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White House Special Files Box 12 Folder 1 Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 12 1 n.d. Other Document North Carolina Historical Commission State information for General Assembly 1913 (copied pages). Includes copies of hand- written notes. 25 pages including notes. 12 1 04/20/1972 Newspaper Article: The Sun Journal, New Bern, North Carolina - "Mrs. Nixon Dedicates Stanley House" by Tom Gause. Copy not made. 12 1 08/25/1972 Letter Dr. Islyn Thomas to Mr. Robert J. Dole, Republican National Committee, re: the importance of President Richard Nixon's Welsh Ancestry from the President of St. David's Society of the State of New York. 3 pages with attachment. 12 1 03/01/1972 Brochure "Our Welsh Heritage" by Dr. Islyn Thomas of St. David's Society of the State of New York. 62 pages with insert. Only cover scanned. Monday, May 07, 2007 Page 1 of 1 ~, t ~ I PREFACE. I CALENDAR. J9 J3. i- ;L" MAY. SEPTEMBER. ~:1 This volume Is issued by the. North Carollna Historical Commission S M T W T F S S)[TWTFS .. _. .. .. i 2 3 •• 1 2 3 4 5 6 in order to furnish to the members of the General Assembly of 1913, 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 21 22 28 24 25 26 27 In convenient form, Information about the State which otherwise 25 26 27 28 29 ao 31 28 29 ao l would require much investigation In many different sources. It Is ! I JUNE. OCTOBER. also hoped that It may prove of value and service to others who , I 234 5 6 7 I 234 desire to have In succinct form such data about North Carolina. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6'7 8 9 10 11 t 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 1. 16 11 18 r 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Similar Manuals, Issued in 1903, 1905, and 1907 by the Secretary of 29 ao 26 27 28 29 30 31 ! State, and in 1909 and 1911 by the North Carolina HIstorical Com­ I JULY. NOVEMBER. mission, have proven of very general utility and interest. Requests ! 12345 •• ._ ._ •• _. 1 for copies have come not only from all over North Carolina, but from 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 2 3 4 5 678 13 .. 15 16 17 18 19 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 most of the States of the Union, and the demand for them has been 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 so great that these editions have long been exhausted, and it is now r ~ AUGUST. D~CEMBER. extremely difficult to secure a copy. I 2 .• I 2 3 4 5 6 The Historical Commission trusts that the members of the General 3 4 -5 6 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 11 12 13 14 I~ 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 :'1 :t 23 21 :t 23 24 25 26 27 Assembly of 1£)13 will find this volume of service to tuom in their :!4 ;%S- 2lI5 :; ~ ~SO ~ ~ 30 31 II work . •.=-:;;:;;.,.._-:.:::;,.-=:;..~~-:--=:~ .:::..~:=.::.::;=:=...::::--=:;::..:".=..:..~-=-~ t<; _. ",. rn »rct Pinto, its share of the domestic market has co I . .. r i'.I \ 1..1\, <,' ( 1 ( r- ! (; been rising. The company's success In anticipa I.n g I I. public preferences (Thunderbird, Mustang, Maverick (C/\,,\,h. ! I and Pinlo) suggests that it will at least hold its cur~enl l m.ukut share. Moreover, in the absence of the United () , I . ',.