Cosmic Noise: a History of Early Radio Astronomy Woodruff T

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Cosmic Noise: a History of Early Radio Astronomy Woodruff T Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76524-4 - Cosmic Noise: A History of Early Radio Astronomy Woodruff T. Sullivan Index More information Index A bold number indicates the most important page(s) An italicized number indicates that a figure is included in the page(s) Acuff, Roy versus Ludwig van Beethoven animals (cont.) Aron, Raymond 13 265 eagle 277 Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan 238 Adel, Arthur 86, 98 elephant 374 Aspinall, Arnold 243–5 Adgie, Ronald 173 fish 168 Astapovich, I. S. 238 Admiralty Signal Establishment (UK) flea 480 astronomers 115, 156, 264, 288 giraffe 317 amateur 41, 74–5, 182–3, 241, 247, 265 Agassiz, Louis 91 gnat 374 relations with radio researchers 47–9, Air Defence Research and Development goose 258 75–6, 138, 152, 175, 182, 195–6, Establishment (UK) 156 gorilla 39 224, 253, 313, 404, 416, 425, 435, Alexander, F. Elizabeth S. 85, 128–9, 319 horse 168, 376, 446 439–41, 452, Alfvén, Hannes 309, 374, 386 hydra 39 astronomical (term) 425–6 synchrotron radiation for radio stars mongoose 389 astronomies, beginnings of various 379–80 monkey 279 wavelength bands 451, 462–7 Allen, Clabon W. “Cla” 130, 132, 137, octopus 346 astronomy 288, 297, 425, 426, 430 rabbit 279 extreme ultraviolet 464 Allen, E. W., Jr. 257 serpent 39 gamma ray 391, 464 All-India Radio 256 swan 142 high energy 384, 389–91 Almond, Mary 245, 248–50 tadpole 256 infrared 428, 463 Altar, Wilhelm 91 trout 32 optical 384, 424, 427–9 Alvin 455 turkey 32 comparison with radio astronomy Amalgamated Wireless Australasia, Ltd. antenna temperature (term) 203, 480 439–41, 455–6, 457–9 119, 120, 125, 127, 129 aperture synthesis 176, 312 electronics for photometry 428 Amazing Stories 453 aperture synthesis – earth rotation 294, 297 why so dominant? 465 Ambartsumian, Viktor A. 229 Appleton, Edward V. 30, 51, 83, 87, 91, ultraviolet 463 American Astronomical Society 70, 208, 119, 121, 131, 146, 155, 222, 224, X-ray 391, 464–7, 469 253, 413, 441 231, 237, 241, 258, 264, 277, 424, comparison with radio astronomy Andromeda nebula 316, 321, 375, 382, 433 465–7 396, 432, 458 controversial claimstaking 90–1, 110, astronomy and art 12 158 MHz detection by Hanbury Brown 111–12, 148, 237 Astrophysical Journal 63, 152, 395 and Hazard (1950) 188–91, 339, Appleton, Rosalind 91 Atanasijevic´, Ivan 320 373 Arago, François 314 Atkinson, Robert d’E. 329 claimed detection (Reber) 63, 396 Arakawa, Daitaro 89 Atkinson, Sally xxxi, 503 animals of early radio astronomy Archimedes 356, 442, 502 atmosphere, Earth’s 26, 473 bug 233, 346 Arecibo (Puerto Rico) 1000 ft spherical “microwave sky noise” 212 camel 208 reflector 264 1.0–1.5 cm absorption (Dicke) 95, chick 270 Arizona Meteor Expedition (1930) 246, 203–4 cobra 389 251 primer 473 cow 118, 189, 302, 306, 330, 358 Armstrong, Edwin 265, 268 refraction 218 deer 101 Army Operational Research Group (UK) atomic bomb project (Manhattan dog, bird 110 80–3, 100–17 District) 200, 418 527 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76524-4 - Cosmic Noise: A History of Early Radio Astronomy Woodruff T. Sullivan Index More