Dr. Arden Andersen Doctor, Farmer, Author, Acres USA’s Radionic in Ag DVDs Trouble Shooting Problems: Getting out of Nature's way (Intermediate/Advanced) Many radionics operators come up with long lists of problems upon which to treat/broadcast rates and frequently end up time and again addressing the same issues month after month, year after year. What is needed is a "birds eye" view of nature and what the problem really entails and then getting to the crux of that problem. Search and destroy missions evoke equal and opposite responses. We will discuss how to use nature in our favor rather than challenging what is found in the analyses. Vendor – Books and Global Environmental Energy Technology (GEET) Dr. Ron Barone Minister, Radionics Teacher, Well-Being Consultant Things that Work for Me (Intermediate/Advanced) Dr. Barone will share 48 years in the field of while exploring radionics, including balancing auric fields, chakras, and meridians primary to any analysis. Also covered will be the heart energy field (application of heart math radionically) and human morphogenic fields application. He will also introduce M. Cory Stover and his torus energy fields rub plate and amplifier that significantly enhance the “stick” and broadcasting power when hooked into Kelly radionic equipment. Followed by questions and answers about anything related to humans only. Julie Becker Organic Angora Goat Farmer, Radionic Teacher Radionic Agriculture from the Ground Up (Basic) In this hands-on workshop Ms. Becker will present the Plant Tissue and Soil Analysis worksheets, teaching participants how to determine seasonal intent, sampling procedures, analysis, interpretation, and the use of reagents. Brian Besco Inventor: Twistedsage Studios - Energy Tools, Sacred Geometry Tensor Technology Unveiled (General Interest) A Tensor Ring is an infinite source of energy that is neither electric nor magnetic with an output that is beneficial to all life forms. Discussion will include scientific theory, research and observations, as well as hands-on demonstrations of the use of Tensor Fields and the tools that produce them. We will also discuss using Tensor Fields as transmitters, receivers, and amplifiers. Vendor – Twistedsage Studios: Tensor Rings and Energy Tools Scott Beutlich President, U.S. Psychotronics Association Introduction to the U.S. Psychotronics Association (General Interest) The president of the USPA will share the history of the organization, introduce the radionics-related and other resources available to members, and showcase the many dimensions of esoteric knowledge explored over the course of the 40-year history of the group. Ginny Blankenship Artist, Musician, Healer, Radionics and Nature Teacher The Power of Consciousness in Healing (Intermediate/Advanced) Our emotions, thoughts, and consciousness have a deep impact on our effectiveness as healers, energy users, and radionic researchers. Learn the importance of removing the "fear" aspect in radionics and other energy healing in order to maximize success. Dawn Bornemann Body Talk and BETAR Healer, /Radionics Teacher Radionics in Reiki and Body Talk (Intermediate/Advanced) Learn how this healer uses radionic analysis and broadcasting to identify problems and focus her efforts in the healing arts of Reiki, Body Talk, and sound . Vendor – BETAR USA: Demonstration of BETAR Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy systems invented by KRT founder Peter Kelly. Sarah Emond Reiki Master and Psychic Your Essence (Intermediate) Is your Essence Stream flowing correctly? The purpose of this course is to learn to energetically balance your body, mind, spirit and environments. Ms. Emond will teach clearing, protecting, and balancing those aspects of your past, present, and future Essence. Participants will learn easy intention, , and radionic techniques that can be used daily to bring energetic success.

