Arithmetical Foundations Recursion.Evaluation.Consistency Ωi 1
••• Arithmetical Foundations Recursion.Evaluation.Consistency Ωi 1 f¨ur AN GELA & FRAN CISCUS Michael Pfender version 3.1 December 2, 2018 2 Priv. - Doz. M. Pfender, Technische Universit¨atBerlin With the cooperation of Jan Sablatnig Preprint Institut f¨urMathematik TU Berlin submitted to W. DeGRUYTER Berlin book on demand The following students have contributed seminar talks: Sandra An- drasek, Florian Blatt, Nick Bremer, Alistair Cloete, Joseph Helfer, Frank Herrmann, Julia Jonczyk, Sophia Lee, Dariusz Lesniowski, Mr. Matysiak, Gregor Myrach, Chi-Thanh Christopher Nguyen, Thomas Richter, Olivia R¨ohrig,Paul Vater, and J¨orgWleczyk. Keywords: primitive recursion, categorical free-variables Arith- metic, µ-recursion, complexity controlled iteration, map code evaluation, soundness, decidability of p. r. predicates, com- plexity controlled iterative self-consistency, Ackermann dou- ble recursion, inconsistency of quantified arithmetical theo- ries, history. Preface Johannes Zawacki, my high school teacher, told us about G¨odel'ssec- ond theorem, on non-provability of consistency of mathematics within mathematics. Bonmot of Andr´eWeil: Dieu existe parceque la Math´e- matique est consistente, et le diable existe parceque nous ne pouvons pas prouver cela { God exists since Mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists since we cannot prove that. The problem with 19th/20th century mathematical foundations, clearly stated in Skolem 1919, is unbound infinitistic (non-constructive) formal existential quantification. In his 1973
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