Bolt wins Olympic 200m with world record of eased to win the Olympic men’s 200m and rewrote the world record in 19.30 seconds, even into a headwind of 0.9m/s here on Wednesday night. The 21-year-old Jamaican has become the most shin- ning star of the “Bird’s Nest”, who won the men’s 100m dash four days ago, with the new world record of 9.69 From left, , United States’, Netherlands’ Antilles’ , Zim- seconds. babwe’s , Jamaica’s Usain Bolt, United States’ , Britain’s and St. In tonight’s 200m race, a dramatic Kitts and Nevis’ compete during the men’s 200-meter final with a world record during the athletics com- story were written by Churandy Marti- petitions in the National Stadium at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. AP na of the Dutch Antilles, who fin- ished second, and Wallace Spear- mon of the United States, who got the third. They were both disquali- fied for encroaching on neighbor- ing lines. Spearmon was disquali- fied just after the sprint for Lightning encroaching on other line. However, he attributed his foul to Martina, saying that Martina stepped into his line first. After an investigation, both were disquali- fied. Then the original fourth fin- isher American Shawn Crawford, who won the 200m gold medal in the 2004 Olympics, became the silverist in 19.96 sec- onds and his teammate Walter Dix was subsequently offered the bronze in 19.98. BEIJING, Thursday, Xinhua Bolt Usain Bolt holding his track shoes. strikes twice

Usain Bolt celebrating.

Usain Bolt kissing the track after wining the gold in the men’s 200-meter final.

Walker wins women’s 400 meters hurdles in new Olympic record

Wednesday. Sheena Jamaca’s pride minutes clocking 54.20, 0.13 sec- Tosta of the United after her compatriot Usain ond behind Tosta. On States was left a far Bolt claimed the men’s Wednesday, Their battle second in 53.70 sec- 200m title, creating a new went on until the final Jamaica’s onds and the bronze world record of 19.30. straight where Walker Melaine medal went to Tasha After a hot performance pulled away from Tosta Walker com- World season’s leader Danvers from Britain in this season, the 25-year-old before finishing as a very petes in the Melaine Walker of 53.84. Walker has rallied to go comfortable winner. The women’s 400- Jamaica won the Beijing The former record of into the Beijing Olympic Jamaican national champi- meter hurdles final during the athletics Olympic women’s 400 52.77 was created by Fani Games as a big favorite and on has remained undefeat- competitions in the meters hurdles with a Halkia of Greece in the had an impressive time in ed at 400m hurdles this National Stadium at the Bei- new Olympic record of Athens Games four years the qualifying rounds. year. BEIJING, Thursday, jing 2008 Olympics in Beijing, 52.64 seconds on ago. Walker added to She reached the final by Xinhua Wednesday.
