Planning Committee Agenda Item 12 24 October 2012 12/01605/F


DATE: 24 October 2012


TELEPHONE: 01737 276175

EMAIL: AGENDA ITEM: 12 WARD: Kingswood with

APPLICATION NUMBER: 12/01605/F VALID: 6 September 2012 APPLICANT: Mrs Melanie Mason AGENT: Squires And Brown Architects LOCATION: ABERDOUR SCHOOL, BRIGHTON ROAD, BURGH HEATH DESCRIPTION: Erection of replacement classrooms and specialist music facilities All plans in this report have been reproduced, are not to scale, and are for illustrative purposes only. The original plans should be viewed/referenced for detail.


This application seeks planning permission for the erection of a new two-storey building to provide enlarged classrooms and a specialist music facility at the school. The school has stated that the current music classroom is too small with practice rooms formed in converted cupboards. The proposed building would replace these sub-standard rooms with fit-for-purpose classrooms, a specialist music room and four practice rooms. The site is located within the Metropolitan Green Belt and Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV).

The proposal would constitute inappropriate development in the Green Belt under existing Local Plan policy but the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) does allow for limited infilling on previously developed sites, within the green belt, such as this so long as there is no harm to the openness of the greenbelt or the purposes of including land therein.

The proposed building would be sited beside existing buildings of a similar nature at the rear of the site. It would not extend any higher than the adjacent buildings and would infill an area of the site surrounded by development, so would comply with the infilling provisions of the NPPF. The proposal would not be visible from the A217 and would not significantly harm the openness of the green belt.

As such it is considered that the proposals are acceptable in principle and there is no requirement to demonstrate very special circumstances (VSCs). Even if there were,

M:\BDS\DM\Ctreports 2012-13\Meeting 6 - 24 October 2012\Agreed Reports\12.01605.F - Aberdour School, Brighton Road, Burgh Heath.docx Planning Committee Agenda Item 12 24 October 2012 12/01605/F the school’s educational needs would likely be considered sufficiently special to justify the development in principle.

The proposal is considered to be of good design, would not harm the amenities of any neighbouring properties or the visual amenities of the AGLV. Accordingly it is considered that the proposals are acceptable both in principle and detail.


Planning permission is GRANTED subject to conditions.

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Highway Authority: the County Highway Authority has undertaken an assessment in terms of the likely net additional traffic generation, access arrangements and parking provision and is satisfied that the application would not have a material impact on the safety and operation of the adjoining public highway. The County Highway Authority therefore has no highway requirements.


Letters were sent to neighbouring properties on18 September 2012 and a site notice was posted on 24 September 2012.No responses have been received.

1.0 Site and Character Appraisal

1.1 The school is located within the Metropolitan Green Belt and an Area of Great Landscape Value, on the east side of the Brighton Road, A217. The school has a relatively large site, with a complex of tightly-knit buildings adjacent to the A217 and large areas of playing fields to the north and east.

1.2 The character of the area is mixed. There is ribbon development, mainly residential, along the western side of the A217 whilst the eastern side is more rural, with extensive tree cover, including at the frontage of the site which helps screen it and dense woodland along the southern site boundary.

2.0 Added Value

2.1 Pre-application discussions took place to understand the need for the development and the proposed design solution.

2.2 Further improvements could be secured by conditions relating to the materials and landscaping.

3.0 Relevant Planning and Enforcement History

3.1 94/02490/F Two tennis courts Granted 29 April 1994

3.2 99/03350/F Replacement cricket pavilion Granted 5 May 1999

3.3 01/01742/CU Use of farmland as playing field Granted 12 October 2001

3.4 08/00892/F Hard surfaced play area, access Granted pathway and chain link fence 9 September 2008

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4.0 Proposal and Design Approach

4.1 The current music classrooms at the school are between 20-33% smaller than current standards and do not allow sufficient room for ensembles, orchestra group rehearsals, choir and general teaching. Additionally there are insufficient rooms available for tutoring and the school struggles to meet its Special Educational Needs as a result. The proposal would offer: specialist music facilities with modern space standards and proper acoustic insulation; four fit-for-purpose classrooms; four fit-for-purpose practice rooms; better facilities for music storage; inclusion of additional WCs; disabled access and free up the existing classroom spaces for specialist teaching facilities and offices.

4.2 The proposed building would be two storeys in height with a twin-gabled roof form, keeping it within the height and scale parameters of adjacent buildings. It would be constructed from a varied palette of materials, including brick, render, and metal cladding which would add interest and variety to the appearance of the building.

4.3 The design and access statement accompanying the application states that the layout of the building was determined by the existing buildings, trees and road. It states the building was designed to conform to surrounding building heights. It continues that classrooms are proposed on the ground floor with direct access onto the sports fields with the music facilities on the first floor and the position of the building allows a viewing area into the adjacent sports hall. The use of twin gables is to minimise the height of the building and add interest to its roof form.

4.4 Circular 01/06 confirms that a design and access statement should illustrate the process that has led to the development proposal, and justify the proposal in a structured way, by demonstrating the steps taken to appraise the context of the proposed development. It expects applicants to follow a four-stage design process comprising:  Assessment;  Involvement;  Evaluation; and  Design.

4.5 Evidence of the applicant’s design approach is set out below:

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Assessment The character of the surrounding area is assessed as being within the Metropolitan Green Belt with the school buildings and playing fields forming the appropriate context. Site features listed as being worthy of retention included the various trees on site. Involvement Community views were sought by discussing locally. Evaluation The statement does not include any evidence of other development options being considered. Design The applicant’s reasons for choosing the proposal from the available options were to minimise the impact on the openness of the green belt and remain in keeping with the character of the school.

