“Whenever and wherever societies have flourished and prospered rather than stagnated and decayed, creative and workable cities have been at the core of the phenomenon” Jane Jacobs

Cork Chamber Submission to the

Cork City Development Plan Initial Public Consultation

July 21st 2020



“…I watch the other rituals of morning: Mr. Halpert unlocking the laundry's handcart from its mooring to a cellar door, Joe Cornacchia's son-in-law stacking out the empty crates from the delicatessen, the barber bringing out his sidewalk folding chair, Mr. Goldstein arranging the coils of wire which proclaim the hardware store is open, the wife of the tenement's superintendent depositing her chunky three-year-old with a toy mandolin on the stoop, the vantage point from which he is learning the English his mother cannot speak. Now the primary children, heading for St Luke's, dribble through to the south; the children for St. Veronica's cross, heading to the west, and the children for P.S. 41, heading toward the east.

Two new entrances are being made from the wings: well dressed and even elegant women and men with brief cases emerge from doorways and side streets. Most of these are heading for the bus and subways, but some hover on the curbs, stopping taxis which have miraculously appeared at the right moment, for the taxis are part of a wider morning ritual: having dropped passengers from midtown to the downtown financial district, they are now bringing downtowners up to midtown.

Simultaneously, numbers of women in housedresses have emerged and as they crisscross with one another they pause for quick conversations that sound with either laughter or joint indignation, never, it seems, anything between. It is time for me to hurry to work too, and I exchange my ritual farewell with Mr. Lofaro, the short, thick-bodied, white-aproned fruit man who stands outside his doorway a little up the street, his arms folded, his feet planted, looking solid as the earth itself. We nod; we each glance quickly up and down the street, then look back to each other and smile. We have done this many a morning for more than ten years. and we both know what it means: All is well.

The heart-of-the-day ballet I seldom see because part of the nature of it is that working people who live there, like me, are mostly gone, filling the roles of strangers on other sidewalks. But from days off, I know enough of it to know that it becomes more and more intricate. Longshoremen who are not working that day gather at the White Horse or the Ideal or the International for beer and conversation. The executives and ·business lunchers from the industries just to the west throng the Dorgene restaurant and the Lion's Head coffee house; meat market workers and communications scientists fill the bakery lunchroom.

Character dancers come on, a strange old man with strings of old shoes over his shoulders. Motor scooter riders with big beards and girlfriends who bounce on the back of the scooters and wear their hair long in front of their faces as well as behind. Drunks who follow the advice of the Hat Council and are always turned out in hats, but not hats the Council would approve. Mr. Lacey, the locksmith, shuts up his shop for a while and goes to exchange the time of day with Mr. Slube at the cigar store. Mr. Koochagian, the tailor, waters the luxuriant jungle of plants in his window, gives them a critical look from the outside, accepts

2 a compliment on them from two passers-by, fingers the leaves on the plane tree in front of our house with a thoughtful gardener's appraisal, and crosses the street for a bite at the Ideal where he can keep an eye on customers and wigwag across the message that he is coming. The baby carriages come out, and clusters of everyone from toddlers with dolls to teenagers with homework gather at the stoops.

When I get home after work, the ballet is reaching its crescendo. This is the time of roller skates and stilts; and tricycles, and games in the lee of the stoop with bottletops and plastic cowboys; this is the time of bundles and packages. zigzagging from the drug store to the fruit stand and back over to the butcher's; this is the time when teenagers, all dressed up are pausing to ask if their slips show or their collars look right; this is the time when beautiful girls get out of MG's; this is the time when the fire engines go through; this is the time when anybody you know around Hudson Street will go by.

As darkness thickens and Mr. Halpert moors the laundry cart to the cellar door again, the ballet goes on under lights, eddying back and forth but intensifying at the bright spotlight pools of Joe's sidewalk pizza dispensary, the bars, the delicatessen, the restaurant and the drug store. The night workers stop now at the delicatessen, to pick up salami and a container of milk. Things have settled down for the evening but the street and its ballet· have not come to a stop.”

Jane Jacobs the Death and Life of Great American Cities, 1961.



Cork Chamber represents 1,200 members employing over 100,000 people and is the largest business representative body in the Southern Region. Our vision is for Cork to be the best place for business and to do this our mission is to empower a thriving and influential membership.

Cork Chamber welcomes the opportunity to make a submission on the Cork City Development Plan. This submission is focused on positioning Cork as an area of exemplary economic resilience, by mobilising our metropolitan area to differentiate itself internationally through the lens of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Metropolitan Cork area is the most productive and efficient economy of scale in the Southern Region and as such, is well positioned to deliver significant value and growth to the national economy.

As an added nuance, our submission is influenced by the current pandemic where appropriate throughout. While we recognise that strategic planning is about setting a long term vision, the current pandemic has certainly heightening the senses around critical areas, such as mobility and safety, and it is likely that this sentiment and legacy will remain to a greater or lesser degree throughout the lifetime of the plan.

As with the whole of our work, this submission has been guided by our commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Five specific goals have been identified by the Chambers Ireland network, which we actively advocate for throughout our daily workflow:


Our submission contains a major and significant appendix, our Sustainable Cork Programme ‘Building Economic Resilience’ report which sets out a vision for recovery set by almost 1,000 people who engaged in our survey and 10 sectoral Think Tank focus groups. This report is also linked here: https://issuu.com/chamberlink/docs/10749_sustainable_cork_research_findings_05- web?fr=sYTE4NDEzNDg0MTc

The future for Cork, as envisioned by the National Planning Framework (NPF) and supported by the Regional, Spatial and Economy Strategy (RSES) is key to the ambitions of the Southern Region and the country as a whole. As a metropolitan area, Cork has a larger population than the other major cities in the region combined and is predicted to grow in population significantly over the next 30 years. Cork’s advantages such as its harbour, coastline, global economic clusters, international connectivity (port, airport and digital infrastructure), road infrastructure, health infrastructure, water infrastructure, energy infrastructure, population base, world leading higher education institutions, skills, culture and quality of life provide a strong platform to achieve the goals as outlined in the NPF. While acknowledging that Cork has all the necessary credentials to provide a solid foundation for the anticipated growth of both the City and County area, the provision of adequate fully serviced development land capacity within the metropolitan area and a clear strategy to accommodate forecasted growth is critical to the achievement of this national ambition.


Through continued investment, aided by a strong development plan, there is an opportunity to ensure that Cork not only meets its targets but continues to outperform other city regions. Infrastructure provision and progressive placemaking will be critical in realising this goal.

Cork Chamber supports enhanced inter and intra-regional connectivity with investments such as the M20, M28, N22 and Dunkettle Interchange critical to this. In the metropolitan area there is a tremendous opportunity to enhance sustainable transport patterns by delivering on the Cork Metropolitan Area Transport (CMATS). This can be supported further through balanced investment in the broader metropolitan area, ensuring the goal of reducing sprawl by utilising existing brownfield sites and by promoting placemaking and sustainable communities.

The recent Covid-19 measure have demonstrated the importance of the public realm in planning and ensuring that people can continue to social distance whilst returning to pre-coronavirus economic activity. The multiple pedestrianisation, cycle and outdoor dining initiatives undertaken by City Council have created the positivity and national profile that can only be achieved by genuinely progressive action on the ground. It is clear that Cork’s success throughout the lifetime of this plan, will be based on our ability to deliver credible, quality-of-life focussed. Creating a holistic and connected approach to placemaking and transport will be key to meeting sustainability and environmental targets.

Cork also has a large role to play in the climate resilience of the country with its natural energy resources and large renewable energy production capacity. We note that the objectives of the RSES is to support and seek to strengthen these assets which should be robustly supported development plan.

Settlements, Placemaking and Housing Delivery

The housing crisis is demanding significant growth in the delivery of housing and this must be provided in a way that meets the needs of a growing population but also achieves the goals of the NPF of sustainability, placemaking and reducing urban sprawl. The Urban and Rural regeneration fund set up under the The National Development Plan 2018– 2027 provides €1 billion towards rural projects and €2 billion for urban projects. Construction will be key to the economy and encouraging

6 the construction of housing will play a major part in this. The availability of living accommodation above businesses can form a key part of ensuring people have affordable properties to rent or purchase and can remain in their own towns. Over the course of the development plan community focus will be essential to ensure that social housing, affordable housing, and private housing is seamlessly integrated and harmonious.

Infrastructure service providers are independent silo-based agencies and semi state service providers with a national remit, centralized budget control and very significant and disparate funding demands. Their list of investment priorities and service delivery programs may be very different to those of the Cork region. The coordinated and timely delivery of such services has significant impacts on the development consent process which can result in developments being refused on the basis of being premature, due to these services deficits. For example, the delivery of facilities such as wastewater treatment can be very difficult to deliver because of planning and environmental constraints. The timeframe for the design and delivery of such facilities as providing or upgrading a wastewater treatment plant can extend upwards of five years. Therefore, a coordinated approach to funding and delivering each of the required services on a targeted “growth areas” wide basis needs to be addressed. There needs to be close liaison, and concerted agreement, between the Council and these agencies Irish Water (IW), Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), the NTA, Bus Eireann, Iarnrod Eireann, ESB, Gas, National Broadband, LDA, IDA and EI to ensure that these areas are not just planned growth areas, but areas where growth is delivered on.

While we note that it is not within the gift of a spatial plan to address this challenge, it is clear that better funding, wider discretionary spend, proactive infrastructural investment decisions and structured dialogue, must be agreed upon if the aims of the plan are to be fully realised. A forum for agreeing priorities among infrastructural and local stakeholders could be a useful mechanism and the functioning of CORE. The Dunkettle Interchange Traffic Management Forum is a microcosm of how this collaborative approach can be very effective.

As we transition from Covid-19, it will be necessary to adhere to social distancing measures to ensure the economy restarts in a meaningful way, whilst meeting the requirements of restricting the

7 spread of the virus. This can be achieved by reimagining and reengineering our existing public spaces and creating an adaptive environment. The recent lockdown and movement restrictions show the importance of planning the public realm in a way that meets the needs of citizens to live and work in their locality. Creating spaces which promote cycling and walking in a safe way have significant benefits, not only for individuals in reducing obesity and other health related issues, but also the economy. People who utilise these forms of transport spend significantly more than their car bound counterparts. They require less space to store their bikes and the infrastructure required can be installed quickly and cheaply. Leveraging existing and planned greenways and cycleways to extend the safe passageway for cyclists and walkers will make Cork more enticing to visitors and encourage active and sustainable tourism.

A City Rising

Our City is absolutely pivotal in the fabric of Cork life and ensuring success will require bold short- term action and long term thinking in the face of the current crisis. It is not possible to address the almost infinite number of functions that the City provides, yet in the following section we set out some points which are key to Chamber members.

Getting people safely into our City and making it possible to adhere to social distancing requirements is achievable within the existing space, but this space needs to be redefined. To attract footfall, first and foremost, the City Centre must be a place where people want to spend their free time. To achieve this is we must have an exemplary people focussed environment. The pandemic has shown that both work and consumerism can function very well online. As such the decision to spend time in any urban location that does not also have a residential aspect is increasingly discretionary. Towns and cities that do not have residents, or that fail to be attractive destinations may not see a return to credible levels of footfall.

The Development Plan must actively support the development of brownfield residential development, not just of signature landmark sites such as the docklands and Tivoli, but through the city core and suburbs. Fine grain brownfield accommodation will be required to enliven the city, bring people to the streets, and add colour life and vibrancy. Developers and investors should be

8 able to identify opportunities and bring them in an entrepreneurial manner to the City planning Department. A brace of apartments where a commercial building has stood idle, a terrace of slight houses, a large-scale complex where there was once a large retail unit. There should be flexibility regarding tenure and typology. Making projects commercially viable may require blends of office, accommodation, and other uses. No two projects are the same and the development plan should encourage dynamism.

A City that is home to two universities in UCC and the MTU must take every step to encourage their development and strength as centres of education, diversity and economic activity. The evolution of both campuses will continue to present momentum, and this must be catered to. In addition, student accommodation will need to be continually strengthened and developed further.

The plan should support bold architecture that caters to tiny details and specificity of place as well as to large signature statement pieces. It is better to have developments that inspire debate than to encourage monotonous forms. The plan should encourage an appropriate number of high-rise developments which can be signature pieces for the City that add a truly contemporary aspect for generations to come. Heritage must be respected and preserved where possible, yet adapted and enhanced where appropriate. As ever, subjectivity will remain strong, but the plan should seek to encourage rather than inhibit the appropriate adaptation of heritage buildings and aspects, ensuring that they are actively used and functional as a leading principal.

The development of new commercial and office space will continue throughout the lifetime of this plan. As preferences continue to evolve, it is clear that the plan should support the evolution of the workplace. Co-working spaces and high-quality spaces for SME’s must be catered to as well as the development of large floorplate offerings. In parallel the plan should be supportive of retrofit of existing offices spaces to ensure they are fit for contemporary use.

Amending the public realm to accommodate cycling and walking will help with the return of vibrancy, encourage spending and attract tourism. It is both functional and recreational. Improvements to the public realm are considered important in creating a sense of place. The Cork Cycle Network Plan and CMATS already provide a roadmap to the cycleways in development and

9 planned for the future of Cork. We now have an opportunity to bring these projects forward and stand amongst the great regions of the world who are also taking this opportunity to meet the challenges of the 21st century and deliver them now. Much can be done before the formalisation of the Plan, but the Plan must set the framework to continue this good work.

Public realm extends beyond the facilitation of mobility and the provision of casual and formal spaces for recreation must be a clear focal point for this plan. Seating and planting must be enhanced throughout the City, pocket parks and parklets should be encouraged and provided and the existing parks should be upgraded and refined. Green roofs also offer a potential for enhanced biodiversity, noise and water attenuation, cleaner air and recreational sanctuary. The plan should support the adaptation of any property that can be retrofitted in this regard and actively promote this in any new build.

Indigenous planting, enhanced biodiversity and afforestation targets should clearly be set out in the plan. It should be supported by all new build developments, and ambitious targets should be set for retrofitting greenery throughout the metropolitan area.

While outdoor recreation is highly valued, it alone is not sufficient in dealing with our varied weather, seasonal changes and individual preferences. The plan must support all manner of developments from gyms, to indoor pitches, to rock climbing or an Olympic pool.

The plan must provide a strong policy context to support street art, paint and graffiti which will naturally complement the brilliant legacy already being set by the placemaking fund. It is essential that art is woven throughout our City as well as in our galleries and is a hallmark of Cork for years to come. The plan must also continue to provide strong policy context to support the development of the Events Centre, , and any other cultural institution that seeks to enhance and evolve its contribution to City life.

