Ion Acoustic Waves in Plasma
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Ion Acoustic Waves in Plasma Physics 480W (Dated: Sp19) I. INTRODUCTION TO THE EXPERIMENT A. Goals of the experiments The basic goals of these experiments are to help famil- iarize us with the fourth state of matter: plasma, and to get to know a simple way of creating laboratory plasma for research purpose (a cartoon of which is shown in fig- ure 1). Further, we want to understand how Langmuir probes work. The Langmuir probe (see references 1 & 2 in the background readings section), is the one the most versatile diagnostic for plasma physics research. The stu- dent will learn how to interpret the data gathered by Langmuir probes in order to determine plasma param- eters such as plasma density (ne), temperature (kTe), and how these parameters depend on the discharge pa- rameters of a magnetically confined thermionic discharge plasma (figure 2). The description of these experiments is followed by a brief introduction to the plasma state of matter itself in section II, followed by more references. Among those references you'll find a paper very perti- nent to these experiments, which have been done before in similar devices? . The student is aware at this point in the semester of how useful it is to look at previous results wherever this is possible. Finally, parameters measured FIG. 1. Not just any collection of charged particles, with with Langmuir probes will be used to make theoretical roughly equal concentrations of positive and negative charges, predictions regarding ion acoustic waves. The phase ve- exhibit collective behavior distinctive of the plasma state of locity of ion acoustic waves may be measured directly matter. The electron and ion densities have to be great using the tone-burst technique (see ref. 5 in the back- enough and these populations have to be hot enough for `medium like' behavior to become important. Plasma crowns ground reading sections and described briefly below) de- our planet, above and below (the aurora), surrounds it (iono- pend on the electron temperature, and the model we use sphere, magnetosphere), and heats it (the sun and all stars are to assess the phase velocity, the dispersion relationship, in the plasma state, and most are made of classical plasma) permits us to predict the speed of the waves, and so to compare theory with experiment. This is essentially the point of these experiments. B. Procedure To summarize, the main results and deliverables for the experiments described here are Plasmas can be created when energetic particles meet neutral atoms and molecules, causing ionization, and 1. Use the planar Langmuir probe diagnostic to infer when sufficiently high plasma density results. In the plasma density and electron temperature measure- plasma physics experiments conducted here at USD, the ments for a variety of plasma discharge conditions, plasma is created by accelerating thermionically emitted and to use kinetic theory generally to try to account electrons from hot filaments (Tf > 2400K) biased to a for the dependence of those plasma parameters on negative potential (the so-called discharge current) with the discharge parameters. respect to the vacuum chamber wall, as shown in figure 2. When the discharge voltage significantly exceeds the ion- 2. Measure the group velocity of the ion acoustic ization potential of the feed gas (argon, in our case), the waves for a relative hot plasma and a relatively energetic electrons (called `primary electrons'), may cre- cold plasma, and test simplified perturbation the- ate an ion, electron pair, in an ionization collision, ory results, that is, the dispersion relationship for e− + Ar −! Ar+ + e− + e−; (1) ion acoustic waves, and from a direct measurement p p of kTe using the Langmuir probe, compare the- where the subscript denotes the primary electron, which ory (calculating the phase velocity given the elec- must loose energy at the expense of the ionization po- tron temperature) with experiment (measuring the tential of the neutral (and any internal energy imparted phase velocity using the tone-burst method). to the ion), and where ion-electron pair primarily com- pose the plasma. Of course, the entire collection of ions, 2 Idis;Vdis; and po, and the probe area. In your lab note- book, tape in a hardcopy of a good I − V characteristic, and a semi-log plot of the electron branch of the I − V characteristic, marking the location of the plasma po- tential and the floating potential, and demonstrate the calculation of ne and Te. Obtain I −V characteristics at different discharge cur- rents (500ma < Idis < 1; 500ma) and fixed discharge voltage and neutral pressure, (Vdis = 80V , say, and −4 po5 × 10 torr), and do the same for different neutral −5 −4 pressures (1 × 10 < po < 8 × 10 