Early Buddhist and Confucian Concepts of Filial Piety: A Comparative Study * Guang Xing
[email protected] ere are only a few modern scholars who have made comparative stud- ies on Buddhist and Confucian concepts of lial piety. Michihata Ryoshu and Zhong Yulian have done so, but they both discuss the lial concepts of the two schools separately, one aer the other. erefore, in a real sense, theirs are not comparative studies, because they neither discuss the simi- larities and differences nor analyze the causes behind them. In this paper, I mainly conne myself to the early texts of both schools of thought, in which we can only nd the basic denition of the concept of lial piety and how the concept has been developed and changed in later writings. Aer sum- marizing and analyzing the concepts of lial piety in both Buddhism and Confucianism, I have found that there are ve similarities and three differ- ences between the two schools; furthermore, Confucianism has two aspects which are not shared by Buddhism. e reasons behind these are that lial piety is the foundation as well as the highest norm in Confucian ethics and all morality and civilization come from it. By contrast, lial piety in Bud- dhism is not the foundation of its ethics, although it is an important ethical teaching of the Buddha. Instead, the concepts of karma and samsāra. are the bases of Buddhist ethics. *e Chinese version has been published in the Universal Gate Buddhist Journal, No. (), -. is English translation is a revised and expanded version with additions and corrections.