31, 18 National Conference on the Future of Liberia
NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE FUTURE OF LIBERIA J 1Vison202 4 UY19 -31, 18 4 BERijN24 1. INTRODUCTION: Although the war is over, elections held, and a new government put in place, the problems of the nation are not yet over. We must work hard to rebuild our lives, homes, public buildings, clinics, hospitals, schools, roads, and many other things the war spoiled. For Liberia to be built better again, all Liberians and friends of Liberia must "hang head" to decide the best way this big job can be done. In the past we left all our problems to government people to take care of, but, as we all see, these problems are still not over. President Taylor thinks that the only way we can make Liberia a good country, is for all of us to think and work together. No one person knows what is good for everybody, even if that person is President, Minister, Senator, Superintendent, or ParamountChief. Also, this country belongs to all of us; so, we must all work hard to fix it. The proper beginning of this important job is that we as a nation must come together and say what we really want. and do everything possible to get it. We learned from the war that fighting cannot build a country. Now that we have elected the government we want, we must not allow anyone to knock our heads together again for us to fight with each other. If any Liberian or foreigner brings trouble to our country, we should all hold together to stop that person, because war is very bad.
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