Present: Mr A Firth, Mr R Koster, Ms C Cox, Mr J Garson, Mr E Shortland and Mr R Tipper

In attendance: Councillor G Sinclair Mrs D Compton, Clerk


(a) Chairman

RESOLVED that Mr A Firth be appointed Chairman of Rousay, Egilsay, Wyre and Gairsay Community Council (REWGCC).

(b) Vice Chairman

RESOLVED that Mr R Koster be appointed Vice Chairman of REWGCC.

(c) Municipal and Road Services (MARS) Representative

RESOLVED that Mr R Koster be appointed MARS Representative for REWGCC.

(d) Planning Representative

RESOLVED that Mr A Firth be appointed Planning Representative for REWGCC.

(e) Transport Representative

RESOLVED that Ms C Cox and Mr E Shortland be appointed Transport Representatives for REWGCC.


RESOLVED to note that apologies for absence had been intimated on behalf of Democratic Services.


The Minute of the Meeting held on Saturday, 12 April 2014 was approved, being proposed by Mr A Firth and seconded by Mr J Garson.


(a) Community Planning Audit – Representation from Ms Cox and Mr Firth (Meeting held 21.5.14) (12.4.14, para 5 (i))

Members heard representation from the Chairman and Ms Cox regarding the Community Planning Audit meeting held on 21 May 2014. Ms Cox explained that the audit was looking at communications between Islands Council (OIC) and community councils in general and that Mrs Koster from the Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre Development Trust (REWDT) had talked about transport and technology and its importance for the islands, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the report.

(b) Wyre Fish Farm Planning Meeting – 30.4.14 (12.4.14, para 4 (d))

Mr Koster expressed an interest in this matter. Members heard representation from Councillor Sinclair that planning had been granted for the Wyre Fish Farm and that in the first instance incorrect information had been supplied, and following discussion, it was:-

RESOLVED to note that planning permission had been granted for the Fish Farm.

(c) Brinian Kirkyard Fence – Representation from Mr Firth (12.4.14, para 4 (c))

The Chairman reported that he was due to have a telephone conference with the Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure on 4 October 2014. Members heard that Orkney Islands Council would review the budget midterm to see if there is any scope for the Rousay Road Operative to put up the fence at the Brinian Kirkyard. The Chairman thanked Councillor Sinclair for his help with this matter, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the report.

(d) Repairs to the Egilsay & Rousay War Memorials – Representation from Mr Shortland – (12.4.14, para 4 (a))

Mr Shortland reported that he had visited the Rousay War Memorial with a local resident, proficient in stone wall building, and discussed the refurbishment of the Memorial. The price quoted for the work was in the region of £6000 however this would be dependent on the standard of finish required and the cost could be higher. Members discussed this matter and the fact that the Egilsay Memorial was also in need of work, and it was:-


(1) to note the contents of the report;

(2) that Mr Koster would discuss the matter with the War Graves Commission and report back at the next meeting;

(3) that Mr Koster would meet with Mr Shortland and discuss the level of repairs required for both sites;

(4) that Councillor Sinclair would find out whether any further action was planned by Orkney Islands Council following the War Memorials Condition Survey that had been carried out; and

3 (5) that the Clerk would check with Democratic Services whether War Memorial repairs would be eligible for assistance through Community Council Grant Scheme.

(e) Development & Infrastructure Committee Island Tours Update – Action Plan for Rousay Egilsay & Wyre - Orkney Islands Council (30.10.13, para 4 (c))

Consideration was given to correspondence from Democratic Services providing an update following the Development and Infrastructure Committee’s visit in 2013 showing the points covered and action to date. Copies of this document had been previously circulated to members, and following discussion, it was:-


(1) to note the contents of the correspondence; and

(2) that the Clerk would pass the following comments onto Democratic Services for the attention of the appropriate officer:-

(i) 01 – Recycling – members have on numerous occasions put forward ideas for zero waste options for recycling on the islands and would like the Department to consider this;

(ii) 08 – Road Repairs – members would like to request a layby and road signs on the blind corner as highlighted by this point and that consideration be given to provision of ‘slow’ signs at Blossom Quarry and at Cogar by the Old School House;

(iii) 09 – Core Paths on Egilsay – request for information on where the core paths on Egilsay are situated; and

(iv) 16 – Egilsay School House – request for up to date information about the School House and where the department is in meeting Egilsay Community Association’s request to lease the property to them at a peppercorn rent.

(f) Sunday Ferry Service in Winter – Deferred from previous meeting (12.4.14, Para 4 (g))

Members heard representation from Councillor Sinclair that there was no possibility of offering a Sunday Service in winter from the current Orkney Ferries budget, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the report and that Councillor Sinclair would keep members informed of any progress.


