Vattenfall Heat Safety, health and environment 2015 Your local Content Vattenfall Heat Uppsala heats the city of Preface 3 Uppsala with district heating. We also produce Our products 4 and distribute district cooling and steam. Combined heat supplier Air emissions 5 heat and power (CHP) produces electricity and Operations in Uppsala 6 Fuel mix in Uppsala 7 heat at the same time, which is an efficient use Facilities in Uppsala 8 of resources and therefore leads to a reduced Vattenfall Heat Uppsala is a local safety work to be successful it is important to get information on all incidents that have occurred. Read – almost exclusively impact on the environment. supplier of heating, steam and carbon neutral heating 9 more on page 12 and about our objectives on page 17. Operations in 10 cooling. At the same time we The important district heating network Fuel and ash 11 generate electricity and take care Our most important asset is the one under the ground. District heating in 12 of combustible waste so it does Our distribution pipes for district heating, and the We are working towards separate pipes for district cooling, are hidden under improved safety and health 13 not have to be sent to landfill. It is the ground, and are only visible when we are working We are working to reduce our resource efficient to utilize waste on repairs and maintenance. Like our customers, we impact on the environment 14 work continually to reduce our energy consumption. Emissions and environmental as a fuel, since it replace other For instance we aim to discover leakages as early as demands 16 fuels such as peat, wood and oil. possible with the help of alarm wires in the insulation Our objectives within safety, around the piping. The wires gives signals showing when and where the insulation is exposed to a water health and the environment 17 Energy recovery services Read more about district heating at leakage from a broken pipe. Even a small hole in the Environmental glossary 19 Sweden has made great progress the last 10 years surface if a pipe results in a large water loss over time. when it comes to how we handle our household waste. Since the total area of the leaching holes on the pipes We have been able to close most of our landfills for in the district heating network amounts to the size of combustible waste and instead use the waste as an a fingernail, leakages are not so easily found. Management system for safety, energy source. The waste management hierarchy in the EU shows Situation analysis Development and cooperation health and the environment, as well us how we can use products and materials the best There are many exciting possibilities for development way: first is waste prevention and thereafter re-use, as energy and quality of district heating. We can provide some steps, like Policy recycling, energy recovery and the last step is disposal. replacing peat with wood in our plants, while other The whole world needs to do this journey for the Our management systems give structure to our work. As Management review Legislation and other requirements steps are best made together with the city. We have Aspects/risks/ environment. More than a third of the household waste several areas border on each other, it can therefore be SHM reporting taken part in the Uppsala Climate Protocol since the energy surveys in Europe, 72 million tonnes per year, is still being sent advantageous to have an integrated management system for Internal audit start, and now more than 30 organizations have joined. Action plan to landfills. Many countries do not have waste-to- safety, health and the environment as well as energy and A new project, The Hunt for Plastics, wants to draw Noncompliance Objectives and energy plants and district heating networks to be able quality. The diagram shows our management system with the objective programme attention to the issue of plastics – does it have to be Monitoring and to utilise the energy in waste, this means there is a elements of our everyday activities that are planned, managed measurement Organisation made from oil, when other parts of society are moving great need for waste incineration in Europe. Sweden and followed up. The management system is constantly being Training and skills away from fossil resources? Plastics can be made from Documentation is selling energy recovery, not importing waste, for developed in order to better achieve our goal of reducing our renewable resources and be recycled several times, Safety and protection Communications 1.4 million tonnes of sorted combustible waste used environmental impact including energy use and improving before finally being used as an energy resource. Try Operations as fuel for district heating and electricity generation. safety and the work environment, as well as the quality for our Operation and maintenance asking for plastic from renewable resources next time As our Swedish waste-to-energy plants are connected customers using our waste incineration services. Purchasing you buy something made of plastic. If we start now, Contractors to district heating networks, we can use waste as a Chemicals the change will come faster! Our integrated management system is certified in accordance resource with high efficiency. So compared with with environmental management standard ISO 14001 and registered in accordance with EMAS. This means landfilling, import to Sweden is a better option. that the environmental report is audited by an independent environmental auditor. The system is also health & safety certified according to OHSAS 18001, which is the international standard for work environment. Good environmental results and a safe workplace We were the first power company in Sweden with an energy management system certified according to ISO The emissions of carbon dioxide and acidifying sub- 50001. The quality system for waste incineration is ISO 9001 certified. stances, such as nitrogen oxides and sulphur, were Adrian Berg von Linde low during 2015 as can be seen on page 5 and 6. Business development By choosing one or both of products Carbon dioxide Vattenfall Heat Sweden neutral Heating and/or Cooling our customers helped to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide with more Environmental auditor Intertek is one of SWEDAC’s accredited environmental auditors under EMAS (No. 1639). Vattenfall Heat Uppsala’s environmental than 10 000 tonnes during 2015. management system complies with ISO 14001. Intertek has audited the environmental sections of the report and found them to Work environment and safety is also very important. be accurate and sufficiently detailed to meet the requirements in EMAS. EMAS registration number SE-000224. The registration includes the plants in Uppsala: the combined heat and power (CHP) plant, waste incineration, Bolandsverket, the gas turbine, We are proud of the fact that not one serious accident Johan Siilakka Husbyborgsverket, Stallangsverket, the absorption cooling plants in and Angstrom, and the distribution network, plus the occurred during 2015 and we constantly work on Plant manager Knivsta and Storvreta plants and distribution networks. Uppsala improving our safety at the workplace. For preventive

