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7682 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE OCTOBER 1 Maj. Leonard Dickson Weddington, Air tn the Regular Army ·were ·confirmed today MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Corps (temporary colonel). may be found in the Senate proceedings of Maj. John Henry Doherty, Finance Depart the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for September 28, A message from the Senate, by Mr. ment (temporary colonel). 1942, under the caption "Nominations," be Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced To be lieutenant colonels with rank from ginning on p. 7535 with the name of Athel that the Senate had passed without October 20, 1942 Bangert and ending on p. 7536, with the amendment a joint resolution of the name of Louis Axelrod.) Maj. Edward Michael Powers, Air Corps House of the following title: (temporary colonel). POSTMASTERS H. J. Res. 346. Joint resolution extending Maj. Maurice Edgar Jennings, Chemical NEW JERSEY for 2 months the period for which overtime Warfare Service (temporary colonel). Ernest F. Rohn, Arlington. rates of compensation may be paid under To be lieutenant colonel wi th rank from Hiram S. McKeen, Avalon. the acts of June 28, 1940 (54 Stat. 676), Octo October 28, 1942 Frank Tilton, Avon by the Sea. ber 21, 1940 (54 Stat. 1205), and June 3, Maj. Howell Harrell, Quartermaster Corps John P. Euler, Belford. 1941 (55 Stat. 241). (temporary colonel). Loui:s J . Bowlby, Bound Brook. Richard P. Hughes, Burlington. The message also announced that the To be lieutenant colonel with rank from Benjamin J. Haulboskey, Leonardo. Senate had passed, with amendments in October 28, 1942 John J. Quinn, Perth Amboy. which the concurrence of the House is re Maj. Paul Edmund Burrows, Air Corps Adolph F. Schmitt, Sayreville. quested, a bill of the House of the fol (temporary colonel). Patrick J . Shortt, Wildwood. lowing title: MEDICAL CORPS TEXAS H. R. 7565. An act to amend the Emergency To be majors Nat Shick, Big Spring. Price Control Act of 1942, to aid in preventing Capt. Edward James Kendricks, Medical Joseph Y. Fraser, Colorado City. inflation, and for ather purposes. Corps (temporary colonel), With rank from Thomas· A. Key, Desdemona. Stephen S. Perry, Freeport. October 1, 1942. The message also announced that the William E. Porter, Glen Rose. Senate insists upon its amendments to Capt. Oliver Harold Waltrip, Medical Corps Lucie Hill, Hull. (temporary lieutenant colonel), With rank the foregoing bill, requests a conference Morris Ferrell, Krum. with the House on the disagreeing votes from October 1, 1942. William M. Covey, Mabank. To be captains Harry S. Merts, McAllen. of the two Houses thereon, and appoints First Lt. Maurice· Riordan Connolly, Medi Perry Hartgraves, Menard. Mr. WAGNER, Mr. BARKLEY, Mr. BANKHEAD, cal Corps (temporary major), with rank from Myrtle M. Hatch, Mission. Mr. BROWN, Mr. MALONEY, Mr. DANAHER, October 1, 1942. Claude .F . Norman, Rule. and Mr. TArT to be the conferees on the First Lt. Joseph Nagle, Medical Corps- (tem Carl ~. Nail, Sherman. part of the Senate. porary major), with rank from October 5, Charles H. Grounds, Talpa. The message also announced that the 1942. Vice President had appointed Mr. BARK First Lt. Harry Louis Berman, Medical LEY and Mr. BREWSTER members of the Corps (temporary major), with rank from Joint Select Committee on the part of October 11, 1942. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES First Lt. Isaiah Alonzo Wiles, Medical the Senate, as provided for in the act of August 5, 1939, entitled "An act to pro Corps (temporary major), with rank from THURSDAY, OcTOBER 1, 1942 October 11, 1942. vide for the disposition of certain records First Lt. William Blackford Look, Medical The House met at 12 o'clock noon. of the United States Government", for Corps (temporary captain), with rank from The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont the disposition of executive papers in the October 18, 1942. gomery, D. D., offered the following following departments and agencies: First Lt. Charles Ellison Melcher, Medical prayer: 1. Department of the Interior. Corps (temporary major), With rank from 2. Department of Justice. October 25, 1942. Eternal and merciful Father, renew in 3. Department of War. DENTAL CORPS us a deeper sense of Thy presence. We 4. The National Archives. To be colonels thank Thee that Thou hast endowed us 5. National Housing Agency. Lt. Col. Oscar Peter Snyder, Dental Corps with the power of thought, faith, and 6. Securities and Exchange Commis (temporary colonel), with rank from Octo hope and pray that Christian morality sion. ber 27, 1942. may be founded on the undying law of Lt. Col. Rex McKinley McDowell, Dental brotherhood. Let us learn that THE STATE OF THE NATION Corps (temporary colonel), with rank from it is ever more better to give than to