12089 Hon. John L. Mica Hon. Michael C. Burgess Hon
June 10, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 9 12089 number of occasions by being able to partici- CELEBRATING THE 10TH ANNIVER- gansett, Rhode Island, in 1966 and will retire pate in forums that the temple has run, which SARY OF NORTEX MODULAR at Station Point Judith in Narragansett on the have helped me and others fulfill our duties to SPACE IN LEWISVILLE, TX 20th of this month, having served continuously relate to our constituents. in the Coast Guard in reserve and active duty Madam Speaker, I am very pleased to be HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS status for almost 42 years. Master Chief Dow- able to salute the members of the Mishkan OF TEXAS ney is retiring as Command Master Chief of Coast Guard District One (Boston, Massachu- Tefila Congregation on this 150th Anniversary, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and congratulate them on their opportunity setts)—one of the nine Command Master both to look back on a very proud history, and Tuesday, June 10, 2008 Chiefs in the Coast Guard. He has served in to look forward to the promise of continued Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I rise this position since September of 2006. great service in the years ahead. today to congratulate the outstanding accom- Seaman Recruit Jack Downey reported to plishments of Nortex Modular Space of the Coast Guard Training Center, Cape May, f Lewisville, Texas, an exemplary organization New Jersey, on November 11, 1966, and in North Texas that is celebrating its 10th An- completed basic training in February 1967. HONORING THE LEGACY OF niversary.
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