2 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala Safety, health and environment 2015 Safety, health and environment 2015 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala 3 Air emissions from Our products the facilities in Uppsala

The building’s heating system Water is pumped round the property’s closed heating District heating is our main product Emission of carbon dioxide t Carbon dioxide that affects the climate system. It is heated in the heat exchanger by the district 1,000 ton nt t District heating is distributed to households and other heating water. e During 2015 our carbon dioxide emissions de- 800 t er premises by transporting hot water in well-insulated ed rt e wast creased compared with 2014. The dotted line ve and power plat and power plan furbishmen at pipes under high pressure to a central district heating 700 t and power plant arm wint o mor o re in the diagram shows our long term plan for o w unit in each property. The central unit contains a heat ss oil, con t and power plan achieving carbon-neutral production by 2030. The Le t owing tt owing t -fuelled hea 600 Combined heCoal-fuelled heat t owing t exchanger that utilises the hot water to heat up the ea measures mainly consist of an increased admixture P ess peaess pea L L ess pea building’s radiators and the hot water in the taps. The L Combined hea t of wood until such time as peat can be replaced by en cooled district heating water is fed back to the district 500 wood fuels. The peat-fired hot water boiler will be heating plant to be reheated and pumped out into the t 400 converted to wood-firing during 2018. Our peat- - Radiator district heating system again. eased wood cont fired CHP boiler will be replaced with a new boiler Incr District heating is flexible as Heated water from the 300 using different kinds of wood fuel. a number of different fuels district heating plant We are offering our customers the opportunity can be used. By using waste 75 –120°C. 200 New biomass-fuelled plan to contribute to reduced CO2 emissions, in addition incineration, this utilises to the budgeted decrease, by choosing our Carbon Heat 100 resources that would exchanger Neutral Heating product and/or our Carbon Neutral otherwise be lost. District 0 Cooling product. Sale of these products reduced heating provides a secure Cooled district heating water carbon dioxide emissions by 10,143 tonnes in supply and frees up space in 40 – 60°C goes back to the 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 20302030 2015, compared to projections if no customers Hot water. the home. Customers have plant to be reheated. Fossil fuel + peat Fossil fuel (oil + plastic) Trend Projected development had chosen this offer. You can read more about low maintenance costs and these products on page 6 and on our website. Cold water from the water company. Emission of nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide can obtain help rapidly if The building’s heat exchanger tonnes needed. In the heat exchanger, the district heating is transferred to The district heating water heats 1 600 Acidifying substances the tapwater and shower water. the building’s heating system. The two water systems are Nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) entirely separate from each other. 1 400 account for the greatest part of our acidifying 1 200 emissions, and during 2015 we continued our

1 000 performance with low emissions. Our plants take part in the national system for nitrogen oxide District cooling Electricity 800 District cooling is based on the same principle as We produce both district heating and electricity emissions. Our total emissions are 138 tonnes district heating, but with cold water. It replaces a simultaneously with a high level of efficiency, an 600 which is 81 mg NOx per produced kWh. This is large number of local cooling equipment and there example of good utilisation of resources. The 400 well below the average for Sweden which is are numerous environmental benefits. Above all, electricity we generate is not sold directly to end 159 mg/kWh for power plants and 144 m/kWh 200 it entails reduced electricity consumption and customers, but is included as a part of Vattenfall’s for waste incineration. leakage of coolants into the atmosphere. It also total electricity generation. 0

means that there is no noise from local machinery. 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2015 Dust

In the summer, we have spare capacity at the waste Incineration services Nitrogen dioxide Sulphur dioxide Dust emissions for 2015 were at the same low incineration plant as Uppsala’s heat requirements Combustible waste that can no longer be reused level as in recent years. Historically the reduction decrease. We are then able to use the existing or recycled for materials should not go to landfill, Emission of dust from 2005 onwards has been due to reduced tonnes plant to produce district cooling. We can offer local but rather should go to waste incineration. The peat-firing and increased waste incineration. The 80 solutions for customers that do not have access to waste is processed and the energy in it is converted waste incineration plant has the most extensive our district cooling network. For example, cooling to district heating, electricity, district cooling and 70 flue gas cleaning of all our production plants.

can be produced using district heating in what is steam. We can even accept special types of waste, 60 Waste is the fuel that contains the most heavy known as an absorption refrigerator. e.g. confidential documents in the form of paper metals. It is therefore important to achieve good 50 and DVDs, etc. as well as hazardous waste, e.g. performance for this flue gas cleaning and the Steam hospital waste. 40 plant surpasses the current environmental demands by a good margin, see page 16. In Uppsala we also have a separate network for 30 steam for industrial premises. The steam is used in processes such as producing chemical reactions 20 and sterilising. 10


1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2015

4 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala Safety, health and environment 2015 Safety, health and environment 2015 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala 5 Operations Fuel mix in Uppsala in Uppsala