Retail and hospitality provide that literal shop window for those enjoying our City streets and a thriving retail and hospitality sector is essential to the attractiveness of the City. From the multiple indigenous shopfronts, bars and restaurants to the hotels and large retail chains – each has a role to

10 play. It is essential that the development plan is supportive of this sector and seeks to encourage footfall by creating an experience that is fundamentally enjoyable for all. Bars and restaurants must have access to the streets, people must be the focus, and the environment in which these businesses operate must be softened and improved.

City and town centres will play a vital role in the County’s economic recovery when Covid-19 restrictions begin to ease. The proposed Retail centre in East Cork will provide a massive challenge to achieving these goals as it will encourage people away from our city and towns and into their cars. At a time when people need to be encouraged into our urban centres a retail unit drawing them away will have a detrimental effect to recovery and would appear to be the anthesis of the aims of the RSES and the NPF. An effective joint retail strategy is essential for Cork. We would encourage the council to look at alternatives such as enhancements to our existing retail streetscapes.

The lack of public toilets in Cork is an anomaly that must be dealt with and that is bizarre and almost without comparison in an international perspective. It is a wider issue that also extends to multiple tourism and outdoor locations throughout Cork. The City should also provide for safe places for the use of drugs to provide a safe space for addicts, offering some semblance of dignity, and removing this activity from the streets.

The Chamber is ready as ever to work with the Council to ensure Government provides appropriate levels of support for the Council, property owners and businesses to contribute to the improvement of the public realm and streetscapes of local towns and village particularly in those areas of the County identified for growth.

Transport and Mobility

One of the principal objectives of the Chamber is to put in place the essential infrastructure to achieve a step-change in the use of public transport, to secure a transition to a low-carbon economy and to ensure that our transport infrastructure continues to unlock the economic potential of Cork. The Cork transport network must transform over the next number of years through the application of CMATS including the planned upgrades to the Dunkettle Interchange and the planned works on the Ringaskiddy N28 and Cork to Limerick M20. The Cork north ring road is also part of the overall


M20 project. Although these projects are overdue and necessary from a transport and logistical perspective, it is evident that the car cannot be the predominant method of transport for the people of Cork and we need to look to other solutions.

CMATS includes significant bus and rail infrastructure and this will further enhance the attractiveness of towns positioned to benefit. Walking and cycling reduce the amount of vehicular traffic on the road and also provide benefits to both the individual and society. To encourage more people to consider this there is a need to provide a safe infrastructure within which people can commute to work either through walking or cycling solely or as part of a mixed use of the public transport network. CMATS makes provision for improvements to this infrastructure which we believe could be implemented quickly in a low-cost way through temporary barriers similar to those introduced in Dublin on the quays. Additionally, the connection of existing planned greenways can help create viable and safe cycling and walking links between urban and rural locations. Improving these pathways to cater for both cyclists and walkers will encourage more users.

To be clear, cycling and walking are not a sole panacea for traffic congestion, but the benefits outweigh the costs and can relieve pressure on our public transport, while creating a more enjoyable environment for us all. For far too long, Cork has essentially been a one trick pony when it comes to transport. Investment would be timely in light of the requirement for continued social distancing and the restrictions on space within buses and trains. While the pandemic must surely be behind us at the point of commencement of this Plan, the lessons learned must be capitalised on to robustly enshrine and progress the plans already well set out and agreed in CMATS.

Advances in technology also mean that the bike can be motorised with electric pedal assistance and therefore it will be increasingly appealing to a broad spectrum of people. The Council can use this opportunity to rebrand the bike as a tool, not only for fitness and leisure pursuits, but as a viable part of the transport mix. Cork is not disadvantaged in comparison with other cities in Europe where this mode of transport is far more ubiquitous and just requires the leadership of the council to be successful. We note the ongoing work of the TMF in this regard. The importance of transport infrastructure to the growth plans of Cork indicate that it would be highly beneficial for the NTA to have a Cork office focussed on delivery in complement to the work of the Council.


Finally, we would encourage the City to plan for reduced speed limits in the city and urban centres of 30kph. This is the safest way to ensure all users of the road and path networks can be accommodated within existing infrastructure. It enhances safety, reduces noise and pollution, and helps our urban areas to be pleasant locations for trade and amenity alike. Continued focus on traffic calming measures, such as islands, rumbles strips, speed tables, radar speed signs and other comparable forms of infrastructure throughout the City and urban areas should be considered to encourage motorists to adjust to a more considerate speed. This is another area in which Cork can be a leader.

Waterways form an integral part of transport infrastructure in cities around the world and Cork has the advantage of being home to the second largest natural harbour in the world. By virtue of the fact that many of the Cork’s key commuter hubs and employment areas are located in the harbour area, it would be remiss of this development plan to not afford due consideration to a study of water- based transport options. CMATS states that “waterborne transport may perform a role for facilitating certain movements and support of the Strategy. It is envisaged that these will come forward and be delivered on a commercial basis.” The plan should commit undertaking a thorough investigation into the viability of water-based transport solutions in collaboration with the County as a means of easing traffic congestion and reducing reliance on cars throughout the City Region.

Economy and Employment

The predicted population growth in Cork will be driven by an influx of talented people encouraged by all that our natural, social and economic environment has to offer. Economic resilience is key and building on existing strengths requires us to look to embedded sectors with the same enthusiasm and facilitative environment that created our economy in the first place. We cannot be complacent about what we already have, nor about what we may achieve with strategic planning.

Cork has built an international reputation and track record as a location for attracting and sustaining large scale indigenous and foreign direct investment in advanced manufacturing sectors such as biopharmaceutical, medical technologies, ICT and food technology. These manufacturing sectors

13 remain a cornerstone of the Cork regional economy providing high quality jobs and sustaining a large network of supporting businesses.

A major factor in Cork’s success in attracting manufacturing FDI has been the availability of high- quality serviced lands in strategic city environ locations, in particular, Ringaskiddy, Little Island and Carrigtwohill. However, the success of these locations has inevitably led to a reduction in the number of viable greenfield sites now available for new investment. Challenges in terms of access (eg Little Island, Ringaskiddy and Carrigtwohill, Ballyadam) and the availability of key utilities to support new, large industry are also coming under pressure. Increased competition from other Irish regions seeking to attract manufacturing FDI in the high-tech manufacturing sectors has also intensified over the past decade.

As part of the plan development, it is suggested that a strategic review be undertaken of how the plan can specifically support the future growth of the manufacturing sectors and in particular the established clusters of life science, ICT and food technology in the greater Cork region. A review of the quantum, status and suitability of greenfield or suitable large-scale brownfield lands available for short, medium and long term industrial development should inform a road map for re-establishing Cork as the location of choice for high tech manufacturing.

A vibrant indigenous and innovation culture, also benefits from cross integration of industries and specialists incubation centres such the Rubicon in and the Ludgate Hub in Skibbereen. The continued support for co-working hubs within the City and in metropolitan locations will be important as both companies and people seek flexible ways to accommodate changed preferences and ways of working.

In addition, the green economy will help to make Cork’s economy more resilient in the future and supporting green initiatives now will make Cork an attractive destination for potential talent. To this end, through the process of creating the CDP, the Council should closely monitor the evolution of the EU Green Deal which will yield significant funding opportunities for those best positioned and aligned to EU goals.


Concepts such as the 15 minute city and doughnut economics must be actively explored and promoted in the plan. These are not new concepts, at best they have been refreshed and repackaged, but most importantly they have been re-energised. The prologue of this submission sets out the beauty of getting this right and was written 60 years ago.


Tourism is a critical sector to Cork and in addition to the existing unique selling points such as the Ireland’s Ancient East corridor, Wild Atlantic Way Corridor and Ireland’s Maritime Paradise, there is an opportunity through the advancement of the greenways and blueways to encourage the market for active and sustainable tourism to add further market diversification to our tourism offer. Why not create a greenway linking Cobh to Midleton and onwards to Cork? Or link the Youghal Greenway onwards to Dungarvan? The Lee To Sea plan is enticing. There are huge opportunities for the taking over the lifetime of this Development Plan. Additionally, an underutilised resource for the purposes of tourism is the natural harbour and the river that runs through out City, both of which are prime for enhancement of water-based activities and facilities. Cork should look to replicate the success of the wild Atlantic way with a dedicated cycle and walking path of the harbour taking in the amazing beaches, inlets, woodlands, towns and City Centre. The proposed maritime museum at the Port of Cork would be an obvious City Centre focal point.

Environment and Climate Change

The recent extreme weather events have highlighted the impact of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) on our country and we must expedite adaptation and mitigation measures for communities to cope with the reality of these becoming more frequent in the future. There is an evident desire amongst the people of Cork to deal with these issues as recent climate marches have shown and now is an opportunity to promote more climate friendly and sustainable modes of living. In the Anthropocene age we must acknowledge that we more likely require adaptation rather than mitigation measures to counteract the harmful effects of climate change to our country. Limiting warming global temperatures to within 1.5 degrees requires a decrease of CO2 emissions to fall by approximately 45% from 2010 levels by 2030. We recently lent our support to the City Climate Adaptation Strategy

15 and continue to support this work but mitigation must be equally prioritised within the Development Plan.

Cork accounts for 13% of Ireland’s wind energy generation. Cork is also a hub for marine renewables (tidal and wave rider tech), and solar PV. Solar PV has the potential to generate a very significant portion of Ireland’s target for renewable electricity and the recent RESS announcement has benefitted multiple Cork sites. Cork has a unique strength in the area of energy production for the country and with renewable energy we can be a leader in the country in the provision of renewables through wind and solar. However, although the appetite for wind and solar is well proven by the volume of planning applications in the county, the development plan must also cater to the wide range of technologies that may become viable over the coming years. Hydrogen, anaerobic digestion, waste to energy, gas injection facilities, and our ever critical gas and electrical transmission systems must be progressively supported in the plan. Given the focus on density and community, district heating must also be firmly supported.

In terms of planning for waste treatment requirements to 2040, the National Planning Framework’s National Strategic Outcome 9 – Sustainable Management of Water and other Environmental Resources, expressly provides that this will require Waste to Energy (WtE) facilities which treat the residual waste that cannot be recycled in a sustainable way delivering benefits such as electricity and heat production.

The issue of waste merits further discussion. In light of a growing population and the associated greater volumes of waste, an identified policy need for further progress towards self-sufficiency due to the continued dependency on the waste export market and more ambitious waste legislative targets contained in the Circular Economy Package, there is now a vital need for additional strategic waste treatment capacity in the Southern Region as underlined in the National Planning Framework and which is necessary if the region is to grow and expand in an environmentally sound and circular manner. By supporting models of a suitable scale for urban deployment, the City should aim to play its part by supporting facilities such as anaerobic digestion which offer a step towards economic circularity and energy resilience.


Green spaces and planting of trees should be prioritised given the proven benefits of both in the reduction of GHG emissions and the health benefits. Another area of mitigation is sustainable transport methods such as cycling and walking in addition to public transport which we have dealt with throughout this document. This is an area of mitigation where the Development Plan can have a strong impact on the category of emissions that is second only to agriculture emissions in Ireland. Transport emissions are the number two contributor to Ireland’s overall GHG emissions and we need to continue our efforts to transition our public vehicles to more sustainable sources of fuel such as electricity and hydrogen. We must also provide for the rollout of electrical car charge points throughout the City region. While this is obvious, policy support will nonetheless be required. Additionally, planning for this type of infrastructure is a key element of placemaking and making Cork a more attractive proposition for those planning to visit or move to Cork.

The All-Ireland pollinator plan and the value of indigenous planting must be emphasised in this plan which will be a cornerstone not just for spatial planning but for the detail that is added to specific planning applications thereafter. A concerted effort must be made to introduce indigenous planting throughout the City immediately and throughout the duration of this plan.

Maritime Cork

The Port of Cork is the key seaport in the South of Ireland and is one of the only two Irish ports which service the requirements of all six shipping modes i.e. lift on, lift off, roll on, roll off, liquid bulk, dry bulk, break bulk and cruise. The ongoing Port of Cork Redevelopment Project in the Lower Harbour will form an extension to the existing facilities that the Port currently operates in Ringaskiddy. It is enabling the Port to facilitate larger vessels and ensuring long term international competitiveness. The Port of Cork Ringaskiddy Redevelopment Project (new Container Terminal) is already proving its worth as a strategic investment with new transatlantic shipping route recently established. In the context of the current pandemic and the shifting sands of Brexit, the Port's ongoing investment in the €80 million Cork Container Terminal in Ringaskiddy is already proving visionary and purposeful.


The port is ideally positioned for further investment with the development of a new container terminal it will overcome the existing physical constraints in handling larger vessels and increasing the ability of the port to adapt activities to match current international requirements. Among other things, the port redevelopment will enhance the ability of Cork to maximise the potential for increased sea freight direct to mainland Europe post Brexit. It will catalyse and influence wider regional development, including the development of the tourism sector, the Cork Docklands at Tivoli and Marino Point. In doing so it will grow Cork’s recreational and housing capacity.

In complement, the M28 is a strategic national primary route serving the EU TEN-T core transport network, of which the Port of Cork is part. The criticality of this route to the continued resilience and growth potential of the life sciences cluster cannot be overstated. The M28 is a critical component for unlocking the full potential of the Port of Cork, industry and IDA strategic land holdings, and the City Centre and must be firmly recognised as a critical piece of national infrastructure to be completed within the lifetime of this development plan.

The Cork area is also home to the Irish Maritime and Energy Research Cluster (IMERC) in Ringaskiddy, which is a branded partnership between (UCC), Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) and the Irish Naval Service (INS). The partnership focuses on the co-located assets, services and supports of the National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI, CIT), the Beaufort building housing the SFI Centre for Marine and Renewable Energy (MaREI, UCC) and the Irish Naval Service base at Haulbowline. The IMERC partnership focuses on education, research, innovation, and clean technology, and supports the potential co-location of over 40 companies at this clustering location.

The vision of the IMERC partners is to promote Ireland as a world-renowned research and development location that unlocks Ireland’s maritime and energy potential. IMERC was established by the partners in 2010 with the focus on addressing global research and commercial opportunities in the maritime and marine energy sectors.

Given the extensive financial services sector in the City, the current growth of the Port and the rich and unique maritime heritage of Cork, the concept of an international shipping services centre

18 should continue to be supported as a potential USP for continued inward and indigenous investment.

In short, the lower harbour has unique existing assets, and the future of the lower harbour and city centre are inextricably linked from both an economic and developmental perspective. The Plan should be supportive and facilitative of this complementarity and the opportunity that it can yield for all of Cork.


There is a considerable opportunity for this development plan to pave the way for greater social, economic and community resilience for Cork. Our submission is grounded in countless surveys, conversations, meetings formal and informal inputs, the strategic direction of our Partners, our Board, our Public Affairs Council, and our SPC representatives. Most significantly it is also grounded in the Sustainable Cork Programme: Building Economic Resilience Report which is attached as a significant section and not as a secondary appendix.

