Utilising accelerometer and gyroscope in smartphone to detect incidents on a test track for cars Carl-Johan Holst Data- och systemvetenskap, kandidat 2017 Luleå tekniska universitet Institutionen för system- och rymdteknik LULEÅ UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY BACHELOR THESIS Utilising accelerometer and gyroscope in smartphone to detect incidents on a test track for cars Author: Examiner: Carl-Johan HOLST Patrik HOLMLUND
[email protected] [email protected] Supervisor: Jörgen STENBERG-ÖFJÄLL
[email protected] Computer and space technology Campus Skellefteå June 4, 2017 ii Abstract Utilising accelerometer and gyroscope in smartphone to detect incidents on a test track for cars Every smartphone today includes an accelerometer. An accelerometer works by de- tecting acceleration affecting the device, meaning it can be used to identify incidents such as collisions at a relatively high speed where large spikes of acceleration often occur. A gyroscope on the other hand is not as common as the accelerometer but it does exists in most newer phones. Gyroscopes can detect rotations around an arbitrary axis and as such can be used to detect critical rotations. This thesis work will present an algorithm for utilising the accelerometer and gy- roscope in a smartphone to detect incidents occurring on a test track for cars. Sammanfattning Utilising accelerometer and gyroscope in smartphone to detect incidents on a test track for cars Alla smarta telefoner innehåller idag en accelerometer. En accelerometer analyserar acceleration som påverkar enheten, vilket innebär att den kan användas för att de- tektera incidenter så som kollisioner vid relativt höga hastigheter där stora spikar av acceleration vanligtvis påträffas.