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This week on .com This week in the paper Suzann Pettersen at More results from Olympics — LPGA Season A lifetime of training for just 10 seconds. the Olympics Kick Off -Jesse Owens Read more at blog.norway.com Read more on page 5 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 121, No. 8 February 26, 2010 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Tel (800) 305-0217 • www.norway.com $1.50 per copy Online News Dateline Norway strikes gold at Olympics Nordic currencies coming Svindal wins a gold out on top medal in the Super- G and Northug and Key Nordic currencies, includ- Pettersen follow ing the and suit winning a gold Swedish krona, are standing medal in the Cross- out as some of the top per- Country Sprint Relay formers in the developed world right now as interest rates in St a ff Co m p i l a t i o n the region begin rising and the Norwegian American Weekly euro’s woes continue. (The Wall Street Journal) Newly-crowned Olympic super-G champion Aksel Svindal said he was delighted to Norway grants Iranian have followed in the footsteps of idols Kjetil-Andre Aamodt and ex-diplomat asylum . The Norwegian Immigration Svindal added the super-G crown to a in Monday’s Directorate gave Mohammed downhill, finishing in 1min 30.34 Photo: Elisabeth Seeberg Reza Heydari and his family sec ahead of American duo Bode L-R: Norwegian Olympic legends Odd Sorlie, Otto Tschudi and Kjetil Aamodt celebrate with (center) permission to remain in Nor- CONTINUES PAGE 5 after he won his gold medal in the Super G. way as political refugees after Two gold medals for Bjørgen going through “all necessary Slowdown in the Cross Country skier information pertaining to the Norwegian economy Marit Bjørgen takes case,” directorate spokeswom- gold in Ladies’ 15 km Annual gross domestic product (GDP) an Bente Engelsand said. She Pursuit and Ladie’s measured in constant prices fell for the first declined to comment further Individual Sprint Classic time in 20 years. Both GDP and GDP Mainland because the Immigration Di- Norway fell by 1.5 percent from 2008 to 2009 Special Release rectorate does not discuss the Fa s t e r Sk i e r details of individual cases. Two days after winning the (Associated Press) 101st gold medal in Norway’s Winter Olympic history, Marit What’s inside? Bjørgen wasn’t ready to stop. She added to that tally Feb.19, skiing Photo: Alexander Hassenstein/© News 2-3 to an impressive victory in the VANOC/COVAN women’s 15 km Pursuit at Whistler Marit Bjoergen of Norway celebrates Business 4 her victory in the Ladies’ 15 km Sports 5 CONTINUES PAGE 5 Pursuit. Op-Ed 6-7 Taste of Norway 8 Hoyum honored Travels to Norway 9 The Norwegian American Roots & Connections Weekly’s very own Leslee 10 Lane Hoyum receives St. Faith & Religion 11 Olav Medal Arts & Entertainment 12 No r w e g i a n Am e r i c a n In Your Neighborhood Special Release 13 We e k l y St a ff St a t i s t i c s No r w a y Norwegian Heritage 14 Research & Education 15 The downturn in the mainland of 2009 shows a slight increase in Leslee Lane Hoyum, of economy started in the third quarter economic growth. From the third Rockford, Minn., was recently of 2008 and continued throughout to the fourth quarter, the growth awarded the Medal of St. Olav $1 = NOK 5.91 the first quarter of 2009. The drop in GDP Mainland Norway was 0.3 by His Majesty King Harald V of updated 2/22/10 in activity seized in the second Norway. The presentation will be quarter, and the last three quarters CONTINUES PAGE 6 CONTINUES PAGE 13 Photo courtesy of Leslee Lane Hoyum. 2 No r g e - Uk e n s o m g i k k Nyheter på Nettet – Kutt arbeidsuka og lønna for miljøet - Norske veier Kvinne stukket syv ganger - siktet nekter Styreleder i Worldwatch forfaller igjen 35-åringen gikk alene langs Markveien på Institute, Øystein Dahle 21. februar da hun ble angrepet bakfra. Syv ganger hugg mannen en kniv i halsen og mener rike land som Vegvesenet slår alarm ryggen på den skrekkslagne kvinnen. Kvin- Norge og Norden må vise NTB nen så aldri mannen selv. Han stakk fra ste- det med offerets håndveske uten å si et ord. vei for å få ned forbruket Tiltakspakken etter finanskrisen med- - Våpenet som vi mener ble brukt, er ikke førte godt vedlikehold av veinettet i fjor. funnet i leiligheten, men vi har gjort flere NRK Men i år slår det sprekker igjen, spår Statens beslag der som er til tekniske undersøkels- vegvesen. Verdens mest leste rapport om globale er, opplyser politiinspektør Hanne Kristin I tiltakspakkene i fjor ble det satt av miljøproblemer og trender, «State of the Rohde ved vold- og sedelighetsseksjonen i 810 millioner kroner til drift og vedlikehold, World», kom av Worldwatch Institute i Oslo Oslo politidistrikt. og 2009 ble det første året siden 70-tallet på 23. februar. En prøvesmak av rapporten (VG Nett) hvor etterslepet i veivedlikeholdet ble min- ble offentliggjort på Norsk Polarinstitutt dre. Men i år gjør kostnadsutviklingen at i Tromsø. Der tok styreleder for instituttet, Foto: Helge Markussen/Polarmiljøsenteret utviklingen trolig blir negativ igjen, skriver Mann pløyer bilen inn i Coop-butikken Øystein Dahle, til orde for kortere arbeidsuke Styreleder i Worldwatch Institute, Øystein Dahle mener radikale grep i den rike delen av verden Bergens Tidende. Ulykken skjedde hos Coop i Heradsbygda for å bremse kjøpekraften. må til for å bremse klimaendringene. Hver tredje meter av stamveiene, de i i 13-tiden på 17. februar. - Jeg – Norden må gå i bresjen for å få ned største veiene, i Norge har dårlig eller svært var på jobb i kassa slik jeg pleier å være. forbruket. Vi har kapasitet til å kjøpe hva vi endringer av våre systemer og måte å tenke dårlig veidekke, konkluderer Vegvesenet, Plutselig kom det bare et forferdelig smell, vil, men forbruket vårt må ned. Skal vi få til på. som nå slår alarm. og det kom en masse glasskår flygende det, må vi få tilbake noe som vi er nesten like Svein Oppegaard, direktør for arbe- - Vi klarer ikke å stoppe forfallet på over hodet på meg, forteller butikkansatte glad i som penger, nemlig fritid, sier han. idslivspolitikk i NHO, framhever at organ- disse veiene. Kjøpekraften vår blir oppspist Inger Johansen til NRK. Den eneste per- Dahle mener en tre-fire dagers arbe- isasjonen har iverksatt miljøtiltak overfor av kostnadsutviklingen, sier regionveisjef sonskaden var en kunde som ble truffet av idsuke vil kunne begrense forbruket ved at sine medlemsbedrifter. Men han er ingen Olav Ellevset i Vegvesenets region vest, som kassen og fikk noen skrammer. Ifølge NRK lønningsutbetalingene blir lavere. umiddelbar tilhenger av Worldwatch Insti- har spesielt store kostnader med vedlikehold og Østlendingen er mannen i 60-årene og – Vår del av verden har lagt beslag på tute-styrelederens utspill. av alle tunnelene på Vestlandet. kjørte uten gyldig førerkort. Det skal ikke mer økologisk kapasitet enn det verden har. – Jeg synes man skal være åpen for alle Kostnadsøkningen i Vegvesenets lang- være mistanke om promillekjøring. Derfor er det ingen andre enn oss som kan miljøinnspill som kommer, men tror løsnin- varige kontrakter spiser opp økningen til (VG Nett) tilbakeføre global økologisk kapasitet som gen må henge sammen globalt. Vi er redd for 4,2 milliarder kroner til årlig vedlikehold av oss. Klimaendringene bør være en oppmun- at ensidige norske tiltak bare betyr at virk- stamveiene, som ble vedtatt i nasjonal trans- tring til oss for å gjøre det. Monstertorsk under etterforskning somheter blir flyttet til andre land med lavere portplan i fjor. Etterslepet i vedlikeholdet ble Dahle er ekspert på energispørsmål og Økokrim skal etterforske hvor monster- miljøstandard enn i Norge. i fjor beregnet til åtte milliarder kroner. miljøvern, og er en etterspurt foredragshold- torsken som er fanget i Storfjord i Troms Utviklingen er imidlertid positiv på en er i inn- og utland. Han vedgår at dette er et kommer fra. Fiskeridirektoratet mistenker English Synopsis: Øystein Dahle, director of del av riksveiene, som fra 1. januar i år ble radikalt utspill. the Norwegian Polar Institute in Tromsø, is at torsken har rømt fra et oppdrettsanlegg, omdøpt til fylkesveier og flyttet innunder – Jeg er klar over dette er vanskelig, calling for a shorter work week to cut down on melder NRK. Hvis det er tilfelle, kan det fylkeskommunenes ansvarsområde. være snakk om alvorlig miljøkriminalitet. men vi trenger en internasjonal dugnad og consumption. “I realize this is difficult, but we need an international effort and someone has noen må starte. Klodens fremtidige skjebne English Synopsis: Norway’s Public Roads Det eneste oppdrettsanlegget for torsk i to start,” said Dahle. Opponents say that busi- står på spill. Jeg tror mange vil oppleve at Administration is calling for more funds for området tilhører Storfjord Torsk AS. Sel- nesses will move to other countries with lower det å få tilbake mer av tiden som svært ver- repairs. “We cannot stop the the decay of these skapet har hele tiden nektet for at torsken environmental standards than Norway. stammer fra dem. difullt, men jeg innser at det vil kreve store roads,” said regional director Olav Ellevset. (NTB)

