SAINT FRANCIS XAVIER PARISH 17Th Sunday in Ordinary Time July

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SAINT FRANCIS XAVIER PARISH 17Th Sunday in Ordinary Time July SAINT FRANCIS XAVIER PARISH 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 29, 2018 Mass Intentions For The Week Monday, July 30 7:45 am Richard Giera Donna Stritch Saint Peter Chrysologus, Bishop 9:00 am Word & Communion Service and Doctor of the Church Tuesday, July 31 7:45 am Michael Bannach Lillian Bannach Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Priest 9:00 am Word & Communion Service Wednesday, August 1 7:45 am Marie Ann Barry The Nelligan Family Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop 9:00 am Word & Communion Service and Doctor of the Church Thursday, August 2 7:45 am Word & Communion Service Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop; 9:00 am The Schwendner Family Jacquelyn Van Gorp Saint Peter Julian Eymard, Priest Friday, August 3 7:45 am Word & Communion Service 9:00 am Word & Communion Service Saturday, August 4 9:00 am Daniel Lucas Rosemary Lucas 9:30 am Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:15 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:00 pm People of the Parish Sunday, August 5 7:30 am People of the Parish Saint John Vianney, Priest 9:00 am People of the Parish 10:30 am People of the Parish 12:00 pm People of the Parish Please Pray For… Born Into Eternal Life Keeley Barr Jerry Kolman Kathleen Black Virginia Kottaridis Jay Carroll Edward Kudia Teresa Chyczewski Emmett Miller Lillian Cunningham Patrick Morgan Louis Darovic Mike Morrison Blake Donegan Jane O’Reilly Charles Doonan Ryan Patyk Fr. Dave Dowdle Donna Pekarek Pat Eaton Carissa Pessetti Please remember in your prayers, William Egbert James Pridmore those who have died, as well as their families. Bill Elliott Baby Madison Raupp Sharon Elliott Anna Rose John Fennell Marilyn Rutkowski Lily Fielding Anthony Scafide Baby Collins Fitzpatrick Matthew Schiek Information Regarding Upcoming Eileen Glidewell Greyson Stanley Word & Communion Services Lilli Gregory Sarah Stanley Wilson Gregory Kate Frugoli Sullivan Just a reminder that on July 30, July 31 August 1, August Patricia Hassler Jerry Tazic Loretta Haxel Marty Thuerk 6, August 8, and August 14 at 9:00 am we will have Linda Hillsman Anne Titzer Word & Communion Services on these days. And then Rose Ilo Michael Ungari on August 3, August 7, August 10 and August 13 at 7:45 Jane Jacobson Amanda Valerugo am we will have Word & Communion Services on Mike Kelly Gregory Van Gorp these days. Benny Kilman Audrey Walsh Prayers are requested for our relatives and friends who are sick. To add a name to the prayer list, please call the rectory at 708- Weddings 352-0168. Katie Schoder & Ryan Hughes Names of the sick are listed for two months in the bulletin. If Alyssa DeLaRosa & Vlad Andreychuk there is a recurrence of illness, names can be listed again. Know that our parish prays daily for the sick and the dying. Kelly Rehr & Kevin Scarriot Pastor’s Notes Worship Aids Available Did you know… At the table in the back of church (Ogden Ave. entrance), we provide seasonal Missalettes for those who are better able to take in the Sunday scripture readings by reading along as they are proclaimed. Feel free to use a Missalette and then return it to the table for others to use. For those who would like a personal daily worship aid, we provide our Ministers of Care with Living with Christ, a monthly resource that contains the daily and Sunday readings and other prayer tools. It’s a great resource for preparing for Mass or reflecting on the scriptures any day The Pastor’s Column will resume in September. of the week. More information on Living with Christ can be obtained via their website ( Summer Peace, or at 800-214-3386. Fr. Bill Scripture Reflection Jesus satisfies human needs. The story tells us that the crowds followed Jesus because they saw the signs he did on those who were diseased. After witnessing another sign they will recognize him as a prophet. The recognition on the part of the crowd is based on Jesus satisfying human needs. We can be reminded of family life and dealing with children. Often as long as all needs (and wants) are met things can seem to be going along well. The children are Taizé Prayer satisfied. We will see later in this same chapter of John that Jesus asks something of the crowds and most St. Francis Xavier abandon him. It’s easy to follow Jesus when we are on and the receiving end of his bounty and goodness. It’s easy Grace Lutheran for children to be happy when they are on the receiving end of parents’ bounty and goodness. But what happens All are invited to our when the crowds are asked to make a commitment? Taizé Evening Prayer What happens when family members are asked to step up Friday, August 10 and take some responsibility? 