Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of St Columb Major Town Council, held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, St Columb Major on Tuesday, 13th September 2016 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs P Wills (Mayor), Mrs J Warner (Deputy Mayor), K Roberts, M Jenkin, B Daniels, Mrs B Rogers, M Beason, A Bazeley, E Culley and B Seamarks.

In attendance: Mr M C Uren (Town Clerk) Eight members of the public and a reporter from Voice

1061/14 Mayor’s Welcome: The Mayor, Cllr Wills, welcomed everyone to the Meeting.

i) Housekeeping: The Mayor addressed Councillors and members of the public giving advice on emergency procedures, asking that all mobile phones be switched off, or turned to silent.

ii) Announcement and Diary Dates: Cllr Wills presented his report:

“What a fantastic carnival in the parish this year. I would like to congratulate all those who took part in all the events. Without the public’s support it simply would not happen, and, of course, without the organisers, who work so very hard, it simply would not happen. Well done everyone.

I met with Steve Double MP for face to face talks, which lasted about half an hour and will report to Council later as this is an agenda item.

The Clerk and I visited St Columb Academy to see the resurfacing work being carried out on the top playground. This was able to be done due to funding from the Denzell Downs Wind Farm Community Fund.

The Clerk, Deputy Mayor and I visited the allotments for a formal inspection. I will again report later.

St Columb Major hosted the meeting of ’s Mayors on 6th September, with guest speaker the Lord Bishop of , the Rt Rev Tim Thornton. I have to say how impressed they all were with the town and the Town Hall. The Mayor of was very impressed, as she has not visited the Town Hall in over three years and stated that the town and Town Hall has never looked so cared for.

The Clerk and I met with the Football Club to discuss proposals they have, again this is an agenda item and we will discuss it later.


The Clerk, Deputy Mayor and I met with Dick Twinney to discuss the proposed mural again an agenda item.

I have had several complaints from residents of Highfield Avenue as the new academic year has begun. Yes it’s the age old problem of school drop off and pick up and parking. This comes up every year at least twice a year. If anyone has the solution please do get in touch because we have tried everything in our power as the Town Council to try and help. I cannot think of anything else we can do, so please do help”.

1062/14 Public Forum:

The Mayor invited members of the public to address the Council should they so wish.

Mrs Fuery advised that there appears to be a lot of fly tipping in Trelawney Parc. The matter will be investigated.

Mr Ford asked a number of questions: There appear to be a number of Councillors absent. Any reason why? He expressed grave concern regarding the Aerohub. The plants and trees are half dead; there are a load of weeds everywhere; the cost of the lighting; the cost of the roads. It was confirmed that the Aerohub is not actually in our Parish. It would appear that monies for this project came from Central European Funding. The reason why Mr Ford made these comments is to do with the cost of this project, yet we are unable to have the roads in the town, and in particular Lower East Street, repaired. They are in an appalling state. The parking in St Columb Major is terrible. Could we not perhaps buy some land (Jamieson’s land, for example) and build a new car park.

Mr Cryer referred to the recent visit made to Retallack by some of the Councillors. Retallack are still looking to have Condition 10 lifted. If this Condition is lifted people will be able to obtain mortgages, for example on the properties. Retallack are looking to build 334 new holiday homes. There will be socio-economic benefit; the creation of a Kite Mart Academy; the addition of 340 full-time jobs and a council tax charge of £490,000 levied, if this Condition is lifted. As of now some of the youth of the area are using the facilities and it is hoped that this involvement will increase. Retallack desperately wants to be part of St Columb Major. Mr Cryer asked that if the Council decides tonight to reject the Application, to defer the announcement and come back to them to discuss further. Mr Cryer confirmed that Regulations make it inappropriate to live in the lodges permanently.

Mr Guest spoke on behalf of the Football Club, advising that they are in negotiations to take over The Hurlings, due to the increase in youth football in the area.

1063/14 Report from Police:

There were no police present, but a Report had been sent, which the Town Clerk read:-

“Apologies from P C Lenton and PCSO Burgess – day shifts.


