For Air Service Ruidoso Aims
'! '\ .' ~ ,! 11 " ~ " '. ,I I I 1\ , \ \\ I,' \ 1\ \ i \ : I II , , '1 :\ ' " , t , :' I -/ t 1 ------~----- ~-~~~~~---- --- RHS netters are Student entrepreneurs #2 in district run TeePee Lounge Sec story, Page 6A Sec morc, Page 9 A NO. 52 IN OUR 44TH YEAR 35C PER COpy· .MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1989 Copyright C> 1909 R..Jon Inc RUIDOSO, NM 88345 Leaky gas Ruidoso offense tanks are shocks Socorro excavated by ROD MAYS 'We're peaking at the nght Ruidoso News Sports Writer time," said Ragsdale. "We have our by AL STUBBS During Friday night's district destiny in our own hands," he Ruidoso News Business Editor football game, the Ruidoso War added. Three underground gasoline riors' charging offense dismayed tanks at an old 7-Eleven store site the opposition. ****************************** at 2105 Sudderth were removed be The 10th ranked RuidoRo War cause of evidence of leakage, Carl riors had a few surprises in store FIRST HALF HlGm.JGHTS Stubbs, Ruidoso environmentalist, f?r the eighth ranked Socorro War said Friday. nors. .Jw~t one minute and eight sec A benzine health hazard was Ruidoso beat the low altitude onds after Ruidoso received the evident in one of three test wells Warriors 46-22. football, semor rurming back KeIUlY drilled, Stubbs indicated. More than 100 Ruidoso fans Trapp scored. The two previous of Stubbs, who is with the Environ traveled to Socorro for the football fenRive plays were passes, one to mental Improvement Division game, and they weren't dis Trapp for 10 yards and one to jun (EID), Health and Environmental appointed.
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