My dear friends,

This is the month of holidays, joy, travel, fellowship, expenditure, new experiences and above all, the birthday of the Church. About 2000 years ago, the promised Spirit of God was poured upon the people of God. This is the day, which has to be observed as the great festival of the Church like Christmas, New Year and Easter. This great day of the church falls on 24 May 2015. Therefore, I would like to share with you a blessing that we receive from the Spirit of God.

The Spirit of God is the saving strength of God: During the time of the Old Testament, in many instances, the Spirit of God was sent to some individuals to protect the people of God. When the Midianites came against the Israelites to destroy and overcome them, the saving strength was sent on Gideon, to save them from the hands of the Midianites.

Judges 6:33 says: Then all the Midianites, the Amalechites, and the people of the East came together and crossing the Jordan, they encamped in the Valley of Jezreel. However, the Spirit of God took possession over Gideon. Gideon brought a great liberation to Israelites from the hands of the Midianites. In Judges 8:28 we see … “and the land had rest for forty years in the days of Gideon”.

In the same way in another situation, God wanted to protect the Israelites from Ammonites and the saving strength came upon Jephthah. We see this in Judges 11:29, the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah and in verse 33 we see the Ammonites were subdued before the people of . When Philistines rose against the Israelites, the same saving strength of God was bestowed upon Samson. We see this incident in Judges chapters 14 to 16.

My dear friends, in those days the Midianites, Ammonites and Philistines were the opposing power to God’s people. Today, different kinds of destructive distractions come before us to hide God’s presence from us. The opposition comes within us in different forms and leads us to sin, to disobey, to live a life without witness, full of transgressions and the wicked life overcomes us. In the , a fearful situation arose to destroy the friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. However, the saving strength, which indwelled in them protected and saved them.

In the life of Joseph, much opposition, obstacles came but with the saving strength of God, he never deviated from a holy life. He was able to say `how can I sin against my loving God?’


The saving strength of God surrounds us, living within us, thus making always available the power and protection of God.

The Holy Spirit is the One Who protects and liberates us from the dangers of this world, flesh and Satan. So the Holy Spirit is the saving strength of God.

The promised Power from above came upon the people on the Day of Pentecost after the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. The Bible clearly says: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

Therefore, my dear friends, we need to acknowledge God the Spirit, One Person in the Trinity, in us. Many times we understand God the Father and God the Son, but are not aware of the Spirit of God who indwells in us and sustains us. This Spirit of God has to be fanned in to flame, to realize the power in our lives. Let this festival of Pentecost bring in us a new understanding about the Holy Spirit.

Let the fruit of the Spirit and the gift of the Spirit, be known to everyone around us and make us a blessing to many.

May God bless you all.

Your servant of God, Rev D Richard Ambrose Jebakumar Presbyter-in-charge



Last November, I tore a ligament in my left ankle after a fall down the office steps, and was advised complete bed rest for 3 whole weeks. From being on a spin all day to staying grounded with very little to do, and in intense pain, the situation opened up a whole new world to me. This forced rest made me realize how much I had taken for granted all the time I had spent on my feet! On another level, it also made me realize what people who can barely move out of their beds must be going through. It taught me to pray for others in pain and to trust in God at all times.

In Psalm 77, we find that situations like these can give us an opportunity to remember and recount the mighty works that God has done for us in the past.

Rest and reflect We are in such a hurry most of the time that God sometimes reminds us to lie down and rest. In Psalm 23, we learn that our Good Shepherd makes us “lie down in green pastures” and leads us “beside the still waters.” He knows that we need the calm and rest that these provide, even when we don’t realize it ourselves.

Rest is essential for us and we read in the Bible that God Himself rested on the seventh day after creation (Gen. 2:2-3; Ex. 20:9-11). Jesus knew there was a time to minister to the crowds and a time to rest. He instructed His disciples to “come aside . . . and rest a while” (Mark 6:31). Rest helps us refocus and refresh. And so, when we are filling every hour with activity—even with worthwhile things—God often gets our attention by making us “lie down.”

“Rest is a gift—a good gift from our Creator who knows exactly what we need. Praise Him that He sometimes makes us “lie down in green pastures.”” says Cindy Hess Kasper in ‘Our Daily Bread’.

Enjoy His presence God speaks to us in many ways and it need not necessarily be in lengthy sermons. In John 10:27 Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me”. Sheep don’t understand words, but they know the sound that signals the shepherd’s presence.

Similarly, when we spend time in God’s presence, distracting noises can compete for our attention (Zech. 10:2). Yet God has ways of signalling us, even without words. Through events that can be alarming or


encouraging, He reminds us of His guiding, protecting, and reassuring presence.

When we reflect and meditate on who God is, and the mighty deeds that He has done for us, we can be assured of His greatness, goodness, and guidance (Psalm 77:11-20). For where God leads, He also protects and provides. Fabiola Jacob

When He had come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed Him. And behold, a leper came and worshiped Him, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately his leprosy was cleansed. Matthew 8:1–3

Beyond all expectations

When the Lord blesses you, He blesses you beyond what you expect. In the healing of the leper, Jesus reached out and touched the leper, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” And immediately, the man was healed.

Did you notice that Jesus touched the leper first before He healed him? I love these little gestures of Jesus! That simple touch restored a sense of humanity and dignity to the man who had not been touched for a long time. Because of his unclean and physically repulsive condition, no one wanted to be close to him, much less touch him.

Jesus knew that the leper needed more than just physical healing, so He gave above and beyond what the leper had hoped for. Beloved, that’s the love and over-supplying grace of your Savior! What is your lack today? As you meditate on the largeness of His grace toward you, know beyond any doubt that Jesus’ provision will exceed all your expectations!


Gracing our cover this month, is the charming St. Stephen’s Church, Ooty, photographed by Caroline Roopsingh.

Perched above the Ooty town centre, on the road to Mysore, St Stephen’s Church is the oldest church in the Nilgiris. It has lovely stained glass windows, huge wooden beams that were hauled by elephants from the palace of Tipu Sultan some 120km away, and memorial slabs and plaques donated by colonial-era churchgoers. The quiet, overgrown churchyard has many headstones commemorating the people who lived here.