PCSO Parry will endeavour to attend, but has prior arrangement. Reported crime for the same period last year ten in total – this year twelve

1 – 2 Criminal damage – one roofing slate damaged and the other damage to motor vehicle linked to lady with dementia

3 – 4 Common assault – both linked to same offender and chance meeting – enquiries completed.

5 - 6 Thefts – both at the same location – enquiries ongoing

7 – Arson – hay bales set alight

8 – Drink driver – arrested and charged to court

9 – Communications Act – suspected ex-employee sending inappropriate texts

10 – 11 Domestic - same offender which resulted an alleged theft and possession of firearm

12 – Dogs out of control – person received bite – owner to be interviewed

It has been noted a number of the No Alcohol signs on street furniture are in need of a little tlc. We would appreciate if they could be cleaned, thus making them more obvious.

We are aware of the increase of children at the school and the knock-on effect in relation to parking. Our intention is to ask the school to mention our concerns in their news bulletins and we will endeavour to liaise and deal with those who may be causing the problem.

Very pleased with Carnival Week and from our point of view, a good time was had by all.

Regards PC 4785 Al Lenton”

Useful contact telephone numbers:

Neighbourhood Enquiries 01637 880617 For non-urgent calls or to report a crime – 101 In an emergency – 999 E-mail: [email protected]

1064/14 Apologies for Absence:

Apologies for Absence had been received from Cllr Colton (another engagement), Cllr Green (on holiday) and Cllr Mrs Jiggins (unwell). No Apologies had been received from Cllr Johns.


1065/14 Members Declarations of Interest:

i) Declaration of Interests, in accordance with the Agenda: Cllr Mrs Rogers and Cllr Culley - Item 1072/14 and Cllr Bazeley – Item 1068/14 – PA16/06763; PA16/07354 and PA16/06369. Cllr Wills referred to Item 1068/14 – PA16/06763 and PA16/07354. He was the last President of the Liberal Club and was heavily involved in the sale of the building. However, this happened over 18 months ago. Do Councillors require him to Declare and Interest on this item. Councillors agreed that this was not necessary, bearing in mind the circumstances.

ii) Declaration of gifts to the value of £25: None

1066/14 To confirm Minutes of the last Full Council Meeting held on 26th July 2016:

The Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, held on 26th July 2016, were presented by the Mayor.

With regards to Item 1056/14, our Handyperson has effected a very good repair on the wooden skateboard ramp. We need to check to see when it was last redecked.

Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Roberts seconded and it was RESOLVED that these Minutes, with one amendment, be accepted. Cllrs Jenkin, Bazeley and Seamarks abstained, as they were not present at this Meeting.

1067/14 Payment of Accounts – Members to Approve the Payment of Accounts to the end of August 2016:

The Mayor presented the Accounts to be paid up to the end of August. An explanation was given about payments to Drew Memorials and CCM. EDF’s invoice for Wesley Chapel will be reimbursed by Major Steps. The cost of a grit bin from fwb has been reimbursed by PR Weldhens. The Direct Credit from for £20000 is the Denzell Downs Community Fund monies for the Heritage Lights. The cheque received from St Columb Major Regeneration Forum had a letter attached to it requesting that the money be spent on the repair/renewal of the windows in the Mortuary Chapels. It was agreed to have an Agenda Item on this matter at the next Meeting. Since the finance statement was prepared the second half of the Precept has been received. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Mrs Rogers seconded and it was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the payment of accounts up to the end of August 2016.

