T R'i-Coun Ty Chron Gle @
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T R'I-COUNTY CHRONGLE @ VOL. 8. CASS CITY, MICH., FR~IDAY, JULY 2~, ~9o5. NO. m. B[I[I[R ROAD ~OR E[KIA~D ~OTi£[ TO T~X PAYERS. ROBERT WAttACE PASSES AWAY tired wayfarer, who passed from earth A meeting of the tax payers of Elk- to the great beyond. Township is Fortunate in Receiving land township will be held at the Died Last Friday After an Illness of an Appropriation of $5oo. Mr. Wallace was a man of line char- Town Hall in Cass City, on Saturday, Several Years. deter and ted an upright life in every Hot i July 29, at= 3:30 p. m., to consider the @ respect. 14'(n. twenty years he has @ Some time ago the township board ma~terof raisinff funds for the cy- @ Eobert Wallace. an aged res~den~ of been a member of the Presbyterian of Elkland filed a notice with the clone sufferers. A full attendance is this vicinity died at his home in Cass church, where tim funeral services state highway commissioner that they desired. Cityon Friday, .July 14, after an ill- i were held on Sunda!y afternoon, con- Weather had arranged to improve a mile of BY OIIDEI{ OF ~OaINITTEE. ness of several years' duration. ducted by l~ev. E. t. Bradlield, assist- ~O ..... public wagon road under state aid and ed by Rev. W. Berge. Theehureh was asked for an allotment of state re- He was bon~ in Kittley, in the DELIghTFUL SIRAW RIDE PARTY county of Leeds, Ont., on February 4, tilled to overHowing with friends who ward under the act passed at the last had come to, pay their last respects to Coolers session of the state legislature. 1841, and spent twenty-nne years of Was Given by fflrs, Jas. B. Cootes on his life tI~ere. Then coming to Mich. l tl~e departed. The pallbearers were: @ Horatio S. Earl, the state highway Wednesday Afternoon. A, Wahnsley, H. Seed, Sr., Joel Witli: i , commissioner, was in town FYiday on igan he lived near Caro for a few years. ey, Luke Wright, Win. Spurgeon and @ Take a dip into our store today and see how refreshing an inspection tour and after inspecting On Wednesday afternoon, July 19, Levi Muntz. The re~nains were laid you'tl find the cool money-saving possibilities we offer. , the road and the material at. hand for He afterward came to Elkland town- to rest in Elkland cemetery. improving tl~e same, he assured the Mrs. James B. Co~)tes entertained ship which was then a wilderness and o about thirty of l~er lady friends by Besides his wife t~e leaves to mourn Summer Suits o $5.oo to $~o.oo township board that tt~ir application bought a farm northeast of this place, three sisters, one of them being Mrs. giving a straw ride party. The guests and started to build up a lmme for was accepted and that the reward D. Norrison of Gagetown: four Straw Hats - * 5oc to $~.5o l~ad been requested to Oress as tl~ey l~imself. would be g)ven b) tl~e township after daughters, Mrs. Wm. Messner, of De- @ rlen's Oxfords, black or tan, $L5o to 3.5o did when twelve years old--and they @ the work has been completed and is For forty years he Ires been a resi- did--and the costumes provoked a troit; Mrs. Win. Zinnecker and the @ Women's Oxfords ~ $~.ooto ~.5o @ found to be upt~ the required stand- dent of this townsl~ip and succeeded grea~ deal of merriment. Ag two Misses Minta and Etlie, all of Cass Negligee Shirts = - 5oc to ~.oo ard. in his farm interests so that to-day o'clock the "girls" climbed into a hay City, and one son. ,lames, also nf Cass The township b~ntrd at a session the tl~e Wallace farm is one of tim niees~ wagon filled with fresh mown hay City. All the children were present People have been saying for 20 years that our merchan- ! same afternoon accepted tlre offer of !~omes in Tuseola cnunty. at the funeral except Mrs. Nessner, and drawn by a span of mules and tim @ the state highway commissioner's ap- dise is good. We don't deny it. trip was made to Mrs. O}r's pretty On May 4, 18G9 he was united in who was unable to come on account propriation and instructed the town- marriage to Bliss Alice Karr. 717o of illness. Among other friends from ship highway commissioner, P. A. grove eas~ and north of the village. Clambering out they were greeted them were born seven children, five of out of town wl~v attended the funeral @ Knepi'gen, ~o proceed to build the whom with the mother aresti|l living. were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mitchell ! mile of road. by tt~e hostess, Mrs. Cootes, and wel- , D, CROSBY & SON, comed royally, and then treated to Mr. Wallace stayed on tt~e farm un- and Mr. and 5h's. Hyslop of Cliff~rd, The mile designated by the board is til about three years at9 wl~en he pur- Mr. and Mrs. Myers of Martette. Cass City's Shoe and Clothing Mien. tl~e one which lies between the ceme- lemonade, a refreshing draugl~t, after a ride in the hot sun. Some of the chased property in town and spent the tery corner and tile corner two miles remainder of his days i~ the village, east of Cass City, the latter being a gins brought their dolls al()ng, which Good ten-room house and cellar; six For several years t~is l?ealth has been lots, ~fty fruit trees, good drive well sl?ort distance east of the "East" added not a little to the fun. failing and two years a~o he became and several small outbuildings. Will rivet" bridge. This mile of road is one After having their pictures taken, tl~ey enjoyed a concert in which all blind. Since last February he failed sell cheap, terms easy. Inquire of that receives ~more travel tl?an any MRS. ED CRAWFORD, at residence, took part. The opening song of wel- rapidly and suffered very much and other outside of the village corporation death came as a sweet release to the corner or Sixth and Vulcan streets. and as it is one of the poorest in the come to the tune of "America" was Cass City o|,er /Vli ls township, its improvement will be ap- sung by the Misses Maggie Frank [ preciated by all. Hendrick, Kittie James Crosby, Myra Taxpayers in this townsl~ipare to be Metealf and Alice Leonard Moore, @NNNN NN@NN@@@@N congratulated on receiving this reward followed by a recitation by Lot, tie of $500 from the state as the appropri- Usher. A fancy fern drill by the N @ Buckwhea~ Grinding Done at, ion thi~ vear for this purpose is not, Misses Cora George Albert Strifller, as large as the demand is sure to be Libbie John End, Emily Elias McKim, and many townships who apply for aid Carrie Hugh Seed, Rose Smith tic- The "Olyrnpla" e in road building are bound to meet Gregory and Bess!e Frank Sinclair. N I We are better prepared to take care of you than ever. wit, l? disappointment. Mr. Earle says Then came the duet bv tim little Siamese twins. Alice Leonard Moore We ffrind every day in the week. that the township may also be con- N N gratulated on tl~e excellent material and Naggie Frank Hendriek, who N Gasoline Stoves it has at hand for building roads and sang, "In tim Good Old Summer- time." kyo.,-g ocer WHITE L LY expressed the wish that every town- are the best Juniors made by any firm. They are ship in the state might have the Miss Clara Daniel Deming tl~en gave ,or _..., CEP ESOTA and am,rant and quality of gravel wlHeh is a tl~ree-m~nute speech on "Teddy made by Geo. M. Clark & Co. Chica~m who are the found here. Ronsevelt as a President." which was tartest makers of Gas and Gasoline Stoves in the FANGHON The general speciIicatinns for build- loudly applauded. Misses Della Ca] ing tl~e road mentioned above aceord- Lauderbach and Cord George Albert ~ world. " These are the best flours on the market. {g in~ to the state law are as follows: Striflier gave a very graceful skirt "For every mile of well graded road dance an~l then came the musical con- Ig test by |lye of the little girls who per- N on which ti~e steepest incline sh'alI The Olycpia emb0aies E 0i Is Prompt attention to all kinds of Custom i~_ no~ excee(t six per cent,, and the width forme~l beautifully on a Jew's harp. The contestants were the Misses Min- Work {g of wl~iel~ shall not be less t&an eight- een feet, between side ditches, and nie Orrin K. Oanes, Maggie Isaac N in no other stove [N Maxwell, Fannie Will Smithson, Free delivery to any part of the citv. Call Phone No.1. ~2~ which shall be properly drained, and Anna Angus Gillies and Sarah George N @ have a wagon way or travel track not N cheap or expensive. Calland see it operate. less than nine feet wide, and wl~iel? GoiI'. The prize, a Jew's harp, was ~' HELLEI~ BROS., Props. shatleonsistof not less than eight awarded to Fannie Wilt Smxtl~son. inches of compacted gravel, wt~ich A Negro song and dance was next N @ must be app]ied in not less than two given by the Misses Mary Somerville, layers, each layer to be rolled sepa- Violet Eno, Rose Moore and Lottie Usher.