PAN AFRICAN VISIONS MARKETING AFRICAN SUCCESS STORIES & MORE MAG 0319 Vol 2, March 2019 : Four More Years For Buhari WillWill HeHe DeliverDeliver TheThe ChangeChange oror ChangeChange TheThe Promise?Promise?

Rwanda- Shifting Gears: Ambassador Dennis Jali From A Haven feud: How A Year of Leila Omar Arouna on On Creating To Ravisher Of Relations Soured Ndiaye At The in the Age Millionaires Human Rights. In Two Decades IGD of Cyber Security Through The Story of Ownership Cameroon

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2 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Contents PAN AFRICAN VISIONs CONTENTS Nigeria,Buhari and The Leadership Burden In Africa____2 Kenya Heading To Dingy Dungeon As Corruption Punches Her Face______29 Buhari Wins In Nigeria - Will He Deliver The Change or Change The Promise?______3 Dennis Jali On Creating Millionaires Through Ownership_32

NigeriaDecides2019: A Tale of Winners and Losers______7 From A Haven To Ravisher Of Human Rights. ______34

Rwanda-Uganda feud: How Relations Soured In Two De- Zimbabwe's Currency Crisis is more Political than Econom- cades______10 ic ______37

Rwanda-Uganda diplomatic row wrecks cross-border busi- Israel vows to develop, transform South Sudan via agricul- ness______11 ture ______38

Shifting Gears: A Year of Leila Ndiaye At The IGD______13 Africa's Development in the Nest of Global Challenges___39

Ghana : Akufo Addo Under Pressure to Deliver As Mahama China-Cameroon bromance: In who's interest? ______43 Braces Up For Fresh Challenge ______16 South Sudan: Donors need more confidence building to fund Sober Reflections on At 62______18 peace deal – UN official says______44

Africa in the Age of Cyber Security ______21 Just Waiting for the Next Miracle: Pastors and the Phenome- non of Hitting it Big in Africa______46 After returning stolen Namibian treasures, Germany urged to acknowledge past atrocities ______23 Coalition deal in DR Congo gives Kabila influence on new government______47 Mozambique's crackdown on hidden debt violators limited to "small fry"?______26 Growing In Confidence, Growing In Ambition: 1st Million Dollars Hits The Fast Lane ______50 Pan Africanist, George Ngwane elected Board Member of Minority Rights Group______27

Managing Editor Koroma, Graphic Designer Ajong Mbapndah L Teslim Olawore Atemnkeng Jerry M, Pan African Visions Nevson Mpofu (Young Jerry) Contributors EC designs, Abudhabi - UAE 7614 Green Willow Court, Hyattsville, MD Boris Esono Nwenfor Wallace Mawire Amos Fofung +971 52 863 7744 20785 Deng Machol Jean d’Amour Mugabo [email protected] Tel: 2404292177, Papisdaff Abdullah Ajayi Olyinka email: [email protected], Advertising Prince Kuripati Email: [email protected] Hategeka Moses marketing@ ______Asong Zelifac panafricanvisions. Samuel Ouma com Primus Tazanu Alexandre Nhampossa, Ishmael Sallieu

PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 1 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa Nigeria, Buhari and The Leadership Burden In Africa By Ajong Mbapndah L he 2019 elections leadership of Nigeria has not looking at the development in Nigeria lived up been felt. With a country dynamics, the world going Tto its typical hype: like neighboring Cameroon digital, and hightech, are attention from Africa, and in serious political crisis, one people like Buhari or his the rest of world, violence would have expected Nigeria challenger Atiku the best here and there, accusations to play a mediating role .While reflection of an ambitious and counter accusations Nigeria has hosted some people and Nation? of rigging, escalation of refugees , one of the most The age and health factors tensions between the largely ignoble thing done by the in leadership are not just Muslim North, and the Buhari administration was an issue for Nigeria alone. largely Christian Southern the arrest and surreptitiously In Neighboring Cameroon, parts of the country, influx of extradite the leadership a clearly overwhelmed international observers … of the separatist Southern President Paul Biya in his With some 70 candidates Cameroons movement to the mid-80s is still clinging running for the highest office government of Cameroon on to power as the country of the land, it narrowed down where there were held moves from crisis to crisis. to a two-horse race between incommunicado for months In Algeria, even on a wheel opposition PDP Challenger . If Africans cannot have chair, President Boutleflika former Vice President Atiku refuge and protection in the until recently was insisting Abubakar (who supported country that is supposed to on remaining in power Buhari in the last elections), be the leader of the continent, for another term. In our and the incumbent President where else should they go? African traditions, age is Muhammadu Buhari. At the In Buhari’s first term as associated with wisdom, but end, Mr. Buhari, aged 76, was Ajong Mbapndah L, Managing Editor well, he spent a considerable not much of that has been proclaimed winner. amount of time out of the seen with most of the elders In the last elections, leaders in Africa and around elected President, it is safe to country for health reasons. running affairs in a number President Goodluck Jonathan the world have congratulated say Buhari will have to double For a country with the size, of African countries. On set the bar so high by doing Buhari for his victory, a his efforts if he has to leave a and complexities of Nigeria, the international scene for something unthinkable in victory that Atiku Abubakar lasting legacy for Nigeria. such prolonged absences do instance, how can Macron Nigerian politics: A sitting and the PDP are challenging. Nigerians complain and for not bode well. While we may of France relate with Paul President conceding defeat As it stands, the status quo genuine reasons, that things want to wish him the best and Biya of Cameroon, or Sassou and calling his opposition remains with Buhari as have been slow since he see him make a difference Nguesso of Congo? How can challenger to congratulate President of Nigeria, and with took over. From the security for Nigeria and Africa, any Trudeau of Canada relate him. Despite peace summits, that the burdens of Nigeria challenges, to the fight such prolonged absence will with Buhari of Nigeria or with and promises to respect the and Africa on his shoulders. against corruption, and other not bode well in his second Obiang Nguema of Equatorial outcome of the elections, With a population of promises used by Buhari and mandate. Guinea? as of now, while Mr. Buhari circa 200 million, and its the APC to win the elections At 76, Buhari is not the One thing Nigeria and is basking in the glow of huge economy, Nigeria is of 2016, the achievement oldest President in Africa. Africa definitely do not lack his victory, opposition the undisputed leader in side does not paint a glossy His main challenger Atiku is the abundance of talent in Challenger Atiku is yet to Africa and events there tend picture. Abubakar was 72. But we literally all spheres of life. In concede defeat, and his to mirror what takes place Corruption is still rife, are talking about Nigeria Nigeria, elections are held party is mounting a vigorous in the rest of Africa. How the corruption watchdog here, the country with some every four years and just like challenge of the outcome in Buhari governs therefore EFCC has been accused the smartest and brightest Buhari himself contested the courts. does not only have an impact of been partisan in those not just in Africa , but in the for multiple times before “The United States in Nigeria, but also resonates it goes after, Boko Haram world. In articulations of winning in a democratic congratulates the people with the rest of Africa. He is still running riots in people like Sowore, Moghalu, election, the candidates who of Nigeria on a successful does well with Nigeria, Africa some parts of the country, Mbonu, and others on the did not make it should root presidential election, and will do well, and if he messes and for four years, not all younger side in terms of for his success and brace up President Muhammadu up, prospects are high the of the chibok girls whose age, one could see that there for a fight another day when Buhari on his re-election,” rest of the continent will be disappearance provided is no shortage of people another opportunity comes read a statement from messed up. campaign fodder for the APC with the talent and vision to up. Those who voted for Secretary of State Mike Drawing on his first term in 2016 have been found. On transform Nigeria. Looking at Buhari certainly have their Pompeo. Similarly, other in office as a democratically the continental scene, the the demographics in Nigeria, strong reasons for doing so, 2 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs it is their democratic right. Living to fight another with is cyber security, the the Initiative Development. The troubles in Cameroon, Hopefully he will not just be day runs in this issue of interview with Ambassador From East Africa, the issue South Sudan digging its way a President for those who PAV magazine with former Omar on Africa and the takes a look at the feud out from civil war ,and the voted for him, but also for President John Mahama challenges of cyber security between Rwanda and Uganda travails of Mnangagwa with those disgruntled with his bracing up for another fight could be of help to him. In taking a toll on the economies the economy in Zimbabwe performance. Working to with current President Akufo this issue, we also share of both countries. For those and more are on the menu for assuage their grievances will Addo in the elections of insight into the work and interested in making money, this issue of PAV magazine. only make him a better leader 2020. One of the prominent activities of dynamic Africans learning from the experiences Happy reading!! with a better legacy as it will challenges the Buhari making a difference like Leila of Forex guru Denis Jali ultimately come to that. Administration will grapple Ndiaye President and CEO from South Africa will help. Buhari Wins In Nigeria - Will He Deliver The Change or Change The Promise? By Omoshola Deji, for Pan African Visions igeria’s status of of politics and the enormous being Africa’s most power attached to occupying Npopulous nation public offices especially makes her political-economic that of the President makes issues attract global attention. everyone want to be in power. Many foreigners, especially The move by 18 presidential those who are yet to visit aspirants to produce a Nigeria, think the nation consensus candidate for is all about downs because the 2019 election was the ups are hardly reported. unsuccessful. Aside the non- The nation’s failings often submissiveness of aspirants make global headlines but and their weak political something different is putting structures, Nigerians are also her in the news lately: the not ready to give the smaller general elections. Nigeria’s parties a chance as the major presidential and federal ones continue to defeat them lawmakers’ election was at the polls by a wide margin. held on 23 February 2019 while the governorship and The Presidential state lawmakers’ election President Buhari and Vice President Osinbajo will be in power for four more Candidates years. was conducted on 9 March, Over 70 candidates 2019. This piece analyses the were sectional. The defunct after much delay, expressed just got reelected to rule till participated in Nigeria’s presidential election issues, parties that teamed up to readiness to transmit power 2023. 2019 presidential election. results and the challenges form the APC includes the to a democratically elected The unimpressive Despite the huge number of ahead for Nigeria. Action Congress of Nigeria government in 1999. The performance of the APC candidates, the election was (strong in the Southwest), party won the presidential in the last four years and a two-horse race between The Political Parties the Congress for Progressive elections in 1999, 2003, 2007 the constant defection of President Muhammadu Nigeria operates a multi- Change (strong in the North), and 2011, ruling Nigeria for 16 politicians to either of the two Buhari of the APC and party system, with over 90 the All Nigeria’s Peoples unbroken years before it was main parties (APC and PDP) former Vice-President Atiku registered political parties, Party (strong in the core defeated in 2015 by the APC. triggered the demand for a Abubakar of the PDP. but the political arena is North) and a faction of the All The party lost power due to ‘third force’. The third force Muhammadu Buhari (aged dominated by two major Progressives Grand Alliance her inability to manage intra- is an alliance of many of the 76) is Nigeria’s incumbent parties: the ruling All (strong in the Southeast). party crisis. Other issues, over 90 lightweight parties President since 29 May, Progressives Congress (APC) The alliance of these sectional including underdevelopment, into a formidable one that 2015. He contested for and the main opposition parties birthed APC and gave corruption, can wrestle power from the President, but lost in 2003, People’s Democratic Party it the national outlook it maladministration and PDP and APC. Appeals to get 2007 and 2011. He ran as (PDP). Founded in 2013, needs to win a presidential misappropriation of resources the aspirants of the relatively the APC candidate in 2015 APC is a coalition of parties election in Nigeria. The party also made Nigerians sack unknown parties to unite has and defeated then President aspiring to govern the took over power in 2015. the PDP in 2015. The party been unsuccessful because Goodluck Jonathan, making nation, but whose outlook, The PDP was formed in lost to incumbent President everyone wants to be on the him the first individual operations and coverage 1998 when the military, Muhammadu Buhari, who driver’s seat. The profitability to defeat an incumbent PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 3 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa constructing the Second Niger consumables are costly Bridge, building a number of and unemployment is at roads, and combating Boko an alarming rate. Buhari’s Haram. Buhari has also paid performance is unsatisfactory the defunct Nigerian Airways if he’s assessed by the pensioners and introduced oversweet promises he doled social incentives such as out in 2015. His reelection school feeding, N-power campaign mainly focused and Trader Moni - which on tackling corruption, the opposition has criticized insecurity and reviving the as voters inducement. The economy. presidential election was partly a referendum on Atiku’s Challenge and Buhari’s performance. He Strategy earned the votes of the One major discredit for people who think he has Atiku is the comment of his APC Chieftains Adams Oshiomole ,Bola Tinubu and others in celebration performed, while those who former boss, ex-President mood. In addition to new promises, there are still unfulfilled promises from the think otherwise and mindful Olusegun Obabsanjo when previous campaigns. that the second term of their relationship was President in Nigeria’s businesses ranging from consultant and motivational governments are often not uncordial. In his book titled history. Buhari spent most trading, agriculture, real speaker; and Oby Ezekwesili, better than their first voted My Watch, Obasanjo said of his productive life in the estate, oil and gas, and the former Vice-President of other candidates. «what I did not know, which Nigerian military, where he education. World Bank›s Africa division. The condemners of Buhari’s came out glaringly later, was retired as a Major General. The identical background Ezekwesili couldn’t stand the performance are rating him his parental background He has occupied various of the two main candidates, heat for long; she withdrew based on the un-fulfillment which was somewhat public offices. He is the Atiku and Buhari, renders from the race few weeks to the of his 2015 campaign shadowy, his propensity to former Military Governor of ethno-religious based election. Over 70 candidates promises. They are berating corruption, his tendency to the Northeastern State (1975) forecasts inoperable in contested the election against him for performing below disloyalty, his inability to say and Borno (1976); former the 2019 poll. Unlike 2015 Buhari, arguing that he has expectations after raising and stick to the truth all the Federal Commissioner of when a Muslim-Northerner underperformed. Nigerians hope. Buhari time, a propensity for poor Petroleum (1976-78); and contested against a Christian- promised restructuring, judgment, his belief and former Military Head of State Southerner, the two leading Buhari’s Performance but backtracked. His reliance on marabouts, his (1983-85). presidential candidates in Buhari, like every other appointments are lopsided lack of transparency, his trust Atiku Abubakar (aged 2019 are both Northerners, incumbent, contested against northwards. Insecurity is rife in money to buy his way out 72) is Nigeria’s former Fulanis, Muslims and two things: his performance as bandits, insurgents and on all issues and his readiness Vice-President from 1999- septuagenarians. Both and his opponents. Nigerians herdsmen are carrying out to sacrifice morality, integrity, 2007. The 2019 presidential candidates are veteran are sharply divided on his genocidal bloodletting at will. propriety, truth and national election is his fourth failed contestants and have performance. Some think he The fight against corruption interest for self and selfish attempt to become the crisscrossed parties. This has performed well, while has been incredibly selective, interest». Though Obasanjo nation’s President. His first election is Atiku’s fourth others think he has failed. In making Transparency reconciled with Atiku and attempt was on the platform attempt. Buhari won on his all sincerity, both the praise International rank Nigeria supported his candidacy, of the Social Democratic fourth attempt in 2015 and singers and condemners of the 144 least corrupt many Nigerians are still using Party in 1992. He came third have won another term. Buhari’s performance are nation out of 175. Buhari the statements in ‘My Watch’ in the presidential primaries, Other candidates - most right. The praise singers has serially flouted court to discredit Atiku. behind Babagana Kingibe of whom are first time are rating Buhari based orders; persecuted activists Atiku has far-reaching and Moshood Abiola. Atiku contestants - that participated on the achievements of his and journalists; tolerated networks and he campaigned spent most of his productive in the 2019 presidential predecessors, many of whom the massacre of unarmed vigorously. Unlike candidates years as a Customs officer race are Kingsley Moghalu, score low on the provision of IPOB and Shiite members; who contested for the fame, and retired in 1989 as Deputy a professor of international basic amenities, security and harassed the legislature and Atiku’s rigorous campaign Director, the second highest business and public policy; socioeconomic development. judiciary; ruled in a dictatorial is a testimonial that he position in the service as at Omoyele Sowore, the Buhari has performed manner; and hounded critics. contested to win. He left no then. He later ventured into founder of Sahara Reporters, satisfactorily when compared Basic amenities are either stone unturned, knowing this politics and business. He an online news agency; with his predecessors. He dysfunctional or unavailable, opportunity may not present has his hands in different Fela Durotoye, a business is reviving the railway, the exchange rate is high, itself again as he is aging and

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4 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