1068/14 Planning Matters:

Cllr Bazeley left the room

PA16/06425: Listed Building Consent for the conversion of the exiting Liberal Club into 5 flats – Liberal Club, North Street, St Columb, Cornwall – Mr Weldhen


PA16/06763: Conversion of the existing Liberal Club into 5 flats – Liberal Club, North Street, St Columb, Cornwall – Mr Weldhen

Cllr Beason stated that this will create parking problems – too much development now – downstairs should be commercial. Cllr Wills reminded Members that we must look at this as an Application – it is up to the owner what he wants in the building. Cllr Daniels will support these Applications whether residential or commercial – parking is a problem – this is the way forward – will the flats go on open market? Cllr Seamarks stated that the flats would have limited value – need to work with developer. Cllr Beason stated that there will be less traffic if commercial. Cllr Culley stated that we can only delay this – it will happen. Cllr Jenkin agreed with all the concerns. There must be a 106 agreement or Community Infrastructure Levy on the developers. The Town Council is only a consultee. Cllr Daniels asked whether the number of flats will count against the number of houses. The answer was yes. St Columb Major is now acquiring the status of a ‘Dormitory’ Town. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Jenkin seconded and it was RESOLVED to support both the Applications. There was one abstention.

Cllr Bazeley returned the room

PA16/07354: New Carport in timber frame with two parking bays and store to ground with slate roof and storage within roof space – Trebell Barn, Talskiddy, St Columb, Cornwall – Mr and Mrs Brian Pinner: Cllr Beason asked about the actual location – it is at the top of a field , hidden by trees. Cllr Daniels proposed, Cllr Seamarks seconded and it was RESOLVED to support this Application. There was one abstention.

PA16/07054: Replacement of timber windows with UPVC windows – 2 Stonewood Court, Lower East Street, St Columb TR9 6AX: Cllr Beason did not think this was in keeping with the atmosphere – opposes UPVC windows. The property in in a Conservation Area. Cllr Daniels advised that this is an improvement to the property. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Mrs Rogers seconded and it was RESOLVED not to support this Application. There were three for and one abstention.

Cllr Bazeley left the room

PA16/06369: Removal of Condition 10 (Holiday Accommodation only) of application no. PA13/09392 dated 28/01/2014 to allow permanent residential occupation of the 334 holiday lodges – Retallack Resort & Spa, Winnards Perch, St Columb, Cornwall – Retallack Property Developments Ltd.: Cllr Roberts was a little confused with comments by Marcus Cryer – he thought the feelings of the Councillors, after their visit, was quite positive. He will support the Application. Unless the Condition is lifted it will put financial restrictions on the Resort. With the lifting of the Condition it will enable capital to be released. Cllr Mrs Warner stated that at no point in the presentation was there any mention of St Columb Major. Mention was made about the sewerage situation. They have their own system – it does need tanking. Cllr Daniels stated that they previously had a new sewerage treatment works, which was approved by the Environment Agency. Cllr Jenkin was of the opinion that they now “tick all the boxes”. He wondered what they are prepared to pay on the Infrastructure Levy. – probably a


small amount, not open market value. Cllr Mrs Warner stated that while the restrictions remain no-one will be able to live there permanently. Cllr Culley expressed concern about people living there permanently and the infrastructure. Cllr Beason made comparisons of Retallack with St Merryn Park. This would be a goodwill agreement. Cllr Wills stated that if the Restriction is lifted, how will the community infrastructure cope – basically, it will not. Cllr Seamark mentioned about management fees. Cllr Culley again expressed concern regarding the infrastructure. If this is approved we will be creating a precedent. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Mrs Warner seconded and it was RESOLVED not to support the Application. (6 against; 2 for and 2 abstentions).

Cllr Bazeley returned to the room

PA16/06448: Formation of separate entrance to cottage created by conversion; change of use of agricultural land east of the cottage to become garden – Campanula Cottage, Castle Road, Castle-an-Dinas, St Columb – Mr and Mrs E J B Hooper: Cllr Bazeley was of the opinion that there was an entrance there already. Cllr Jenkin proposed, Cllr Mrs Rogers seconded and it was RESOLVED unanimously to support this Application.

PA16/07670: Proposed extensions – 24, Dinas Road, St Columb, Cornwall – Mr G Chapman: Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Mrs Rogers seconded and it was RESOLVED unanimously to support this Application.

