Annual Church Service

On Sunday April 27th, the PSSR will be holding our annual church likes of General Anthony Wayne (buried in the church graveyard) service at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Wayne, Pennsylvania. and Bishop William White, a Revolutionary War chaplin. Each year, a different church is chosen for this event, and as always we look forward to this day for our families to join with Amidst the pomp and ceremony of our uniformed Color Guard, us and embrace and enjoy the history and ideals that we hold so and the regalia of our standards and flags, we will also be dear. The annual church service is commemorating the encampment one of two family-oriented events of the Continental Army at Valley sponsored each year by the Society. Forge over the winter of 1777-1778. This particular event is an excellent In addition to this being a day of opportunity for families to share joining together with our fellow in remembrance and thanksgiving society members and their families, and to celebrate friendships, old it is also our salute to the memory of and new. members of the Society who have died during the past year. This year’s choice of venue for our service, St. Davids, is named After the church service, members after the patron saint of Wales, and and guests are encouraged to join us will soon be celebrating its three at a reception with hors d’oeuvres hundredth anniversary. It has even and refreshments, and appropriate been written about by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “an image of “finger-food” and beverages for the youngsters, to follow at The peace and rest is this little church”. Radnor Hotel, located at 591 East Lancaster Avenue (adjacent to the intersection with Radnor-Chester Road) in St. Davids. As mentioned above, the church service will be held at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 27th, in the newer Chapel at historic St. David’s It is always a fun and festive family affair, and we look forward to Episcopal Church, located at 763 South Valley Forge Road in Wayne. having you all join us. St. David’s dates back to 1715, and has a storied history with the —David McClure Humphrey, M.D. Committee Chairman

2013 Musket Ball Terrace, amidst sumptuous passed hors d’oeuvres and free-flowing cocktails. The revelry was paused just before dinner, as our society The 2013 Musket Ball was held on Saturday, October 19th at the members were mustered to participate in a commemorative group historic Montrose Mansion in Villanova, Pennsylvania. From all photograph on the cascading steps of the hanging gardens behind the accounts, the event was a wonderful success. The early 20th century mansion. Guardsman - and accomplished photographer - Colemen grand manor house, now part of the Villanova University Conference Sellers was able to corral the troops just in time to capture the shot Center, provided both a scenic backdrop and elegant ambiance to before the rain showers commenced. celebrate the Society’s 125th anniversary. Upon returning to the Dining Room, President Burke addressed all The evening began with a formal receiving line comprised of assembled with welcoming words, and lead the traditional toasts of Society dignitaries and officers, who welcomed members and their the Society’s Vice-Presidents. In addition, our society’s historian, guests to the evening’s event. Attendees then enjoyed an hour or so Theodore E. Wiederseim 3rd, took a few moments to remind us all socializing in the Living Room, the Casino Room and the Garden of the historical importance of recalling the events of the battles (Continued on page 5) PAGE 2 PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY OF SONS OF THE REVOLUTION WINTER 2014

You Are Invited! Washington’s Birthday Ball

Saturday, 22nd February

Overbrook Golf Club Villanova, Pennsylvania

6:30 Receiving Line & Cocktails 7:30 Parade of Colors Tickets Still Available 8:00 Dinner is Served Reply to the Secretary


John M. Blickensderfer James B. Burke Annual Church Service 1 J. Kipp Gearhart IV 2013 Musket Ball 1 David M. Humphrey, M.D. Washington's Birthday Ball Announcement 2 Andrew R. McReynolds President's Message 3 Schuyler C. Wickes Annual Contributions List 3 Theodore E. Wiederseim 3rd GALLERY: Musket Ball 4 Ben R. Wolf New Citizens Committee Report 5 Musket Ball Report 5 Photography Young Members Report 5 Amanda Muckle John Hewson, Revolutionary War Hero 6 Schuyler C. Wickes In Memoriam 7 New Members Elected 7 Special Projects Report 7 Calendar of Upcoming Events 8 PAGE 3 PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY OF SONS OF THE REVOLUTION WINTER 2014

President's Message

In a couple of weeks, our Society will again try a new venue for has been working, through the Operations Committee, to upgrade our annual commemoration of ’s birthday. On the Society’s website. Unfortunately, just like another more Saturday February 22nd, we will celebrate this event at the Overbrook public website, this seems to be taking longer to accomplish than Golf Club in Villanova. Based on all the preparation, it should be we expected. Work will continue in order to add both content a wonderful affair. I hope that you will be able to join with other and functionality. I can assure you that your officers are working members of our Society at one of our most important events. diligently to get this completed satisfactorily.