The foundation stone of St. Stephen’s Church was laid on April 23, 1829 by Stephen Rumbold Lushington, the then Governor of Madras, on the birthday of King George IV. John James Underwood, Captain, Madras Regiment was the architect in charge, and the construction cost was about Rs 24,000 at that time. The church was consecrated on November 5, 1830, and opened to the public communion on Easter Sunday April 3, 1831. This early consecration was due to the fact that there was no bishopric of Madras (Chennai) at that time. As Lord Bishop of Calcutta was visiting Ooty during the final stages of construction, it was decided to take advantage of the visit. Lord Bishop consecrated the new church, the first in the Nilgiri mountains, and recommended his own chaplain from Calcutta as the first Chaplain appointment.

St. Stephen’s Church is all the more attractive for its artistic pieces like the painting depicting the Last Supper on the wall on the western side above the paneled doors, and the stained glass windows depicting, among other scenes, the crucifixion of Christ and Mary holding baby Jesus in her arms. Instead of the usual bell in the tower, 4 hammer-like structures are tied on inverted-V shaped wooden planks using wires, which when pulled from the floor, produce a musical sound. The church also has a pulpit with a flight of steps to the left of the chancel, a pew with a chancel in a raised position and a vestry. St. Stephen’s Church came under the Church of South India in 1947.

It is the Holy Spirit's job to convict, God's job to judge and my job to love – Billy Graham

When you strip it of everything else, Pentecost stands for power and life. That's what came into the church when the Holy Spirit came down on the day of Pentecost – David Wilkerson


The Lord Jesus was taken up to Heaven

Forty days after the resurrection, to His disciples the Lord appeared in person, Then He lead them to Mt. Olives for a good reason. He asked them to stay and not leave Jerusalem, Till the gift of the Holy Spirit is sent to them.

Once the Holy Spirit on them is bestowed, They could boldly preach, to them He assured. In many cities they could spread the Word, And also to the end of the world.

He blessed them before His departure, While talking with them, He went up in rapture. A cloud barred Him from their view, Their faces became sad as they withdrew.

Suddenly, they saw two men in white, Who came to assure them at the site They said that He will come again at the same spot to meet, At the same place He will set His feet.

So the disciples left Mt. Olives in haste, To Jerusalem they went with no time to waste, There they prayed and waited with one mind, In a room with doors closed behind. Prema Jeyasundar



A Pastor came out of the church soon after the service was over, and found that most of the congregation had left. He felt bad that there was no fellowship. So he prepared a comprehensive questionnaire, covering various aspects of life, and distributed it among the congregation the following Sunday. The members were surprised, but the Pastor was calm and he requested the congregation to assemble after the service, and addressed them:

“Dear members,” the Pastor began, “I happened to read a book written by Pastor Jean G Gates. Once, Pastor Gates visited a poor family, where the man of the house was without employment for the last three years, and so had sold all household articles, and did not even have a chair for the Pastor to sit! Pastor Gates asked the poor man if he could tell his congregation about his condition. And with his permission, he announced it in Church. The congregation gave generously and Pastor Gates was surprised to find the contribution was more than £5000!”

The Pastor also told the congregation that he had a vision in which he saw the body of Christ, and on His forehead was written Church. He saw some limbs - some healthy, some sick, some strong and some weak. He saw the strong ones helping the weak. Gal 6:2 came to his mind: “Bear ye one another’s burden and fulfill the law of Christ”. He opened the Bible and 2 Corinthians 8: 13-14 caught his eye “For I do not mean that others should be eased and you burdened, but that as a matter of fairness, your abundance at the present time should supply their need, so that their abundance may supply your need, that there may be fairness.”

The Pastor wanted his Church too, to be the body of Christ, and the members its limbs. Each limb must know about the other limbs, its strengths and weaknesses and successes and failures. Paul said in Romans 12:10 “be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love”, and in Romans 13: 15 “Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.” He told the congregation that all members belong to one family - the family of Christ - and must share one anothers’ burdens. And that was why he had given the questionnaire.

A member stood up and asked “Do you think this will work out?” “God wants the Church to be like this. So pray to God. He will guide us”, said the Pastor. He prayed and the meeting came to an end.

Dear fellow believers, “What do you think about the ideal Church?” G. Joseph


Prayer: two conditions must be met

Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.—1 John 3:21-22

When we go to God with a request that He modify the existing situation for us, that is, that He answer prayer, there are two conditions that we must meet: (1) We must pray in the will of God and (2) we must be on what old-fashioned Christians often call "praying ground"; that is, we must be living lives pleasing to God.

It is futile to beg God to act contrary to His revealed purposes. To pray with confidence the petitioner must be certain that his request falls within the broad will of God for His people.

The second condition is also vitally important. God has not placed Himself under obligation to honor the requests of worldly, carnal or disobedient Christians. He hears and answers the prayers only of those who walk in His way...(1 John 3:21-22; John 15:7)....

The truth is that God always answers the prayer that accords with His will as revealed in the Scriptures, provided the one who prays is obedient and trustful. Further than this we dare not go.

"Lord, in the power of Your Holy Spirit, help me to be obedient today. May everything I think and do be pleasing in Your sight. Amen."

Contributed by Priya Muller


1. What is the name given to the surgical stitching used to close an incision? 2. What is ‘Horology? 3. Which ailment happens when too much bile pigments accumulate? 4. Who discovered the circulation of blood? 5. Which is the heaviest organ in the human body? 6. What is “Spelunking”? D.I.A. Soundarapandian

Answers to Science quiz are found on page 15 10


It was their anniversary and Asha was waiting for her husband Rajiv to show up. Things had changed since their marriage, the once-cute couple who couldn't-live-without-each-other had turned bitter. Fighting over every little thing, both didn't like the way things had changed. Asha was waiting to see if Rajiv remembered it was their anniversary! Just as the doorbell rang, she ran to find her husband wet and smiling with a bunch of flowers in his hand. The two started re-living the old days. Making up for fights, they made plans for dinner and light music, and it was raining! It was perfect.

But the moment paused when the phone in the bedroom rang. Asha went to pick it up and it was a man. "Hello ma'am… I'm calling from the police station. Is this Mr Rajiv's number?" "Yes it is!" "I'm sorry ma'am; but there was an accident and a man died. We got this number from his wallet; we need you to come and identify his body!" Asha's heart sank! She was shocked!! “But my husband is here with me…" "Sorry ma'am but the incident took place at 2 pm, when he was boarding the train."

Asha was about to lose her consciousness. How could this happen?! She had heard about the soul of the person coming to meet a loved one before it leaves! She ran into the other room. He was not there. It was true! He had left her for good! Oh no! She would have died for another chance to mend every little fight! She rolled on the floor in pain. She had lost her chance! Forever!

