Present: Mr R Tipper, Mr JE Dick, Mr A Firth, Mr EJA Flaws, Miss I Murray and Mr E Shortland.

In attendance: Councillor S Harcus Mrs D Compton, Clerk


Following procedure for election of office bearers, it was:-


(1) that Mr R Tipper be reappointed as Chairperson of REWGCC;

(2) that Mr M Hull be reappointed as Vice Chairperson of REWGCC;

(3) that Mr JE Dick be reappointed as Planning Representative to REWGCC;

(4) that Mr A Firth be reappointed as Municipal and Roads Services (MARS) Representative to REWGCC; and

(5) that Miss I Murray be reappointed as Transport Representative to REWGCC.


RESOLVED to note that apologies for absence had been intimated on behalf of Mr M Hull, Councillor S Hagan, Councillor G Sinclair and Constable T Macleod, Northern Constabulary.


The minutes of the meetings held on 5 February 2011 were approved, being proposed by Mr R Tipper and seconded by Mr A Firth.

4. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS a) Development of Local Policy for Requests for Financial Assistance Towards Late Boat Hire (5.2.11, Para 9 (B), Notes – 26.4.11, Para 4 (B))

The REWGCC discussed the issues concerning requests for financial assistance with hiring the MV Eynhallow. Funding from the ‘Fairer Fund’ ceased in March 2011 and Ferries had increased the hire charge to £902 for a minimum rental of two hours and £72 per hour thereafter, with annual increases. Fares charged for using the MV Eynhallow are deducted from the hire price and the remaining costs paid from REWGCC funds. Following discussion, it was:-


(1) to note the comments of the discussion; 2 (2) that each case would continue to be considered individually;

2 (3) that if funding was agreed the REWGCC would pay only /3 of the hire cost, the remaining costs to be paid by the group involved;

(4) that if a group were unable to pay the additional amount they could make a further request for funding to the REWGCC, who would consider the application;

(5) that groups requesting financial assistance should obtain details of boat hire from other sources with costs, other than using only the MV Eynhallow;

(6) that the policy be adopted from August 2011; and

(7) that the Clerk would insert details of the changes in the August edition of the REW Review. b) GP Room, Rousay Community School (5.2.11, para 10 (a))

Following consideration of the document ‘The Revised Operational Agreement for Community Schools,’ received from Democratic Services, members heard representation from the Clerk that the Chairperson, Mr R Tipper had requested under point 7 a copy of the plan defining School areas, Community areas and Shared areas. The Clerk informed members that this had been requested but to date had not been received, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the comments. c) First Responders – Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) Clarification of Role and Training to be Undertaken (Notes – 26.4.11, para 11(d))

Following consideration of correspondence received from the SAS and Mr L McArthur MSP, regarding the role of the First Responders, members heard representation from Mr R Tipper who raised some concerns which had been expressed by the ambulance drivers and questioned how NHS Orkney saw the GP’s role in emergency situations. The crux of the issue is whether the First Responder would be required to attend without qualified support or would he/she always be accompanied by or, indeed preceded by, either the District Nurse or the General Practitioner, and it was:-


(1) to note the contents of the correspondence; and

(2) that the Clerk should contact NHS Orkney to ascertain the role of the Emergency Services as they relate to the three islands and the specific response arrangements. d) Local Nature Conservation Sites – Land Owners Maps (Orkney Local Plan Review) (Notes – 26.4.11, para 11 (a))

Following consideration of the additional correspondence received from the Senior Planner (Development Planning and Regeneration), members briefly discussed this issue and heard representation from the Clerk that the cut off date had been extended to 24 June 2011, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence and that members could contact either the Clerk or Democratic Services.

3 e) Pier Issues (Notes – 26.4.11, para 11 (h))

Following consideration of correspondence received from Democratic Services informing members that Marine Services had instructed that a survey and provision of estimated costs for the damaged concrete at the pier and other minor works be provided, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence and request Marine Services to consider putting up railings or kerbing around the new car park as this is seen as a potential Health & Safety issue. f) The Orkney Islands Council (40mph Speed Limit) (Various Schools in Orkney) Order 2011 (Notes – 26.4.11, para 6 (a))

Following consideration of correspondence received from Democratic Services, informing members that the request made by REWGCC regarding speed limits around schools would be included in the report for information, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence. g) Bag the Bruck 2011 – Wyre Community Association (Notes – 26.4.11 para, 8 (c))

Members heard representation from the Clerk, who informed them that following the recommendation at the meeting held on 26 April 2011, suggesting that an equal portion of the total project be divided between the number of groups applying for assistance and subject to agreement by at least two other Community Council members, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the comments and members were advised that following agreement of the above an award of £75 was made under the Community Council Grant Scheme. h) Bag the Bruck 2011 – Rousay School Parent Council (Notes – 26.4.11 para, 8 (d))

Mr EJA Flaws declared an interest in this item.