Mr Buhari greets cheering supporters, the challenges facing Nigeria will give him little grace time. power is expected to return PVCs collected. State) PDP’s Atiku - 1,693,485 PDP’s Atiku won 17 states, to the south, if Buhari wins. South West: 16,292,212 PDP’s Atiku - 2,280,465 votes. including the Federal Capital Atiku reconciled with his foes, registered voters, 12,444,594 votes. APC’s Buhari - 403,968 Territory with an overall total got crucial endorsements, and PVCs collected. APC’s Buhari - 5,995,651 votes. of 11,262,978 votes. This is turned his major liability into North Central: 13,366,070 votes. illustrated in the map below: asset: he visited the United registered voters, 11,849,027 South South (6 states: Edo, The image above shows States after his opponents PVCs collected. North East (6 states: Bayelsa, Delta, Rivers, Cross that Buhari won majority of has slandered him that he has South South: 12,841,279 Adamawa, Yobe, Borno, River and Akwa Ibom State) the states in the North, while not done so for over 12 years registered voters, 11,574,944 Bauchi, Taraba and Gombe PDP’s Atiku - 2,233,232 Atiku won majority of the because he is being wanted PVCs collected. State) votes. states in the South. Buhari for corruption charges. North East: 11,289,293 PDP’s Atiku - 1,116,873 APC’s Buhari - 1,051,396 won majority votes in the Atiku has not been tried registered voters, 10,402,734 votes. votes. North based on the popular or jailed, home and abroad, PVCs collected. APC’s Buhari - 3,238,783 perception that he is a man but the hefty corruption South East: 10,057,130 votes. PDP and APC’s total of integrity and uncorrupt. accusations against him has registered voters, 9,071,939 votes in Southern Nigeria His manner of appointments shattered his repute and PVCs collected. North Central (Federal (SW+SE+SS) also helped him. Buhari ring- erode people’s confidence in The above data shows Capital Territory and 6 states: PDP’s Atiku - 5,703,387 fenced himself with people him. Nonetheless, his visit that out of the 84,004,084 Kogi, Benue, Kwara, Niger, votes. from the northern extraction. to the US was a political persons who registered to Nassarawa and Plateau State) APC’s Buhari - 3,491,814 He appointed Northerners masterstroke that revived his vote, only 74,199,092 can PDP’s Atiku - 2,023,769 votes. into crucial positions than diminishing electoral value actually vote having collected votes. Southerners. While this tainted by corruption. Atiku’s their PVCs. 9,804,992 are yet APC’s Buhari - 2,465,599 PDP’s total votes in the earned him more support in campaign mainly focused to collect theirs. APC’s Buhari votes. election: 5,703,387 Southern the North, it devastatingly on massive job creation, comes from the Northwest, votes + 5,421,107 Northern diminished his support in eradicating poverty and while PDP’s Atiku is from the PDP’s and APC’s total votes = 11,262,978 votes. the South, many of whom resuscitating the economy. North-East. Both candidates votes in Northern Nigeria APC’s total votes in the are anti-Buhari, especially in garner huge votes in each (NW+NE+NC) election: 3,491,814 Southern the South East and the South The Election Result other’s zone, but Buhari came PDP’s Atiku - 5,421,107 votes + 11,700,033 Northern South. An overview of the vital Nigeria has over 180 top. This is largely due to the votes. votes = 15,191,847 votes. appointments that indicates million population, but cult followership he enjoys in APC’s Buhari - 11,700,033 the North is overpoweringly only 84,004,084 persons the North as majority of the votes. From the figures above, favored against the South are of voting age (18 and region’s population supports you would observe that: as follows: above) registered to vote. him blindly; they believe South West (6 states: Oyo, APC’s Northern votes nearly Chairman of the By population ranking, per PDP’s 16 years of misrule Ogun, Lagos, Ondo, Osun and doubled that of PDP in the Independent National geopolitical zone, the number is responsible for Buhari’s Ekiti State) region; APC has more votes Electoral Commission of registered voters and failings. The performance of PDP’s Atiku - 1,776,670 in the North than PDP has (INEC) – North; Secretary persons who collected their the two main candidates in votes. across the nation; and APC to the Government of permanent voters card (PVC) Nigeria’s 6 geopolitical zones APC’s Buhari - 2,036,450 has more votes in the North the Federation - North; across the six geopolitical are: votes. West than PDP have across Army - North; National zones are as follows: the entire North. Out of Security Adviser – North; North West (7 states: Kano, South East (5 states: Nigeria’s 36 states, APC’s Department Of Petroleum North West: 20,158,100 Katsina, Kaduna, Kebbi, Anambra, Abia, Enugu, Buhari won 19 with an overall Resources (DPR) – North; registered voters, 18,882,854 Sokoto, Jigawa, and Zamfara Ebonyi and Imo State) total of 15,191,847 votes. Economic and Financial PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 5 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa war, recover some loot, get during their 16 years in the some looters jailed, than government was ferociously do nothing. They believe the used to deceive the public. fight against corruption can Rather than owning up to his get better under Buhari, but bad economic policies and in- will be abandoned if Atiku foresight, Buhari blames his comes to power. inefficiencies on the past PDP Atiku’s focal campaign administrations from 1999- promise of restructuring 2015. People largely voted the country was widely for Buhari not because he interpreted as an anti- performed outstandingly, but North agenda by his people. because they feel his party, Although the policy amplified the APC, is relatively new in his popularity in the less government and giving her voting populated regions another four years is quite in the South, it incredibly better than returning power diminished his popularity in into the hands of the PDP Chairman of INEC Prof. Mahmood Yakubu has been criticized by the opposition for the handling of the elections. the major voting populated who ruled the nation for 16 North. Atiku also failed to years but made insignificant Crimes Commission (EFCC) stronghold, the North, has corruption burden largely win the minds of voters progress. – North; Air Force – North; more voting population than made him lose the election, during campaign. He Police – North; Nigeria the South. Aside that, in the having contested against underutilized the opportunity The Challenges Ahead Security and Civil Defense three Southern regions, his Buhari who is widely of using the rallies to draw Having won reelection to Corps (NSCDC) – North; party, the APC is in control adjudged honest. Atiku’s vow people’s attention to Buhari’s rule Nigeria from 2019-2023, Nigeria Ports Authority of all the 6 states in the to privatize the inefficient shortcomings and how he Buhari has an opportunity (NPA) – North; Department Southwest, the region with Nigerian National Petroleum would address them, if to right his wrongs and take of State Security (DSS) – the second highest number Corporation (NNPC) was elected. Atiku’s campaign Nigeria from where it is to North; Nigeria Immigration of registered voters. Buhari largely construed as a ploy was not informative and where it ought to be. He has Service (NIS) – North; Fire defeated Atiku with a margin to enrich cronies, like he revealing as expected from all it takes to do so within Service – North; National of 3,928,869 votes across the allegedly did when he, as an opposition candidate. The reach, but whether he is Insurance Commission – country. Vice President, supervised PDP stalwarts preoccupied willing to deliver is a question North; National Emergency the privatization of national themselves with calumny, no one except him can Management Agency Why Buhari won assets. Atiku’s outburst made ideas bereft, non-issues answer. But if Buhari’s first (NEMA) – North; Customs – Democracy is a game of the moguls profiting from based campaigns, exchanging term performance is used to North; State Chief of Protocol numbers and the camp with NNPC’s ineptness work hard insults with Buhari’s camp. make projections, his second – North; Accountant General the highest figure will always for Buhari’s reelection. Atiku is popular, but his term apparently cannot bring of the Federation – North; win. Buhari’s APC is the Buhari’s unimpressive popularity and acceptance much positives for Nigerians. Minister of Finance – North; incumbent government in performance and is incomparable to that Buhari is confronted with Asset Management Company the most populous states – shortcomings were covered by of Buhari. The PDP’s the challenge of uniting of Nigeria (AMCON) – North; Kano and Lagos. APC is also the rife public perception that insubstantial votes in the Nigeria as the nation is Chief of Staff to the President the incumbent government Atiku will further entrench North handed Buhari and severely divided along ethno- – North; Aide de Camp to the in majority of the Northern the corruption Buhari is APC an easy win. Atiku religious lines. Check the President – North; …the list states and the entire 6 states struggling to eradicate. Many lost majority of the key comments on any Nigerian continues. in the Southwest. Out of the Nigerians see most of the northern states by a wide issue on the social media Many find it bewildering 36 states of the federation, people in Atiku’s camp as margin. One thing›s for and you’ll be dazed at how that Buhari, a former APC is the ruling government corrupt and his enormous certain, the election must Nigerians from a particular military Head-of-State in 23 states, while PDP is wealth has been largely have enlightened Atiku that section of the country is and incumbent President, ruling in 13. criticized as the proceeds the mammoth crowd at the raining insults and curses who is conversant with the Atiku has not been of corruption. Even though rallies are not votaries; they at their fellow citizens from ethno-religious sensitivity arraigned or convicted by Buhari’s anti-corruption war are fun-seekers any candidate another part of the country. of Nigeria could commit the any court, but the weighty has mainly been a witch-hunt desirous of electoral victory Buhari’s ethnic lopsided sacrilege of being sectional corruption allegations against opposition figures and must not rely on. appointment has not been and nepotistic. Nonetheless, against him has destroyed his dissenting voices, majority Buhari ceaseless, helping matters as the heads the lopsided appointments reputation and diminished of the electorate believes it apparently untrue narrative of virtually all the security aided his victory because his public trust in him. The is at least good to start the that the PDP did nothing agencies are Northerners.

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This makes the Southerners Niger-Delta militants attack, the youths are unemployed brought him to power in better days ahead. They feel like second class citizens. kidnapping and bombing of as firms are collapsing and 2015, defeating a sitting are hoping to have a nation The manifesting aftereffect oil exploration facilities and new ones are not coming President. The option of where roads won’t be death of this is the agitation for expatriates would resume on board. This makes the using incident forms to traps; where electricity will be secession – Biafra restoration if the degradation and youth invests their energy accredit voters when card available; where universities - in the Southeast. In his underdevelopment of their and intellectualism into reader’s malfunctions have won’t strike; where everyone second term, Buhari has to be region is not tackled. crime, leading to insecurity. been exploited by politicians would be secured and get more national than sectional Eradicating poverty is a Frustration has turned to perpetrate electoral fraud. employed on merit regardless to keep the nation united. major challenge Buhari has to many university graduates The manual transmission of their connections, ethnic Insecurity is another major confront. Nigeria is the world into motorcycle riders, of results also gives room group or religion. Can Buhari challenge of the Nigerian poverty capital and majority prostitutes, kidnappers and for result falsification and deliver all this? Only time will state Buhari will need to go of her population are indeed fraudsters. It is appalling makes the timely completion tell. He has four more years, all out and tackle. Though languishing in anguish. that the billions of dollars of the electoral process till 2023. The clock is ticking. decimated, the deadly The wealth of the nation is government failed to invest unachievable. The National insurgent group, Boko trapped in the hands of a on the youths is now being Assembly presented an *This piece is written Haram, is still terrorizing few powerful and privileged used to fight the crimes being amended Electoral Act to exclusively for Pan African and bombing parts of the individuals. Nigeria’s committed by the youths. Buhari for assent, but he Visions by Omoshola Deji, Northeast. Herdsmen are mono-product economy Nigeria’s electoral process declined assent three times. a political and public affairs carrying out genocidal and centralization of power needs to be reformed to Buhari’s refusal to sign the analyst. He can be reached killings unchecked across the needs to be restructured increase the credibility of bill is not unconnected with via email moshdeji@yahoo. North Central. Kidnapping is for states to be in control of elections. Buhari must do the desire of him and the APC com prevalent in the South East their resources. This would all in his capacity to ensure to profit from the defects of and South South. And there generate more income and he gives Nigeria the kind the electoral law. are strong signs that the employment. Majority of of credible election that Nigerians are hoping for NigeriaDecides2019: A Tale of Winners and Losers By Teslim Olawore

or every contest, there THE WINNERS is always a winner and Muhammadu Buhari Fa loser, and so, the The incumbent president, just-concluded February 23rd Muhammadu Buhari, presidential and national Candidate of the All assembly elections in Nigeria Progressives Congress and did not fail to produce president-elect, is the biggest individuals for the two winner in this election. While categories. Although the polls it is correct that his victory were disputed mainly by the is already being challenged, opposition and others who by his closest rival, Atiku share their sentiments, what Abubakar, he has however we know is that winners have won a keenly contested emerged from the elections, election with 15,191,847 while their standing identifies votes according to INEC. the losers. His victory is particularly This year election threw up instructive because he some of the most significant Buhari and the ruling APC survived the PDP challenge. was dismissed on account political heavyweight of age, poor health, and losses that Nigeria has ever areas where victory used to the ruling All Progressives the February 23 national unimpressive performance, witnessed, the results showed be assured become losing Congress (APC) and the elections. Traditionally, this but against all of these odds, the changing trends in voting grounds. main opposition Peoples idea recognizes not only those he has been declared the and politicians influential Although there are more Democratic Party (PDP), but, who ran for office but also winner of the election and power on the masses. With than 70 registered political in no particular order, we those who mastermind their remains the number one surprising outcomes for the parties in the country, the have compiled the winners victory and defeat. winner. participating contestants, election was mostly between and losers that characterized PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 7 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa him. Olusegun Obasanjo Former President Olusegun was one of the few, who stuck out their necks for the PDP candidate, because of their beliefs in the fact that Buhari was no longer suitable for the Known for backing winning cnadidaates, the preferred A stunning defeat for Senate President Bukola country. Apart from Saraki. candidate of former President Obasanjo lost this year. writing letters and Yemi Osinbajo the APC, Adams Oshiomhole governor to claim the seat for put up a good fight and rattled granting interviews, he made Vice-President Yemi is another crucial winner in Oyo south senatorial district. Buhari in many places. But up with Atiku after almost Osinbajo shares in the the Buhari victory. Although Dino Melaye still, he is the number one 15 years of standing in his collective victory of their he would naturally pass for Senator Dino Melaye who loser. way for the same office. With joint ticket. Osinbajo comes liability than an asset given represents Kogi West in the Peter Obi Buhari’s victory, Obasanjo across as a significant asset the way he has tended the upper legislative chamber The former governor of naturally falls in the category to the Buhari presidency, party since assuming office, went into the general Anambra state and Atiku’s of losers. providing the intellectual not to talk of the fact that elections traumatized after running mate, Peter Obi Abiola Ajimobi bulwark needed for the Oshiomhole couldn›t win his getting on the wrong side of is another loser. Although Oyo State Governor Abiola business of governance. As an state for the president, but he the APC. He was on trial for the whole of South-east got Ajimobi completed his second ally worthy of Buhari’s trust still shares in the collective a slew of criminal charges delivered for his sake having four-year term as governor in and confidence, it is a general victory of the party as its and pulled up one stunt after come from that part of the May of 2019 and was looking belief that Osinbajo earned it head. another. Melaye defeated country, his home state forward to a retirement plan and not a status attributable Ibrahim Oloriegbe candidate of the APC to retain posting the best result in in Nigeria’s parliament. to him, having had his fair Oloriegbe went into his senatorial seat. the zone. But he couldn›t do However, Ajimobi lost the share of the internal politics battle with Senate President Yakubu Dogara more than that and so, their Oyo South senatorial seat to of the powerhouse. That he Bukola Saraki for the Kwara The Speaker of the House entire votes from the region a former Commissioner for could weather it through also central senatorial seat, as the of Representatives wasn’t the didn›t change the fate of their Commerce and Cooperatives, confirms his loyalty and the clear underdog. He wasn’t favorite to retain his Bauchi aspiration. He is a loser. Kola Balogun, of the PDP. reason he was re-nominated supposed to win the seat in House of Representatives Bukola Saraki Godswill Akpabio for the office. a senatorial zone where the seat after defecting to the A Governor of the north- A former Governor of Bola Tinubu Saraki hegemony has become PDP. However, Dogara, central state of Kwara from Nigeria’s South-South Akwa Bola Tinubu is also a vital something of a stranglehold. from the Christian minority 2003 to 2011 and a Senator Ibom State and Senate winner in the 2019 polls. The However, thanks to the in a predominantly Muslim from 2011 to this day, Senate Minority leader of the current 66-year-old has established Otoge! (Enough is enough) State, will return to represent President Bukola Saraki 8th Senate, Godswill Akpabio himself as the godfather battle cry from the APC his constituency in the 9th won’t be returning to the went into the senatorial of Lagos and APC. He has and its faithful in the state, Senate—a constituency he Senate chamber in 2019 after election in his State with a knack for choosing his Oloriegbe defeated Saraki in has been serving since 2007. losing the Kwara Central a fearsome reputation for battles and winning most all four local governments in senatorial seat to lesser- brinkmanship and years of of them. President Buhari’s the senatorial zone, polling THE LOOSERS known Ibrahim Oloriegbe of experience in the nation’s re-election bid looked 123,808 votes to Saraki’s the All Progressives Congress political scene to boot. He somewhat unsteady and 68,994. No one else claimed Atiku Abubakar (APC). A smart politician with made a switch from the PDP shaky until Tinubu made a more significant scalp in the If anyone had told the bags of tricks to boot, Saraki to the APC on August 8, peace with the president and parliamentary elections. presidential candidate of after his defection to the PDP 2018. However, Akpabio’s took the co driver›s seat in Kola Balogun the PDP, Atiku Abubakar successfully evaded several uncommon defection the president›s re-election The only reason why that he lost the election, he impeachment plots from the couldn’t stop him from campaign train. Tinubu not Governor Abiola Ajimobi of would still disagree at this APC and was exonerated losing the Akwa-Ibom North- only delivered a chunk of the Oyo state won’t be going to stage and explain that it was by the Supreme Court on West senatorial seat to PDP Southwest States in his base the Senate to join the ranks the reason he had challenged corruption charges. But his candidate Chris Ekpenyong to Buhari, but he also made of former governors who turn the results. But the reality is loss of the Kwara Central who was backed by Akpabio’s himself a foot soldier who parliament into a retirement that by polling 11,262,978, senatorial seat has to be the successor and incumbent campaigned alongside the home is because of this man. he lost the election to Buhari biggest upset from the Feb 23 Governor Udom Emmanuel. president across the nation. Balogun essentially pulled an with and remains so until the polls, and a culmination of the Adams Oshiomhole upset in an APC stronghold, courts he has approached say APC’s carefully orchestrated The National Chairman of defeated an incumbent otherwise. Although, Atiku plots to eventually unseat 8 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs


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PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 9 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa Rwanda-Uganda feud: How Relations Soured In Two Decades By Jean d’Amour Mugabo wanda and Uganda and seven police officers have a shared ethnic were arrested in June 2018 Rand security history and charged with forcibly which would logically inspire handing over Mutabazi friendly relations between the and his brother Jackson two East African neighbours. Karemera to Kigali, according However, the story has been to reports by Daily Monitor. the opposite for well over The Security Minister Lt Gen. two decades but the row has Henry Tumukunde and Police seriously been simmering Chief Gen. Kale Kayihura for the last two years and were also sacked last year for worsened a fortnight ago reportedly keeping close ties when Rwanda closed its with Rwanda. main border post with Uganda, Gatuna, and warned Kagame, Museveni trade Rwandans against crossing to plan by Seth Sendashonga Rwanda also accuses and when you asked some of words Uganda. to destabilise Rwanda. Uganda of sabotaging trade them, they say they have been President Museveni has Rwanda’s Foreign Affairs Sendashonga was Rwanda’s by frustrating Rwanda’s in prison for two years.” said often said that nobody can Minister Richard Sezibera Interior Minister from 1994 to exports transiting through President Kagame. “When disturb Uganda’s peace, told the media recently 1995 when he exiled to Kenya Uganda to the Kenya’s you ask our friends from something he reiterated that Gatuna border post where he was gunned down in Mombasa port. across the border, they tell us Friday at the International temporarily excluded trucks 1998. The two countries also “Some of the Rwandans they were illegal immigrants, Women›s Day celebrations in due the post construction nearly went to war in 2000 who are put in prison is on the but they were in prison for Bunyangabu district. works expected to be after their forces clashed in advice of RNC. There is the two years, with no charges, “No one will disturb the completed by May, adding Kisangani in the Democratic case of a man who has been until they pack them in a peace in Uganda. The peace that the trucks have been Republic of Congo where they in prison for two years after truck and take them across will be maintained. The ADF diverted to Kagitumba and jointly helped topple former he refused to be recruited by the border.” are in Congo and the conflict Cyanika borders. However, dictator Mobutu Sese Seko RNC...You can only be safe Uganda has always will remain there. Whoever Uganda alleges that their before turning on each other. in Uganda if you are against denied the accusations. It, wants to cause conflict in trucks have been blocked at President Kagame said Rwanda, that’s the only way however, accuses Rwanda of Kasese, will not manage. ADF the two borders as well. he has on several occasions, they will welcome you. I espionage and using some cannot come here, so do not Rwanda’s President Paul including the face-to-face have come to accept that we Ugandan security operatives be scared,” he said. Kagame and more Rwandans talks from Ethiopia and advise Rwandans not to go to target and illegally deport Two days before, Museveni fought in a guerrilla war Kampala, shared evidence to Uganda. But we don’t stop the Kigali-wanted Rwandan had also said “Nobody can that led Uganda›s Yoweri in vain with his counterpart other people from coming refugees living in Uganda. disturb our peace. Anyone Museveni to power in 1986, Museveni about illegal here and we don’t touch The renowned case who thinks of destabilising and Uganda later backed abduction and detention them,” Kagame said. involves former Kagame’s Uganda, will destroy Kagame-led liberation of Rwandans by Ugandan Rwanda reports that its 190 bodyguard Joel Mutabazi themselves and even those war which ended the 1994 intelligence and internal persons have illegally been who fled Rwanda in 2013 and who have been killing people Genocide against the Tutsi security agencies, and deported from Uganda in the was reportedly kidnapped in Kampala, will be defeated and left Kagame ruling Kigali that Ugandan institutions last two years. in Kampala by security and destroyed.” in July. are hobnobbing with the “We have Rwandans who personnel and handed over Addressing around Opening the 16th edition Rwandan Government’s go to Uganda who have been to his home government. The 350 central and local of the National Leadership dissidents including the in prison, in their dozens, Kigali-based military court governments’ officials at the Retreat on March 9, Kagame rebel groups: Rwanda some of them are in military later sentenced him to life retreat on Saturday with a flatly put the tensions National Congress (RNC) prison, others nobody knows imprisonment on charges of promise to reveal secrets in detail, saying the two and Democratic Forces for where they are. Almost every terrorism and murder. Eight in the two countries› rift, countries fell out in 1998 the Liberation of Rwanda week people are brought and Ugandan security officers Kagame hit back at Museni’s when Uganda backed a (FDLR). dumped across the border, including a military colonel words.

