Digest of Planning Decisions

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Digest of Planning Decisions DECISIONS ISSUED 18/01478/FULL Orchard Park 18/01478/FULL 37 19th Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU6 8HF Erection of two storey end of terrace dwelling Application Withdrawn 19/01005/FULL Boothferry 19/01005/FULL 44 Calvert Lane Kingston Upon Hull HU4 6BJ Installation of vehicular crossover Application Refused 19/01219/FULL North Carr 19/01219/FULL Netherhall Wawne Road Kingston Upon Hull HU7 4YG 1) Change of use and alterations to main property to form 6 x 2 bedroomed flats, including demolition of flat roofed extensions 2) Alterations to existing stable block on the northern side of the site to provide 4 x 2 bedroomed apartments 3) Erection of 2 storey terraced housing to north west corner of site, 8 x 2 bedroomed dwellings, linking to stable block 4) Erection 1 1/2 storey crescent of 4 x 3 bedroomed dwellings, following demolition of existing detached bungalow 22 dwellings in total with associated landscaping and parking. Application Permitted 19/01448/FULL Drypool 19/01448/FULL Stratstone BMW Mini Citadel Trading Park Citadel Way Kingston Upon Hull HU9 1TQ 1 Erection of car showroom and ancillary outside parking and display space Following demolition of existing structures Application Permitted 19/01449/FULL Bricknell 19/01449/FULL Isg Boiler Holdings Limited National Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU5 4HS 1) Extensions to existing warehouse and existing sheet steel building to provide additional warehousing facilities. 2) New road access to National Avenue and new Car Park Application Permitted 19/01471/FULL Marfleet 19/01471/FULL Land Adjacent Purple House Preston Road Kingston Upon Hull HU9 5UY Erection of 24 dwellings (8 x 3 bed town houses; 8 x 1 bed flats; and 8 x 2 bed flats) and meeting/activity/training rooms including associated parking and landscaping. Following demolition of existing single storey structure. Application Refused 19/01477/FULL Beverley And Newland 19/01477/FULL 425 Beverley Road Kingston Upon Hull HU5 1LX Subdivision of existing duplex flat in rear two storey offshoot to create 2 self contained flats comprising 1 flat on ground floor and 1 flat on first floor. External alterations to rear to window and door openings including enlargement of existing first floor bay window (Retrospective application). Application Refused 19/01490/FULL Drypool 19/01490/FULL Holderness House 2 Laburnum Avenue/Holderness Road Kingston Upon Hull HU8 8QX The conversion of the existing coach house and stores to form 7no. 1 bed flats and construction of 8no. new 1 bed bungalows with associated parking and landscaping. Application Refused 20/00102/NMA St Andrews And Dockland 20/00102/NMA Land Adjacent To Blanket Row Kingston Upon Hull Non material amendment to approval no. 16/00794/FULL. NMA Approved 20/00104/FULL Southcoates 20/00104/FULL Estcourt Primary Academy Estcourt Street Kingston Upon Hull HU9 2RP Erection of 2.8m high anti-climb mesh fence to boundary (in black) (to replace existing mesh fence, and to include alterations to fence line position). Application Permitted 20/00105/CONDET Beverley And Newland 20/00105/CONDET Clough Road Fire Station Clough Road Kingston Upon Hull HU6 7PL Discharge of conditions for 18/00759/FULL - Construction of a new fire training building and associated parking adjacent to existing fire station. Creation of a new 7 lane, 25m fitness track alongside. Humberside Fire & Rescue Service Conditions Discharged 20/00123/FULL Avenue 20/00123/FULL Pearson Park House 70 Pearson Park Kingston Upon Hull HU5 2TQ 3 Erection of replacement dormer roof extension to rear elevation (Retrospective application) Application Permitted 20/00135/FULL Drypool 20/00135/FULL Eyeline Of England Unit 1 South Orbital Trading Park Hedon Road Kingston Upon Hull HU9 1NJ Installation of window/door and air con units (Retrospective application) Application Permitted 20/00138/FULL St Andrews And Dockland 20/00138/FULL 79 Lowgate Kingston Upon Hull HU1 1HN 1. Erection of 3 storey extension to rear following partial demolition of existing. 2. Replacement of 3no projecting loading bays to match. 3. Replace and redecorate steel supports to existing hoist above central bays of Warehouse No.8 Application Permitted 20/00139/LBC St Andrews And Dockland 20/00139/LBC 79 Lowgate Kingston Upon Hull HU1 1HN Application for Listed Building consent for:- 1. Erection of 3 storey extension to rear following partial demolition of existing 2. Replacement of 3no projecting loading bays to match. 