210 Thoraxc 1996;51:210-216 Occupational lung disease * 2 Series editor: P S Burge Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.51.2.210 on 1 February 1996. Downloaded from

New developments in asbestos-related

Robin M Rudd

Asbestos causes several types of benign pleural Moreover, chrysotile is the major fibre type disease, the best recognised of which is pleural found in the parietal pleura,67 rather than the plaque formation. Diffuse pleural thickening is needle-like amphiboles which would be more a more serious consequence of exposure to likely to penetrate the pleura in this way. It is asbestos and this often first appears as a sequel possible that fibres may pass via the lymphatic to benign associated with as- system from the lung, through the lymphatic bestos-induced pleurisy. circulation to the intercostal and diaphragmatic lymph vessels. From these vessels the fibres Pleural plaques could reach the parietal pleura and be de- posited, thereafter causing plaques to develop. Pleural are areas plaques discrete raised which This theory requires that fibres should travel may be situated on the parietal on pleura the against the normal flow of lymph, but this chest wall, diaphragm, pericardium, and me- appears to be possible as coal dust can be found diastinum. are They strongly associated with in intercostal lymphatics.8 exposure to asbestos although they are also Sebastien and using found in subjects from whom no history of colleagues, transmission electron exposure can be elicited. They occur after in- microscopy (TEM), studied the fibre halation of all types of asbestos although content of parietal pleural plaques and normal anthophyllite appears to be the most potent. parietal pleura and compared the results with Plaques occur with increased frequency in those in lung tissue from the same subjects populations living in areas where the soil is who had various conditions possibly related to http://thorax.bmj.com/ asbestos exposure.6 Asbestos fibres were found contaminated with asbestiform minerals - for example, in areas ofFinland, Bulgaria, Czecho- in the parietal pleura in 16 of 29 cases, whereas fibres were found in 27 of 29 lung tissue slovakia, and Greece - and in those living in proximity to asbestos mines or factories. samples. When a pleural sample was positive Plaques may occur after slight asbestos ex- for asbestos fibres almost all the fibres were posure but in occupationally exposed groups chrysotile and they were shorter than chrysotile the prevalence of plaques increases with in- fibres from the lung tissue. Significant quant-

creasing dose of asbestos inhaled,' continues ities ofamphibole fibre were found in the pleura on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. to increase more than 40 years after first ex- in only one ofthe 29 cases, whereas in lung tissue posure to asbestos,2 and is not affected by a mean of 56% (range 0-100%) of fibres were smoking.2 Pleural plaques are rarely seen in amphiboles. Churg and Vedal have recently persons under 40 years of age,3 which is con- reported, on the basis of multiple regression sistent with observations that they are not found analysis of data from TEM of lung tissue, that less than 10 years - and seldom less than 20 plaques are associated with fibres of higher years - after first exposure to asbestos.4 Pleural aspect ratio (length/width) than .9 calcification rarely occurs less than 20 years Necroscopic studies show that plaques of after first exposure to asbestos.5 minor extent are frequently not detected by The route by which asbestos fibres reach radiological examination.'0 Computed tomo- the parietal pleura is not known for certain. graphic scanning demonstrates the extent of Asbestos fibres deposited in the peripheral parts pleural plaques more accurately than does a ofthe lung tissue probably penetrate the visceral plain radiograph. Multiple plaques visually super- pleura to be carried in the pulmonary lymphatic imposed upon each other may be impossible system to the visceral pleural surface. It is to distinguish from diffuse pleural thickening theoretically possible that sharp fibres could on the plain radiograph, but computed tomo- penetrate the visceral pleura and pass directly graphic scanning allows differentiation." into the parietal pleura, there to cause tissue Pleural plaques do not usually cause enough damage which eventually results in the form- impairment of lung function to give rise to ation of a pleural plaque. This seems unlikely symptoms, although occasionally their extent London Chest because the formation of plaques is not pre- is sufficiently great for the plaques to fuse Hospital, ceded evidence of an to form sheets which can interfere with the Bonner Road, by inflammatory pleurisy London E2 9JX, UK and the visceral pleura immediately opposite a expansion of the lungs by making the chest R M Rudd parietal pleural plaque usually looks normal. wall stiff and resistant to movement. Plaques New developments in asbestos-related pleural disease 211