Kelly Research Report - 4 - Vol. 7, No. 2 Scott Ertl Stray Voltage and Weird Energy Expert, Dairy Livestock, Dowser Dowsing and its link to improving all aspects of your life (General Interest) This master dowser will share his knowledge of how to use dowsing in your daily life. This session will cover techniques for assessing yourself and your property for stray voltage, earth energy, phenomenon and other weird . Map dowsing will be covered along with negative energy protection strategies and prosperity enhancement instruction. You won’t want to miss the opportunity to learn how to update your body’s programming to resonate with the new energy of post-2012, which will also be covered in this session. Vendor - Scott Ertl Products LLC: ERTLIZER Stray Voltage Units, Radionics Accessories Dale Grondahl Farmer, Livestock Feed Specialist, and Radionic Researcher Livestock, Crops, and Fields (General Interest) Dale will share the wisdom and information he has acquired over the course of 53 years of involvement with agriculture and radionics. Robin Hermanson Radionics Teacher, Certified Organic Farmer, Reams Theory The Reams Biological Theory of Ionization (General Interest) The Reams Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI) recognizes a link between human health and soil health- the fact that we don't live off of the food that we eat; we live off of the energy IN the food that we eat. Robin will share his research and experiences using the RBTI for balancing body chemistry in order for longevity and freedom from degenerative disease, including the normalization of blood sugar naturally, heart disease, all those knee and hip replacements, healthy eyes and ears, hidden dangers of flu shots, protection from water toxins beyond chlorine and fluoride, Dr. Richard Schulze's 'Incurables' program, cleansing the colon, kidneys, liver and lymphatics, 'fountain of youth' secrets, analysis via dowsing, and more. Dr. T. Galen Hieronymus Radionics Pioneer The Early History of Radionics 1983 Video (General Interest) Dr. Hieronymus was a radio and electrical engineer who was widely respected within industry and the US military for his many inventions and contributions. His work with Wigelsworth led to development of the two dial rate system and instrument that is still widely used in North America. He held the only patent issued by the United States for a radionic instrument, which drew worldwide attention when it was published by science fiction pioneer Joseph Campbell. Filmed in 1983 at his home in Lakemont, Georgia, the famed inventor shares the early history of radionics, describing and demonstrating how the progression in technology from Dr. Abrams to his own. Patty Holt Radionics and Ag Consultant, Farmer Radionics: It’s a Puzzle (Intermediate/Advanced) Animal, plant, and soil health are pieces of the same puzzle. Radionics allows us to figure out how these pieces are connected in order to deliver larger yields, reduced weed pressure, and higher crop quality. Learn to develop workable solutions that will give you the complete picture at your location. Ed Kelly Inventor and Teacher: Kelly Research Technologies Inside the Kelly Radionics Instrument (Basic) Take a tour through the Kelly Personal Instrument! This program will illustrate the flow of information and energy through a classic analog radionic instrument from the sample well to the dual-spin coil broadcast antenna that serves as the rub plate. Vendor – Kelly Research Technologies, Inc.: Radionic equipment, accessories, and information. Dr. Linda Lancaster Naturopathic Physician & Homeopath, Radionics Teacher Understanding Radionic Theory (General Interest) Dr. Linda Lancaster has been practicing and teaching Radionics for 30+ years. She developed a system of healing called Light Harmonics integrating the basic principles of radionics, and nutrition. She will be sharing her experience as a Health Care Practitioner using energy to heal, while highlighting the forces that drive such statements as, “Health is the balance between the Physical/Etheric/Astral and Mental Bodies”, “Nothing Happens without a cause”, “Likes cure Likes”, and “Energy follows thought” Vendor - Light Harmonics Institute, Inc.: Homeopathic radionic equipment, radiesthetic healing tools, and information on radionic courses.

Kelly Research Report - 5 - Vol. 7, No. 2 Lutie Larsen Teacher, Author, Consultant: Little Farm Research & Radionics Radionics in Agriculture (Intermediate) Ms. Larsen has decades of hands-on experience with DeLaWarr, Kelly, and SE-5 instruments. Here she will focus on: Using radionics to monitor and support the soil life and cycles using a unique system to monitor soil life, support internal balancing of mineral ratios, and increase soil biology. Using Radionics with Crops, including techniques to monitor and support plant cycles, thus increasing nutrient density and production of marketed crops. Using Radionics to balance and moderate environmental factors. Effective radionic monitoring can forewarn and even prevent damage from the effects of weather, pests, weeds, and pollution. Vendor - Little Farm Research: Rate books, Manuals, Media and SE5-1000 Radionic Equipment Duncan Laurie Artist & Author: The Secret Art: A Brief History Of Radionics The Common Origin of Radionics and Art: Where They Meet Today (General Interest) Mr. Laurie will present information on how the earliest surviving rock art indicates a radionic function, and discuss ideas about the commonality between radionic and artistic disciplines. His intention is to articulate the means by which radionics can be employed in creative or artistic contexts today, incorporating radionic principles into fine art and electronic music, as well as draw on outside sources. Tim Lippert Radionics Teacher, Livestock Innovations Ag Consulting Cool Tools for Common Health Problems in 2 or 4 Legged Critters (Intermediate/Advanced) This workshop will explore using radionics to end sleep apnea and Lyme disease, remote detection of electro-environmental and energetic hazards, disease control and prevention in animals, and the use of radiation hormesis to increase radionic effectiveness. Marty Lucas Radionics Teacher, Every Advantage Ag Consulting The Phase Conjugate Wave (General Interest) Mr. Lucas will explain how radionics deals with entropy and syntropy, showing how both the operator and the instrument fit into the radionic circuit. Vendor – Every Advantage Consulting: Spurling and Twistedsage Tensor Rings, Cory Coil Radionic Antennas, Eagle Electronic Homeopathic instruments Joseph Max Inventor and Author: Radionics and Aetheric Arts site Clearing the Chakras (Basic/Intermediate) This particpatory workshop will focus on using a radionics device to clear and purify the vital energy centers of the body. The attendees can, if they wish, participate in a group exercise to demonstrate this technique. Vendor – Aetheric Arts Laboratories: Delawarr and Hieronymus-type Radionic Instruments, Loop Antennas/Tuners Glen Rabenberg Inventor and Consultant: Soil Works LLC Increasing Soil and Plant Nutrient Availability (General Interest) Soil Works manufactures soil and plant nutrients like GSR Calcium and PhosRite that allow the farm to naturally and sustainably grow high quality food by increasing nutrient density and sugar content. In this workshop Glen will present the core concepts of soil nutrition while showing how to use simple tools like the refractometer, conductivity meter, and soil compaction tester in conjunction with the radionic instrument for informed decision making and improved results. Pete Radatti Inventor, Teacher, and Community Organizer Radionics for Newbies (Basic) A hands-on workshop intended to allow participants to try radionics for the first time, including an opportunity to find the sensation of the “stick” on the reaction plate/antenna. Mr. Radatti is an experienced teacher who has helped many brand new beginners try radionics for the first time through Conshohocken Radionics, a group he organized to share radionics with his community. No equipment required! KRT will provide Personal Instruments for use in this workshop.