We thank Cork City Council for the opportunity to contribute and look forward to engaging further as the Plan continues to develop. We urge that every opportunity to be dynamic, responsible, inspiring, and responsible is taken in the development of the next draft.


Building Economic Resilience 2 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME


Foreword 03 Executive Summary 04 Business and the Sustainable Development Goals 08 Sectoral Think Tanks 11 Life Sciences & Manufacturing 12 ICT & Digital Economy 16 Tourism, Hospitality, Leisure & Retail 20 Culture, Arts, Community & Media 24 Built Environment 28 Agriculture, Food & Drinks 32 Education & Training 36 Transport, Energy & Maritime 40 Services including Financial 44 Health 48 Imagineer Your City, Your County: Survey findings 52 Participating Organisations 56 Glossary of Acronyms & Terms 58 BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 3


At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic the Chamber board and team committed to doing everything possible to ensure that the resilience and continuity of business was upheld throughout this crisis. To do this we initiated the Sustainable Cork Programme, to refine and focus our activities on building economic resilience through the lens of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

This report, was initiated to understand, sector by sector what recovery means to the business people of Cork. Through ten sectoral Think Tank discussions chaired by ten members of the Board, and an open public survey, almost 1,000 people took the time to share their views. What we found was a clear and stunningly progressive vision of a better Cork.

Deep and wide ranging state supports are essential to minimise the economic devastation being caused by COVID-19 and this is understanding is deeply embedded in the day to day activity of the Chamber and the companies of which it comprises. Yet despite the intense and acute need to keep books balanced and people in work, in the creation of this report, the discussion passionately and relentlessly turned to the future vision of Cork.

Across each of our ten sector groups the same themes emerged time and time again. Better public and sustainable transport infrastructure. The delivery of Project Ireland 2040. The quickened rollout of the National Broadband Plan. More people living in the heart of our city and towns. Flexible working. Enhancement and protection of ecology, from the planting of trees to wildflower verges. Real equality for people of any gender, race or background. Childcare. Competitiveness and talent attraction. Focus on our international reputation and our approach to international markets.

Sound familiar? In 2019, over 1,000 students joined us and our partners in the Glucksman to set out their vision by creating art. They created the same, green, vibrant, happy and equal Cork through paint and sculpture that has now been described by the business and wider community in the creation of this report.

It is entirely possible and within our gift to make this vision a reality. There is a role for everyone in this, communities, businesses and Government to relentlessly pursue this vision. There is no shortage of vision or plans for Cork. Now our focus must be on delivery or we will fade to irrelevance.

There is one question this report cannot satisfactorily answer: What are we waiting for?

Thanks to the Chamber team and Sustainable Cork Programme Lead Michelle O’Sullivan for bringing this report from ideation to reality.

Conor Healy Paula Cogan Cork Chamber CEO Cork Chamber President


Executive Summary

The Sustainable Cork Programme was » Business commitment and Cork commitment initiated in May 2020, at the height to support local, grow global of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Designed » Affordable and accessible childcare to set a vision for a more sustainable and resilient Cork, empowered by » Delivery on establised Government strategies namely Project Ireland 2040, the National a thriving business community and Planning Framework, Cork Metropolitan Area framed through the powerful lens Transport Strategy, National Broadband Plan, of the UN Sustainable Development Urban Regeneration and Development Fund and Goals, the programme has been Rural Regeneration and Development Fund. activated across every strand of The sectoral Think Tanks were followed with a Chamber activity. The initial phase public survey titled ‘Imagineer Your City, Your focused on exploring the sectoral County’ to which over 800 responses were challenges and opportunities for received. The survey asked for views on the a sustainable, strong recovery, in future vision for Cork in the next 5, 10 and 30 parallel with a discussion on a vision years. for Cork. The survey asked the questions “What do you want to see more of? What differentiates Cork In June 2020, Cork Chamber hosted 10 sectoral when it comes to living and working here? What Think Tank discussions and this document will be the biggest changes to our daily lives by presents the richness of these progressive 2030, and by 2050? If you were given one wish findings, highlighting the unique sectoral to shape Cork’s development by 2050, what activities and priorities identified by each group would that be?” The answers offer direction as to and the great commonalities between them. how Cork could be shaped as it develops, where Namely businesses call for: we could excel and how we could differentiate. When asked how Cork will look by 2050, 43% » Sustained support post Covid-19 of respondents highlight remote working as the » Climate action, Government policy certainty norm and 42% choose public transport as the and support for climate innovation number one choice for commuting. 25% presume our towns will be connected with cycling, » Support to transition business skills, activities, walking, greenways and blueways, and that the production models and materials city will have more planting, trees, green spaces » A living City region with a connected, and amenity areas within 1km of home. integrated public and sustainable transport With responses across the board highlighting network to support sustainable development, the importance of climate action, connected and affordable accomodation public transport, quality of life, affordable » Support for cluster and innovation hubs accommodation, and the opportunities for a Living City region, a picture is painted of the Cork » Early education and role models as a key pillar that people want to live in, work in and enjoy. of societal and workplace inclusion and diversity A picture very similar to the broad spectrum asks of the Cork business community. » Support for remote and flexible working BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 5

As an economy we are just now emerging from Cork as a leader, was the resounding note the initial Covid-19 pandemic shock. Many echoed in each Think Tank. As a location of businesses will not reopen, many have pivoted scale, with a thriving and diverse business their operations to survive, and for many 2020 community, world class research and educational has effectively been written off. Supporting institutes and a growing population, we have the businesses to reopen and stay open, supporting opportunity to get it right. Being a leader must livelihoods and communities is the minimum be broader than any one area of expertise, we baseline for a resilient recovery. Meanwhile must support each other for a strong, diverse and climate change and Brexit are the challenging multi-pronged economy and society. backdrop to this recovery. While working tirelessly to solve the problems of today, we must The USPs of a quality location for investment and also keep sight of our strategic plan. Without skills are those that create a location which are this foresight we will drift from firefighting to enlivened with culture, arts and community, are uncompetitiveness. When this foresight is mixed designed to support active and healthy lifestyles, with delivery it becomes a potent combination that nourish communities and creativity, embrace that catalyses our long term resilience. 6 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

synergies, that support inclusion and diversity, Crystalising from the Think Tank sessions is the that innovate within and across disciplines, that interest in the circular economy, and production support individuals and nurture families to enjoy models. This production model moves away from the richness of their surrounds. Skills no longer linear production of take, make, dispose. follow the job, the job follows the skills. A circular model is a shift away from single use, it looks at the full lifecycle focusing on the materials Climate action, innovation, skills and training and designs that support renewal, reuse, repair, feature strongly. The appetite to transition to a upgrade or refurbishment. low carbon, to net zero carbon economy is there right across the board. This must be met with The power of clusters, of creating platforms to practical support and interventions, and policy innovate, create and be disruptive came to the certainty from Government. Certainty is key. fore. This was prominent for climate innovation, Business needs to chart its course, and navigate life sciences, energy, construction materials and in that direction with purpose, and ambition. building innovation right across the board.

As a region, we can lead. Cork can be a location From a Culture, Arts, Community and Media of excellence, to flatten our climate curve. Think Tank perspective, the development of The opportunity exists in Cork to identify a Cork Cultural Innovation Hub, providing a Cork Climate Action Goals and there is a role location for artists to meet, to collaborate and for business, Government, communities and to grow their skills, and to innovate could be individuals in achieving this. Setting regional a real differentiator for Cork nationally and goals and being supported in the transition to internationally. achieve these could be pivotal. As a City region proud of its culture, arts and BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 7

heritage, an innovation hub would benefit up and domestic visitors and their importance from a coming artists, to established artists. Broadening living city, quality of life perspective. The Cork STEM to STEAM (Science, Technology, Events Centre is pivotal and must be delivered. Engineering, Arts and Maths) also featured Government must support City and town renewal in Think Tank sessions, in its opportunity to and this must be a commitment now and for the broaden the cross disciplinary interactions and longer term. collaborations. Social enterprises, their value in supporting communities and addressing social, As a business community, we must support local, and environmental issues carry an important to grow global. role in identifying societal needs and building Government must deliver on established resilience at community level. Their importance Government strategies namely Project Ireland was emphasised as a catalyst of social, 2040 which when delivered will support strong environmental and economic resilience from communities, livelihoods and a resilient Ireland grassroots up. across economy, environment, society and The opportunities for remote and flexible working community. to increase workplace participation and inclusion, The National Planning Framework, Cork supported by enabling progressive workplace Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy, National policies. The national broadband plan, in tandem Broadband Plan, Urban Regeneration and with a strong national strategy on regional co- Development Fund and Rural Regeneration working and business innovation hubs. and Development Fund must be expanded. To the fore was the potential of hubs to These established strategies featured strongly support remote working, broadening workforce throughout the Think Tank sessions, in some participation, while decreasing commuter instances by name, in others by reference to the congestion and transport emissions, alleviating outcome in developing a strong, resilient region. pressures on urban areas, supporting work life Government must remain committed. These balance, rural revitalisation, regional economies strategies must not be politicised. Government and rural towns. must deliver.

Simply being pro diversity is no longer enough. By developing a strong vision, we can identify a We must be actively anti-racist or we will positive pathway for Cork to further distinguish irrevocably damage Ireland’s global leadership itself internationally and to be a better place role. We must address the identified barriers to for companies and people locally. Quality of workplace participation, inclusion and diversity. life, environmental awareness, and business Diverse, inclusive workplaces are stronger, more competitiveness are intrinsically woven together. resilient workplaces. Strong leadership and policy We have an opportunity, to lay the foundations making at Government level is needed. Access to for a stable and better economy and society and affordable quality childcare is not a good to have, to leave a legacy of resilience and sustainability it is a must have. Government must lead. for generations to come. While we focus on the changes that need to be made, we can also AI, automation and the transition to a low carbon recognise the benefits that these changes can economy will bring new opportunities, but bring to our daily lives, whether living, working or we must be proactive, reskilling, training and studying in Cork. supporting businesses to make this transition. Quality of life can be strengthened through Now is the time to frame that opportunity with provision of amenities, public and sustainable clear vision and ambition, moving forward with transport investment and the revitalisation of purpose. The Sustainable Cork Programme sets urban centres. out to chart this course.

Greening, parklets, enhancing and developing attractions were all to the fore in developing an attractive location for international and 8 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Business and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

pandemic has uncovered the importance of The Role of Business sustainability and resilience across the entirety The business community has a major role in of our health systems, economy and society. the long-term sustainability and the resilience It has uncovered the embedded ability of our of not only our economic future, but our social environment to support social resilience, as well and environmental future. We must take urgent as the innate ability of our natural environment to and radical steps to ensure that businesses recover. It has brought the opportunities of agile survive. We must also ensure that they do more workplaces supported by technology into focus than just survive, that they thrive, in a more with businesses quickly pivoting where possible resilient and sustainable economic environment. to remote working capabilities. We must make decisions that secure a climate With a reduction in emissions from transport friendly society that is inclusive and equitable, and industry, we saw the natural environments that protects our natural resources, our quality flourish. In the recovery from the Covid-19 of life, and which embeds economic resilience pandemic, sustainability must be at its core, and sustainability at the heart of all actions and supporting for example inclusive workplaces, strategic plans. clean technologies and energy. As we develop, In recent years, Ireland has experienced we need to ensure that economic resilience, intense weather events, with the frequency of founded on sustainability and the ability to be these increasing year by year. These events agile, and adaptive is at the heart of how we are affecting economic activity and resilience approach our business operations, national and across the country. The current global Covid-19 local Government functions, and social cohesion.

UN Sustainable Development Goals BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 9

Sustainable Development Goals Climate Action

A common misconception is that the UN SDGs are focused on the environment and climate Climate change and its associated risks have solely. This is not the case. Also known as the become one of the major threats to the business Global Goals, the SDGs were adopted by all community in Ireland. From increased flooding United Nations Member States in 2015 as a and more intense storms, to the shift in customer global call to action. The UN SDGs are effectively behaviour, the change in climate has profound the blueprint to achieve a better and more impacts on Irish enterprises. sustainable, resilient future long term and for all. They call on Governments, businesses, and Although there are many risks, there are individuals to make the necessary changes, to be opportunities to be seized by companies who proactive and to be progressive. are becoming more sustainable. We need to facilitate the business transition to a low carbon There are 17 Sustainable Development economy, progressively moving towards net zero Goals covering a range of areas from poverty carbon, and carbon negative (removing more eradication, reducing inequality, economic growth, carbon from the atmosphere than generated) access to education services to environmental where possible. protection. The SDGs are interdependent. If you have for example communities that are experiencing the effects of increased catastrophic weather events, the local and regional economy will suffer, as will livelihoods, socio economic Gender Equality resilience, access to education, health and wellbeing. To be sustainable progress across all 17 SDGs is essential. In the Chamber network we are advocating for sound policies and enforceable legislation that Chamber SDG Commitment promotes gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels in the Cork Chamber, and the national Chamber workplace. For example remote working, network via Chambers Ireland have committed and the opportunities this can achieve from the to actively championing five SDGs. Honing in on perspective of workforce participation for those five at the outset enables a focus that creates and that otherwise could be excluded. encourages change and lasting progress. Gender equality is about implementing or Cork Chamber and Chambers Ireland have enhancing inclusivity for all. An inclusive committed to driving positive change in these 5 workplace is also a creative, diverse workplace, SDG’s: and strengthens business operations. 10 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Decent Work and Industry, Innovation Economic Growth and Infrastructure

Promoting Sustainable economic growth and full Investing in infrastructure and innovation have and productive employment is something the been crucial drivers of economic growth and Chamber network advocates for. development for all cities and towns across Ireland. For example, technological change is a major driver of innovation, jobs and economic growth. Throughout Ireland, Chambers are striving to The advancement of technology in the areas of develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient e-commerce, renewable energy and new digital infrastructure, including regional and transborder skills have given Irish enterprises increased infrastructure, to support economic development trade opportunities and entries into new and societal well-being. emerging markets. However, this change has also contributed to the displacement of traditional jobs and industries. We believe that in order for economic growth to be sustainable, we must Think Tanks seek and ensure the enablers of a Just Transition To capture the perspectives and ambition of for all, supporting businesses, communities, and the Cork business community, Cork Chamber our economy to transition to a low, to net zero established ten sectoral Think Tanks to explore carbon economy. the road to recovery and the opportunities to Just Transition encompasses a range of economic build resilience using the UN SDGs as the agenda and social interventions needed to secure and framework for discussion. livelihoods when economies are shifting to Under each of the five SDGs, Cork Chamber sustainable production, primarily combating facilitated Think Tank discussions to answer: climate change and protecting biodiversity. 1) What is the problem we are trying to solve?

Sustainable Cities 2) What can business do to distinguish Cork (to and Communities be leaders)? 3) What can Government do to help business?