are frequently associated with evidence of lim- average of 26 years after first exposure to as- itation to airflow in the small airways'2-16 and bestos, but in four cases it was seen after an with a minor reduction in vital capacity.'718 interval of less than 10 years.26 Most asbestos workers are or have been Injection of crocidolite into the pleura of the smokers, and this probably contributes to the rabbit induces chemotactic activity resulting in Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.51.2.210 on 1 February 1996. Downloaded from airflow limitation. However, airflow limitation a polymorphonuclear effusion. The process is in small airways has been observed even in not dependent on complement activation but non-smokers,'3 and it is probably the functional is probably a result of a direct effect of the counterpart of asbestos airway disease. A study fibres on pleural tissue.27 The pathology is that of 36 long term chrysotile miners without as- of an acute exudative pleurisy. bestosis found evidence of severe diffuse small In humans pleural aspiration usually reveals airway abnormalities.'9 an exudate which is often bloodstained even in Pleural plaques have some prognostic sig- the absence of malignancy, and it is important nificance. Among persons found to have plaques to recognise that the finding of a bloodstained who have sustained substantial exposure to effusion in an asbestos worker does not ne- asbestos there is a risk that clinically obvious cessarily imply mesothelioma. Pleural biopsy will develop in the future. Of 1 55 dock- samples show only non-specific pleural in- yard workers who were re-examined 10 years flammation and fibrosis. Asbestos bodies or after detection ofbenign pleural changes, 10-3% fibres are rarely evident by light microscopy had radiographic small parenchymal opacities although sparse fibres, usually chrysotile, may suggestive of asbestosis and 4-5% had both be seen in the pleura by electron microscopy. clinical and radiological signs ofasbestosis.20 The Pleural aspiration relieves breathlessness and attack rate was substantially higher than among anti-inflammatory analgesics relieve pain. men with no initial pleural abnormality. Spontaneous resolution of each episode is Pleural plaques are not themselves pre- usual, but the condition may be recurrent with cursors of malignant change but, in so far as increasing diffuse pleural thickening after each they reflect exposure to asbestos, they may be episode.26 Occasionally mesothelioma emerges associated with an increased risk of asbestos- some years after what at first seemed to be a related malignancy. In most cases of both benign effusion.27 pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma radio- logical evidence of benign pleural disease is Diffuse pleural thickening also present and is likely to have antedated the Diffuse pleural thickening is a type of pleural development of mesothelioma.2' The relation fibrosis which extends continuously over a vari- between pleural plaques and lung is not able proportion of the thoracic cavity. There entirely clear. A study of shipyard workers in are frequently adhesions between the parietal the UK found a significant excess of deaths and visceral pleurae. Diffuse pleural thickening from both and mesothelioma in is a less common manifestation of exposure to those with plaques compared with unexposed asbestos than pleural plaque formation. The http://thorax.bmj.com/ controls matched for age and sex.22 However, incidence increases with increasing time after this study was potentially flawed by selection first exposure.28 Its occurrence is dose related28 bias. A recent review of evidence from several although less clearly so than asbestosis or the studies concluded that studies which supported malignant diseases.2930 an increased risk of lung cancer in those with A wide range of fibre counts is observed in plaques were the most subject to selection bias.23 association with the condition.3' Among 12 It was concluded that there is no convincing cases with diffuse pleural fibrosis studied by