Politiet jakter ruset ambulansetyv Får gratis Journalist i drapstruet Mens ambulansesjåføren var inne i en En journalist i Telemarksavisa i mottok torsdag to matvareforretning, stakk en ukjent mann vaffelrøre i ett år av med utrykningsbilen som sto parkert trusselbrev, ett til sin private adresse og ett til kontoret i Lillestrøm sentrum. - Det er en mann i Da g b l a d e t VG Ne t t alderen 40-55 år vi ser etter. Ifølge vitner TAs sjefredaktør Ove Mellingen for- Den stjålne vaffelbilen i er teller at de konsekvent anmelder alle trusler. fremsto han som ruset. Han er cirka 190 I brevet journalisten mottok hjemme het funnet, og et heldig, eldre ektepar kan nå inn- Han sier dette er ubehagelig, ikke minst for centimeter høy, med normal kroppsbygn- det: «Da vet vi hvor du bor. Ingen hender. In- kassere en velsmakende dusør: Ett års gratis personen som mottok truslene. ing, mørke klær, mørk grønn lue og lys gen skriverier. Jævla bladsmører.» I brevet til forbruk av vaffelrøre. - Vi vet at de aller fleste som kommer grå kamuflasjebukse, sier operasjonsleder som ble sendt til avisredaksjonen sto det: «Vi - Jeg er veldig, veldig glad nå. Ekteparet med drapstrusler ikke gjør alvor av truslene. Terje Vamsæter. tar deg snart. Jævla brødsmører. Hue først.» fant bilen min på Lunde barneskole i Skien, Men vi kan aldri vært helt sikre. Det er den (Aftenposten) Journalisten har overfor politiet gitt etter å ha gjenkjent den fra avisene, sier Stina usikkerheten som også er en belastning i seg uttrykk fra hvilket miljø han tror trussel- Åsland, gründeren bak vaffelfirmaet Tele- selv, og som kan føre til at du hele tiden går Nordkapp er mest pop brevene kommer fra, og politiet er anmodet marksrøra, til Dagbladet. og kikker deg over skulderen, sier han. Turen til Nordkapp er den mest populære om å starte etterforskning mot dette miljøet. Åsland gikk ut med den fristende beløn- Mellingen opplyser at dette ikke er av Hurtigrutens totalt 40 utflukter. I fjor tok Journalisten opplever trusselbrevene som ninga etter at vaffelbilen, en rød Citroën Ber- første gang en av TAs journalister har fått Hurtigruten nesten 50 000 turister til den ubehagelige, men understreker at verken han lingo, inkludert mobil, pc og vaffelrøre, ble drapstrusler. For litt over ett år siden mottok populære klippen på 71 grader nord i Finn- eller avisa lar seg stoppe av slike brev. stjålet på 19. februar under varelevering på en annen av TAs journalister en anonym tele- mark. – Nordkapp er åpenbart et høydepunkt Politiadvokat Kjell Ove Ljosåk i Tele- Sundjordet. fon, hvor det ble avfyrt et skudd i den andre på reisen og en drivkraft for mange av våre mark politidistrikt sier de ser alvorlig på Hun sier ekteparet nå får dusøren, til enden av røret. saken. gjester. Det forstår alle som har stått på tross for at telefonen og laptopen fortsatt er - Vi ser svært alvorlig på drapstrusler, og English Synopsis: platået og kjent den overveldende følelsen. savnet. A journalist at - kommer til å etterforske saken. Det er ekstra savisa in Skien received death threats at his Det er helt unikt, sier Hurtigrutens produk- - Ekteparet skal få så mye vaffelrøre de alvorlig at truslene er rettet mot en journalist office and home. The police are investigating tsjef Kirsten Schultz. På de neste plassene bare vil, opplyser Åsland, og legger til: for noe som er blitt skrevet i mediene, det er the case. One year ago, another TA journalist finner vi guidet tur i ishavsbyen Tromsø, - Jeg vet ikke om vaffelrøra fortsatt er i og midnattskonsert i Tromsø. Her er hele en ekstra grunn til å reagere, sier Ljosåk til received a death threat by phone, in which a bilen. Jeg har ikke fått hentet den ennå. shot was heard at the other end of the line. Telemarksavisa. topplisten: Nordkapp, Ishavsbyen Tromsø, Åsland avkrefter at datamaskinen eller Midnattskonsert Tromsø, Lofoten, En smak mobilen inneholder hemmelige vaffelopp- av Vesterålen, Geiranger Panorama, Den skrifter, men sier opplysninger som bidrar til russiske grense, Nidaromsdomen, Nord- å at de kommer til rette blir belønnet med ... Kaotisk krasj i Frogntunnelen kapp frokost, sightseeing. vafler. En person ble sendt til Ullevål univer- Tre var sendt til Aker universitetssyke- (NRK) Ekteparet som fant vaffelbilen ønsker å sitetssykehus etter en kollisjon med totalt hus for sjekk, mens én person kom uskadd holde en lav medieprofil og forbli anonyme, fem biler involvert i Frogntunnelen i Aker- fra ulykken. opplyser vaffelgründeren. shus ettermiddag til 22.februar. Operasjonslederen slår fast at «det ser ut - Det komplette kaos, sier operasjon- til å ha gått relativt bra» etter massekollis- English Synopsis: A waffle van was stolen sleder Børge Løge i Follo politidistrikt om jonen som startet med at en bil kjørte inn i en in Porsgrunn Feb. 19, but found by a married situasjonen som oppsto da kødannelsen ble annen bakfra. Tunnelen var stengt i over tre couple in Skien. Owner Stina Åslund rewarded them with a year’s worth of waffle batter. til påkjørsel, kjedekollisjon og frontkollis- timer etter ulykken. jon. (Aftenposten) NORWEGIANNORWEGIAN AMERICANAMERICAN WEEKLYWEEKLY •• WWW.NORWAY.COMWWW.NORWAY.COM •• SEPTEMBERFEBRUARYNOVEMBER 26, 13, 11, 2010 20092009 Ne w s 3 Norway provides Highest number of births in 37 years This week on Norway.com NOK 240 million in Norway’s population increased NOK 1 million in library fines by 58,950 to 4,858,200 in 2009. Students who borrow books at the libraries budget support to the The birth surplus contributed at the paid more than Palestinian Authority to 35 percent of the population one million kroner in fees in 2009. The increase, whereas the migration board of the libraries hopes that an increase Norway has transferred NOK 240 surplus from abroad contributed of fees will make the students less forget- million to the Palestinian Authority ful. (Universitas) to 65 percent. Not since 1972 (PA), in accordance with its pledge made at the Paris Conference have more children been born in Public Commission to inquire into the in December 2007. The funds Norway than in 2009 power relations in the food supply chain have been provided to support Former cabinet minister and parliament implementation of the Palestinian St a t i s t i c s No r w a y whip of the Norwegian Christian Demo- Reform and Development Plan cratic Party, Mr. Einar Steensnæs, will (PRDP). The support will enable the chair the Commission to inquire into the The relative population increase was PA to maintain the services available Photo: Nancy Bundt/Innovation Norway power relations of the Norwegian food 1.2 percent in 2009. Since 1900, only three to the Palestinian population in the supply chain. (Ministry of Children, Equal- years have had a higher relative increase areas of education, health and safety municipalities, counties and the country as ity and Social Inclusion) than 2009; 1920, 1946 and 2008. a whole are available at http://www.ssb.no/ Mi n i s t ry o f Fo r e i g n Aff a i r s Immigration totaled 65,200 in 2009, folkemengde/. More data will be published Improved control of Schengen area’s which is 1,800 less than in the previous on March 11. external borders year. Emigration increased by 2,900, totaling The total numbers for births, deaths “These funds will benefit the Palestinian The Government decided on Feb. 19, that 26,550. Births totaled 61,800 in 2009 and and migrations in 2009 are available for people, including the hard-pressed civilian Norway will join the EU’s External Bor- total deaths was 41,450. municipalities, counties and the whole ders Fund. The purpose of the fund is to population in Gaza,” Foreign Minister Jonas The population as of Jan. 1, 2010, country. Figures for migration by citizenship ensure uniform and adequate control of the Gahr Støre said. is published by sex and age. Figures for are available on request. external borders of the Schengen area and Norway was one of the first donor efficient management of migration flows. municipalities, counties and the country More detailed statistics on deaths, countries to transfer funds for 2010. The (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs) as a whole, distributed by one-year age births, internal migrations, and immigration budget support is being channeled through groups and sex, are available in StatBank and emigration will be published on April 8, the World Bank Palestinian Reform and Cardiovascular diseases and cancer main Norway. Furthermore, tables containing April 15 and May 6 respectively. Development Plan Trust Fund (PRDP-TF). figures by sex and different age groups for causes of death The Fund coordinates the contributions from A total of 41,700 persons died in 2008, the various donors, and monitors their use. 21,400 of which were women. Two out of As chair of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee New Holmenkollen ready for action three deaths were caused by cardiovascular for Assistance to the Palestinians (AHLC) FIS Nordic World Cup taking place at reopened diseases and cancer. Over the last 20 years, and as a major donor, Norway attaches great deaths caused by cardiovascular diseases importance to ensuring that the use of the Holmenkollen Arena in Oslo March 13-14, World Ski have had a significant reduction.(Statistics money is strictly controlled. Norway) “The budget support will be used in Championships taking place in 2011 accordance with the Palestinians’ own Ban on cluster munitions in force Ra s m u s Fa l c k the jumpers’ descent and is offset to create development and reform plans, as well as the “At last it is clear that the convention ban- Oslo, Norway necessary wind protection. The smooth and World Bank’s requirements. We are confident ning cluster munitions will enter into force. bended rectangle hosts the slope, the main that the funds will benefit the Palestinian With this convention, we have helped to structure and circulation with an inclined people,” the Foreign Minister commented. The Holmenkollen Ski Jump and arena make the world a safer place, strengthened elevator running from the bottom to the top The Palestinian Authority’s opportunities is being rebuilt and upgraded to host the 2011 humanitarian law and, not least, ensured where a 50 square meter bar/jumper lounge for generating revenues of its own are limited. World Ski Championships. that victims will receive assistance,” said and jump platform is located. The top is This situation has been further exacerbated Ski jumps have rarely endeavored to be Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. cut horizontally to accommodate a viewing by the war in Gaza. a of beauty. Technical requirements (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs) “If the Palestinian economy is to be overtake the architectural thought behind the platform with a 360-degree panorama view viable, Israel must lift restrictions on the free design. But the new Holmenkollen ski jump, over the Oslo city landscape. High cost for electricity in Norway designed by Julien De Smedt Architects, The FIS Nordic World Cup will take movement of goods, services and people. Lower than normal energy production and have taken jump design into another realm place at the reopened New Holmenkollen Israel holds the key to an independent and higher than normal demand have caused satisfying such requirements as wind Arena in Oslo March 13-14 this year. You sustainable Palestinian economy,” Mr Støre electricity price spikes across . protection, curvature and access whilst will experience an incredible atmosphere at said. Some areas have paid as much as NOK 11 providing an iconic landmark to the north- the New Holmenkollen arena! One thousand The Palestinian Authority faces serious per kilowatt hour. (Aftenposten) financial problems. This budget support west of Oslo. five hundred volunteers will make the will play an important role in building the The silhouette of the new ski tower has competition possible. Holmenkollen is ready Palestinian people’s confidence in the PA. a simple shape and cut. The profile follows for the competition.