PA16/07613: Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area. Reduce the top of a willow by 3 metres – Delhaven, Bridge, St Columb, Cornwall – Mrs Brinkley: Will be decided under delegated authority - Noted

Town and Country Planning (Appeals) (Written Representations Procedure) (England) Regulations 2009 – PA16/02917 – Proposed erection of a replacement dwelling house – Pollawyn, Tregamere, St Columb, Cornwall – Mr and Mrs Charles Shazell: – Refused - Noted

1069/14 New Play Equipment:

Cllr Wills welcomed back Cllr Seamarks. Cllr Seamarks advised that he will bring forward to the next Meeting options for new sensory play equipment. He explained what the equipment would look like; the type of equipment, etc.

1070/14 Monkey Bars – Childrens’ Play Area:

Cllr Wills advised that there have been some recent damage to the Monkey Bars. These have now been repaired, but the question has to be asked as to whether we would wish to keep them. Cllr Mrs Warner stated that she does not think the Monkey Bars are used at all. Cllr Culley suggested that we paint them. Cllr Jenkin stated that it would seem sensible to leave them until we have something to replace them with. ROSPA have found no problems with them. It was eventually agreed to leave the Monkey Bars in situ for the time being.


1071/14 Mural:

Cllr Wills gave an update on the proposed Project. The owner of the building, Mr P Ryland, has now given permission for a mural to be painted on the wall (or on a board attached to the wall) of the property that he owns. Cllr Wills stated that he has met with Dick Twinney again regarding the design of this mural. Members were shown a picture of what Dick Twinney intends to include on the mural. The size will be 8’ x 4’. Cllr Beason had indicated that he would be interested in submitting a design for the mural. However, he was now quite happy to go ahead with Dick Twinney’s proposals. The cost of the project will be £5000 plus materials. The mural will be ready for the Shrove Tuesday Hurl – 27th February 2017. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Beason seconded and it was RESOLVED to support this Project.

Cllr Culley and Cllr Mrs Rogers left the room

1072/14 Allotments – Mains Water/Trees:

Cllr Wills explained about the latest Inspection carried out at the Allotments. No-one is to be thrown off their Plots. A suggestion has been made to supply mains water to the Allotments. Some Allotment Holders have stated that they do not want water. Should we ballot them to see what they actually want? The water will be charged at an agricultural rate. Cllr Jenkin stated that the borehole is hard to use. Could some kind of windmill be installed or may be solar power or a tank and generator. It was eventually agreed to bring back figures to the next Meeting. We have received two prices to thin out, lop off and remove some trees from the hedge bordering the Cemetery. There is also a dead oak tree which needs to be removed. Price 1 - £1400; Price 2 - £1500.Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Jenkin seconded and it was RESOLVED unanimously to accept Price 1. Cllr Daniels stated that a Holly tree just inside the entrance gate should also be thinned out. It was thought that this tree was included in Price 1 received. It was stated now that Tony Roberts has his waste license he will be removing the tyres from inside the main gates.

Cllr Culley and Cllr Mrs Rogers returned to the room

1073/14 Land Behind Fire Station:

The Town Clerk gave an update on the situation regarding the land at the rear of the Fire Station. Cllr Wills confirmed that we have made a tentative step. The Trustees are now happy to have further discussions. We will keep the Council fully informed of developments.

1074/14 Devolution Projects:

Cllr Beason gave an update on where we actually are with regards to the Devolution Projects. The Applications have been re-written. He read to Members the Trekenning Road Car Park Application. We will be applying for monies to be able to undertake feasibility studies and public consultation. It is hoped that Cornwall Rural Community


Council will assist in our work. The main Application is the Trekenning Road Car Park. Cllr Jenkin advised that consideration has been given to providing cameras; drainage and resurfacing; lighting and power; and drawing up a new Parking Order. Cllr Daniels stated that it is his intention to come off the Network Panel forthwith. Cllr Wills offered to replace him on the Panel. The Project on The Hurlings is at a similar stage. The re- written Application was read to Members. The closing date for Applications is 30th September 2016. The Network Panel has a Special Meeting to discuss the Applications on 3rd November 2016.