information 528 Index Atomic Energy Commission (US) 443 Blackett, Patrick M. S. 178, 252, 440 Bowen, Ira 441 Atomic Energy Research Establishment Blackwell, Donald E. 175 Bown, Ralph 31, 42, 51 (Harwell, UK) 446 blind astronomy/blind astronomers 1–2, 425 Bowyer, Stuart 464 Attu, Alaska (US), 1950 solar eclipse 207 Bloch, Felix 398 Bracewell, Ronald N. 117, 145–6, 151, aurora borealis Blum, Emile-Jacques 221–3, 291 152, 171, 312, 360 possible radio bursts 212 boffin 188, 195 Bragg, William Henry 146 radar echoes from 191 Bok, Bart J. 46, 210, 412–3, 415–6, 429, Bragg, William Lawrence 155, 172, 178 Austin–Cohen formula 25 437, 441 Brazil, 1947 solar eclipse 205, 207, 217, Australia and New Zealand Association Bolton, John G. 68, 73, 75, 112, 125–6, 219, 222 for the Advancement of Science 130, 133, 138–43, 148–9, 152–3, breakfast, practicing hard before 341 (ANZAAS) 138, 152 166, 174, 317–24, 361–3, 386, Brecht, Bertolt 157 Australian Journal of Scientific Research 390, 417, 430, 431, 436, 446, 451 Breit, Gregory 30, 55 140, 145 100 MHz survey of galactic noise British Association for the Advancement Avro Anson 187 (1950, with Westfold) 367, 370–2, of Science, 1914 meeting in 382, 391 Australia 146 Baade, Walter 76, 221, 320, 335, 383, 385, early Cyg A observations 139–42 British Astronomical Association 182 387, 426, 429, 433, 457 optical identifications (Tau A, Vir A, Bromberg, J. L. 455 biography 344–5 Cen A) (1949, with Stanley & Broten, Norman 297 optical identifications of radio sources Slee) 143, 320–4 Bruce, Edwin H. 32, 302 (1950–3) 340–9 New Zealand Cosmic Noise Bruneval raid, France (1942) 81, 222 radio stars as Population II objects 375–7 Expedition (1948) 143, 317–19 Brunsviga calculating machine 289 Baade–Minkowski wager regarding Cyg A observations with McGee of galactic brussels sprouts 179 346 center source 334–6 Buckley, Oliver 42 Babcock, Harold D. 288 radio source scintillations 324–6 Budden, Kenneth G. 175 Babcock, Horace W. 374, 392 six new radio stars 142–3 bug 233, 346 Bacon, Francis 442 two surveys of discrete sources (1950, Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of the Badgery’s Creek (Radiophysics Lab field 1954) with Stanley & Slee 332–4 Netherlands 372 station) 330, 360 Bondi Beach (Sydney) 139 Burbidge, Geoffrey R. 175, 376 Bailey, Victor A. 119 Bondi, Hermann 389 Burgess, Ronald E. 90, 114 Bakker, Cornelius J. 395, 404, 405 Booker, Henry G. 210, 327 Burke, Bernard F. 125 Baldwin, John E. 173, 176, 351, 359, 385 books Burkhardt, Gerd 289 Bannier, J. H. 405 1610, Sidereus Nuncius (Galileo) 468 Burnet, F. MacFarlane 151 Banwell, C. John 180, 183–4, 191, 264 1947–53, Principles of Radar (ed. Burnight, T. R. 465 Barbara xxxi Ridenour) 225, 419 Burrell, B. 282 Barnett, Miles A. 30 1951,Van de Hulst, A Course in Radio Burrows, Charles R. 210, 425 Barrow, W. L. 57 Astronomy 407, 430, 457 Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory Barth, K.