Suddenly there was a noise from the bathroom, the door opened and Rajiv came out and said "Darling, I forgot to tell you… my wallet got stolen today!"

Life might not give you a second chance like this. So never waste a moment when you can still make up for your wrongs!

Let's start making amends. No one has a promised tomorrow. Have a wonderful life today with no regrets!

“Let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.”—Eph. 5:33

Ventriloquist G A Shanthakumar



The `Easter Sunday prayer walk’ is now a regular annual feature, with members of CSI churches from all over Chennai trekking across the length and breadth of our city, praying for the growth of churches in our land.

On 5 April 2015, we assembled at 4:00 p.m. in our church premises for the Prayer Walk. We were joined by members of C.S.I Church of the Victorious Cross, Ashok Nagar along with their Pastor Rev. Sam Rajkumar, in our church premises.

The prayer walk began with an opening prayer by our Pastor Rev. Richard Ambrose. Brochures with prayer points were distributed to all the people who came for the prayer walk. We left our church premises carrying banners and walked along Santhome High Road upto Foreshore Estate in prayer. At Foreshore Estate, we stood and sang both Tamil and English songs. We prayed for all the prayer points given in the brochures, along with the members of the Victorious Cross Church. The prayer was for the whole of Chennai as well as for the extension of Chennai City. We prayed for mission to be introduced in new areas in and around Chennai. We prayed for the Governor, Minister, and authorities who lead our state.

After the closing prayer and benediction we dispersed. Praise God for this prayer walk “A Mission with a Vision” to spread the Gospel of Christ.

Kavita Edward



To start with, we read about the first tree in the Bible, the one on which hung the forbidden fruit. The Lord God planted all kinds of trees in the Garden of Eden – trees that produced food to eat, trees useful as building material and also trees that were pleasing to the eye. To preserve the ecosystem the trees also conserved the soil, maintained oxygen supply and helped bring down the rain. In the middle of the Garden, God planted also the tree of life with the knowledge of good and evil and forbade Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of this tree of life, which will result in death. However Eve was brain washed by the Serpent, the Devil, and she could not resist eating the fruit and made Adam also to eat. God used that tree to test their loyalty and trust, but they failed. (Genesis 2 & 3)

Primarily trees produce fruits and vegetable for all living creatures to eat including humans. As to the use of tree trunks as building material, we read about Noah instructed by God to build an ark, out of cypress wood, measuring 450’ x 75’ x 45’ high. (Genesis 6: 14-22). During the exodus, the Lord desiring to live with the Israelites, told Moses to build the tabernacle and gave the divine specifications for the same. Accordingly the ark of the covenant, the altar of incense, the altar of burnt offering etc were all made of Acacia wood. The craftsmen Bezalel and Oholiab were also recruited and trained by the Lord Himself to execute and oversee the construction of the Tabernacle (Exodus 37).

Then in II Chronicles second chapter, it is recorded how Solomon, as instructed by the Lord, built His Temple, for which he imported timber logs from . He send message to his friend Hiram, King of Tyre – “send me cedar, cypress, and algum” – and the logs were floated out in rafts by sea down to Joppa, from where they were taken by road to Jerusalem. Earlier King David also had imported cedar logs through the same Hiram to build his palace.

In the Old Testament, certain divine truth are explained referring to trees, as in the Book of Psalms chapter one, the tree planted by streams of water, which yields fruits in season and whose leaf do not wither. The blessed man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked and delights in the law of the Lord, is compared to this tree. This reminds us of the fruitfulness of godly righteousness, which brings all blessings of God. King Solomon in his Book of Proverbs compares wisdom to the tree of life, which brings understanding, pleasant ways of people, riches and honour (Proverbs 3: 13-18). Both Prophet Ezekiel (Ezekiel 47: 1,2) and Apostle John (Revelation 22: 1, 2), when being led by the angelic guide through a visionary tour, saw water like a river coming out of the Lord’s 13

Temple and His Throne in the New Jerusalem, nourishing trees of life on each side of the river. These trees brought forth crops of fruits and leaves are used for healing. This description can be compared to the river–trees in the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 2: 10)

Now coming to consider the trees in the New Testament, we should not forget that Jesus Christ Himself was a carpenter, well versed with timber and worked on it most of his lifetime, along with his father, Joseph. Jesus taught with this background. Jesus told the fact that “good trees bear good fruit and bad trees bad fruit” – to explain the truth that “only a good renewed heart can produce pure speech” Mathew 12:33 – Luke 6:43-45). John the Baptist, while warning that “the judgment is near,” says, “The axe is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown in to the fire” (Mathew 3: 10). Are we producing good fruit? – or ready to be axed?

Jesus while preaching in a synagogue, compared the Kingdom of God to a small mustard seed, which when planted, grows into a big tree with spread branches giving shelter to all. The truth in this parable is that, though the Kingdom of God seemingly had an insignificant beginning, will eventually spread throughout the world for the spiritual benefit of all. (Mathew 13: 31, 32. See also Mark, Luke)

When Jesus entered Jericho, we read how a sturdy Sycamore tree helped the short tax collector Zacchaeus to climb it and see Jesus Christ and seen by him also, while passing by, in spite of the huge crowd. Jesus asked him to come down and invited himself to his house. There Zac’s confession and promise to return fourfold what he may have cheated anybody, brought about on the spot salvation to him and his family from Jesus Christ (Luke 19: 1-10).

After Jesus entered Jerusalem triumphantly, he entered the temple and cleared all the money changers and the other businessmen. The next day when he was going back to the temple, he was hungry. Seeing a Fig Tree, he went near and saw no fruit, but only leaves. So he said – “May you never bear fruit again”, and the tree withered forthwith. The fig tree representing Israel, these two incidents are a parable of judgment and illustration of believing prayer and having faith as explained by Jesus in further verses (Mathew 21: 12-22). It also serves as a vivid warning of the judgment to come in A.D. 70, when entire Jerusalem was destroyed after the Jews rejected and crucified their Messiah.

The most important tree, the crude cross of Calvary was hewn from a sturdy tree, where our Messiah hung to bear all our sins. It stands above all trees as a symbol of love, sacrifice and salvation.


In modern times, we cannot forget the Christmas Tree, which we decorate and put up to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, which is a symbol of peace, goodwill and joy.

Manoharan Gnanaolivu Convener

I saw Jesus

I saw Jesus last week. He was wearing blue jeans and an old shirt. He was up at the church building; He was alone and working hard. For just a minute He looked a little like one of our members. But it was Jesus, I could tell by His smile.

