THE AUSTRALIAN NAVAL ARCHITECT Volume 25 Number 3 August 2021 HMAS Perth is moved onto the ship lift at the Australian Marine Complex at Henderson, WA, for undocking after completing a major part of the Anzac Midlife Capability Assurance Program to upgrade radar and communications systems and crew habitablility (RAN photograph) THE AUSTRALIAN NAVAL ARCHITECT Journal of The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (Australian Division) Volume 25 Number 3 August 2021 Cover Photo: CONTENTS The two Cape-class patrol boats built by Austal for the 2 From the Division President Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard, TTS Port of Spain and TTS Scarborough, being loaded on board ship at Hender- 3 Editorial son, WA, for delivery to Trinidad and Tobago (Photo courtesy Austal) 4 Coming Events The Australian Naval Architect is published four times per 6 News from the Sections year. All correspondence and advertising copy should be sent to: 14 The Internet The Editor 14 Classification Society News The Australian Naval Architect c/o RINA 16 From the Crows Nest PO Box No. 462 Jamison Centre, ACT 2614 23 General News AUSTRALIA email:
[email protected] 36 The Hydrodynamics of the Sydney Harbour The deadline for the next edition of The Australian Na- RiverCat Ferries — L. J. Doctors val Architect (Vol. 25 No. 4, November 2021) is Friday 29 October 2021. 45 The Profession Articles and reports published in The Australian Naval Architect reflect the views of the individuals who prepared 47 Education News them and, unless indicated expressly in the text, do not neces- sarily represent the views of the Institution.