Pan African Visions MAGAZINE, 7614 Green Willow Court, Hyattsville,MD 20785 Tel:2404292177, email: [email protected], [email protected] 10 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

“When I hear somebody country to country or person that is fair. Let’s each do our say no one can destabilise to person, there are three own thing without bothering their country, I agree. No types of relationships.” about the other. It is not my one should actually be “One is we can be friends, choice; my choice is the first destabilising that country, allies; we can work as closely one. The third one is I don’t but that country should also as anyone can. That is my like you, I will always cause not be destabilising others, I choice. If that is the choice of you problems, we will always think it is a fair deal... I have the other party, they will never conflict. It will not come from raised it with our friends, fault us for not responding us, from this country or me, I have been as elaborate as as allies and friends. Second to seek problems with others. I can. I have begged and type is you can say why don’t If others have made a choice begged, but in that begging you ignore me, I ignore you to bring problems to you, process, I have come to this and we have nothing to do they should find you ready Rwandan Foreign Affairs Minister Richard Sezibera. point: in a relationship, with each other. For me to absorb it, contain it, and make sure it doesn’t Uganda’s fifth export market, he held bilateral talks with give them what they consuming about $180 is counterpart John Pombe want.” million worth of goods while Magufuli. It is believed that The tensions have Rwanda exported $10 million Kagame was looking for an now made Rwanda worth to Uganda. About alternative route in Tanzania deny its citizens to 80% of Rwanda’s imports go for all the goods which have cross to Uganda through Dar port in Tanzania been going through Uganda, and businesses, but its major exports like and eventually Minister especially on minerals, tea and coffee Sezibera had said, two days Ugandan side, have transit through Uganda to the before the president’s visit, descended into Mombasa port in Kenya. that Rwanda was exploring losses. alternative business channels World Bank However, amid the and goods to replace those A Rwandan security officer inspects a vehicle from the reports of 2017 Rwanda-Uganda feud, from Uganda. Ugandan side at Cyanika border post. PHOTO ROBERT indicate that President Kagame visited MUHEREZA NMG. Rwanda was Tanzania last week where Rwanda-Uganda diplomatic row wrecks cross-border business By Mohammed M. Mupenda

wandans have exported $10m worth to decried price hikes Uganda. The authorities in Ron commodities Uganda are calling for the imported from and passing trade to return to normal. through Uganda amid the Rwanda›s Foreign Minister two countries’ diplomatic Richard Sezibera told the row. This comes after press earlier last week Rwanda closed its border that the government in posts connecting to Kigali was making efforts Uganda. to ensure its citizens were A row between the two not faced with shortages or neighboring countries has price hikes. been simmering for the Kigali traders who spoke past two years, it escalated to Pan African Visions when Rwanda issued travel have, however, expressed advisories to Rwandans to their challenges on price stop travelling to Uganda. Relations between Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Museveni of Uganda have hikes mostly to the goods Both countries have traded deteriorated. from and passing through accusations of interference According to the latest 2017, Rwanda was Uganda›s selling about $180m worth Uganda. Currently, the in each other›s affairs. World Bank Data from fifth biggest export market, of goods. Rwanda meanwhile price of different foodstuffs PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 11 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa

has increased. Among to issue travel advisories to them include maize floor, Rwandans to stop going to also known as ‹Kawunga› Uganda. that rose up to Rwf15,000 He added that it is from Rwf12,000 per 25 Kg, understandable that Sunseed oil and soaps rose there are people who up to 30%. are unhappy about the The traders also situation, precisely lamented that it›s not easy because of the challenges to find Movit jelly that it poses for those who do is made and outsourced buy goods in Uganda for from Uganda; highland re-sale in Rwanda, those milk is hardly found who outsource food and and different fruits like other necessities from mangoes and vegetables as there, border communities well. As Uganda has been especially, and those that the biggest exporter and have families there whom retailing place of clothes they want to visit. There and shoes to Rwandan and visiting families,” he said. “We have been living on for the government to help are clearly challenges traders, the country is now He also pointed out that selling second-hand shoes when the arrested persons on both the government facing the shortage of these now a few Rwandans go and clothes from Kampala have been duly brought to side and that of Rwandans commodities. to Burundi because they Owino market to Kigali, its attention via the normal wanting to travel to Uganda. are parts dealer believes made their own choice after currently, we cannot make diplomatic channels and their He, however, urged the two that Rwandan officials were realizing that it was risky. any sale to earn daily income places of incarceration made sides to talk and resolve their wrong to have stopped them “How do you stop citizens after most of the goods sent known. The Rwanda High differences. crossing the border to go to from visiting a country where to Kigali were blocked at Commission in Uganda can A diplomatic feud between Uganda. He said that if it was they have families to check the border posts and those provide them with consular Rwanda and Uganda has had possible, the GoR would be on daily, students cross daily who usually come from services, including availing a huge effect on daily life for sued. “How does the political for school and most of the Kigali to buy from here were lawyers if necessary. families in both countries. differences of the government commodities are outsourced stopped to cross,” said James According to Dr Frederick Uganda›s President Yoweri officials for the two countries in Uganda?” He questions, Tumusiime. Golooba- Mutebi researcher, Museveni and his Rwandan become a burden to ordinary stressing that prices have He stressed that their analyst anthropologist counterpart Paul Kagame citizens?” He said, pleading been hiked and the shortage families including children said it seemed that when are intrinsically linked. They with the Rwanda government of some commodities, and are likely to be sent back Rwandans are arrested, the helped each other come to to handle the case as of students stopped going to home due to delaying on GoR is not informed. As power through rebellions. Burundi whereby they let school which will affect their paying school fees. a result, they don’t know The biggest impact for the citizens be informed on the education in future. However, President where they are incarcerated. moment will be on Ugandan situation in the neighbouring Rwandans who live in Kagame explained this at They also cannot provide businesses which have not country without stopping Uganda and supply second- the National Leadership them and their relatives been able to sell goods to them on crossing the border hand clothes to Rwanda have Retreat last Saturday, saying with any assistance. But this Rwandans, and Rwandans but instead make their own also raised their concerns that each time Rwandans does not stop relatives from who cannot access food, daily choice on travelling or not. over their goods that were are arrested in Uganda, pushing for help from the commodities education and “We should be allowed to blocked to enter Rwanda for their relatives approach the government. That is why the healthcare in Uganda. travel for our usual business sale which is causing losses. government for help. It is easy Rwanda government decided

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12 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Shifting Gears: A Year of Leila Ndiaye At The IGD By Ajong Mbapndah L

edia appearances development challenges and and effective collaboration have been rare for suggesting ways that the between our team and our MLeila Ndiaye since private sector can work with members as well as with other she joined the Initiative for the public sector to promote partners. We are launching Global Development in March a conducive environment for the new AEP Program, which 2018 as Executive President. business and investment. will take US, African and In July, she was promoted On the event side, in global business partners to President, and Chief September 2018, IGD to several countries on the Executive Officer (CEO), and organized two conferences continent each year as well as effectively assumed her new featuring two African Heads in the US. role on August 1, 2018. of States in New York and These business leaders While she may have Washington, D.C., and will participate in a serious been media shy, Leila facilitated a Leadership trade and training immersion Ndiaye has made great for Agriculture Forum in program where they will strides in taking the IGD to Johannesburg in November learn first-hand from local greater heights in its core 2018. business and government mission of transforming the This event brings leaders on how to do business organization into an engaging together African ministers in the country; visit local A rewarding experience so far at the IGD says Leila and influential platform that of agriculture and finance industries of interest to them; Ndiaye. fosters greater investment of together with African and engage local partners U.S. and African small- and business leaders and is who might be interested in medium-sized enterprises funded by the Rockefeller collaborative ventures. (SME) in Africa. From events Foundation and led by the Three countries are featuring African Heads of African Development Bank. targeted for the first year: State, to a leadership for Back in April 2018, IGD Tunisia, Nigeria and Agriculture Forum in South hosted its annual spring Mozambique. African Africa, the IGD under Ndiaye Forum in Washington, business and government is living up to expectations D.C. and proceeded to host leaders will also be invited as a credible development numerous African business to visit ICT, Agriculture and partner for Africa. and government leaders for Energy industries in the With the annual Frontier a tour of New York, Iowa US in the fall. IGD strongly 100 Forum of the IGD in the and Texas states, where believes in promoting SME- horizon, Ndiaye accepted to participants presented their SME linkages between talk to Pan African Visions experiences, learned from emerging African businesses .In addition to shedding light local counterparts, and had and other global communities on her stewardship since explored opportunities for to accelerate Africa’s joining the IGD, Ndiaye offers collaboration. This U.S. transformation. With President Nyusi of Mozambique . Mozambique insights on the Frontier 100 Roadshow Tour served will host one of the Advanced Executive Program Forum which takes place on also to share business and The Frontier 100 Forum sessions. April 10 and 11 in Washington, investment opportunities is coming up on April 10- DC, the Advanced Executive available on the continent to 11 this year, how are the 11 at the Mayflower Hotel Continental Free Trade Training Program, and other U.S. businesses, and became preparations going, may in downtown Washington, Agreement; and (3) Spurring seminal projects in gestation . a precursor to IGD’s new we have an idea on some D.C. The title of our Forum SME-led Business Growth program: The Advanced of the highlights of this is “Africa@Crossroads: through Greater Access to It’s been about year now Executive Training Program year’s event? Unlocking Intra-African Resources and Skills by since you joined the IGD, or AEP. IGD Frontier 100 Forum Trade through SME African Women and Youth. how has the experience brings together IGD business Business Growth and We have a range of great been for you? What are some of the members together with Skills Development,” and speakers from government My time at the Initiative innovations that you African, US and global it covers three major sub- officials, business leaders for Global Development have tried to bring on partners from all sectors to themes: (1) Raising Support and institutional experts. so far has been extremely board? discuss core business issues of for Africa’s Economic and Panels will be moderated rewarding. IGD has been We have an extremely significance to the continent’s Development Agenda; (2) by renowned experts and doing great work on the talented team at IGD, and development. This year, we Expanding Regional Trade recommendations shared continent bringing private the best recipe for continued will host a reception on April and Investments through with key sector and policy sector solutions to solve success is to foster increased 10 and the Forum on April the newly signed African leaders for advancement. PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 13 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa May we also know Africa’s private sector will some of the big names accelerate opportunities for expected at the forum, market-led development and what in general should self-reliance for generating participants expect? employment and advancing We have invited many economic growth on the prominent business and continent. government leaders and The best way to aid this have already received some process is to equip business confirmations while awaiting leaders with the knowledge, others. Hon. Mukhisa Kituyi, tools and experience to Secretary-General of the explore prospects for United Nations Conference growth in these amazing on Trade and Development; and emerging markets, and Dr. Benedict Oramah, provide the context needed Leila Ndiaye with the President of Mali,the IGD remains a credible President, African Export to ensure successful and development partner for Africa. and Import (Afrexim) Bank; dynamic African, American Hon. Vera Songwe, the and global business to explore the surrounding per participant is US$6,000, and women issues that Executive Secretary of the engagement. area. Similar programming which is inclusive of all costs are passionate to you? United Nations Economic The AEP will be exciting will be done for visits to the except airfare. This means Yes, IGD is planning Commission on Africa; C.D. and includes both business US by African business and that this registration fee to play a significant role Glin, President and CEO of and cultural components so government leaders. includes accommodation, in expanding business the U.S. African Development that participants understand In what parts of Africa local transportation, opportunities for youth and Foundation; Ambassador the full picture working and will the program take some meals and business women in Africa. In order Linda Thomas-Greenfield, doing business in a specific place in and what certification. In addition, to reach a larger audience former US Assistant Secretary country. A typical schedule of motivated the choice of participants’ organizations of youth and women-led for African Affairs; former this immersion program will those countries? will receive one year SMEs, IGD is working on US Ambassador to Nigeria, include two days of seminars For 2019, we are targeting membership to IGD’s Frontier hosting an online training Ambassador Robin Sanders; and two days of industrial three initial countries for 100 Leaders Network, which program for SMEs around among others. visits. The first day will be AEP: Tunisia, Mozambique is our member network that business best practices, Participants should discussion sessions with and Nigeria. The decision was comprises global, US and value chain management, expect a robust discussion local business leaders and reached after consultation African CEOs and senior logistics, legal processes, and on revamping Intra- experts, and relevant officials with leaders, aligned executives whose companies gaining access to government African regional trade and with insight in trade and opportunities for co-hosting have interests and priorities resources. These trainings investment; stimulating investment opportunities in the event alongside other regarding sustainable and will target growth sectors women- and youth-led SME the country. major convening; promising inclusive growth in Africa. such as agribusiness, ICT, business growth; and creating The second day will be African markets, and Membership allows access entertainment, energy and more opportunities for devoted to engagement with identification of key local to exclusive events by IGD other industries. expanding jobs and wealth on ministers and public sector contacts who are interested in and our partners, as well These will be held on a the continent. officials focusing on legal and supporting the program. access to advisory services, regular basis in partnership We did notice that the IGD policy environment, logistical Each year, we hope to visibility on our website with other institutions. Our now has a new Advanced support and government 3-4 countries as well as and marketing materials, hope is that this initiative will Executive Program, could you resources available to reduce two missions to the US. and access to our influential be able to reach a broader shed light on this for us? incentivize and reduce the More information will be network African public base of entrepreneurs that The Advanced Executive cost of doing business. forthcoming about our and private sector leaders. our regular programing Program (AEP) is a new There will also be a day or planned AEP dates and Typically, membership is can, and also make such initiative that we are two, depending on sectors activities. US$5,000 for one year. By training accessible especially launching at the April IGD covered, for visiting leading including membership as a to many young people who Frontier 100 Forum. It is local industries and engaging How has the public benefit to the AEP, we can are currently connected to geared to educate American local investors, and the last especially in Africa show the value of becoming each other and to the world. and African business leaders day will encompass a cultural responded to the AEP an IGD member beyond IGD currently participates on how to do business with excursion to understand the initiative and in terms participation in AEP country in youth-based training and each other, and in Africa and culture and local community of cost, how affordable programs. mentorships programs led the US. engagement. Throughout is it? by the African Development It is a combination of the week there will also We have received very Any other projects Bank (ENABLE YOUTH) business training program be numerous networking positive reactions from that you have in mind and the United Nations and a trade mission. We receptions, group dinners, partners, advisors and on issues around Development Program believe that strengthening and free time for participants potential funders. The cost entrepreneurship, youth (Africa Youth Connect). 14 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2


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PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 15 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa Ghana : Akufo Addo Under Pressure to Deliver As Mahama Braces Up For Fresh Challenge By Papisdaff Abdullah

n Thursday February degrees of injuries. Again, the 21, 2019, President murder of Hussein Swale in ONana Addo Dankwa January 2019 caused a lot of Akufo-Addo delivered the Ghanaians, Civil Society and State of the Nation Address the International Community before Ghana’s Parliament, to question the security his third address since he architecture of the country. assumed office in January The size of President Akufo 2017. Arguably, majority of Addo’s government has also Ghanaians celebrated the been a major worry to many, victory of the then opposition including anti-graft bodies. leader who promised to build The West African country more factories, improve has never in its history had education and stamp out an elephant sized executive corruption in the West organ of government. That African country. Key among President Akufo Addo thinks his administration is delivering for Ghana. notwithstanding, President his assurances in the run up to Akufo Addo maintains his the elections is to also ensure sanitize the system. Also, challenges in the country. promises to the people, more government should be judged more investments from the narrative of revamping In the unemployment Ghanaians are beginning based on its ability to deliver abroad among other policies. and expanding the rail sector, the Akufu Addo led to worry over an apparent on the promise it made to the After three years in office, the transport infrastructure has government introduced break down in the security Ghanaian people, not the size President’s stewardship has seen considerable progress. Nation Builders Corps situation in the country. of the government. been subjected to strict proof Not much is seen about the (NaBCo) an initiative aimed The past few years has seen The gradual depreciation to ascertain his performance ambitious projects of building at addressing graduate a considerable number of of the Ghana cedi against so far as the time to account dams and factories but unemployment in Ghana. The policemen murdered in the American dollar and the to the people whose government spokespersons programme was launched the course of discharging British pound sterling seems overwhelming mandate put maintain a lot is being done by President Nana Addo their duties in service to the to be taking a heavy toll the him office nears. in those areas. Dankwa Akufo-Addo in May country. Also, the activities economy of Ghana. The local Working on promises Again, the Planting for 2018. Central to its objectives of political militia groups saw currency is still struggling to Since assuming office, Foods and Jobs programme is to engage the raw talents a surge. A militia group for stabilize against the major the government has been was launched by the president of unemployed graduates instance invaded a court to international currencies. This working hard to make good in his second year in office to and equip them with skills free their members standing has brought untold hardship on its promises. In public help address the declining through a process of value trial, another was captured somewhat to traders and High Schools, for instance, growth of the agricultural addition and training. The by the media halting public businesses operating in the Education has been free since sector of the country. As scheme at the time was activities championed country. September 2017. But this part of the programme, expected to train and employ by official appointees of Mahama Contest in 2020 was not without operational Ghanaians are expected to about 100,000 graduates government in protest at Immediate past President challenges and setbacks. take up agriculture as a full- under seven modules; lack of jobs, the assault of John Dramani Mahama is Schools were not prepared time business to enable the namely, Educate Ghana, Heal journalists also in on the preparing for another shot at for the huge population of country to produce enough Ghana, Feed Ghana, Revenue ascendency. A recent bye- the presidency after winning students - they were lacking to feed itself and for export. Ghana, Digitize Ghana, Civic election in the country was the National Democratic teaching materials, space Under the programme, Ghana and Enterprise Ghana. also nearly marred by violent Congress’ (NDC) presidential and qualified teachers as well about 200,000 farmers were Beneficiaries of the NaBCo clashes and sporadic shooting primaries. The ex-president as essentials like desks and provided with fertilizers as programme will have the jobs between so-called state became the NDC’s chairs. A Special Prosecutor well as other farming inputs. for a period of 3 years under a sponsored National Security presidential aspirant-elect was appointed to spearhead Spanning a period of five monthly stipend of GH¢700. operatives and elements after beating off competition government’s crack-down on years, the programme also Concerns from the largest opposition from six other candidates. corruption as part of efforts hopes to create jobs to deal Despite the efforts by NDC. This left nearly a dozen John Mahama is obviously a to save the public purse and with the unemployment the government to fulfil its electorates with various popular man within the NDC,