I saw Jesus last Sunday. He was teaching a Bible class. He didn't talk real loud or use long words, But you could tell He believed what he said. For just a minute, He looked like my Bible teacher. But it was Jesus, I could tell by His loving voice.

I saw Jesus yesterday. He was at the hospital visiting a friend who was sick. They prayed together quietly. For just a minute He looked like Brother Jones. But it was Jesus, I could tell by the tears in His eyes.

I saw Jesus this morning. He was in my kitchen making my breakfast and fixing me a special lunch. For just a minute He looked like my mom. But it was Jesus, I could feel the love from His heart.

I see Jesus everywhere…taking food to the sick, welcoming others to his home, being friendly to a newcomer… and for just a minute, I think he's someone I know.

But it's always Jesus… I can tell by the way he serves.

May someone see Jesus in you today! Contributed by Dr. Rabinder Boaz



The Holy Bible urges us not to underestimate the destructive potential of our tongue – of what we say. Our reckless and careless words can kindle emotional harm. The tongue defiles the whole body and it is essential that we must guard our mouth. When we do that we starve the evil that is doing harm secretly. Likewise, when we refuse to give expression to impure, unkind, ungodly thoughts, we choke and strangle the evil in us.

Small spark produces big fire. The Hayman fire in Colardo, USA destroyed more than 1,37,000 acres of mountain forest, darkened the whole skies, choking the residents of cities miles away and millions of dollars were spent fighting the blaze that began with a single match.

The best way to avert the flames of anger is to keep from striking the first match. We must pray to God to let His wisdom check our thoughts before they leave our tongue. The wisdom from above is pure, peaceable, gentle, full of mercy and yields good fruits without partiality. As we draw on God’s wisdom through His words, we can lessen the sparks of dissension and instead speak words of peace.

There are innumerable verses in the Holy Bible and I am giving a few for the benefit of readers.

i) But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. (James 3: 8) ii) Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. (Proverbs 4: 24) iii) Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are His delight. (Proverbs 12: 22)

Even as Christians, we may cling to anger and bitterness, feeling that those who have wronged us should suffer for their offenses. But when we realize how much God has forgiven us, we are compelled to extend mercy to others.

The Holy Bible urges us to put on tender mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering, forbearing one another and forgiving one another… even as Christ forgave you so also do ye. (Colossians 3: 12, 13). Freely we have been forgiven, let us freely forgive. Forgiveness is God’s command.

We often want to silence our critics and defend ourselves. When we grow in God’s protective love, we become less concerned with what others say 16

about us and willingly adapt ourselves to God’s words of infinite love. We are in God’s hands, no matter what others say. (They say what they say, let them say.)

After the morning church service, in which the Pastor preached about Spiritual gifts, a smart lady greeted him and said, “Pastor, I believe I have the gift of criticism”. The Pastor responded by saying, “Do you remember the person in Jesus’ parable who had the one talent? Do you recall what he did with it? “Yes”, replied the woman, “he dug it in the earth, and hid his lord’s money” (St. Mathew 25: 18). With a smile, the Pastor suggested, “Go and do likewise your criticism”

If criticism is not given with an earnest desire to help, it can be cruel and destructive. You can determine when you should criticize and you should not by asking yourself some of the following three questions: i) Am I motivated by a desire to help the other person? ii) Am I planning to face him honestly, but gently? iii) Am I doing this for the Lord or because I enjoy being critical?

If your goal is to help, if your motives are loving, and if your desire is to please God, then you may go ahead and criticize. If you can’t pass these tests, for Heaven’s sake please keep quiet.

Even though our tongue is a small member, and boasts great things, with God’s help we must learn to control our tongue. May our mouth be filled with thanksgiving and words that benefit others.

D.I.A. Soundarapandian

Answers to Science quiz: 1. Sutures 2. The science of making clocks 3. Jaundice 4. William Harvey 5. Liver 6. Exploring Caves

`The Holy Spirit is described as the Comforter, like a mother would be a comforter to her child. It is also said of the Spirit that He will lead us into all truth. Who instructs children? It is generally the mom, since she is with her kids most of the time. Who teaches baby Christians and weans them off milk and into greater spiritual truths? The Holy Spirit’ ― Lisa Bedrick



What do managers do? The most likely response would be they plan, organize, co-ordinate and control. These four words have dominated management vocabulary since the French industrialist Henri Fayol first introduced them in 1916.

Leadership is different from management. It is not necessarily better than management or a replacement for it. Rather, leadership and management are two different and complementary systems of action.

Management is about coping with complexity while leadership is about coping with change. Where management controls people by pushing them in the right direction, leadership motivates them by satisfying basic human needs.

On a study of the Book of Nehemiah, one can imbibe several leadership lessons. He challenges his countrymen to arise and build the shattered walls of Jerusalem. In spite of several obstacles, the work is completed in just fifty two days. Let’s take a closer look at his leadership qualities.

 He knew he was called by God - It is imperative that leaders take time to listen to God and to be led by Him. For any work to be effective, work has to be done in accordance to His will. (Nehemiah 2:12)

 He depended on prayer - In the opening chapter we read that Nehemiah intercedes with God. He is confident of the Lord’s guidance and blessings (2:20). “To be a Christian without prayer”, said Martin Luther, “is no more possible than to be alive without breathing”. “Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers”, said Phillips Brooks. “Pray for powers equal to your tasks”. Nehemiah prayed to the God of heaven. (2:4)

 He had a vision - Leadership involves vision, revision, & supervision but the greatest of these is vision. The story is told about a group of people working in a construction site. A person was passing through and he asked one of the workers what he was doing to which he responded saying that he was working so he could have food for the day. The second person responded that he was breaking stones. The third person’s response was quite revolutionary. His response was that he was part of the team that was involved in the construction of a cathedral. Because Nehemiah had vision, he could focus on the job at hand and not be sidetracked by the opposition. He exhorts his


people, “Come and let us build” (2:17) and again “Let us rise up and build” (2:18). That was the vision driving Nehemiah.

 He read from God’s Word - Pivotal to the Book of Nehemiah is Chapter 8. In it we find that the people are encouraged to listen to the Word of God. It is in reading the Word of God that we know the God of the Word better. God’s Word convicts as we see from 8: 9 ‘for all the people wept, when they heard the words of the Law’. We need to read God’s Word: o Thoughtfully o Extensively o Repeatedly o Carefully

 True heart conversion leads to renewal and great joy  True heart conversion leads to radical changes in a person’s life  True heart conversion leads to faithful obedience to God’s leading

Ravi Zacharias said this: “God’s Word is the scroll given to us to inform us, teach us, guide us, enrich us, and correct us to that celestial city”. If we lose this Word, we lose the light.