evidence that the presence of pleural plaques is Gibbs et al32 the mean total asbestos fibre count on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. predictive of an increased risk of lung cancer. was 89 million fibres/g dried lung (calculated However, each ofthe studies available for review from data in tables 2 and 3 in the paper, was unsatisfactory in one or more respects; they averaging counts from central and subpleural concerned populations with unknown or low regions). This may be compared with mean level exposure to asbestos and/or a low incidence total fibre counts of 42, 59, 343, and 2550 of asbestos-related lung cancer, control for the million/g dried lung (including, respectively, effects of smoking was often unsatisfactory, lat- 34%, 24%, 18%, and 7% non-asbestos fibres) ency was often ignored, and follow up was often in cases of histologically defined minimal, incomplete. On a priori grounds it seems likely slight, moderate, and severe asbestosis quoted that the risk of lung cancer will be a function in another study in which the analyses were of the dose of asbestos inhaled rather than the performed in the same laboratory.33 The levels presence or absence ofplaques. in cases with diffuse pleural fibrosis are thus of a similar order of magnitude to those in cases ofmild to moderate asbestosis and substantially Acute pleurisy and pleural effusion greater than those found in control subjects - Benign asbestos pleurisy is a manifestation of for example, geometric mean chrysotile 1-4, asbestos-induced disease that is sometimes for- amosite 0-02, and crocidolite 0-02 million/g gotten, although it has been well recognised dried lung in 55 control subjects reported by since the early 1960s.24 A recent study showed Gibbs et al.32 In the lung tissue of subjects with that a history of exposure to asbestos was diffuse pleural fibrosis levels of amphibole fibre significantly more common in subjects with exceeded those in control subjects to a sub- "idiopathic" pleural effusion than in control stantial degree, whereas chrysotile levels were subjects.25 In a series of 20 cases in asbestos increased to a lesser degree.32 Fibre levels in insulation workers the effusion occurred an the pleura were much lower than in the lung 212 Rudd

2 A 1 Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.51.2.210 on 1 February 1996. Downloaded from

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Figure 1 (A) Late inspiratory fine crackles typical of asbestosis. The compressed display shows that crackles occur in the second half of inspiration and the expanded display shows the shape of the fine crackles. (B) Mid inspiratory and expiratory crackles associated with pleural thickening. The compressed display shows the timing of the crackles and the expanded display shows the different configuration of the pleural crackles.

and, as in the previously quoted study by Se- clinical.3 There are features suggestive of an bastien,6 short chrysotile fibres were the most immunological basis for the disease. Sometimes frequent type in the pleura. Diffuse pleural general malaise, occasionally with febrile epi- thickening is much more common than plaques sodes, accompanies the pleural disease. The in crocidolite workers, supporting the role of erythrocyte sedimentation rate is raised more amphibole fibres in its causation.34 frequently in patients with diffuse thickening Diffuse pleural thickening often follows than in those with plaques, and non-specific episodes of acute pleurisy with effusion. In alterations in serum immunoglobulins occur.35 some cases there is no history of such episodes, Pathological assessment usually reveals ex- but it is probable that they are frequently sub- tensive visceral pleural fibrosis, usually most New developments in asbestos-related pleural disease 213

marked at the bases but often extending to the the upper lobes of the lungs.404' The radio- apex. It is usually, but not always, bilateral. logical appearance may be difficult to dis- There are commonly extensive adhesions be- tinguish from those of past tuberculosis. tween the pleura and chest wall. Bands offibrous High resolution computed tomographic