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $50 domestic; USD $70 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. FEBRUARY 26, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 4 Bu s i n e s s Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Business News & Notes (February 22 10) Vinnere Norwegian Government positive to imposed a penalty on the Group, entailing a Navn Siste % fine of NOK 12 million and a forfeiture order Intex Resources 8,01 37,39 participate in rights issue in Yara amounting to NOK 14 million. Norsk Kr. 5.9145 American Shipping Co. 6,20 12,73 International ASA Crew Gold Corp. 1,26 11,50 Yara announced today that the company Bringing the case to trial would be Dansk Kr. 5.4778 PCI Biotech Holding ASA 38,40 11,30 has signed a cash merger agreement with the resource-intensive and a strain for the bank NattoPharma ASA 2,30 9,52 North-American fertilizer company Terra for an extended period. DnB NOR accepts Svensk Kr. 7.2076 Tapere Industries Inc. The transaction is planned to the fine based on an overall assessment of Navn Siste % be supported by a rights issue of USD 2.0- what will be in the best future interests of the Canadian $ 1.0425 Nexus Floating Production 0,70 -21,35 2.5 billion. The Norwegian Government bank. (DnB NOR) Artumas Group 2,20 -16,03 is, under certain conditions, positive to Ignis 3,36 -15,79 Hydro to cut jobs, keep output curbs as Euro 0.7359 participate in the rights issue in Yara. TTS Group 4,70 -14,55 Chinese imports slide Hjellegjerde 2,85 -10,94 “Yara is a world leader in its industry and an important Norwegian company. Yara has Norsk Hydro ASA, Europe’s third- been a good investment for the Norwegian largest aluminum producer, will add to last state, and we support investments which year’s 4,500 job cuts, extend output curbs Judy A Cooper ensure continued industrial growth in the and may mothball a plant in after company,” Trond Giske, Minister of Trade Chinese imports of the metal fell in the Financial Advisor and Industry, says. fourth quarter. Participation in the rights issue is Hydro had an underlying loss before • Personal Financial Planning based on several conditions: Parliamentary financial items and tax of NOK 651 million approval, that the terms of the issue are in the fourth quarter of 2009, compared with • Retirement Planning acceptable and commercial, and that no a loss of NOK 793 million in the previous • Mutual Funds new material information is revealed before quarter, firming slightly on higher realized Ministry of Trade and Industry aluminum prices. (Hydro, Business Week) • Education Funding closing. ( ) Norwegian launches direct flights to London, Strong quarter and good results for Edinburgh and Munich from 2601 4th Avenue In 2009, Kongserg had operating Suite 450 Norwegian continues to expand its base Seattle, WA 98121 in Stockholm and launches direct flights to revenues of NOK 13,816, an increase of 206-283-6661 x 103 London/Gatwick, Edinburgh and Munich, 25 percent from 2008. The EBITA totalled [email protected] three destinations which are appealing to NOK 1,376, a rise of NOK 254 from 2008. both business and leisure travelers. The New orders were valued at NOK 17,605, Waddell & Reed, Inc. Member SIPC 9194 (06/09) new direct flights will increase up nearly NOK 3 billion compared with presence in the Swedish market, as the 2008. By year-end 2009, the backlog of company is adding an eighth aircraft to the orders totalled NOK 19.9 billion (NOK 16.7 LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: billion). Earnings per share were NOK 6.83 Certified Public Accountant Stockholm base. Small businesses (NOK 4.86) in 2009. The Board of Directors (206)789-5433 The new route between Stockholm Individuals and London will be served daily, apart will propose to the General Meeting that 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance dividends for 2009 be set at NOK 2.00 (NOK Seattle, WA 98119 from Saturdays. The Stockholm to Munich operation will have three weekly departures, 1.375) per share, in line with the Group’s every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. dividend policy. (Kongsberg) The direct flights to London will start LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. April 29, while the direct flight to Edinburgh In 2009 saw all-time high cash will start May 6 and Munich, May 7. flow of NOK 20 billion Sales and Service (Norwegian Air) For the full year of 2009, Telenor’s reported revenues increased by two percent Production drilling contracts extended compared to 2008, reaching NOK 97.7 Statoil has chosen to exercise options billion. The operating profit was NOK 13.3 in existing contracts with Odfjell Drilling billion. Telenor’s mobile operations added Management, KCA Deutag Norge and 2 million subscriptions during the quarter, Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch , AK Seawell for production drilling and reaching a total of 174 million. phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 maintenance services. “In 2009 the main focus within the fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 The options allow Statoil to extend five Telenor Group has been to secure market contacts which expire in 2010 by two years. positions while scaling our activities to a The contracts cover services on 17 challenging business environment. The full of Statoil’s 20 fixed installations on the year results demonstrate our commitment to [email protected] Norwegian continental shelf. these priorities. We had a strong operating 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 The total value of all exercised options cash flow in 2009, and the Nordic region was is about NOK 3.6 billion. (Statoil) the main contributor with NOK 10 billion. In spite of weak macro economic conditions, SAS to issue shares, cut jobs after posting our operations in Central and Eastern Seattle, Washington Norwegian Commercial Club loss for 2009 Europe have also delivered solid results SAS, the Scandinavian airline group, throughout the year and the Asian operations March 11: John Goodman of Pinnacle, An American said Feb. 16 that it would issue new shares to have shown substantial improvement,” said Management Service Company, will present a program on raise capital and cut 700 jobs after reporting Jon Fredrik Baksaas, President and CEO of Real Estate Management. a loss for 2009. (The New York Times) Telenor Group. (Telenor) Menu: Fish for a Prince, boiled potatoes, carrots, salad, dessert DnB NOR insider case closed Gudrun offshore jacket contract to Aker DnB NOR accepts the fine imposed Solutions March 25: Dan Satterberg, King County Prosecuting by Økokrim (the Norwegian National Statoil has awarded Aker Solutions an Attorney will present, “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of King Authority for Investigation and Prosecution EPC contract for the Gudrun jacket. The County’s Criminal Justice System.” of Economic and Environmental Crime) contract value is approximately NOK 450 Menu: Norwegian Sausage, mashed potatoes with butter, green surkål, following claims of a breach of insider million. salad and dessert. rules. DnB NOR maintains that no unlawful “We are very pleased that it has been insider information was given in the case, decided to realize the Gudrun project and we and wishes to point out that the case against are looking forward to take on this project Leif Erikson Hall 2245 NW 57th St. the bank’s employees has been dropped. for Statoil and its partners. Our efforts to For more information, call Ozzie at (206) 297-4254 Økokrim launched an investigation increase our competitiveness now shows against DnB NOR in the autumn of 2008 result in this contract award,” says Nina following claims of insider trading in Udnes Tronstad, President of Aker Solutions Treasury bills. Økokrim has dropped the case in Verdal. (Aker Solutions) supporting local Norwegian business since 1932 against the employees in DnB NOR, but has

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • FEBRUARY 26, 2010 Sp o r t s 5 Norway’s Olympic Results as of Feb. 22 : Men’s Super-G takes gold NAME COUNTRY MEDAL As the second starter in the women’s individual 15km, Tora Berger of Norway Norway Aksel Lund Svindal Gold had a long wait to see if her first place time would hold up, and when her last United States Silver competitor crossed the line, the tears of joy started flowing United States Bronze Biathlon: Men’s 20 km Individual Norway Gold Fa s t e r s k i e r .c o m before missing her Ole Einar Bjørndalen Norway Silver (tie) final shot of the day “It was very hard to wait, not a good Sergey Novikov Belarus Silver (tie) in the final standing time, but I had no time to think because there Cross-Country Skiing: Ladies’ Individual Sprint Classic stage. In a tight battle Norway were so many interviews. But then I was Marit Bjørgen Gold with Domracheva Justyna Kowalczyk Silver very happy – they were good tears.” and Khrustaleva, as Petra Majdic Bronze well as Germans Kati Cross-Country Skiing: Ladies’ 15 km Pursuit (7.5 Classic + 7.5 Free) Berger now has the distinction of Tora Berger Wilhelm and Andrea Marit Bjørgen Norway Gold winning the 100th gold medal in Norwegian Henkel and Weronika Novakowska (POL), Anna Haag Silver Winter Olympic history. She finished 20.7 Justyna Kowalczyk Poland Bronze Berger came out on top. seconds ahead of Elena Khrustaleva (KAZ). Biathlon: Women’s 15 km Individual “I thought I lost a medal when I missed (BLR) was third, less Tora Berger Norway Gold that last shot,” Berger said. “I thought my than eight seconds behind Khrustaleva. Elena Khrustaleva Kazakhstan Silver chance to win was going, but I did a good Belarus Berger, showed her usual strong skiing, Darya Domracheva Bronze job in the last ski loop and I heard that many Freestyle Skiing: Men’s Ski Cross but it was her quick shooting that gave her of the other athletes were missing, so I just Michael Schmid Gold the victory. She hit the first 19 targets of the had to go for it.” Andreas Matt Silver race, cleaning the first three shooting stages, Audun Grønvold Norway Bronze Cross-Country Skiing: Men’s Individual Sprint Classic Gold for Svendsen, Nikita Kriukov Russian Federation Gold Bronze for Bøkko Alexander Panzhinskiy Russian Federation Silver Bjørndalen ties for silver Norway’s Håvard Norway Bronze When Sergey Novikov (BLR) left the : Men’s 1500m Bøkko, won a bronze Netherlands Gold range after his final round of shooting in the medal in the men’s Shani Davis United States Silver 20k individual start, he led Norwegians Emil Olympic 1500 meters Håvard Bøkko Norway Bronze Hegle Svendsen and Ole Einar Bjørndalen speed skating event. Cross Country Skiing - Men’s Individual Sprint Classic by seven and 26 seconds, respectively. But He raced in pair Petter Northug, Øystein Pettersen Norway Gold Novikov’s lead was due to good shooting, with the gold medal Team Germany Germany Silver not fast skiing, and the question was whether winner, Mark Tuitert Russia Håvard Bøkko Team Russia Bronze he could hold on. of the Netherlands. - Team As the Belarusian came back into the World champion Team Austria Austria Gold stadium, it was clear that Svendsen would Team Germany Germany Silver Shani Davis of the United States captured Anders Bardal, Tom Hilde, Norway Bronze win. But the battle between Bjørndalen the silver medal, 0.03 seconds ahead of the Johan Remen Evensen and and Novikov came down to the wire and Norwegian. Anders Jacobsen they finished in a dead heat—the first time Norway’s newcomer Mikael Flygind in the sport’s Olympic history that had ever Larsen placed a promising eighth. happened. (FasterSkier) ( 2010) Two gold medals… played out behind her. (…continued from page 1) Anna Haag (SWE) won that battle, capturing her first Olympic medal, and Olympic Park. erasing the disappointment of a fourth place creative media alliance Bjørgen put on a powerful move on the finish in the sprint. Justyna Kowalczyk second-to-last climb of the race, leaving her (POL) out-lunged Kristin Størmer Steira competition in the dust. She was able to (NOR) at the line for the bronze, continuing celebrate down the finish stretch in front of Steira’s remarkable run of Olympic fourth the cheering crowd while the battle for silver place finishes. norway strikes gold… knew I’d got the best time. It was nice to talk (…continued from page 1) to him afterwards,” Svindal said. When asked if he would be going for Miller and Andrew Weibrecht. a second super-G title at the 2014 Norwegian racers have been the supreme Games, Svindal said that he was focused on force in super-G since the early 1990s, the here and now: “My mind is right here in thanks mainly to the exploits of Aamodt who Whistler. Four years is a long way away.” won three golds and a bronze in the event Norwegian cross-country star Petter which combines the speed of the downhill Northug was expected to dominate the 2010 and technique of the slalom. Olympics but had a rough start. That all Kjus medalled five times in the Olympic changed with a gold medal in the sprint relay Games, claiming combined gold at the 1994 with teammate Øystein Pettersen. Games, and like Aamodt was a Before the final exchange, Germany’s multi-medal winning skier on the World Cup Tim Tscharnke opened a gap and handed circuit and in the World Championships. off to Axel Teichmann in first. Norway’s powering norway.com “It’s amazing how many golds Norway Northug and Russia’s Petukhov followed in has won at super-G,” Svindal said. “It has pursuit, and though the gap was large they not that much to do with our nation but made the time up on Teichmann by the final something to do with some amazing athletes downhill into the stadium. Northug made who were skiing when I first started doing the pass on Teichmann and put the hammer this. down all the way across the line for first “They were my idols,” he said of place. Germany was awarded the silver by Aamodt and Kjus. “I remember I was still in .2 seconds over Russia. the junior team but I was skiing fast so I was It continues to be a fantastic Olympics able to go on training camp with the World for the American ski racing team, which Cup team. has won seven of the 15 medals on offer in “There I was sitting having dinner with the first five disciplines: won guys whose posters I had on my wall.” the women’s downhill and Aamodt is now retired but, working as claimed double silver in the downhill and a television consultant, was in Whistler to super-combined events. Bode Miller has watch Svindal win his first Olympic title. claimed gold, silver and bronze and Andy “When I came down I didn’t know I Weibrecht has surprised everyone and b r a n d i n g p r i n t w e b v i d e o had the fastest time but then I looked over claimed bronze in the downhill. at Aamodt, he was going crazy, that’s when I c r e a t i v e m e d i a a l l i a n c e . c o m