Pan African Visions MAGAZINE, 7614 Green Willow Court, Hyattsville,MD 20785 Tel:2404292177, email: [email protected], [email protected] 16 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs but among the larger populace Science and Technology, of Ghanaians, the story may disclosed that President Nana differ. This is because there Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo are a lot of things that people will defeat former President believe he could have done John Mahama in the 2020 better while he was president. polls. Dr. Amakye Boateng There were many allegations said “Mahama has no chance of corruption which went if Nana Addo declares his unchecked. The NDC’s loss in intention to run again in the 2016 general election was spite of his age”. The Political historic. This is because the Scientist opines that even party lost by more than one though Nana Addo has so million votes. not succeeded in delivering This makes ex-president on all his promises, he stands Mahama, the first sitting a good chance at beating president in Ghana to have Mahama in 2020. More so, lost an election and also Law Professor, Stephen Asare It will be a re-match in 2020 between President Akufo Addo and his the NDC candidate to have remarked that nothing has predecessor John Mahama. lost by the heaviest margin changed as far as the factors This according to the US comeback. He urged Mahama would make the challenges since 1992. Political Science that led to the defeat of the based Professor is enough not to on grounds that he has of the NDC brighter. “We lecturer at the Kwame former President in the 2016 reason for Mahama to already served the country have a good chance to win Nkrumah University of election. rescind his decision to make a in various capacities. But the 2020 elections because of former President is confident the method in which the NPP about his chances in next came into power. They used year’s crucial elections. a lot of sweet words, they He expressed strong promised heaven and I don’t optimism of victory 2020 think they thought through for the opposition National the promises because some of Democratic Congress the promises were weird and (NDC). The former absurd”. “My worry is that, it president indicated that the shakes the fate of Ghanaians performance of the ruling in our democracy, it makes New Patriotic Party (NPP) Ghanaians believe that has been abysmal. Mahama politicians are just lairs and says the failure of the NPP will not fulfill their promises” to deliver on their major he added. campaign promises and Healthy competition. The civility between the political rivals speaks volumes the economic challenges on the maturity of Ghanaian politics. Ghanaians are going through

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PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 17 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa Inside Africa Sober Reflections on Ghana At 62 By Jessica Ahedor ilbert Ahinful Aidoo, The Independence a political scientist Day celebration, since its Gat the Department inception in 1957, has been of Political Science in the characterized by a march University of Ghana Legon, pass by the security services, has underscored the need school children, and workers’ for Ghana to do away with unions with the president the lavish celebrations of its taking salutes and later independence and channel delivering messages to the the funds into the distressed nation. The celebration areas of the country. is also replicated in the According to him, the regions, districts, and schools government must eschew across the country with the the charade of «there is no president’s message being money» to do developmental read on his behalf by a works for the nation when delegate. they can organize money Mr. Aidoo alluded to and resources to celebrate the fact that governments an anniversary with no must account to the nation accountability. on every Independence He added that even though Day celebration in order to the eradication of extreme most recent official data from in the education sector, he the day is significant to the enhance transparency and poverty by 2030. He made the Ghana Statistical Service lamented on the fact that citizenry as it’s an indication limit the number of resources this statement when briefing which revealed that almost most Policies are tailored to of freedom from foreign used. the media during his fact- one-quarter of the country’s gain political advantage. A rule, he insists it must be finding mission to the Greater population is living in poverty trend that can be curtailed done moderately since the Poverty reduction Accra, Northern, and Upper and one person in every 12 if only the country has a resources, which are lavishly The United Nations Special East regions. in extreme poverty. Three- developmental plan to guide dissipated on such occasions, rapporteur on extreme This clearly implies that and-a-half million of those every president that assumes can be used in other poverty, Philip Alston, during there is more to do to bring to in poverty are children, with office. developmental projects. his visit to Ghana in 2018, says the fore a balance in the living more than a third of them in He suggested that nation unless growing inequality standard of the people. extreme poverty. Though this Political intimidation quiz, for instance, could be and poverty rates in Ghana Philip Alston, who is a growing phenomenon and democracy organized among schools in are addressed, Ghana will fall examines the human rights that needs to be curtailed, He pointed out that the country to strengthen short of meeting the key U.N. implications of poverty in officials dissipate the nation’s although Ghana, has the reading habit among Sustainable Development countries around the world resources in the name of gained some credence in students. Goals, SDGs, including in recent times, refers to the celebrations. its democracy in the sub- He bewailed that after Saharan region, political 62 years of political intimidation is never part independence, Ghana still of democracy. The fact that struggles to catch up with citizens are afraid of speaking its peers due to the corrupt their minds for fear of being nature of its successive attacked by a political faction governments. He cited must be condemned, he Singapore and Malaysia as emphasized. peers of Ghana who have His statement stems developed over the years, from the emergence of giving its citizens better political vigilantes/militia standards of living, while in the country. Members Ghana continues to wallow in of such groups intimidate poverty and corruption. and sometimes harm their perceived political opponents. Education This he said does not augur Even though he agrees the well for the democratization post-independence Ghana of the nation. has chalked some successes 18 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs and institutions as well the The opposition did not attend historical dates to reflect the debate, and the vote the Danquah-Busia lineage was unanimous. The British is against professional government accepted this history ethics. His actions motion as clearly representing are politically motivated. a reasonable majority, and He alluded to the fact that on September 18, 1956, the even though history can be British set 6 March 1957, reviewed, it must not be the 113th anniversary of the altered to suit a particular Bond of 1844, as the date the political leaning. former British colony of the Gold Coast to become the History of Ghana independent state of Ghana, On the 6th of March 1957, and the nation›s Legislative Ghana became the first Assembly was to become the country sub of the Sahara to National Assembly. gain independence from the Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was British colonial masters. to be the prime minister, Agriculture and front. raw natural resources which The Republic of Ghana is and Queen Elizabeth II as industrialization. He opined that the current are always exported or even named after the medieval monarch, represented in the Mr. Aidoo also observed governments’ initiative of provide jobs for the youth. West African Ghana Empire. former colony by a governor on agriculture and planting for food and jobs, Historian on Ghana’s The empire became known general, Sir Charles Noble industrialization saying one-village, one-dam, one history with political motive. in Europe and Arabia as the Arden-Clarke. Dominion ever since the overthrow district one warehouse as well On his part, a historian, Ghana Empire after the title status would continue until of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s as one district-one factory Ismael Annang from the of its emperor, the Ghana. 1960, when after a national government and his if properly coordinated and Department of History at On August 3, 1956, the new referendum, Ghana was developmental program, managed could go a long way the University of Ghana said assembly passed a motion declared a republic. there has not been any in the industrialization of the current situation where authorizing the government to significant progress on the Ghana. This would help the the president is changing the request independence within agricultural and industrial government to process the historical names of places the British Commonwealth.

PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 19 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa

20 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Africa in the Age of Cyber Security By Ajong Mbapndah L

fter a highly theft and loss by these losses, with successful stint as of intellectual financial institutions, AAmbassador of Benin property, affecting government, and to the USA, Omar Arouna has millions of people e-commerce hitting taken on a new challenge around the world, the top three impacted with zeal -cyber security. As as well as countless industries in Africa. Managing Partner at the US- businesses and How equipped Africa Cyber Security Group- governments in and how serious USAFCG, Ambassador every country. are African Arouna has taken the Africa has 1.21 governments in lead in raising awareness, billion people the fighting cyber and proposing solutions and almost all security crimes? to African countries. The African countries In spite of the challenges are real, and are about to grow breathtaking growth the threats enormous,says over the next Africa must take cyber security issues more seriously says of ICT use, the Ambassador Arouna. Ambassador Arouna as he year. Technology development of situates where Africa stands adoption is also strengthened, and financial systems to stop the spread national cybersecurity today in terms of cyber continuing to grow, with an institutions in the region of the malicious code. The legislation has been security. While countries like exponential increase in the are demanding training, attack “immobilized” banks, relatively stagnant in the Mauritius, and Rwanda have number of mobile owners, servicing, and consulting hospitals, and government region. Mauritius, which made great strides, there are increasing use of social media, services in cybersecurity. agencies in dozens of has legislation addressing many other countries and and the Internet of Things About 300 million countries, particularly hitting cybercrime, e-commerce, businesses taking the threat (IoT) quickly becoming a users have been brought Kenya’s financial institutions. data protection, and privacy for granted and the result is reality. This rapid economic online since 2000 due The Renault Tanger- as well as an established evident in a loss of circa $3.5 growth is accompanied to the liberalization of Méditerranée automobile Computer Emergency billion due to to cyber crimes by a thriving e-commerce telecommunications markets plant in Morocco closed for Response Team (CERT), in 2017 says Ambassador industry, which is expected across African countries a full day, causing a loss of remains a distant outlier on in an interview with PAV to reach $ 75 billion by 2025. and the increasingly production of a thousand the continent. Countries such magazine. African financial institutions widespread availability of cars. Many other African as Chad, Guinea-Bissau, and For those who are not and governments have mobile technologies. For companies may have been Gabon, which have minimal- familiar what is cyber suffered a loss of $ 3.5 billion Africa, the technology age seriously impacted by the to-no legislation addressing security, and should it be for Cybercrime in 2017. is booming– and shows few attack, but the extent is cyber issues, are much more of interest to Africa? More than 95% of African signs of slowing. The rapid unknown due to failure to typical. The AU faces the Cybersecurity is the businesses operate below the turnaround from being a report these attacks to the challenge of developing collection of technologies, poverty line of cyber security. continent essentially offline national authorities in charge a common continental processes, and practices that When people hear about in 2000, with only 4.5 million of computer security incident cybersecurity policy, protect networked computer cyber security, people Internet users, to this level response. which requires not just the systems from unauthorized think of the west, how of connectivity has left The financial cost of harmonization of legislation use or harm. Broadly much of a threat is this to African leaders scrambling cyberattacks for businesses across several economic speaking, cybersecurity Africa? to implement adequate has increased significantly regions but also encouraging topics can be subdivided Private sector businesses cybersecurity policies and over the years. African national policy development into two complementary and organizations including regulations. companies publish very in a majority of member areas: cyber-attacks, which their consumer base have May we know some of few figures on cybercrime, states. Attaining this level are essentially offensive become extremely vulnerable the ways in which the but the highest estimated of political cohesiveness–in and emphasize network online. Digital economies are threats of cyber security costs in 2013 stood at $47 a regional organization that penetration techniques; and taking off throughout all the manifest themselves, million (26 billion FCFA) consistently faces criticism cyber defenses, which are regions of Africa. Cybercrime or some of the most in Côte d’Ivoire and $27 of ineffectiveness–is a steep essentially protective and has emerged and already vulnerable sectors? million (15 billion FCFA) in hurdle to overcome. emphasize counter-measures taken advantage of mobile The most vulnerable . More recent figures On specific examples, intended to eliminate or banking, online banking and sector is the financial sector. on annual losses (2017) are may we know examples mitigate cyber-attacks. financial services delivered For example, the 2017 estimated for Nigeria at of what some countries Cybercrime has grown to regionally. Local support Wannacry attack forced $649 million, followed by are doing to keep staying more than $ 1 trillion a year for cybersecurity across companies around the Kenya at $210 million. And safe from attacks? in online fraud, identity the region needs to be world to shut down their many sectors are concerned Certification processes, PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 21 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa like ISO/IEC 27001, released by the International Standard Organization (ISO), are useful resources for businesses seeking a baseline to address cybersecurity from a management system perspective. Some African organizations are taking cyber threats seriously; ISO has reported an increase of 73 percent of Information USAFCG Managing Partner, Ambassador Omar Security Management System Arouna in Estonia in January 2018. certified companies within a Ambassador Arouna is one of the most articulate year, from 129 in 2015 to 224 voices on Africa from Washington,DC today. data, and themselves from a States’ national security in 2016, with the majority in this includes ISPs and the •Education and Toolkits cyberattack. interests—a belief that the South Africa, Nigeria, and financial and educational •Support Services Given the regional Trump administration said Morocco. sectors; regionally it works Cyber Hygiene e-Learning context, this can be achieved previous administrations did Mauritius is the top ranked with other CIRTs through the Course by considering four key not share. country in the Africa region. East African Communications We have partnered with initiatives: implementing The view of the Trump It scores particularly high in Organization; and the leader in Cyber Hygiene cyber resilience strategies, administration is that, the legal and the technical internationally it liaises with training,to deliver a state of developing cybersecurity “Great-power competitors— areas. The Botnet Tracking ITU, FIRST, and bi-laterally the art interactive, engaging skills, protecting data namely, China and Russia— and Detection project allows with the United States and and effective tool consisting integrity, and integrating are rapidly expanding Computer Emergency Japan CIRTs among others. of a training module and cyber risk protection in the their financial and political Response Team of Mauritius Ambassador Arouna is two separate test modules decision-making process influence across Africa,”. (CERT-MU) to proactively managing partner at to address human risk throughout all levels of “They are deliberately and take measures to curtail US-Africa cyber security behaviour in cyberspace. management. And that is why aggressively targeting their threats on different networks group, what services Cybersecurity Program we created USAFCG, to be investments in the region to within the country. Capacity are offered by your for the Prevention and Fight the catalyst to carry out those gain a competitive advantage building is another area company? against Cybercrime initiatives in Africa. over the United States.” So where Mauritius does well. USAFCG provides Strengthening the For the seasoned American foreign policy The government IT Security cybersecurity consulting cybersecurity management professional that you makers in the pursue of the Unit has conducted 180 services and delivers training capacity of African are, what is your current interests of the American awareness sessions for some programs for capacity government agencies. The reading of ties between people and American values 2 000 civil servants in 32 building objective is to establish an the USA and Africa, what are mainly refining they government ministries and We have partnered integrated, effective and changes has the trump approach in regaining the departments. with cyber technologists modern national/regional African policy brought? loss ground on the continent. Rwanda, ranked second specialized in the system for the prevention and On Dec 6th, 2018 US Things have changed between in Africa, scores high in the development and deployment fight against cybercrime. National Security Advisor the US and Africa now organizational pillar and has of advanced cybersecurity How have these services John Bolton unveiled the Governance and Democracy a standalone cybersecurity solutions to strengthen our of USAFCG been of help Trump administration’s are taking back seat to policy addressing both the services. Our teams work to African countries new strategy for Africa. The investment and trade. public and private sector. It with private and public and companies in need, strategy is focused on three It should not come as is also committed to develop sector organizations across any projects you have priorities, all of which have a surprise that some of a stronger cybersecurity Africa, and we understand carried out in Africa? long been advocated by your compatriots are industry to ensure a resilient the business, technology But we have been building foreign policy experts. These intrigued by your plans, cyber space. and legal policy aspects as cybersecurity awareness to priorities include advancing after a successful stint as Kenya, ranked third in requirements vary at the our potential clients in the U.S. trade across the region, ambassador and doing the region, provides a good region, country, and local public and private sector, continuing to combat well in the corporate example of cooperation level. helping them design the terrorism, and making sure world, what next for through its National Kenya •Coordination and Coo- project that works for their U.S. money for aid is used Omar Arouna…any Computer Incident Response peration between public and context. We have been as most effectively that it political ambitions? Team Coordination Centre private sector building the case to our can be. The new US Africa Politics is something that (National KECIRT/CC). The •Engagement and Assess- African governments and strategy premise is that a free, is important to me and have CIRT coordinates at national, ment private enterprises to plan growing, and self-sufficient always been in my mind… regional and global levels with •Training and Exercise to implement strategies to Africa is of the utmost a range of actors. Nationally •Technical Assistance protect their clients, their importance to the United 22 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs After returning stolen Namibian treasures, Germany urged to acknowledge past atrocities By Andreas Thomas

indhoek - A After formalities in the of traditional leaders in her group for “for having indiscriminate annexations; high-powered capital, Windhoek, including the former German South travelled to Namibia to annexations which Wdelegation meeting with Vice-President West Africa that resisted the deliver these two important dispossessed Namibians representing institutions Nangolo Mbumba and German imperialism. treasures of our nation’s of their land, by force and in the fields of research, senior government officials, He fought a running history”. without compensation,” he culture and arts from the the Germany delegation battle against the German President Geingob said said. state of Baden-Württemberg proceeded to Gibeon in troops since becoming the the repatriation of Witbooi’s He added that: “When in southern Germany was southern Namibia. paramount chief of the Nama bible and whip evoke painful the forces of imperialist recently in Namibia for a The small settlement in people, until his death in memories, given the history aggression, in the form of the historic mission. Hardap region is the historic 1905. of the country. German army under Curt von Led by Theresia Bauer, home of the Witbooi clan On April 12, 1893 following “Kaptein Hendrik Witbooi François decided to invade the Minister of Science, where the official hand-over a surprise attack on his was born at a time when Greater Namaqualand, Research and Arts of Baden- of the items took place on 28 hideout camp at Hornkranz colonialism was at its zenith. destiny produced a man for Württemberg, their visit was February 28, 2019. (in the Khomas Hochland “The powers of that time, the hour. the restitution of the Bible Minister Bauer handed mountains), the German were carving up African A man who would be and whip that belonged to over the Bible and whip to soldiers took a box containing territory, driven by the lust described by historians as one of the nation’s revered President Hage Geingob, his most possessions - a for resources and subsequent one of the most powerful heroes, Kaptein Hendrik who in turn gave them to the personal journal, a Bible and wealth. It is during this period African leaders at the time Witbooi (1830-1905) of the elders of the Witbooi family. whip. that many Namibian people when European imperialism Nama to Namibia. The latter handed the The items were taken were separated by boundaries began to carve up Africa into The two historical artefacts artefacts over to Namibian to Germany, until their that paid no consideration colonies.” had been taken to Germany Minister of Education, Arts restitution last month, after to the demographics of the Germany must apologise during the colonial time in and Culture Katrina Hanse- years of haggling with the region. Witbooi led the Nama 1902 and have been kept Himarwa for care and custody German institutions. “Our ancestors, and people through the darkest at the Linden Museum in by the Ministry. President Geingob has all of us present here period in the Namibian Stuttgart ever since. Kaptein Witbooi was one thanked Minister Bauer and today, are victims of these colonial history.