Kelly Research Report - 6 - Vol. 7, No. 2 Daniel Taylor Physicist, Researcher, and Radionics Historian “The of Radionics” (General Interest) It is not difficult to demonstrate that radionics does indeed work; however, attempts to explain how it works can vary wildly. Is there any scientific basis? Here we will explore the basics of scalar wave theory, including a demonstration, utilizing a Tesla-style transmission of electricity. We will then move on to the basics of nonlinear optical phase conjugation, which is real-time, temporal/spatial information processing of electromagnetic fields using nonlinear optical techniques. This truly mind- blowing research was pioneered in the former Soviet Union, and went largely uninvestigated in the West. While this research focused in the optical range, there is little reason to think the principles would not apply across the spectrum, offering us, perhaps, another glimpse into the physics of radionics…

Todd Thille Designer, Video Artist, Web Developer, Computer Programmer Informing Art and Design with Subtle Energy (General Interest) Mr. Thille is the designer of Duncan Laurie’s website ( and book (The Secret Art). Through contact with Mr. Laurie and numerous projects and experiments over the last seven years, a body of artistic work has been produced that uses radionics as a major influence. This talk will highlight several of these projects and those of other artists using subtle energy in their art practice.

Disclaimer: This event is being organized by KRT to promote community and the sharing of information. However, KRT is not responsible for anything said, suggested, claimed, or implied by any individual or group in any course, workshop, speech, program or other Expo event, whether or not Kelly radionic equipment is utilized by speakers or any participants.

THE 2013 GREAT RADIONICS EXPO: Rapid City, South Dakota Where: Surrounded by the famous Black Hills of South Dakota, Rapid City is home to some of the USA’s most famous landmarks, beautiful scenery, and amazing wildlife including iconic Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Crazy Horse Memorial, Badlands National Park, Custer State Park, two national caves, and more. The area is both budget and camera friendly so make the most of your visit. For more info please visit the Rapid City Convention & Visitors Bureau website at: Lodging: All programs take place at the Grand Gateway Hotel at 1721 N. La Crosse Street, Rapid City, SD, 57701. A special group rate of $72.00 plus tax is available by asking for “KRT Great Radionics Expo”, a 19% savings. Call toll free (866) 742-1300 to book a room. Visit: to see photos and a list of amenities. When: Programs will run from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm each day, with breaks. Bring: Hands-on workshops will require participants to bring a radionic instrument & samples. Food: Participants will be responsible for their own meals. A Perkins Family Restaurant & Bakery is attached to the hotel, and a variety of other restaurants are in the area. Register: Register to participate today!

Discounts for Kelly Research Report subscribers apply until July 31 and may be paid by credit card, by PayPal, or by personal check drawn from a USA bank. After August 1 registration must be paid by credit card, PayPal, or cash at the door. Call to register at (706) 782-2524, or complete and fax this enrollment information to (706) 782-1047. Send checks or other correspondence to KRT, PO Box 128, Lakemont, GA, 30552. PayPal payments should be directed to: [email protected].

Kelly Research Report - 7 - Vol. 7, No. 2