ON THE EMERGENCE OF GRAMMAR FROM THE LEXICON Elizabeth Bates University of California, San Diego Judith C. Goodman University of Missouri, Columbia In B. MacWhinney (Ed.), The emergence of language. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum (1999). Support for the research reported here has been provided by a grant to Judith Goodman by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Early Childhood Transitions, and by NIDCD 401-DC00216, NINDS P50 NS22343 and NIDCD P50 DC01289-0351 to Elizabeth Bates. Portions of this manuscript are adapted from E. Bates and J. Goodman, “On the inseparability of grammar and the lexicon,” Language and Cognitive Processes, 1997. Please address all correspondence to Elizabeth Bates, Center for Research in Language 0526, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0526, or
[email protected]. ON THE EMERGENCE OF GR4AMMAR FROM THE LEXICON Where does grammar come from? How does it develop in par with the elements of our common nature that cause children? Developmental psycholinguists who set out to answer us to grow arms and legs rather than wings. This ver- these questions quickly find themselves impaled upon the horns sion of the classical doctrine is, I think, essentially cor- of a dilemma, caught up in a modern variant of the ancient war rect." (p. 4) between empiricists and nativists. Indeed, some of the fiercest Of course Chomsky acknowledges that French children learn battles in this war have been waged in the field of child language. French words, Chinese children learn Chinese words, and so on. Many reasonable individuals in this field have argued for a middle But he believes that the abstract underlying principles that gov- ground, but such a compromise has proven elusive thus far, in ern language in general and grammar in particular are not learned part because the middle ground is difficult to define.