If Ireland is to become a more sustainable Over 100 representatives1 from across the society, the way we build and plan our urban Cork Chamber membership shared learnings, environment needs a revolution. We believe that sectoral perspectives and ideas around the cities and towns need a prolonged and intensive future recovery and pathway to resilience and campaign to build more and better public sustainability for the Cork region. transport connectivity, pedestrian, cycling, and social infrastructure throughout the urban built By reviewing the depth of the current challenge environment which integrates housing, transport through the lens of the Sustainable Development hubs, and civic spaces (including schools and Goals we will ensure that recovery in the short recreational amenities). Skills and investment are term and medium term creates a positive legacy attracted to locations that provide a good quality that improves Cork rather than simply seeking to of life, and progressive outlook for its workers, return to what we once had. and for its operations. Developing as a location of scale that supports strong communities, The following section provides an overview of strong business environments underpinned with the sectoral Think Tanks, blending the key points a progressive approach to town, community, and from the advance participant preparation and the city planning will benefit business, communities, approx. 2 hour facilitated discussion. the natural environment and quality of life.

1 Participating organisations listed page 57 BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 11


Life Sciences & Manufacturing BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 13

THINK TANK CHAIR Clair Murphy, Site Leader, Pfizer Ringaskiddy API and Cork Chamber Board member

Cork plays a leading role in The longer-term behaviour of Ireland’s Ireland’s vibrant life sciences sector. international trading partners while COVID-19 Specifically, Cork employs over remains a threat to the global supply chain 15,000 people in the sector, more is uncertain and could have longer term implications for the sector in Ireland. than any other region. Seven out of the top 10 global pharmaceutical Think Tank companies are located in Cork. Today about a third of the country’s exports are pharmaceutical Think Tank representatives highlighted the and medical products - no region has contributed importance of Local. Supporting local will enable more than Cork to this remarkable success story.2 Cork to grow global. The potential for creating an innovation cluster and to develop stronger Impact of Covid-19 collaborations between start ups and larger organisations is highlighted. The importance The initial evidence is that the impact on of growing regional innovation capabilities are pharmaceuticals has been negligible to date. In central to our ability as a region to be a disruptor, March, merchandise exports grew by 43 per cent investing in disruptive technologies and being year on year driven by a significant increase in the a leader. exports of pharmaceutical products.3 The importance of the circular economy model, However, manufacturing has been adversely and the role of Government in supporting affected. Recent manufacturing Purchasing businesses was a key aspect of the discussion. Manager Index (PMI data) shows a further Businesses need certainty and support to contraction in May, with the reading coming transition practices, processes, skills, technology in at 39.2. This reading indicates a continued and materials. Enabling the region through contraction in manufacturing business activity Government delivery of public/sustainable as a result of COVID-19 and its associated transport investment, the development of containment measures. renewable energy capacity, Project Ireland 2040 and maintaining and growing a strong quality of Industrial production in the mainly indigenous life for all. ‘traditional sector’ fell by 19% on an annual basis in April. About 32% of employees in Government are called on to better legislate manufacturing are estimated to be on the for gender pay and for businesses/Government Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP) or and HEIs to invest in STEM initiatives from early Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS), down education. Finally, the group called on Cork to from 37% prior to Phase 1.4 initiate a Cork Commitment on Climate Change, to be leaders, disruptors, to be innovators and to be a location of excellent for climate action.

2 https://www.growincork.com/invest/life-sciences/ 3 https://www.centralbank.ie/publication/quarterly-bulletins/quarterly-bulletin-q3-2020 4 https://dbei.gov.ie/en/Publications/Publication-files/Economic-Considerations-for-Reinstating-Economic-Activity-Update-for-Phase-3.pdf 29 June 14 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Overview of key priorities and opportunities:

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Increased digitalisation » Support local services/ » Support business transition » Ensuring talent attraction and producers, grow global to low/net zero carbon e.g. retention » Accelerate focus on sustainable, energy efficient remediation works » Competition from lower cost circular, responsible economic economies growth » Upskilling/reskilling, supporting » Capture opportunity for multi-annual support for » Creating a location where lifelong learning people want to live. This is disruptive technologies, invest effected by factors such as in skills/talent and strengthen » Targeted policy incentives for transport, housing and access collaboration across the sector sustainable, inclusive and to services e.g. broadband. with educational institutions circular economic activities » Mobility around the city and in » Incentivise diverse small-scale the N28 manufacturing » Ensuring supply chains are maintained

Make cities, towns and villages inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Ensure quality of life long-term » Embrace and support remote » Support start-ups/growing » Public and sustainable working practices companies transport, affordable housing, » Support City/town centre » Fast-track dedicated cycle and broadband & access to services events, celebrate multi-cultural bus lanes for high employment » Lack of civic amenities in rural community areas town communities » Develop Cork as the city of » Invest in Cork as a living city » Broader City/town centre choice to work from virtually region i.e. unlock over-shop safety issues and broader social living, deliver affordable issues e.g. racism, anti-social housing, increase An Garda behaviour & drug abuse Síochána resourcing for safe city/town centres, deliver on commitments of Project Ireland 2040

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Ethical sourcing and supply » Adopt circular economy model » Increase education/information chain » Widescale visible projects that campaigns with climate change » Position Cork to be a major demonstrate use of renewable focus centre for the offshore wind energy solutions » Protect City centre from and solar photovoltaic (PV) » Ensure high level of extreme climate events » Carbon neutral by 2050 sustainability in new builds and » Financial measures and refurbishment projects incentives to increase climate action, resource and consumption taxes and grants


Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Delivery of key infrastructure » Greater collaboration between » Accelerate digital capabilities projects in Cork e.g. M28 R&D stakeholders to develop and collaboration hubs within Cork to Ringaskiddy partnerships with start-ups the country connection, sustainable and » A Cork Lifesciences group » Implement Project 2040, public transport options » Develop an innovation cluster deliver ambitious large-scale » Confusing industrialisation and and R&D Hub sponsored by regeneration projects, new innovation landscape industry and Government employment, affordable » Develop ways to exploit to radically challenge and housing, transport and support synergies in industries innovate to support climate infrastructure development for action Cork Docklands » Ensure manufacturing companies can access supports similar to other industries

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Women underrepresented at all » Initiatives to facilitate women » Legislate for gender pay levels of society and decision re-joining the workforce reporting and increase making » Introduce four-day parental affordability of quality childcare » Identify role models for working weeks, provide » Encourage girls and women to upcoming generations to childcare services and embrace pursue/sustain careers in STEM identify with work/life balance ethos through grants, scholarships, » Primary and secondary level » Develop further programmes and support agencies e.g. curricula to showcase female that encourage and develop support Junior Achievement leaders in industry/academia women in STEM e.g. IWISH Ireland have urban and rural reach » Balanced gender representation at Government level 16 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

ICT & Digital Economy

The South West region leads in Cork is already home to over 60 international terms of ICT sector growth and technology companies covering Integrated Cork has a proven track record as an Circuit (IC) Design, manufacturing, software international location for investment development, and cybersecurity. and as a hub for ICT companies, both Overseas technology companies in the region indigenous and global. currently employ 17,000+ people5. In a recently released fDi Intelligence report on Tech Cities of the future, Cork has been ranked number 5 in the top 10 Tech Cities for economic potential.6 Business and academic collaboration with BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 17

THINK TANK CHAIR Donal Cahalane, Founder of Cork’s Republic of Work, and Cork Chamber Board member

technology centres and Universities including the Tyndall Institute and Nimbus are the cutting edge Think Tank of innovation. The importance of training and education was at Prior to COVID-19, the latest edition of the the fore in the discussion. Access to employment European Commission’s Digital Economy and opportunities and in education must always Society Index (DESI) highlighted that Ireland be central in the recovery and years ahead. has maintained a leading position in the use of Automation and the transition of a low carbon e-commerce by SMEs, and in the integration of economy will bring new opportunities, but digital technology. SMEs in Ireland excelled in we must be proactive, reskilling, training and e-commerce and lead in all three indicators – supporting businesses to make this transition selling online, e-commerce turnover and selling to new/different ways of work, and a hybrid online cross-border. In fact 29% of Irish SME’s work model. Quality of life can be strengthened turnover came from online sales, which is almost through provision of amenities, public and three times the EU average of 11%. Furthermore, sustainable transport investment, provision of Irish companies ranked relatively high on the use green spaces and the revitalisation of urban of big data (20%), cloud services (33%) and social centres. Government must support City and towns to renew and this must be a commitment media (44%)7. long term. Impact of Covid-19 As a business community, we must support local. We must broaden our economic model, The impact on computer processors and ICT embracing a circular model, and doughnut services exports is negligible to date. The economic model (living within social and aftermath of Covid 19 may be seen as an planetary boundaries). In Cork we can be leaders, opportunity for Cork to diversify its workforce a region of excellence for green businesses. and truly embrace remote working and offer an The importance of education on diversity and alternative to locating in Dublin. With the pace of inclusion was discussed, this must be supported digitalisation across the economy quickening as and regularised from early education. In relation a result of the pandemic, there are opportunities to gender equality, transparent reporting on for businesses pivoting and embracing online. gender pay could be influential in addressing persistent issues in this space. Government were called on to not be risk adverse, to deliver Project Ireland 2040, and to facilitate regions to excel. In policy there is a need for flexibility per region, one size does not necessarily fit all. We must be facilitated to work to our regional USPs and develop these.

5. https://irishtechnews.ie/corks-ict-sector-primed-for-growth-with-e300million-worth-of-city-centre-property-developments-underway/ 6. https://www.itcork.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/fDi-Intelligence-Tech-Cities-of-the-Future-report.pdf 7. https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/desi 18 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Overview of key priorities and opportunities:

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Ensure a skilled workforce » Continued collaboration » Develop a digital/technology matched with good quality between MTU and UCC and training initiative for displaced employment, access to third industry to meet skills needs skills level education for all » Upskilling candidate pools » Third level education free and » Increasing rate of at entry level/where a skill is available to all (not limited unemployment and in the becoming obsolete to college or university) longer term the transition of » Strengthening interpersonal/ and continue innovation lower skilled, high turnover soft skills (find solutions development roles at risk of automation through processes and » Lean/IEE applied to » Work life balance and understanding business existing agencies - Support managing a hybrid remote problems) business hubs for start-ups/ workforce entrepreneurs with support and access to mentoring

Make cities, towns and villages inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Placemaking and green » Refine behaviours and » Adopt Doughnut economic areas for people, thriving business practices to be more model (a thriving society within communities sustainable e.g. energy usage, planetary boundaries) » Improve public and sustainable travel » Address cost of living, transport infrastructure, city » Support growth of green accommodation, broadband cleaning and maintenance spaces, over-shop living, connectivity, public and » Depopulation, dereliction of pedestrianisation in urban sustainable transport city centre, retail closures and areas deficiencies anti-social behaviour » Support local sustainable » Support remote working initiatives, get involved in the hubs to encourage living and community initiatives working locally

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Decouple economic growth » Encourage carpooling at work » Incentivise focus on a triple from climate and track number of miles daily bottom line for business » Educate on energy and ‘not travelled’ (accounting for social, transport impacts » Support remote working hubs environmental, and financial) » Green the city in every and adopt circular economic » Support companies to think respect (green space, model approach to production local while growing global pedestrianisation/reduction and resource use » Support circular economy with of cars) » Incentivise and attract green policy and legislation business to locate in region (Promote region of excellence) BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 19

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Address lag between » Embrace opportunities for » Funding for educators innovation, market needs/ accelerated remote working to support technology demands through Government » Programmes for displaced development for blended policy and legislation workforce as economy learning and refine pathways » Encourage innovative thinking transitions to low carbon for entrepreneurs on on improvements – digital/ completion of accelerator » Create facilities to promote programmes tech as enablers cycling to work, showers, » Management of remote teams secure lockups and invest in » Clear direction on wind with technology, and workforce solar/wind energy/carbon and solar support/training offsetting » Do not be risk adverse and lag behind curve in terms of funding and legislation, develop policy by region (versus one size fits all) for housing, infrastructure, enterprise development and environment

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Stereotypes around gender and » Female role models – school » Continue to support national employment e.g. education has and industry collaboration/ awareness and education a key role, promote STEM mentor programme on D&I e.g. information » Grow the mentor network with » Business mindful of leadership programmes links between business and teams, boards, event panels in » Incentivise gender HEI’s terms of diversity and gender balanced workplaces » Address gender pay inequality » Adopt transparent reporting » Address social inclusion, on gender pay and champion homelessness and direct D&I initiatives in workplaces, provision recruitment, education 20 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Tourism, Hospitality, Leisure & Retail

Tourism and hospitality is a significant The South West consistently ranks as a top employer in the South-West region, tourism destination in Ireland. As the biggest with 28,400 people employed in county in Ireland, the historic walled towns and accommodation and food service harbours of East Cork form a key part of Ireland’s Ancient East, with Cork also the starting point activities alone, making up nearly 9% of the internationally renowned Wild Atlantic 8 of the total workforce . Way. The region’s tourism offering also makes an important contribution to enhancing the quality The South-West region attracts the highest of life and attractiveness of the South-West as a numbers of overseas visitors after Dublin, with place to live and work. nearly 2.5m tourists travelling to Cork and Kerry generating €968m in revenue accounted for Retail is one of Ireland’s largest employers, with in 2017.8 a presence in every city, town and village in the country9. Despite pressure on the retail sector, Cork can claim that approx. 70% of retailers are independent or family businesses trading alongside big brands10. BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 21

THINK TANK CHAIR Rob Horgan, Owner of Velo Coffee Roasters and Cork Chamber Board member

Impact of Covid-19 Think Tank

The tourism and hospitality sector has a high In the short to medium term, the Temporary proportion of employment supported by Wage Subsidy Scheme was discussed Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP) or in relation to the initial failure to support the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS). businesses that are dependent on seasonality and Looking forward the Tourism sector will be seasonal workers. Businesses need support to challenged for a variety of reasons including pivot operations and update skills and processes travel restrictions, the significant decline to meet needs in longer term. The Think Tank expected in international tourism, lower customer called for proactive support from Government demand, and reduced productivity on foot of to enhance business ability to adapt to more social distancing requirements. sustainable models through grants and tax mechanisms. A high level of seasonality has always been a challenge in Cork’s tourism sector and now City and town centre revival, and appeal as the sector is evermore challenged to employ a place to visit featured strongly. Greening, creative ways to extend the season, and promote parklets, enhancing and developing attractions sustainability of the sector and thus maximise were all to the fore in developing an attractive tourism’s contribution to the quality of life, location for international and domestic visitors economy, employment and local community and their importance from a living city and quality development of the region. This sector has been of life perspective. The Cork Events Centre is flagged as strategically important for the broader pivotal and must be delivered. Irish economy and will require ongoing focus and support. Businesses have a role to play in highlighting female leaders. We must proactively address In terms of retail, there was an increase of 28.4% gender equality and the wider diversity and in the value of retail sales in May 2020. However, inclusion of our region. in April 2020 there was an annual decrease of 29.1% when compared with May 201911. Businesses could be leaders in supporting a Although, the Covid-19 crisis has challenged and Carbon Neutral/Low Carbon City policy, with changed the interactions between customers and Government support. Broadband connectivity, retailers, it has also presented opportunities for the potential of energy prosumers (adapting transformation. This includes the acceleration of businesses to be producers and consumers online sales and digitalisation, as well as a strong with attractive payback rates to the grid) and focus on customer experience and differentiation. the objectives of Project Ireland 2040 were highlighted as levers in underpinning our egional potential.