1075/14 Jackie Law Memorial Garden:

Cllr Wills spoke about the Jackie Law Memorial Garden. It is within the curtilage of the Closed Churchyard and therefore our responsibility. The Town Council needs to take over this piece of land and arrange for our Grass Cutting Contractor to carry out maintenance every 2 months. Additional costs will be discussed with the Contractor, and Council advised in due course. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Beason seconded and it was RESOLVED unanimously for the Town Council to take over the maintenance of the Jackie Law Memorial Garden.

1076/14 Face to Face Meeting with MP:

Cllr Wills spoke about a recent Face to Face Meeting he had had with our MP, Steve Double. Topics discussed included the grassed area of BT land in Higher East Street and the Allotments. BT have stated that it is not possible for Major Steps to use this piece of land because of what is actually on, or under it. It would not be safe for children to play on it. With regards to the Allotments, our MP is in total agreement with all the Town Council has done to help the Allotment Holders. Other more subsidiary topics discussed were Brexit and the recent Tory Party Leader elections.

1077/14 Cremated Remains – Closed Churchyard:

Cllr Wills gave an update on the Cremated Remains area in the Closed Churchyard. We need to consider applying for a Faculty to extend downwards, towards the Tower, the Cremated Remains area in the Closed Churchyard. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Jenkin seconded and it was RESOLVED unanimously to apply for the Faculty forthwith.

1078/14 Heritage Lights:

Cllr Wills advised that we have been successful in bidding for money from the Denzell Downs Wind Farm Community Fund for the next phase of Heritage Lights. We have now received £20000. There is also an amount of £10000 in Earmarked Reserves for Heritage Lights. If both these figures are added together we should have enough money to replace the remainder of street lights with Heritage Lights throughout the main thoroughfare of the Town. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Roberts seconded and it was RESOLVED to take this course of action. There were two abstentions. It was also mentioned that some of the street lights taken out would be used to lighten the area between Philiphaugh Manor Care Home and the roundabout.


1079/14 Public Payphone Removals:

Cllr Wills spoke about the removal of some Public Payphones in Cornwall. The only one actually in our parish is the one in Fair Street. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Beason seconded and it was RESOLVED unanimously to support the adoption of this telephone box.

1080/14 Town Crier Interviews:

As Councillors were aware, Colin Roberts has resigned as Town Sergeant/Town Crier. He has moved to be nearer his family in Australia. He has given to the Council a framed picture of Cornish Bards from St Columb Major. The Town Council has given him part of his honorarium - £100. We have advertised for a replacement. We have received one application – Kevin Roberts. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Seamarks seconded and it was RESOLVED unanimously to appoint Kevin Roberts to the role of Town Sergeant/Town Crier. Congratulations were extended to Kevin Roberts.

1081/14 Football Club:

Cllr Wills spoke on the Football Club and proposals they have put forward: alterations to the Pavilion; repair/replace roof/widen gate; provide storage space.

The Football Club has asked to carry out minor alterations to the internal area of the Pavilion to create a new kitchen area. Permission has been granted for them to carry on with this work. Another suggestion has been to make entrances from the three changing rooms out on to the field – ie fit external doors to the three rooms. They will, in effect, be Fire Exit Doors. This alteration will require Planning Permission. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Mrs Warner seconded and it was RESOLVED to support this request to install Fire Exit Doors. There was one abstention. The Football Club has been given access to the school field to enable its Youth Teams to practice. The mower needs to be able to enter this field. At present the gate is too narrow. We have received from our preferred Contractor two prices to either just replace the gate with double gates (£1458 + VAT) or to replace the whole length of fencing and install a double gate (£1796 + VAT). Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Mrs Warner seconded and it was RESOLVED to go for the Option 2 – replace the whole length of fencing. There was one abstention. The roof of the Pavilion is leaking. We have obtained prices from three Contractors to either overlay the roof or replace it. One Contractor has also quoted just to repair the area of roofing where it is leaking £382. Councillors agreed not to go for just the repair. Option 1 – Overlay roof - £3440; £1636; £1760 – Option 2 – Replace roof – No price; £3160; £2680. It was eventually proposed by Cllr Beason, seconded by Cllr Daniels and RESOLVED to accept the lowest price for replacing the roof - £2680. There was one abstention. The Football Club requires additional storage space. They have acquired a metal container, which has now been placed in the School Playing Field. They could either obtain another Container and place it somewhere in the Recreation Ground or have permanent storage by making the bottom bay of the open shelter into storage accommodation. Councillors were of the opinion that a Container could be vandalized and would be unsightly. However there was also some concern over having one of the bays made into a storage facility. However after some further discussion, Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr


Roberts seconded and it was RESOLVED to for the bottom bay of the open shelter to be made into storage accommodation. There were three abstentions. This will also require Planning Permission.

1082/14 Correspondence:

The following items of Correspondence have been received:

a) Highway Emergency Number – 0300 1234 222

b) Cornwall Council Learning and Development Newsletter

c) CALC – Weekly News Roundup – 29/07/16; 05/08/16; 12/08/16; 19/08/16; 26/08/16; 02/09/16; 09/09/16

d) Cornwall Community Flood Forum’s AGM and Conference – 6th October 2016

e) Vacancies on the Planning Partnership

1083/14 Any Other Business:

a) Cllr Wills reminded Councillors of the need to think about any future projects for 2017/18. We have to adopt a Budget and set the Precept in early December.

b) Cllr Wills advised that there is a requirement for have the finial replaced on the Bell Tower. Although we received retrospective Listed Building Consent for the Bell Tower, one requirement was that we must have a finial in place. The Town Clerk has recently received photographic evidence that clearly shows the finial was not more than a wooden plug, which had been placed in the hole left when the weather vane was moved to the Church many years ago. The Town Council will seek permission to place a large replica silver ball on top of the Bell Tower to reflect the history of the parish.

c) The Rotary Club of St Columb has requested a donation towards this year’s Cornwall Coast and Clay Sportive. After much debate it was proposed by Cllr Mrs Warner and seconded by Cllr Mrs Rogers and RESOLVED to make a donation of £100.

d) Cllr Mrs Rogers expressed some concern regarding brambles and stinging nettles in Newquay Road and School Lane.

e) Cllr Mrs Rogers stated that there was a need for litter bins to be placed near School Lane, Highfield and Brownings Close, Hawkens Way. We will include an item on the next Agenda.

f) Cllr Beason expressed some concern regarding the amount of rubbish which appears outside the corner house of Victoria Street. We will look into the matter.


g) Cllr Roberts mentioned again about the weeds in Bank Street. This matter will be dealt with forthwith.

h) Cllr Daniels spoke about overgrowth of weeds and hedging on the pavement between Philiphaugh Manor Care Home and The Hurlings entrance. There is also a sycamore tree which is overhanging the same footpath which requires removal. The matter has been referred to Cormac.

i) Cllr Daniels referred to the lights in Trekenning Road Car Park. One is completely hidden by trees and the double header – the one shining on the parking area is fine, but the one shining out into the Car park is also hidden by trees. The matter has again been referred to Ocean Housing.

j) Cllr Mrs Warner spoke about the Shelter at Taklskiddy. To start with there were a number of complaints about it, but now everyone thinks it is wonderful. Tomacz still has to complete the flooring and the bench.

k) The Town Clerk advised that we have received an invoice from the Allotment Society for Renewal our Membership. Do we want to or not? It was agreed to write to the Allotment Society and ask what the benefits are.

l) The Town Clerk advised that we have received an invoice from CDA for a Support Contract (£1241.15) for 2016. It was agreed to check as to what we actually receive from this Contract and report back to the next Meeting.

1084/14 Date of Next Full Council Meeting:

The next Full Council Meeting is due to held on Tuesday, 27th September 2016 at 7.00pm.

The Mayor thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the Meeting at just before 10.15pm.

Dated: 27th September 2016 Signed: