Some Excavations on the Line of the Antonine Wall, 1985-93
Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 125 (1995), 601-671 Some excavations on the line of the Antonine Wall, 1985-93 L J F Keppie*, G B Baileyt, A J Dunwellft, J H McBrien§ &Speller*K * with contribution BatesonD J y sb BoardmanS , Dickson,C Henig,M , R Tippin WebsteV P g& r ABSTRACT The results excavations21 of watchingand briefs Antoninealong the line the of Wallare presented, in due order from east to west, together with notification of some recent small finds. The alignment of the Wall and the position of fort defences were identified in several places. New information about superstructurethe Wall, soldiers'the the of contemporarythe dietand environment was obtained. The projects were financed by Historic Scotland, Falkirk Museums, the Hunterian Museum, Strathclyde Regional Council, and developers. INTRODUCTION This repor continuatioa s i t f earlieno r such compilations e mosth , t recen f whico t h covered the years 1980-5 (Keppie & Walker 1989). The opportunity is also taken to report briefly on some casual find s vicinits it e Wall fro d th e lin f man th ,o ey (see Appendi . Preliminar1) x y reporte worth f k o shav e appeare e relevanth n i d t issue f Discoveryo s Excavation& n i Scotland and in the annual survey contained within the academic journal Britannia. In the same time period, larger-scale work (not reported on here) was undertaken by G B Bailey at Callendar Park, Falkirk (Bailey, this volume); the Pleasance, Falkirk (Bailey, forthcoming 1); Dollhouse, Polmont; and the West Burn, Falkirk (Bailey, forthcoming 2); by L Keppie at Westerwood (Keppie Centre 1994)th r Fiely b efo ; d Archaeology, Universit f Edinburghyo t a , Inveravon (Dunwell 1992; Dunwel Ralston& l , this volume) Glasgod an ; w Bridge (Dunwell, Coles & Mann forthcoming); and by D J Woolliscroft at Garnhall Farm (Burnham et al 1993, 279-80).
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