(a) Support funds for Parish Councils – Letter from Mr S Shaw, National Co-ordinator, Local Works

Following consideration of correspondence received from Mr Shaw, Local Works, seeking the Community Council’s support for a proposal submitted to government under the Sustainable Communities Act (1), allowing a percentage of Business Rates to be paid direct to Parish and Town Councils, copies of which had been circulated, and following discussion, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence.

4 (f) Minutes of the last meeting (7.4.14), Core Path Plan & Survey, Electrified Fences and Dog Fouling Issues – Orkney Local Access Forum and Countryside Committee

Following consideration of correspondence received from Orkney Local Access Forum and Countryside Committee, and following discussion, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence.

(c) Invited to Spring Celebration Teas (26.4.14) – The Crafthub

Following consideration of correspondence received from the Crafthub inviting members to a spring celebration tea on 26 April 2014, copies of which had been circulated, members heard representation from the Clerk that she had forwarded the details in time for them to attend the event, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence.

(d) Scottish Government seeking community input to Inquiry into the Flexibility and Autonomy of Local Government (2.5.14) – Scottish Government

Following consideration of correspondence from the Scottish Parliament seeking community input into a digital discussion running alongside the Scottish Parliament’s Inquiry into the Flexibility and Autonomy of Local Government, copies of which had been circulated, and following discussion, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence.

(e) Scottish Rural Parliament Newsletter – Scottish Rural Parliament

Following consideration of a newsletter received from the Scottish Rural Parliament, copies of which had been circulated, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence.

(f) Orkney Local Development Plan Workshop – 1.7.14 – Orkney Islands Council

Following consideration of correspondence received from Democratic Services regarding the recent adoption of the Orkney Local Development Plan and inviting the Planning Representative to a Workshop being held in this connection, copies of which were circulated, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence and that the Planning Representative would attend the Workshop.

(g) Pilot Pentland Firth & Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan – Update on work – Marine

Following consideration of correspondence received from the Marine Renewable Energy Manager providing an update on the Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan, copies of which were circulated, and following discussion, it was:-

RESOLVED to note that the draft plan was due to go out to a formal twelve week consultation towards the end of 2014.

5 (h) Community & Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) – VG Energy

Following consideration of correspondence received from VG Energy Ltd, notifying members that as a rural community they were entitled to apply for funding to investigate and plan community renewable energy projects, copies of which were circulated at the meeting, and following discussion, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence and that a copy of the letter be forwarded to the Rousay, Wyre and Egilsay Development Trust.


Following consideration of correspondence received from Police Scotland, introducing the new Isles Officer, copies of which were circulated at the meeting, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence.

(j) Lifestyles Service Development Consultation – Meeting 26.6.14 - Orkney Health and Care

Following consideration of correspondence received form the Orkney Public Partnership Forum, inviting members of the public to attend and be involved in the consultation for the development of the All Age Learning Disabilities New Lifestyle Service, copies of which were circulated at the meeting, and following discussion, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence and that the Clerk would put up the posters advertising the event.


(a) Port Waste Reception Facilities – (deadline 16.6.14)

After consideration of the consultation document on Port Waste Reception Facilities, copies of which had been previously circulated, members heard representation from the Clerk that no comments had been passed to her, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence.

(b) Development Briefs & Design Statements – Draft Supplementary Guidance – (deadline 19.6.14)

After consideration of a consultation document on Development Briefs and Design Statements – Draft Supplementary Guidance, copies of which had been previously circulated, and following discussion, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence and that the members would notify the Clerk of any comments.

(c) ‘3-night weekend’ for Papdale Halls of Residence and resulting changes in timetables for Kirkwall Grammar School & Orkney Ferries – (deadline 30.6.14)

After consideration of a consultation document on the ‘3- night weekend’ for Papdale Halls of Residence and resulting changes in the timetables for Kirkwall Grammar School and Orkney Ferries, copies of which had been previously circulated, and following discussion, it was:-


(1) to note the contents of the correspondence; and

(2) that of the options available the Clerk would notify Democratic Services that Option 1, No Change was the Community Council’s preference, however members were of the opinion that no option was really appropriate and that OIC should consider all school children from the Isles when addressing this matter.


(a) Final Certified Accounts of the REWGCC for year ending 31 March 2014

Following consideration of correspondence from Democratic Services regarding the Community Council’s final Certified Accounts for the year ending 31 March 2014, copies of which had been previously circulated, it was:-

RESOLVED to note that the balance carried for at the year-end was £15,046.42.

(b) Annual Grants for 2014/15

Following consideration of correspondence received from Democratic Services regarding the 2014/15 annual grants, copies of which had been previously circulated, it was:-

RESOLVED to note that REWGCC received a grant of £4,722.66 for the financial year 2014/15.