Call / eMail Us Tel:2404292177, email: [email protected], [email protected] PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 23 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa The first genocide ever expressed her remorse and recorded in modern history regret for the atrocities was committed against the committed by German Herero and Nama people, imperialist soldiers. during the war of colonial «We are deeply sorry for resistance between 1904- the injustices of the past and 1908. the long delay in the return This was the result of of the Bible and whip of infamous extermination Hendrik Witbooi. However, order issued by the German we cannot undo the past. General, Von Trotha in Therefore, today should not October 1904, that resulted in be the end, but the beginning the indiscriminate killing of of a better and united future,” Namas and Hereros. Bauer said. It also destroyed the way of During her meeting with living of those that survived Vice President Mbumba, the the genocide. State Secretary in the Ministry President Geingob commended Germany for returning Hendrik Witbooi›s The talks regarding the of Science, Research and Arts artifacts. acknowledgment, and of Baden-Württemberg Petra currently adorns museums death for leading an uprising Empire. reparations for the genocide Olschowski acknowledged and private collections across against the Germans, and was A little victory has been committed against the local atrocities committed against Europe have strong emotional executed by firing squad on scored in this regard. communities currently Namibians during colonial attachments and cultural June 12, 1896 at Okahandja. Witbooi’s journal that overshadow the relations periods. significance to indigenous In addition, the Museum was also stolen during the between Namibia and “I cannot and will not communities in Africa. Association of Namibia is Hornkranz has since been Germany. refrain from admitting that, I Namibia has been leading negotiations for the repatriated is currently President Geingob stressed am well aware that inhumane negotiating with museums in restitution of the Stone Cross stored at the national that the mass murder atrocities were perpetrated Europe over stolen collections and other cultural objects. archive. The entries in the committed by the Germans against people of Namibia – in museums and archives in Also known as ‘the Padrão’, journal, handwritten in old at the beginning the 20th the Namas and Herero tribes Berlin, Bremen, Frankfurt in the Stone Cross of Cape Cross Cape Dutch, record events, century has left a deep scar – at the hands of the Germans Germany, Basel and Berne on the Nambiab western coast experiences and insights into on the Namibian people. soldiers.” in Switzerland Vienna in forms part of the Permanent the nature of colonialism in Hence his call for Germany “And I am acknowledging Austria. Exhibition of the Deutsche the country. to publicly Germans this with the fe3eling of Earlier in February Historische Museum since UNESCO has described acknowledge their historical immense regret that this 2019, the Ovembanderu 2006. the journal as “probably first moral responsibility, and the ever took place. I understand community, a sub-group The Cross bears the coat of written formulation of the historical guilt committed in the need for deep healing of Ovaherero, retaliated arms of Portugal, crowned by concept of Pan-Africanism”. the past. so as to enable the further its call for the repatriation a cross, that was erected at Due to its historical “The effects of the torture, strengthening of a conducive from Germany, of a sacred the coast of Namibia in 1485 significance, Witbooi’s collective punishment and relation between our two belt, worn by their late Chief by the famous Portuguese journal was inscribed into the ultimate racial extermination nations and people,” said Kahimemua Nguvauva. explorer Diogo Cão. the United Nations education of Namibians by German Olschowski. Last month, Kilus The pillars records in Latin and culture agency has imperialist soldiers are felt Historical justice Nguvavu, the chief of and Portuguese King John II inscribed into the UNESCO’s to this day. If we are to move The event at Gibeon Ovamanderu Traditional of Portugal’s claim to power Memory of the World forward, then it is important marked another milestone Authority and great grandson over the territory – a claim Register in 2007. for the German Government in an ongoing effort by the of Nguvauva appealed to a for which the Stone Cross was Justice was also done to to admit the wrongs Namibian Government to visiting German lawmaker, to serve as a visible symbol. the people of Ombalantu, in committed against the people negotiate with institutions in Ottmar von Holtz to help in When the Germans northern Namibia when the of Namibia.” Germany to return traditional the return of the heirloom, declared the German South- Finnish authorities returned “In so doing, we expect treasures stolen during said to have represented West Africa (now Namibia) a ritual stone, that played that the most appropriate colonial periods. various important aspects of following the 1884 Berlin a central in coronation admission of this genocide This is part of a wider the Nguvauva loyal clan. Conference, the Cross was ceremonies of the kings of will be the issuing by Germany repeated calls for historical Like Witbooi, Chief shipped to the German this community in northern of an apology which will be justice, as African countries Nguvauva also fought Empire. Namibia. The ritual stone was acceptable to the Namibian are pressuring former the Germans over land Kaiser Wilhelm II had confiscated by the Finnish people. It is with this reality colonisers to return historical dispossession. A German his own sign of sovereignty missionaries during between in mind that we are gathered and cultural artefacts that soldier took his belt after he erected replica cross at the the 18th and 19th centuries, here today,” he said. were illegally displaced from was wounded in battle in May site of the original Padrão, who deemed the cultural In her speech during the the continent. 1896. which is but bearing the practice as ungodly. ceremony, Minister Bauer Countless relics that He was later sentenced to emblem of the German 24 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 25 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa Mozambique's crackdown on hidden debt violators limited to "small fry"? By Alexandre Nhampossa he Mozambican Teófilo Nhangumele, alleged authorities took about promoter with Mozambique Tthree and a half years of the idea of creating the to start with the arrests of companies and contracting individuals who signed and the financing. Nhangumele managed contracts for the and Do Rosario are also being financing of the illegal loans sought by the US courts for an of state-owned companies international arrest warrant Proindicus, EMATUM and against them. MAM in the amount of US $ 2 A day later, February 15, billion that were later imputed three more people were to Mozambicans when arrested. Elias Moiane, the debts were considered nephew of the secretary sovereign. Some of these Ines Moiane who also people had already been Former Mozambican president Armando Emilio Guebuza. Photo Alexandre Nhampossa. benefited from bribes; Sérgio identified by the local and The country is now plunged The arrests of «small and money laundering for Namburete, said as close foreign press, but the Office into an unprecedented fry» the enrichment of several friend of the Guebuza family of the Prosecutor-General economic crisis. All With the detention of suspects and used US bank and Sidónio Sitoe. They were (PGR) did absolutely nothing international partners Minister Chang in South account. also used to receive dirty against them, claiming to be condition funding to resolve Africa, Mozambique found Local analysts say that money from Privinvest, the still investigating. the case. The normal itself in a difficult situation. Mozambique has had to naval company at the center The situation began to procedure would be for The country had to do enter the wave of arrests to of the alleged $ 2.2 billion take shape when South the judiciary to speed up something. It is believed prevent local figures from fraud. African police arrested the investigations and hold the that the Americans started being extradited to the US, Two days later, on former Mozambican finance individuals involved, but it with the arrests because where they are likely to February 17, the ninth minister, Manuel Chang, on has not been easy because Mozambique took more reveal a lot of compromising defendant - the eldest son December 29, in pursuance of the lack of separation than three years without the information, while if they of former Mozambican of the international arrest of powers that makes the resolution of the case, a fact are to be kept in the country, statesman Armando Guebuza warrant issued by the executive power to influence that directly impacts the local the case will be treated - was arrested. Ndambi United States of America in the investigations, since citizens who daily feel the differently. Mozambique and Guebuza will have had the connection with the financial senior officials, and of the high cost of living due to the US have no signed extradition role of convincing his father scandal that became known Mozambique›s ruling Party economic crisis aggravated by agreement. to give political endorsement as «hidden debts.» - Frelimo - were part of the the fraud. Chang›s detention Antonio Carlos do Rosário to the fraudulent project Between 2013 and 2014, fraudulent scheme. was on 29 December. It was was the first to be detained. so that Minister Manuel the Mozambican Government The current Mozambican the beginning because there He is the head of the three Chang signed the guarantees obtained loans of over two President, Filipe Nyusi, are more Mozambicans that companies that in theory for some banks to accept billion dollars without is one of them. Another the US justice wants to be should have received more financing. parliamentary approval to very important person is extradited. On February 14, than two trillion dollars of On March 7, Mozambican set up three state-owned the former Mozambican Mozambique began to do the loans. At the time he was also justice arrested Angela Leao, companies: Proindicus, president, Armando Emílio same. responsible for the economic wife of the former head of Mozambique Tuna Company Guebuza. Consciously or The US accuses Manuel area of the secret services of the intelligence services, (Ematum) and Mozambique unconsciously they gave their Chang of conspiracy for Mozambique. He is cited as Gregorio Leão. A day earlier Asset Management (MAM). endorsement. There are also electronic fraud, conspiracy one of the schema›s mentors. the authorities had sent Fabio The loans were arranged by other figures involved as is for securities fraud and Also on the same occasion Mabunda arrested, another Credit Suisse and a Russian the case of the former deputy money laundering, as part of were arrested Gregorio Leão, figure who received money investment bank. The finance minister, Isaltina the process of Mozambique›s a former director of the secret directly from Privinvest and discovery of these secret loans Lucas. These are the main hidden debts. services; Bruno Tandade, a later sent to the accounts of in 2016 led the International guys considered «big fish» The US indictment secret service operative; Inês the Leão couple. Monetary Fund (IMF) and but that the Mozambican contains correspondence Moiane, personal secretary These are the 11 people international donors to justice has not yet moved and documents that lead it to of Armando Guebuza - arrested so far. They are halt financial support to with them. conclude that the three public President of the Republic people considered by Mozambique resulting in the companies will have served when the state secretly Mozambican analysts to collapse of its economy. a scheme of corruption endorsed the loans and be «small fish». Some of 26 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Credit Suisse bankers who Pan Africanist, George arranged the loans and who are accused of taking corrupt Ngwane elected Board payments in connection with them. Member of Minority The note does not specify that the MAM guarantee Rights Group should be rescinded, nor does it make any mention of the By Boris Esono Nwenfor sovereign bond which was sold to take out the EMATUM financing in 2016. The PGR also asked the Mozambique›s former finance minister Manuel Administrative Tribunal to Chang appears in court during an extradition hold a total of sixteen public hearing in Johannesburg, January 8 2019. Picture managers accountable for the REUTERS SHAFIEK TASSIEM. financial accountability that these people were part of Mozambican authorities to played a crucial role in the the project design, but have solve the problem was the scheme. no political weight in the request sent to London for The Public Prosecutor›s country, believing that there the «immediate cancellation» Office lists three points: are others, but are being of the state guarantee given «failure to comply with protected. the loan of $ 600 million the procedures and limits Mwalimu George Ngwane. Mozambican President made to the public company established by law in the Filipe Nyusi, for example, ProIndicus allegedly because issuance of guarantees walimu George role is to secure the rights of was the person who approved it is not a valid, legal or and guarantees by the Ngwane, minority rights groups for the project at the level of the feasible obligation. Government», «non- MCameroonian example, linguistic minority, Ministry of Defense, while The country also wants compliance with legal writer, Executive Director ethnic minority, national he was still minister there. to be compensated, with procedures in the contracting of AFRICAphonie has minority. This year will make The former Mozambican interest, for all losses it of external financing and in been elected to the African it 50 years of existence with president, Guebuza, was has sustained in relation the contracting of goods and Advisory Committee of the headquarters all over the the one who gave political to all three loans, made services» and «execution of International Minority Rights world. The one for Africa is endorsement after being to ProIndicus, EMATUM, acts and contracts without Group Africa as member of based in Kampala, Uganda. allegedly convinced by his son, MAM. All three companies their submission to the the Board of Trustees. He What got me connected with but so far neither was called took loans totaling $ 2 billion, mandatory inspection by the was elected alongside three MRG was three years ago to respond. Also included which were granted by Credit competent entities». other members, Dr. Melakou when I did an internship with Isaltina Lucas, former finance Suisse and Russian bank VTB Meanwhile, the Tegngem from Ethiopia, Ms them, and they were able to minister who was responsible Capital. Mozambican government Evelyne Neisere of Kenya, think that I was able to make for the Mozambican treasury Some of the acquired goods issued a leaflet at the end and Ms Juliet Nakoto Odol some contributions to the when the hidden debts were were delivered but are not in of February saying that it from Uganda, during a branch that is based in Africa. contradicted. It was she who operation, in fact the three is monitoring the latest board meeting that held in gave the endorsement for state-owned companies are developments in the area of Kampala, Uganda from 8 to 9 Reporter: what are some Minister Chang to sign the not operating and do not national and international February 2019. of the challenges that guarantees. generate income so the State justice and, while always In an interview with Pan MRG has faced so far? Chang is currently being has already had to honor its protecting the interests African Visions in his office in George Ngwane: I think held in South Africa. The role of «guarantor» paying of the State, will continue Buea, Cameroon, he outlined their basic challenges has court is still examining the some of the amortizations of negotiations to conclude some of the challenges that been how to advocate for two extradition requests these loans. the process that has been lay ahead and what he brings policy to be implemented sent first by the US, and In a note explaining the going on since 2016. These to the table with respect to in the areas that they find another by Mozambique. case lodged by the PGR negotiations, according the organization. these minority rights being The dispute over Chang is at London›s Commercial to the brochure, are very marginalized and that people so strong that since January Court on 1 March, the PGR important for the reinsertion Reporter: What is the are being excluded on the that the announcement of the said it wants the ProIndicus of Mozambique into the Minority Rights Group basis of their minority status. decision has been postponed. to be rescinded, and to be international financial all about? They can make proposals but compensated by Credit market and strengthen the George Ngwane: The they somehow, they cannot Prosecutor-General Suisse, Privinvest - the confidence of economic Minority Rights Group, have the ability to influence requires nullity of company which ultimately agents. MRG is an international government policy. For ProIndicus contract received the proceeds of the organization that has its example, the MRG has been Another step taken by the three loans - and three former headquarters in London. Its working with MBOSCUDA PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 27 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa (Mbororo Cultural and that every responsibility Development Association) given to one is actually in Cameroon on land rights- something of service. I have they have made seminar not really bothered so much workshops with them but in about the fact that I have terms of carrying forward been appointed or elected to recommendations that any post of responsibility. I government can take actions see it as you have been given have been a very big problem. an appointment to serve, One can understand that articulate some of the visions, MRG is a non-governmental missions that the organization organization and not a has. One becomes humble bilateral organization-which and honoured to know that involves government to someone can recognize you

government. have the capacity to be able MwalimuNgwane has practical experiences that would be useful in this new role. to make an input to the kinds Reporter: What can be of things they want to see with issues on democracy two categories of minority to the crisis? the ways to overcome the delivered across the board. It and governance, I am very rights groups in Cameroon, George Ngwane: I have challenges? is a heavy challenge as well, convince that there is a lot one has to do with the taken a very low profile in George Ngwane: I think although it is not a full-time that I can put into MRG. Mbororos and the pygmies terms given solutions to the they (MRG) should see how job. It is only an advisory role The most important for me and the second has to do with crisis not because of any they can channel most of and one that I am very happy is fundraising. When you the linguistic minority group- reason but I don’t want to their recommendations to to do. run an NGO whether it is the Anglophones. In every sound like a broken record. their own government so that international or national, the nuke and crannies, you can We were the ones who were their governments can talk to Reporter: What are you only way that the NGO sustain be sure that there are ethnic actually trying to put the the beneficiary governments bringing to the position? itself is to be able to look for minorities-people who feel crisis on the board by writing on equal terms. But if they George Ngwane: First internal and external funding. that they are not part of the and exposing-but we were have to do it only on the as a person who belongs And I am sure they will be governance structure because misconstrued at that time. basis of NGOs, I can tell to the linguistic minority- very open for me to suggest a they do not come from the After that we have been you that most governments Anglophone minority repertoire of funding sources very big area, people who feel writing to show that there is will always regard them as in Cameroon, that is a that I have to be able to make excluded. In the perspective an urgent need to address this. nuisances than partners in practical experience for me the organization grow from of the study carried out by I find myself now irrelevant development. to say exactly how to make a where they are. MRG, linguistic minority is a because the forces that are contribution that has to do problem, and the indigenous now talking about the crisis Reporter: Talk to us with other minorities. As a Reporter: What are some population. are not even referring to the about your appointment writer as well, one who has of the Rights issues in people who have been there to MRG been able to write across Cameroon? Reporter: what your before they are acting like George Ngwane: I know the board that has to do George Ngwane: There are view on the present they are trying to reinvent the situation in Cameroon? will, as if everything started George Ngwane: What is from them. important in the role I have There are two solutions been given is to see how we for me which I think if we can all fast track the present put in place now, other problem in Cameroon, which things will fall into place. is basically a constitutional There should be a bilateral problem. I say so because ceasefire from both warring from 1961 to 1972 to 1996, factions. It doesn’t matter there have been forms of who calls for the ceasefire. In constitutional changes. conflict management, anyone The major components who calls for a ceasefire is are the Anglophones and the stronger party. Within Francophones. It is a concern that ceasefire, there will to me on how people who be the demobilization, and used to have statehood are reintegration process which now becoming a minority will lead to humanitarian hood. assistance, which also involves reconstruction. All Ngwane was elected with three other members - Dr Melakou Tegngem from Ethiopia, Ms Evelyne Neisere from Kenya and Ms Juliet Nakoto Odol from Uganda. Reporter: Can you these will end with dialogue propound any solution from both parties. 28 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Kenya Heading To Dingy Dungeon As Corruption Punches Her Face By Samuel Ouma | @journalist_27 Morality was highly atmosphere since the regarded in the African revelation of the scandal. traditional Society. African Deputy President William communities were regulated Ruto tried to rescue his allies by a strict code of laws and who were implicated in the moral values which were non- scam. He denied reports that negotiable. Each community Kshs.21 billion ($21,000) has decided what was important been lost noting that only to it and what was desirable expenditure of Kshs.7 billion for its members to practice ($7 million) is missing. and uphold. “You have heard that Most common moral values government has lost about across the communities Kshs.21 billion in Kimwarer were hospitality and love and Arror dam, which is a flat for self and others, honesty, lie!” he said. obedience, cooperation, “The money in question is Tales of corruption are tearing apart the government of President Uhuru hard work, cooperation, and about Kshs.7 billion and for Kenyatta. integrity. Failure to obey the with mega scams that have Kamau Thugge, Kerio Valley Steel Structure Ltd Kshs.8 every coin that has been paid, laws resulted in punishments caused the country billions of Development Authority million ($80,000) for we have a bank guarantee. which were in various forms shillings. (KVDA), Italian firm, CMC construction materials and No money will be lost such as payment of heavy di Ravenna among other Salam Insurance Co. received because we are a responsible fines, excommunication from New scandal individuals and companies Kshs.47 million ($47,000) to government.” the society, being whipped in Recently, shocking details have been implicated in the provide a cover for the dams. In rejoinder, the former public among others. emerged on how Kshs.21 scandal. On Transport, Express Prime Minister Raila Odinga Morals have changed and billion ($21 million) vanished The Directorate of Criminal Travel Co. A Charleston rubbished the deputy what has followed are severe in a multi-billion dam Investigations has divulged Travel Ltd and Toyota president’s claim saying the consequences that are on the projects. Arror and Kimwarer details on how the amount Kenya got Kshs.14 million amount involved as cited verge of breaking the society. dam projects were supposed was paid out to firms for the ($14,000), Kshs.33 million by him and DCI were not In particularly, Kenya is a to have begun in 2017 and supply of goods and services. ($33,000) and Kshs.77 insubstantial sums that could victim of moral degeneration. until now there is no serious New Italico Ltd is said to have million ($77,000) to supply be ignored. The East African country’s activity going on at the site. been paid Kshs.15 million air tickets, travel services, and He lashed out at Ruto for effort to slay graft has not “When we asked them for ($150, 000) for the supply of motor vehicles respectively. acting as a stumbling block borne fruit. The root cause of the designs of the dams, they pillows, bed sheets, duvets, Despite the land in both in the fight against graft. The the dragon is yet to be dealt said they were still doing and towels. The mystery sites are still occupied by the ODM party leader reminded with. them,” said the Directorate behind the relation between locals, Kshs.19.4 million is him that none is above the The end justifies the Criminal Investigations (DCI) beddings and a construction alleged to have been handed law. means. Leaders’ behaviors of boss George Kinoti. site is yet to be unveiled. to Highland valuers for land “The law is uniform. No embezzling public funds are The projects were purposed Tusker Mattresses Ltd valuation and relocation one is above the law even in condoned. None is yet to be for production of hydro- was allegedly paid Kshs.10.2 services. the fight against corruption. prosecuted despite a number electricity and irrigation, million ($102,000) for CMC Di Ravenna Kenya If some people are stealing of scandals surrounding increase electricity megawatts supplying foodstuff even allegedly received Kshs.100.6 money, it is uncalled for to them. They are roaming to the national grid and boost though the construction is yet million ($10.06 million) for rush and say that only Kshs.7 free and some hold higher food production. A total of to begin. services yet to be uncovered. billion which is nothing big positions in the government. Kshs.65 billion ($65 million) Azimath Group Ltd The detectives are still has been used,” Raila said. Corruption is predominant was allocated for the entire pocketed Kshs.18.3 million probing individuals who also The opposition leader from the top rank of projects. ($183,000) for aerial pocketed the funds. decried over fleecing of huge government to the grassroots Treasury Cabinet Secretary survey and engineering sum of money from public level both in the national and Henry Rotich, Devolution services, Achilles Material Verbal exchange coffers by some individuals county governments. Police, Cabinet Secretary Eugine Handling Ltd Kshs.6 Calling of names, lashing and turn around to lie that courts, ministries, political Wamalwa, Treasury million ($60,000) to supply out at the investigative they were businessmen or leaders are heavily linked Permanent Secretary generators equipment, Files agencies have filled the farmers.

