Michigan Department of Corrections
If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. ~-- - ------- ---------~- -------.-•.- ------------.-------- - C;/2~T Co-I '1-5'2..,.- Michigan Department of Corrections -, 9,000 t----t---t---t-----tf'r;;l---H-----1I-;-t--t---u 8,000 t-----+----f-t----+-----J'-=-+----t----r---ft--i--t----fl 7,000 I----I---A---V--t-----l----t------"d-t-----;-t----H 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 Michigan Department of Corrections <I. ,,1980 ~~ati§tical Presentation Governor William G. Milliken Corrections Director Perry M. Johnson CORRECTIONS COMMISSION Florence Crane~ Chairwolllan Robert G. Cotton, }":Dh.D. ~ Vice Chairlnan Thomas K. Eardley, Jr. Don LeDuc Duane Waters, M.D. 81996 u S Dt~,.Jartl':·<;' ,;~ .Jl!~;tt'~'t· N8.~iCPdll:l'~~:1 -11,· JU~tlLf r'-,';'" , '. ,',. " , .', , ! :' Distributed FalL 1981 Gail :8.. Light Michigan Dept. of Corrections r,-' '. '," ----- ------ Acknowledgements The statistical data in this report came primarily from information systems maintained by the Data Processing Division within the Bureau of Admin istrative Services. Information on court dispositions came from the various felony courts in Michigan. Those involved in the preparation and presentation of the statistics: Alvin L. Whitfield, Deputy Director of Bureau of Admih istrative Services Foreword William Kime, Deputy Director of Program Bureau Thk~rl~H!Ument is intended to provide researchers and other interested Gail R. Light and Calvin C. Goddard of the Office of Public persons with complete and accurate statistics on thestate1s correctional Information system for cal.endar year 1980. Information on various institutions, progr~s and bureaus can be obtained by contacting the office of Public InformatIOn Steve Paddock of the Data Processing Division for informa within the Michigan Department of Corrections.
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