100 2000

80 Fuel Energy supplied We report our carbon dioxide emissions using two Fuel supply, heat and electricity generation in Uppsala 1500 different systems, as previously in accordance with the GWh/year Waste (1,089 GWh) District heating (1,251 GWh) 61 % ETS emissions trading system and also in accordance with the Värmemarknadskommittén (Swedish Heating 2500 60 Market Committee) (VMK). The latter report is pre- 1000 sented in more detail on the Swedish District Heating Association website, This data 2000 includes not only carbon dioxide emissions from the 40 plant but also templates for the emissions of the 19 % Peat (337 GWh) 500 greenhouse gases methane and nitrous oxide, con- verted into CO₂-equivalents. An emissions factor has 1500 Heat production Electricity (netto, 114 GWh) Peat Process steam (105 GWh) also been added for the electricity that is purchased Charcoal 20 Oil 6 % Wood (112 GWh) 0 District cooling (41 GWh) for the plant. Emissions are distributed between 3 % Oil (51 GWh) district heating and electricity produced using what 3 % Waste heat (46 GWh) 1000 is known as the Alternative Production Method. In 8 % Electricity (144 GWh) Electricity Wood brief, this means that more emissions are credited to 0 Waste heat Efficiency: Deliveries of 15 GWh of cooling the electricity compared with the heat produced at 96 % Conversion were also supplied using ”island 89 % Distribution solutions”, i.e. independent of the same time, as alternative methods to generate 500 Total efficiency 85 % the district cooling network. electricity would require more fuel. For peat we use Waste Electricity generation data controlled in the system for emissions trading, The proportion of renewables in the fuel mix for district but he Swedish District Heating Association uses 0 heating is 69 percent with peat counted as (slowly) other templates. renewable. If peat is not included it is 50 percent. Waste 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2209 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 is counted here as 60 percent renewable in terms of Included in emissions trading for carbon dioxide 2003 Our plants are covered by the EU’s emissions trading energy, the remainder is then non-renewable, in other Fuel supply scheme for carbon dioxide. For Sweden, waste words, plastic with fossil origins. Our mixture of fuels has changed over incineration plants are included in the trading period the years. We were entirely dependent Key figures1 for delivered district heating, which began in 2013. on oil in the early 1980s. Since then, in kg/MWh = g/kWh Heat generation in Uppsala oil has been actively replaced, mainly We also offer Carbon Neutral Heating and Cooling GWh/month 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 by waste and peat. In the future, peat We offer larger customers a solution consisting of 300 will be replaced by wood. CO2 (ETS) 182 197 226 206 223 district heating and cooling from our waste incineration plant in Uppsala that is compensated for carbon 250 CO2 (VMK) 136 181 235 216 254 Uppsala´s heat requirements govern dioxide. District heating and cooling is carbon neutral production NO 0,09 0,09 0,10 0,12 0,15 as we compensate for the proportion of the waste that 200 There is a big difference between SO 0,15 0,17 0,21 0,14 0,22 is not renewable, i.e. the fossil-based plastic in the 2 Uppsala’s heat requirements during 150 waste. We do this by increasing the amount of biomass summer and winter and we adapt our 1The emissions reported do not include the district heating and in our total fuel mix, over and above the amount that is production accordingly. The bar chart 100 district cooling volumes produced from waste that is covered by already planned*. Our basic plan is to increase the customer-specific agreements (Carbon Neutral Heating). shows the usage of different plants proportion of biomass every year, and sales of Carbon during a normal year. The waste 50 Neutral Heating and Cooling mean that the proportion incineration plant heats Uppsala of biomass is further increased. If customers choose 0 y v throughout the year, but during the g

Carbon Neutral Heating and/or Cooling they can join us eb Ja n F winter the CHP plant is also needed. Mar Apr Ma Jun Jul Au Sep Oct No Dec in reducing carbon dioxide emissions even quicker than Waste incineration Combined power and heating plant, peat/wood Heat pumps planned for Uppsala. See page 5. Hot water boiler, peat/wood Oil boilers

*Compensation is limited to the carbon dioxide emissions directly associated with our district heating production.

6 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala Safety, health and environment 2015 Safety, health and environment 2015 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala 7 Facilities Knivsta – almost carbon in Uppsala neutral heating