FEBRUARY 26, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 6 Op Ed Norwegian American WEEKLY Editor’s Notes 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 with Jake Moe toll free: 1 (800) 305-0217 local:(206) 784-4617 fax: (206) 448-2033 email: [email protected] Reflections on the Olympics Publisher & Editor-In-Chief Jake Moe [email protected] As my wife and I have all of a sudden rise to the occasion Managing Editor traveled overseas, we have always and become champions. Tiffanie Davis [email protected] enjoyed the zest for life the Kiwis The one competitor that is Copy Editor & Subscriptions Manager and Aussies exhibit. They have personified with this experience Christy Olsen Field [email protected] been the “life of the party” where is the Norwegian ski cross racer (206) 441-3044 ever we have gone and as a result Audun Gronvold. Two years Assistant Layout Editor we have come home with new ago, I spent a couple of days in Harry Svenkerud [email protected] relationships and fun memories. Sun with Audun while he Advertising That changed dramatically was there competing. We even 1(800)305-0217 [email protected] at our most recent visit to the featured Audun with an article in in Whistler. the Weekly back then. At the time, Contributing Editors From now on, we will think of the he was traveling to races without Anita Alan Carmel, Calif. Norwegians as being the most fun any support from the Norwegian Eric Dregni Minneapolis, Minn. Photo: Jake Moe Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. loving, crazy, enthusiastic folks It was easy to spot the cheerful Norwegian fans at the 2010 Winter ski team and so any available Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway that we have ever encountered. Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia. floor space to sleep on was great Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway First, it is important to for him. During the summer, I Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. understand that when you goes some more crazy Norwegians!” “Here would get photos and messages Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. arrive at an Olympics biathlon site or an comes another fun group of Norwegians!” from Audun as he spent time summer ski Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Olympics cross-country skiing site, that We heard those comments up at the ski coaching on the glaciers of Norway. Now, Nina Lichtenstein Hartford, Conn. you are actually arriving in Norway! By races, in the Whistler Village and even on after two years of struggling to “pay for his Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. far, the Norwegians outnumbered every the buses that we rode. passion” of racing, Audun is an Olympic Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. nation in attendance. There were so many If you ever have a chance to attend bronze medal winner for Norway. To, me Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. an international cross-country ski race David Moe Juneau, Alaska Norwegians that it was reminiscent of this embodies the true spirit of the Olympic Lisa Portelli Bradenten, Fla. being in a Norwegian village. Norwegian or a biathlon, make sure you bring your games – and, quite frankly probably what Roman Scott Herre, Norway flags were everywhere. Faces were painted Norwegian flag and if possible, put a red the original forefathers of the Games had John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. in red, white and blue. Many wore Viking jacket on with Norway across the back. You in mind when they invited athletes of all Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway helmets. Fans had huge cowbells that must will likely end up experiencing what we did nations to gather and compete. Wendy K. Winkelman Mesa, Ariz. have been difficult to get checked through – meeting so many interesting Norwegians from all over Norway. CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives the airport. I don’t think I have ever seen All the best, to make its news report fair and accurate. If you anything that resembles this display except Regarding the Olympic competitions, Jake Moe have a question or comment about news coverage for an Oakland Raiders football game on it is always great to see racers such as Editor-In-Chief call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly Svindal, Bjørgen, Berger, Svendsen and reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for TV. style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right One of the most interesting and others excel for the big race and win not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor delightful aspects about seeing these dressed gold medals. However, what I most like taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. about the Olympics is how the unheralded • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and up Norwegians was what folks from other letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian countries were saying about them, “There competitors that train in obscurity for years, American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions exemption was record high investments in and transport industries. and complaints about the opinions expressed by the slowdown in the… oil and gas extraction which fuelled activity paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor- (…continued from page 1) in-chief. • Norwegian American Weekly is published in parts of manufacturing industries. Continued growth in consumption of weekly except the first week of the calendar year, An increase in the production of motor vehicles the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks percent. Export led industries and wholesale electricity as well as fishing and fish farming Household final consumption of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • and retail trade contributed strongly to the Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. contributed to a growth rate of 0.9 percent in expenditure shows positive growth rates drop in activity in the beginning of 2009, NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription the production of other goods in the fourth for the third quarter in a row, and as in the Cost: US$50 Domestic, US$70 to Canada, while business services was the main source quarter. Reduced activity in construction previous quarters the growth stems first and US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. of dampened growth in the second half of the dampened the growth. For 2009 as a whole, foremost from the households consumption year. Increased activity in general government SINCE 1889: Formerly Norway Times & value added in production of other goods of cars. The consumption of services rose Western Viking & Washington Posten. . . contributed positively throughout 2009 and was reduced by 3.8 percent. moderately by 0.2 percent in the same Comprising helped offset the downturn in the Norwegian period. From 2008 to 2009 household final Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis- economy. Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Slowdown in service activities consumption expenditure remained roughly Production in service producing constant. Consumption expenditures of Skandinaven Increased goods production industries fell by 0.1 percent in the fourth central and local government grew by 5.2 Value added in manufacturing rose by 1.0 NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. quarter and dampened growth of GDP percent in 2009, and were unchanged from percent in the fourth quarter, with production Mainland Norway. Financial intermediation the third to the fourth quarter. of basic chemicals and metals being the main and business services were the main sources contributors. A decline beginning in the third of the negative numbers, while transport Drop in investments in manufacturing quarter of 2008 and continuing throughout Proud to bring you the industries and wholesale and retail trade industries the second quarter of 2009 however, led to a Norwegian American Weekly contributed positively. For 2009 as a whole, Gross fixed capital formation in fall in manufacturing by 5.8 percent for 2009 growth in service industries dropped by 1.0 manufacturing fell by an annual rate of 34.2 To learn more about the as a whole. The decline may be tied to a drop Norwegian American Foundation visit: percent, mainly due to a sharp decline in percent in 2009. The sharp decline should http://noram.norway.com in both domestic and foreign demand. The business services, wholesale and retail trade CONTINUES PAGE 15 SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • FEBRUARY 26, 2010 Op Ed 7 Letters to the Editor: Do you have something to say? Send your letters to: Jake Moe, Editor-In-Chief • [email protected] • 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115

Dear Norwegian American Weekly, and Ole Vestad, Lillehammer. Severisen and my grandmother was Anna Thousands of cross-country skiers have Good luck to all the racers both here in Lyshaug. caught “Birkie Fever” this year. In fact, over America and in Norway. Our family treasure is our Norwegian 8,000 skiers are registered, making the 2010 ancestry and we make a loving effort to seek 26. februar American Race on Feb. 27, the Sincerely, out every avenue about our family so that we Ivar Jenseth Seattle WA largest field in our history. Cherie Morgan can hold onto our heritage and share it with Bob Colter Castle Rock WA The Ski Foundation future family members. Sarah Anderegg Redmond WA 27. februar Sincerley, Harold O Tvede Sacramento CA Dear Norwegian American Weekly, Earl V. Slattum Olaf A Jacobsen Bellingham WA I have been a subscriber of the Norwegian Virginia Beach, Va. Cynthia Eiken Park Ridge IL American Weekly for over five years and Dr Charles Anderegg Redmond WA Iona R Dhaese Puyallup WA have a keen interest in the various articles Dear Norwegian American Weekly, Chloe Willow Knudsen Simi Valley CA you have published. The “Editor’s Notes” We were very happy to see the article Eric Chellstop Prospect Heights IL that appeared in the Dec. 25, 2009 issue took about the history of Granlibakken in the Palmer C. Grorud Portland OR me back to when I was growing up in St. Norwegian American Weekly newspaper. Margrethe E. Grorud Portland OR Paul, Minn. My father, Reidar Olaf Slattum We look forward to sharing the coverage 28. februar worked for Northland Ski Manufacturing with our board members. Jakobine Hovik Seattle WA Co., which was owned by Carl Lund. John M Anderson Park River ND My grandfather Sigurd Svendson Paul C Raysby Avon SD We are very proud to have continued immigrated to the United States with his Raymond Thompson Hawthorne CA the growth of this race, an event patterned wife, Anna Lyshaug and their three children, Ralph L Gusfre IL after the Norwegian race Borge, Austra and my father, Reidar and, at 1. mars held every year from Rena to Lillehammer. that time, changed their name to Slattum, Astrid L Omdal Pasadena CA Although, we haven’t reached the size of the which was the community where he lived Mafred O Aws Madison MN 15,000-particpant competition in Norway, in Norway. The family settled in Rushford, Barbara Bie Seattle WA we are proud that our American Birkie in Minn., however at an early age, my father Sissel Almaas Peterson Seattle WA Hayward, Wis.is growing. moved to the big city of St. Paul. He had Kent Larson Sandy UT Each year, we welcome cross country various jobs as carpenter, stone mason 2. mars skiers from Norway to compete in the and layer and finally settled on a job Nels Jensen Duluth MN American Birke and each year we send cross working for Carl Lund, a ski manufacturer. Nancy Gunderson Lincoln NE country skiers to compete in the Norwegian He became the foreman of the plant and Arnold Lunnum Stanwood WA Birkebeinerrennet the third week of March. their designer and pattern maker of skies. Mrs L Allbee Yorba Linda CA Norwegians that will compete in Dad, Carl Lund III and Carl Olson were sent Howard Thompson Hawthorne CA this year’s American Birkebiner include: to Laconia, N.H. to open the eastern plant, Ray Finden Minneapolis MN Bodil Braa Alsvik, Heimdal; Harald which was known as C.A. Lund Company. 3. mars Bjerke, Lillehammer; Arne Eyland, Oslo; I can remember Dad talking about John B Rasmussen Lacey WA Borge Flones, Klabu; Tone Elisabeth making skies for the Olympics skiers, one Christ Feste Minneapolis MN Flones, Klabu; Gunnar Foss, Radal; Einar particular, Torger Tokl, who was an Austrian. Steven O Wick Minneapolis MN Helge Langorgen Ft Lauderdale FL Halfdanarson, Levanger; Helga Haverstad, He also made skis for Hannes Schneider and Granlibakken is a Norwegian name meaning a hill sheltered by trees. Granlibakken Resort is Albert Furnes Denver CO Tranby; Ingemar Haverstad, Tranby; Kjell was featured with him in an article about Johannes Angen Geitastrand Norway Yngvar Hole, Oslo; Else Husa, Belgium, making skies in Sports Illustrated magazine. family-owned, occupying 74 wooded acres in a picturesque mountain valley. Spectacular Lake Olav E Mathisen Sarasota FL Norway; Michael Myers, Sjusjoen; Olav Dad also designed skis for the U.S. Tahoe is just minutes away. Friendly but shy bears Ken Helling Seattle WA Nilsen, Treungen; Mette Oberg, Oslo; Arve Paratroopers duing World War II and I had and other wildlife can be spotted on occasion. For 4. mars Østgård, Hommelvik; Morten Parthaugen, the fun of trying out the first pair he made. more information about staying at Granlibakken Mabel Marvik Tacoma WA Torpa; Morten Pedersen, Lillehammer; Anne You could say that I was born on a pair of visit www.granlibakken.com. Gust Oien Skandia MI Raftevold, Hormindal; Brit Gerny Ravndal, skies since Dad made my first skies, “three Betsy Isane Brooten MN Tau; Svein Ravndal, Tau; Stein Rønning, footers,” when I only four years old. Bernhard Hendricksen Mesa AZ Trondheim; Filip Rukan, Kolbu; Martin A major highlight of our family, 10 of If you are ever in the Lake Tahoe area, Rukan, Kolbu; Reidar Sivertsen, Trondheim; us, was when we recently visit Norway and we would be happy to have you stay with Want to see your birthday in the Helge Skjonvoll, ; Kristin spent 17 days seeing all the most interesting us! Norwegian American Weekly? Skjonvoll, Drammen; Lars Skodje, Oslo; sites including the community of Slattum, Give us a call at (800) 305-0217. Birthday listings are free, Age Snerting, Trondheim; Haakon Stene, where my father lived until he was seven Med vennlig hilsen, but must be submitted at least Trondheim; Hans Storvoll, Trondheim; Berit years old. We found the records of the family Kay Williams one month in advance. Tokheim, Tranby; Bjame Tokheim, Tranby; in the Nettedal Church in Slattum, reflecting Bjørn Vågen, Trondheim; Siv Vatland, Tau; that my grandfather was Sigrud Sevendson/ Han Ola Og Han Per

FEBRUARY 26, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 8 Th e Ta s t e o f No r w a y Nordic Delicacies A taste of home for “A taste of Norway in the heart of Brooklyn!” Norwegian athletes