 He worked hard - Too often we see people easily settling in for mediocrity. Rather, we should always strive for diligence in all that we do. One verse which comes up to mind almost at once is, “and whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not to men…” (Colossians 3:23). A good role model for us is our God of creation. Notice the words “ And God saw that it was good” in Genesis 1: 10, 12, 18… Our work should be a pleasing aroma to our God. Nehemiah had a strategy, delegated responsibility and followed up with motivating his people, as good leaders always do. (Chapters 3 and 4)

 Discernment - An important arsenal in the armour of a leader is that of discernment. Nehemiah faced the following opposition: o Opposition through ridicule (Chapter 4) o Opposition though threat of attack (Chapter 4) o Opposition through discouragement (Chapter 4) o Opposition through extortion (Chapter 5) o Opposition through compromise (Chapter 6) o Opposition through slander (Chapter 6) o Opposition through treachery (Chapter 6)

The responses to each of the above are as follows: o ‘for the people had a mind to work’ (4: 6) o ‘we made our prayer to our God’ (4: 9) o ‘Our God will fight for us’ (4: 20) 19

o ‘Should you not walk in the fear of our God’? (5: 9) o ‘I am doing a great work’ (6:3) o ‘Now therefore, O God, strengthen my hands’ (6:9) o ‘ I perceived that God had not sent him at all’ (6: 12)

What tremendous resilience Nehemiah demonstrated to the opposition he encountered. His dependence on God is to be admired. It is important for leaders to know the guiles and wiles of the devil and to have the full armour of God, even as we daily fight the good fight. How good it will be for us to respond to opposition in the manner which Nehemiah responded.

The Christian’s life is a series of unfamiliar steps that strengthen faith. God will never lead you where His grace cannot keep you.

Chittaranjan Soundarapandian



In the olden days, people used to cook food in clay pots. Thirty years ago, clay pot cooking was very common in Indian villages. The food cooked in it was very tasty and healthy. Jeremiah gives the picture of a potter working with clay on the potter’s wheel. “The pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.” Jer 18:4. The reference to the ‘clay’ and the ‘clay pot’ has great significance in the Bible. Jesus Christ is the Potter and we are the clay. He shapes and moulds us in the way He wants, so that we can be useful for Him.

A man who used ‘clay pot’ or ‘earthen pitcher’ for the battle was Gideon. Before he could use the clay pots for the battle, many clay pots in his life had to be destroyed or broken down. First of all, he was timid and fearful. He was secretly threshing wheat in a winepress, afraid of the Midianites. That hidden fear and timidity had to be broken down. The angel of the Lord appeared before him and greeted “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior”. Gideon was a mighty man of valour but weak in faith. This fear of his enemies was his weakness. The angel gave him a very effectual answer to his objections, by giving him a commission to deliver Israel out of the hands of the Midianites, assuring him of success.

Secondly, the clay pot of the idol worship in his house had to be destroyed. He was commanded to break down the altar of Baal and cut down the Asherah pole erected by his father. Then he was told to build an altar to the Lord, taking the wood of the Asherah pole, and offer the second, seven-year old bull as a burnt offering. Gideon obeyed the Lord with the help of his servants. He did everything at night because he was afraid of his family and the men of the town. When this clay pot of idol worship broke, the Lord did wonders in the hearts of his father and in those who opposed his act. He was filled with courage to attack their enemies and summoned people to join him in the fight. When the clay pots of fear, timidity and idol worship broke down, Gideon became a courageous man. Are there any clay pots in our life which need to be broken down, so that God can use us mightily in His service?

If that light should shine out, if Jesus’ love should be seen in us, some of our clay pots need to be broken. Fear, pride, boastfulness, timidity, self- centeredness and any form of idol worship should be smashed if we are to shine for the Lord Jesus. We are the ‘earthen vessels’ in the Lord’s hands. When we submit to His leading, our ego breaks down and we can be effective witnesses for the Lord Jesus. Let this be our prayer - “Keep me shining Lord in all I say and do, that the world may see that Christ lives in me, and learn to love Him too.” Courtesy: Prof. Punthura Aruldasan, Good Samaritans Link 21


A priest was being honoured with a retirement dinner after 25 years in the parish. A leading local politician, being a member of the congregation was chosen to make a presentation and give a little speech at the dinner. However, he was delayed. So the priest was asked to say a few words in the meanwhile. Not being prepared to speak then, he wondered for a minute and then decided to share his experience on the first day in the parish to highlight how one should not rush to conclusions.

“I got my first impression of the parish from the first confession I heard here. I thought I had been assigned to a terrible place. The very first person who entered my confessional told me he had stolen a television set. When he was questioned by the police, he told a lie. He had stolen money from his parents, embezzled from his employer, had an affair with his friend’s wife and had even taken illegal drugs. I was appalled. But as the days went on, I learned that my people were not all like that and I had, indeed, come to a fine parish full of good and loving people.”

Just as the priest finished his talk, the politician arrived with full of apologies at being late. He immediately began to make the presentation and gave his talk: “I'll never forget the first day our parish priest arrived,” said the politician. “In fact, I had the honour of being the first person to go to him for confession!”

Moral: Never ever be late! We are all eagerly awaiting the second coming of Jesus! We should never be late for that grand occasion!

“Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at any hour!” – Luke 12 : 40 Ventriloquist G A Shanthakumar

Your call will become clear as your mind is transformed by the reading of Scripture and the internal work of God's Spirit. The Lord never hides His will from us. In time, as you obey the call first to follow, your destiny will unfold before you. The difficulty will lie in keeping other concerns from diverting your attention – Charles R Swindoll



"China is not to be won for Christ by quiet, ease-loving men and women … The stamp of men and women we need is such as will put Jesus, China, [and] souls first and foremost in everything and at every time—even life itself must be secondary."

In September 1853, a little three-masted clipper slipped quietly out of Liverpool harbour with Hudson Taylor, a gaunt and wild-eyed 21-year-old missionary, aboard. He was headed for a country that was just coming into the Christian West's consciousness; only a few dozen were stationed there. By the time Taylor died a half-century later, however, China was viewed as the most fertile and challenging of mission fields as thousands volunteered annually to serve there.