Distribution network District heating and district cooling The CHP plant are distributed to the heating and Products: District heating and electricity. cooling systems in the form of hot and Capacity and fuel: 235 MW heating and 120 MW cold water circulating in closed pipe electricity with 80 tonnes of peat/ systems. Our district heating network wood briquettes per hour. Oil and is 460 km long, and the district cooling coal are used as back-up fuels. network is 14 km long. We also have a 7 km network for steam. Flue-gas cleaning: Sulphur – limestone additive in furnace and wet stage, before fabric filter. Nitrogen oxides – urea and ammonia Accumulators In order to meet the fluctuations in injection and catalytic converters. demand for district heating, there is Dust – electro-filters and fabric filters. a hot water accumulator inside the production area in Boländerna which Boland plant holds 30,000 m3, providing 1,200 MWh Products: District heating and electricity. of energy (100 MW) to the district heating network. Capacity and fuel: Peat-fuelled hot-water furnace (HVC) 100 MW, electric furnace There is also an accumulator for the 10 and 50 MW (steam back-up), oil Key figures for delivered district heating, district cooling network, which is furnaces 4 x 75 MW (back-up). In Knivsta, south of Uppsala, we supply district heating kg/MWh = g/kWh located at Stallängsverket and is Flue-gas cleaning Sulphur – limestone additive in produced from biomass using our heating plant and clearly visible from Kungsängsleden. 2015 2014 2013 2012 district heating distribution network. The heating plant It is 3,000 m3, 30 MWh and can supply HVC: furnace. 10 MW. Nitrogen oxides – urea injection. has two biomass-fuelled furnaces of 8 and 15 MW CO2 (ETS) 5 5 15 7 respectively, and oil boilers for back-up and peak load. Dust – electro-filters and fabric filters. CO2 (VMK) 19 18 – – The fuel that is used is wood residues like branches and Waste incineration NO 0,36 0,34 0,37 0,42 tops, wood chips and bark. An impressive 99 percent of Products: District heating, electricity, steam Husbyborg unit Peak load and production back-up. the fuel for the plant is biomass, which means that SO2 0,18 0,26 0,26 0,26 and district cooling. Product: District heating. district heating in Knivsta is largely carbon-neutral. Capacity and fuel: Total of 170 MW heat + 10 MW Capacity and fuel: Oil-fuelled hot-water furnaces Knivsta has had district heating since 1976, and we have The carbon dioxide emissions are reported according electricity+ 11 MW cooling, with 3 x 50 MW. about 700 customers here. Our customers include both to two different systems, as previously in accordance 55 tonnes of waste per hour. large buildings – such as schools and blocks of flats – with the ETS emissions trading system and also in accor- Stallängsverket Heat pump facility located at Flue-gas cleaning: Nitrogen oxides – urea and ammonia and small buildings, such as single-family homes. dance with the Värmemarknadskommittén (Swedish injection and catalytic converters. Uppsala’s sewage works. Heating Market Committee) (VMK). The latter report is Products: District heating and district cooling. Dust – electro-filters and fabric filters. presented in more detail on the Swedish District Heating Sulphur and hydrochloric acid – flue Capacity: 3 x 15 MW heating and 3 x 8 MW Fuel Energy supplied 100 100 Association website, This data cooling from electricity and waste gas scrubber/condensation with 96% Biofuel (66,0 GWh) District heating (45,3 GWh) includes not only carbon dioxide emissions from the plant heat. energy recovery and fabric filter but also templates for the emissions of the greenhouse with limestone additive. 80 gases methane and nitrous oxide, converted into CO2 Cooling plant Located at Ultuna Campus. 80 100 Organic substances – fabric filters Ultuna equivalents. An emissions factor has also been added for with active charcoal. the electricity that is purchased for the plant. Product: District cooling. 60 Cleaning of flue gas condensate 60 through limestone additive and Capacity: District heat-driven absorption The plant in Knivsta complexing agent for heavy metals, refrigeration 1.5 MW, cooling tower 40 then precipitation stage plus sand 1 MW, compression refrigerating 40 and charcoal filters. machines 1.3 MW. 80 Solid fuel furnaces 20 Product: District heating Cooling plant Located at Angstrom laboratory. Gas turbine Backup for electricity generation. Capacity and fuel: 8+15 MW wood chips, Ångström 20 Product: Electricity for starting the CHP plant wood residues and bark 0 Product: District cooling. in the case of electrical power cut. Flue-gas cleaning: Dust – electro-filters 1 % Oil (0,9 GWh) Efficiency: Capacity and fuel: 16 MW electricity, light oil. Capacity: District heat-driven absorption 3 % Electricity for pumps and 84 % Conversion 0 fans, etc. (2,0 GWh) 60 Flue-gas cleaning: Additive in the oil results in less refrigeration 2.5 MW, cooling tower 80 % Distribution Oil boilers Peak load and back-up 2.7 MW, compression refrigerating particle formation through more Product: District heating complete combustion. machines 8 MW. Heat loss arises during both production and distribution. Smaller district heating networks and networks with many single family home Capacity and fuel: 14 MW light oil customers have lower efficiency than larger distribution networks. 40 8 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala Safety, health and environment 2015 Safety, health and environment 2015 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala 9