8 https://dbei.gov.ie/en/Publications/Publication-files/South-West-Regional-Enterprise-Plan-to-2020.PDF 9 https://www.retailireland.ie/Sectors/RI/RI.nsf/vPages/Retail_in_Ireland~retail-at-a-glance/$file/Retail’s+positive+contribution+to+Irish+economy.pdf 10 https://www.wearecork.ie/live/retail-therapy/ 11 https://www.cso.ie/en/statistics/services/retailsalesindex/ 22 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Overview of key priorities and opportunities:

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Summer seasonal employees » Promote local, shop local ethos » Tax incentives and grants to and the Temporary Wage » Upskilling and training for enhance businesses ability Subsidy Scheme employees to adapt to more sustainable models, products, processes » Support businesses to pivot » To promote a Safety Charter their services and reconfigure/ to assure customers of service » Financial supports post-Covid; update products/skills/services standards with alignment to start-up and scale-up supports » Longer term secure employment Covid-19 operating guidelines » Measures that avoid austerity in the sector is needed » By creating sustainable (need to invest and encourage business, this creates spending in the economy) sustainable and decent » Support better mobility and employment connectivity

Make cities, towns and villages inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Need to increase public » Support the reenergising of » Enhanced regional resourcing amenities, attractions and streets and locations of An Garda Síochána improve City Centre safety to » Support creativity and culture » City Council long term entice visitors to the city to attract footfall into the City commitment to the » Insufficient public transport in » Support local initiatives placemaking fund the City and County e.g. Visit Cork, Customer » Explore opportunities for » Make Cork a living city with Service Charter, initiatives water-based transport in the affordable city centre living, to enhance City living and harbour and marina transport links and civic spaces appeal to visitors via parklets, » Support the local vision through and address dereliction in the neighbourhood gardens the delivery of infrastructure in City Centre bus network, park and rides, cycleways and pedestrianisation along with enforcement of dereliction orders

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Broadband challenge, poor » Implement rooftop solar, be » National broadband plan to investment in public and prosumers as well as consumers encourage flexibility sustainable transport networks » Market and position the » Increase services and amenities » Developing visitor attractions uniqueness of cork in line with population » Develop and drive clustering projections and innovative strategies/ » Urgent need to address policy understand the gaps across our instruments and pivot to meet industry and business sectors current economic crisis » Deliver Project Ireland 2040 BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 23

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Access to high speed » Incentivise staff to commute by » Meaningful investment in broadband is an issue in bike or public transport proper bus network, park facilitating remote/home » Support remote working and ride, cycleways and working opportunities pedestrianisation » Identifying business pathways » Assess own business to reduce » Integration of public and to carbon neutrality carbon footprint, use of plastics sustainable transport hubs » Address the haphazard, and single use products, and (train and bus station) reactive approach to support carbon-neutral/low- » Investment and support encouraging sustainable forms carbon city policy for developing compact, of transport » Support biodiversity initiatives connected cities » Identifying the sustainable in the urban areas » Support retrofitting of the capacity of the city in the future housing sector, encourage renewable energy prosumers with buy back of power to the grid

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Ensure women and girls have » Remove barriers that prevent » Legislation to remove gender equal access, opportunity, and women re-entering the imbalance participation in society workplace » Mandatory equal pay for » Availability and affordability of » To provide equality of equal work childcare opportunity » Affordable Childcare » Flexible working and return to » Eliminate gender bias - equal work programmes for primary wages to all care givers » Highlighting female leaders 24 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Culture, Arts, Community & Media

The Cork region has a rich and The role and value of the community and diverse cultural offering that is an voluntary sector is crucial to the social and important part of its past, present economic fabric of Cork. Across the county thousands of community and voluntary and future. The proportion of organisations work together with State bodies, employment in arts, entertainment schools, postal service and frontline services to and tourism jobs in Cork stood at bring supports to those in need, while helping to 12 10% in 2019 . inform policy on protecting the most vulnerable at national level. In Cork and nationally, the Arts sector is a job- intensive sector intertwined with other activity There are an estimated 189,000 employees in such as in aviation, hotels, B&Bs, pubs and registered charitable organisations in Ireland. restaurants, festivals, museums, exhibitions, and Over half of all registered charities have between conferences. With a focus on SMEs, the Arts one and 20 volunteers, with three per cent having sector provides a unique and locally embedded 250 or more. complement to Ireland’s more widely publicised It is estimated that the value of this volunteering sectors with multilateral benefit. The Arts is work, using the minimum wage, is €648.8 million recognised as not only vital for the economy, per year (this increases to €1.5 billion when using but its development is at the heart of the the average income.)13 Project Ireland 2040 aspirations to build a more sustainable and resilient economic model. Impact of Covid-19

The Arts and Entertainment sector was one of the first and most severely hit, along with the tourism sector. The Arts, Entertainment and Other Services sees around 57% (down from 60% prior to Phase 1) of those previously working in this sector estimated to be on the Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP) or Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS). BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 25

THINK TANK CHAIR Shane Clarke, CEO, Nano Nagle Place and Cork Chamber Board member.

New EY research commissioned by the Arts Council shows that the negative and long- Think Tank lasting effect of the Covid-19 crisis on the arts. Through Arts, Culture, Community and Media we Specifically that without additional financial differentiate ourselves, giving colour and energy support the arts sector could contract by up to to our lives through creative expression. Exploring 42% in 2020 compared to a 11% decline for the the challenges ahead, the group highlight the wider economy, and that the arts sector could uncertainty of work, and the low pay paradigm take until 2025 to recover from the current as a deterrent to talented people pursuing crisis. However, Covid-19 has also brought the careers. We are losing out on opportunities, skills importance and value of community into focus and talent. and in many ways the arts sector is synonymous with community as a place and an expression of Dedicated funding, and certainty of funding is positivity.14 needed to provide people with job security and a secure income, and quality of life. Like businesses across the country, independent radio and print media have experienced a The potential for a Cork Cultural Innovation Hub sharp and sudden decline in revenues due to a was resoundingly echoed across the group as decrease in advertising and sales. However, many holding massive potential for the region. have reinvented their online and multi-platform A hub that supports up and coming artists and offering and the importance of independent performers. A dedicated central focal point for radio and media endures. creativity, that is secure in its tenure and provides certainty to the sector. We can be leaders in Cork. Media as an agent in informing and supporting communities and enhancing social awareness and A strong culture and arts sector supports understanding of public health measures is not to community and is crucial to maintaining the be underestimated. character of our City region as it grows. We need to support diversity and inclusion for all, The crisis has also shone a light on the role and employment opportunities for all within our value of the community sector. The ongoing communities. Cork can be a Living City with a impact of COVID-19 creates both challenges vibrant, safe, populated core, with green spaces and opportunities for the sector in obtaining and strengthened, protected biodiversity, and the necessary level of commitments, policies amenities connected with public/sustainable and resources to enable it to survive through transport options and with affordable housing. and develop during the post COVID-19 period. The provision of a €40m Stability Fund for Government legislation to support equal pay charities, community and voluntary organisations, and equal parental leave could be pivotal in and social enterprises is an acknowledgment rebalancing society and addressing persistent of the role and value that community-based issues. Support for remote working and flexible organisations play, and need to play, in society. work should be accelerated and enabled.

12 http://www.artscouncil.ie/uploadedFiles/Employment_and_Economic_Impact_Assessment_of_COVID-19_on_the_Arts_Sector_in_Ireland.pdf 13 https://www.charitiesregulator.ie/media/1564/indecon-social-and-economic-impact-report-2018.pdf 14 http://www.artscouncil.ie/uploadedFiles/Survive%20Adapt%20Renew_A%20response%20to%20the%20Covid-19%20crisis%20for%20the%20 Arts%20in%20Ireland.pdf 26 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Overview of key priorities and opportunities:

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Sudden loss of income, ability » Support events/performances » Commit to a Cultural to retain staff and pay staff, and engage local artists Innovation Hub for Cork freelance arts sector has been » Commit to supporting living » Address sectoral challenge decimated wage with pay, job security, career » Sector needs consistent, » Lead by good practice, social pathways dependable funding and employment diversity » Support employment » Not attractive for employment, » Support social enterprises and opportunities for those with more income and employment community enterprises a disability certainty needed, lack of employment opportunities in all sectors for people with disabilities

Make cities, towns and villages inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Doughnut effect, an empty » Embrace CSR that engages » Long term investment and centre and a busy outer ring of Arts, Culture and Community support for a Living City, and activity projects towns » Address safety concerns in the » Utilise culture to build lasting » Involve artist, design, cultural, City centre & engage Arts and links with different communities community sector in strategic Culture projects to reenergise in local environs development of the region, the centre » Develop a Citywide charter increased proactive community » Access to affordable housing, to address gaps and identify focused engagement with transport links and internet opportunities in developing as public consultations connectivity a Living City » Apply tax incentives for charitable donations

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Companies becoming greener » Initiate regionwide » Encourage businesses to and more conscious of their organisational climate impact include an environmental environment audits strategy in all policy documents » Climate change Impact and » Prioritise green amenity spaces and initiatives climate justice with seating in City/town » Increase investment and » Cork being best place to live, centres support for biodiversity study, work and grow old » Embrace opportunities for projects in city/town centres » Reduce the climate impact of home/remote working » Support business make the arts and inclusive activities » Businesses to include an switch to low carbon/to net zero carbon » Need to increase biodiversity/ environmental strategy in trees/green spaces in the city all policy documents and initiatives BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 27

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Smaller acts and performers » Develop a Cork Arts and » Deliver Cork Events Centre need platforms for live Culture Innovation hub (similar funding performance across the city to business innovation hub), » Support new developments and county supporting new artists, training, becoming carbon neutral » Green spaces to encourage career development, synergies and incentivise businesses to people to live/stay in the » Create options for live adopt green practices and city, better cycle lanes, more performance and emerging technologies efficient parking options, Park artists » Deliver broadband network and Rides to facilitate opportunities for remote working » Invest in cycle lanes, Park and Ride options to keep traffic out of the city centre

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Ensuring women are supported » More women in senior » The Government front bench in a sector that has non- roles and entrepreneurs should reflect gender balance conventional hours » Lobby Government on » Gender focused legislation » Affordable and flexible childcare costs, equal pay and » Tax incentives to provide childcare for women in the equal parental leave childcare on site and extend workplace » Develop STEM to embrace paternity benefit entitlements » Supporting women sustain STEAM (incl. Arts) careers in Culture and Arts » Support flexible/remote sector working options 28 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Built Environment

In early 2020, the construction and The Construction Industry Federation reports building services sector was poised confidence in Cork’s significant capacity to deliver and investment ready in Cork and the essential housing, infrastructure and specialist the southern region, both in terms buildings underpinning the ambition outlined in the National Planning Framework. In addition, of delivering Project Ireland 2040 there are brownfield development opportunities projects and FDI development. in Cork of 179 hectares and the complete regeneration of the City Docklands area is laden with potential to employ up to 30,000 and create homes for 30,000 people15. BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 29

THINK TANK CHAIR Liam Luddy, Director, ARUP and Cork Chamber Board member.

Impact of Covid-19 Think Tank

Construction was one of the first sectors to The Think Tank discussed the return to reopen, with 77% of CSO responding enterprises pre-Covid economic and employment levels, in the Construction sector trading in some and the transition to new ways of working and capacity on 31 May 2020.16 Considering 80- production which present immediate challenges though longer-term opportunities. Business 90% of sites are now back open, the sector is supports, reskilling/upskilling and supporting likely to return to high levels of activity given the business transition to low carbon, to net strong underlying demand. However in total, zero carbon economy must be a priority. The Construction sector activity is expected to Cork business community can be leaders, decline by approximately 25 per cent in 2020. supporting the region to grow sustainably with strong resilient communities. The past has shown that pandemics somehow force architecture and city planning to evolve. The Think Tank highlighted the widespread Architects and planners have called on public benefits of supporting a strong food, and agencies and local authorities to take the cultural sector in Cork, supporting local, opportunity of crisis to develop short-term supporting our culture and heritage to work schemes to improve the public spaces differentiate Cork as a location of choice for in cities, towns and villages and to address quality of life, skills, talent and investment. There was consensus on the latent potential balanced regional development by moving of our City region, to unlock over shop living, the focus on growth to regions other than the plan for mixed use development, public and greater Dublin area. The RIAI has also urged sustainable transport, all of which add to quality that the feasibility, design and planning stages of life. There are opportunities in embracing of essential infrastructural projects identified in remote and flexible working to increase Project Ireland 2040 should go ahead. Planners workforce participation for all. Broadband are also well positioned to work in tandem with connectivity and the potential of strategic national and local Government to develop plan remote working hubs must be delivered. led regeneration for sustainable mobility and Government must do their part, and address the healthier places. affordability of childcare.

As the majority of architectural practices are small Cork could be a centre of excellence for energy and medium enterprises, the sector has availed of and carbon footprint efficiency. Business can lead the way. The potential for targeted tax Government Covid-19 supports. Initiatives such incentives and refunds to support retrofit and retrofitting to upgrade at least 500,000 homes refurbishments of office/business premises to a B2 energy rating by 2030 in the programme to encourage accelerated action could be for Government could go a long way to support instrumental. Tax depreciation on sustainable businesses across the construction sector while office development projects could again be improving the energy efficiency of housing. a strong fiscal instrument. There was strong consensus that we need to flatten the climate curve, Government must support business in this and lead in policy and investment.