A radical missionary Taylor was born to James and Amelia Taylor, a Methodist couple fascinated with the Far East who had prayed for their newborn, "Grant that he may work for you in China." Years later, a teenage Hudson experienced a spiritual birth during an intense time of prayer. He spent the next years in frantic preparation, learning the rudiments of medicine, studying Mandarin, and immersing himself ever deeper into the Bible and prayer.

When Taylor’s ship arrived in Shanghai, one of five "treaty ports" China had opened to foreigners following its first Opium War with England, he almost immediately made a radical decision to dress in Chinese clothes and grow a pigtail (as Chinese men did). His fellow Protestants were either incredulous or critical.

Taylor, for his part, was not happy with most missionaries he saw: he believed they were "worldly" and spent too much time with English businessmen and diplomats who needed their services as translators. Instead, Taylor wanted the Christian faith taken to the interior of China. So within months of arriving, and the native language still a challenge, Taylor, along with Joseph Edkins, set off for the interior, setting sail down the Huangpu River, distributing Chinese and tracts.

When the Chinese Evangelization Society, which had sponsored Taylor, proved incapable of paying its missionaries in 1857, Taylor resigned and became an independent missionary; trusting God to meet his needs. The same year, he married Maria Dyer, daughter of missionaries stationed in


China. He continued to pour himself into his work, and his small church in Ningpo grew to 21 members. But by 1861, he became seriously ill (probably with hepatitis) and was forced to return to England to recover.

In England, the restless Taylor continued translating the Bible into Chinese (a work he'd begun in China), studied to become a midwife, and recruited more missionaries. Troubled that people in England seemed to have little interest in China, he wrote ‘China: Its Spiritual Need and Claims’. In one passage, he scolded, "Can all the Christians in England sit still with folded arms while these multitudes [in China] are perishing— perishing for lack of knowledge—for lack of that knowledge which England possesses so richly?"

Taylor became convinced that a special organization was needed to evangelize the interior of China. He made plans to recruit 24 missionaries: two for each of the 11 unreached inland provinces and two for Mongolia. It was a visionary plan that would have left veteran recruiters breathless: it would increase the number of China missionaries by 25 percent.

Taylor himself was wracked with doubt: he worried about sending men and women unprotected into the interior; at the same time, he despaired for the millions of Chinese who were dying without the hope of the gospel. A friend invited him to the south coast of England, to Brighton, for a break one day while walking along the beach, his gloom lifted: "There the Lord conquered my unbelief, and I surrendered myself to God for this service. I told him that all responsibility as to the issues and consequences must rest with him; that as his servant it was mine to obey and to follow him." he wrote.

China Inland Mission His new mission, which he called the China Inland Mission (CIM), had a number of distinctive features: its missionaries would have no guaranteed salaries nor could they appeal for funds; they would simply trust God to supply their needs; furthermore, its missionaries would adopt Chinese dress and then press the gospel into the China interior.

Within a year of his breakthrough, Taylor, his wife and four children, and 16 young missionaries sailed from London to join five others already in China working under Taylor's direction.

Taylor continued to make enormous demands upon himself (he saw more than 200 patients daily when he first returned) and on CIM missionaries, some of whom balked. Lewis Nicol, who accused Taylor of tyranny, had to be dismissed. Some CIM missionaries, in the wake of this and other controversies, left to join other missions, but in 1876, with 52 missionaries, CIM constituted one-fifth of the missionary force in China. 24

As there were so many Chinese to reach, Taylor instituted another radical policy: he sent unmarried women into the interior, a move criticized by many veterans. But Taylor's boldness knew no bounds. In 1881, he asked God for another 70 missionaries by the close of 1884: he got 76. In late 1886, Taylor prayed for another 100 within a year: by November 1887, he announced 102 candidates had been accepted for service.

Taylor’s leadership style and high ideals created enormous strains between the London and China councils of the CIM. His grueling work pace, both in China and abroad (to England, the United States, and Canada on speaking engagements and to recruit), was carried on despite Taylor's poor health and bouts with depression. In 1900 it became too much, and he had complete physical and mental breakdown. The personal cost of Taylor's vision was high on his family as well: his wife Maria died at age 33, and four of eight of their children died before they reached the age of 10. (Taylor eventually married Jennie Faulding, a CIM missionary.)

Between his work ethic and his absolute trust in God (despite never soliciting funds, his CIM grew and prospered), he inspired thousands to forsake the comforts of the West to bring the Christian message to the vast and unknown interiors of China. Though mission work in China was interrupted by the communist takeover in 1949, the CIM continues to this day under the name Overseas Missionary Fellowship (International). Courtesy: www.christianitytoday.com



Doris Mae Akers (21 May 1923 – 26 July 1995) was an American Gospel music composer, arranger and singer. Known for her work with the Sky Pilot Choir, she was inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame in 2001.

She was affectionately known as "Miss Gospel Music" because she was admired and respected by everyone in the music industry. She worked with many of the pioneers of the Golden Age of Gospel Music, and had authored many standard gospel compositions.

Doris Akers started playing the piano when she was five and wrote her first song when she was ten. She won many awards for singing, songwriting and choir directing, but she never had any formal music training. She said that she learned her trade the best way – by practical experience.

It was through a personal experience that `Sweet, Sweet Spirit’ was born. She was leading a pre-service prayer meeting with her choir one Sunday morning, when she sensed something special happening. She described it this way:

`The Holy Spirit came down on me and my choir in a sweet gentle sense of powerful presence. I could see Him displayed on the choir members’ warm expressions! I didn’t know how the prayer meeting could conclude, and wondered whether I should send word to the waiting pastor and congregation in the church sanctuary’. But finally she had to tell the choir that it was time to go. It was hard to break up the prayer time, because there was a sweet, sweet Spirit in that place.

There’s a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place And I know that it’s the Spirit of the Lord.

Sweet Holy Spirit, sweet heavenly Dove Stay right her with us, filling us with Your love And for these blessings we lift our hearts in praise Without a doubt we’ll know that we have been revived When we shall leave this place.

There are sweet expressions on each face And I know that it’s the presence of the Lord.



Andrew van der Bijl (born 11 May 1928 in Sint Pancras, the ), known in English- speaking countries as Brother Andrew, is a Christian missionary famous for smuggling Bibles to communist countries in the height of the - a feat that has earned him the nickname "God's smuggler."

