the BBC James, Dwight Howard and Carmelo Anthony are still writing Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- motion gallery of animals as they live, play, and hunt in their their own legends. Each player has etched a unique path to und Feiertags (Baden- native habitats around the world. All life on earth is affected stardom, but how did it all begin? In this action-packed pro- by the cycles of the sun and moon. From coral reefs to gram, the NBA takes you back in time, with rare high school Württemberg) bleibt unser rainforests to savannahs, sunlight and moonlight are the prime and even youth basketball footage of some of your favorite Verkauf geschlossen. driving forces for growth and movement in the wild kingdom. superstars. Go behind the scenes to draft day and watch all- This episode tracks the incredible seasonal migration of time greats like Kobe Bryant and Dwyane Wade immediately Monarch butterflies from Mexico to Canada. Also see the electrify fans - and learn some hard lessons along the way fascinating courtship ritual of the 17-year cicada and watch that helped them become the incredible players they are today. the cycle of volcanic eruption and the destruction and rebirth Documentary, NBA, Basketball, Sports 2011 of the landscape that follows. 61min. Documentary FF M 50min. Image Ent. 14.06.2011 Allegro Entertainment 14.06.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100311 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100219 Whiteboy Rick When They Were Young Crime, Documentary 60min. Kobe Bryant, Chris Bosh, Kevin Garnett, Music Video Distribution 22.02.2011 LeBron James, Amare Stoudemire, Dwyane 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100464 Wade, Carmelo Anthony Every NBA star can tell you exactly how they felt on the day they were drafted. It’s a time of anticipation and excitement as World Of Horses: Season 2 they are about to fulfill their ultimate dream: joining the NBA Documentary 325min. elite! Some, like Shaquille O’Neal, Kevin Garnett and Tim Duncan, have had legendary careers. Others such as LeBron Echo Bridge Home Entertainment James, Dwight Howard and Carmelo Anthony are still writing 05.07.2011 Newsletter 09/11 (Nr. 292) their own legends. Each player has etched a unique path to 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100345 ISSN 1610-2606 stardom, but how did it all begin? In this action-packed pro- gram, the NBA takes you back in time, with rare high school Credits and even youth basketball footage of some of your favorite X-Rated: Don „Donzilla“ Redaktion: superstars. Go behind the scenes to draft day and watch all- time greats like Kobe Bryant and Dwyane Wade immediately Tjernagel Wolfram Hannemann electrify fans - and learn some hard lessons along the way Comedy 2009 87min. Design & Layout: that helped them become the incredible players they are today. Music Video Distribution 12.07.2011 Wolfram Hannemann Sports, Basketball, Documentary, NBA 2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100281 61min. Assistenz: Beate Hannemann Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Anna Rudschies © (2011) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Import- service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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