15 https://www.corkcity.ie/en/council-services/news-room/latest-news/cork-city-placed-5th-in-europe-for-economic-potential.html 16 https://www.cso.ie/en/methods/multisectoral/businessimpactofcovid-19survey/ 30 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Overview of key priorities and opportunities:

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Return to economic growth, » Cork has enormous potential to » Stimulus to help business get employment levels be the first-choice location to back on its feet » Building consumer confidence work, live and enjoy » Government bodies need to » Transition to new ways of » Utilise empty industrial units increase promotion of Cork to working/production within the city, encourage international investors new businesses through rates » Support businesses to » Adapt infrastructure to provide breaks for future needs transition to new ways of » Create centres of excellence, working, and support for leveraging off the expertise upskilling/reskilling, support for that is available within the city manufacturing region » Encourage, develop and support food and cultural sector

Make cities, towns and villages inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Segregation of housing, » Develop optimal solution » Invest in multimodal transport employment, education, to upper floor mixed tenure infrastructure retail, leisure and transport occupation and living in City » Encourage residential (remove infrastructure » Develop and encourage obstacles to over shop living) » Heavy dependency on car pedestrian and cycle commercial, retail mix in City based transport places stress infrastructure with employee core on entire community facilities » Accelerate national strategies » Infrastructure deficit for public » Ensure critical mass of services, for Living Cities and sustainable transport amenities and places of work » Deliver Project Ireland 2040 » City requires renovation and and education within the upgrade, and efficient use of core to facilitate residential space e.g. over-shop living development

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Changing the way we live and » Cork as a centre of excellence » Support Green Bonds work to improve the climate, for energy and carbon footprint » Targeted Tax reliefs (enhanced protect and enhance it for efficiency mortgage interest relief for future generations » Be vocal calling for investment loans which are certified » Identify opportunities for in public transport and as enhancing BER ratings, business in this space sustainable transport network 13.5% refund on sustainable » Reduce the amount of carbon » Construction developments, refurbishment work, tax and waste being produced new or retrofit that meet tried depreciation for sustainable office developments) » Air quality issues and tested climate specific standards such as Passivhaus » Responsibility to flatten the » New developments must Climate Curve, ensure that only demonstrate clear climate energy and climate efficient benefits to the City region projects are delivered with state funding BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 31

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Gender pay, equal work for » Be leaders in championing » Encourage and reward equal pay gender equality, lead from the flexibility in the workplace » Not enough girls pursuing front » Bring forward sound and education in STEM areas » More active strategies focused enforceable policies on gender » Lack of gender diversity in on STEM challenges and equality senior roles and in national solutions » Promotion of women to senior Government » Sustainable agenda to positions/Senior Ministers in » Access to affordable childcare encourage females into the Government for families engineering area » Address affordability » Adapt to new ways of working of childcare to support and support flexible/remote/ participation in the workforce home working where possible for families » Support female leadership in management teams and board level

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Ensure plans for Project Ireland » Create centres of excellence, » Ringfence funding for major 2040 are climate resilient leveraging off the expertise infrastructure such as Dunkettle » Flood risk in Cork City centre that is available within the city Interchange, Irish Water, due to tidal flooding » Bring innovation centres into Broadband, renewable energy the Metropolitan area infrastructure e.g. car charging » Lack of infrastructure points investment in sustainable/ » Initiate a steering group public transport modes with industry and centres of » Invest in multimodal transport infrastructure » Issues with broadband excellence to encompass connectivity different types of industries » Interagency working with and areas of expertise, creating leadership focus on role of the linkages between local authority » EU funding (especially Covid - 19 funds) for delivery of sustainable infrastructure » Increased pressure through policy and mandatory code to address sustainable design solutions 32 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Agriculture, Food & Drinks

Agri-food remains Ireland’s largest Nationally, the industry has grown steadily over indigenous sector. The food industry the last decade, culminating in €13 billion of plays a major role maintaining revenue from exports last year. The produce from employment and prosperity, forming the Irish food industry is enjoyed in over 180 countries worldwide.18 the backbone of many communities in Cork and across Ireland. In the Cork plays a pivotal role in this success story South West region 9.1% are at work through its rich food and drink ecosystem in the agri-food and beverages sector spanning agriculture, food processing and food (primary occupation)17. production with many international food giants calling Cork home. Cork is also a critical research base for food innovation and has significant activities across both business and academia in the area. BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 33

THINK TANK CHAIR Maxine Hyde, General Manager, Ballymaloe Foods and Cork Chamber Board member.

We can be innovators and early adopters. Impact of Covid-19 The importance of supporting local was The food industry’s primary threat shifted highlighted throughout, from supporting local from Brexit in January 2020 to survival during town/city centre to supporting local producers. the pandemic with focus from supply chain to We need a vibrant, thriving city and town centres operations, incorporating lean practices, in and the food culture is central to this. Delivery of addition to looking at innovative ways of doing the Cork Events centre was highlighted as business and routes to market, from pivoting a priority. their business model to raising finance. The merits of equal maternity and paternity The majority of respondents to a recent industry leave to reset cultural norms was highlighted, survey have indicated that they forecast a with strong focus on the role of Government decline in revenue as a result of COVID-19, with in leading by example, supporting female businesses also challenged with supply chain participation in senior political positions. The and people management issues. However it is opportunity of flexible/remote working must be important to note that there is also a cohort who embraced to broaden workplace participation see opportunities arising as a result of COVID-19. for families. There is an opportunity to develop an initiative with female leaders in the sector, Without doubt, business model agility is part of linking with schools and universities. This could the new normal within the food industry be instrumental in attracting broader gender and will be instrumental in businesses pivoting participation. their operations and realising potential opportunity areas.18 The role of Government in giving certainty, setting clear climate targets, milestones and pathways while supporting climate innovation Think Tank and supporting new technologies to mitigate emissions. Delivery of public and sustainable The importance of ambition, clear targets and transport, waste/recycling infrastructure and regulatory certainty remain key right across support for a circular economic model was the board. We need to drive forward green highlighted. credentials, and be leaders. As a society, the role of agriculture must be acknowledged and supported to reduce emissions, and transition farming methods and processes. Government support for innovation and research in this area must be continued and accelerated.

17 https://www.ibec.ie/connect-and-learn/media/2019/11/19/food-drink-ireland-launches-new-10-year-strategy-for-industry 18 https://www.grantthornton.ie/globalassets/1.-member-firms/ireland/insights/publications/covid-19-impact-on-the-food-industry-in-ireland _final-030620.-pptx.pdf 34 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Overview of key priorities and opportunities:

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Food industry needs green » Support the local economy » Support the sector with grants credentials to go above and & raise awareness of local » Funding for Bord Bia and beyond peers (in clean water, businesses in the community Enterprise Ireland reducing carbon emissions, and » Focus on trends e.g. the biodiversity) » Continue and grow academic digitalisation of agriculture research » Working capital, the need to and food service, potential of address this in the short to blockchain medium term, Brexit is still a » Build closer collaboration concern between multi-nationals and » Cost of implementing social indigenous Irish companies distancing throughout the supply chain and retrofitting facilities

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Emissions targets pose » Adopt new practices at » Ensure that Government policy challenges for meat and dairy farm level to reduce carbon addresses climate targets, with sectors emissions ambitious goals and stringent » Huge issues for the industry » Support research e.g. penalties around waste, efficiency measuring carbon » Support new technologies to (packaging) and PET recycling sequestration, opportunities mitigate emissions » Sustainable and public for carbon neutral farming and » Removal of barriers to transport investment reducing methane emissions innovation and invest in » Implement circular economy climate action measures practices, responsible and technology, work with consumption and production, producers to support, carbon sustainably source pricing without business commodities, and shorten food support to pivot operations supply chains could be detrimental

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Public and sustainable » Build cross sector partnerships » Support infrastructure transport infrastructure and to unlock synergies for the FDA development for biomethane network deficits industry and compressed natural gas » Waste and recycling » Transparent supply chains to » Invest in physical infrastructure infrastructure needs investment gain consumer trust e.g. end such as schools, universities, » Support climate action research to end carbon footprint of healthcare, research and and innovation in food, products innovation hubs packaging and manufacturing » Lead in supporting research, » Invest in connectivity to close technology/processes and development and innovation the rural/urban divide materials in processes & packaging, and » Delivery of the Events Centre skills training for the Munster region BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 35

Make cities, towns and villages inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Cost of insurance is an » Increase city centre vibrancy » Deliver Project Ireland 2040, inhibitor to the development of e.g. extend housing provision, city/town activities hours to evening/night renewal, investing in social » Ability to change from » Producers core to vibrancy of infrastructure, transport traditional sales channels to the city e.g. through a food » Harness rural links through e-commerce channels and activity trail enhancing connectivity, » Availability and ease of » Build up Cork’s brand through enabling people to live and transport to and from cities to Pure Cork and Taste Cork work in rural areas and close to food production. rural Ireland and towns » Remote/flexible working hubs » Social infrastructure remains critical to creating a living city e.g. amenities, community spaces, green areas, cycle lanes, pedestrianisation » Enchance vibrancy, nightlife and “food energy” in the city

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Challenge the cultural tendency » Facilitate flexible/remote » Government needs to make to apply a gender to a specific working to support family childcare more accessible role type childcare » Paternity and Maternity leave » Develop robust career » Continue to encourage young need to be made equal, forcing guidance at schools girls in STEM a critical cultural shift » Lack of female representation » Opportunity in the agriculture, » Need to offer supports for on boards and senior food and drinks industry to female entrepreneurs specific management of FDA develop an initiative similar to challenges and needs businesses IWISH STEM programme with » Lead by example though » Affordability and availability of female leaders in the industry representation in leadership family childcare » Report on Board and positions, develop policy that Management team works to close the gender gap, representation encourage female students to choose STEM subjects 36 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Education & Training

Cork is a university city with over In addition, Munster Technological University 35,000 students. Broadly, the (MTU) will be formally established on 1st January Education and Training sector in the 2021, presenting a significant opportunity for the Cork region creates positive spin off South West which is of critical importance to the region’s future economic prosperity. effects in key areas across the local economy in terms of the workforce, Cork Chamber membership spans the spectrum businesses and society. of education and training including English language education providers to international € University College Cork (UCC) generates 2.3 students, corporate education, training and skills million per day for the Irish economy and the providers. With reference to English language University supports almost 15,000 jobs on an education, more than 150,000 individual students annual basis, which equates to approximately 1 in attend courses with English Language Teaching 19 every 15 jobs in Cork city and county . Organisations (ELTO’s) in Ireland every year and the total value of the language school sector to the Irish economy is estimated to be at least €880m. The sector employs 3,000+ workers full time and a further 7,000+ seasonal and part time workers20. BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 37

THINK TANK CHAIR Gerard O’Donovan, Head, Faculty of Business & Humanities, Cork Institute of Technology, and Cork Chamber Board member

Impact of Covid-19 Think Tank

Although the social and economic impact of Pivoting operations through reskilling and re- Covid-19 on the Irish economy is vast, it is widely tooling to a blended learning model are critical acknowledged that education and training will in the current Covid scenario. In the broader have a key role to play in successfully rebuilding sense, the opportunities for delivering training post-Covid and re-launching the economy and on sustainable sourcing and circular economy civic society over the coming period. Positively, models to business leaders is highlighted, with investment in Government programmes such as the potential this holds for supporting local Springboard+ and the Human Capital Initiative businesses, employment and strong communities. aim to focus on upskilling and reskilling to meet priority skills needs. The sector will be the pivotal in the transition to a low carbon, to net zero carbon economy and However, funding problems in the third level must be supported in this. Supporting Local, sector are compounded by the potential fall in the while Growing Global was emphasised, and number of international students in the coming its role in reinforcing a thriving, vibrant region academic year. In addition, course provision, that attracts international students, talent and examination and assessment online or remotely investment. have the potential to fundamentally challenge and change the sector. The importance of broadband, sustainable and public transport and the creation of people The crisis has also impacted the English Language friendly urban spaces are key to developing a Industry significantly and it hit the industry at location of scale that works for business, the the worst time possible as approximately 70% of community, and quality of life. Government has a revenue is generated during the peak season from role to play in incentivising development projects March to September. Based on current modelling that are climate positive. Cork can be the industry estimate that the decrease in revenue a leader with collective agreement to be carbon for the industry as a whole for 2020 will be in the neutral by 2050. region of 80%.20 Cork could be a Global Centre for Green Conversely, with Ireland now the only English- Innovation. In relation to gender equality, speaking country in the EU there are great Government and business can lead. Government long-term opportunities to consolidate Cork and should better legislate for equal pay, support Ireland’s position as Europe’s premier English workforce participation for all through flexible/ language learning destination. remote working and through leading by example with female representation at Senior Ministerial roles. Finally, delivery of existing strategies was highlighted as critical, namely the Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy and Project Ireland 2040.

19 https://www.ucc.ie/en/media/mandc/2018mampcwebsite/ExecSummary09052018.pdf 20 https://mei.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/English-Language-industry-of-Ireland-COVID-19-recovery-document.pdf 38 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Overview of key priorities and opportunities:

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Immediate issue of » Identify key education » Support (financial supports/ unemployment, and facilitating training needs and continue stimulus/tax breaks) for physical/social distancing commitment to Lifelong businesses to assess supply » Certainty and the ability to learning and Cork as a Learning chains and transition to circular anticipate the direction of City economic model Government, reskill and retool » Embrace remote working » Support Lifelong learning, early to tech driven future practices education, upskilling and cross » Challenge to deliver hybrid » Circular economy and skilling education model of education sustainable sourcing training » Reduce commercial rates for » Impact on local economy for business leaders to harness retail and lower the VAT rate with no international students positive local knock-on effect for businesses for a limited arriving to Cork on supply chain period

Make cities, towns and villages inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Attract customers/businesses » Encourage people to use » Address issues in planning to come back to the city public transport/walk/cycle and policy which support » Deficient in public transport/ » People friendly urban spaces, unsustainable planning, cycling infrastructure, prioritise public transport, building decisions affordable housing and incentivise more sustainable » Support (with tax incentives broadband connectivity behaviours etc) planning and building in » Address concerns about anti- » Pedestrianise the City Centre cities and towns that is more social behaviour sustainable, prioritising more » Continue to support Lifelong sustainable procurement learning » Invest in community policing » Deliver Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Gender equality from student » Replicate the success of IWish » Ensure that legislation participation at early childhood » STEM initiative in all sectors, regarding gender pay and to post-doctoral level, staff highlight successful women equality is complied with recruitment, retention, leaders » Support research on the promotion across all levels » Supporting remote/flexible impact of gender diversity in » Women and girls continue to working education, business, society be under-represented and programmes such as the

» Challenge now regarding all Athena SWAN Charter unconscious biases in gender, » Support initiatives through the ability, ethnicity Education centres to support STEM and entrepreneurialism for women and girls » To have at least 50% female councillors BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 39

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Greening supply chains and » Reduce the impact of climate » Deliver the Cork Metropolitan procurement change/CO2 emissions through Area Transport Strategy, net » Proactively addressing local policies and initiatives zero will never be achieved traffic congestion, water » Make Cork a regional leader unless there is a strong public management, air quality and with collective agreement for and sustainable transport waste management causes, Cork to be carbon neutral network system prevention and infrastructure by 2050, supporting work » Deliver Project Ireland 2040, deficits towards Cork as a progressive, Cork City and Cork County » Protect Cork City from future sustainable City region Climate Adaptation Strategies flooding and other climatic » Cork as Global Centre for and the National Development events Green Innovation Plan investment » Ensuring national Government’s » Support innovative and creative long term commitment to thinking to drive sustainable the Paris Agreement for a solutions to policy challenges low-carbon future are not (circular economy etc) abandoned at this time. » Listen to voice and experience of SME owners

