BICENTENNIAL Brunswick County North Carolina
SOUVENIR BOOKLET BICENTENNIAL Brunswick County North Carolina Published bY IV: Brunswick County Historical Society 975.629 B BnUNSWICK, Duchy of. Quarterly: 1 or, sem() o[ hctrrts gules, a lion rampant azrtre (Luneberg), 2 guies, two lions p:tssant gUardant in pale or (Brunswick), 3 azure, zt lion rirtnll:ttrt itrgent, crowned gules (Everstein), 4 gules, a lion r':rmplnt or within a bordure compony argent and azurc (Homburg), l-r r)t" it lion ramp- ant gU[es, Crowned Azvte,6 gulcs, threc bars itntl ln chitrl a lion passant ot, 7 per fess in chief or, two bcars' paws s:illlc (Iloya), in base per fesse in chief barry of Iour gulos irrrcl itrgcnt (Ncw Bruchhausen), the base gTronny of oight argcn[ ilnd azur:c (Old Bruchhausen), 8 azrtr:e, al caglc displtVcd itrgcnt; artnt:tl gulcs' (Diepholz), 9 barry of four argcnt and gultrs, t ltitlc countcr- changed (Hohnstein), 10 argent, a stag's lttirc gulcrs (llcinstcin), 11 argent, a stag trippant sable (Klcstcnbcrg), l2 trgtttrt, rt stagrs attire sable (Blankenburg). Supportcrg 'l'w11 s:tvtlgos' srpporting a club and wreathed about thc htra<l- :tntl tnitltll<: "ac-h leaves. Motto ttlrJss aspera terrent. " with - PREFACE Brunswick County was founded in 1764. To commemorate this dal,c, l,lrt, Ilrunswicl' County Historical Society held abicentennial celebration at Brunswicli'I'own SL:rlc IIisl.oli<' Site on November 15, 7964. In order to have apermanent memento of this crvtrnt. tlrc Brunswick County Historical Society herewith presents this booklet. The bicentennial program was held in the open near the excavation ol'tlrt' r'uins ol' the first courbhouse used in Brunswick County" The foliowing constitutefl [[1r proglirrrr lirr' the afternoon: 2:00 P.
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