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Photo courtesy of Ernie Ness

f rik Grøtterud have set up their bakery in Of to Co m p i l e d b y Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d N House for Rent Squamish, sharing a space with Squamish Copy Editor bakery Golden Crust Specialties, which is o Edmonds, Washington run by Patricia and Wade Yendall. The bak- rway Want to eat like a Norwegian Olympi- ery is open for non-athletes as well, and is Available May 6th – August 8th an at the Olympic Games? Skip the readily drawing quite a crowd of locals and visitors Very Spacious: One Bedroom, One Bath available fast food and head to the bustling to the Olympic Games. Fully Furnished • Everything Included Norwegian bakery in Squamish, located be- Patricia Yendall, who herself specializes Adults Only • No Smoking • No Pets tween Vancouver and Whistler. in many types of breads, pastries and pies, Call Kerstin (206) 542 7179 During the Olympic Games, the Nor- including meat and fruit pies, frozen pastas wegian athletes and their support staff are and tarts and cinnamon buns, said the Nor- served fresh Norwegian bread every morn- Sons of Norway Building, B-20 wegians liked her bakery and decided to take ing, baked by the Norwegian baking compa- 1455 W. Lake Street up residence in the kitchen. Norway Art ny Din Baker. The hearty, dark bread—full (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 “Any overflow they put on our shelves, of rye, oats, and barley—sticks to the ribs so it’s a bonus. And a ton of people are com- www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] and to some people, it provides an extra rea- ing in and asking what [Skrutvold and Grøt- By appointment please son to get up in the morning. terud] are making. It’s working out great. Since the skiing World Cup in Seefeld And I didn’t realize how many Norwegians in 1985, Norwegian bakers traveled together lived in town,” she said. athletes of all World Cup championships and Skrutvold said the Yendalls have been e Scandinavian Hour Winter Olympics. At the events, bakers have very helpful. “It was easy for me to de- supplied the Norwegian athletes with fresh Celebrating over 40 years on the air cide [which bakery to use]. We’re so happy and healthy bakery products. they’re letting us use their bakery. They’ve KKNW - 1150 AM “We are very pleased to have our own been very helpful and take care of us.” bakers at the Olympics,” said Christine Hel- Din Baker AS is Norway’s only nation- Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 am le, a nutrition expert for the Olympians. “It is wide bakery chain, consisting of independent important for athletes to eat well and healthy Streaming live on the internet at: and high-profile bakeries and pastry shops. bread, as we know it from Norway.” All members are artisan bakers, with strong www.1150kknw.com “We’re doing about 120 loaves a day,” local ties. Din Baker’s 70 shareholders, with said baker Amund Skrutvold. Four different 88 manufacturing locations, has over 350 types of loaves are baked daily to give Nor- outlets spread across the country. For more SeaMates Consolidation Service, Inc. wegian Olympians that added energy boost. information, visit www.din-baker.no. Skrutvold also said they had to bring 3,500 Ocean Freight Consolidators for Household Goods, kilograms of ingredients from Norway. Personal Effects and Commercial Cargo “Bread is an important part of [Nor- to Scandinavia and other Worldwide Destinations wegian athletes’] diet, breads with a lot of whole meal flour, flour with a lot of fiber,” 316 Main Street, East Rutherford, New Jersey 07073 said Skrutvold. “That’s quite important. Tel: 1-800-541-4538 • Fax: 1-201-460-7229 They have to eat what they’re used to. They www.seamates.com eat bread for breakfast, bread for lunch and Contact Sig Samuelsen: [email protected] bread for supper in the evening.” Skrutvold and Din Baker partner Hen- Follow us on


Photos courtesy of Ernie Ness www.twitter.com/NAWeekly Henrik Grøtterud decorates a cake in honor of Look for updates from the news room, special online offers, and more! Emil Hegle Svendsen’s silver medal in the 10km sprint in the first week of the Olympic Games. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • FEBRUARY 26, 2010 Tr a v e l s t o No r w a y 9 New e-book by The Sognefjord area SOLVEIG TORVIK The World’s Best Place Experience the Norway and the Norwegians Sognefjord and the Nærøyfjord by boat, hike the Jostedalsbreen Glacier or walk from cabin to A social commentary cabin in Jotunheimen Solveig Torvik National Park A PROVOCATIVE Vi s i t No r w a y .c o m SOCIAL COMMENTARY Year after year, the ranks Norway as the world’s best place to live. Boat trips and cruises So what’s it really like to live there? If you want to experience the beauty of Who are these people and what are their the actual , a good way of doing so is to civic and cultural values? take one of the boats or ferries that sail on the Photo: Jens Henrik Nybo/Innovation Norway Solveig Torvik, a native of Norway, is a narrowest and most picturesque fjord arms. former newspaper journalist and author One of the most spectacular boat trips is of Nikolai’s Fortune. to sail with the car ferry from Gudvangen to Glacier walks kayaking is offered only by the company Kaupanger or Lærdal on the Nærøyfjord. To participate in a glacier walk on the IceTroll in Jostedalen. You can also rent $9.99 at www.smashwords.com Other beautiful fjord trips are available Jostedalsbreen Glacier or in the Jotunheimen kayaks and canoes several places. at the most picturesque fjords, such as the National Park is fantastic, both for Fjærlandsfjord, the Lusterfjord and the experienced mountaineers and newcomers. Fishing become a fan Finnafjord. At Nigardsbreen Glacier there are guided There are hundreds of good fishing lakes Most boat services run from May 1 until walks with different levels of difficulty every in the Sognefjord area, and the mountain Sept. 30, and some services run throughout day throughout the summer, even for children trout you might catch, taste delicious. Rivers the year. There are boats for hire many as young as six years old. Glacier walks are open for salmon and/or sea trout fishing are places, and several charter boat services are also offered on several other glacier arms by at the moment Flåmselva, Nærøydalselva, available. Fjord safaris with rib boats are also the Sognefjord. Vetlefjordelva, Mørkridselva, Fortunselva, a great way to experience the fjords. If you travel without your own car, Jostedøla, Årøyelva, Sogndalselva, Storelva, the Jostedal Glacier Bus takes you on day Vikja and Årdalselva. Be aware that the Hiking excursions from anywhere in the Sognefjord fishing regulations can change, so it is wise The mountain areas surrounding the region to the exciting adventures of the to contact a local tourist information office innermost part of the Sognefjord are among Jostedalsbreen Glacier National Park in to get updated information. Guided fishing Norway’s most popular hiking areas. The Jostedal. trips are also offered some places, such as most famous mountain areas are Jotunheimen in Leirdalen. For more information about National Park, Jostedalsbreen National Park, Kayaking on the fjords and glacier lakes fishing, please visit sognefjord.no. Breheimen, the Aurlandsdalen Valley and the To paddle along steep mountain sides Utladalen Valley. There are many beautiful and waterfalls, or between icebergs on Biking walks to choose from everywhere along the emerald green glacier lakes is a unique Even though there are steep mountains fjord. experience. There are several companies that and narrow roads along the Sognefjord, Walkers can make use of the extensive offer kayaking tours in the Sognefjord Area. there are many great possibilities for cycling Follow the network of well-marked trails and mountain Kayaking has been offered from tours. Norwegian American Weekly cabins run by the Norwegian Mountain places like Solvorn, Balestrand, Jostedal, The most famous bicycle path is Trekking Association (DNT), and there are Leirdalen, Flåm, Aurland, Gudvangen, Rallarvegen (the Navvies’ Road) – an on Facebook! many guided walks to choose from if you Kroken, Marifjøra, Vik and other places on 80-kilometer long stretch from mountain Next time you’re on Facebook just search want to get to the most remote and amazing request. To get updated information please to fjord where you bike along the for “Norwegian American Weekly” places. Hiking maps and descriptions are see sognefjord.no or contact the local tourist Railway and the Flåm Railway down to the and you’ll find our fan page. available at the local tourist offices. information office. The unique glacier lake CONTINUES PAGE 13

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FEBRUARY 26, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 10 Ro o t s a n d Co nn e c t i o n s Norwegian American Weekly A favorite Norwegian Children’s song Photo of the Week “Pål sine høner” “Paul and His Chickens”

1. Pål sine høner på haugen ut sleppte, 1. Paul let his chickens run out on the hillside, høna så lett over haugen sprang. Over the hill they went tripping along. Pål kunne vel på hønom fornemma, Paul understood by the way they were acting; reven var ute med rumpa så lang. Feeling a warning that something was wrong: Klukk, klukk, klukk, Cluck, cluck, cluck, Sa høna på haugom. The chickens were cackling. Klukk, klukk, klukk, Cluck, cluck, cluck, Sa høna på haugom. The chickens were cackling. Pål han sprang og rengde med augom Paul was aware of the task he was tackling, “Nå tør’ eg ikkje koma heim åt ho mor!” “Now I’m afraid to go home to my ma!”

2. Pål han gjekk seg litt lenger på haugen, 2. Paul made a rush for the top of the hillside, fekk han sjå raven låg på høna å gnog. There was fox with a hen in his paw; Pål han tok seg ein stein uti næven, Paul took a rock & with madness he threw it, dogleg han då ræven slog. Striking directly the fox in the jaw. Ræven flaug, så rumpa hans riste! The fox took off so fast that his tail was shaking! Ræven flaug, så rumpa hans riste! The fox took off so fast that his tail was shaking! Pål han gret for høna han miste Paul was in tears & his heart nearly breaking: “Nå tør’ eg ikkje koma heim åt ho mor!” “Now I’m afraid to go home to my ma!”

3. Ikkje kan ho verpa, og ikkje kan ho gala, 3. Never again will that hen ever cackle, ikkje kan ho krypa, og ikkje kan ho gå! Never again will she let out a peep. Eg får gå meg til kverna og mala, Now I must go to the mill & do some grinding og få att det mjølet eg miste I går! And then of the meal, I’ll bring back a heap. “Pytt!” sa’n Pål, “eg er ikkje bangen,” “Pshaw!” said Paul, “now why should I worry.” “Pytt!” sa’n Pål, “eg er ikkje bangen, “Pshaw!” said Paul, “now why should I worry.” kjæften å motet har hjelpt no så mangen, A brave tongue & courage have helped quite a Photo: Jake Moe Eg tør’ nok vel koma heim åt ho mor!” few. Svein and his daughter Inge traveled from Norway to watch the Olympics Biathlon and I’m not afraid to go home to my ma.” dressed in festive patriotic costumes for the occasion! Go Norway!

What did you pay for that? $3.06 USD $5.69 USD is the sale price for is the median price for 7.5 oz. Maille Original 7.5 oz. Maille Original Read more about popular Norwegian Children’s songs on page 14. Dijon Mustard Dijon Mustard in Norway. in the U.S. The NAME Game Did you know? FEBRUARY 26: Inger, Ingjerd MARCH 2: Erna, Ernst Ole and Random facts about Norway Inger is an abbreviated version of Erna is an English abbreviation of Ingegerd. Its origin is in the Ing Ernestine deriving from the masculine name Lena Lasse Kjus (born January 14, 1971) is - stamfar, fyrste/ancestor, prince and gerdr Ernst, which is a German name meaning a retired Norwegian Alpine skier who - vern, gjerde/protection, fence. It may be alvor/gravity, seriousness. has won the overall World Cup twice, interpreted as “vern for fyrsten, høvdingen/ MARCH 3: Gunnveig, Gunnbjørg Sven was hired to paint the protection for the prince, chieftain.” an Olympic gold medal, and several Gunn is an Old Norse word for strid/ yellow stripe down the highway. World Championships. His combined battle, struggle. Veig, which is found in FEBRUARY 27: Laila, Lill many combinations is of uncertain origin. It His first day he painted ten miles. career total of 16 Olympic and World Laila is a Finnish name, the meaning may have connections to the verb vigja - vie/ The second day he only painted Championship medals ranks second of which is unclear. It may derive from the dedicate, marry. Bjørg comes from bjorg - five. all-time behind fellow Norwegian Persian Leila which may mean mørk/dark. berging/rescue, salvation. Kjetil André Aamodt. Used in England since the 1800s. Lill may be His boss, thinking that he an abbreviated version of names starting with MARCH 4: Odd, Ada was getting slower because he Lill- (Lilliane, Lillian) or a short form of pet Odd derives from the Old Norse oddr had started off too hard on the Bakverk names starting with Lille- (Little) as the first - spiss odd på våpen/sharp point or edge on Printed Feb. 19 syllable. first day, decided to give him a weapons. Ada is of Hebrew origin with uncertain day off to rest. But when Sven FEBRUARY 28: Marina, Maren meaning, most likely ynde, skjønnhet/charm, came back to work the next day, Marina is Latin and is derived from grace, beauty. It could also be an abbreviation Maria or the noun mare, which means hav/ of Adelheid. The name appears on several he only painted half a mile. ocean. Maren is a nordic variation, especially places in the Bible, e.g. one of Esau’s daughters So his boss asked, “Excuse Danish derived from Marina. was named Ada. me, but why have you been MARCH 1: Audun, Audney painting less and less each day, Audun is Old Norse composed of audr even after I gave you a day off?” - rikdom, lykke/wealth, luck and vinr - venn/ “Simple, “ Sven answered. friend. It is also in the language-family with the Angelo Saxen Eadwin, Edwin. “I’ve been getting farther away from the paint can!”