Members heard representation from the Clerk, who informed them that following the recommendation at the meeting held on 26 April 2011, suggesting that an equal portion of the total project be divided between the number of groups applying for assistance and subject to agreement by at least two other Community Council members, it was:-

RESOLVED to note that Mr EJA Flaws declared an interest in this matter and following agreement of the above an award of £75 was made under the Community Council Grant Scheme. i) Bag the Bruck 2011 – Rousay Youth Club (Notes – 26.4.11 para, 8 (a))

Members heard representation from the Clerk, who informed them that following the recommendation at the meeting held on 26 April 2011, suggesting that an equal portion of the total project be divided between the number of groups applying for assistance and subject to agreement by at least two other Community Council members, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the comments and members were advised that following agreement of the above an award of £75 was made under the Community Council Grant Scheme.

4 j) Bag the Bruck 2011 – Rousay SWRI (Notes – 26.4.11 para, 8 (b))

Members heard representation from the Clerk, who informed them that following the recommendation at the meeting held on 26 April 2011, suggesting that an equal portion of the total project be divided between the number of groups applying for assistance and subject to agreement by at least two other Community Council members, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the comments and members were advised that following agreement of the above an award of £75 was made under the Community Council Grant Scheme. k) Rousay School Parent Council – Hoy Trip (Notes – 26.4.11 para, 8 (f))

Mr EJA Flaws declared an interest in this item.

Members heard representation from the Clerk, who informed them that following the recommendation at the meeting held on 26 April 2011, suggesting that a donation of £550 be made to assist with financing the Hoy trip and subject to agreement by at least two other Community Council members, it was:-

RESOLVED to note that Mr EJA Flaws declared an interest in this matter and following agreement of the above a donation for £550 was made.

5. CORRESPONDENCE a) Orkney Local Access Forum (OLAF) & Countryside Committee

Following consideration of correspondence received from OLAF with details of the Annual General Meeting on 6 June 2011 and ‘Minutes’ of the meeting held on 7 March 2011, copies of which had been previously circulated, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence. b) Empowering Community Renewables – Presentation of Community Renewables at All Energy 2011, 18 May 2011

After consideration of correspondence received from ‘frost-free’ inviting members to visit the All Energy Exhibition and Conference on 18 – 19 May 2011 in Aberdeen, copies of which had been previously circulated, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence. c) GP Appointment

After consideration of correspondence received from Mr R Tipper, informing members that following the interviews for the position of GP for the islands of Rousay, Egilsay & Wyre, copies of which had been previously circulated, that Dr Richard Brunt had been offered and accepted the position of GP and was due to commence in post mid-September, it was-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence.

5 d) Rousay Network of Care – NHS Update

Following consideration of correspondence received from Mrs Cathy Cowan, NHS Chief Executive regarding the now ‘proposed’ link between Rousay, Evie and Dounby surgeries and the responses sent by the Chairperson, Mr R Tipper, copies of which had been previously circulated, members heard representation from Mr R Tipper that Mrs Cowan had requested a meeting with the members and other interested parties to discuss the changes now that the Heilendi Practice was becoming independent, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence and comments and that Mr R Tipper would write to Mrs Cowan inviting her to attend a meeting week commencing 11 July 2011. e) Licensing Forum – Overprovision of Licensed Premises in Orkney

After consideration of correspondence received from Democratic Services regarding the issue of possible overprovision of licensed premises in Orkney and a request to visit and discuss this matter with the REWGCC had been requested, copies of which had been previously circulated, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence and not to invite the Chairs’ of the Licensing Forum and Orkney Health & Care to visit at this time. f) Rousay, Egilsay & Wyre (Draft) Housing Action Plan

After consideration of correspondence received following the Rousay, Egilsay & Wyre Roadshow on 12 April 2011 showing the Draft Housing Action Plan for the islands, copies of which had been circulated, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence. g) Police Area Command – Orkney

Following consideration of correspondence received from the police for the period 1 January – 31 March 2011 covering such areas as reducing crime, tackling serious crime, safer roads and maintaining public order, copies of which had been circulated, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence. h) Orkney Ferries Ltd – Statistical Reports for April and May 2011

Following consideration of correspondence received from Orkney Ferries Ltd with the statistical reports for April and May 2011, copies of which had been circulated, members briefly discussed this issue and some concerns were raised about the figures, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence.

