Name: Group: Date: / /

1. In your opinion, when foreigners think about , which three images most often come to their mind? Check (✓).

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2. Work in small groups. Compare the images you checked in Activity 1 and discuss the questions below. a. Do the images you checked represent Brazil mostly in a positive or negative way? b. Do you think the images in Activity 1 are authentic representations of the country or stereotypes? Why? c. If you could choose an image to represent Brazil abroad, what would it be? Why?


3. Make a list of advantages and disadvantages for a Brazilian who lives alone in the USA.


4. Now read some information about the plans for the celebration of Brazilian Day in New York this year. Then, discuss the questions in your group.

September is coming soon. And everybody who loves Brazil and admires the Brazilian culture knows that it is time for the biggest party of all. The 33rd edition of BR Day NY will be held on September 3rd, Sunday before Labor Day at 6th Avenue […]. The producers of BR Day NY announced the lineup of the 2017 event.

- – Energy and Charisma Direct from Bahia - Marcos & Belutti – Best of Brazilian Country Music - Sorriso Maroto – The Enjoyable of the Carioca Group

Adapted from: . Accessed on: July 30, 2017.

a. Do you see more advantages or disadvantages in living alone in another country? Why (not)? b. Do you think that celebrations such as the Brazilian Day in New York clearly represent our culture? Why (not)? c. Do you know the artists who will perform at the BR Day NY? Why do you think they have been chosen for this event? d. If you could add other artists or performances to the lineup of BR Day NY, what would they be? Why? e. Who do you think will attend to this party: only Brazilians or Americans too? Why?



Target audience (age): Ensino Fundamental 2 – 7º a 9º ano Aim: Talk about how foreigners see Brazil. Discuss stereotyped representations of Brazil. Discuss how celebrations abroad depict our country. Duration: 50 min. Organization: individual / group work Material: worksheet Preparation: Make copies of the worksheet (1 per student). Procedures: • Tell students about the celebration. When: Brazilian Day – September. Celebration: It’s a day to celebrate Brazil abroad, usually with a music and food festival, at the beginning of September. In 2017, this date will be September 3rd. The largest celebration takes place in New York, where it attracts over 1 million people to the area around 46th Street, in Manhattan. • Ask students if they are familiar with this celebration. Then, distribute the worksheets. • Draw students’ attention to the images in Activity 1. Explain that they represent some typical ideas that come to foreigners when they think of our country. Have students choose three images they consider to be the most common. Answer(s): personal answer. • Next, organize students into small groups (3-4 students) for Activity 2. First, have them compare the images they chose in the previous activity. Set a time limit for the discussion of the questions. When they are finished, encourage groups to share their ideas with the whole class. Answer(s): personal answers. • Ask students to do Activity 3. Answer(s): personal answers. They would also make a similar chart for advantages and disadvantages of living in Brazil and/or a list of reasons why live in another country. • For Activity 4, keep students working in the same groups of Activity 2. Read the information about Brazilian Day in New York with the whole class, clarifying vocabulary, if necessary. • Next, have them discuss the questions in their groups. When they are finished, encourage groups to share their ideas with the whole class. Answer(s): personal answers. • Wrap up: students work in the same groups to create a leaflet for the celebration of Brazilian Day, with the lineup they thought of in Activity 3, b. • Extension: students do some research to find information about Brazilian Day celebrations in other countries.