0 Operations in Storvreta – almost no oil in 2015

Key figures for delivered district heating, kg/MWh = g/kWh

2015 2014 2013 2012

CO2 (ETS) 0,04 0 12 13

CO2 (VMK) 9 9 – – NO 0,36 0,7 0,7 0,7 SO2 0,003 <0,003 <0,003 0,004

In Storvreta north of Uppsala, we The carbon dioxide emissions are reported according Fuel and ash to two different systems, as previously in accordance supplied heating generated from with the ETS emissions trading system and also in wood as fuel in 2015. Almost no accordance with the Värmemarknadskommittén (Swedish Heating Market Committee) (VMK). The Fuels in Uppsala There are also wet cleaning stages for the flue gases. oil was needed. latter report is presented in more detail on the The waste is composed of 50 percent household The water from these cleaning stages is treated in Swedish District Heating Association website, waste and 50 percent industrial waste. The majority a process which includes the addition of an organic The heating plant has two 2 MW furnaces fuelled with This data includes not only carbon of the waste comes from , Södermanland and sulphide, which binds heavy metals. The impurities are biomass fuel and an oil furnace in Ärentuna school for dioxide emissions from the plant but also templates Västmanland, but 29 percent was imported 2015 from precipitated as a sludge, which is sent to a hazardous back-up and peak load. Wood pellets are used as fuel, for the emissions of the greenhouse gases methane Great Britain, Ireland, Norway and Aland. waste deposit site. This means that the heavy metals with light oil for backup and peak loads. A large and nitrous oxide, converted into CO2 equivalents. The peat comes in the form of briquettes from that make their way into the installation via waste waterfilled underground rock cavity is used for heat An emissions factor has also been added for the Härjedalen and Belarus. The peat fuel is mixed with are removed from circulation in society. In order for storage and can deliver 8 MW. electricity that is purchased for the plant. wood pellets and wood briquettes. the quantity of heavy metals in waste to be reduced, Fuel Energy supplied Facilities in Storvreta Coal and oil act as back-up fuels in case of delivery products must be manufactured without them, or problems with the normal fuel or unavailability in the those who use items such as batteries and low-energy 100 100 99 % Biofuel (21 GWh) District heating (13,6 GWh) ordinary installations. Oil may also be needed for peak bulbs must recycle them carefully, so that they are not Solid fuel furnaces 0 % Oil load during the very coldest winter days. disposed of with combustible waste. Product: District heating 80 80 Capacity and fuel: 2 x 2 MW wood pellets More than one kind of ash Ash from peat-burning Flue-gas cleaning: Dust – cyclones Ash from waste incineration Peat produces ash that is ideal for constructing roads 60 Waste incineration produces two different types of and other surfaces. We have forest roads in Uppsala 60 Rock cavity Large rock cavity for storage of ash, as well as sludge from water treatment. The first and a jogging circuit in Storvreta where peat ash is hot water type of ash is bottom ash from the furnaces, also used as construction material. The approach ramp in Capacity: 2 x 4 MW storage volume 40 called slag. The metals in the slag are sorted out and Librobäck recycling station is made of peat ash. There 100,000 m3 (can store 5 GWh 40 heat) sent for recycling. The remaining ash is sorted into two are also projects where the peat ash replaces cement, different sizes. The fine fraction is used as a sealant which saves one kilo of carbon dioxide emissions per 20 Ärentuna school Peak load and back-up and the coarse fraction is used as a drainage layer kilo of replaced cement. One of the reasons that ashes Product: District heating 20 when covering landfills. from peat can be used in this way is because lime is Capacity and fuel: 4 MW light oil added in the combustion process in order to bind 0 The other type of ash is fly ash from the flue-gas cleaning. This ash contains material separated from the sulphur. The lime content in the ash makes it hard, but 1 % Electricity for pumps and Efficiency: flue gases and is not suitable for roads, etc. Instead, it is simultaneously light. 0 fans, etc. (0,2 GWh) 85 % Production including rock cavity storage handled at a special land fill site for hazardous waste. 75 % Distribution

10 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala Safety, health and environment 2015 Safety, health and environment 2015 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala 11

District heating in Sweden

Over half of all homes and properties with energy recovery made it possible to reduce the 70 proportion of waste sent to landfill to 0.7 percent are heated using district heating. in 2014. More information about Swedish waste management: 60 District heating is supplied to 270 of Sweden’s 290 municipalities and accounts for half of all heating of Peat as fuel 50 dwellings and other buildings, about 50 TWh per year. A quarter of Sweden’s surface area consists of peat District heating is the main reason why Sweden has (bogs and marshes). Peat is used both for soil improve- We are working towards 40 succeeded in reducing its emissions of greenhouse ment and as a fuel. The annual harvest is less than gases. District heating has doubled in Sweden since 25 percent of annual growth in Sweden. Between 1982, and in the same period, oil in the district heating 0.1 percent and 0.2 percent of the peatlands are used. improved health30 and safety system has been replaced by wood, peat and waste. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Uppsala’s modified fuel consumption is shown on places peat in a category of its own: neither fossil, like 20 page 7. For more information about district heating: oil or coal, nor biomass, like wood. Peat is part of the European system for carbon dioxide trade, but in we have other important tools to identify risks, for "Our goal is that all of our internal 10 Sweden it is approved for a green electricity certifi- example risk assessments, work environment Waste as fuel cate, and is not subject to carbon dioxide tax. Until and external employees work in inspections and internal audits. The graph above from the Swedish Waste Management a common position is adopted as to peat’s possible a safe, healthy and motivating 0 and Recycling Association shows how the treatment of climate impact, we will report carbon dioxide household waste has developed in recent years. The emissions both with and without contributions from environment. Our long-term goal Number of reported accidents/injuries and incidents in Uppsala total volume of household waste is 4.5 million tonnes, peat (see page 5). More information about peat: is for zero injuries and no work or around 466 kg per person per year. Increased Amount recycling, biological treatment and waste incineration related ill-health." 70

Waste as fuel Safety is one of our core values. Vattenfall has a ’Code Household waste in Sweden 1975–2013* of Conduct for Suppliers’ available on our website. 60

Total quantities (tonnes) We are working persistently to reduce risks associ- 3000 ated with working at heights, with mobile parts of 50 machinery, electricity and steam, as well as to prevent 2500 fi res and explosions. As some of our activities take place in environments where there is a lot of traffic, we 40 2000 are also working actively to reduce the risks through, for example, diversions and hi-visibility clothing. 30 1500 For several years we have been spared serious ac- 20 1000 cidents (death or severe disability) and fortunately the trend continued during 2015 as well. Three accidents 500 resulted in sick leave for our entrepreneurs, all of the 10 category fall/stumble. 0 To identify risks and enable us to take preventive 0 measures, we use for instance incident reporting 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 containing information on ’near accidents’. There are accidents incidents Energy recovery through incineration Material recycling Biological treatment Landfill considerably more incidents than accidents, which It is important that a high number of near-accident reports are submitted enables us to institute preventive measures, thereby * so we are able to prevent actual accidents. The statistics include preventing future accidents. Besides incident reports accidents with and without sick leave for employees and contractors.