7:30 pm @ Growing in adult discipleship means that there will come Grace Lutheran a time (if it hasn't come already) when we will no longer be simply on the receiving end of the relationship. We Taizé Prayer is contemplative and most importantly will be called to enter further into a relationship with communal, combining simple repetitive melodies that are Jesus that is more mutually reciprocal, though Jesus will sung by all, prayerful silence, scripture reading and always be the teacher and we will always be in the intercessory prayer. This prayer can promote a kind to position of disciples. Jesus will call the crowds closer to inner unity of person, allowing the spirit to be more open the circle with him. It’s easy to be a follower, or a and attentive to what is essential. It is our hope that you member of the crowd receiving goodies. Soon, those will join us, especially at this time when our world is crowds will be invited to go deeper. much in need of prayer. Consider joining one of our CHOIRS this Fall! The Gallery Choir—9:00 a.m. Mass *voices needed: Soprano (high female voice) , Alto (low female voice) & Tenor (high male voice) Celebration Ensemble—10:30 a.m. Mass *voices needed: Alto (low female voice) , Tenor (high male voice) & Bass (low male voice) Spirit Youth Choir—6:00 p.m. Mass *voices needed: teenage singers (grades 9—12) Resurrection Funeral Choir 10:00 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. weekdays/Saturdays Please contact our Music Director, Allen Sterwalt [email protected] / 708 352-0168 Why Buy Fair Trade Coffee?? Our Parish Finances The coffee sold at St. Francis Xavier is purchased from Monthly Electronic Offerings (EFT and Credit Card) Equal Exchange Fairly Traded. There is alot behind this coffee. “We work closely with our farmer partners, year after year, to better understand each other’s needs. The June 2018 $55,464 result is a trusting relationship and delicious coffee.” June 2017 $44,388 Beth Ann Caspersen, Quality Control Manager Monthly Basket Offerings Fair Trade builds right relationships between buyers and June 2018 $58,312 sellers that are rooted in the principles of human dignity and solidarity. June 2017 $64,584 Fair Trade: Sunday Basket Collection July 22, 2018: $12,545 Respects human dignity This week last year $13,346 Promotes the common good Advances economic justice Empowers disadvantaged people We are in the process of revising our budget for Connects us with the people who the 2018-2019 fiscal year, which began July 1st. create the things we buy Until this has been finalized and reviewed by the Cultivates global solidarity Finance Council in early September, we will not The Catholic Relief Services Fair Trade Program creates be reporting actual collections versus budget. opportunities for us to bring these core values of our faith to bear on the choices we make as consumers—choices that have the power to lift our brothers and sisters out of God bless you for your generosity to the poverty. Parish’s many ministries, including Effort is made to see that these coffee farmers are given a education, youth, music, outreach, and more! fair wage!!! PARISH SOCIAL EVENT/FUNDRAISING SURVEY The parish Finance Council has asked a group of volunteers to update a parish social event/ fundraising plan to provide more opportunities for parishioners to build fellowship and for the parish to increase revenue to balance the parish budget. The new “social committee” has been brainstorming, and has developed a list of several creative ideas. We welcome your feedback to determine the type of social events and fundraisers you think parishioners would be most interested in attending. The front page of the parish website ( will take you to a very brief survey (four questions!) about possible events, both large and small, that the social committee is considering. Please take a moment to look at the survey and share your thoughts this week. We encourage you to forward this information to other parishioners and welcome your thoughts. SFX YOUTH MINISTRY WEBSITE: Quest Confirmation Registration forms for the Quest Confirmation program can be found on the Youth Ministry website. Please fill these out and turn them into the rectory office. Contact St. Francis Xavier School Enrollment Session Now Open! Olivia Hollman at [email protected] or 708-352-0168 with any questions! St. Francis Xavier School provides students from Preschool 3 through 8th grade with an extraordinary educational experience Adults Needed! firmly rooted in our Catholic faith. We are also looking for adult volunteers to lead Quest We Pray Confirmation groups. Y ou do not need to be a parent of a Students receive daily religion instruction and celebrate the teen seeking to be Confirmed to lead a group! The Quest presence of our faith throughout each and every day.
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