Michael Killen, 15, St. Sylvester Villas, , Co. , Ireland +353 (0) 86 8199371 [email protected] www.michaelkillen.ie

Commissions Commission Details 1999-2017 2017 / 21 St. Oliver Plunkett National A life size bronze figure for the exterior School, Malahide, of the National School. Co. Dublin A life size relief of a boy sculpted in maple wood.

2016 Residency Graphic Studio, Awarded by County Council Dublin 2015 Large Relief in Oak 132cm x Private Client 92cm 2014 E-Tec Power International A set of 5 bronze abstract sculptures for presentation. 2012-2013 The new Community Centre, Mother and child: Life size low relief Malahide. sculpted in cherry wood. 2009-2010 E-Tec Power International A set of 5 Bronze Sculptures for presentation 2006 The Island Golf Club, Bronze commemorative relief: to , commemorate a boat that brought Co. Dublin golfers from Malahide across to the Island Golf Club in Donabate. 2005 Five larger than life Oak Busts (portraits) as part of the restoration of the 13th Century Castle in Swords, Co. Dublin 2003-2004 Rev. Father Daniel Whyte P.P., 1. Life size bronze Mother and Child 165 Antrim Road, Glengormley, 2. Sculpted relief in oak representing Co. Antrim BT 36 7QR a biblical scene.

2001-2002 Arts Care, Northern Ireland Per Cent Commission Life size low relief in cherry wood, Causeway Hospital, Coleraine, Northern Ireland


Some Commissions pre 2001 Bronze Famine Memorial for Cappamore Historical Society, Cappamore, Co. Limerick.

Panels for the Altar and the Lectern: sculpted in Lime wood and framed in Yew for Enniskerry Parish Church. Architect, Michael Brock of MacKenna Brock Architects

Set of Low Reliefs: London Set of Low Relief Sculptures, sculpted in walnut for a private client, Kew Gardens, London.

Exhibitions 2020-2003

Date Title and Gallery Name Venue

2020 Graphic Studio Gallery 8a Cope St, Temple Bar, Dublin Group Show 2 2017 Graphic Studio Gallery 8a Cope St, Temple Bar, Dublin Group Show 2 2016 Graphic Studio Group Show 2016 The Solomon Gallery Group Show, December 2015 2014 Vanishing Art Carton House, Co. Kildare Group Show

2014 Sculpture In Context Botanic Gardens, Dublin. Group Show 2013 Sculpture in Context Botanic Gardens, Dublin. 2012 The Irish Embassy, Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Solo Exhibition 2011 The Doorway, Gallery South Frederick Street, Dublin. Group Show

2010 The Doorway Gallery South Frederick Street, Group Show Dublin.

2007 The Jorgensen Fine Art Gallery. Molesworth Street Group Show Dublin.


Date Title and Gallery Name Venue 2005 The Jorgensen Fine Art Gallery. Molesworth Street Group Show Dublin. 2004 The Jorgensen Fine Art Gallery. Molesworth Street Group Show Dublin. 2004 Royal Ulster Academy , Northern Ireland 2003 The Jorgensen Fine Art Gallery. Molesworth Street, Group Show Dublin

Education Dunlaoghire School of Art and Design

Italian Government Scholarship to Study in the Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze, Piazza San Marco, Florence.