Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy ISSN: 1303-8303 Volume 5 Issue 1 June 2015 Research ArticleDoi: 10.18491/bijop.35105 ___________________________________________________________ A Brief Account of the Relation between Prudence and Decision in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics ___________________________________________________________ Aristoteles’in ‘Nikomakhos’a Etik’ Eserinde Karar ve Basiret Arasındaki İlişkinin Kısa Bir İzahı YAKUP HAMDİOĞLU s o p h y Cumhuriyet University o Received: 19.02.15Accepted: 13.04.15 Abstract: Aristotle’s ethical theory tells us how happiness gives shape to the human life. Happiness containing within itself the ef- fort toward the end especially manifests itself in using the tools, which will enable us to acquire our ultimate end, skillfully. This study aims to give a brief account of how the relationship between prudence and decision, which correspond to two of these tools, is established in his Nicomachean Ethics for understanding the concep- tual framework of his moral philosophy. Keywords: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, ecision, prudence, happi- ness, virtue, soul. Beytulhikme An International Journal of Phil ___________________________________________________________ Yakup Hamdioğlu, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Bölümü 58140, Sivas,
[email protected] 96 Yakup Hamdioğlu −Why? “For one swallow does not make spring, nor does one day; nor, similarly, does one day or a short time make us blessed and happy.” (Aristotle, NE: 1098a21-2) It could serve a convenient starting point to note that literature abounds with numerous analyses, which take Aristotle to be among first-rate phi- s o p h y losophers as far as the history of philosophy is concerned. His monumen- o tal impact on the direction of medieval philosophy, modern philosophy and contemporary philosophy is unquestionable.