3. Replace and redecorate steel supports to existing hoist above central bays of Warehouse No.8 Listed Building Consent Approved 20/00165/NMA Ings 20/00165/NMA 8 Waldegrave Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU8 9BD 4 Non material amendment to approval no. 18/01290/FULL. NMA Approved 20/00175/CONDET Avenue 20/00175/CONDET 137 Princes Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU5 3HH Discharge of condition 3 of approval ref. 19/01055/FULL - Alterations to existing single storey rear extension including replacement of existing flat roof with new Sedum flat roof with a flat roof light, retention of existing brick walls and clad externally with Cedar cladding to north and west elevations, part Cedar cladding and render finish to south elevation; and installation of new external door and windows to north and west elevations (revised resubmission) Conditions Discharged 20/00196/FULL Derringham 20/00196/FULL 227 Priory Road Kingston Upon Hull HU5 5RZ Erection of two storey side and rear extension (max 6.12m long x max 4.16m wide x max 7.27m high) Application Permitted 20/00201/CONDET Central 20/00201/CONDET Scott Street Bridge And Approaches, Scott Street, Hull Discharge of conditions for 18/01049/FULL - Proposed dismantling of Scott Street Bridge and provision of a scheme for replacement leafs and enhancement and conservation of the bridge approaches. (Revised Proposal) - conditions 4, 8 and 9 Conditions Partly Discharged 20/00202/NMA Central 20/00202/NMA Bankside Park Bankside Kingston Upon Hull HU5 1RN Non material amendment for 18/01308/FULL - Proposed Erection of a Building, Siting of 2 portable Building and Use of Land in Connection with Household, Commercial & Industrial Waste Transfer and Treatment Station. 5 NMA Approved 20/00210/TPO Southcoates 20/00210/TPO Convent 144 Southcoates Lane Kingston Upon Hull HU9 3AJ T902 Hawthorn - Reduce height by 4 metres (to leave final tree height of 6 meters) and reshape to leave visually balanced. T904 - Silver Birch - Reduce elongated branch that extends over the lawn by approx 2 meters in length (to retain 4 meters branch length), remove deadwood, crown lift above public footpath to 2.5 meters vertical clearance. T906 - Leyland Cypress - Reduce in height to 6 meters and trim round to shape up and visually neaten appearance. T914 - Leyland Cypress - Reduce in height to 6 meters and trim round to shape up and visually neaten appearance. T915 - Cherry - Crown lift to 5 meters vertical clearance above the drive, crown thin by 5-10% to remove broken / damaged / rubbing and congested branches. T917 - Cherry - lateral pruning of branches extending towards neighbouring house by 1 meter. T918 - Leyland Cypress - reduce in height by 3 meters to 9 meters and trim round to shape up and visually neaten appearance. T924 - Cherry - Crown lift to 5 meters above the drive. T928 - Sycamore - remove deadwood. T929 - Sycamore - remove deadwood. T937 - Cherry - remove deadwood. TPO works Approved 20/00216/FULL Central 20/00216/FULL Beverley Road Baths 250 Beverley Road Kingston Upon Hull HU5 1AN Replacement of polycarbonate rooflights with a new Patent Glazing System and an overall reduction of rooflights. Installation of PV panels to south facing roof slopes External alterations including installation of replacement windows to front and rear elevations, replacement of louvre and gas housing to rear. Application Permitted 20/00217/LBC Central 20/00217/LBC Beverley Road Baths 250 Beverley Road Kingston Upon Hull 6 HU5 1AN Replacement of polycarbonate rooflights with a new Patent Glazing System and an overall reduction of rooflights. Installation of PV panels to south facing roof slopes External alterations including installation of replacement windows to front and rear elevations, replacement of louvre and gas housing to rear (Application for listed building consent) Listed Building Consent Approved 20/00219/FULL Bricknell 20/00219/FULL 72 Allderidge Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU5 4EQ Erection of ground floor rear extension Erection of first floor rear extension Alteration to roof comprising change from hip to gable Construction of dormer to rear roof slope Application Permitted 20/00227/FULL Southcoates 20/00227/FULL Discount Hunters Kitchen Centre, Land To The South Of 351-353 Hedon Road Kingston Upon Hull HU9 1RA Installation of a replacement telecommunications mast (20m high) with associated cabinets and enclosure. Application Permitted 20/00242/LBC St Andrews And Dockland 20/00242/LBC St Pauls Boxing Club North Church Side Kingston Upon Hull HU1 1RP Listed Building Consent application for:- Installation of platform lift to first floor. Listed Building Consent Approved 20/00249/FULL Beverley And Newland 20/00249/FULL 686 Beverley Road Kingston Upon Hull HU6 7JH 7 Erection of single storey extension to side and rear (max 7.56m long x max 6.17m wide x max 3.31m high) Application Refused 20/00253/FULL Bricknell 20/00253/FULL 115 Newland Park, Rear Of, Facing Chanterlands Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU5 2DT Proposed erection of a 4 bedroom detached dwelling following the demolition of existing double garage. Application Permitted 20/00260/S73 Newington And Gipsyville 20/00260/S73 Quora Retail Park 13 - 17 Boothferry Road Kingston Upon Hull HU3 6UB Application to amend condition 4 (delivery hours) of approval to 0600 to 2300 Monday to Saturday and 0800 to 2000 on Sundays (ref: 15/00225/FULL - Change of use of retail warehouse to two retail units with change to range of goods which can be sold Erection of single storey building to provide restaurant with drive-thru and associated car parking, landscaping and associated works).
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