torr) for fixed dis- charge voltage and discharge current (say, 60V and 1amp, respectively). Evaluate the results and show how the plasma density, temperature, and potential depend on the discharge current, and neutral pressure. Plot the data and tape the hardcopy into your notebook, and try to account for the curves qualitatively. Calculate the frac- tional ionization of the plasma as a function of neutral pressure. Does the result surprise you? In your paper, you'll want to capture the essence of the parameter stud- ies and try to interpret the trends in the graphs. The background reference help a great deal here, especially MacKenzie's paper. C. Part II: collective effects—ion acoustic waves FIG. 2. Schematic of a basic device for producing a plasma, a multi-dipole hot filament plasma device with a Langmuir The plasma state of matter supports a variety of col- ~ disk probe. The plasma is produced by electron impact ion- lective effects one of which is longitudinal (k k E), elec- ization of argon atoms by electrons that are thermionically trostatic (B~ = 0) waves. These low frequency waves emitted and accelerated from a hot tungsten (W) filament. follow as the result of introducing a perturbation of the To enhance the ionization efficiency, the walls of the chamber ion density which thereafter propagates in the medium are lined with rows of permanent magnets of opposite polar- (the plasma). Your mission is to introduce such a per- ity. The lower diagram is an end view showing the arrange- turbation into the plasma and then to measure the speed ment of magnets. The magnetic field lines are sketched as of propagation. These waves are weird. They are analo- the dotted curves. In this magnetic cusp configuration, the gous to sound waves in air, but the ions do not provide bulk plasma is essentially magnetic field-free. This caption was shamelessly lifted from reference 2. the pressure swings: the electrons do. How and why does that work? What is the speed of the waves? A worksheet will be provided to lead through the steps to derive it, beginning from simple assumptions, arriving at electrons, and neutrals compose the plasma, and the col- lection deserves the name if it exhibits collective effects. C2k2 !2 = s ; (2) Rows of permanent magnets of alternating polarity line 1 + k2λ2 the exterior of the vacuum chamber to confine the ener- D getic primaries so that each energetic electrons can suffer p where Cs = Te=M, is the phase velocity of ion acoustic many ionizing collisions before being lost to the anode waves in the limit of long wavelengths, also called the ion (the chamber wall). The magnetic fields also help slow acoustic speed, ! and k have their usual meanings, and the loss of plasma electrons (and thus, plasma ions). The λD is called the Debye length. net loss of charge from the plasma to the boundary is zero, but there is a current driven by the discharge volt- age from the filaments to the chamber wall, and this is called the discharge current. A very good overview of discharge physics is given by Braithwaite5 D. Sketch of procedure: Tone-burst pulse delay Measure the I−V (current-voltage) characteristic for a Method planar Langmuir probe (see references 1 & 2 cited above, and a worksheet will be provided to help with this) in a Capacitively couple the Agilent function generator (fg) steady state discharge, using a simple probe-bias sweeper to the Wave Launching Grid. The Langmuir probe will circuit. Mark the plasma space potential, Vs, the float- be used as the detector, as shown in figure 3. It to will ing potential, Vf , electron saturation current, Ies, and be capacitively coupled to ground so as to make a high ion saturation current, Iis. Subtract Iis from I(V ), and pass filter (fc ≈ 50kHz). The signal across the termi- so plot the electron current on log-linear (semi-log) axes. nation resistor can go to the scope, say Ch.2 (any scope Determine the electron temperature, Te, and the elec- could be used but the Tektronix TDS series scopes have tron plasma density, ne. Note the discharge parameters, the best digitizers). The output the fg should go also 3 FIG. 3. Block diagram of wave set-up. 2. Understanding Langmuir probe current-voltage characteristics, R. Merlino, Am. J. Phys. 75, 1048, (2007). 3. Propagation and Damping of Ion Acoustic Waves in Highly Ionized Plasmas A. Y. Wong, N. D'Angelo, and R. W. Motley Phys. Rev. Lett. 9, 415-416 (1962) 4. Controlled Landau Damping of Ion-Acoustic Waves I. Alexeff, W. D. Jones, and D. Montgomery Phys. FIG. 4. Grid and probe are separated by some variable dis- Rev. Lett. 19, 422-425 (1967). tance; the time delay between the tone burst applied to the grid and the moment of its appearance on the probe can be 5. Chapter IV, \Ion Acoustic Waves", sections 1,2, varied by changing this distance.