4.6 Further details of the development are as follows:

Site area 0.9 hectares Floor-space of proposal 610 square metres

5.0 Policy Context

5.1 Designation

Metropolitan Green Belt Area of Great Landscape Value Adjacent to Ancient Woodland

5.2 The South East Plan 2009

Spatial Strategy SP5 Cross-Cutting Policies CC1, CC4, CC6, CC7 Natural Resource Management NRM10, NRM11, NRM13

5.3 Reigate & Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005

Landscape & Nature Conservation Pc1, Pc3 Metropolitan Green Belt Co1 Community Facilities Cf2, Cf3

5.4 Other Material Considerations

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National Planning Policy Framework Supplementary Planning Guidance Design Local Distinctiveness Design Guide Other Human Rights Act 1998

6.0 Principal Issues

6.1 The main issues to consider are:

 Impact on the openness of the Green Belt  Design appraisal  Neighbour amenity

Openness of the Green Belt

6.2 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published earlier this year and is a significant material planning consideration. It allows for limited infill development at previously developed sites within the Metropolitan Green Belt, such as this so long as there is no harm to openness or the purposes of including land within the Green Belt. Previously the school would have had to demonstrate very special circumstances to justify all development.

6.3 The proposed extension would be located within the existing complex of school buildings and would not extend further rearwards or to the side than the current limit of development at the site. As such it would constitute infill development which, due to its height being no greater than that of adjacent buildings, would have limited impact on the openness of the green belt and is therefore considered acceptable in principle.

6.4 There is no restriction on pupil numbers at the school but the proposals are intended to bring existing facilities up to a better standard and would not therefore increase the pupil numbers.

Design appraisal

6.5 The proposed building has been well designed both in its layout and scale, to minimise the impact on the wider area but also in its detailed appearance. The use of twin gables would minimise its height and add interest to the building whilst the varied palette of materials would provide a contemporary appearance which would complement the character of adjacent school buildings. It would be well articulated and link well onto adjacent buildings so being appropriate within its context.

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Neighbour amenity

6.6 By virtue of the scale of the proposed development, the screening created by other existing buildings and the distance from the nearest neighbouring property, which is in excess of 100 metres, the proposal would not have any significant adverse impact on the amenities enjoyed by neighbouring residents.


1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans.

Reason: In accordance with "Greater Flexibility for Planning Permissions Guidance" (DCLG) 2010

Plan Type Reference Version Date Received Section Plan P130 06.09.2012 Section Plan P131 06.09.2012 Elevation Plan P140 06.09.2012 Site Layout Plan 1482 06.09.2012 Location Plan P100 06.09.2012 Survey Plan A1228 504 06.09.2012 Elevation Plan P105 06.09.2012 Site Layout Plan P101 06.09.2012 Survey Plan A1228 503 06.09.2012 Elevation Plan P120 06.09.2012 Floor Plan P110 06.09.2012

2. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 (1) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

3. The development shall be carried out using the external facing materials as specified in the application and no others without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that the development hereby permitted is only constructed using the appropriate external facing materials or suitable alternatives in the interest of the visual amenities of the area to comply with policy Cf2 in the Borough Local Plan 2005.

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4. No development shall commence including groundworks preparation and demolition until all related arboricultural matters, including arboricultural supervision, monitoring and tree protection measures are implemented in strict accordance with the approved details contained on the Tree Protection Plan compiled by ACS Consulting drawing number TPP1_AS dated June 2012 and accompanying arboricultural assessment and protection method statement. Reason: To ensure good arboricultural practice in the interests of the maintenance of the character and appearance of the area and to comply with policies Pc4 and Pc12 of the Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005 and the recommendations within British Standard 5837.


1. Your attention is drawn to the safety benefits of installing sprinkler systems as an integral part of new development. Further information is available at

2. You are advised that the Council will expect the following measures to be taken during any building operations to control noise, pollution and parking: (a) Work that is audible beyond the site boundary should only be carried out between 08:00hrs to 18:00hrs Monday to Friday, 08:00hrs to 13:00hrs Saturday and not at all on Sundays or Bank Holidays; (b) The quietest available items of plant and machinery should be used on site. Where permanently sited equipment such as generators are necessary, they should be enclosed to reduce noise levels; (c) Deliveries should only be received within the hours detailed in (a) above; (d) Adequate steps should be taken to prevent dust-causing nuisance beyond the site boundary. Such uses include the use of hoses to damp down stockpiles of materials, which are likely to generate airborne dust, to damp down during stone/slab cutting; and the use of bowsers and wheel washes; (e) There should be no burning on site; (f) Only minimal security lighting should be used outside the hours stated above; and (g) Building materials and machinery should not be stored on the highway and contractors’ vehicles should be parked with care so as not to cause an obstruction or block visibility on the highway. Further details of these noise and pollution measures can be obtained from the Council’s Environmental Health Services Unit.

3. The applicant is encouraged to provide renewable technology within the development hereby permitted in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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The development hereby permitted has been assessed against development plan policies SP5, CC1, CC4, CC6, CC7, RE4, LF9, LF10, Pc1, Pc3, Co1, Cf2 and Cf3 and material considerations, including third party representations. It has been concluded that the development is in accordance with the development plan and there are no material considerations that justify refusal in the public interest.

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