-H. 455 1952, Lovell and Clegg, Radio (Armenia) 229, 384 baseball xxx, 39, 398 Astronomy 195, 424, 430, 437 Bateman, Ross 237 1953, Shklovsky, Radio Astronomy: A California Institute of Technology Battle of Britain (1940) 80, 132 Popular Sketch 216, 459 Potapenko & Folland observations of Baum, William A. 260, 460 1954, Lovell, Meteor Astronomy 195, galactic noise (1936) 44–47 Bay, Zoltán 271–4 251, 255 start of radio astronomy (1955) 75, 153, beans, Reber experiments 74 1954, Waldmeier, Radiowellen aus dem 429, 437, 446 Beck, Alfred C. 40, 52, 78 Weltraum 311 Cambridge Observatories (UK) 340 Beethoven, Ludwig van versus Roy Acuff 1955, Pawsey & Bracewell, Radio camel 208 265 Astronomy 152, 313, 386, 425, 436, camera obscura 187 Bell Telephone Laboratories 30–1, 52, 437, 451 Cannon, Annie J. 48 264 1976, Edge & Mulkay, Astronomy Carnegie Foundation (US) 153 Jansky (star static) 29–53 Transformed 10–11, 159, 315, Carpenter, Martha S. 211, 503 Skellett (meteors) 232, 238 334, 340, 349, 389, 421, 433, 435, Carslaw, Horatio S. 279 Southworth (solar noise) 91–8 438–9, 440, 450, 451, 457, 461, Cassiopeia A 73, 77, 116, 316, 323, 330, Bell, S. Jocelyn 376, 414 467, 493, 495, 499 362, 365, 377, 385, 451, 458, 466 Beringer, E. Robert 204–5, 291 too long 334 angular size by Jennison & Das Gupta Bethe, Hans 457 Bowen, Edward G. “Taffy” 91, 121–3, 353–6 Bhar, J. N. 256 124, 125–6, 128–9, 131, 136, angular size by Smith 359–60 Biermann, Ludwig F. 254 137–8, 144–6, 153, 179, 258, 317, discovery by Ryle & Smith (1948) 165 Blaauw, Adriaan 415 398, 409, 438 identified with filaments by Baade and black hole 382, 465 leadership style 148–9 Minkowski 343–4 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76524-4 - Cosmic Noise: A History of Early Radio Astronomy Woodruff T. Sullivan Index More information Index 529 Cassiopeia A (cont.) Clerk Maxwell, James 18, 155 cosmic rays (cont.) identified with remnant of AD 369 Closs, R. L. “Tim” 252 search for radar echoes from air supernova (Shklovsky) 383 Coblentz, S. A. 453 showers (Lovell) 178–81 position by Smith (1951) leading to cobra 389 cosmology, radio 169, 176, 334, 389, 396 optical identification 339–47 coherer 20–1, 23–4 Cottony, Herman V. 72 scintillations 324–6 Cold War and World War II (theme) 14, coulometer (for lunar radar, Bay) 272 Cassiopeia B 347, 383 112–13, 122, 151, 221–2, 418–20, Council for Scientific and Industrial Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge 442–9, 470 Research (CSIR), Australia 118 University Collaroy (Radiophysics Lab field station) Coupling, J. J. (nom de plume of John R. postwar transition 156–9 129 Pierce) 234 prewar background 155 Collins Radio Co. 208–209, 281, 445 Covington, Arthur E. 71, 211–13, 222, Rutherford research style 150, 155, Collins, Harry M. 362 291, 297 447 Coma Berenices A (early name for Vir A) correlation of 10.7 cm intensity Ryle’s group 142, 319 with sunspots; slowly varying camaraderie 173–4, 177 Comet Giacobini–Zinner 236, 237 component 310–1 early history 155–77, 375 comets as possible radio sources 329 first 10.7 cm solar observations (1946) relations with Radiophysics Lab Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial & start of monitoring (1947) 144–6, 362 Research Organization (CSIRO), 212–13 Rifle Range, Grange Road (field site) Australia, founding 123 cows 118, 189, 302, 306, 330, 358 161–2, 294, 339, 359 computers (machines) 124, 462 Crab nebula 464–5, 466 secrecy, aloofness 174–5, 326, 362 computers (persons) 101 (as Tau A) 142–3, 320, 339, 340, 347, X-ray crystallography 172 Condon, Edward U.
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