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Poorly designed infrastructure » Support development of local » Deliver enhanced Cork- having an impact on the high tech, innovative supply Limerick connectivity and the vibrancy of towns and chains Cork Events Centre communities » Work with the support » Invest in rural towns and » Issue of connectivity between agencies, HEIs and existing village revitalisation through regional towns and cities, entrepreneurship and broadband connectivity implement infrastructure and innovation ecosystem to » Invest in creativity with public placemaking that enhances improve product, process, infrastructure e.g. Reflective quality of life (amenity leisure organisational innovation in paint on roads to highlight and strategically located their organisation cycle tracks, green planting remote working hubs) » Adopt green innovation in concrete sides of overpasses, supply chain and address roof/canopy in public realm gaps through social enterprise model 40 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Transport, Energy & Maritime

The South-West region has a wealth Prior to the pandemic passenger numbers at of natural resources, which contribute Cork Airport were thriving with new routes to the social and economic fabric and service expansions planned for 2020. The of the region. The blue economy numbers are now down by over 95%. Numbers using public transport in Cork have grown at a is a growth sector, reaching into a faster pace than anywhere else in the country. range of areas including enterprise Figures from the National Transport Authority and entrepreneurship, tourism, show bus and rail commuter journeys in Cork technology, renewable energy, and were up 14% in 2018 to almost 15.3 million21. sustainability, among others. Cork accounts for approximately 13% of Ireland’s As one of the largest ports in the country, Port energy use and supplies approximately 25% of of Cork plays a vital role in securing the supply Ireland’s national energy requirements. Cork has chain and flow of goods in and out of the country. significant natural resources which provide great A new €86 million Cork Container Terminal in energy potential that can be further enhanced by Ringaskiddy is in final stages of completion and policy instruments. Options include natural gas, has the potential to grow cargo volumes and oil, hydroelectricity, onshore and offshore wind, further develop Ringaskiddy as a modern logistics ocean energy, geothermal, anaerobic digestion hub. The Port also has Ireland’s only dedicated and solar energy. Further development of cruise berth at Cobh, with capacity to increase the renewable energy must be the cornerstone of the number of cruise liners over the coming years. low carbon transition.

Impact of Covid-19

The Transportation and Storage sector sees about 35% of those previously working in this sector estimated to be on the Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP) or Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS), down from 41% prior to Phase 1. BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 41

THINK TANK CHAIR Seamus Downey, Tax Partner EY Ireland and Cork Chamber Board member

The Transport sector will continue to be tested considerably for a variety of reasons including Think Tank travel restrictions, lower customer demand, The transition from fossil to renewable fuels, and decrease in commuters and international tourism. transition of skills must be an immediate priority. Constraints on public transport capacity could Government must give regulatory, policy and result in a growing lack of availability as the fiscal certainty to businesses on the pathway for reopening of the economy continues. Reduced this transition. It is critical to unlock the natural capacity also poses economic viability issues for capacity in the region to make this transition. public transport providers and private operators, Investment in academia, research, supporting due to reduced fare revenue. communities, broadband, provision of public/ Air transport faces the most challenging outlook sustainable transport must be delivered to in the sector with ongoing concerns about increase our capability to transition. viability while advice against non-essential travel Cork can be leaders in renewable energy, and quarantine on entry measures continue to be Government must support with regulatory in place. certainty and planning guidelines. Just transition Support will also be required for important policy, funding and support is needed for all. sectors which remain critical to an economy so Flexible/remote working holds opportunities from dependent on the international flow of goods a workforce participation and emissions reduction and services. The transport sector is an obvious perspective. This must be enabled and there is a candidate which is experiencing a severe and role of business and Government to support this. profound shock. In relation to gender equality, Government has a role in legislating for equal pay. Gender norms The arrival of Cruise Lines to Cork have been must be challenged. temporarily suspended. However, in a vote of confidence, a new weekly direct container service Education to accelerate behavioural change has a from Cork to USA was announced in June 2020, critical role to play across the board from climate giving Ireland its first direct container service to to diversity, equality and inclusion. Government the USA in many years. must deliver on established strategies.

Essential energy services continued to be The Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy supplied on an uninterrupted basis, though the is critical for the Cork region to be enabled. COVID-19 pandemic has stalled much energy The opportunity exists in Cork to identify Cork project construction and development. Climate Action Goals, there is a role for business, Government, and communities in achieving this. Positively, there has been an increased emphasis Setting regional goals and being supported in the on sustainable transport – walking, cycling and transition to achieve these could be pivotal. Cork access to water. can be the European Green Capital.

21. https://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/ireland/numbers-using-public-transport-in-cork-on-the-rise-944399.html 42 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Overview of key priorities and opportunities:

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Build the economy and » Identify pathways to increase » Give certainty to business with people’s confidence in sustainability and adopt national policies and milestones travelling safely again sustainable business models to support climate action and » Support local where possible » Industry has the opportunity a net zero carbon economy by 2050 » Transition employment from to make changes and adjust fossil energy sources to new accordingly » Invest in our third level and reinvent jobs » Seek out international best institutions, investment in practice apprenticeship programs, » Ensure reskilling pathways capital infrastructure and » Unrestrained and unlimited » Support local where possible broadband network, research, growth cannot be sustained » Transition employment from development and innovation in fossil energy sources to new renewables and reinvent jobs » Just Transition policy, funding » Ensure reskilling pathways and support

Make cities, towns and villages inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Improved energy utilisation and » Better urban planning to bring » Deliver high speed broadband efficiency business, amenities and living and decarbonise heat and » Explore community heat spaces together, connected transport with clean renewables projects by public and sustainable » Deliver the Cork Metropolitan transport » More and better investment in Area Transport Strategy public transport, cycling and » Support flexible working » Funding resources and walking arrangements and hence an education to accelerate enhanced life work balance » Identify pathway to net zero- behavioural change, supported carbon economy » Encourage domestic tourism by interventions to enable people to change behaviours

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Ensuring that all females are » Introduce quotas to 30% and » Ensure equal pay for equal treated equally, get paid towards 50% work. Role to incentivise accordingly in the workplace » Lead the way, champion equal transparency » Address societal conventions opportunity, remote working » Legislate that D&I policies are which place gender norms on and flexible working part of business strategies and specific occupations » Engage with schools in primary annual reporting » Too few women in senior roles and secondary on STEM » Broadband and digital hubs in this sector subjects and careers e.g. build supported on initiatives such as IWish » Measure and report progress of gender pay equality » Flexible working hours to promote workforce participation and inclusion for all BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 43

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Accelerate pathways to fuel » Support a Cork bid for Irelands » Implement appropriate carbon substitution from fossil to fully European Green Capital tax policy to encourage change renewable » Fund research and innovation » Clear policy, regulatory » Identify Cork climate change in renewable technologies certainty and fiscal prompts for goals and strategies to achieve through UCC and MTU renewables » Lifestyle behaviours and current » Adopt renewable energy to » Role for Enterprise Ireland economic model power company fleets and to and IDA to assist companies » Insufficient incentives and heat buildings transition to low carbon to net policy certainty for renewables » Measure carbon footprint and zero carbon climate impact of business » Become an energy exporter activities and develop » Protect against a global reduction pathways (Cork disruption Sustainability Audit system) » Just transition support mechanisms, and support businesses to be carbon neutral » Support Cork’s bid to be European Green Capital

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Insufficient incentives for » Embrace Artificial Intelligence » Support integrated systems renewables and developments in robotics especially in transport » Policy certainty to become a » Lead in promoting/developing » Give policy certainty in renewable energy exporter sustainable solutions for renewable energy development » Identify current/future intelligent/integrated » Policy and incentives must infrastructure needs infrastructure support businesses in driving » Encourage new user behaviour the change and adopt new/innovative » Transition to carbon neutrality technology will happen faster if made easier for society, Government must support this with investment, policy and regulation 44 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Services including Financial

The Global Business Services Sector Cork is also Ireland’s second-largest financial in Cork has over 60 companies services hub, 14 IFS companies employ over providing a range of services from 1,300 people with 1000+ more employed in shared customer and technical financial roles in shared services and related audit and financial firm. It must also be noted that support services to sales. Over the service sector comprises of every solicitors 20 global players have based office, every accountant, PR consultant, designer their European or International or business advisor. Professional services is a Headquarters in Cork. broad and highly skilled church that keeps every element of our indigenous and multinational economy running smoothly. BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 45

THINK TANK CHAIR Mark Fitzharris, Head of Direct Banking, AIB and Cork Chamber Board member

the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the use Impact of Covid-19 of financial technology (Fintech) by many financial In Finance, Insurance and Real Estate, around services firms with existing Fintech companies 26% of those previously working in this sector are having a clear head start on others. Cork is well estimated to be on the Pandemic Unemployment placed to capitalise on a move to ‘digital-only’ Payment (PUP) or Temporary Wage Subsidy financial services and to be a hub for AI, IoT and Scheme (TWSS), down from 28% prior to Phase 1. other fintech enabling companies which deliver Numbers on the PUP (which were relatively small software solutions for the financial services to begin with) have decreased by 15% since Phase industry. That said, fintech only accounts for one 1, although it is possible that some of those will element of services. Only once the Wage Subsidy have moved on to the TWSS. Scheme has tapered off, will the full impact of the pandemic on this sector which is woven intricately The Covid-19 lockdown measures dramatically throughout our economy be fully understood. reduced the number of transactions across all sectors, including in the real estate market where there have been operational challenges Think Tank for developers, landlords and tenants. Due to The service sector has short term requirements changing consumer demands, the more long-term that are highly dependent on the COVID-19 impact on demand and supply in the sector is still business supports being comprehensive and fit unclear. for purpose. However, in discussion the focus invariably shifted to the long-term vision for Though in general, the services sector including Cork. Under each SDG, conversation consistently financial, insurance and professional services has reverted to sustainable travel and urban patterns, responded well, enabling remote work, business equality, quality of life and respect for nature. continuity, risk management as well as customer Integration of the SDGs in business operations. and employee support. The services sector is International benchmarking. Ending Direct now challenged to use the crisis to innovate and Provision. Emulating successful innovation reimagine its services through continued digital support models. Upskilling and evolving are focal transformation, data and privacy management points for this group alongside improving and and cybersecurity. celebrating our quality of life and reputation. The financial services sector has been quite resilient and is faring well in terms of a boost to ecommerce, cyber, fintech and Anti Money Laundering (AML) compliance. As a sector, its risk and business continuity plans were invoked and it is well set up for remote and home working. The sector is reportedly turning the experience to their advantage and building the capabilities required to thrive in a new reality. For example, 46 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Overview of key priorities and opportunities:

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Closures, employment and » Create safe, healthy workplaces » Robust COVID-19 supports footfall loss and customer environment that promote green growth » Safe and secure working » Upskill for long term flexible » Interest-free loans, debt- » Consumer confidence working, and online commerce relief funding, SME focus and upskilling » Discontinuation of COVID » Adopt sustainability and supports Inclusion commitment » Regional Strategy for Financial Services » Broadband » Celebrate and market quality of life, city, harbour and county, » More and better e-governance » Lack of networking, social and high quality education, sectoral mental challenge mix, cultural diversity and » Reskilling excellent workforce » Facilitate credit for suppliers

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » A deep rooted societal issue » Role models, networking and » Voices of vulnerable women are » Childcare exacerbated rather conferences that champion reflected in decision making than improved by pandemic women across every sector » Female representation across » Equal opportunities for all » Increase the share of equal all strands of business members of society opportunity businesses in » More female politicians and supply chain » Inequality in pay ministers » Targets for gender balance » Visible women leaders » Equal maternity/paternity leave among employees at every » Supports to assist business with level flexible working » Eliminate discrimination AND » Improve early childcare, promote inclusion with policy transition to public provision such as childcare, flexible working hours and WFH » Equal pay for equal work » Equal pay for equal work » Meaningful data on home working

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Quality of life and environment » Support local enterprises with » Climate compatible COVID-19 are inseparable natural products recovery plan » Inefficient homes, carbon » SDGs integrated into strategic » Incentives, funding and finance fuelled vehicles, throw away plans, operations, board for green technology consumption, diet and travel agendas » Capital investment in existing » Deliver a net zero carbon » Reduce non-essential business transport plans for Cork region travel and meetings » Incentivise private sector » Screen investment for climate » Make mileage expenses less indigenous tree planting compatibility attractive. Incentivise walking » Support renewable energy and cycling » Indigenous planting BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 47

Make cities, towns and villages inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Ensure safe, sustainable, » Provide SDG leadership » Counter the prejudices inclusive pandemic recovery » Engage in community life, faced by immigrants, those » People, quality of life and youth services, events and with disabilities, and from natural environment at the core attractions challenged socio-economic backgrounds of planning policy » Long term flexible working » Fund the City & County » Address traffic congestion. » Champion diversity, inclusion, Climate Change Adaptation Grow sustainable and public and minorities transport options plan » Inclusive employment » Invest in green spaces, parklets, » Accelerate alternative to programmes Direct Provision, welcome regeneration, green and blue » Onsite facilities for walk, run international citizens, recognize ways and cycle to work the significance of Black Lives » Reliable and fast public Matter transport with e mobility complement » Data led planning » Incentives for sustainable development patterns and retrofit » Eclectic fine grain urban zoning mix

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Infrastructure delivery timelines » Focus on technological » SDG checklist for all investment » Infrastructure that supports innovation in the fields of data decisions economic development while analytics and AI » Incentives and funding to protecting quality of life and » Increase collaboration with 3rd promote technological the natural environment level institutions innovation » Single occupancy vehicles and » Utilise green investment funds » Emulate Singapore tax road capacity » Support resumed growth of incentive for those who buy » Lack of sustainable tourism Cork Airport products and invest in start- ups. infrastructure such as » Integrate equality and the greenways SDGs in infrastructure design » Deliver Cork Events Centre » Commuter rail service and » Review and positively affirm infrastructure underdeveloped NDP. » Deliver NDP projects, complete the N25 junction, Dunkettle, M28, and M20 » Enhanced local authority autonomy to raise capital locally » Deliver broadband » Policy, regulation and investment support to utilise river and harbour amenity e.g. for commuting 48 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME


THINK TANK CHAIR Hugh Smiddy, Head of Business Development at Tyndall National Institute and Cork Chamber Board member

This sector is interacting with The health sector also saw significant innovation. other relevant sectors such as ICT, Cork based Health Innovation Hub Ireland (HIHI) pharmaceutical, biotechnology, worked with Irish businesses through a COVID-19 and materials to encourage Solutions Portal to creatively solve problems and capture nearly 200 innovations to support new healthcare solutions from healthcare during the pandemic and improve technology convergence and digital patient care through the development of new transformation “smart health” healthcare technologies, products, and services. approaches.