12 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala Safety, health and environment 2015 Safety, health and environment 2015 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala 13 We are aiming at reducing our impact on the environment

In order to reduce our environmental measure the amount of metals in the storm water for all of our customers, it is possible determines the amount of metal in the ash from and a project is ongoing for a sedimentation for for them to track trends and changes. waste incineration. The mercury content in the impact, we are working on what this water where particles can be separated for - Breaking the tariff into an effect part and an energy waste dropped significantly during the 1990s. we have identified as our significant cleaner water. part will encourage an effect reduction. The need for heat is then reduced even during the coldest An organic sulphide is added and it binds metals environmental aspects. Core Energy efficiency winter days, when oil is used for peak loads. such as mercury and cadmium. The sludge is indicators* for our environmental Total energy turnover - Flow charges benefit larger customers if their district separated through the waste incineration’s water Our total energy turnover can be seen on pages 6, heating units are more efficient than the average. purification treatment. impact are given partly as total con- 9 and 10. It shows the degree of efficiency from - We recommend different types of energy optimisa- sumption and partly as consumption fuel to delivery to the customer. We are working tion adapted to the customer’s situation. We have The sludge and fly ash are considered hazardous systematically on increasing energy efficiency, for skills, expertise and experience to offer, such as waste and treated according to current regulations, per kWh supplied. example through more efficient use of compressed service and heat exchanger replacement, to help which means that leaching from landfills is minimal. air in Uppsala and a new, more energy efficient, customers achieve a high degree of efficiency in Good incineration reduces the content of organic Climate impact compressor in Knivsta. their heating system. matter in fly ash and sludge. See diagram on page 5 for emissions of carbon dioxide and page 6 for emissions per supplied Electricity consumption Heat Uppsala Resource efficiency Biodiversity district heating. Uppsala also has emissions of other Our fuel consumption in Uppsala has refuse as Fuel suppliers can affect the environment and the greenhouse gases. Nitrous oxide emissions (N2O) 55 a basis, which is a waste resource and thereby work environment in different countries. Oil extrac- amount to some 12 tonnes per year, which with a resource-efficient to use instead of other fuels. tion has an environmental impact and there is a risk conversion factor of 290 contributes less than 50 All our fuel consumption is shown on Page 6. of oil spills in connection with transporting oil. Both 1 percent compared with carbon dioxide emissions. the environment and the work environment are

45 Use of finite resources – coal and oil important when cutting peat. We have visited both We also use the coolant R134a which normally Coal is now only used as a back-up fuel, and oil for our Swedish and our Belarusian suppliers to ensure contributes less than one percent compared with 40 very cold weather and in case of interruptions in that the conditions are good enough. We are also carbon dioxide emissions despite the large conver- production. The proportion of oil in our fuel mix is following developments around sustainability criteria sion factor of 1,430. A leakage was discovered at around 3 percent in Uppsala, 1 percent in Knivsta for biomass fuels and make supplier assessments. 35 the regular weighing, 1,420 kg was missing. It and almost 0 percent in Storvreta. represents 2,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equiva- 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Risk of environmental accidents lents which is less than 1 percent of the total Electricity consumption is lower than in previous years, with the Water Instituting preventive measures against accidents emissions of carbon dioxide during 2015. exception of cold years like 2010 when electricity consumption was lower per produced MWh since idling consumption is shared across a For the Uppsala plant we used 528,000 m3 of water such as oil spills and fi res is an important part of large production volume. in 2015 (307 litres per delivered MWh), which is our work. We do this through, for example, mainte- Acidifying emissions to air more than for 2014 and is the result of larger leaks nance, inspections, risk analyses and deviation See diagram on page 5 for emissions of substances Internal electricity consumption that has now been repaired. For Knivsta we used reports. No major accidents occurred during 2015, that produce acidification such as nitrogen oxides For Uppsala we use about 75.7 GWh of electricity 6,070 m3 of water (110 litres/MWh), which was more but a larger leak of cooling media was discovered, and sulphur dioxide, and page 6 for emissions per (44,3 kWh/produced MWh) per year for pumps, than for 2014, also here the result of leaks that has see page 14. district heating supplied. Nitrogen dioxide emissions fans and other equipment, which is lower than the been repaired. For Storvreta we used 3,300 m3 for the Uppsala plants are below the average for previous year and continues the trend of reduced (100 litres/MWh), which was more than 2014 but Risk of disturbances in the local environment Sweden in the nitrogen oxide fee system. More electricity consumption. For Knivsta we use about less than for 2013. We prevent disturbances in the local environment, information about the nitrogen oxide fee is available 1.9 GWh of electricity (43 kWh/produced MWh), and such as dust from peat and ash, by handing fuels at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s for Storvreta we use 0.20 GWh (14 kWh/MWh), Waste and ashes indoors as far as possible. Disturbances website, . which is comparable to the previous year. Scrap metal is sorted from the slag from incinerated can also arise from the odour of waste that is used waste and recycled. Peat ash is recycled for road as a fuel. We prevent this by working proactively in Emissions to water The customer’s energy use also affects the construction. planning deliveries, waste inspections and control- Emissions to water from the flue gas condensing is environment ling air flows in connection with waste treatment. shown on page 16. Also storm water gives emissions Our customers’ energy consumption affects society’s Fly ash and sludge from waste incineration to water from fuel dust and ashes and so on. We use of resources and the degree of emissions. Each year about 10,000 tonnes of fly ash and One complaint was submitted in 2015 regarding Examples of how we contribute to our customers’ sludge are produced from waste incineration. This is the smell from our operations in Boländerna.

