Cleavage by Organic Magnesium Compounds. Maxwell Mcclelland Barnett Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College

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Cleavage by Organic Magnesium Compounds. Maxwell Mcclelland Barnett Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses Graduate School 1937 Cleavage by Organic Magnesium Compounds. Maxwell Mcclelland Barnett Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Chemistry Commons Recommended Citation Barnett, Maxwell Mcclelland, "Cleavage by Organic Magnesium Compounds." (1937). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 7779. This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at LSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses by an authorized administrator of LSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MANUSCRIPT THESES Unpublished theses submitted for the master’s and doctor’s degrees and deposited in the Louisiana State University Library are available for inspection* Use of any thesis is limited by the rights of the author* Bibliographical references may be noted, but passages may not be copied unless the author has given permission* Credit must be given in subsequent written or published work* A library which borrows this thesis for use by its clientele is expected to make sure that the borrower is aware of the above restrictions* LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 11 9 - a CLEAVAGE BI OHGAKIC MAGNESICM COMPOOHDS I. THE CLEAVAGE OF MALOHGHITBILES II. THE CLEAVAGE OF BETA HYDROXY KETORES CLEAVAGE BY ORGANIC MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOB THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY MAXWELL M# BARNETT BATON ROOTS, LOUISIANA MAY, NINETEEN HUNDRED THIRTY SEVEN UMI Number: DP69157 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. UMT Dissertation Publishing UMI DP69157 Published by ProQuest LLC (2015). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest' ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 4 8 1 0 6 - 1346 to This dissertation is dedicated to Dr. Brickson, tinder whose guidance it has been my privilege to work* "Tn i n tn i o L-'ltCJ 1 ^ 3 ? a, 3- 3 4 6 0 U table of Contents Pages Introduction. ............... ........... • 1 - 2 Review of the Literature........................ ..... 3 - 40 Theoretical Discussion General....*,*.,**............................... 41 * 49 Halononltriles.*..*****.,.*.**.**....»*,..*.•»• 49 - 39 Beta-bydroxy Ketones.,,,39 - 67 Experimental Part I. Malononitriles.,...68 * 82 Part IX. Beta-bydroxy K e t o n e s 83 - 90 Summary................. .......... 91 Bibliography 92 - 94 Biography .... 93 Abstract 96 - 102 INTRODUCTION I Several investigators have observed that organic magnesium compounds may effect a characteristic cleavage of the C-C bond. The steps in this process have been outlined with certainty In several cases, but the reasons underlying the cleavage have remained obscure# This work was undertaken with the object of supplying additional information about the nature of this transformation through a study of the malononitriles and beta- hydroxy ketones, which are compounds of the type that cleave, these substances were chosen for study because they permit a simplification of the problem. The number of possible substituents is reduced to two in the malononitrilesj they therefore represent ideal compounds in which to determine the effect of various groups upon the rupture of the molecule. The beta-hydroxy ketones possess the advantage of being one step nearer cleavage than the beta-diketones. Several alkaline addition r agents are known to cause cleavage. The organic magnesium compounds appear to be the most satisfactory reagents for this purpose. The reaction is irreversible, therefore its course may be followed with certainty. Moreover, the magnesium compounds are easily prepared and give well defined reaction products which can be isolated, purified, and identified. The problem involved the preparation of several m&lono- nitriles and beta-hydroxy ketones. These were treated with phenyl magnesium bromide and the products investigated. 