\ (I Killqdorn strike, foreign earnings are likely to b~ co~­ '/ { ·f T (I. t. ';Iclcrnbly higher this year. Accordinqly, despite ItS .) 'i ,,'J.'" '\ I i IroutJ!Cs, we think share earnings of at least $6.75 to <,i '01~ "'..,. r-rv -,« •.-'-'--_.::";,; '( ,(1",." , I ""\",! 1. I , , 1\ ..• Oovenxou's COUXCIL. 323 :verard13 PHEsmE~TS O}' TIlE PJWVI~TL\L COCl"eILl lrrlngt<>n l l Oct. 18,1775-Mar. 5,1776, Co~elius Harnett, New Hanover. RIC't" June 5,l776-Aug. 21,1776 Cornelius Harnett,' New Hanover. :>hnstonll Aug. 21, 1776-Sept. 27,1776 Samuel Ashe.a New Hanover. Howan' Sept. 27, 1776-0ct. 25,1.776 Willie Jones, Halifax. )bbs" 'ryoD" GOVEn~OH'S :ryonll j JIEJIHEUS O}' TIlE COeXCIL.' ISen~ XOT£.-Namcs are spelled as they appear in the lists preceding the Iournn le of l':lch ~rt1nH aeeaion, with varlations or modern forms in brackets. -( .SAMUEL STEPHE~S, Governor. Oct. [?], 1667­ 1670............•..John Jenkins 1670 John Willoughby 1670 Peter Carteret .Hil 11lS2. 1670 [Francis?] Godfrey -r aed Xor\h Caro­ ,,, inee. .\ppoin~ THOMAS EASTCHURCH.. Governor "ntA Propri~lon lO Nov. 21, 1676-1677. 1677 , James Hill 1677 Timothy Biggs 1677 ; John Nixon JOHN HARVEY, Deputy Governor. Feb. 5, 1678 [79]-Aug. [?], 1679. 1679 , Richard Ffoster [Foster] 1679 ............•..John Willoughby 1679 John Jenkins 1679 Anthony Slocum 1679 Robert Holden , 'The Provincial Council (after April 1776called Council of Safety) was the chicf ezecu­ tlWI authority of the revolutionary zovernment during the interval from the overthrow o( the royal jitovcrnment in 1775 until the inauguration of the independent State govern­ 'n""L JI\Il. I. 1777. IHeaigned. , \ / I I '. r / \ r : , ) l I'.' I \ I (' / ' I ... 4i ="0 I ::l e ,\ , ~ ". ::a .s: ~ 0 0 01'" U o "';::: ~ e t:: III u:o u 0.. 0:0 t:: ~ ."." ~ e 0 C i: r f)( v., I. -. ... t:: 0 ..: 0 " , t \ 0 "D ! ~.e c:: ... E E Q "0 c 0 '" ~ <- (\ 0 ... ... II > co e \ i \ ('. \ \ -. , \: ..... vi .- .~ -:J_0 ... I. ... " " \. .·1 . - \.: 'I ~ L,\ I': '1 " (\ \ (I. \.. TIlE GENEIlAL ASSE:~lBLY. 369 I, /. r v- 'I' 1754-1760..•....... , ... Richard Caswell, Ju[nio]r ,,</' ; I. Stephen Cade C' 1760 John Hinton \~, ..... J I >, \ I' Needham Bryan I • 1761.. •...... , John Hinton Needham Bryan 1762 [April] Needham Bryan Jottn Hinton 1762 [November] Xeedham Bryan i John Hinton ! 1764-1765..••.......... Benjamin Hardy , Needham Bryan 1766-1768 Needham Bryan Benjamin Hardyiv I 1769 Needham Bryan John Smith " 1770--1771.. John Smith Joel Lane ... 1773 [January] William Bryan John Smith 1773-1774 John Smith Xeedham Bryan 1775 : Needham Bryan Benjamin Williams lI .. 'l I "1 ! 'I I ! t \ , \ . ~ ! , , I .. ' . • COUXCILOllS OF STAn:. 