6 i) Scottish Natural Heritage, Evening Reception, 29 June 2011 at the Pier Art Centre

After consideration of correspondence received from Scottish Natural Heritage inviting members to attend an evening reception on 29 June 2011, so that key local people could meet informally, copies of which had been circulated, Members discussed this issue, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence. j) Football & Rugby Training

Following consideration of correspondence received from Democratic Services, regarding an issue raised by the representative from Sanday at the last ‘Inter Isles Air & Ferry Consultative Meeting,’ requesting that the football and rugby sessions could be timed to suit transport links with the isles, copies of which had been circulated, Members discussed this issue, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence and request Democratic Services to contact both the Orkney Youth Development Group and Orkney Rugby Football Club asking them to consider the island residents when booking session and look at an 11am start time. k) Letter and Project Briefing Document for the Brough Head Wave Farm Project Update

Following consideration of correspondence received from the Brough Head Wave Farm Ltd, copies of which had been previously circulated, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence. l) Letter from Mrs S L Pearson – re: The Late Dr N Pearson

Following consideration of correspondence received from Mrs Pearson, copies of which were circulated, members discussed this issue and had no objections to the erection of a seat in memory of Dr Pearson. However, they agreed that permission had to be sought from the relevant landowner whose land this seat would be sited on, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence and that the Clerk would notify Mrs Pearson of the decision.

6. CONSULTATION DOCUMENT a) Winter Maintenance Plan 2010/11 – Orkney Islands Council (Cut off date 8 July 2011)

After consideration of the consultative document, Winter Maintenance Plan 2010/11, copies of which had been previously circulated, members briefly discussed this matter, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence and that members could either contact Democratic Services direct or the Clerk if they had any comments.

7 7. FINANCE a) Community Council Final Accounts to 31 March 2011

After consideration of correspondence received from Democratic Services regarding the Community Council Final Accounts to 31 March 2011, copies of which had been circulated, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence. b) General Finance

After consideration of the Community Council General Finance Statement as of 13 June 2011, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the balance remaining within the General Fund was estimated at £16,484.93. c) Community Council Grant Scheme (CCGS)

After consideration of the Community Council Grant Scheme Statement as of 13 June 2011, it was:-

RESOLVED to note that the balance remaining for approval was £401.80. d) Community Development Fund (CDF)

After consideration of the Community Development Fund Statement as of 13 June 2011, it was:-

RESOLVED to note that £3,500 remained available for allocation. e) Seed Corn Funding

After consideration of the Seed Corn Funding Statement as of 13 June 2011, it was:-

RESOLVED to note that £5,965 had been approved and claimed to date.

8. FINANCIAL REQUESTS a) Wyre Community Association – Late Boat Request, 16 July 2011 (Notes – 26.4.11, para 8 (e))

Members heard representation from the Clerk that this matter had been briefly discussed at the last meeting and deferred. The group had contacted the Chairperson as an urgent decision was required asking REWGCC to consider this issue. Following instructions from Mr R Tipper the Clerk had contacted the other members of the Community Council who agreed to fund the late boat. All relevant documentation was sent to Democratic Services and the Wyre Community Association, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the comments and ‘Minute’ that an application had been made to Orkney Islands Council for assistance through the Community Council Grant Scheme on a project cost of £902.

8 b) Rousay Community Association – Fireworks for Bonfire Night, 5 November 2011

Following consideration of correspondence received from Rousay Community Association requesting financial assistance with the purchase of fireworks for Bonfire Night on 5 November 2011, it was:-


(1) to award a grant of £250 to assist with the purchase of fireworks for Bonfire Night; and

(2) that application should be made to Orkney Islands Council for assistance through the Community Council Grant Scheme on a project cost of £250. c) Rousay Heritage Trust – Storming of Wyre

Following consideration of correspondence received from Rousay Heritage Trust, requesting assistance with the cost of insurance for an event on Saturday 16 July 2011, it was:-

RESOLVED to award a donation of £200. d) Rousay, Egilsay & Wyre Development Trust (REWDT) – Late Boat Request, 27 August 2011

Messrs R Tipper and E Shortland declared an interest in this item. (M Hull, absent at this meeting is also a member of the REWDT Board)

Following consideration of correspondence received from REWDT requesting assistance for hiring the MV Eynhallow on Saturday 27 August 2011, the remaining members discussed the request, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note that the application for funding was declined. e) Mrs M Koster – Assistance with Costs for Representing Orkney in the International Island Games