October 27, 1942. Mr. FOLGER. Mr. Speaker, :r ask Lt. Col. Charles Melville Taylor, Dental receive; teach us to serve more freely and unanimous consent to address the House Corps, with rank from October 27, 1942. gladly, reflecting the heavenly spirit of for 1 minute. Lt. Col. Thomas Lovet Smith, Dental Corps Him who gave Himself that we might The SPEAKER. Is there objection? (temporary colonel), with rank from Octo· live in the light of an enlarged man There was no objection. ber 27, 1942. hood. Within the infinitude of His Mr. FOLGER. Mr. Speaker, I respect Lt. Col. George Ray Tressel, Dental Corps mercy we would feel the lordship of the (temporary colonel), with rank from Octo. fully address myself, if I may, to every Master, whose knightly soul, with its regal Member . of the House, regretting that ber 27, 1942. goodness, the angels evermore praise and Lt. Col. Frederic Harold Bockoven, Dental we do not have a full attendance, not on 27, 1942. adore. account of anything I may be able to Corps, With rank from October Grant that we may ever have formed To be major originate, but because I am calling to within us such a spirit of the divine that your attention a speech delivered last Capt. Wallace Jacob Morlock, Dental Corps living shall be a holy privilege and brave, (temporary lieutenant colonel), with rank night over the radio by one of our Mem with an unearthly assurance. As the bers, which deserves its place with the from October 15, 1942. souls of men are being torn away on the CHAPLAINS speeches and papers of Patrick Henry, fields of conflict, give to all mothers and George Washington, and Thomas Jeffer To be colonel daughters, fathers, and sons. Thy per son. I refer to a grand speech, a noble Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Ora Jason Cohee, petual care. May they walk in the midst speech, a sublime speech, made at an United States Army (temporary colonel), of their anxieties and heartaches learn with rank from October 4, 1942. opportune time, impelled, I am fully per ing the royal lesson of suffering. When suaded, by his recognition of his own the burdens seem too heavy to bear and obligation to his country above every the hands are tired and weary, oh come CONFIRMATIONS thing else. I hope you heard the speech to them in the stillness of Thy sweet of the gentleman from New York, Han. Executive nominations confirmed by peace, even as the night enwraps the JAMES W. WADSWORTH, delivered last the Senate, October 1, 1942: hills and as the shepherd folds his flock. night over the radio. In the speech there IN THE ARMY Bless them with that rest which the is no attempt at oratorical display. Its world cannot give and they shall go on APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR ARMY eloquence lies in its trut:tt_, and power. forever wondering at love's inexhaustible The nominations of Athel Bangert et al. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for appointment in the Regular Army. fullness-through Christ. Amen. that I may extend my remarks and in (NOTE.-A full list of the names of the The Journal of the proceedings of yes clude therein the speech of the gentleman persons whose nominations for appointment terday was read and approved. from New York [Mr. WADSWORTH]. 1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 7683 The SPEAKER. Is there objection? the larger number of our soldiers is obtained to stand up under heavy punishment through There was no objection. through the operations of the selective-service long campaigns. I baye yet to meet a vete law. That law provides that all men between ran Army officer, in or qut of' the War De The speech referred to is as follows: 20. years and 45 years of age shall be liable partment, who does not testify to the amazing It must be apparent to every thoughtful for military service. The law, elaborated by qualities of endurance exhibited by youthful person-and more and more Americans are regulations, also provides in effect that before soldiers, to their ability to learn quickly, to becoming thoughtful these days-that we are men with dependents-notably married their ingenuity, to their daring. I have .yet in for a long. grueling contest. We have men-are inducted into the service, the local to meet a veteran combat officer who does not placed our feet upon the lower slopes, down boards· shall call up men without depend hope for a liberal sprinkling of youth in his near the bottom .. of a high hill. We must ents, mostly single men, and that when the unit. Those youths, steudied by the presence climb to the top before we can see victory. supply of single men approaches ~xhaustion and example of some older men, sergeants Every step of the way will be difficult. In the draft boards shall commence calling in and corporals, contribute not only.endurance deed, we may be pushed back occasionally, married men in the order of their· respective but punch.