His childhood and youth It was a time when Hitler’s Nazi army took control of Holland and occupied the the town of Witte that Andrew grew up in. He spent most of his days sneaking around the Nazi’s and causing them a great deal of trouble. Little did he know God was preparing him to be a Bible smuggler! Every Sunday, his hard-of-hearing father and semi-invalid mother took their six children (Andrew being the fourth of the six) to the local Dutch Reformed Church, where they sat on the front pew for his father’s sake. Church to Andrew was very much like the radio station (a gospel radio station from Amsterdam) that his mother’s radio was permanently tuned to. It played hymn-singing, sometimes preaching, but it was always - to Andrew’s ears - dull and boring. At every opportunity, he would find a way to sneak outside the church building, and return just in time to see the first churchgoers leave.

At the age of seventeen, when his father asked him to choose a trade, young Andrew decided to enlist himself in the army even if it meant waiting a couple of months until his eighteenth birthday. Within the year, he was sent to . As he was bidding his family goodbye, his mother gave him her small Bible. He accepted it with the promise to read it and then put it into the bottom of his bag and… forgot about it.

Andrew became famous throughout the Dutch Troops for his crazy bravado on the battle field, but he endured a period of severe emotional stress whilst serving as a soldier. He was wounded in the ankle during the fighting; during his rehabilitation, he read the Bible obsessively and gave his life to Christ.

Fighting In July of 1955, Van der Bijl visited communist , to check out the underground church. He signed up to a Communist youth group, which was the only legal way to stay in the country. At that time, he felt himself to be called to respond to the Biblical commission "Wake up, strengthen what remains and is about to die" (Revelation 3:2). This was the start of a mission leading him into several Communist-ruled countries behind the "", where Christians were persecuted - where religions like were technically tolerated but actually illegal.


In 1957, Van der Bijl traveled to the 's capital city, Moscow, in a Volkswagen Beetle, which later became the symbol of ‘’, the organization he founded. An older couple that mentored him had given him their new car, because it could hold several Bibles and spiritual literature. Although Van der Bijl was violating the laws of some of the countries he visited by bringing religious literature, he often placed the material in plain view when stopped at police checkpoints, as a gesture of trust in God's protection.

Van der Bijl visited China in the 1960s, after the Cultural Revolution had created the so-called - a hostile policy towards Christianity and other religions. He went to when the suppression by Soviet troops of the "" had put an end to relative religious freedom there. He encouraged fellow believers and gave Bibles to Russian occupying forces. During that decade he also made his first visits to after that country's revolution.

Many times he would drive up to a Communist border crawling with police who would search his car. As the back seat, the trunk and the floor boards were packed with boxes of Bibles, he would pray what he coined as the “Smuggler’s Prayer”. “Dear Lord, when you walked the earth, you made blind eyes open. Now I’m asking you to make open eyes blind.” Time after time, the guards would search his vehicle to find no Bibles when in fact, there were hundreds!

On the night of June 18, 1981, Brother Andrew’s ministry, Open Doors, smuggled 1 million Bibles into China!

Facing the After the fall of communism in , Brother Andrew shifted his focus to the Middle East and has worked to strengthen the church in the Islamic world. In the 70s he visited war-torn Lebanon several times, stating that "global conflict in the end times will focus on Israel and its neighboring countries."

Brother Andrew is now 86 and still impacting the globe with the Gospel. He has lived an extraordinary life dedicated to strengthening the suffering Church. The story of Brother Andrew's ministry in the Middle East is told in his book, Light Force, co-authored with Al Janssen. He has written ten other books, including ‘The Calling’, which reveals his secrets for ministry, illustrated by his experiences over 30-plus years in countries like China, Sudan and Cuba.

In 1994, Brother Andrew was knighted by Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands. In 1997, he received the World Evangelical Fellowship's Religious Liberty Award, recognizing his lifetime of service to the


Persecuted Church and passion for spreading the gospel, and many others followed.

But one honour Brother Andrew is particularly proud of, is when after the fall of the Iron Curtain, he obtained copies of the KGB reports (the Soviet secret service) numbering more than 150 pages about his work in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. He was surprised they knew so much about him yet were not able to stop his work!

Today, Brother Andrew and his wife, Corrie, live in Holland and have five children and eight grandchildren. He is still very active in the Open Doors ministry, and continues to serve the Persecuted Church. It is his passion.

Prayer: not asking for anything

I love the Lord, because He has heard my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live.—Psalm 116:1-2

I think that some of the greatest prayer is prayer where you don't say one single word or ask for anything. Now God does answer and He does give us what we ask for. That's plain; nobody can deny that unless he denies the Scriptures. But that's only one aspect of prayer, and it's not even the important aspect. Sometimes I go to God and say, "God, if Thou dost never answer another prayer while I live on this earth, I will still worship Thee as long as I live and in the ages to come for what Thou hast done already." God's already put me so far in debt that if I were to live one million millenniums I couldn't pay Him for what He's done for me.

We go to God as we send a boy to a grocery store with a long written list, "God, give me this, give me this, and give me this," and our gracious God often does give us what we want. But I think God is disappointed because we make Him to be no more than a source of what we want. Even our Lord Jesus is presented too often much as "Someone who will meet your need." That's the throbbing heart of modern evangelism. You're in need and Jesus will meet your need. He's the Need-meeter. Well, He is that indeed; but, ah, He's infinitely more than that.

"Father, forgive me for so often just coming to You with my grocery list. You've been so faithful; You've given me so much; You've blessed so richly. It's time I just came, realizing my incredible debt to You, and simply worshipped at Your feet."


A Bible quiz for children below 18 years of age, please encourage your children to attempt this quiz. Answers by hard/soft copy should reach Sheeba Roshan or the Church office or [email protected] by 24 May 2015.

Names of children who participate will be published in the June issue of EanMe. A special prize will be awarded at the end of the year to the winner of the quiz!


Name the following:- 1. This is full of deadly poison. 2. This triumphs over judgement. 3. The one who will receive the crown of life. 4. If you do this you become lawbreakers. 5. This develops perseverance. 6. They raise a harvest of righteousness. 7. The one who stands at the door. 8. God gives this without finding fault. 9. Even these believe that there is only one God. 10. Because of this you do not get what you ask God for.