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“The Kshs.7 billion they us lots of English and catwalk graft has gained momentum. are saying is not pocket around when it is clear that Many have been arrested and change. This is not money to public money is missing arraigned in court and one is buy snacks. Then those who and one of the suspects has yet to be persecuted. steal such come out saying admitted that she transported The Amani National they are entrepreneurs and it in bags. Let’s be honest Congress party leader Musalia farmers. They do not fit in any with ourselves and call a Mudavadi has slammed particular category like bats,” spade a spade, “Ruto said President for what he termed he noted. while referring to the then as empty rhetoric about Ruto further launched Devolution Cabinet Secretary the war against corruption fresh attacks at Odinga. Anne Waiguru. instead of arresting and He dubbed the opposition The Leader of Majority prosecuting those culpable. leader as lords of poverty and in the Senate Kipchumba “The thieves have become Vice President Ruto is labeled as a stumbling block in the fight against corruption by opposition leader accused him of destabilizing Murkomen, one of Ruto’s so daring that it must now Raila Odinga. Jubilee government. Lieutenants, castigated be understood that this “They have whipped DCI for allowing himself to government believes that This arm of government for million ($2 million) from together a narrative to try and be used by cartels to pain corruption is part of the years has been synonymous the former Nairobi Governor criminalize and bastardize Ruto as corrupt so as to dim gains of being in government, with corruption. The East Evans Kidero to rule in his these development initiatives. his chances of becoming “Mudavadi said. African Bribery Index in favor in an election petition The lords of poverty, people president. Elsewhere, the Central 2017 ranked the Judiciary filed by the ex-boss opponent. who have benefited from He claimed DCI boss Organisation of Trade Union alongside the Lands Ministry The tribunal established keeping people in the slavery George Kinoti’s input in (COTU) Secretary General as the second most corrupt to investigate Judge Tunoi of poverty want to criminalize the scandal is misplaced Francis Atwoli has asked institutions in the country ended its proceedings after every development initiative. since he does not have any the Head of the State to behind the National Police the Judge retired via a court They have orchestrated and information on how the take an action against those Service. ruling on his age. are driving a narrative that construction of the dams are implicated in corruption “Many Kenyans are forced In the same year Joseph every government has a being handled. or risk mass action from to pay a bribe to access key Mutava, a High Court Judge corruption element in it. We “I feel that all campaign Kenyans. services. They would pay a was dismissed after he was are not going to win the war that has been going around “We cannot sit and watch bribe to access police services found guilty of misconduct by on corruption by exaggerating on social media and the our children languish in (68.8%), Land (55.1%), a tribunal led by the current figures,” angry Ruto said. media that Kalenjins (Ruto’s poverty, they cannot afford Judiciary (48%) and Civil Chief Justice David Maraga. In 2016, the Deputy tribe) are corrupt is being a meal, and they cannot Registration Services (45%),” Mutava was found President and his brigades engineered by cartels to go to school when a few reads the part of the report. culpable of terminating denied reports of corruption scuttle is 2022 bid,” said individuals have sets and sets The arrest and arraignment the Kshs.5.8 billion ($58 in the National Youth Murkomen. of choppers or helicopters at of the deputy Chief Justice million) Goldenberg scandal Services (NYS) in which their disposal. We will rise, Philomena Mwelu is a case against businessman Kshs.971 million ($9.71 Rhetoric president organize ourselves and face clear confirmation of rot Kamlesh Pattni, who he million) was lost. After the President Kenyatta’s them,” reiterated the vocal in the institution. She is appeared to protect. detectives unearthed the inability to tackle corruption boss. accused of failure to pay His sacking was then truth, he changed the tune is not left unturned. The Vocal cleric Reverend taxes, abuse of office for followed by kick out of eleven and admitted the government President’s warnings are Timothy Njoya has faulted personal gain, obtaining magistrates in 2017 over lost money in the NYS multi- not accompanied by actions. the President for being slow execution of a security professional misconduct. million scandal. Since March 9, 2018 to act on the corruption belonging to Imperial Bank They were accused of “We do not need you to give handshake renewed war on scandals which have denied Limited by false pretense, corruption, delayed of justice the taxpayers billions of accepting gift in form of and incompetence. money. He proposed a capital money in circumstances All these scenarios were punishment for any leader which undermined public preceded by the judicial caught in scandals. confidence in the integrity surgery of 2003 led by the “If Uhuru Kenyatta’s father of the office and conducting former director of Kenya hanged the poor for robbing themselves in disregard of Anti-Corruption Commission the rich why can’t he do the the law. (KACC). Five out of nine same; hang a few for robbing Judge Philip Tunoi’s reign Court of Appeal Justices, 18 the poor,” said Njoya. at Supreme Court ended out 36 High Court Judges mysteriously in 2016 after and 82 out of 254 Magistrates Mere hawker of justice he became a subject of were dubbed corrupt by the Central Organisation of Trade Union secretary Judiciary has been a huge corruption. He was accused of report of the infamous purge. General Francis Atwoli says government must take impediment in graft purge. receiving a bribe of Kshs.200 action or risk mass action. 30 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

Study Abroad: Eritrea Challenging Narratives of Development in Post Conflict Settings Dates: June 9 – 23 Credits: 6 Apply by: April 6 Cost: $3650

This course offers rare access to Eritrea, a country that has been extremely isolated due to 20- years of conflict and nine years of sanctions, and has no NGO’s, World Bank or USAID programs. Despite this, the UN reports Eritrea is on target for the SDGs, and is doing ground- breaking work in agriculture and food security. Eritrea today may be the purest example of people-based development. These are African solutions to African challenges! Join course leaders Dr. Sara Cobb, Director of the Center for Narrative and Conflict Resolution, and Carol Pineau, an award winning journalist and filmmaker who reported for CNN from Eritrea during the height of the war, to document this unique development program grounded in self- reliance. With full access and 360-views, participants will interview the officials and drivers of Eritrea’s development, meet with beneficiaries in the field and witness the programs in action. This is an extraordinary opportunity to see Eritrea as it emerges from isolation, and to learn how narratives can be intertwined – and even become drivers – of conflict and development. The course is graduate level, though undergraduate juniors and senior may apply. Students not enrolled at George Mason may register for the course, though it is recommended to check with advisors and follow procedures at their home schools for processing and ensuring credit transfers. Course fees cover 6 credits and all travel costs within Eritrea. For more information, email Dr. Sara Cobb: [email protected], or Carol Pineau: [email protected]. Register at:

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32 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs your money, if they lose all Well, if you listen to place. your money, you can claim what everybody is saying, nothing. But it’s possible to especially those who don’t We end with a last set up a company if you say, believe in success, who don’t question on your book “well, I set it up in such a way believe in prosperity. You’re My 1st Million Dollar, that I would take the liability going to start believing what what is the book about and I will protect you, I will they say. The first thing you and where can people provide you with a private need in life if you’re going to obtain copies from? placement and I will protect be successful, is to have a very So, My First Million Dollar your interest by making sure strong voice that speaks to is a book that I have written your capital is held liable, the you concerning your future, that helps people achieve company is held liable for concerning your destiny. their first million dollars your capital”. That is what And if you don’t have that, following a very strategic our company has done. you would end up believing pattern that I formulated every junk, every piece of over the years. I believe this Any special deals or information that’s out there. works, I have experienced other opportunities that And I think that’s a starting this myself every day, and I you may have? how will point. Deciding where you’re have somebody that I also you be approaching to going as a people, as a group, taught, and they are now a Dennis Jali is making very ambitious projections your client base during as a nation, deciding what you successful trader. They are for 1st million dollars. the course of 2019? want your future to be. And now making money. The America, Europe, Africa, that one individual, and if So, what are we doing on then from there you can start book is available on Amazon Asia etc. could join? that individual is satisfied, it’s the 1st of March? We are building slowly but surely. or on other platforms where We do have other going to be easier to take the basically inviting all our Making sure that you are you buy books. It’s called My companies providing the brand to the next person. existing members, people following the train, it’s very First Million Dollars by Denis same kind of systems in that have been with us for hard to achieve something Jali. Europe. We have another There are other business long. People that actually that you don’t have in mind. Thanks for granting the company in UK, in London. ventures, that have know who we are as a You would need to have interview We have another one in started out strong but company for four years, two that dream first, and then Amen. Thank you. Switzerland, and they are all fizzled out in the course years and have an experience everything else will fall into customized according to the of time, what structures in our systems we are inviting jurisdiction of those countries do you have in place to all of them to roll out what because the laws and the ensure that people who our plans are for 2019, 2020 I regulations are not the same. invest their money are believe it is going to be a very So, we do have different always on the winning big company. We believe that industries or market that we side? it’s going to, by God’s grace are involved in, but using the I cannot completely take roll out to a billion dollars. same technology. away the risk that is involved It’s going to take some effort. And if you were to in the Forex market. No We have the determination, make a pitch to potential one can, because it’s not and the commitment to make customers, what makes ‘1st controlled by one person that happen. We already Million’ unique, what makes or one government or one are expanding, and we are it different from the other bank. The reality is that basically presenting on the companies? if you are getting yourself 1st of March. We are inviting Our trading record over involved in Forex Trading, everybody that would love the last four years, our you should accept a limited to participate to call in and transparency with people, we liability. So, it depends on RSVP because only reserved don’t do extensive sales on the structure that you have seats available. You have to marketing. We are not all over with the company you are make connections. the place. We try to make sure dealing with. Do they say that the customer in front of their liability is with them or For someone like you us feels like he or she is a king with the customer? This is the who has done great, or queen because that is the only difference if you go to the what message do you person we are dealing with bank and you want to invest have for the Africans at that time. We believe that your money, they would especially those in our reputation should match want you to sign document. I diaspora, what are the up with the customer service would say that the risk is on ingredients for the kind and customer experience to you, which means if you lose of success you enjoy? PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 33 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa Inside Africa From A Haven To Ravisher Of Human Rights. The Story of Cameroon By Amos Fofung N. Cameroon, once a harbinger of peace in the troubled Central African sub- region is now at the brinks of civil war, a phenomenon that has engulfed much of African states since independence. Cameroon’s once cherished peace is at risk. A litmus test for all patriots of the Green- red-yellow nation respected in Africa for its agricultural capabilities, national football team, cultural diversity, musical genre and it›s feared and respected octogenarian president. President Biya welcome by kids in Buea during a 2014 ceremony to mark the reunification of Cameroon. Since 2014, Cameroon Things have since fallen apart. continues to face constant security threats from poor detention conditions, look at the bend negotiated including civil society Union and foreign countries Nigerian based terrorist sect peace was Cameroon’s by Cameroon’s human rights activists, journalists, trade such as the United State of Boko Haram in its Northern greatest asset and there statistics over the years as unionists, lawyers, and America and Canada have regions. Now the country is were considerable efforts to painted by international teachers have always been all joined their voices calling fighting to stay united amid maintain and respect basic organizations is troubling. under constant intimidation, on authorities in Cameroon calls for secession in its two human rights. What change? What harassment and detention. to respect human rights as English-speaking regions in For an African state promoted the Central African But with the attacks by it relates to its signed and what is today known as the struggling with economic giant to slip so backward? Boko Haram insurgency ratified conventions. Anglophone Crisis. challenges, health hazards Nigerian based journalist, and the birth of Cameroon’s Some have even gone as Yes, Cameroon has never and bad governance due to a Philip Obaji in his piece Anglophone crisis, the far as proposing sanctions on been the most peaceful worn-out political system, the “Cameroon used to welcome situation is alarming. Cameroon for alleged human country in Africa. The Central path cover was applaudable refugees. Now it forcibly International and local rights violations with the African state has for sure and hopes were high for expels them,” narrates the human rights organizations United State set to cut back never top the ranking of a better tomorrow. Many ordeal Nigerian refugees who such as Human Rights Watch, millions of dollars in aid to Human rights classification in are those who pray to see are fleeing Boko Harman Amnesty International, Cameroon military after it the continent. But little over Cameroon reclaim it once crackdown go through Transparency International, was alleged that aid which nine years ago, Cameroon cherished peace. after been forced to leave International Red Cross, was donated to fight Boko was classified among the The world bank while Cameroon. He states that Office of the United Nation Haram terrorist is redirected most peaceful and amenable granting funds to assist after they are forcefully High Commissioner for to combat civil protesters in country which did not fail refugees wrote that repatriated to Nigeria, most of Human rights, National the restive English-speaking to embrace refugees, give “Cameroon has a long history them end up in the dragnets Commission for Human regions. The case continues out aid to needy countries of hosting refugees from of the terrorist group they Rights and Freedom, to build momentum at the US and resolve its international neighboring countries. Today fled from. Center for Human Rights Congress. disputes by extending an it generously hosts almost Aside from its poor and Democracy in Africa, Cameroon’s human rights “olive branch”. Its human 350,000 refugees from the reception and treatment of Network of Human Rights abuses are not limited to right record was passably Central African Republic and refugees, its own citizens Defenders in Central Africa military and government encouraging. Nigeria, with about 10,000 decry the fact they have been among others have all raised excesses. Boko Haram Except for poor new arrivals since the start of deprived of their fundamental concerns over Cameroon’s terrorist sect in the Northern management of some 2018 alone.” human rights. current human rights regions of Cameroon has since civil unrests such as the While we agree that peace situation. 2014 rained havoc on the economic protest in 2008, is not the absence of war, Cameroon’s troubling The United Nation, local population. The terror police excesses, detention thighs were way better than human rights record European Union, group carried out suicide of political prisoners and they are now. Today, a keen Human rights defenders, Commonwealth, African bombings, kidnappings, and

34 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs ransom collections, burning of schools and villages. In the restive English- speaking regions, separatist armed groups have carried out kidnappings of government officials, traditional and municipal authorities, journalists and members of the civil society. Gruesome killings and amputation of government and military personnel have equally been attributed to them. The separatist armed groups continue to disrupt the effective resumption of Anglophone refugees in Nigeria cue to get food supply donated by Ayah Foundation .Photo credit Amos Fofung. educational institutions and have been accused of burning U.S Department of state in Despite reports of violations country representatives at the ended presidential elections down schools. its 2017 Human Rights report by the Cameroonian military, 40th Human Rights Council in which he emerged second. Amnesty International on Cameroon highlighted the government has regularly in Geneva on February 25, the Weeks after his arrest, in its 2017/2018 report several instances of unlawful maintained that the military Minister of external relations, security forces also picked said “dozens of schools killings, torture and other exercises professionalism Lejeune Mbella Mbella said up Barrister Michèle Ndoki, were closed in the English- cruel inhumane treatment, while carrying out its duty. Cameroon’s defense and vice-president of the women’s speaking regions between arbitral arrest, detention and On some occasions, the security forces have remained wing of Kamto’s Party. November 2016 and the denial of fair and public governments announce professional in executing Barrister Ndoki who’s was September 2017, following trial among others. investigations into allegations their duties in the two injured by a bullet during strikes and boycotts called for The United Nations Office such as the torture of Boko restive regions. Presenting the MRC organized protest by trade unions and members for the Coordination of Haram suspects by elements the government›s side of the in January was arrested on of civil society. Extreme Humanitarian Affairs said of the elites’ force, Rapid Story, the Minister noted that Tuesday, February 26, 2019, elements within Anglophone the Anglophone crisis has Intervention Battalion, BIR. the government is determined at Idenau-a small town in the pro-secession groups carried shifted into an armed conflict, The results of such to resolve the crisis and had South West region. out attacks on education affecting more than 4 million investigations are hardly taken considerable efforts to A spokesman for the MRC, facilities that “breached the people signaling a need for made public, thereby raising safeguard and ensure that Bibou Nissack confirmed boycott” …more than 30 action. doubt on if they were ever human rights are respected. the arrest and observed schools were burned and opened. Though the government that she is being held under severely damaged.” True-lies of government Addressing over 100 was quick to present its poor detention conditions scoresheet on Cameroon’s in Yaoundé, the nation’s Human rights efforts, it has capital. As they head to court, chosen to remain indifferent pressure continues to mount to calls from international on the government to release organizations and pressure the political leaders and their groups to free Professor supporters and guarantee Maurice Kamto former the respect of the peoples’ presidential aspirant who freedom to expression and was arrested in Douala on assembly. January 28 and later ferried The United State, United to Yaounde where he remains Nations and European under lock and key with Union, have all raised worries scores of supporters of his over Cameroons’ human party. rights record with the E.U. The political leader of warning that Cameroon risk the Movement for the sliding further into crisis if Renaissance of Cameroon, the administration of Paul MRC, was arrested during a Biya doesn’t take measures peaceful match pass ceremony to stop the hate-speech and Maurice Kamto of the MRC came second in the Presidential elections and he organized in protest to heavy-handed tactics of today he and over a dozen cadres of his coalition are in jail. irregularities during the just- security officials. PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 35