New venues for our events seem to be the order of day. In October Lastly I wish to thank all those members, who in 2013, contributed the Society held its Musket Ball, which commemorates the victories to the Society, either with a gift of time or financial support (listed by the Revolutionary Army at Saratoga and Yorktown. The Ball below). Our Society is very fortunate to have a long history of was held at the Montrose Mansion at the Villanova University dedicated members and families that have sustained our Society Conference Center. Congratulations to Vice President Ben Wolf and aided in its mission. I know that I speak for all the Officers and the other members of the Saratoga-Yorktown Committee for a in expressing our gratitude as our Society passes it 125th birthday. delightful party. This event was particularly important because it marked the 125th anniversary of the founding of our Society. I look forward to seeing you at the George Washington Birthday Ball! As many members of the Society know, the Board of Managers —James B. Burke

Contributions 2013 Richard J. Knepley Lewis S. Allen James C. Landis John A. Baird Bruce W. Longnecker Silas R. Beane, Jr. Kenneth MacNeal. Ervin F. Bickley, Jr. W. Steven Mark, M.D. David E. Boenning Charles C. Marshall Robert T. Boyd John B. McGowan, Jr. James B. Burke Craig D. Mills William A. Carr Theodore G. Mogavero Thomas N. Chandler Howard R. Morgan Charles F. Clement 3rd Arthur D. Old Joseph T. Coleman, Ed.D. Gardiner P. Pearson Edwin N. Conroy Emanuel P. Peters William H. Dutcher III Henry H. Reichner Charles B. W. Forbes George M. Riter James Fooskas, Jr. James S. Sanborn Walley G. Francis Nicholas Sellers Benjamin C. Frick, Esq. Jeffrey S. Shaver, Sr. John W. Gareis Jeffrey S. Shaver, Jr. Rodney K. Goettlemann J. Thomas Showler David C. Goettlemann Wayne R. Strasbaugh, Esq. W. Murray Gordon Charles B. Strome, Jr. Bayard H. Graf Andrew R. Sullivan William R. Hearter, Jr., M.D. John F. Tomkins II Joseph C. Henderson III Tain P. Tomkins Richard A. Henderson Jeffrey G. Trauger, Esq. Matthew W. Holt, Esq. Carl N. Wallnau, Jr., Esq. Stephen W. Holt C. Michael Whelan Robert T. Hoyt, Jr. Theodore E. Wiederseim 3rd Lewis K. Hosfeld Robert D. Wiener, Jr. David M. Humphrey, M.D. A. Harry Williams George F. Johnson Rushton M. Williamson Quincy T. Jones Malcolm C. Wilson Peter B. Kane Ben R. Wolf, Sr. David H. Keller, Jr. William S. Wood II Russell V. Kennedy, Jr. James P. Woerner, Jr. PAGE 4 PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY OF SONS OF THE REVOLUTION WINTER 2014


New Citizens Committee Report

On December 12, 2013, the day designated to observe Bill of Rights father taught her to dream big, and that had allowed her to come to Day, the New Citizens Committee of the Pennsylvania Society the where she was accepted to Princeton University of the Sons of the Revolution participated in the naturalization and majored in international affairs and public policy. Her studies ceremony for new citizens at the Federal Courthouse at Sixth and at Princeton gave her an opportunity to address the U.S. Congress. Market Streets in . Ninety new citizens representing 35 countries took the oath of allegiance to the United States and became The closing remarks were made by James B. Burke, President citizens at the ceremony. The presiding judge was The Honorable of the Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the Revolution. After Stewart Dalzell, Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern reviewing the purpose for which the Society was founded in 1888 District of Pennsylvania. and its tradition of reaching Participating in the ceremony out to new citizens, Mr. Burke from the Society were President stated that the Bill of Rights James. B. Burke; William guarantees liberty and justice Carr; Lindsay Doering; Robert to all citizens. Participating Flood, Jr.; Jefferson Moak; in these ceremonies ties the Theodore Wiederseim, 3rd; and activities of the Society not New Citizens Committee Chair only to the Bill of Rights but John Blickensderfer. They were also to the unbroken chain assisted by Society Secretary of new citizens who swear to Barbara Dickenson. uphold the laws established by our founders so long ago when Following the administration all participants in the new of the Citizenship Oath, a nation simultaneously with its series of speakers addressed founding became citizens of the court and the new citizens. the United States of America. Chancellor-Elect, William P. Society members (L to R) Flood, Moak, Doering, Carr and President Burke Fedullo, Esq. of the Philadelphia Bar Association stated that the Following the ceremony, the Society sponsored a reception for the Bill of Rights protects the rights of all citizens and links citizenship new citizens at the Courthouse that included cake, iced tea, and with the responsibility and respect for the rule of law. Ellen Liu, traditional American music provided by Banjo Joe. formerly of the People’s Republic of China delivered the response to the court on behalf of the new citizens. Ms. Liu stated that she —John M. Blickensderfer had come to the United States in pursuit of a better future. Her Committee Chair