2 Special attention was given to accounting for the materials in a quantitative manner, particularly where more than one molecule of reagent was consumed Indicating that cleavage had taken place* BEtfXBW OP TSE LITERATURE 3 BETA DIKHCONES .AID BETA « 0 ESTERS Zelinsly1 investigated the reaction of methyl magnesium iodide with diacotyl, aceiylaeetone, and ac©tony lacetone-*, representatives of alpha, beta, and gafi^-dlketones respectively, Biacetyl and acetonylaceto.e yielded the corresponding glycols* With acetyl- acetoae, however, there was obtained only a small quantity of liquid ItbilSnf at I00-1Q&* under a pressure of 16 m » This liquid hod & composition corresponding approximately to C*8t«0*« Zelinsky attributed the somewhat surprising behaviour of acctylacetone to the f ef thvt it exists largely in the ©nol form* Acetoac >tic ester and its hoiaologs yield no simple products with organic magnesium compounds*. A poor yield of, (CH3)2C(0H)CH(CsH 5)C02C2H6, is obtained from ethyl acetoacetie est r and methyl magnesium iodide* Sl-^vj&noff 3 treated dimethylacetoacetic ester and dimethyl- rsalonic ester with methyl magnesium iodide* Both esters furnished tne same .roducts with slight vari tions in yield* The following compounds were obtainedt Isobutyric acid, (CHa) aCHC02H. I. T et r am i thy 1 et ay j. one lactic mlti, (Cft»)j£(<M[)C(Gi9) « O D A U U Hexamethyl trimethyleneglycoi, (CH3) 2C(OH)C(CH3) aC(CH3)*0H. III. Compounds II and III resulted £ro& straight addition of the Grign rd reagent to the carbonyl nd Qj.rbethoxy groups. *■*""" .. '■.... ..........— . mu —.. (1) Zelinsky, Ber*, gg, aim (19oa). (B) Grignard, Compt, rend., ± M , 049 (1903)* (S; Siavinof f, J. Russ. PhysV (Shea. Soc., 140 (1907)# s .««■*800(68*) *09,0,1, ♦ CHaWgl » (CH8)8C(CO)C(CHa)aCOaCaHg CHacoc(cas) aeoBc#a , * a cH 3ngi— »(ch3) ac(oH)c(cHs) 2c(ch3) 3oh V .* ,* > •, * * ISMKVfMMNtt advanced no mechanism to account for the formation of Jpatafcyrie acid, 2 er ©wit Inoff * reported that one molecule of acetylaceton© furnished *$2 mols of methane with met*hyj> magnesia iodide, Smadlsy* added methyl magnesiu. Iodide to dimethyldifcensoyl- pethane and obtained a product boiling at 1)20-125* under a pressors of 5& am* The analysis corresponded to C*«Ha<»0a* She considered it to be the dltertiary alcohol, C*H*(CHa)COfiC(CH3)aC(GH)CH3e*H8, without further evidence* One cyclic h©ta~diketone, tetramethyi cyclobutanone, has been treated with the (hrignard reagent** ( « , ) , $ ----<?0 (CH, ) * 9 ----9 (0 H)CaH, C*H8MgBr 0 0 C(CH,)a C,H.(H 0 )C--- C(CH,)« the cyclic glycol was obtained in almost the theoretical yield, Borlander, Osterburg and Meye7 attempted to prepare the glycolj ( C * H . ) aC ( 0 H)CE*C( 0 H)(C«HS)a, from phenyl magnesium bromide and dibeitzoylmetbane, their object was to convert it into tetraphenyl sllene by dehydration# The reagent added to only one of the ’4 ) Zarewitinoff, Ber,, 4 2 , 2 2 4 3 (1 0 0 8 ). (5 ) iMilqr, JT. Chem. Soc., S2 , 1 4 8 3 (1 9 1 0 ). 0 ) Wedekind and Hiller, Ber., 4 4 , 3 2 8 B (1 8 1 1 ). ,?) Vorlander, Osterburg and Meye, B r., gg, 1 1 4 0 (1 9 3 1 ). carbonyl giNmnS to yield, (CeI»)aC(OH)0I8COeeB«# & compound previously obtained from phenyl st&gnesluft bromide ajad malonio ester** They stated that the hydroxy Hot one did not enter, into further reaction with the reagent* JCofcle and Erickson* made, a systematic lavestigtion of the action of organic magnesium compounds on a number of beta- diketones, They found that normal addition products are obtained only in those cases where the compound is largely or completely enolic» C*B#C0CH*e0C6H 6-» C«HftC*CECOCeHs * CeHaG*CH-C!