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • FEBRUARY 26, 2010 Fa i t h a n d Re l i g i o n 11 In honor and memory of Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Send a brief memoriam to [email protected]. Just a minute Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, brought back to life Mildred (Millie) Anderson after being previously printed in the Norway Times. July 24, 1926 - February 10, 2010 Mildred Evelyn Beth (Steve) Mullin. Millie attended the Love Anderson was born University of Minnesota. She was passionate The following is presented with asked to translate the expression “I love on July 24, 1926, about tennis and bridge, loved gardening and “tongue in cheek” about vocabulary you” in my native tongue (Jeg elsker in Minneapolis, flowers, and enjoyed music and dancing. She “funnies” we find in every language. deg). But what is even more strange is Minn., to Norwegian loved a party, especially with close friends that Norwegians generally don’t use that immigrants Olaf and and relatives. Millie was a beautiful woman Americans love pizza and hamburgers, expression except for religious language Sophie Froysland. with a sweet disposition and a gentle manner. their pets and television, money and and literature. How come? I don’t know. She died peacefully She lived for two years during the 1960s vacation. Most, I would think, love their Maybe because they don’t show feelings on February 10, in with her family near Paris, . Millie marriage partners, their kids, and their so easily and are afraid of using too tender Shoreline, Wash. She valued her Norwegian heritage, studied the homes. With the frequency the word is words to express their emotions. wanted to be remembered, in her own words, language, and frequently visited the Nordic used, one would think we are living in a In the sport tennis, love signifies “no “as an honest person, a good mother, a person Heritage Museum. Millie and her husband love paradise. score.” Aha! Is that what we are doing, who enjoyed and appreciated beauty, an Andy were members of the Sand Point The word is used in a diversity of playing tennis with the word love? By the animal lover, and as someone who enjoyed United Methodist Church through which contexts, being it ever so trivial and way, I love a good steak, but I can’t stand foreign cultures.” Her life validated this she participated in the Women’s Society of mundane. It is the most overused word in chicken. Who cares? No score! If someone aspiration. Millie was the devoted mother of Christian Service. In addition to her husband the English language, so it has lost its flavor is interested in what love really is, read four children by her first husband, Dr. R.T. and children, Millie is survived by her sister and true meaning. What is wrong with Corinthians 13:1-13 or ponder Jesus’ Ravenholt, whom she married in 1948: Janna Astrid Smith, Santa Barbara, Calif.; her words like affection, to like something, words, “Love your enemies and your (Jim) Kent, Mark (Kathy Pavlich), Lisa (Ed nephew Steve Smith, Carlsbad, CA; five appreciate, savor, relish, esteem, hold neighbors as yourself.” Belsheim), and Dane. On Sept. 14, 1974, she grandchildren; one great-grandchild; three dear, and so forth? I must be in trouble. Neither do I play married M. Burdette (Andy) Anderson and step children; 10 step grandchildren and The word has been downgraded so tennis very well, and as for love, boy do was a caring mother to his three daughters: three step great-grandchildren. much that I can imagine a guy declaring his I have to struggle with that at times. My Joan Rocheleau, Gail (Doug) Waite, and love for a girl receiving an absentminded refuge and solution I find in 1 John 4:10 response, “So what else is new?” and 4:19. Mildred Nellie Rolfsness Bjørnson As a Norwegian, by birth, I am often February 1, 1914 - February 1, 2010 Mildred Nellie Rolfsness Bjornson, age nature interested her. In 1996 she moved to kong olav v’s kirke 96, loving mother, grandmother and great California where she could spend more time SjømannSkirken grandmother peacefully passed into the with her daughter and grandchildren, who The Norwegian Church in New York arms of her Savior Jesus Christ on Feb. 1 were all blessed with her smiles, love, and 317 east 52nd street (Betw. 1st & 2nd aves.) in Sunnyvale, Calif. She was born on Feb. hugs. Mildred was preceded in death by new york, ny 10022 1, 1914 in Lewistown, Mont. to Norwegian her husband of 59 years Harold “Shorty” (212) 319-0370 • [email protected] parents, Nels N. and Ragna Rolfsness. She M. Bjornson (1995), her daughter Mary Åpningstider: man - tors: 11-18, fre - søn: 12-17 graduated from Fergus County High School Bjornson (1969) and her son Raymond WWW.kjerka.com and worked for the Democrat News as a Bjornson (2005), all of Seattle. She was typist. She followed her sisters to Seattle preceded in death by sisters, Margaret (Jerry) gudstjenester: gudStjeneSte og SøndagSSkole 28. februar where she worked using her excellent Larson, Ruth (Gifford) Maryott, Edna (Bert) typing skill. Within a year she met her Bjornson, and brothers Robert Rolfsness, Gudstjeneste i new York: Hver søndag kl.11. Velkommen til gud- husband Harold and they married in 1936. Oscar Rolfsness, and Nels Rolfsness. Mildred stjeneste! Vi har tilbud om søndagsskole for barna parallelt med gudstjenesten. As a homemaker, she continued typing all is survived by her son David Bjornson (Sally) FamilieGudstjenester oG barneverksted: 7. mars kl. 14. her correspondence. She had a spirit of fun of Kingston WA daughter Frieda (Bjornson) and a good sense of humor. With her gift of Nathan of California and granddaughters Familiegudstjeneste er en gudstjeneste spesielt tilrettelagt for familier med barn hospitality she opened her home to friends Kristine Brazil (David), Cheryl Down i alle aldre - men alle er selvsagt hjertelig velkommen. Velkommen til både nye and family. Her kitchen always had the warm (Deron), grandsons Mark Bjornson and Greg og “gamle” kjente! delicious aroma of something good cooking. Bjornson of Seattle, Brock Bracco (Shellie) What’s happening: She was noted for her excellent soup and of California and nine great-grandchildren. apple pie. She was a Boy Scout and Girl She is survived by her sister Esther Jenni of risGrøt på kirken: Hver lørdag kl. 13-16. Risgrøt og rød saft kan nytes Scout leader, a Sunday school teacher, and Lewistown, Mont. på kirken hver lørdag. Én lørdag hver måned inviterer vi spesielt familier til helped many in her church, neighborhood and sjømannskirken for å spise grøt sammen og treffe andre familier i New York- extended family. She enjoyed living close to området. Velkommen! Puget Sound, traveling, and everything about businesslunsj: 10. mars kl. 12. Lunsjen består av en rikholdig, tradis- jonell norsk lunsjbuffet, ett varmt måltid og dessert. Alt dette for kun $22! Du er Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church velkommen til å reservere plass for grupper på 8 personer eller flere. Ring (212) Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke 319-0370 eller send en e-mail til [email protected]. The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, Scandinavians and others who are interested in the wonderful language, culture and people of Norway. We welcome you to our warm and friendly småbarnstreFF: 11. mars kl. 10.30. Småbarnstreff er en uformell, sosial family of members. Please visit us soon and help support this Norwegian tradition. møteplass for småbarnsforeldre og selvfølgelig også barna. Vi spiser lunsj sam- men, prater, leker og synger - og inntar kaffe og vaffler! seaGull: 11. mars kl. 12. “Seagull” er et nytt forum på sjømannskirken for March 2010 samtaler og foredrag rundt ulike tema. Forumet vil finne sted på formiddagstid, og er et tilbud til mennesker i sin “beste” alder. Velkommen! March 7th Speaking: Leif Gordon Kvelland nattklubb: 11. mars kl. 19. En kvinneforening som samles til en matbit, litt Communion Service småprat og som særlig jobber med forberedelser til kirkens årlige julebasar. March 11th Noon Ladies and Men’s Aid trygve Lie gaLLery: March 14th Speaking: Leif Gordon Kvelland Current exhibition: “nordiC mixed media” March 21st Speaking: Leif Gordon Kvelland The American Scandinavian Society and the Trygve Lie Gallery proudly pres- Communion Service ent the Exhibition “Nordic Mixed Media”, curated by Elfi von Kantzow Alvin. The March 28th Speaking: Dve Langseth, English Service Exhibition features Daniel Sandberg (Sweden), Matthias van Arkel (Sweden) and Torild Stray (Norway). On view through March 7, 2010. Hours: Mon-Thur 12-6 p.m., Fri-Sun 1-5 p.m. Free admission. 2614 North Kedzie Boulevard Chicago, 60647 • (708) 867-7051 www.trygveliegallery.com

FEBRUARY 26, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 12 Ar t s a n d En t e r t a i n m e n t Snøhetta spotlighted at “The World’s Best Place” A provacative social commentary on Scandinavia House Norway and the Norwegians