2013 Musket Ball Younger Members Report

(Continued from page 1) The Younger Members Committee and other YMs of the Society met at Yorktown and Saratoga. Formalities completed, all enjoyed a for our annual holiday cocktails this year at Hop Sing in Chinatown, wonderful dinner, and the band was reliable as always in filling Philadelphia. Several members and prospective members of the the dance floor and keeping the guests invigorated and entertained. Colonial Dames joined us for the event, and a great time was had During dinner, members were presented with a special reproduction by all. Some of the YMs in attendance expressed an interest in of the rosette from 100 years ago that was originally created to becoming more active, so we will look to expand our committee celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Society. this year. Please contact the office for more information.

We were thrilled to welcome several individuals from other historic The Committee has decided to move forward with a scotch tasting organizations, eager to join us in our milestone celebration, and event to be held at the First City Troop Armory in Philadelphia. The those included members of the National Society of Colonial Dames date and details of the scotch tasting are still being finalized, but we of America, and members of Colonial Wars, Sons of Cincinnati, are hoping it will take place after the Board of Managers’ meeting Colonial Society and War of 1812. I would like to extend a special in February or March. Finally, the Committee is looking forward thank you to Kipp Gearhart, our newest member of the committee, to hosting its annual tailgate at the Radnor Hunt races again this for his energies and efforts with all of this. The event has already year, in conjunction with the Color Guard's event. More details of prompted inquiries from attendees for membership in the PSSR. that are to follow also. —Andrew R. McReynolds —Ben Ramsay Wolf —J. Kipp Gearhart IV Committee Chairman Committee Chairmen PAGE 6 PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY OF SONS OF THE REVOLUTION WINTER 2014

John Hewson, Philadelphia Revolutionary War Hero

John Hewson was born in 1744 in England, the son of a London deeply offended that Hewson, after only a few years in America, woolen draper. To the dismay of his father, he expressed radical would take up arms against England, and thus offered a bounty on political views and Republican tendencies, which did not fare the printer’s head, and made sure that Hewson’s description was well under King George III. The elder forwarded to the invading British Army. Hewson sought help from none other British soldiers sacked Hewson’s office than Benjamin Franklin, who was in and factory, and he narrowly escaped with London acting as agent for some of the some of his tools, machinery, and animals colonies, and boarding at the home of by taking a boat off the Kensington shore Margaret Stevenson at 36 Craven Street. heading to . An excerpt from (Her daughter Mary (Polly) was a very his diary now in the collection at The good friend of Franklin. Her portrait is Historical Society of Pennsylvania, tells now on exhibit at the new Ben Franklin the story of his escape; in Philadelphia). Dr. Franklin agreed to take John, age thirty, back with “When the British Army approached near him to Philadelphia, arriving in the spring to the city I removed with my family to of 1774. the Jerseys about 4 miles from Cooper’s Ferry; with my household furniture and John, who was trained as a printer of as many of my manufacturing utensils as calico fabrics and had worked for Talwin the shortness of time would permit me to & Foster in London, opened his own take, such as Copper boilers, and a large factory near the Delaware River at the leaden vessel used in scouring the goods foot of Gunner’s Row, now known as we printed weighing several hundred Aramingo Avenue, but his actual address pounds with as many of my valuable was listed as Point Road, now Hewson Street, in Kensington. Not prints, mahogany printing tables, blankets, tearing tubs, only was he the first calico printer in the colonies, but his work broadcloth, sieves, brushes, etc., as I could hurry off with was also of the highest quality and unmatched in America at also 3 cows and 2 horses and poultry……”(you get the that time, making Hewson Textiles expensive and highly sought idea!). after. His chintz fabrics made him famous, and some of his examples Hewson was eventually captured may be viewed at Winterthur, in New Jersey, but by that time, Philadelphia Museum of Art, the “gentleman” who offered the the Daughters of the American reward had turned tail and run, Revolution in Washington and leaving Philadelphia with the several other . In 1775, evacuating redcoats. General George Washington and his wife Martha passed through After spending time in the Walnut Philadelphia on his way to take Street Prison, Hewson was charge of the Continental Army in transferred to . After New England. Martha had heard a brief imprisonment there, he of his fine work and paid a visit to managed to escape and return home Hewson to commission an image on almost drowning in the process. a handkerchief of her husband on horseback and thereafter became a regular patron. When the war was over, Hewson restored his business and because of his patriotism and daring escapes, was seen as a local war hero. During the outbreak of the Revolution in 1775, John, already a vo- During the Grand Federal Procession on July, 4, 1788, Hewson was cal supporter of the American cause, enrolled in the 1st Republican honored in the parade, traveling at the center of the manufactur- Grenadiers. After this group disbanded, he was commissioned as ers’ float. He retired in 1810 letting his son, John Hewson, Jr. take an , formed a company of men from his factory workers, over the business, and died 11 years later and is buried in historic and served as Captain of the Pennsylvania Militia under Colonel Palmer Cemetery near the Montgomery Street Gate in Kensington, Benjamin G. Eyre. Hewson had to flee to New Jersey when the Philadelphia. British landed in Philadelphia and occupied the city in 1777. And —Theodore E. Wiederseim 3d in fact a local Tory gentleman of the city of Philadelphia, was so Society Historian PAGE 7 PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY OF SONS OF THE REVOLUTION WINTER 2014