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36 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Zimbabwe's Currency Crisis is more Political than Economic By Prince Kurupati n February 20, 2019, The central bank, the Zimbabwean however, countered that Ogovernment through argument by stating the Reserve Bank Governor that the bond note was introduced a new currency not a ‘currency’ hence called the Real Time Gross it could only be used Settlement dollars or in within the confines of the simple terms RTGS Dollars. Zimbabwean borders. The new currency is a bit Apart from criticizing unconventional as in effect, the bond note as a Fixing the economy remains it is just a redenomination of plot to reintroduce the a daunting task for President bond notes, coins, and RTGS Zimbabwean dollar, Mnangagwa. balances. In simple terms, critics also argued the bond notes’ failure to decline in the rate of inflation of Foreign Assets Control there aren’t any new notes that the bond note was not remain on par with the US going forward.” (OFAC). Zimbabwe is under printed. in actual effect an export Dollar insisting even in face Others have criticized United States sanctions and As briefly alluded to before, incentive but rather a stop- of crystal-clear evidence. Dr. Mangudya’s solution. unless otherwise authorized Zimbabwe’s new currency is gap measure to address the That however changed on 20 Steve H. Hanke, a professor or exempt, transactions in effect a redenomination country’s dire currency crisis February as the central bank of applied economics at involving the greenback are of bond notes, coins and which had seen the US Dollar governor Dr. John Mangudya Johns Hopkins University penalized if they involve an RTGS balances. Since 2009, disappear from the streets presenting the 2019 Monetary in Baltimore says that the entity or individual listed Zimbabwe adopted the multi- thereby making the life of the Policy Statement stated that latest step is unlikely to on the Specially Designated currency system wherein ordinary man unbearable. the bond note was no longer solve Zimbabwe’s problems Nationals List (a list of Zimbabweans could use any While critics acknowledged trading. With the US Dollar because all it does is reflect individuals and entities under currency of their choice to that a solution was needed but was now a free-floating exchange rates on the black US sanctions). do transactions inside the to address the challenges currency with an opening market. In effect, according to The nature of the country with the most used that were being experienced trading value of 1:2,5 to the Prof Hanke, the government’s regulations, however, makes currencies being the US at the time, they however US Dollar. decision (solution) officially it difficult for foreign banks Dollar and the South African argued that the introduction By redenominating the says “we robbed you.” to know whether they are Rand. of the bond note was not a bond note as a currency and While many critics have dealing with Specially While at its inception the solution as it paved the way liberalizing the forex rate i.e. had their say in response Designated Nationals or multi-currency system only for the reintroduction of a removing the ‘fictitious’ 1:1 to the latest development, not, hence the decision by supported foreign currencies, ‘currency’ while the economic valuation, Dr. Mangudya saw this writer thinks that a most South African banks the Zimbabwean government fundamentals which had led it as the perfect solution to permanent solution to to de-risk from dealing with in November 2016 began to to the fall of the previous the currency crisis which had Zimbabwe’s currency crisis Zimbabwean institutions.” issue bond notes. During the currency were still to be seen liquidity crunches rise to lies not on the economic side The above therefore clearly launch of the bond notes, addressed. As such, the bond unprecedented levels. but on the political side. exposes the close link between the Zimbabwean central note from its inception was a Dr. Mangudya’s ‘solution’ While there are many economics and politics. bank governor said that the disaster waiting to happen. to some is a step in the right examples in the public Against this background, introduction of the bond Contrary to what direction in addressing domain that can be used one can, therefore, note that note was just a catalytic economists and critics the country’s currency to support this notion, the politics is playing a huge role measure meant at boosting believed in 2016, the bond crisis. Economist Ashok writer has decided to support in ‘ruining’ the Zimbabwean the country’s export sector as notes managed to hold its Chakravarti in an interview his assertion using a recent economy and inversely, the notes were an incentive own as it eased the country’s with The Herald said on the development which has seen politics does also possess the for exporters. liquidity problems for forex rate liberalization, “to South African banks cutting power to change Zimbabwe’s While the central bank some time. However, the me, this is a very significant ties with their Zimbabwean economic fortunes. As such, governor stated that bond predictions made by critics and important development counterparts. in trying to find a permanent notes were nothing but an in 2016 began to surface as that Reserve Bank and The fin24 City Press solution to Zimbabwe lifelong export incentive, critics at the bond note rapidly began Government of Zimbabwe reports that South African currency crisis, it is important the time argued that the to fall in value against the US have moved to liberalize the banks who principally supply for the government not to introduction of the bond note Dollar, a currency that it was exchange rate, it is a central Zimbabwean banks with US focus solely on the economic was a plot by the government supposed to be on par with. component of the monetary Dollar notes have been cutting aspect but also to consider to reintroduce the much- At first, the government policy….In my prediction, ties amid fears of being fined the political aspect. maligned Zimbabwe Dollar. tried to turn a blind eye to what we are going to see is a by the United States› Office PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 37 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa Israel vows to develop, transform South Sudan via agriculture By Deng Machol uba - Jewish State of described the project as ‘good Israel has vowed to and effective’ for Africa›s Jdevelop and change youngest nation. South Sudan through “It is a very prestigeous the agriculture sector program that gives students by offers scholarship to the knowledge and know- South Sudanese student in how of agriculture in Israel... agricultural fields. you have lovely youth in South Sudan is amongst South Sudan, you have the selected African countries creatable and energetic able to benefit for the support youth and I have seen that that will be offered by the the ones who returned are government of Israel in doing agriculture. You should numerous fields include; be proud of what you have agriculture, economic and achieved,” Amb. Goder told social development. the press in Juba, during the However, government of first meeting with students. Ambassador of Israel to South Sudan, Hannan Goder. Israel has introduced ‘learns He said the project will and earns’ project for South continue for some years so agriculture. Israel and South Sudan Sudan in 2011, but the East Sudan only. This project is for that his country can achieve “I have seen these people have long bilateral relations Africa country returned to students from South Sudan to its desire to change the face in Israel – I see the signs in in term of strong religion another civil war in 2013. go for agriculture training in of South Sudan in term of their eyes – they wish to do and diplomatic, political Political violence has killed Israel for a year. This project agriculture productivity. agriculture. These young perspectives. The Jewish nearly 400,000 people and started two years ago, with a South Sudan’s deputy people have a long career of State of Israel was amongst displaced 4.5 million people group of 20 students. There minister for Agriculture, doing agriculture and I have the first countries to from their homes, imperiled are currently 80 students, Kornelio Kon Ngu told the seen in many places, they recognize South Sudan as an civilians to severely starvation studying agriculture courses students to go and work hard will do and they will establish independent and sovereign and pangs of hunger. in different colleges in Israel. and bring back the knowledge many projects and this is why Republic when it got its President Kiir and key Israeli Ambassador to to South Sudan to improve we take young people – they independence from Sudan on opposition groups, including South Sudan, Hanan Goder the agriculture sectors. have a long career in front of July 9, 2011. Dr. Riek Machar signed the says next year, they will “We want to change the them and it will take them Israel, though the smallest revitalized peace deal on increase the number to 100 agriculture productivity in five years, maybe ten years country in the world, is September 2018, promising students so that they can be South Sudan so that this but in the long run, these are self–sufficient in terms of to end the five-year conflict, able to change agriculture country can be self – sufficient the people that are the future agriculture. Israel is a major which split a country into production in South Sudan. in agriculture projects,” said of this country. I know, in exporter of fresh produce and ethnic lines. The six months He said, his country is Kon. five years when they come a world-leader in agricultural old peace deal is facing determined to support Adding that that South back, South Sudan can be technologies despite its ‘slow pace’ of its progress South Sudan in the field Sudan should not depend self–sufficient fifty years, unfavorable geographical and due to lack of funding. Next of agriculture in order to on oil as its only source of South Sudan can export food weather conditions. transitional government is improve its food production. income but should develop to neighboring countries,” South Sudan gained expected to be formed in May Ambassador Goder non–oil sectors such as said Amb. Goder. its independence from 2019. In its ongoing political violence, Israel had been accused of selling weapons to South Sudan warring parties. Israel is now coming back to Africa following the visitation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Africa in July 2016 and June 2017, in an effort to rebuild its relationship with Africa PM Netanyahu of Israel with Salva Kiir President of South countries. Ambassador distributing Aid to South Sudanese. Sudan both countries enjoy very fruitful relations. 38 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Africa's Development in the Nest of Global Challenges By Nevson Mpofu

Leaders at a recent African Union Summit. FRICA’S long and sanitation, tertiary and “Conflicts in Africa have led experts and development The political aspect, journey to total commercial infrastructure to economic challenges. Some partners’ note will draw back however, stands between Aemancipation, development. countries were much better Africa’s development Index. lines of no-mutual liberty, civil rights, and The political aspect is the than how they became after This, they prognosticate, will agreements between the Democracy starts with strongest force, ever stronger civil conflicts. This cause Low lead to more harm than ever developed and developing coming up with solutions to in terms of damage done Per Capita Income, economic with the coming of the new nations. Some 1st World politics leading to long-term since the coming of the White decline and dependency on kid on the block. countries are not sticking to and short-term conflicts. people to Africa. However, Primary Commodities.’’ Says AFRICA’s New Kid on the International Protocols on This is the field of all political African countries created Laura Bailey. Block - Climate Change emission reduction. Costs of existing challenges that ignite poverty for themselves Many countries in Africa Climate Change as the mitigation and adaptation civil turmoil which drive through civil wars caused failed to reach targets of the latest phenomenon has therefore increases. On the nations into civil, frontal by unresolved conflicts. Millennium Development its contributions. Africa other hand, political conflicts wars, political displacements, According to Laura Bailey of Goals, MDGs, of the according to the African and civil wars cost Africa 18 and violence. Africa has had the World Bank, some African Millennium Declaration Ministerial Conference on billion annually. To date, much of these disturbances countries were economically launched in 2000. They Environment will lose USD almost 150 billion has been since the beginning of stable before taken over by ended in 2014. From then, 7,15 billion yearly by 2020 gobbled by the sprouting the 19th century. Political African Revolutionaries. the Sustainable Development if mitigation and adaptation of civil wars, conflicts, and acrimony still exists with high GDP Per Capita before and Goals, SDGs came into effect. measures are not put in place. political displacements. prevalence rates. after conflict. ’s comment The main goal is to Conflicts shrink African The Economic field follows on the SDGs’ impact to maintain the adaptation gap nations economy by 15%. with its Democracy of the Country Before After the African Region states and hold warming from 4 To those who have been people to get their basic needs. Rwanda 306 USD 181USD that “if war is the enemy of degrees Celsius to below 2 hunters and watchers of what These are food, shelter, and development, health and degrees Celsius by 2050. If hunters do, maybe through clothing. However, these are Burundi 207 USD 143 USD balanced development is no adaptation is taken in animal movies, witness with far unreachable. Secondly, It DRC 122 USD 103 USD the best form of conflict force, costs will hover around me lions ganged by hungry, is accompanied by the need Guinea 240 USD 176 USD prevention.’’ USD 35 billion per year until angry vultures, hyenas and to get the financial resources Bissau The world has turned to it reaches US50 billion by some scavengers for meat. to build social Infrastructure Sierra 214 USD 150 USD a crescendo of un-ending 2050. This will be a result of It applies the same to the like hospitals, clinics, schools, Leone social, economic and political escalating Global Warming politics of those who liberate colleges, universities, water challenges. These U.N. and Climate Change. others. After that, there comes

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those who wait to criticize, its Labour market still a dark scramble and cause suffering void in its own soil. of innocent people. This is the “Africa’s vision is blurred fate of African politics in the by civil unrests, political phase of modernism. ferments and conflicts Professor Patrick long down settled after its Lumumba has for long resources are driven under preached on Pan-Africanism the subterranean world. In in a bid to make a better fact, we are still a dumping Africa. He cherishes ground of western powers.” democracy like Themba “Yes, we boast of direct and Mliswa, a Zimbabwean representative democracy, politician who is a legislator but where is presidential for Norton, 45 kilometers democracy? This could be out of Harare. Mliswa early where we have a problem with PLO Lumumba. this year in January invited our revolutionary leaders Lumumba from Kenya so who have been alleged in ‘’Do Opposition Parties in -45% killed 20,000 civilians in that he could be hosted at a graft corruption, but at most your country presents viable -44% Matabeleland and Midlands breakfast meeting in Harare opposition has done more alternative vision and plans South Africa-43% Provinces. Financial damage at a local 5-star hotel. harm than good.’’ for the country?’’ Zimbabwe-37% was estimated at Millions “A lot of problems faced To Shingi Munyeza, Although substantial Mauritius-31% because of the war. In 1987 by Africa have been caused a Zimbabwean business figures side claims to support Lesotho-28 %. the two parties settled down by politics of conflicts. Such executive, Africa is still in Opposition, it has been Although 8 in 10 people for a peace settlement called are the kind of Political the hands of revolutionaries assayed that opposition support the opposition for the Unity Accord on 22 conflicts which turn down who liberated their territories stands to have little space in in Zimbabwe, there has December. African economies to levels to make gain political transforming the whole of never been a success of Edgar Tekere former of extreme poverty and independence. At the same the continent. The opposition any opposition party in Minister of the then vulnerability. Colonial time, vultures come to feast has failed in countries the country. In Zimbabwe Manpower, planning and Wars have made former what the Lions have killed. like Zambia, Botswana, Opposition has failed since Economic Development colonizers gain but civil ones “It tells more about who Zimbabwe, Kenya and 1980. The first revolutionary Ministry separated from have made war hosts and does good for the better of Mozambique and recently leader who led the other party the Government to form vectors gain unscrupulously Africa and who rescinds and in Nigeria. They have failed ZAPU PF, which liberated the Zimbabwe Unity Movement at the expense of Africa’s reverse gains Africa gets out through elections. country together with ZANU which was defeated in 300 million vulnerable and of sweat, power, prowess, Handed power like in PF Joshua Nkomo failed to elections in 1995. Ndabaningi poverty-stricken population.” and struggle. The struggle Zambia in 1992, Fredrick overthrow Robert Mugabe in Sithole was also defeated 5 Professor Lumumba said, between two bulls leaves Chiluba, failed to turn around 1980 and 1985 elections. times the rest of his political adding that the grass submerged. Those fortunes of the country, even When ZANU PF won the life in Zimbabwe until his “Remember that Africa is creatures left in the niche are though he had financial elections, Lord Somme’s from death while under house supper of Western powers left angry and hungry. These support and political Britain who managed the arrest after being suspected to on the table. We are still are the people at large. This is back-up. The Survey has a election encouraged peace, have planned to assassinate under political and economic the Africa we see today after suggestive quote, “after losing unity, reconciliation and hard Mugabe. Another party led by siege of the west. Erstwhile gaining our Independence.’’ elections opposition parties work to develop the newly a woman, Zimbabwe Union colonizers still put a casting an A qualitative survey must be the watchdogs. independent State. of Democrats failed in 1995 eye on us. The west is the host carried by Afro-Barometer They must monitor, criticize ‘’I encourage the two until MDC was formed in still sucking Africa’s blood. At poses questions still not for transparency and parties to remain focused 1999. the same time, we are vectors yet answered. These were accountability’’. towards peace, unity, and These political disturbances sucked blood through the presented after 9 [nine] Afro-Barometer Survey reconciliation. You still have a contributed to the failure opposition parties used by countries in Africa presented in 9 SADC Countries Lies journey to build your country. of the Economic Structural these powers.’’ figures with a special focus in Line with the Question, I Robert Mugabe of ZANU PF Adjustment Program, Professor Lumumba sees on ruling parties versus repeat ‘’Does opposition in has won with 57%, ZAPU brainchild of Bernard the Pan-African vision taking opposition. These opposing your country presents viable PF Joshua Nkomo 20% and Chidzero in 1985. Chidzero long to see a new rising sun parties hunger political alternative vision and plan UANC Bishop Abel Muzorewa was by then the Minister of in the azure blue sky in the power, but do they have for the country?’’ 3%. Therefore, Robert Finance. After that several clear dawn of a fully liberated the alacrity to turn Africa’s Madagascar----62% agree Mugabe is here-by sworn in economic frameworks, continent. Africa, he adds, fortunes? In what is termed, that opposition is capable of as the Prime Minister of Black policies and programs were has intellectuals, experts in Perception of Opposition New Revolutionary Change. Independent Zimbabwe’’. implemented. They dismally every cardinal and ordinal Viability in SADC, the Malawi-58% The election results caused failed in the face of resistance, point but brain drain leaves question hovers in the air. Mozambique-52% a bloody civil war which rile and anger of the people. 40 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Freshly backed events cooked Fredrick, the Late. by MDC since 1999 rose to Kenneth Kaunda who led ascend to challenges which Zambia to Independence compelled Robert Mugabe in 1964 from British never to form a Government of changed fortunes of the National Unity of 2009, ten country until Fredrick years down the line. Nothing Chiluba a Labour Unionist came out of the Unison came to power in 1991 with between the two parties. his party MMD. Still, he failed Mugabe would always to deliver and transform the shout. “MDC will never rule economy though Zambia is this country. We are not to one of the leading copper hand power back to Britain producers in the World. ruled by Blair. The Blair I In the 1991 elections, know is a toilet. Let us keep there were no military and Raila Odinga taking the oath in Nairobi .The opposition in Africa is often. our sovereignty. Zimbabwe Revolutionary action. Kaunda will never be a colony again’’. showed political participation opposition in Africa, but Felix The Sudan issue is of dead people, maimed, BOTSWANA and mutual understanding Tshisekedi must deliver in elongating suffering of disabled and displaced. Botswana a Protectorate by peacefully handing over a new model format to help millions of people. The Some are foreign political was never colonized but just power to Fredrick Chiluba, restore this. Political Analysts World is looking at it. The and migrant refugees and under control of the British the morrow-day after his blame Joseph Kabila for same was with Ethiopia and workers. Sir Seretse Khama in 1964. defeat. Zambia has never his long stay in power. This Eritrea. Africa is still in a The Nigerian election has Had to travel to Britain experienced a civil war but is totalitarianism which is debt worth US 125 million gone peacefully but it is the to claim Independence of mismanagement and much mostly robbed by monarchists with corruption costing it continent’s largest populated Botswana from the Queen. control under foreigners who support “ever-lasting 90 million in losses incurred nation with 165 million He made a first Historic social has crippled the economy. power of a leader”. over recent years. Much people recorded by the last cohesion when he married a Economic decline was heavily Politicians take Kabila as still needs to be looked at in census. South of the Sahara, White lady. caused by spiraling debt to the a Leader who had adopted line and terms of Economic, countries are hard hit by crisis The Revolutionary Party IMF. Chiluba faced massive dictatorship political lifestyles Infrastructural development, of natural disasters build in has a motto “There is still challenges which made and antics meant to support improvement in water by Global Warming leading no alternative’’. It simply people’s political perceptions tyranny. According to Larry and sanitation, Health, to climate change, Elnina, low shows the watching eye of to change suddenly with Diamond, these are in line Education, Agriculture, food rains, and Lanina high rains. the political party squints opposition political and with political accountability, security and humanitarian All leads to extreme poverty on their country supported economy servo-mechanism transparency in leadership, work. and hunger. UN Sustainable by several British interests until this very day. fairness and civil protection Still, the wind blows deeper Development Goals are with big businesses in it. Malawi from political insurgency. into its center of conflict looking at the success of these However, opposition made it The problem with some of Africa as a Whole bringing to date millions by 2030. in the past election in 2014. our revolutionists is greedy, The continent Votes declined to 46,7%. political avarice which from North to This is the lowest level ever leads to dictatorship in South, East to West since 1964. Almost 44% Africa. Political dictatorship is in a crescendo of supported opposition a sign is heavily opposed by dark shadows as to show voter indifference. presidential, Liberal and in the world watches The Umbrella for Democratic fact at all criticism all forms the activities in Change, UDC, has 3 political of democracy. Kamuzu Banda Cameron where parties which are expected to was the first leader in Africa there is a division make headway into power in to declare himself a lifetime of the English- 2019 elections. President. He, however, speaking people The union of the parties failed after he was challenged and the rot fight reduced voter splitting. by Chapfukwa Chihana who with the French Botswana Congress Party is was overtaken by Bakili speakers. This under heavy challenge in 2019 Muluzi. Kamuzu was born on could separate elections as there is bright February 15, 1898 and died relations between speculation of an opposition on 25 November 1997 at a the two countries, victory. Afro-Barometer has Hospital in South Africa. Britain and France much confidence in political Democratic Republic of if at all costs it opposition now and in the Congo goes deep down in future years. DRC elections have political ferment ZAMBIA under Chiluba retained the confidence of and acrimony. PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 41 PANInside AFRICAN Africa VISIONs BroughtInside to you by Africa

24 - 25 June 2019 Paris, France


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42 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs China-Cameroon bromance: In who's interest? By Amos Fofung N.