Specifically, is the largest Think Tank university teaching hospital in Ireland with the only Level 1 Trauma Centre in the Country. It has The intrinsic link between health, wellbeing a supra-regional catchment of 1.2 million people. and sustainability was the running theme in the In addition, Cork is served by the Mercy University Health Think Tank. The pandemic uncovered a Hospital and Bon Secours Hospital - the list in supportive network between healthcare, business non-exhaustive, and the track record is strong. and academia in Cork, though significantly one which is not curated. Improving care quality Led by UCC, and partnered with CIT, Cork’s and efficiency through technology such as Health Innovation Hub Ireland (HIHI) works across telemedicine and sharing market and research the health sector with Irish businesses. The HIHI internationalisation learnings are areas that can harnesses innovation through development of be improved. Focus on the relationship between new healthcare technologies, products, and the natural and built environment and the living services, creating jobs and exports. patterns it creates ran throughout the discussion as a baseline for good quality of life and Impact of Covid-19 proactive health and wellbeing.

As part of the national effort to address the Covid 19 public health crisis, the healthcare sector saw a considerable shift with the private hospital network entering into an agreement to provide capacity to the public health system, effectively creating one single healthcare system in response to Covid 19. 50 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Overview of key priorities and opportunities:

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Alignment of health actors in » Flexible working and WFH in » Incentives for companies to the city and county the medium to long term embrace sustainability » Attracting and retaining talent, » Build on huge collaboration » Continuity of COVID-19 attracting valuable investment over the last period and supports to include rates » Sustainable development of continue to support local waiver the region, protecting natural suppliers » Concerted shift towards assets, providing affordable » Share international growth and e-governance, remote apps accommodation options, funding application experience and platforms public, sustainable transport and provide learning links opportunities » Continuity of supply » Embed the SDGs in across business strategy and operations

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Ensure that Cork remains » Forum for collaboration » Enable and divest state land attractive for existing and new between healthcare actors that supports sustainable investors » Telemedicine: targeted phased economic development » Enhance reputation as focus to be a leader in remote » Sláintecare implementation responsible healthcare service provision must ensure system capacity providers » Engage in the rollout of for current and future needs » Diagnostic units separated out SláinteCare ensuring strong » Invest in medical infrastructure from hospitals as works so well allocation of services, in Singapore infrastructure and supports » Low uptake of telemedicine

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Healthcare should lead with » Actively promote gender » Support density. Living close 75% women but it has the equality to where you work is an same challenges as every other » Balanced gender international preference sector representation on Board of » Improve and integrate childcare » Equality for all Directors » Actively encourage business to » Equal pay for equal work » School workshops attain gender balance » Fragmented childcare services » Encourage candidates from » Support youth club Deis schools to interview development for growth, skills, » Flexible working and coaching community and achievement on performance management of virtual teams


Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Rapidly increase proportion of » Clear measurement and » Deliver infrastructure renewable energy on the grid deliverables for climate action » Communicate clearly and » Integrating sustainability into required within health service effectively on what measures business strategies which creates huge amounts of businesses should be taking waste » Instigating behavioural change » Incentivise encourage, and in attitude of businesses and » A move to telehealth to reduce reward progressive business employees to environmental commuting and emissions practices issues » Ban on single use plastics in » Incentivise indigenous tree and » Single use plastic, carbon offices wildflower planting, and ban footprint and consumption » Cultivate wildflower meadows, pesticides and weed killers for » Climate Change is a huge and ban pesticides and weed landscaping challenge killers » Support sustainability initiatives of Chambers (as business representative organisation, platform for change)

Make cities, towns and villages inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

CHALLENGES ROLE OF BUSINESS ROLE OF GOVERNMENT » Increasing pop. density while » Safe, healthy wellbeing » More recreational planning maintaining and creating oriented workplaces focus, essential for residents healthy spaces and workplaces » Bike and sustainable mobility and attracting investment » Address traffic congestion incentives » Incentives for businesses that and quality of life impacts of » Encourage the people of Cork reopen, or newly open commuting to come back to the City » Focus on international » No disincentive to using car. » Remote working hubs get benchmarks Public transport options (bus/ people together and alleviate » Attract health conferences rail) are insufficient commuting » Infrastructure not capable of » Gather remote working data handling transport needs and trends » Pedestrianise city centre. Facilitate park and ride » Active indoor pursuits essential 52 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Imagineer Your City, Your County Survey Results BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 53

Launched in June, the public survey titled ‘Imagineer Your City, Your County’, to which over 800 responses were received, asked for views on the future vision for Cork in the next 5, 10 and 30 years. The survey captures public sentiment of how Cork could be shaped as it develops, where we could excel and how we could differentiate our City region.

Your Top 3 asks for what The differentiators for you want to see more of living and working in Cork in the next 5 years:

1. Connected public transport 57% networks (bus, light rail, and Quality of life suburban rail) 2. Cycleways, greenways 42% & enhanced walking The tourism, cultural environment & hospitality scene (café, theatre, gallery, 3. restaurants, heritage) Green spaces, trees, wildflower planting & green infrastructure such as living walls 34% Diverse business types & This is followed by more outdoor dining, activities (from indigenous amenity access to the river and coastline from home grown to large Cork City, enhanced resourcing for An Garda multinational) Síochána for urban centres. 54 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

The biggest changes to our daily lives over the next 10 years as we approach 2030, will be:

GROWTH ADDRESSING MORE PEOPLE IN REMOTE CLIMATE USING PUBLIC/ WORKING CHANGE SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT Opportunities for remote We need to flatten the working will become the norm. climate curve. Unless we work We face growing traffic While the shift to remote collectively to bring forward congestion unless there is working has been accelerated solutions, change behaviours, considerable investment in by the Covid-19 pandemic, the consumption, adopt new public and sustainable transport. benefits from an environmental technologies and fuels we will We cannot continue to develop (cutting transport emissions) and suffer more extreme weather or grow as a city region work/life balance perspective events, biodiversity loss (population, development will see remote working become and miss the opportunity to footprint) without a viable more commonplace. make the changes needed to public and sustainable transport secure a sustainable future for network. generations to come.

Your Top Choices on how 2050 will look:

43% 25% Remote working Cork County towns will be the norm connected with cycling and walking greenways and blueways 42% 25% Public transport (suburban A living city: more planting, rail, light rail and bus) is trees, green spaces and the number one choice for amenity areas within 1km of commuting where you live

Cork as the European Green Capital in 5 years:

86% Yes 10% No opinion 2% No 2% Other

Asking respondents if Cork should strive to be the European Green Capital, we report overwhelming support. The EGC Award is a European Commission initiative recognising cities that make their urban environments better and healthier places to live. Cities are assessed on the basis of 12 environmental indicators Air Quality, Noise, Waste, Water, Nature and Biodiversity, Sustainable Land Use and Soil, Green Growth and Eco-innovation, Climate Change: Mitigation, Climate Change: Adaptation, Sustainable Urban Mobility, Energy Performance and Governance. Lisbon is the 2020 European Green Capital. BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 55

The biggest changes to our daily lives over the next 30 years as we approach 2050, will be:

ACTIONS NOW WILL DICTATE OUR DAILY LIVES IN RESPECT OF CLIMATE CHANGE Unless we have strong leadership and climate action now, dealing with uncertainty & Climate Change will be a part of our daily lives. Biodiversity loss, rising temperatures, pressures on food production and food systems, geopolitical uncertainty, climate migration, drought events, and sea level rise bringing more extreme flood events will feature strongly in 2050.

CONNECTED TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENERGY USE WILL BE FULLY RENEWABLE Energy will be green and fully renewable. We will have connectivity via public transport corridors to facilitate the population increase.

WORKPLACE TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION Automation of jobs/artificial intelligence will be more prominent in our daily lives. We will be even more connected to technology. Autonomous vehicles will be commonplace.

Your one wish to shape Cork’s development by 2050. This is what you told us. (the below keywords and comments capture the main sentiment of responses)



‘‘ Affordable housing for everyone and Improved public transport, with ‘‘ light rail

‘‘ eliminate homelessness. ‘‘ to industrial areas especially. Better use ‘‘ of the and harbour.

‘‘ For Cork to be carbon negative.

‘‘ Lots of good jobs in the area of ‘‘ A vibrant and living ‘‘ city, access to and renewable sustainable energy with a ‘‘ from the city/county via enhanced strength in security of energy supply. public transport.

‘‘ Redeveloping derelict buildings ‘‘ Take a lead on positive‘‘ impacts and empty space over shops into ‘‘ to reverse/harness the negative impact homes that are in keeping with the of climate change. architectural heritage of the city.

The Imagineer Your City, Your County survey is not intended as an exhaustive analysis, instead capturing a qualitative overview of sentiment and perspectives. 56 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Think Tank Participating Organisations BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 57

3SIXTY Eur Digital Village ProStrategy

AB Sales Everywhere Medical PwC

AIB Bank FKelly Consulting Quantum Business Solutions Think Tank Participating AM O’Sullivan PR Ltd Finance OTC Consulting Ltd RJ O’Brien Building Contractors Limited anois CLG RKD Architects ARUP Flourish with Social Media RedFM Organisations Adare Human Resource Focus Ireland Limited Management Republic of Work Ltd Fota Adventure Alex’s Adventure Ltd Rethink Ireland Fota Wildlife Park All About Us Video SECAD Partnership CLG Fuller Marketing Ballymaloe Foods STEAM Education Ltd Glavloc Building Technology Beechbrook Capital Ireland DAC Six Seconds Network Europe Griffith College Benchmark International SmartOffice Technology H-Training BioMarin International Limited SocialBee HEINEKEN Ireland Blizzard Entertainment Ireland Ltd Specsavers Health Innovation Hub Ireland Burgolarm Security Team Challenge Process Hotel Isaacs Company Ltd Campion Insurance Horner APG The Crann Centre Ltd CareerWise Recruitment ISO Competitive Edge The Everyman Career Training Internships Iarnrod Éireann The River Lee Hotel Change By Degrees Insight Multimedia The Rubicon Centre Clearstream Global Securities Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard Services Ltd To Have & To Hold Jacobs Conexion.ie Touchcom Ltd Johnson and Perrott Motor Group Cork English College Triskel Arts Centre KPMG Cork Institute of Technology Trocaire LW Management Tungsten Consulting Limited Leigh Gillen Events Cork Pops Orchestra Ltd Tyndall National Institute Melius Cork Taxi Co-Op Society UCC Academy Mercy University Hospital Cork Volunteer Centre University College Cork Musgrave Limited Group Cortado VHI Healthcare DAC Nano Nagle Place Cully and Sully Velo Coffee Roasters National Learning Network (NLN) Culture Co-Working Visit Cork National Maritime College Cult-CreaTE Wain Morehead Architects Ltd of Ireland Cumulus Consulting ltd Well Said Communications OCon Chemicals Ltd Deloitte William Fry Solicitors OrthoXel De Puy (Ireland) Ltd Willis Towers Watson O’Flynn Group Dress For Success O’Flynn Medical Ltd EBO Home Rescue PE Global ESB Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals EY Poppulo 58 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Glossary of Acronyms & Terms

AI (Artificial Intelligence) - Computer IDA – Industrial Development Agency Prosumer – a person who consumes or computer-controlled robot and produces a product Ireland’s Ancient East – a historic, performing tasks simulating human heritage themed touring route PUP – Pandemic Unemployment intelligence, learning, cognition and covering the area outside of Dublin Payment problem solving. and east of the River Shannon, Pure Cork – the destination Brand for Biomethane – Also known as extending from Carlingford to Cavan Cork renewable natural gas - purified and south to Cork City, including form of raw biogas from anaerobic East County Cork and East County RRDF (Rural Regeneration digestion that can be used as a Limerick. and Development Fund) – natural gas substitute. a commitment of €1 billion in rural IEE - A key performance indicator Ireland over the period 2019 to Circular Economy – Economic model (KPI) tracking methodology. 2027, supporting job creation in rural thats looks at the full lifecycle, it IFS – International Financial Services areas to address de-population of focuses on the materials and design rural communities and to support with an emphasis on production IWish – is an initiative to inspire, improvements in towns and villages that supports renewal, reuse, repair, encourage and motivate young (pop. <10,000). upgrade or refurbishment. The move female students to pursue careers in away from single use products and Science, Technology, Engineering and STEAM – Science Technology materials. Maths. Engineering Arts and Mathematics

CMATS – Cork Metropolitan Area Just Transition – Encompasses STEM – Science Technology Transport Strategy. Published in 2020, a range of economic and social Engineering and Mathematics the sets out an investment strategy interventions needed to secure Taste Cork – represents the food and worth €3.5bn to 2040 across walking, livelihoods when economies are drink producers that the Cork region cycling, bus, suburban rail and light shifting to sustainable production, has to offer rail. primarily combating climate change and protecting biodiversity. TWSS – Temporary Wage Subsidy Cork Learning City – Awarded in Scheme 2015. A learning City is defined by LEAN - A method for creating a UNESCO as 'a city which effectively more effective business by improving UCC – University College Cork mobilises its resources across all efficiency. URDF (Urban Regeneration and sectors to maximise the opportunities MTU – Munster Technological Development Fund) – to support for lifelong learning for all its citizens'. University more compact and sustainable CSR (Corporate Social development, as set out in NBP – National Broadband Plan Responsibility) – Businesses and other Project Ireland 2040, through the organisations integrate their social PET – short for polyethylene regeneration and rejuvenation of and environmental responsibilities terephthalate, the chemical name for Ireland's five cities and large towns. into their mainstream business polyester. This is a clear, strong, and USP – Unique Selling Point operations. Business decisions are lightweight plastic used commonly for made with contextual awareness and food packaging, drinking bottles etc. Visit Cork – Promotes Cork as a inclusion of wider sustainability issues. destination for business and leisure Project Ireland 2040 – is the tourism. The Business tourism brand is D&I – Diversity and Inclusion Government’s long-term strategy the‘Cork Convention Bureau’and the to make Ireland a better country for Doughnut Economics – Leisure brand is ‘Pure Cork’. all. Alongside the development of A framework for sustainable physical infrastructure, Project Ireland WFH – Work from home development. It combines the 2040 aims to support business and concept of planetary boundaries with Wild Atlantic Way – a 2,500km communities across all of Ireland in the complementary concept of social tourism trail driving route following realising their potential. It comprises a boundaries, essentially living within the Atlantic coast from County Cork 10-year €116 billion capital investment social and planetary boundaries to Donegal plan (National Development Plan) EI – Enterprise Ireland and a National Planning Framework, the strategy document which sets out FDA – Food Drinks and Agriculture how Government will accommodate HEI – Higher Education Institute expected population increases. BUILDING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE 59 SUSTAINABLE CORK PROGRAMME

Fitzgerald House, Summerhill North, Cork, T23 TD90, Ireland.

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