* Contact us for more information about our assessment. See the good energy housekeeping are outlined below: about 5 kg per MWh delivered, and does not change The complaint has been answered and the smell back page for contact details. - By providing free energy statistics at Mina Sidor from year to year. The content of metal in the waste disturbance has ceased.

14 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala Safety, health and environment 2015 Safety, health and environment 2015 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala 15 Emissions and environmental permits

The most important substances and emission permits from an environmental point of view, are presented below. Fredrik , Chef Affärs- och verksamhetsutveckling

Air emissions from waste incineration Emission permit Results 2015 Annual average Dust, mg/m3 as daily average, measured 10 No days over 10 0,25 continuously Mercury, μ g/m3, measured twice per year 25 0,02–0,4 Our objectives within safety, μ Some values under Dioxins, g/m3, measured twice per year 0,1 <0,002 the detection limit

Total organic coal, mg/m3, as daily average, 10 No days over 10 0,52 health and the environment measured continuously

Dust is interesting from an environmental perspective Explanation as it can contain both heavy metals and hydrocarbon mg milligram thousandth of a gram Targets 2015 Outcome 2015 Current and future work 2016? (unburned). It is consequently important to keep dust μ g microgram millionth of a gram Work environment and health emissions down. However, mercury is a heavy metal ng nanogram billionth of a gram that is not usually carried in dust and is therefore The goal for production and maintenance in The target was met in part, the relation- At least 10 preventive reports per accident. reported separately. 2015 is at least eight preventive reports per ship was 14,5 for own staff and 3,5 for Increased focus on contractors. accident for own staff and at least six for contractors. contractors. Water emissions from waste incineration Emission permit Results 2015 Reduced environmental impact Mercury kg per year, limit value, 0,5 <0,09 Some values under continuous measurement the detection limit Reduced climate impact by increased wood The target was met: the wood admixture Increased wood admixture to at least 14 percent admixture to at least 13 percent plus the was 18,6 percent plus 6,4 percent from 2016 plus the admixture from the sales of Carbon Lead kg per year, limit value, continuous admixture from the sales of Carbon Neutral the sales of Carbon Neutral Heating and Neutral Heating and Cooling. 12,5 2,6 measurement Heating and Cooling. Cooling. Cadmium kg per year, limit value, 0,75 0,36 Reduced emissions of heavy metals through The project has had difficulties in finding The work continues during 2016. continuous measurement storm water. a place for a sedimentation basin and was delayed. Dioxins ng/l, measured twice per year, 0,1 < 0,005 Some values under target value the detection limit

Reduced internal electricity consumption. The target was met, see page 14. Work continues with increased energy efficiency, During the year a limited number of operational disturbancies occurred, and these were reported to the for example a cooling accumulator and measures for compressed air. environmental authority. A full report on emissions and environmental permits can be found in our environmental report to the authorities, which is available from Vattenfall Heat. Increased resource efficiency through the The target was met, a project has started The work continues during 2016. investigation of opportunities to improve the for building a road with waste slag. quality of the waste slag.

16 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala Safety, health and environment 2015 Safety, health and environment 2015 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala 17 Our contribution to the Environmental terms fulfilling of the Swedish

