David A. Kaye
[email protected] Signal/WhatsApp/secure email/PGP (on request) Twitter: @davidakaye CURRENT APPOINTMENT UC Irvine School of Law, Irvine, California Summer 2012 – currently Clinical Professor of Law; Director, International Justice Clinic Areas of research and teaching include public international law, human rights law, digital rights/internet law, federal courts, and international humanitarian law. Direct projects in human rights, freedom of expression, privacy and humanitarian law. OTHER APPOINTMENTS UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression August 2014 – July 2020 Appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council as the UN’s principal monitor of the human right to freedom of opinion and expression. Particular focus on emerging issues in the digital age. Website: https://freedex.org/. GWU Law School and Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom Summer 2016 Professor of Human Rights Law Taught course on human rights in the digital age in the GW/Oxford summer law school program. UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, California Fall 2007 – Summer 2012 Executive Director, International Human Rights Law Program Director, International Justice Clinic Founded and provided overall direction for human rights law program and clinic. Taught human rights law and international justice clinic focusing on accountability for serious human rights violations. Whittier Law School, Costa Mesa, California; Toulouse; Amsterdam Fall 2005 – Summer 2007 Visiting Assistant Professor Taught international law, international trade law, sexual orientation and human rights law, and property. Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C. 2002 Adjunct Professor of Law (international humanitarian law) GOVERNMENT LEGAL POSITIONS Embassy of the United States, The Hague, The Netherlands Deputy Legal Counselor 2002 – 2005 U.S.