Name Pa ID Born Died Elected

Ervin Felton Bickley 4020 6/1/21 11/26/13 12/13/51 George Reginald Bishop, Jr. 3671 1/17/22 7/4/12 2/11/42 Donald Robb Cochran, Jr. 4340 1/10/36 6/23/13 12/12/57 John C. Curtiss 4984 9/25/36 3/18/13 6/10/71 Thomas Allen Franklin 4200 5/1/31 6/22/04 10/14/54 William Barkley Lex, Jr. 4022 3/14/24 2/27/13 12/13/51 William Ramsey Richardson 6051 11/24/31 12/3/13 2/13/02 Warren Bringhurst Scott 4457 6/12/34 6/12/13 2/11/60

This Newsletter is published by the Pennsylvania Society of New Members Elected Sons of the Revolution Since November 2013 Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Stephen Subers Lee Phone 215-545-1888 Charles Vanneman Rogers Fax 215-545-1777 Email [email protected] Phone Let Freedom Ring 1-800-330-1776 Email Let Freedom Ring Report of Special Projects [email protected]

The Special Projects Committee approved the partial funding of Newsletter Committee the General Society’s Nathanael (frequently misspelled Nathaniel) Schuyler C. Wickes, Chairman Greene statue project in the amount of $15,000. The bronze statue Peter L.H. Byrne is to be placed at Valley Forge. Dr. James B. Congdon Richard R. P. Di Stefano, Esq. The statue is to honor Greene for his actions as Quartermaster Wm. Murray Gordon General and Major General at Valley Forge during the winter of James S. Hayes III, Esq. 1777-78. The Color Guard has graciously contributed a matching Dr. David M. Humphrey amount bringing the total to $30,000. Daniel I. Murphy, Esq. —Theodore E. Wiederseim 3d Coleman Sellers VI Committee Chairman PAGE 8 PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY OF SONS OF THE REVOLUTION WINTER 2014

Calendar of Events 2014

22 February Washington's Birthday Ball 17 May Radnor Hunt Races Overbrook Golf Club Radnor Hunt Club Villanova, PA Malvern, PA

17 April PSSR Annual Meeting 4 July Let Freedom Ring Celebration The Racquet Club of Philadelphia Society Hill Sheraton & Philadelphia, PA Independence Hall Philadelphia, PA 27 April Valley Forge Church Service St. David's Episcopal Church 11 October Musket Ball Wayne, PA Merion Golf CLub Ardmore, PA 1 May New Citizens Ceremony Ceremonial Court Room Monthly Events Second Thursday of Each Month Philadelphia, PA Board of Managers Meeting The Union League of Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA

Please consult the PSSR new website for current details

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