MEDIA CONTACT: Lauren Strayer |
[email protected] 212-389-1413 FINANCIAL PIPELINE .o rg Series CRACKS IN THE PIPELINE 2 HIGH FREQUENCY TRADING by: Wallace C. Turbeville his is the second of a series of articles, that increase the inefficiency of Capital Intermediation and entitled “The Financial Pipeline Series”, its cost. The increased volumes in the traded markets are examining the underlying validity of the largely a result of high-speed, computer driven trading assertion that regulation of the financial by large banks and smaller specialized firms. This article markets reduces their efficiency. These illustrates how this type of trading (along with other activ- articles assert that the value of the finan- ities discussed in subsequent articles) extracts value from cial markets is often mis-measured. The the Capital Intermediation process rendering it less efficient. efficiency of the market in intermediat- It also describes how the value extracted is a driver of even ing flows between capital investors and more increased volume creating a dangerous and powerful capital users (like manufacturing and service businesses, feedback loop. individuals and governments) is the proper measure. Unreg- Tying increased trading volume to inefficiencies runs ulated markets are found to be chronically inefficient using counter to a fundamental tenet of industry opponents to Tthis standard. This costs the economy enormous amounts financial reform. They assert that burdens on trading will each year. In addition, the inefficiencies create stresses to the reduce volumes and thereby impair the efficient functioning system that make systemic crises inevitable. Only prudent of the markets. regulation that moderates trading behavior can reduce these The industry’s position that increased volume reduces inefficiencies.