IOC. Reports of Governing and Major Subsidiary Bodies
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Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Governing and Major Subsidiary Bodies Twenty-sixth Session of the Executive Council Paris, 23-24 February 1993 UNESCO In Ihi* Series Languages Report* of Governing and Major Subsidiary Bodies, which was initiated at the beginning of 1984, the reports of the following meetings have already been issued: 1. Eleventh Session of the Working Committee on international Oceanographic Cata Exchange E, F, S. R 2. Seventeenth rssslon of the Executive Council E, F. S, R. Ar 3. Fourth Session of the Working Committee for Training, Education and Mutual Assistance E. F, S, R 4. Fifth Session of the Working Committee for the Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine E, F. S. R Environment 5. First Session of the IOC Si ^-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions E, F, S 8. Third Session of the ad hoc Task team to Study the Implications, for the Commission, of the UN E. F, S. R Convention on the Law of the Sea and the New Ocean Regime 7. First Session of the Programme Group on Ocean Processes and Climate E, F, S. R 8. Eighteenth Session of the Executive Council E, F, S, R, Ar 9. Thirteenth Session of the Assembly E. F, S, R, Ar 10. Tenth Session of the International Co-ordination Group for the Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific 11. Nineteenth Session of the Executive Council Ë, F, S. R, Ar 12. Sixth Session of the IOC Scientific Committee for the Global Investigation of Pollution in the E. F, S Marine Environment 13. Twelfth Session of the IOC Working Committee on International Oceanographic Cata Exchange E. F. S, R 14. Second Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions E. F, S 15. First Session of the IOC Regional Committee for the Central Eastern Atlantic E, F.S 16. Second Session of the IOC Programme Group on Ocean Processes and Climate E. F, S 17. Twentieth Session of the Executive Council E. F. S. R, Ar 18. Fourteenth Session of the Assembly E, F, S. R, Ar 19. Fifth Se', lion of the IOC Regional Committee for the Southern Ocean E, F. S, R 20. Eleventh Session of the International Co-ordination Group for the Tsunami Warning System in E, F. S, R the Pacific 21. Second Session of the IOC Regional Committee for the Co-operative Investigation in the North E, F and Central Western Indian Ocean 22. Fourth Session of tile IOC Regional Committee for the Western Pacific English only 23. Twenty-first Session of the Executive Council E. F. S. R 24. Twenty-second Session of the Executive Council E, F. S, R 25. Fifteenth Session of the Assembly E. F. S. R 26. Third Session of the IOC Committee on Ocean Processes and Climate E, F, S, R 27. Twelfth Session of the International Co-ordination Group for the Tsunami Warning System in the E. F. S, R Pacific 28. Third Session of the Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions E.S 29. First Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific English only 30. Fifth Session of the IOC Regional Committee for the Western Pacific English only 31. Twenty-third Session of the Executive Council E. F. S, R 32. Thirteenth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information English only Exchange 33. Seventh Session of the IOC Committee for the Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine E, F, S, R Environment 34. Fifth Session of the IOC Committee for Training, Education and Mutual Assistance in Marine E. F. S. R Sciences 35. Fourth Session of the IOC Committee on Ocean Processes and Climate E, F, S. R 36. Twenty-fourth Session of the Executive Council E, F, S, R 37. Sixteenth Session of the Assembly E, F, S, R, Ar 38. Thirteenth Session of the International Co-ordination Group for the Tsunami Warning System in E. F, S. R the Pacific 39. Second Session of the IOC-WMO Intergovernmental WOCE Panel English only 40. Twenty-fifth Session of the Executive Council E, F. S, R 41. Fifth Session of the IOC Committee on Ocean Processes and Climate E, F, S, R 42. Second Session of the IOC Regional Committee for the Central Eastern Atlantic E. F 43. First Session of the Joint IOC-UNEP Intergovernmental Panel for the Global Investigation E. F. S. R of Pollution in the Marine Environment 44. First Session of the IOC-FAO Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algae Blooms E. F. S 45. Fourteenth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information E, F. S. R Exchange 46. Third Session of the IOC Regional Committee for the Co-operative Investigation in the North and E. F Central Western Indian Ocean 47. Second Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific English only 48. Fourth Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions E.S 49. Third Session of the IOC Regional Co nmittoe for the Central Eastern Atlantic E. F 50. First Session of the IOC Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System E. F, S R 51. Twenty-sixth Session of the Executive Council E. F. -■ R 52. Seventeenth Session of the Assembly E, F, S, R IOC/EC-XXVI/3 Paris, 7 May 1993 Original: English SC-93/CONF.208/LD.7 IOC/EC-XXVI/3 page (i) TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY REPORT Page 1. OPENING 1 2. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS 1 2.1 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR 1 2.2 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 1 2.3 CONDUCT OF THE SESSION I » 3. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE SEVENTEENTH SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY I 3.1 APPOINTMENT OF THE NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE I 3.2 FORMATION OF THE TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTIONS 1 3.3 TIMETABLE I 4. STUDY OF IOC DEVELOPMENT, OPERATIONS, STRUCTURE AND STATUTES (DOSS) 2 5. DATES AND PLACE OF THE TWENTY-SEVENTH SESSION OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 2 6. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT 2 7. CLOSURE 2 ANNEXES I Agenda II List of Participants ïOC/EC-XXVI/3 1. OPENING The Chainnan called the Council Io order at 10:00 on 23 February 1993. He referred to the documentation prepared for this session of the IOC Executive Council. The Council is acting, in accordance with Rule of Procedure No. 12 (2), as the Steering Committee for the Seventeenth Session of the Assembly. 2. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS 2.1 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR The Executive Council uccepted the proposal by Australia to designate Ms. Muriel Cole (USA) as rapporteur for the Session. 2.2 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Executive Council udopted the Agenda as reproduced in Annex I hereto. 2.3 CONDUCT OF THE SESSION ' The Executive Council agreed to the proposed timetable for the Session. 3. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE SEVENTEENTH SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY 3.1 APPOINTMENT OF THE NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE Pursuant to Rule of Procedure No. 12 (2), the Executive Council, acting as the Steering Committee for the Assembly, appointed a Nominations Committee for the Assembly with the following composition : Chairman : Poland Members : Argentina, China, France, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kenya, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, USA 3.2 FORMATION OF THE TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTIONS The Executive Council, pursuant to criteria given by the Assembly since 1989 (of. Document IOC/INF-785 Corr.) recommended a small Technical Review Committee for Resolutions for the Assembly with the following composition : Chairman : Prof. Badawi (Egypt), 3rd Vice-Chairman Members : Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, China, France, Russian Federation, UK and USA. 3.3 TIMETABLE The Executive Council agreed with tho provisional timetable for the Seventeenth Session of the Assembly as briefly introduced by the Secretary IOC (Document IOC-XVII/I Add.prov.rev.). Following proposals and comments by several Member States on the organization of foreseeable ad hoc working or drafting group discussions outside normal sessional working hours, in particular on TEMA, the Executive Council instructed the Secretary IOC to investigate the possibility IOC/EC-XXVI/3 page 2 particular on TEMA, the Executive Council instructed the Secretary IOC to investigate ihi. possibility of providing interpretation for these ad hoc meetings. Efforts should aiso be made to combine one of the TEMA discussions with one of those foreseen concerning the UNCED follow-up on capacity building. The proposed International Ocean Conference 1994 should aiso be discussed in the context of the UNCED item. 4. STUDY OF IOC DEVELOPMENT, OPERATIONS, STRUCTURE AND STATUTES (DOSS) The Executive Council noted that a meeting, open to ali Member States, had been scheduled on 24 February 1993 to allow for an informal exchange of views, without formal statements, on the DOSS Report (Document IOC/DOSS-III/3), prior to its discussion at the Assembly, and in accordance with the request expressed by the Assembly at its Sixteenth Session. 5. DATES AND PLACE OF THE TWENTY-SEVENTH SESSION OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL The Secretary proposed thai the Executive Council give consideration to the option of having the mid-term Executive Council Session later in the year than is presently the case (after the fall session of the UNESCO Executive Board), so as to allow for the Executive Council to provide advice on programme implementation. Such an arrangement would aiso require a shifting of the subsequent Assembly to the June-July period, after the spring session of the UNESCO Executive Board. In discussing the options proposed by the Secretary, the Executive Council was of the view that the matter required further consideration, taking into account other planned important conferences around the two options : (i) 28 February - 9 March 1994; and, (ii) 20 - 30 October 1994, aiso considering the consequences for possible alternative dates under consideration for the Eighteenth Session of the Assembly in 1995 (13-25 March 1995 and 20 June-5 July 1995).