Exhibition features Oslo Opera House, So l v e i g To r v i k Alexandria Library and N.Y.C. Twin Towers Winthrop, Wash. Memorial Year after year, the United Nations tells sphere of society us that Norway is the world’s best place to and that of the Do n a l d V. Me h u s live. So it seems fair to ask: What’s it really individual. New York, N.Y. like to live there? Who are these people, An unromantic anyway, and what are their civic and cultural examination of its cultural and political life values? reveals troubling incongruities that challenge A large, enthusiastic crowd of several “The World’s Best Place Norway and the idealized picture of Norway: a political hundred people spent a most enjoyable and the Norwegians,” a newly published e-book, system functioning at an unaccountable informative evening early this month at offers a candid look at contemporary Norway, remove from the citizenry, a government New York’s Scandinavia House celebrating a land of paradox sometimes surprisingly at tendency to infantilize citizens, a workforce the opening of an exhibition of impressive odds with its celebrated image. gaming a generous benefits system, a architectural works designed by the much- Image courtesy of Snøhetta. The United Nations’ Human xenophobic culture ill prepared to function Design for National September 11 Memorial admired Norwegian firm Snøhetta. Development Program index repeatedly as a multicultural society. Museum Pavillion. Pride of place in the exhibition went scores Norway highest on markers of Also surprising in such a wealthy nation to two particularly striking edifices, the came with the prestigious commission to a successful society such as education, is that its highly taxed residents contend with recently opened Norwegian National Opera income, longevity and national productivity. the everyday vexations of “public poverty” – and Ballet Theater as well as the majestic design the new Alexandria Library. In a conversation with the genial Kjetil (In rankings for 2007 announced in 2009, the neglected public infrastructure, dangerously Library of Alexandria, Egypt. United States placed 13th). For a nation that substandard roads, unreliable rail transport, Both works bear characteristic Snøhetta Thorsen, this writer suggested that a natural for Snøhetta might be the fjord landing site entered the 20th century in grinding poverty a middling education system despite high trademarks: highly original designs with and remained impoverished for another 60 expenditures, a shortage of police services, roofs sloping dramatically toward the water, in (some ten miles or so southeast of Tvedestrand), several hours south of Oslo years, this is a remarkable achievement. and a health care system that famously fails the whole striving for harmony with nature Largely out of sight and mind, Norway to deliver timely service. and location. The 1,400-seat Oslo theater is on the Skagerrak. For it was there in 1839 that the composer Richard Wagner sought has embarked on a grand experiment to create While all this calls into question the first real opera house Oslo has ever had. a just society. Is this experiment proving to whether Norwegians are getting their tax As to the Alexandria edifice, the Snøhetta refuge from a fierce storm during his perilous flight from Riga to London. be a model for the world to emulate? Or is money’s worth from public services, it structure replaces the greatest library of the it a cautionary tale? These were underlying also gives rise to suspicions that welfare ancient world, destroyed in battle some 2,000 Profoundly moved by his short, peaceful stay in Sandvika, Wagner set his questions I set out to explore in “The World’s demands may be consuming resources years ago. Quite a tribute to the Norwegian Best Place.” I found a nation serious about required for other national needs. It’s hard to firm of Snøhetta! next opera, “The Flying Dutchman,” in this fjord locale, known in the opera as its worthy ideals, though it doesn’t always say whether mismanagement of the country The evening’s festivities for Snøhetta, measure up to them—just as the United by its leaders, accountability impediments founded in 1989, commenced with a Sandwike. The composer soon went on to create his greatest stage works, including States. embedded in this consensus-driven culture, welcoming program at the American Some paradoxes: Descendants of risk- governance flaws inherent in any socialist Scandinavian Foundations’s Victor Borge “Tristan” and the “Ring.” As a good first step in marking the spot in Sandvika of Wagner’s seeking and hardy forbearers now welfare state, or other factors lie at the root Theater, hosted by ASF President Edward demand cradle-to-grave safety. Though of these troubling failures. Gallagher. Norwegian Kjetil Thorsen, Senior visit is a multi-lingual sign, which was put up at last only several years ago. But doesn’t wealthy, Norwegians despise the rich. And In Norway as in the United States, the Partner of Snøhetta, heads the Oslo office, while producing oil that’s altering the Earth’s ongoing challenge is to strike the elusive and American Craig Dykers, that in New the momentous occasion deserve something more? Thorsen seemed intrigued by the climate, the country casts itself as a friend of balance between too much government York. Both addressed the packed house. The the environment. protection of citizens and not enough. In essence of Snøhetta’s work, as fellow possibility. Who knows what the future may hold in this respect? Some surprises: Norwegian attitudes the United States, we typically opt for too speaker Wegger Chr. Strømmen, Norwegian toward strangers, race, money and alcohol, little. Norway, in my view, has opted for too ambassador to the United States, aptly A large, richly illustrated book entitled “Snøhetta Works” is available from the for example, reveal a different Norway than much. The over-arching national obsession remarked “is the closeness of the projects to the one many of us hold dear. Its media and with social safety has led to unintended landscape and nature.” Scandinavia House Shop, 58 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016; Phone: (212)879- police play roles markedly at variance with consequences. Most prominent among them Soon after its founding in 1989, Snøhetta American expectations. It has a successful is the severance for too many Norwegians became highly successful, with hundreds of 9779. (Published in 2009 by Lars Muller, Baden, Switzerland. 304 pages. $75. socialist welfare economy, putting the lie to of the link that should bind reward to effort. commissions coming in not only from all over certain cherished capitalist shibboleths. It’s The near absence of penalties and incentives Norway but also from far abroad—various Recommended.) In any case, do try to visit the arresting Snøhetta Exhibition at a country that prizes group decision-making in Norway’s welfare system may prove its parts of Europe, the mid-East, the United and consensus, so individual responsibility undoing. The promise of cradle-to-grave States, and elsewhere. The big breakthrough New York’s Scandinavian House before the show closes April 3. can be hard to trace. Most surprising is its protection from life’s vicissitudes in exchange democracy deficit. for payment of high taxes is evolving into a The Norwegian concern for the common culture of entitlement that threatens to distort good is the country’s core value and the gold the country’s positive achievements and sap standard to which any enlightened society its vitality. should aspire. Norway makes good on many The good news is that, thanks to its of the commendable social values it espouses; wealth and the fundamental intelligence of the role accorded women in the society, for its people, Norway is uniquely positioned example, is exemplary. Certainly a great to remedy many of these flaws. Here, one deal is going right here, and Norwegians challenge strikes me as paramount: live very well. Yet a number of worrisome If Norway is to thrive as a democracy, trends are running in the wrong direction. political reforms must be undertaken that Left unchecked, they may derail this high- introduce more transparency in lawmaking minded social experiment. and hold government officials accountable Striking to an American is the degree to to the will of the majority as expressed at which Norwegians have become conditioned the ballot box. The connection between to defer to, and rely on, “the authorities,” voters and their elected representatives must and the degree of their reluctance—perhaps be strengthened. In governance, as in most rooted in the perversities of Janteloven—to aspects of public life, Norway has too much take personal responsibility for initiating impersonal “system” and too little direct action. The tendency to place responsibility individual accountability. for their lives elsewhere is to my mind one Such a profound change in cultural Photo courtesy of Donald Mehus. Attending the Snohetta exhibition at the American-Scandinavian Foundation’s Scandinavia House in of Norway’s most disturbing cultural traits. attitudes depends on whether Norwegians are New York City are the following (from left): Edward Gallagher, president of The American-Scandinavian Like Americans at the opposite end of this willing to abandon their ingrained deference Foundation; Wegger Chr. Strømmen, Ambassador of Norway to the United States; and Donald V. spectrum, Norwegians, I think, have yet to to authority and accept more responsibility Mehus, Contributing Editor of Norwegian American Weekly. find the proper balance between the legitimate CONTINUES PAGE 13 NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • FEBRUARY 26, 2010 In Yo u r Ne i g h b o r h o o d 13 Hoyum honored... Chapter of the Norseman Federation, and (…continued from page 1) participates in the fundraising arm of the Mindekirke Foundation called Klubb 500. made March 6 by Honorary Consul General Over her adult lifetime, Hoyum also Gary Gandrud at Lakselaget, a woman’s served in all offices of her local Sons organization Hoyum co-founded. of Norway lodge and was sub-district 2 The medal is conferred as a reward for director for the District 1 Lodge; she has services in advancing knowledge of Norway Embassy Corner been a member for 40 years. She also abroad and for strengthening the bonds served as secretary and vice-president between expatriate Norwegians and their of Ski for Light International, a program descendants and their country of residence. dedicated to enhancing the quality of life Dear friends, and the National Gallery of Art will display Hoyum has distinguished herself in and independence of visually or mobility- Part of the reality of working at an rarely seen master prints by Munch from the the Norwegian-American community with impaired adults through a program of cross- Embassy is an annual changeover of staff. NGA and the private collections of American her many contributions that tie together country skiing where she worked closely This summer was no different, which collectors. The works of Munch can be seen the United States and Norway. As was with its sister group in Norway, Ridderrennet. resulted in a long hiatus from our Embassy from July through October. mentioned, she co-founded Lakselaget, an She has been a member of the Norwegian Corner Column. Now, however, we are back, Norway is known for good organization for professional women and American Chamber of Commerce since with a flying start to the year. musicians, and several of them will be college and university students who are the mid-70s and currently writes for the Embassy staff had to hit the ground playing in Washington, D.C. this summer. also Norwegian, of Norwegian descent or Norwegian American Weekly, headquartered running in January with a steady stream of Eivind Opsvik will do two concerts during interested in Norwegian issues. It also offers in Seattle, Wash. politicians and high officials visiting the the Nordic Jazz series in June. Carsten Boe scholarships to Norwegians wishing to study Despite her busy activities with the capital including Grete Faremo, Minister of trio and Bjørn Vidar Sollie Quartet will play at in Minnesota or at the University of North aforementioned Norwegian organizations, Defense; Trond Giske, Minister of Trade and the National Gallery of Art’s outdoor concerts Dakota Grand Forks, and Minnesota women Hoyum worked with several other Norwegian Industry; and Lars Peder Brekk, Minister “Jazz in the (Sculpture) Garden” in August. wishing to study in Norway. groups and still found time to chair the of Agriculture and Food. The only pause In September the Alexandria Symphony will In 2007, Mayor Jan O. Engsmyr made Northwest Chair of the American Red Cross in the break-neck pace at the Embassy this perform Grieg, and in October contemporary Hoyum an honorary citizen of , and sit on the public relations advisory board winter has been caused by Mother Nature, Norwegian composers will be featured by Norway, the city from which her grandfather for the Minneapolis Red Cross, and serve unleashing all her winter glory on our city in the National Gallery of Art’s orchestra. The John O. Lane immigrated 100 years before. on the board of directors for the Minnesota the form of two major snowstorms. This is NGA will also present the premiere of a She now promotes in the Midwest the city’s Epilepsy Foundation. the biggest snow to ever hit the Washington, Norwegian Children’s opera, which is likely upcoming 1000th anniversary, which takes Hoyum graduated from the University D.C. region. As we are writing, the roads are to tour other U.S. cities, including New York. place in 2016. of Minnesota in mass communications with still treacherous with whole highway lanes The year of Norwegian events in D.C. will She is also on the executive committee a minor in Scandinavian Studies. She also missing under the snow, but as far as work be concluded by the traditional Norwegian of The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial attended the University of Oslo International goes we are in business. Christmas at Union Station. If you plan to Church’s (Mindekirken) Leiv Eriksson Summer School. Recently retired after 34 The Embassy is working on a big visit the capital this year, be sure to look up International Festival committee, working to years in media and public relations with project this year called “Norway comes to our events calendar, as you will likely find build a cultural bridge between the modern the State of Minnesota, she lives with her Washington,” which is a year-long celebration some wonderful events to attend. Read more and the United States, husband, George, in Rockford, Minn. and presentation of Norway through various at www.norway.org. serves as secretary of the Minneapolis artistic outlets ranging from literature to Finally, we want to tell you about the music, science and the visual arts. Embassy’s social media outreach, and we are The project kicks off in February with thrilled about the response from Norwegian- the opening of “Deeper than Light” at the Americans! We are now operational both AIR - SEA - LAND National Museum of Natural Science. This on Facebook (Norwegian Embassy in For all your travel needs: cruise specialists, domestic and international international traveling exhibition created Washington) and Twitter (NorwayUS). travel for individuals, groups and conventions by Bergen Museum, highlights the findings These channels will be used to promote of exploration along the mid-Atlantic our events and policies, and to provide our Always at the best possible prices! ridge in the North Sea. April arrives with friends around the country with a forum for the presentation and launch of the English communicating and sharing information. translation of Sigrid Undset’s only poetry Please look us up. collection at the Writers Center in Bethesda. Fax: (718) 238-3604 • Tel: (718) 748-7400 • toll free @ 1-800-822-5838 Summer 2010 is an important season for Sincerely, 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11209 • [email protected] Norwegian culture with two big exhibitions of Urd Milbury visual art. Norwegian contemporary art, with Cultural and Information Officer focus on Arne Ekeland’s work, is on display Royal Norwegian Embassy at the Katzen Arts Center until September, The best place... But it would be interesting to find out — (…continued from page 12) a grand social experiment, you might say. Solveig Torvik, a native of Norway, is a for their lives. Whether this can be achieved former newspaper journalist and author of within the confines of a unitary socialist Nikolai’s Fortune. The World’s Best Place welfare state that downplays the role and Go on, take the Norway and the Norwegians, an e-book, is Credit(s) responsibilities of the individual is far from available online at www.smashwords.com Oslo International Summer School at the University of Oslo offers a wide variety of courses for clear, especially since the individuals in for $9.99. academic credit. Choose from topics such as and Culture to International question are so cosseted by the state. Politics and Peace Research. Full course descriptions are available at www.uio.no/iss. The Sognefjord area... skiing, canyoning, cave trips, mountain Contact us at (800) 639-0058 or at [email protected] for more information. (…continued from page 8) biking, historic village walks, golf, tennis, “Six Weeks of Academic Achievement & International Good Will” beautiful Sognefjord. put ball, paint ball, beach volleyball and Another amazing mountain to fjord much more. Many companies offer some route is from Nørdstedalseter in Breheimen of these activities in combination with MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE breathtaking hiking trips too. In winter you to Skjolden at the head of the Sognefjord. a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w There are also marked bicycle paths in can enjoy alpine skiing, back country skiing, Lærdal and Luster, such as the Sognefjord amazing glacier cave trips, snowshoeing Route and the Glacier Route. trips, summit trips, avalanche courses and a Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, You can hire bikes several places in lot of other fun in the snow. commercial transactions and estate planning. the region. Please contact the local tourist Other activities information offices for more information. 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 Tour de Jotunheimen (Jotunheimen Helicopter sightseeing, coach trips, farm Rundt) is one of the most demanding and visits, spa-treatments, tasting, shopping, Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 indoor playground for children, bowling, Full Service Agency With Experienced exciting bike races in Europe. Try the mini Norwegian Speaking Consultants! swimming, indoor climbing and more. To version from Lom through Jotunheimen to Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! Skjolden and along the fjord to Sogndal. find out what attractions to visit in the area information will help you make wise travel see sognefjord.no. Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , Other outdoor activities VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Rafting, mountaineering, rock climbing, Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 cliff climbing, horseback riding, summer Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] FEBRUARY 26, 2010 • WWW.NORWAY.COMVerrazano Tra • NORWEGIANVel & leisure AMERICAN WEEKLY 1 (718) 979-6641 [email protected] [email protected] 14 No r w e g i a n He r i t a g e children are learning today. The first song almost every child learns is “Bæ bæ lille lam” (Baa Baa Little Lamb) and I have fond memories of my sister-in-law trying to teach Rønningen Ramblings Kjerringa Med Staven it to my American sister and me on a drive to kjeringi mæ staven hågt upp i Hakadalen Trondheim. Now it is the only Norwegian with Heidi Håvan Grosch åtte potter rome fire merkar smør song my sister knows... Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married detti kjinna Kari, Ola hadde før Mikel Rev (about a fox writing a silly her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his letter), Jeg gikk en tur på stein (about going home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is kjeringi mæ sekkjen høppa ivi bekkjen for a walk) and “Bjørnen sover” (about a experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us åssø datt ho uti åssø blei ho våt in on the good, the bad and the unexpected! sleeping bear) are in most five-year-olds’ mæn då ho kom uppatt va ho like kåt repertoire and songs like “Kua mi” (My Cow) and Gutter og jenter sitter og venter kjeringi mæ tøru sat uppi ei furu sø kom der ein hjasi høppande forbi (Boys and Girls Sit and Wait) are sung every hjasen sa’e bære tiri tiri ti day before lunch. Some modern day Norwegian children’s Classic Norwegian children’s song kjeringi ho stridde kjøm ein mann og fridde songs are translations of English children’s ...and a request vil du vera kjering skø eg vera mann songs like “Wheels on the Bus” (Hjulene på vil du koke grauten skø eg bera vann bussen), “Row Row Row Your Boat “(Ro, Music and rhythm find their way into the ro, ro din båt) and “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” secret places of the soul. - Plato Photo: Heidi Håvan Grosch. the woman with the stick (Old lady with the (Lille Petter Edderkopp). butter churn.), *Note: there are discussions Heidi’s husband Morten shows little Ane that it’s Songs about trolls and witches (hex) like How far back does Norwegian music go? never to early to start singing! on the proper translation up in Hakadalen Olle Bolle and Hokus Pokus are also very The oldest songs documented are Christian four-line spontaneously improvised rhythmic eight pots of sour cream, four marks of butter popular with the much younger set. The free songs from the Middle Ages (around A.D. poem based on a melody). “Kjerringa this Kari churned, Ola already had some website “Mama Lisa’s World” has a number 1200), although the Vikings did sing and med staven” (www.youtube.com/watch?v=l- of Norwegian children’s songs with words in have a sense of lyrical rhythm (just take a VMQb4PJIA), written down by Ludvig the woman with the sack jumped the brook English and Norwegian as well as recordings look at the poems from that era). Many of Mathias Lindeman in the mid-1800s (the but she fell in, and she got wet (www.mamalisa.com). the popular children’s songs today have their song itself is probably a lot older), is another but when she got out she was still lively So now I am curious. roots in Norwegian folk songs, melodies that children’s song written in the Slåttestev What children’s songs immigrated the woman with the tare sat in a pine tree have been passed down from generation to style. to the United States with our Norwegian generation until someone put words to music The Norwegian translation of “Alle when a hare came hopping by the hare only said “tiri tiri ti” ancestors in the 1800s? What Norwegian and pen to paper. Anyone familiar with fugler” (the original, “Ale Vögel Sind Schon songs did YOU learn as children? What is classic Norwegian folk tales has probably Da, ” was written in German) is a song that the woman was struggling, a man came to the one Norwegian children’s song you feel heard of Asbjørnsen and Moe – now names has found its way into many Norwegian propose everyone must know? synonymous with that genre. songbooks and is often a staple of Norwegian if you’ll be my wife, I’ll be your husband I would love to hear from you and put But Peter Christen Asbjørnsen also courses in the United States. It also began as a list together—another way to see what added his own children’s songs to a growing an old folk melody, and was given text by has survived from “the old country.” Our list of classics including “Pål sine høner” Hoffmann von Fallersleben around 1835. Norwegian choir (Sparbu Songlag) will be in (Paul and His Chickens - www.youtube. Having spent many hours in a barnehage Iowa and Minnesota July 2011 and we would com/watch?v=FM2PZ7Z74hI) written in (child care center) over the last few years, Read the lyrics to another famous children’s song on page 10. like to add some favorite children’s songs to 1853. That song comes out of a traditional I have had the opportunity to hear what our repertoire as well. TUSEN TAKK! folk song style called Slåttestev (usually a Email me at [email protected]. Norwegian Immigration Association cordially invites you and your family to Miss Norway of Greater New York Contest Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. $30 for NIA Members, $40 for Non-members The Arthur Nilsen Banquet Hall, Norwegian Christian Home & Health Center, 1250 - 67th St, Brooklyn, NY

