Reprinted from Technical Analysis of STOCK S & COMMODITIE S magazine. © 2014 Technical Analysis Inc., (800) 832-4642, PRODUCT REVIEW thinkorswim Sharing TD AMERITRADE, INC. SHORTENING THE found both within the thinkorswim AND AFFILIATES LEARNING CURVE platform and the thinkorswim web-based Website:, Traders who use thinkorswim as their trading platform: broker and trading, charting, and n thinkorswim is the actual trading Email:
[email protected] analysis platform might just find that and analysis platform; a web and Product: Social media sharing all of those pertinent questions — and mobile version are also available tools and online community for more — can be answered within the thinkorswim users thinkorswim/MyTrade section of this n thinkorswim/Sharing is the broad, Price: Free for TD Ameritrade comprehensive analysis and trading descriptive name that encom- account holders platform. The platform already offers a passes all of the sharing features myriad of unique technical, analytical, linked to thinkorswim by Donald W. Pendergast Jr. and forecasting tools for serious trad- n thinkorswim/MyTrade is a web- ers and investors. Experienced traders site and section within the thinkor- nce an individual makes the using the thinkorswim/MyTrade tools swim platform where user-posted important decision to pursue the will have an eager audience of newer trades, ideas, and charts are dis- O goal of becoming a successful and maturing traders with whom they tributed to other MyTrade users trader, chooses a stock/option/forex/ can freely share their trade ideas, charts, commodity broker, and funds his ac- scans, watchlists, and chart layouts.