(C6I»)a,— ► OMgX 6lgX OMgX CttH6COCHaC(CeH®)a0B Compounds which, contain a substituted methylene group invariably showed cleavage* C 6H sCOCH(C*Hs )C0C*Hs— > CdH ftCOCH(CeBe)C(C«Ba)a ------» vMgX C*H8<>CHC6Hft + (CdHa) aC0 (C*H8) aC0MgX OMgX Kohler and Erickson discovered th t the results reported by Smedley are probably in error. The compound which she considered to be the ditertiary alcohol, CaHs(CH3)C0BC(CH3)aC(0H)CH3C©H8, was apparently a mixture of the cleavage products, (CB3)sCHCOCsB#f and C6HgCH3CHOH# When, dimet hyldibenzoylaethane was treated with phenyl 8) Blithe., and Last, Ber*, £E, S838 (1904)* @3 Kohler and Erickson, J. Am, Chem, Soc*, §5, <1501 Jlb&l). « bromide, the compound was cleaved and the expected jMMMftvAA.trere 'isolated. C»S*C0C(Cas),C 0CaH 5 (C*H9) aC( 0MgX)C(CH#) sC 0Geas ----------► (CB,), (C,B.),CO (c 8h »)3c o h Sit X the following table shows the compounds Investigated and the protasis obtained from them, coapocnro PRODUCTS 1. C«HsCOCH2COCaHs (C8HS)aC(0H)CHaC0C4Hs а. <2i,coch3coch3 (CHs)3C(OH)CHgCOCH» S. C*H»COCH(CaH#)COC9Hs C*H8C0CHeC8H8 + (C*H,),COH *. C8H8COCH(CE3)COC8H8 C8H8C0CH»CH* * (C«H«)aCOB Sr. tat,C0C(CH3)aC0CHs CH3CQCH(CH3)3 + (CeHs)jCHgCOH 5.* « ■ + CH3COCbH«(CHs)s б. C«5sCOC(CH,)aCOCeH« C,H,COCH(CH3)a + (C,H*),COB 7. CsH9COC(CH3)aCOC6Hs C.H,C0CH(CH3), + (C«H«)sCOB 8. CBHsCeCBr3COC*He (C»H„)aCOHCHBrCOCaHe 9. C0HeCOCOCOCeHB C8H9COCH(OH)C8H8 + (CeUs)8C0H (a) w s run *itn aesltyl m gnesium bromide. In contrast to dibenzoyi methane, the hydroxy compound Corned gto® it is capable of cleaving• According to ?0rlander, Osterburg and Ueye7, the compound does not react with phenyl magnesium bromide* Actually, It reacted rapid!;, to form triphenyl c arbinol and the glycol, (CfiHs)8C(0H)CKaC(0H)(C$Hs)The cleavage reaction may be represented as follows: (7) Vorlander, Osterburg and Meye, Ber., 5§» ii40 (1&31), 7 (S#8#)a<3(0H)CBgCOC»Hs — » (CttHs) .C(QBgX) CH.COC,HB — .
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    Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2019-14 PDF version Reference: 2018-388 Ottawa, 21 January 2019 Bell Media Inc., on its own behalf and on behalf of 8384819 Canada Inc., and Bell Media Inc., on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated Various locations Public record for these applications: 2018-0483-1, 2018-0672-0, 2018-0673-8, 2018-0674-6, 2018-0675-4, 2018-0676-2 and 2018-0484-9 Public hearing in the National Capital Region 6 December 2018 Various radio and television stations – Corporate reorganization 1. The Commission approves the applications by Bell Media Inc. (Bell Media), on its own behalf and on behalf of 8384819 Canada Inc., as well as the application by Bell Media, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated, for authority to effect a multi- step corporate reorganization involving the assets of the radio and television services listed in the appendix to this decision. Bell Media also requested new broadcasting licences to continue the operation of these services under the same terms and conditions as those in effect under the current licences. The Commission did not receive any interventions regarding these applications. 2. The corporate reorganization will be effected through a series of steps. First, a new share capital corporation will acquire the assets of the services currently operated by Bell Media Radio (Toronto) Inc. and 4382072 Canada Inc., partners in a general partnership carrying on business as Bell Media Radio G.P. Following an amalgamation, Bell Media will become the licensee of these undertakings. Next, Bell Media and 8384819 Canada Inc. will become partners in a new general partnership, which will replace the general partnerships currently carrying on business as Bell Media Windsor Radio Partnership, Bell Media Ontario Regional Radio Partnership, Bell Media Ottawa Radio Partnership, Bell Media Toronto Radio 2013 Partnership, Bell Media Canada Radio 2013 Partnership and Bell Media British Columbia Radio Partnership.
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