fail to rush to multipurpose Sports Complex date, information as to how China, whom in Yaounde, state-of-the-art much China is benefiting he describes as Kribi Deep Seaport in the from its direct investments a “real friend”, South Region, the stadia in Cameroon is hard to come every now and scattered throughout the by. And though Cameroon is then. nation, the hydroelectricity somehow ripping some gains Sino- dams under construction or now from their ties, many Cameroon rehabilitation, improvement fear Cameroon, just like many cooperation in rubber plantations, ongoing other African states might get has been construction of express roads hooked-up in a debt-trap in cemented with and the embellishment of the future. the penning country›s industrial fabric During Paul Biya’s state of several among others. Cameroonian visit to China in March agreements markets are flooded with 2018, Cameroon secured Paul Biya of Cameroon and Xi Jinping of China enjoy close ties, but at consisting Chinese products ranging five cooperation agreements. what cost? of technical, from fabric to electronics. According to the economy After doing business with stands to benefit. Could Africa cultural, medical, trade According to the statistics minister’s statements Europe for decades, the be giving blank cheques to and tourism cooperation. from the United Nations reported by Cameroon coming of China ushered China? Economists continue Protocols for military Conference on Trade and Tribune, thanks to these in a new era into Africa’s to scrutinize the stakes. training, promotion and Development, UNCTAD, cooperation agreements, international trade dealings. In recent years, the Sino- mutual protection of between 2000 and 2014, in 2019, Cameroon will be Many African states quickly Africa cooperation continues investments, political Cameroon benefitted of granted donations of CFA334 dumped their Western to grow with China pumping consultations as well as the FCFA 1,850 billion of foreign billion franc. Another CFA84 trade partners, embracing in billions of dollars in reciprocal exemption from direct investment from billion will be granted over “mother” China, whose Africa with one of its huge visa requirement for holders China. Mathematically, this the three coming years. enormous presence in Africa benefactors being Cameroon. of diplomatic or service represents about 67 percent Earlier this year, China has not been well received Even though diplomatic passports also exist. of foreign direct investment, wrote off some $5.2 billion, by other world powers. Some relations between Cameroon Today, China is present making China the first about 3 trillion Central interpreting China’s presence and China dates to 1971, the everywhere in Cameroon and investor in Cameroon. African CFA franc, of as more political than last two decades witnessed an is determined to be for a very Most of Cameroon’s Cameroon’s debts but business. unprecedented presence of long time. Their investment project directed towards the preferred to downplay the Most African heads of the Asian superpower. and aids have won the hearts achievements of its vision matter until it was brought to states today rush with their In March 2018 in Beijing, of many. Talk of China and 2035, the year which the light by a news report forcing “leaky-begging” bowls to Chinese president, Xi Jinping Cameroonians will quickly country aims at becoming the government to speak out. Beijing and return all smiles. Called his Cameroonian think of the imposing a developing economy, is Many have and continue to The annual forum on China- counterpart «a senior African Conference Centre and financed by China. But till question why the secrecy? Africa Cooperation sets leader and an old friend of the pace for such dealings. China,» Xi said Cameroon In 2018, China promised is an important partner of to provide $60 billion in China in Africa. financial support to Africa. In about 48 years of The Asian giant has cooperation with Cameroon, also engaged in a massive the Asian giant is among cancelation of debts in the the highest financiers of continent. But what really development ventures, bugs most economists is providing funding and what China’s interest is? The expertise for most projects. secrecy of the economic- Since establishing giant is perhaps what pushes diplomatic relations on 26 African heads of states to do March 1971, cooperation business with them. China’s between the Republic of loans to Africa are regarded Cameroon and the People›s as donations with no clear- Republic of China is sky cut impetus as to what China rocking and Paul Biya doesn’t Kribi deep sea port received a 207 billion CFA franc concession loan from Exim bank China PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 43 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa

Yaounde multipurpose sports complex constructed by China President Paul Biya and Chinese investors at the Unity Palace in Yaounde. In September 2018, increasingly criticized over its receiving Belt and Road large is often termed as a imbalance between China and Chinese President Xi Jinping debt-heavy deals in Africa. funds. An Initiative geared “debt-trap diplomacy” Africa African countries is reflective is quoted by media reports to A study by the Center at simplifying and increasing heads of state prefer to of neocolonialism. But this have told African leaders that for Global Development, cross-border trade by regard it as a much-needed hasn’t stopped China as she China’s investments on the a US thinktank, found connecting more than 65 investment, catalyst to continues to dig deep, moving continent have “no political “serious concerns” about the countries in Asia, Europe, Africa’s development. further east, extending its strings attached” and are not sustainability of sovereign and Africa. But to some western hold of the African economy for “vanity projects”. This debt in eight Asian, European Though Chinese presence powers, the fundamental regarded by economists as came about as Beijing is and African countries in Cameroon and Africa at economic and power tomorrow’s market. South Sudan: Donors need more confidence building to fund peace deal – UN official says By Deng Machol

uba – UN officials mission in this country say the international today.” Jcommunity or donors She said the international need more confidence community has already building measures from invested significant amount South Sudanese warring of money for peace in South parties to fund the latest Sudan. revitalized peace deal signed “If that peacekeepers on September 2018. mission wasn’t there, we President Kiir and the will be quite worried, but key opposition leaders, UNMISS itself is anticipating including Riek Machar inked or demonstrating that the a deal for the second time international community last year, aimed to end the Ahunna Eziakonwa and her delegation with President Kiir in Juba. is standing by South Sudan five-year old conflict which Ms. Ahunna Eziakonwa, funded the war in this South Sudan – we must have in quest for peace,” said killed nearly 400,000 people Assistant Secretary General country should [also] fund the same conversation about Eziakonwa. and displaced 4.5 million and UNDP Africa Bureau the peace,” said Eziakonwa in where the money comes Eziakonwa further said people from their homes. Director, who wrapped up the press conference in Juba. from to cater for the peace the international community But the six-month-old deal her visit to South Sudan in “So, it is important for us as agenda,” she added. wants some signals and is handicapped by shortage February, indicated that the the international community, “It is a national indications that all the parties of funds for implementation. international community but also South Sudan as a determination for peace,” said to the peace are serious about Recently, President Kiir’s needs more confidence and nation, to ask the question, Eziakonwa. Of course, peace the peace deal. administration announced trust from South Sudanese where did money come from is also the responsibility of “There is irreversibility that it will start taxing civil leaders to fund a peace for the war and if there is a the international community that is linked to this peace servants to secure money for accord. coalition and unified views, which is why we have one agreement since they had in peace implementation. “I think, those who have then it is a time for peace in of the largest peacekeepers the past been disappointed in 44 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs the previous initiative,” said Eziakonwa said they will be see us working on the issue Eziakonwa. She argued that clear as it is the only peace of democracy and, also no person can force them, deal on the table so far. the issue of justice, and asking for more funds.” “It may be imperfect but it financial management,” said On August 2015, President is important to acknowledge Eziakonwa. Kiir and Dr. Machar signed that step has been taken,” Ms. Eziakonwa, who visited the peace deal, funded by the said Eziakonwa. Wau and Yambio respectively, international community but The international said she was very impressed it has been violated within community, particularly with the strengths of the some months, something that troika countries have been people at large. ‘disappointed the donors.” seen detached themselves “ We are really inspired Ahunna Eziakonwa says the UN looks forwards to The UNDP Africa Affairs from this Khartoum – by the determination of engaging with South Sudanese and partners to put the Bureau Director says the backing peace deal. the population we meet, to country back on the rails. donors want to see first a The analysts said this take control of their lives…. Secretary General, and building. full commitment from South peace deal is owned by South heal from the wounds of the UNDP Crisis Bureau Director “Obviously, this country Sudanese warring parties. Sudanese, so, leaders should past….to reconcile in their acknowledged that there are never had a chance “What we are hearing is render oil cash for peace communities and collectively many opportunities for South to build a nation. It is that they [donors] want more implementation rather than build back their lives,” said Sudan to return to normalcy. important for conversation dialogue, first able what is to solicit from donors. Eziakonwa. So, finding that “There is still skepticism, around citizenship so that going to come in South Sudan The RJMEC had earlier spirit of willingness to pick however, I feel that it is a nationhood comes quickly so in terms of commitment. expressed concerns about the up from where they were role of the UNDP to turn that that the people have a sense What are mechanisms for slow pace of peace progress, and move on their own… around and then consolidate of unified South Sudan,” said procession this funds. Many stressing that ‘time is fast is something I found very peace and help with support,” Eziakonwa. Adding “there is of them [donors] that we running out and several encouraging and something said Okai. not yet a unity in this country, spoke to, says not necessary targets have been missed’ due that opens eyes to the fact South Sudanese have been so the ‘united South Sudan to make a peace agreement to lack of funds. that, there is opportunity to traumatized by the political must be born.” about money because that Invest in people build in this country and to war over the years, which To be a nation, Eziakonwa could also come with defiles… Eziakonwa, however assist and to bring assistant the UNDP officials says they said the leadership become a source of tension unveiled that investing in because there are people needs to be stabilized by the should focus more on the between the parties. If it is the people is critical for the to build…. there are South parties to the peace. reconciliation aspects so about money…They [donors] sustainable peace process Sudanese who have much, “This population has to that they cannot allow these are watching very careful.” in South Sudan, investing who have knowledge, who be stabilized – the people grievances to continue to “I think, with more in peace should go beyond want change, who want have suffered mostly in the dominate in the future. discussions, more funding to include building peace, who are passionate years of conflict, they deserve South Sudan gained her conversations, more confidence of the population about this…. we found this stabilization …. They deserve independence in 2011 from confidence builds between the in the peace process. in women, as well as youth services … they deserve Khartoum regimes after two two sides in the process, we She said the UNDP is and even ex-combatants who opportunity to recover … to decades of the longest - civil might see more contribution working with government came out of bushes and are go back to their homes and war in Africa. Born with for this peace agreement to improve public finance hungry for skills that they reconstruct their lives,” said great expectations from the implementation from the management to ensure want now to contribute to Eziakonwa. people, these expectations partners, so I don’t think, it is services reach the people as building peace rather than “I think, it is important faded away after the country a close-door,” Eziakonwa told they recover from the political war,” Eziakonwa said. for peace to be sustained, so, returned to another cycle of journalists in Juba. violence. On the other hand, Ms. we must make sure peace political violence in 2013, From the UN side, Ms. “In this sense, you will Asako Okai, Assistant agreement has evidence for something that “stunned the the population at large, that it world.” is not just agreement between In spite of the revitalized leaders and as well as power- peace deal, fighting continues sharing arrangement but the across the country, therefore, impact of the agreement itself the lifecycle of this peace deal is felt in the communities is yet to be determined. Due and in the camps,” said the to the new developments in UNDP Africa Director. the country, the parties are Nationhood building also witnessing splinters, and Ms. Eziakonwa said the wrangling for seats in the next inclusivity of other parties transitional government, due and civilians in the peace to be formed in May 2019. process is eminent so that Ahunna Eziakonwa and the delegation were inspired in the determination of the youth in Sudan to be part of the positive change. it can yield to nationhood PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 45 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa Just Waiting for the Next Miracle: Pastors and the Phenomenon of Hitting it Big in Africa By Primus Tazanu* supernatural realm. And with of the state, the pastors are this comes the belief that emboldened to accumulate miracle pastors in Africa are enough power to frighten just the indispensable connectors everyone. And some followers between the suffering human are prepared to defend Men and a God that must be of God at all cost, drawing invoked to serve man. arguments from an assumed This is how we can partly superiority of the sacred. explain why the pastors have In the aftermath of the gained enormous power resurrection controversy in within certain religious South Africa, the activities of circles and the society at Men of God once more became large. And they do not public debate. Particularly in hesitate in displaying this connection to the misconduct power opportunistically: of two renowned pastors (one intruding into their followers’ accused of rape and the other Pastor Alph Lukau s church has been called out for performing fake miracles. marital life and businesses, for money laundering), some t is late February 2019 and any existing standards. accessing supernatural in frightening politicians by of the clergymen argued that a pastor based in South Come to think of the ways that are humanly far- doing political prophesies, a secular government does IAfrica hits it big when he plethora of distractions fetched. Arduous as this engaging in all forms of not have powers to regulate resurrects a dead man. Pastor on social media that are task may be, the miracle sexual pleasures ranging the church: the sacred is more Alph Lukau brings Elliot generally ignored and then pastors take the challenge to from extramarital affairs powerful than the secular, (real name: Brighton Moyo) this: countless comments alter or control the future. to sexual harassments and so to speak. In fact, when back to life but it does not – supportive and critical – It is all about the future, the rapes, rationalizing the the two pastors accused of take long before the pastor on an image when a pastor unknown, and the impossible. wealth they accumulate at misconduct were facing the admits the resurrected man performs a miracle. These Whether they deliver the the expense of their followers, law, i.e. at the time they were was, in fact, not dead. But comments indicate that expected results is a matter etc. For anyone familiar being tried, many people this is not the point I will people have deep emotional of speculation but come to with Pentecostal Christians, wrote on social media that pursue in this article. I am and psychological investment think of the significance of the especially in West Africa, they believed only God, not interested in highlighting in what goes on in the bodily displays in deliverance it has become an accepted man, could judge these Men the fact that a miracle- churches. They are interested and healing scenes as well as practice for pastors to act of God. hungry public in Africa has in what the pastors (can) the positive (and sometimes, as consultants, validating This narrative suggests a pushed the narrative of the do in a tightly competitive praising) testimonies about the activities of dedicated different standard of justice miraculous which in turn religious market where a powerful Man of God – a followers from bedroom to for the pastors, the seemingly places pastors (mainly male) the leaders gain attention, title indicating the pastor’s the boardroom. purer members of the society. under enormous pressure recognition and contempt by apparent proximity to God. Men of God in Africa The reverse thinking would to perform miracles by all how they succeed in making Staging miracles is one operate in spaces that mean the Men of God should means necessary. the unseen ordinary. And the of the ways in which the are loosely regulated. be the ones making judgment A pastor hits it big when he results must be visible to the pastors stay relevant to Whether for fear of God, on the society. One must attracts attention to himself; human eye. their followers. We learn the churches, the pastors or thus not doubt why they a video of his performance Now, the race is on for from watching the images of their followers, the deeds of consider themselves superior is circulated on the media them, while competing miracles and the testimonies these Men of God are largely and often display traits of which in turn exposes him to with other pastors, to that the Men of God are unquestioned and unchecked insubordination; their claims the public. A miracle that hits prove they can venture invested with the task of by most governments in and practices are partly big is one of the surest ways into the supernatural and making the ordinary mystical Africa. It is only when supported by the society that of gaining more followers seek solutions for people’s and the mystical ordinary. controversial practices come provides a foundation on and thus, resources. Even expectations. Seen from this Images depicting miracles to the limelight that these which they stand. as Pentecostal practices of angle, the contemporary – healings, deliverances, government join the public to It would be enlightening miracles in churches have miracle pastors are a product resurrections, writhing voice their opinion as is the to shed more light on why been normalized in Africa, of the society. They are bodily movements of case in South Africa where the states in Africa are reluctant images such as pastor produced because society possessed individuals – president wants the churches in regulating the burgeoning Lukau’s resurrecting a dead needs them to instantly are a demonstration of the to be regulated. Because churches/pastors: the man are seen as extreme by perform the unusual, through pastors’ feat in accessing the of this lukewarm position churches and Men of God 46 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 Inside Africa PAN AFRICAN VISIONs

Prophet T.B. Joshua famously predicted the victory of Hillary Prophet Shepherd Bushiri was recently arrested in South Africa Clinton in the 2016 U.S elections. for fraud and money laundering related charges. perform palliative roles for performance of miracles, massive wealth and symbols and disseminating the ______citizens within a context of healings and deliverances of success that their pastors miracles are aplenty and *Dr Primus M. Tazanu is socioeconomic and political as a prosperity gospel display. Doesn’t it sound pastors avidly use these a senior Guest Researcher at downturn. Leaders who are package: pastors basically logical that such successful technologies to reach a wider the Centre of African Studies, unable or unwilling to provide exorcise individuals of men could provide a means audience. And because the University of Copenhagen, better conditions of living for any malevolent forces that for anyone who is desperate Men of God are produced Denmark. Some of his key their citizens are more than forestall their socioeconomic to access wealth? by the society and operate research focus is on the digital pleased when a large chunk advancement. A large To conclude: new media in spaces that are hardly media, transnationalism, of the population turns to proportion of those who technologies are changing regulated, we just have to Pentecostal representations. the church and pastors for subscribe to the prosperity the ways in which we access wait – on social media – to socioeconomic remedies. gospel live in a world where miracles performed in see when one of them hits it Scholars have generally their painful struggle to stay churches. The technologies big by performing the next looked at the narrative and alive is contrasted by, say, the and techniques of capturing (bogus) miracle. Coalition deal in DR Congo gives Kabila influence on new government By Jean-Pierre Afadhali he DR Congo’s took 342 of the 485 available government deal parliament seats in the Tbetween president December election. Felix Tshisekedi and former This represents the strong man Joseph Kabila’s overwhelming majority at 70 coalition could give Mr. percent of the parliamentary Kabila influence in the vote which would make central African country’s difficult for Tshisekedi to political affairs, despite his push for any reform agenda candidate’s defeat in the last through the parliament. year’s elections. In a joint statement quoted Many people familiar with by AFP, Tshisekedi and DR Congo’s politics believe Kabila said that although the new coalition government the «FCC holds an absolute will return Mr. Kabila to majority in the National power given that his political Assembly» to reflect the will coalition will play a role of the people expressed in the Story 22 Pic 1.The president that I am will not accept being a president who in the new administration poll, the FCC and the CACH reigns but does not govern says Tshisekedi.jpg thus dashing away hopes for are affirming «their common change. announcing he would not run Tshisekedi’s Cap pour le dynamics meant that the two will to govern together as part Last year Mr. Kabila had for the third term in office. Changement, (CACH), groups” had to jointly agree of a coalition government». several times stated he Kabila’s Common Front for in a letter dated March 6 on the next Premier”. However, some Congolese would not quit politics after Congo, (FCC), and President agreed that current political Kabila’s coalition, FCC and other observers believe PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 47 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs Inside Africa

Former President Kabila and his successor Felix Tshisekedi during the inauguration Do not betray the people Dr Denis Mukwege is warning ceremony in Kinshasa. Photo Olivia Acland Reuters. President Tshisekedi

the deal will allow former DR in the country. human rights violation. administration, according to am will not accept being a Congo president to return in “Despite the signing of However, in his last major some observers. president who reigns but politics, yet many expected agreements between your speech in the National Meanwhile, the runner-up doesn›t govern.» he said. change following the historic political platform Cap pour Assembly, former president presidential elections Martin According to DR Congo’s peaceful power transfer. le Changement (CACH) and presented an impressive Fayulu still claims he won the constitution, the Prime The Congolese Nobel Peace that of the former president, performance in various highly disputed polls. Fayulu Minister comes from the prize winner Denis Mukwege Front Commun pour le sectors. However, the was credited with 34.8 per majority in Parliament but said in a statement that the Congo (FCC), it is not (too) achievements cited and cent of the vote against 38.5 the President has the final say coalition deal could be a late for you (…) to recover,” numbers used to back them per cent for Tshisekedi. over the candidate chosen. betrayal to the Congolese Dr. Mukwege was quoted as have not been independently Some analysts have In early March the United people, saying Tshisekedi saying. verified. previously said before the States of America, one of should bring about changes. One of reforms the new The Nobel Peace prize announced deal that Joseph DR Congo’s largest partner “You must avoid betraying president has announced winner further urged Kabila was the real “victor” of sanctioned top electoral the Congolese people’s is the release of political Tshisekedi to establish a last year’s elections. officials including Corneille desire for real and profound prisoners but some are political partnership that According to AFP, the Nanga, the chairman of change,” noted the famous skeptical saying Tshisekedi would allow him “to fully statement about the coalition the country’s electoral Congolese gynecologist will not implement the assume the prerogatives of deal followed a visit to commission. nicknamed “The man who decision. the office of President of Namibia when Tshisekedi Joseph Kabila ruled the repairs women”. The previous the Republic (…) without expressed his frustration at DRC for 18 years following The medical Doctor who administration was rocked constraint from those who “being unable to assemble a the assassination of his father is also a pastor added in his by insecurity in many parts managed poorly yesterday”. majority to back his choice for in 2001. statement that it was not too of the country, corruption, This was an apparent prime minister”. late to change the governance infrastructure gaps and reference to Kabila’s «The president that I

48 PAV - MAR. 2019 - MAG 0319 Vol 2 PAN AFRICAN VISIONs



WHO WE ARE: The Africa Gas Association sponsors and participates in a number of forums, partnerships and coalitions to foster dialogue on energy policy and achieve a better understanding of natural gas in Africa.

OUR VISION: The Africa Gas Association is the leading voice of the natural gas and energy industry in Africa. It seeks to become one of the most influential and respectful organizations in the global natural gas and energy industry.

OUR MISSION: TAGA’s mission is to influence and support policies which promote a strong, viable and sustainable natural gas industry in Africa and beyond in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner.

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