Answers to Bible Quiz 4: 1. Enoch. Heb 11:5 2. Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. - Heb 11:1 3. Melchizedek means ‘the king of righteousness’; then also, ‘king of Salem’ means the ‘king of peace’. Heb 7:2 4. The high priest entered the inner room, and that only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the sins of the people had committed in ignorance. Heb 9:7 5. The faith of those leaders who spoke the word of God to us. - Heb 13:7 6. Moses was about to build the tabernacle. Heb 8:5 7. “…reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire. Heb 12:28,29 8. The Son of God. Heb 10:30 9. With perseverance which is marked out for us. Heb 12:1 10. A golden urn holding the manna, and Aaron's staff that budded, and the tablets of the covenant. Heb 9:4


Points tally after Quiz 4:

Apr 2015 Aggregate 1 Aria Anna 10.0 40.0 2 Diya Rajiv 10.0 40.0 3 Jeremy Roopsingh 10.0 40.0 4 Jessica Moses - 20.0 5 Joshua Moses - 20.0 6 Melvin Roshan 10.0 20.0 7 Mercy Roshan 10.0 40.0 8 Natasha Jacob - 30.0 9 Rebecca Martin 10.0 40.0 10 Sneha Rachel 10.0 40.0 11 Tasha Grace 10.0 40.0

Take the truth test!

Here’s a truth test and a few suggestions to go with your answers.

1. Are you truthful with God? Is your relationship with God phony? Do you put on a mask when you pray or go to church? If so, take some time to tell God the truth about your fear, your hates, even your doubts. Hold nothing back.

2. Are you truthful with yourself? Do you pretend that status symbols mean little to you when they mean a lot? Do material things get in the way of your having a close relationship to God and others? Review your day and prepare an honest appraisal of your struggle to be truthful. Look into a Bible concordance under the word truth. List the passages that have particular meaning for you.

3. Are you truthful with the world? Starting today, see if you can adhere strictly to truth in your job and in community activities. A surprising number of dividends may result. Chief among them should be strengthened relationships. But the big dividend is an inner peace when we—with God’s help—rid our lives of hypocrisy and deceit.

Truth that will set us free! By Charlotte Hale Allen Contributed by Dr. Rabinder Boaz 31

The Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost Acts 2:1-4


We welcome your original contributions to the EanMe in the form of articles, poems, Protestant church pictures for the cover, or information relevant to the season. Please send your entries by hard/soft copy to reach the STEC church office [email protected] or [email protected] by the 20th of every month.

You can read the current issue of EanMe online at http://www.santhomeenglishchurch.org/eanme.pdf. A few earlier issues have been archived on `CSI St. Thomas English Church, Santhome’ face book group.

Contributions are also invited for the Sunday bulletin. If you have any interesting information to share in the form of anecdotes, short stories etc. (around 100 words) relevant to the Sunday theme, please mail it to Kavita Edward: [email protected]

Going on summer vacation? If you happen to visit or see a beautiful, historic Protestant church that you think should be on our EanMe cover, please click a hi-res picture and e-mail it, along with a short note about the Church, to [email protected]

PRAYER POINTS In the light of fundamentalist activities all over India, pray that believers should be strong in their faith and not stray from the fold.

Pray for Muslim and Hindu-background believers who are facing opposition from their family and community. Continue to pray for Christians in west U.P.

Pray against the ISIL (Islamic state) who are systematically working on an ethnic cleansing program in the Middle East.

Pray against the Al-Qaeda which is now planning a terrorist wing in India.

Pray for our Pastor, the pastorate committee members and their ministry in our church.

Pray for Sundar, who attends `Blossoms for Christ’ and is awaiting a kidney transplant.


Most Rev. Dr. G. Dyvasirvadam CSI Moderator and Bishop-in-charge

The Rt. Rev. Dr. A. Rajavelu Moderator's Commissary

Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Jebakumar Presbyter-in-charge

Mr. Milton Sigamoney Mr. Ajit Stanley Moses Lay Readers

Mr. Benjamin Hastings Mrs. Gemina Martin Secretary Treasurer

Mr. Bright Joseph Mr. Ajit Stanley Moses Mr. Daniel Manickam Inbaraj PASTORATE Mr. Ranjan Selvakumar COMMITTEE Mr. Roshan Soundarapandian MEMBERS Mr. Gerald Joshua Divyaprabu

Mrs. Caroline Roopsingh

Mrs. Samantha Daniel

Mrs. Ramona Crownie Deva Anand

Mrs. Diana Prasathini Arjun


English: Sunday – 8:15 am Sunday School : Tamil: Sunday - 4 pm Youth Fellowship : Sunday - 4:30 pm

Medical Centre : Monday, Wednesday & Friday – 4.30 to 6 pm

Women’s Fellowship : II and IV Saturday - 5:00 pm

Men’s Fellowship : II and IV Saturday - 6:30 pm

Young Adult Fellowship : Sunday - 5:00 pm

Hospital visit : IV Sunday - 10:30 am


WORSHIP SERVICES – PLAN FOR MAY 2015 Date & Stewards for Day Services & Preacher Theme Time Bible reading and Offertory 2 Kings 4: 27-37 03-05-2015 Holy Communion: Psalm 90 Fourth Sunday Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Believing in Acts 26: 12-23 7.30 a.m. Christ – the after Easter John 11: 17-28 Evensong: Resurrection Dr. & Mrs. Henry 6.00 p.m. Mr. Milton Sigamoney Balachandran 10-05-2015 Holy Communion: 1 Kings 17: 17-24 7.00 a.m Rev. V. Paul Pragasam Psalm 47 He loved me Fifth Sunday after Matins: Acts 20: 7-12 enough to be 8.15 a.m Easter Bro. John K. John John 11: 17-44 late Holy Communion: Mr. & Mrs. Roshan 6.00 p.m. Rev. V. Paul Pragasam Soundarapandian 17-05-2015 Holy Communion: Isaiah 40: 25-31 Sixth Sunday after Rev. N.G. Mathew Psalm 51 Waiting upon 7.30. a.m. Easter Acts 1: 1-11 the Holy Spirit Ascension Sunday Evensong: Luke 24: 44-53 6.00 p.m. Mr. Ajit Stanley Moses Mr. & Mrs. Arun Jacob Ezekiel 37: 1-14 24-05-2015 Holy Communion: Psalm 104: 24-35 Rev. Ninan Chacko Come Holy Acts 2: 1-13 7.30 a.m. Pentecost Sunday Spirit – renew John 16: 1-11 Evensong: us Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel 6.00 p.m. Dr. Z. Edward Kennedy Davis


31-05-2015 Holy Communion: Genesis 18: 1 - 14 First Sunday after Rev. D. Richard Ambrose We worship Psalm 63 7.30 a.m. Pentecost the Triune 1 John 5: 5-12 Trinity Sunday Evensong: God John 1: 1-18 6.00 p.m. Mr. Milton Sigamoney Mr. & Mrs. Ravi Augustine