Following consideration of correspondence received from Mrs Koster requesting assistance with the cost of travel, equipment and accommodation whilst representing Orkney as a member of the Ladies Clay Pigeon Shooting Team in the Isle of Wight, it was:-

RESOLVED to award a donation of £300. f) Rousay School Parent Council – Rousay Playpark Funding

Following consideration of correspondence received from Mrs Z Flaws on behalf of the Rousay School Parent Council requesting financial assistance to fund the Playpark scheme, members discussed this matter and felt that additional information was required before a decision could be made, and it was:-


(1) that the Clerk contact Mrs Flaws requesting the following:-

(a) clarification of the amount of funding the group was looking for from the REWGCC; 9 (b) whether the funding from the Community Development Fund was still available or would the group need to reapply;

(c) how much funding are the group seeking from Awards for All;

(d) how much has the group requested from the REWDT fund and under what conditions; and

(e) the timescales for getting this project into operation. g) Rousay School Parent Council – Assistance with Funding Travel for Out of Hours School Activities

Following consideration of correspondence received from the Rousay School Parent Council requesting assistance with funding travel for children attending out of hours school activities, a car, and one adult per family, Mr EJA Flaws declared an interest in this matter. The members discussed this issue, and it was:-


(1) to award a grant up to £500 to cover the cost of the school children travelling to activities on receipt of paid invoices handed to the Clerk;

(2) that an application should be made to Orkney Islands Council for assistance through the Community Council Grant Scheme on a project cost of £500; and

(3) if funding from the Community Council Grant Scheme all allocated, then from the REWGCC General Fund.


After hearing representation from Mr R Tipper regarding the meeting he attended with other members of the Community Council, REWDT and SSE Renewables on the above project, during which he explained that the scheme would not affect the communities of Rousay, Egilsay & Wyre unless the company needed to lay a cable to carry electricity around the islands, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the comments.


The following publication had been received and made available to members: -

Brand New 2011 Christmas Lights Catalogue, Nottsport – A perfect pitch and Russell Play – Looking for funding, Intelligent Designs in Play and Looking for dynamic play space, and it Was:-

RESOLVED to pass the play publications onto the Rousay School Parents.

10 11. ANY OTHER COMPETENT BUSINESS a) Wyre and Wester Kirkyard Gates

After hearing representation form Mr EJA Flaws and Miss I Murray who brought to the attention of members that the gates at both Wyre and Wester kirkyards were very rusty and the paint was flaking off, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the comments and request Orkney Islands Council to arrange for the gates to be shot blasted and repainted. b) Empty Council Houses – Ronaldsay and No 6 Pier House, Rousay

Members heard representation from Mr R Tipper who explained that the above properties had been empty for some time. Following a brief discussion, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the comments and request Democratic Services to contact housing for an update on the situation. c) Orkney Local Access Forum (OLAF) – Access Officer & Mull Head Local Nature Reserve

Following consideration of correspondence received from OLAF, informing members that Orkney Islands Council had appointed Mr Stephen Jenkinson as Access Officer, copies of which were circulated, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence. d) Olympic Torchbearers – Nominations (Cut off date 29 June 2011)

Following consideration of correspondence received from Democratic Services regarding local nominations for people to act as ‘torchbearers’ to carry the Olympic Flame on the Orkney route, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence. e) Grass Cutting

After hearing representation from Mr A Firth, MARS Representative for REWGCC, explaining that the following areas required urgent strimming:-

Bridges, parapets: Sourin, Knarston, Cruar, , Nears, Hullion, Westness, Feolquoy, Breck. Blind bends, etc: Pier Road, Lower Brinian, Trumland, Yorville, Lodge, Westness Wester School, Mill Brae, Banks, Old School, Knarston, Avalsay, Saviskaill Corner and also along the Armco Barriers and road signs.

Members discussed this matter, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the comments and ask Democratic Services to contact the Roads Department to request that this issue be dealt with.

11 f) Community Council Insurance Policy – 1 April 2011 – 31 March 2012

Following consideration of correspondence received from Democratic Services, copies of which were circulated, informing members that the renewal for the insurance policy was now due, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence. g) Tall Ship Races

Members heard representation from Councillor S Harcus reminding them that there was funding available for events during the Tall Ship Races. He advised that groups undertaking events should put in requests to Mr M Morrison, Marine Services, and it was:-

RESOLVED to note the comments and contact Mrs M Koster, Secretary, Rousay Heritage Trust with this information.


The notes of the meeting held on 26 April 2011, were agreed as correct and signed by Mr R Tipper.


RESOLVED that the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 6 September 2011 at 7.30 pm.


There being no further business the meeting concluded at 9.50 pm.