(c) General Finance

Following consideration of the Community Council General Finance Statement, it was:-


(1) to note that the actual balance remaining within the General Fund at the end of the financial year 31 March 2014 was £15,046.42;

(2) to note that the opening balance within the General Fund as at 1 April 2014 was £19,769.08; and

(3) to note that the estimated balance within the General Fund as at 5 June 2014 was £18,869.55.

(d) Community Council Grant Scheme

After consideration of the Community Council Grant Scheme Statement as of 5 June 2014, it was:-

RESOLVED to note that the balance remaining for approval was £2,730.12.

(e) Community Development Fund

After consideration of the Community Development Fund Statement as of 5 June 2014, it was:-

RESOLVED to note that £1,927.80 remained available for allocation. 7 (f) Seed Corn Funding

After consideration of the Seed Corn Funding Statement as of 5 June 2014, it was:-

RESOLVED to note that £5,965 had been approved and claimed to date.


(a) Request for financial assistance from Orkney Association of Youth Clubs – Letter from Orkney Association of Youth Clubs

Consideration was given to correspondence received from the Orkney Association of Youth Clubs requesting financial assistance towards the cost of hosting the Lifolf’s Feast on Mainland Orkney for affiliated youth clubs within Orkney. Members discussed this matter and asked the Clerk if any request had been received from the Rousay Youth Club. The Clerk informed members that to date nothing had been received, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence and that the Clerk would write to the Orkney Association of Youth Clubs declining this request.

(b) Seedcorn Funding Request – Letter from Soames Excavation

Consideration was given to correspondence received from Soames Excavation expressing an interest in applying for funding from Seedcorn for the creation of a designated pathway and looking at the possibility of funding from other sources. Members discussed this matter and felt that further information was required before this application could be assessed, and it was:-


(1) to note the request;

(2) that the Clerk write to Soames Excavations requesting a Business Plan or in depth breakdown of what this project would entail;

(3) that the Clerk provide details of the Seedcorn Fund criteria to Soames Excavation; and

(4) that on receipt of the above they would look at the request again.

(c) Islands of Orkney Brochure 2015 – Orkney Islands Council

Consideration was given to correspondence received from Democratic Services regarding the cost of continuing to provide the Orkney Islands Brochure, copies of which were distributed at the meeting. Most members declared an interest in this matter as participants either in groups or businesses advertising in the brochure. Following discussion, members noted that the brochure was very useful to tourists, and it was:-


(1) to note the contents of the correspondence;

(2) to support the scheme for a further three years up to a maximum project cost of £650; and

8 (3) that the Clerk make an application for Community Council Grant Scheme assistance for the next three years on a project cost of £650 each year.


The following publications were made available to the members at the meeting:-

Orkney Ferry Statistics for March 2014; Borxap - Litter Bins & Recycling Units; Play Equipment – HAGS SMP, Russell Play; and White Hill Direct – Budget Cycle Storage Solutions.


(a) Road/track leading to St Magnus Church, Egilsay – Ms C Cox

Members heard representation from Ms Cox that there were several deep potholes in the track leading to the St Magnus Church, which she had been informed was owned by OIC, and following discussion, it was:-


(1) to note the contents of the report;

(2) that the Clerk would contact Democratic Services asking them to establish who owned the track to the Church; and

(3) that the Clerk would request repairs be undertaken if the road was under the ownership of OIC, and report back to members at the next meeting if it was not.

(b) Egilsay Kirkyard Gates - Ms C Cox

Members heard representation from Ms Cox that the Egilsay Kirkyard gates were in an appalling state and unable to be used. Members heard representation from the Clerk regarding previous correspondence with Democratic Services in this connection, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the comments and that the Clerk would again contact Democratic Services asking for an update on when the work would be carried out.

(c) Orkney Leader Programme – Orkney Islands Council

Members heard representation from the Clerk regarding the Orkney Leader Programme, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note that the Clerk had contacted AB Associates expressing members’ concerns however had not received a response.

(d) REWDT Planning Application – Mr R Tipper

Members heard representation from Mr Tipper on behalf of the REWDT asking for permission to use the Community Council’s name to submit planning applications on behalf of the REWDT for a building at the allotment and at the base of the turbine hill sites. The members discussed this matter, and it was:-

9 RESOLVED that the Community Council was willing to be named as the applicant in order to obtain the discount available to Community Councils in connection with the cost of planning application fees for these projects.

(e) Retirement of Postman – Mr A Firth

Members heard representation from Mr Firth who suggested that a notice be placed in the REW Review thanking the local Postman for all his years of service to the community upon his retirement, and it was:-

RESOLVED that the Clerk would put a notice of thanks in the July Review.


RESOLVED that the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 16 September 2014 at 7.30 p.m. in the Church Centre, Hall.


There being no further business the meeting concluded at 9.20 p.m.