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2007 Mar; 28 (3): I–Iii Acta Pharmacol Sin 2007 Mar; 28 (3): i–iii Acknowledgements to Reviewers The Editorial Board of the Acta Pharmacologica Sinica wishes to thank the following scientists for their unique contribu- tion to this journal in reviewing the papers from October to December in 2006 (including papers published and rejected). ABBATE, Antonio (Richmond) CHEN, Ruei-ming (Taipei) GLINKA, Yelena (Toronto) ABDEL-RAHMAN, Abdel A (Greenville) CHEN, Sheng-hsuan (Taipei) GONG, Xing-guo (Hangzhou) AGATONOVIC-KUSTRIN, Snezana (Perth) CHEN, Xiao-chun (Baltimore) GOSENS, Reinoud (Groningen) AHN, Cheol-hee (Seoul) CHEN, Yan (Wuhan) GRANADOS-SOTO, Vinicio (México DF) AHN, Yong-ho (Seoul) CHEN, Yen-chou (Taipei) GU, Jing-kai (Changchun) AKAGI, Reiko (Soja) CHEN, Yi-yue (Guangzhou) GU, Jun (Beijing) AKIBA, S (Kyoto) CHEN, Zhi-nan (Xi'an) GU, Zhen-lun (Suzhou) ALBERT, Philippe (Reims) CHEN, Zhong (Hangzhou) GUAN, Xin-yuan (Hong Kong) ALTIOK, Nedret (Istanbul) CHENG, Yih-shyun Edmond (Taipei) GUAN, Zhi-zhong (Stockholm) ARANTES, EC (Ribeirão Preto) CHENG, Yung-chi (New Haven) GUDELSKY, Gary (Cincinnati) ARNI, R K (Sao Jose do Rio Preto) CHIOU, Tzeon-jye (Taipei) GUH, Jih-hwa (Taipei) AZAR, R R (Beirut) CHOI, Jun-shik (Gwangju) GUO, De-an (Beijing) BA, Xue-qing (Changchun) CHOQUET, Daniel (Bordeaux) GUO, Ning (Beijing) BAŚKIEWICZ-MASIUK, Magdale (Szczecin) CHUNG, Jing-gung (Taichung) GUO, Qing-long (Nanjing) BACKS, Johannes (Dallas) CHUNG, Suk-jae (Seoul) GUO, Ya-jun (Shanghai) BAE, Yoe-sik (Busan) CICCARELLI, Renata (Chieti) GUO, Zhi-hong (Hong Kong) BAI, Dong-lu (Shanghai) CORREIA-PINTO, Jorge (Braga) HAEFLIGER, JA (Lausanne) BAI, Chun-xue (Shanghai) CUI, Liao (Zhanjiang) HAHM, Ki-baik (Seongnam) BALLERINI, Patrizia (Chieti) CUI, Zong-jie (Beijing) HAN, Guo-zhu (Dalian) BATTEN, Trevor Francis (Leeds) CÂMARA, Niels Olsen Saraiva (São Paulo) HAN, Xiao (Nanjing) BEMEUR, Chantal (Montreal) DAI, De-zai (Nanjing) HANTZ, Sebastien (Limoges) BENEDETTI, Margherita Strolin (Nanterre) DAI, Li-cheng (Huzhou) HAO, Wei (Changsha) BERGADO, J (La Habana) DAI, Yue (Nanjing) HE, Qun (Changsha) BERGER, W (Vienna) DE ANDRADE, Tiago Gomes (Macei) HE, Xian-hui (Guangzhou) BIERHAUS, Angelika (Heidelberg) DE LA CRUZ, JP (Málaga) HEINLOTH, Alexandra Natalie BOGLER, Oliver (Houston) DESHPANDE, VS (Los Angeles) (Rearch Triangle Park) BOOZ, George W (Temple) DHINGRA, Dinesh (Hisar) HEYSER, Charles J (Lancaster) BOTERO, Tatiana M (Ann Arbor) DOU, Gui-fang (Beijing) HOCHT, Christian (Buenos Aires) BUENO, Pablo (Granada) DU, Guan-hua (Beijing) HONG, Tao (Stanford) CAI, Lu (Louisville) DU, Jun-bao (Beijing) HSU, Shih-lan (Taichung) CAMPO, Giuseppe Maurizio (Messina) DU, Li-zhong (Hangzhou) HU, Chang-ping (Changsha) CANCELAS, Jose A (Cincinnati) DUAN, Da-yue (Reno) HU, Guo-yuan (Shanghai) CAO, Cheng-xi (Shanghai) EHRHARDT, Carsten (Dublin) HU, Shen-jiang (Hangzhou) CAO, Jun (Kunming) ENGELI, Stefan (Berlin) HU, Yi-yang (Shanghai) CAO, Ya (Changsha) ERTL, G (Wuerzburg) HU, Zhi-an (Chongqing) CELEC, Peter (Bratislava) ESTE, Jose (Badalona) HU, Zhuo-wei (Beijing) CHAN, Shun-wan (Hung Hom) FANG, Jing (Shanghai) HUANG, Cheng-hsiung (Taipei) CHAN, Wen-hsiung (Tao-Yuan) FANG, Xiao-ling (Shanghai) HUANG, Guang-cun (San Francisco) CHAN, Wing-bun (Hong Kong) FARKAS, Eszter (Szeged) HUANG, Wei-da (Shanghai) CHANG, Zhi-jie (Beijing) FENOGLIO, Carla (Pavia) HUANG, Xu-pei (Boca Raton) CHEN, Fa-ming (Xi’an) FRANCI, CR (Ribeirão Preto) HUNG, Chen-road (Tainan) CHEN, Fen-er (Shanghai) FREIRE, Manuel (Santiago de Compostela) IANCU, Theodore C (Haifa) CHEN, Gui-hai (Hefei) FRICKER, Gert (Heidelberg) IKEJIMA, Takashi (Shenyang) CHEN, Hong (Beijing) FRITSCHE, Thomas R (North Liberty) ISAKA, M (Little Rock) CHEN, Hong (Shanghai) FROTA, Mario (Porto Alegre) IVERSEN, Per Ole (Oslo) CHEN, Jian-guo (Wuhan) GAO, Tian-ming (Guangzhou) IWANAGA, Yoshitaka (Kyoto) CHEN, Jing (Shanghai) GAO, Yu-jing (Hamilton) JECHLINGER, Wolfgang (Vienna) CHEN, Ming-dao (Shanghai) GARCIA-LOPEZ, Patricia (México DF) JENG, JH (Taipei) CHEN, Qi-min (Tianjin) GENG, Mei-yu (Qingdao) JI, Yong-hua (Shanghai) ©2007 CPS and SIMM i Acknowledgements to Reviewers Acta Pharmacologica Sinica ISSN 1671-4083 JIANG, Bing-hua (Shanghai) LI, Wen-xin (Wuhan) MOK, Vincent CT (Hong Kong ) JIANG, Jia-hua (Indianapolis) LI, Xiao-hui (Chongqing) MONTEIRO, Hugo P (São Paulo) JIANG, Yong-qiang (Beijing) LI, Yi-gang (Shanghai) MONTESSUIT, Christophe (Geneva) JIANG, Yu-yang (Beijing) LI, Yun-man (Nanjing) MORALES, Ana I (Salamanca) JIANG, Zheng-lin (Nantong) LI, Yun-qing (Xi’an) MORENO JR, Heitor (São Paulo) JIANG-YONG, Min (Boston) LI, Zong-hai (Shanghai) MOSS, GP (Hatfield) JIN, Tuo (Sahnghai) LIANG, Shu-mei (Taipei) MOUSCADET, Jean-francois (Cachan) JIN, Xi-lu (Shanghai) LIAO, Duan-fang (Hengyang) MURAMATSU, Takashi (Nisshin) JING, Yang (Wuhan) LIAW, Jia-horng (Taipei) MURILLO, M Divina (Zaragoza) JONG, Ting-ting (Taichung) LIN, Alex TL (Taipei) MUTH, Eric R (Clemson) KAHL, Regine (Düsseldorf) LIN, Chen (Beijing) NAEIJE, R (Brussels) KAHN, Henry S (Atlanta) LIN, Jaung-geng (Taipei) NEUREITER, D (Salzburg) KANETO, Hideaki (Suita) LIN, Li-ping (Shanghai) OHRMANN, Patricia (Muenster) KANG, In-chol (Gwangju) LIN, Shwu-jiuan (Taipei) OLIVEIRA, Joacir Stolarz (São Paulo) KANG, Keon Wook (Gwangju) LIN, Teng-nan (Taipei) PAIK, Soon Young (Seoul) KE, Zun-ji (Shanghai) LIN, Yuh-ling (Taipei-Hsien) PAN, Min-hsiung (Kaohsiung) KESSON, Alison Margaret (Westmead) LING, Thomas KW (Hong Kong) PAROMOV, Victor M (Johnson City) KIM, Jin Won (Seoul) LISOWSKA, K (Lodz) PASSINO, Claudio (Pisa) KIM, Sang Chan (Daegu) LIU, Bi-cheng (Nanjing) PEREDA, Jaime Sixto (Santiago) KLEIN, J (Amarillo) LIU, Biing-hui (Taichung) PERIS, José Esteban (Burjassot) KO, Kam Ming (Hong Kong) LIU, Cheng-hai (Shanghai) PESSOA-PUREUR, Regina (Porto Alegre) KOCIC, Ivan (Gdansk) LIU, Cheng-tzu (Taichung) PITT, William G (Provo) KODAMA, Masaaki (Yufu) LIU, Geng-tao (Beijing) QI, Xian-rong (Beijing) KOLETTIS, Theofilos M (Ioannina) LIU, Hong (Shanghai) QIN, Wen-xin (Shanghai) KOZUBEK, Stanisla (Brno) LIU, Shing-hwa (Taipei) QIN, Zheng-hong (Suzhou) KRALOVEC, Jaroslav A (Dartnouth) LIU, Jian-ning (Nanjing) QU, Yi (Chengdu) KRAUS, Ludwig (München) LIU, Jie (Research Triangle Park) RASOULI, Mehdi (Sari) KULIK, Akos (Freiburg) LIU, Wen-guang (Tianjin) RAZ, Itamar (Jerusalem) KUNEŠ, Jaroslav (Prague ) LIU, Xiao-dong (Nanjing) REN, Jun (Laramie) KUO, Jip (Taipei) LIU, Xiao-quan (Nanjing) REN, Lei-ming (Shijiazhuang) KURIHARA, Hiroshi (Guangzhou) LIU, Xue-li (Hangzhou) RICHARD, Sylvain Julien (Montpellier cedex 5) KWOK, Ching Fai (Taipei) LIU, Yi-wen (Chiayi) RODRIGUES, Alice Cristina (São Paulo) KWON, Kwang-il (Daejeon) LIU, Yuan-mou (Shanghai) RODRIGUEZ-LOPEZ, Jose Maria (Salamanca) LANGER, Ingrid (Brussels) LIU, Zhi-hua (Beijing) ROJAS, Armando (Talca) LE, Wei-dong (Houston) LOU, Yi-jia (Hangzhou) ROSS, MG (Torrance) LE BRET, Marc (Cachan) LOU, Yin-jun (HangZhou) RUAN, Di-yun (Hefei) LEE, Byung-ho (Daejon) LU, Lin (Baltimore) RUAN, Huai-zhen (Chongqing) LEE, Hsinyu (Taipei) LUO, Fei (Beijing) RUI, Yao-cheng (Shanghai) LEE, Myung G (Seoul) LUO, Jian-dong (Guangzhou) SAIKO, Philipp (Vienna) LEE, Sang Kook (Seoul) LUO, Jian-hong (Hangzhou) SAKAI, Juro (Tokyo) LEE, Seong-ryong (Taegu) MA, Bei (Shanghai) SALA, Mariaelvina (Milan) LENG, Ying (Shanghai) MA, Ji-hua (Wuhan) SALT, TE (London) LEUNG, Ting Fan (Hong Kong) MACHLUF, Marcelle (Haifa) SANAK, Marek (Krakow) LEWITT, Moira S (Stockholm) MAK, Kan-hing (Hong Kong) SANDULEANU, S (Maastricht) LEZA, Juan Carlos (Madrid) MAMMINA, Caterina (Palermo) SANTHANAM, Anantha Vijay (Rochester) LI, Baiyan (Indianapolis) MARC, Janja (Ljubljana) SANTUCCI, Annalisa (Siena) LI, Cai (Changchun) MASELLA, Roberta (Rome) SARDARI, Soroush (Tehran) LI, Chao-jun (Nanjing) MASTRANGELO, Filiberto (Chieti) SAYEED, M Abu (Dhaka) LI, Ching (Taichung) MCCABE, Christopher (Glasgow) SCHEERLINCK, Jean-Pierre Yves (Parkville) LI, Chuan (Shanghai) MCCLERNON, DR (Durham) SCHÜTZE, Norbert (Würzburg) LI, Duan (Shanghai) MEDINA, Alexandre E (Richmond) SEWELL, William A (NSW) LI, Gui-rong (Hong Kong) MENG, Ling-hua (Shanghai) SHE, Miao-rong (Guangzhou) LI, Hong (Dalian) MERTENS, Thomas (Ulm) SHEN, Guan-xin (Wuhan) LI, Jian-jun (Beijing) MIAO, Chao-yu (Shanghai) SHEN, Hua-hao (Hangzhou) LI, Jin-jun (Shanghai) MIAO, Jun-ying (Ji-nan) SHEN, Jian-xin (Shantou) LI, Ling (Kunming) MIAO, Ze-hong (Shanghai) SHEN, Jian-gang (Hong Kong) LI, Peng-cheng (Qingdao) MIZUNO, Tetsuya (Nagoya) SHEN, Xu (Shanghai) LI, Shi-ying (Xiamen) MOCELLIN, Simone (Padova) SHEN, Yu-xian (Hefei) ii Http://www.chinaphar.com Acknowledgements to Reviewers SHEU, Bor-shyang (Tainan) WANG, Jiu-yao (Tainan) YE, Fei (Beijing) SHI, Gang-gang (Shantou) WANG, Lu-ya (Beijing) YIN, Mei-chin (Taichung) SHI, Wen-fang (Shanghai) WANG, Ming-gui (Shanghai) YIN, Ming (Shanghai) SHI, Yu-liang (Shanghai) WANG, Ming-wei (Shanghai) YIN, Xiao-xin (Xuzhou) SHIH, Chwen-ming (Taipei) WANG, Ming-xia (Shijiazhuang) YIN, Wu (Nanjing) SHIM, Chang-koo (Seoul) WANG, Rui (Shanghai) YIN, Zhi-min (Nanjing) SHIH, Mei-fen (Tainan) WANG, Sheng-qi (Beijing) YOO, Chul-gyu (Seoul) SHIMABUKURO, Michio (Okinawa) WANG, Shyi-wu (Kweisan, Taoyuan) YU, Ying-nian (Hangzhou) SHUBA, Yaroslav M (Kyiv) WANG, Wei-dong (Chongqing) ZANG, Wei-jin (Xi’an) SHYU, Shin-shing (Chungli) WANG, Xiu-jie (Chengdu) ZAPATA-SUDO, Gisele (Rio de Janeiro) SIMONETTI, Manuela (Trieste) WANG, Yong-xiao (Albany) ZHA, Xi-liang (Shanghai) SIN, Jeong-im (Daegu) WANG, Zhong-feng (Chicago) ZHA, Xiang-dong (Hefei) SINCLAIR, Jacqueline F (White river Junction) WAYE, Mary Miu-yee (Hong Kong) ZHAI, Qi-wei (Shanghai)

—— Preview end. ——

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