The event includes coffee, kringle & cakes, music, special guests and fabulous raffle prizes!

Your chance to participate in a TRADITION! AGAIN THIS YEAR! Miss Norway of Greater New York 2010 and Miss Calling all girls between 4 and 10 years of age! Norwegian Heritage 2010 will be crowned March 27. Girls who have a Norwegian family connection They and their court will be officially recognized at the are invited to the Little Miss Norway Parade. famous 17th of May Parade in Brooklyn. Prizes include Participants will accompany Miss Norway of Greater a trip to Norway, hotel, luggage, and beauty products. New York in the 17th of May Parade in Brooklyn. Contestants must meet the following criteria: Each girl is a winner and receives a crown. • Be 17 - 24 years of age For further information or applications contact: • Be of Norwegian heritage (at least one grandparent Andrine at (973) 933-2331 or [email protected] from Norway) Vibeke at (917) 863-5851 or [email protected] • Interest in Norway today, its history and traditions Download it from our website: www.niahistory.org • Submit the application by March 22, 2010

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • FEBRUARY 26, 2010 Re s e r a c h & Ed uc a t i o n 15 Scholarship opportunity in Illinois Events on Norway.com The Norwegian National League of Chicago is offering scholarship opportunities to students in grade one through 12

For more information on these and other events visit us at: Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e www.norway.com/calendar.asp Norwegian National League Does your organization have an event coming up? system of one to five (high) range for the The Norwegian National League Would you like to have it added to our events calendar? scoring. There are generally three or four Send an email to Christy at [email protected] or give us a call at 1(800) 305-0217. Scholarship Program was created to judges for scoring the first to fourth grade encourage young people of Norwegian artwork, and another set of judges reading Arizona ILLINOIS ancestry to explore and research their and scoring the essays. The artwork is Scandinavian Spring Fest Annual Dinner and Dance Fundraiser heritage. scored based on talent and Norwegian March 6 March 6 The application requirements are basic theme. The essays are evaluated by the Mesa, Ariz. Des Plaines, Ill. so as to include as many entrants as possible. same scoring range reflecting four variables: Spring is Festival time in Scandina- Scandinavian Park Inc. NFP will present Students in the six Illinois county areas of originality, Norwegian theme, clarity, and via. Join folks from , , their seventh annual dinner dance and Cook, DuPage, Kane, Will, McHenry, and reader appeal. , Norway and Sweden to cel- fundraiser for Vasa Park, South Elgin, Ill. Lake are eligible. To maintain the integrity of the program, ebrate Scandinavian customers, music The theme will be “Tales of Scandinavia” There are four school grade categories the volunteer judges are not members of the and crafts while enjoying Scandinavian and donation is $45.00 per person with for applicants: First through fourth grade Norwegian National League. In addition, foods. This is a very large event held at dance music provided by the Dave Kyrk with a $25 award, Fifth through eight grade the names of the applicants are withheld to the Red Mountain Adobe Center in Mesa. Trio. There will be a cash drawing and with a $50 award, ninth through 11th grade allow for unbiased scoring. For more information, contact Wendy K. raffle table with donations from Scandi- with a $100 award and 12th grade with a The program is funded through private Winkelman at (480) 854-3128. navian organizations and businesses. For $1,000 award. donations from member organizations and reservations and information call the park In addition to the cash award, winners individuals, and raffle ticket sales. Second Annual Arizona Kretsstevne hotline at (847) 695-6720. receive an invitation to participate in the The scholarship deadline is March 15. March 27-28 annual “17th of May” parade, and are For more information visit the Norwegian Mesa, Ariz. introduced to the audience during the National League Web site at www.nnleague. Open to all Sons of Norway Members— Nordic Marketplace program after the parade at Hodges Park. org. a day of demonstrations and programs March 20 Volunteer judges are enlisted to score on Norwegian heritage. A wonderful Park Ridge, Ill. the applicant’s artwork or essay, using a luncheon including time for attendees The Chicago Friends of Vesterheim Com- to meet other Sons of Norway members mittee is pleased to announce that their Slowdown in the... of traditional goods picked up in the third from around Arizona is also included. next event will take place at the Park (…continued from page 6) quarter and were largely unchanged in The Kretsstevne will be held at the Win- Ridge Country Club. A Nordic Market- however be viewed in conjunction with the fourth quarter. Combined volume of demere Conference Center in Mesa. For place will be held from 9:30 a.m. until imports fell by 9.7 percent from 2008 to more information, contact Wendy K. 12:30 p.m. followed by a luncheon and the high level of investment expenditure in 2008. In the fourth quarter manufacturing 2009. Imports of traditional goods fell by Winkelman at (480) 854-3128. program. For more information, please 13.7 percent, by and large due to a decline in contact Kirsten Heine from Vesterheim investments fell by 5.1 percent. Gross fixed capital formation in oil and gas extraction imports of machinery and other equipment, CALIFORNIA Museum at: [email protected] or metals and vehicles. Imports of traditional Lofotkveld Fundraiser call (563) 382-9681. increased by 7.4 percent from 2008 to 2009. Households dwelling investments has shown goods increased slightly in the 3rd quarter, March 13 but fell by 0.7 percent in the fourth quarter. San Pedro, Calif. New YORk a continual decline during the last two and a half years, and the figure for the fourth The Norwegian Seamen’s Church in San Miss Norway of Greater New York quarter of 2009 is a drop of 3.9 percent. Modest decline in employment figures Pedro, Calif. invites you to their “Lofot- March 27 The annual fall in dwelling investments was While increasing slightly in the fourth kveld: An Evening from Lofoten” fund- Brooklyn, N.Y. almost 19 percent from 2008 to 2009. quarter, the number of employed persons raiser dinner. Chefs from the islands of The Norwegian Immigration Associa- fell by 0.4 percent from 2008 to 2009. Lofoten in Norway give you the opportu- tion announces the 55th Miss Norway of Reduced trade surplus Total hours worked fell by 1.5 percent for nity to try something unique: Stoccafisso, Greater New York Contest. The contest The Norwegian trade surplus was 2009 as a whole. The divergence between a delicacy from the Italians. There will will take place at 2 p.m. at the Arthur reduced by almost 30 percent from 2008 to employment and total hours worked is due also be a concert by Dag Kajander and Nilsen Hall of the Norwegian Christian 2009. The decline is due to a fall in the price among other things to an increase in the rate Kai Larsen. For more information, call Home and Health Center. For more infor- of crude oil, natural gas and other petroleum of sick leave, reduced use of overtime and Bjarne at (760) 630-5678. mation visit www.niahistory.org. products. an increase in the number of lay-offs. The drop in employment was most noticeable in 100th Anniversary of Bjørnson Lodge Washington The percentage decline in volume of exports from the previous year was 4.3 manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade and April 10 Heritage Day 2010 in construction, while positive employment Emeryville, Calif. percent in 2009. The sharpest decline was March 13 seen in export of traditional goods, which growth was seen in health- and social Come and celebrate! The Sons of Nor- Bothell, Wash. services in central and local government. way Bjørnson Lodge is celebrating its is largely due to a drop in demand for Join the Bothell Sons of Norway for Her- metals and other basic chemicals. Exports 100th anniversary at the Hilton Garden itage Day 2010! Come for food and craft Inn. Join us for the social at 6 p.m., and demonstrations, learn more about your for dinner at 7 p.m. Dancing to follow! family roots with genealogy research, Admission is $60 per person. For more listen to music, and taste delicious Nor- information and reservations, contact dic foods! Join us for this free event! For Karl Eikeberg at (510) 530-3721 or email more information, call (206) 633-4113 or [email protected]. visit www.bothellsonsofnorway.org. Florida WISCONSIN 2010 Seatrade Kick-Off Party American Birkebeiner March 15 Beginning February 27 Miami Beach, Fla. Hayward, Wis. Norwegian Shipping Club/NACC Miami The American Birkebeiner Ski Founda- are inviting all members, guests and Se- tion is a non-profit organization dedi- atrade attendees to the sixth annual Se- cated to hosting one of the world’s best atrade Kick-Off Party at Monty’s Raw Bar cross-country ski events, the American in South Beach at 6 p.m. Please RSVP by Birkebeiner. The Birkie is made up of March 12 by email at nscnacc@yahoo. several events in addition to the 50K and com, or by phone at (305) 586-1575. 54K Birkie marathon races and the 23K Kortelopet race (the second largest ski race in North America). For more infor- mation visit www.birkie.com.

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