425 · 1787. d ELECTED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF 1791-1792. ....Halifax il Dec. 30, 1791 Wyatt Hawklnsi Warren ....Chowan il Dec. 30, 1791 Griffith Rutherford Rowan ..... Martin y, I Dec. 30, 1,91. Charles Bruce Guilford .....Orange Dec. 30, 1791 William P. Littler Hertford · ....Perqulmans Jan. 2, 1792 Henry W. Harrington Richmond .....Bladen Jan, 2,1792 Thomas Brickell Franklln •....Chowan Jan. 2, 1792 ',' Philemon Hawkins Warren Jan.'l2,1792 Bythai Bell Edgecombe 1788. Jail. 12, 1792 Thomas Brown..': Bladen f r · ... Perquimans ELECTED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF 1792. '" .Chowan ' Orange Dec. 18.1792 James Coor Craven j Pitt Dec. 18, 1792 Thomas Brown Bladen · Tyrrell Dec. 18, 1792 Willlam McClure Craven ....Martin Dec. 19, 1792 Wyatt Hawkins Warren • •.. Pasquotank Dec. 19, 1792 Thomas Brickell. Franklin • Dec. !9, 1792 Spyers Singleton Craven . , Dec. 28, 1792 Daniel Carthy Craven 1789. ..,.... · ...GUilford ELECTED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF 1793. ....Warren Dec. 19, 1793 James Coor Craven Dec. 19, 1793 William Mc9Iui'e Craven '" .Duplin Dec. 19, 1793 Thomas Brown Bladen ....Oullrord Dec. 19, 1793: . : William BrickelL Franklln '\ ..Surry Dec. 26, 1793 Richard Nixon Craven l' .Rowan Dec. 28,1793 John Umstead Orange Dec. 30,1793 John Branch Hallfax 90. ELECTl!JD BY THE ASSEMBLY OF 1794-1795. Guillord [..'Warren Jan. 10,1795 Thomas Brown Bladen " ..Mecklenburg Jan.l0,1795 John Branch Hallfax •.. Warren Jan. 12, 1795 Benjamin SeawelL Franklin ~ .Gullrord Jan. 12, 1795 George Lucas Chatham L.Rowan Jan. 19, 1795 , . Ransome Sutherland Wake I· Hertford Jan. 19. 1795 James Kenan Duplln Jan. 20, 1795 James Coor Craven '1 rI I i", I!. ~ 1 • \ I j, ! , l\lE~lIlEHS OF Tilt: Gf:Xf:HAL ASSE.\lIILY. 569 • Year Senators Representatives 1789..' , Richard Nixon John Allen ~ .1 I • I 1790 .. : John Bryan , Levi Dawson ", John Allen ,. 1791. John Carney " Levi Dawson , John Allen 1792 , .. , John Carney .John TiI!man John Allen , 1793 John Carney John Tillman John Allen i. 17~." John C. Bryan John Tillman 1796 Wllllam McClure .John S. West 1 John Tillman 1 .~ , 1796" WlIIiam McClure John S. West • " 1­ .. , William Bryan ~ 1797 William McClure Henry TlIIman 'u·" WIlliam Blackledge .. 1798 Lewis Bryan Phillp Neale William Blackledge t \ 1799 v ••••••••••Lewis Bryan Phllip Neale 11 \ WlIIiam Blackledge ! 1800 Wllllam Gaston.: James Gatling John S. Nelson 1801. .. " .. " .....Richard D. Spaight, Sr...Lewis FonvllIe Henry Tillman 1802 Richard D. Spaight, Sr.15 • Lewis Fonv1Ile Wlll1am Blackledgeao WilIlam Bryan 1803 Stephen Harris., Lewis Fonville William Bryan 1804 W1I1iam Bryan , John S. Richardson Lewis FonvlIIe 1806 ' Wllllam Bryan John S. Nelson Charles Hatch 1806 ...•..........William Bryan Lewis Fonville John S. Nelson 1807 William Bryan Ed ward Harris r . I ~ , ... , , I , -. ( rv rr), C', t::,-- '-/.-) { c., ") (\U i.,.' rI,) tv ( J c "- F:=. 01- \ (, c : j, ( c-· ' " I I f\! (-, <, --', j r ~-'L,,, C • 'v,-C -<.. l\[IDIIIERS o~' TIlE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, 721 ,u.s. , 5-~:) "t'ur Senators Representatives 0..•..Joseph A. HIlI 1.....Da.nlel Sherwood jill!!.••.•.........Timothy Bloodworth1 2 ••• John A. Campbell ':l••••• Daniel Sherw~od 17:10 , ., John A. Campbell '.' Henry \Valters 3 ..•..John D. Jones John Gam bier Scull -L..•.Edward B.
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