tissue may penetrate into the lung and discrete (HRCT) scanning demonstrates the extent of Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.51.2.210 on 1 February 1996. Downloaded from pleural plaques are also often present. Histo- the pleural thickening more clearly than the logical examination shows a basket weave pattern plain chest radiograph, particularly in the ofpleural fibrosis. Dense, subpleural, pulmonary region of the paravertebral gutter which is very parenchymal fibrosis is usually present.32 frequently involved and difficult to assess on The layer of thickened pleura surrounding the plain radiograph. HRCT scanning aids the lung and usually adhering to the chest wall differentiation between multiple discrete impedes expansion of the lungs. In advanced plaques and diffuse pleural thickening which cases there may be a progressively shrinking can be impossible on plain radiographs." It is cuirass of thickened pleura squeezing the lung. helpful in identifying what may appear to be a The principal symptom is shortness of breath mass lesion on the plain radiograph as an area on exertion. There may have been a history of of infolded lung or Blesovsky syndrome (fig 2). episodes of pleurisy in the past and there may When this typical appearance is seen on the also be pleuritic pain due to adhesions. Pain is HRCT scan a biopsy sample is not generally occasionally a persistent feature and may be necessary. HRCT scanning may reveal evid- disabling.36 ence of asbestosis of lung tissue which is not On examination there may be reduced chest apparent on the plain radiograph. expansion and quiet breath sounds when the The characteristic features of diffuse pleural disease is extensive. In some cases crackles may thickening on lung function testing are a re- be absent, even when asbestosis is present, due strictive ventilatory defect, decreased com- to masking of their audibility by the thickened pliance, a reduction in total lung capacity, and pleura. Inspiratory crackles may be present, impairment of gas transfer characterised by a either due to associated asbestosis or to the low carbon monoxide transfer factor (TLCO) pleural disease itself. They may be audible but with a normal or increased carbon monoxide can be detected by time-expanded waveform transfer coefficient (Kco).42 The latter feature analysis more frequently. Crackles due to as- probably reflects the external "squeezing" of bestosis are usually repetitive from one res- the lung characteristic of pleural disease in piratory cycle to another and occur almost which a reduction in TLCO is primarily a result exclusively during the second half of the in- of reduction in lung volume rather than de- spiratory period. Crackles occur in the absence rangement of the alveolar tissue. The Kco of evidence of asbestosis of lung tissue on correlates directly with the degree of pleural the CT scan in about 40% of subjects with thickening.43 This is of importance because a asbestos-related diffuse pleural thickening and normal Kco in the presence of pleural thick- occasionally in those with plaques.37 Time- ening should not be construed as implying the http://thorax.bmj.com/ expanded waveform analysis shows that, al- absence ofparenchymal asbestosis; ifasbestosis though some of the crackles are of similar and pleural thickening coexist the Kco may be configuration to those which occur in as- normal or even increased.43 bestosis, crackles dissimilar to those which The effect of pleural thickening with dia- occur in asbestosis are also present. These fine phragmatic involvement on respiratory muscle crackles have a distinctive waveform, char- function has been investigated.44 Respiratory acteristically occur during mid inspiration and muscle strength, including diaphragm strength,

mid expiration, and are repetitive from cycle was found to be normal even in patients with on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. to cycle (fig 1). The distinctive crackles of pleural disease involving the diaphragms and pleural disease are probably produced by fric- costophrenic angles. Recoil pressure was high tion between the pleural layers which is max- imal at mid inspiration and mid expiration. The chest radiograph shows pleural thick- ening along the chest walls; there appears to be a tendency for thickening to be more ex- tensive on the left which is unexplained.38 The costophrenic angles are often obliterated and, when the condition is extensive, the dia- phragmatic and cardiac contours may be ob- scured. Fibrous strands extending from a thickened pleura may have a "crow's feet" appearance. The appearance of "shrinking pleuritis with rounded atelectasis", otherwise known as "folded lung" may be seen. The characteristic features were first described by Blesovsky in three patients who had been ex- posed to asbestos.39 The pleural changes make assessment ofthe lung fields difficult and defin- ite radiological evidence of asbestosis of the not The thick- lungs is usually apparent. pleural Figure 2 A large pleurally based rounded lesion is seen in ening occasionally involves only or mainly the the left posterior region with a small lesion in the right upper lobes, and there may also be fibrosis of posterior region. 214 Rudd

in some subjects and correlated with the radio- ultrasound or CT guidance, although these are graphic extent ofpleural disease. These findings also small and hence subject to sampling error suggest that reduced chest wall compliance so that malignancy may be missed. If an effu- rather than respiratory muscle weakness is im- sion is present and adhesions are not too ex-

portant in causing breathlessness in patients tensive, thoracoscopy with pleural biopsy under Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.51.2.210 on 1 February 1996. Downloaded from with pleural thickening. direct vision may be helpful. Sufficient doubt The degree of impairment of lung function occasionally remains after these procedures for correlates with the extent of pleural disease thoracotomy to be undertaken. assessed by CT scanning.'14546 The severity In most cases no treatment is advisable. If of breathlessness and disability increase with there is severe impairment of lung function increasing severity of pleural disease.114749 Ob- with consequent disability, decortication may literation of the costophrenic angles and the be attempted. However, this seldom produces extent of chest wall pleural thickening are the any worthwhile improvement in lung function50 radiological features best associated with degree and may be followed by persistent chest pain. of disability. Unilateral disease may cause dis- Pleural thickening often begins on one side ability, although it is less severe than that as- with effusion followed by pleural thickening, sociated with bilateral disease. to be followed months or years later by a Pleural biopsy samples are often not neces- similar episode on the other side. In a study of sary but occasionally there is doubt as to the crocidolite workers it was found that pleural diagnosis, particularly when the pleural changes thickening tended to progress gradually, mainly are unilateral suggesting the possibility ofmeso- during the first 15 years after its onset.34 Smok- thelioma. Pleural biopsy by Abrams' needle is ing does not affect the progression of pleural not advisable in the absence of pleural fluid disease.5' Clinically overt asbestosis may even- and, in any case, usually provides too small a tually emerge. The risks of mesothelioma and sample for adequate diagnosis. More satis- lung cancer relate to the degree of exposure factory biopsy samples may be obtained with to asbestos as in other asbestos-related con- a Tru-cut needle or Biopty gun, preferably with ditions. A recent study of crocidolite workers from Wittenoom Gorge in Western Australia found that the presence of pleural thickening did not affect the mortality from lung cancer and mesothelioma after allowing for the effects of age, smoking, and degree of asbestos ex- posure.29

Parenchymal changes accompanying pleural disease

Features suggestive of interstitial fibrosis of http://thorax.bmj.com/ lung tissue are not infrequently seen on HRCT scanning in subjects with pleural disease. With diffuse pleural fibrosis there are often strands of pleural fibrosis extending into or across the lung. It is usually possible to distinguish these appearances from features more suggestive of interstitial fibrosis of lung tissue such as sub-

pleural curvilinear opacities (fig 3A and B). on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Parenchymal changes also occur in as- sociation with plaques and their interpretation is the subject of debate. One view is that fea- tures of interstitial fibrosis on the HRCT scan constitute evidence ofasbestosis, while another is that their significance is uncertain and that they should not be regarded as sufficient evid- ence of asbestosis. In favour of the latter view it is pointed out that the appearances suggesting interstitial fibrosis are sometimes seen only in parts of the lung immediately beneath the pleural lesion (fig 4) and, hence, that the CT appearance may be a manifestation of the pleural disease - for example, pressure causing localised collapse of the underlying lung. The fact that even large plaques are commonly not accompanied by underlying lung opacities weighs against this hypothesis. Attempts have been made to investigate the Figure 3 (A) A curvilinear opacity in the left lung which pathological nature of parenchymal changes probably represents pleural fibrosis extending into the lung. on the CT scan. Ren et al performed HRCT The line is well defined and is seen to originate from the pleura. (B) Subpleural curvilinear opacities indicating scanning on inflated lungs removed at necro- interstitial fibrosis. The lines are slightly irregular and less scopic examination from 29 subjects with clearly defined. pleural plaques and 29 without pleural New developments in asbestos-related pleural disease 215

based nodular opacities corresponded to sub- pleural fibrosis, subpleural curvilinear lines or bands corresponded to areas ofperibronchiolar fibrosis joined by collapse and fibrosis ofalveoli,

and hazy patches of increased attenuation cor- Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.51.2.210 on 1 February 1996. Downloaded from responded to mild alveolar wall and inter- lobular septal thickening due to fibrosis. These HRCT features, regarded as char- acteristic of asbestosis, were very seldom seen in a group of 17 control subjects and, when they did occur, they were of minimal extent. These results suggest that HRCT features of asbestosis are reliable indicators of histological features of asbestosis in subjects with sub- stantial exposure to asbestos. _~~~~~-._ The term "early asbestosis" is often used to refer to HRCT appearances suggesting min- Figure 4 Subpleural curvilinear reticular opacification in imal or mild interstitial fibrosis with the im- the posterior basal part of the right lung beneath the plication that progression is likely to occur. pleural thickening. There is some evidence to support this pro- position. A study of subjects with asbestosis found that, in cases with mild parenchymal plaques.52 Each scan slice was evaluated for six abnormalities, the subpleural curvilinear opa- characteristics of asbestos-related lung disease: city tended to occur in the posterior parts of septal thickening, parenchymal linear densities, the lower lobe, but in cases with more advanced curvilinear subpleural lines, subpleural de- fibrosis with honeycombing in the posterior pendent densities, honeycombing, and vis- regions curvilinear opacities tended to be dis- ceral pleural thickening. The lungs were then tributed elsewhere.54 These observations sug- sectioned along the planes of each scan slice gest that the subpleural curvilinear opacity to allow comparison between histological and represents an early stage of asbestosis which radiographic features. Septal thickening and later develops into subpleural honeycombing parenchymal linear densities were seen more on the HRCT scan. In another study" serial often in cases with plaques than in controls, HRCT scans performed 12-37 months apart although the differences were not statistically showed definite progression of HRCT features significant, but curvilinear subpleural lines were of asbestosis in eight of 15 subjects. However, seen in four of the cases with plaques and not it is by no means certain that changes of "early in any of 29 controls. Histological examination asbestosis" on the HRCT scan necessarily pres-

revealed non-specific peribronchiolar fibrosis age the subsequent emergence of classical as- http://thorax.bmj.com/ in most subjects in both groups, and its pres- bestosis apparent on clinical examination and ence was not predicted by the features on the plain radiography, and the results of long term HRCT scan suggesting asbestosis. A histo- follow up studies of subjects previously iden- logical diagnosis of asbestosis was made in only tified as having asbestosis only by HRCT scan- two of the cases with plaques, reflecting the ning will be needed for a final judgement on low frequency of exposure to asbestos in the this point. group; only seven of29 gave a history ofdefinite

exposure to asbestos and there was no differ- Pericarditis on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. ence in mean fibre counts between the group Exposure to asbestos occasionally causes be- with plaques and the controls. The authors nign pericardial effusion, thickening, and concluded that pleural plaques are not pre- calcification.56 These manifestations are anal- dictive of the presence of asbestosis and that ogous to the effects of asbestos on the pleura, HRCT scanning does not accurately diagnose and pericardial disease is usually associated asbestosis as assessed histologically. However, with pleural disease. The pericardial thickening the low prevalence of exposure to asbestos may result in constrictive pericarditis with func- limits the value of this study in assessing the tional consequences of impaired right vent- predictive value of features on the HRCT scan ricular filling. This may be suspected in patients for the presence of histological evidence of with breathlessness which appears dis- asbestosis; in a group with a high prevalence of proportionately severe for the degree of ap- sufficient asbestos exposure to cause asbestosis parent respiratory functional impairment. the positive predictive value for asbestosis of Anatomical and functional aspects of peri- features of interstitial fibrosis on the HRCT cardial constriction may be demonstrated by scan would be much higher. Another study correlated pathological and magnetic resonance imaging.57 HRCT findings on necropsy lungs from seven patients with established asbestosis.53 Man-made mineral fibres The appearances on the HRCT scan were The question of whether man-made mineral studied in parts of the lungs which showed fibres may cause pleural and pulmonary histological features of early asbestosis. Sub- changes analogous to those caused by asbestos pleural dot and branch structures on the HRCT has been raised. A study of 284 workers with 20 scans corresponded to peribronchiolar fibrosis or more years' exposure to fibreglass reported with involvement of alveolar ducts, pleural- pleural plaques or thickening in a total of 20 216 Rudd

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