environmental objectives Sulphur, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen chloride and Dioxin ammonia Dioxins are a group of over 200 different chlorinated These substances cause acidification. It leads to hydrocarbons. Some of the variants are highly toxic. In Reduced Climate Impact Urban environment nutrients leaching out of the ground and metals being principle, dioxin arises in connection with all combustion, Uppsala City Council’s objective is to decrease emissions District heating allows cities and urban areas to provide released that are normally bound. Sulphur emissions where landfill fires are the worst. A single short-lived of greenhouse gases per inhabitant by 50 percent by a good and healthy lifestyle environment and also have decreased throughout the entire country, thanks fire at a landfill site produces more emissions of dioxin 2020 compared with the level in 1990. Vattenfall Heat contribute to a good regional and global environment. to reduced use of coal and oil. Nitrogen oxides are into the air than Heat Uppsala’s waste incineration plant Uppsala has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 33 District heating is ideal as a sustainable form of heating formed in connection with all combustion and affect does in ten years, which is one of the reasons why there percent compared with 1990. Carbon dioxide emissions in cities and urban areas. the environment in four different ways as they lead is a ban on dumping combustible waste on landfills. will be further reduced through our project of replacing to acidification, eutrophication, intensification of the peat with wood primarily when the CHP plant is replaced Air emissions – mercury greenhouse effect and formation of ground level ozone. Heavy metals with a new plant around 2020. We are participating in kg/year Hydrogen chloride is a corrosive gas and together with The heavy metals that have the most effect on the the Uppsala Climate Protocol, which is a collaborative water it forms hydrochloric acid, which is acidifying. environment are mercury, lead and cadmium. They are project started by the for reduced 600 Ordinary salts can form hydrogen chloride in conjunc- naturally present in all animals and plants, but only in climate impact. tion with waste incineration Hydrogen chloride is small quantities. If their content increases unnaturally, 500 removed from flue gas through condensing. Ammonia these heavy metals are highly powerful environmental Fresh air also appears to be acidifying as it easily forms toxins. In Sweden, emissions of many heavy metals The County Administrative Board has stated that the 400 ammonium ions, which are weak acids. have declined substantially in recent years, thanks to greatest source of particle and nitrogen oxide emissions new processing techniques, better cleaning techniques, in Uppsala county is from traffic. Our contribution to 300 Dust a ban on mercury, increased collection of batteries and inner city air particles is at most 0.004 μ g/m3 of the Dust is particles of ash that are released into the air a ban on lead in petrol. The major sources of emissions environmental quality standard 50 per day. For nitrogen 200 from industries and cars. The dust can contain heavy of mercury are crematoriums and chlor-alkali industries. μ oxides, our contribution to inner city air is at most 1.5 metals and hydrocarbon. We clean the flue gases of For cadmium it is the metal industries. Waste incinera- g/m3 of the environmental quality standard 90 per hour. 100 dust using electrostatic filters and fabric filters. The tion in Sweden accounts for less than one percent of dust from waste incineration (fly ash) is hazardous the total air emissions of heavy metals. Only natural acidification 0 waste. Fly ash from peat and wood contains only low Our emissions from acidifying substances have dropped levels of pollutants and can be used, for example, in considerably over the years; see the graphs concerning 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 road building and as a substitute for cement. acidifying substances on page 5. More information • The Swedish Waste Management has Carbon dioxide A Non-Toxic Environment Air emissions – dioxins information about waste handling: 15 Carbon dioxide is a gas that is found naturally in the Our air emissions of mercury and dioxins have been g/year air and is one of the most important substances in dramatically reduced since the 1980s, see the diagrams • Swedish district heating: photosynthesis. However, a distinction is made be- to the right. Our water emissions contribute only a limited 12 tween the amount of carbon dioxide that is part of amount to the transport of heavy metals in the Fyris • Swedish peat production: the natural cycle, and the surplus that arises through River. Our water emissions from the waste incineration’s 9 use of fossil fuels. This surplus intensifies the green- flue gas condensation are reported on page 16. • The Swedish Energy Authority has statistics house effect. The increase that disturbs the balance on energy use in Sweden and information 6 is caused chiefly by traffic and burning of fossil fuels No eutrophication about energy and energy efficiency: such as oil and coal. On the other hand, the amount The Fyris River has a modest ecological status as per of carbon dioxide that arises when biomass fuels are the Swedish Water Framework Directive, which is due to 3 • Energy advice and environmental programmes used is absorbed again by plants. Opinion is divided on the transportation of nitrogen and phosphorous, primarily for the Uppsala Municipality and link to whether peat should be regarded as a biomass fuel from agriculture but also from large and small waste Uppsala Municipality’s Climate Protocol: 0 (slowly renewable) or not. The annual growth of peat water treatment plants. Vattenfall Heat Uppsala’s total in Sweden is greater than its removal, but the peat emissions of nitrogenous substances have been reduced 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 • Follow-up of Sweden’s environmental used can be thousands of years old. Peat moss emits over the years as mentioned above, and are primarily in objectives are available at the form of airborne nitrogen oxides; around 50 tonnes carbon dioxide if there is a supply of air in the peat layers (aerobic conditions). If there is no supply of air per year calculated as nitrogen, or 4 percent of the For more information about Vattenfall, you can (anaerobic conditions), methane gas is produced, which county’s emissions. Water emissions are around five visit our website: tonnes per year calculated as nitrogen, which constitutes is a stronger greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. It is one percent of the total nitrogen emissions into the therefore a fairly difficult equation to sum up the total Fyris River. the climatic impact from peat usage and its combustion.

18 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala Safety, health and environment 2015 Safety, health and environment 2015 Vattenfall Heat Uppsala 19 Heat Uppsala is a business unit in Vattenfall AB. Our major district heating plants in District heating is the largest part of our business Sweden, including subsidiaries1 and our customers are real estate companies, Volume of heat: 4,000 GWh Volume of electricity: 380 GWh housing associations, home owners, industrial and Turnover: MSEK 3,0002 public facilities, such as schools, swimming pools Employees: 400 and libraries. The business covers the entire value Haparanda chain: generation, distribution and sales. We also offer district cooling and steam, with the latter being used in industrial processes. Producing electricity and heat simultaneously delivers a high level of efficiency. Uppsala has Vattenfall’s largest plant for district heating in Sweden.

Ludvika Fagersta Uppsala Drefviken Motala Vänersborg Nyköping

1. Västerbergslagens Energi AB (VB Energi), Gotlands Energi AB (Geab), and Haparanda Värmeverk.

2. This information includes revenues from energy sales (electricity, heating, cooling and steam), and certain other revenues, primarily waste and back- up power.

If you have questions please contact us: Vattenfall Heat Uppsala

Customer enquiries: Vattenfall Customer Service Box 13 SE-880 30 Näsåker, Sweden Telephone: +46 (0)20 82 00 00 Emailt: [email protected]

Visit: Vattenfall Heat Uppsala Bolandsgatan 13 [email protected] 2016, september. Blomquist & Co. 2016, september.