Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held at Tilston War Memorial Hall, th 7 July 2011 PRESENT Councillors Chairman – Penny Honeyborne John Bird Ian Munro Dave Passey Eric Pomfret Nicola Prince Alan Rickett Neil Ritchie Clerk – Mrs. Ann Wright Non Parish Councillors Public - 0

APOLOGIES West & Councillor Howard Greenwood.

DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Cllr. Bird declared a prejudicial interest in item 15, Planning as a member of the Tilston War Memorial Hall Committee whose planning application was to be considered.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The Chairman read a letter from the Tilston War Memorial Hall Committee thanking the Council for its donation towards the Hall’s insurance costs.

MINUTES RESOLVED 11/116 - that the Chairman signs, as a correct record the circulated minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th May 2011.

PARISH PLAN RESOLVED 11/117 – that the council approves the Tilston Parish Plan. It was agreed that work needed to be done on how the Parish Council implemented the plan and recognised that the plan would provide the basis of the neighbourhood plan which the Council will need to undertake.

STREET SIGNS The clerk reported a request had been received from Mr. Stephenson for directional signs to the church and primary school in the area of The Green. She reported that CW&C highways department had advised they would not recommend signs to schools as people travelling to schools tend to do so frequently, they also advise the cost of installing a sign to the church would cost £366.81 which the Parish Council or other body would have to pay. The council agreed it was not willing to purchase the sign but would forward all the information to Mr. Stephenson for him to pursue if he wished.

SPEEDING & PARKING Cllr. Passey reported that there continued to be significant speeding along Malpas Road in Tilston particularly in mornings and evenings during peak commuting times and that this matter would not be resolved until there was a police presence in the village prosecuting offenders. It was agreed the clerk should write to the Chief Constable and request the police to carryout speed checks on Malpas Road. The Community Safety Wardens (CSWs) advised that they would carryout speed checks and report back to the Council at the September meeting, this information would also be supplied to the police. The clerk will seek CW&C highways advice regarding any existing speed data and the possibility of moving existing 30mph signs introducing flashing 30mph signs, although these are purely advisory they would remind drivers to check their speed. 125

Cllr. Prince reported parents continue to park on the yellow lines at the school, the CSWs said they would attend the school to take enforcement action against those parking in this area. It was agreed the clerk should write to the headmaster, Mr. Harley, raising this issue and ask that parents are reminded not to park in these areas at the beginning of the new academic year in September. It was reported that vehicles are parking and causing obstructions on Wynter Lane, PC Tony Owens has been informed of this but had not seen any vehicles causing an obstruction on his visits. The CSWs confirmed vehicle obstructions are a police matter but they would monitor the situation. Cllr. Passey raised concerns about vehicles parking obstructing visibility for those existing Inveresk and Roads and suggested a white line be requested to prevent this parking. It was confirmed that a white line is purely advisory and can not be enforced, although it is an offence to park within 25 yards of a junction. The following actions were agreed:- 1. To include the parking issues in the letter to the Police. 2. Contact CW&C Highways to look at what could be done to prevent this parking. 3. To include an article in the Reported about the parking issues including a map highlighting the problem areas.

ASSET VALUATION Cllrs. Honeyborne, Munro and Ritchie agreed to form a working group to look at the valuations on the Council’s asset register and consider if they are correct.

PARISH COUNCIL INFORMATION POINT The clerk reported that following past discussions about establishing an information point a meeting had taken place with Cllr. Honeyborne, Cressida Travis from the War Memorial Hall Committee, Julie Bellis from CW&C Customer Service and the clerk to look at the possibility of establishing an information point which would include a computer with internet access and other information including leaflets. The clerk would man this ‘hub’ for three hours per week on a Wednesday morning and be able to offer residents help and advice, this service could be extended if it proved successful. It was agreed the clerk should continue to pursue this project which would be the first of its kind working in partnership with CW&C.

DIAMOND JUBILEE The Chairman reported a meeting had taken place with representatives from Malpas, Threapwood and No Mans Heath & District Parish Council’s to look at ways of coordinating the Jubilee celebrations in June 2012. The clerk reported she had contacted a large number of groups and organisations in Tilston all of who had supported the idea of forming a working group to organise the celebrations in Tilston, a list of ideas had been developed by Marjorie Lingard. It was agreed a meeting of this group should be organised as soon as possible and Mrs. Lingard should be asked to chair this group. Cllrs. Prince and Munro agreed to represent the council on the group. Cllr. Ritchie reported that funding had been received for 60 Giants to be made for the Jubilee, each giant will cost £2000 to be constructed and communities wanting a giant will be asked to contribute half of the money. It was agreed this should be raised at the next meeting with the neighbouring parishes.

CHURCH ROAD FOOTPATH The Clerk reported that the CW&C Highways department had confirmed a bid had been made for funding to construct the new footpath in front of the school towards the playing field. It was agreed the clerk should contact Cllr. Greenwood to obtain support for this bid and that the Parish Council should seek to extend this path to the playing field.


WARD WALK It was agreed to hold the ward walk on Thursday August 4th from 2pm unless members found they were unable to make this date.

STREET SCENE The clerk reported she had met with CW&C Street scene representatives following complaints about dog fouling on Church Road and that there had been no sign of any dog mess. Cllr. Passey reported that there were large amounts of dog mess in the grass verge around The Green and that the people cutting the grass had requested a dog fouling bin in the area. It was agreed that the shop would be asked to put dog fouling bags on its fence for people to access without having to go into the shop. Complaints were made regarding the state of the pavements on Malpas Road going up toward the Antique Shop and around the bus shelter. It was agreed the clerk should contact Street scene to highlight these issues and ask that the pavements be swept more regularly.

PLANTER RESOLVED 11/118 – that the council purchase a wooden planter to go under the map on The Green to a maximum cost of £80.

PLANNING The clerk reported confirmation had been received that footpath no.5 on Church Road was to be diverted. The council noted the page 59 of the planning register. RESOLVED 11/119 – That an observation of No Objection is made on planning application 11/01992/FUL, Finsdale Farm, Construction of a timber agricultural building. RESOLVED 11/120 – That an observation of No Objection is made on planning application 11/01745/FUL, Tilston War Memorial Hall, Replacement windows and doors.

ACCOUNTS RESOLVED 11/121 - The council accepted the accounts as recorded on page 49 of the cash book.

PAYMENTS RESOLVED 11/122 – To pay the clerk’s salary for the period week commencing 16th May to 4th July 2011, inclusive and reimbursements £222.00 RESOLVED 11/123 – To pay Tilston War Memorial Hall £51 for room hire for April and May.

The meeting closed at 9.08pm.

The Next scheduled PARISH COUNCIL MEETING is on Thursday 1st September 2011 from 7.00pm.

Signed ……………………….. Dated ………………………..