Lower Gastrointestinal due to Multiple Polyps in

Ivo Novita Sah Bandar,* Ari Fahrial Syam, ** Chudahman Manan, **Marcellus Simadibrata K, ** Murdani Abdullah ** * Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia /Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia ** Division of , Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia/Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia

ABSTRACT The causes of lower gastrointestinal bleeding (hematochezia) are amyloidosis, , angiodysplastic lesions, coagulation disorder, , colon cancer, colorectal polyps, Crohn’s disease, , haemorrhoids, etc. This was a case of lower gastrointestinal bleeding due to colonic inflammatoric . This inflammatoric polyps were caused by infection/inflammation and improved after antibiotic and NSAID therapy. Key Words : Colonic inflammatoric polyp, hematochezia.

INTRODUCTION Bleeding from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract may Two months prior to hospitalisation the patient had present in five ways: , hematochezia, diarrhoea with blood and mucous. The blood’s colour , occult GI bleeding, and only symptoms of blood was dark red. There was no history of fever or loss or anaemia. Hematochezia is the passage of bright . The patient was brought to Ongkomulyo red or maroon blood from the .1 Hematochezia Hospital, but because there was no improvement of the usually indicates GI bleeding below the ligament of Treitz, symptoms of the disease, the patient was transferred to but it may also accompany rapid haemorrhage of 1 L or Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM). During more from the upper GI tract.2 hospitalisation in RSCM, the patient underwent Hematochezia ranges from formed, blood-streaked colonoscopy examination, which found infective colitis. stools to liquid, bloody stool that may be bright red, dark The symptoms then alleviated and the patient was mahogany, or maroon in colour. This sign usually released from the hospital. develops abruptly and is heralded by abdominal pain.2 At home there was no complain about defecation, There are many medical causes of hematochezia, but since he was suggested to eat soft food, he ate only such as: amyloidosis, anal fissure, angiodysplastic lesions, soft food. And because he was afraid of having another coagulation disorder, colitis, , colon bloody stool, he ate very carefully. Sometimes he even cancer, colorectal polyps, Crohn’s disease, diverculitis, did not eat at all. He also lost his appetite and in the end , haemorrhoids, rectal melanoma (malignant), his bodyweight dropped about 30 kilograms within two small-intestine tumours, typhoid fever, etc.1,2,3,4,5,6 months. One-day prior to hospitalisation, the patient had a CASE ILLUSTRATION bloody stool again. The colour was dark red, with black A 19-year old male was admitted to Cipto clot. There was no history of fever, but the patient had Mangunkusumo hospital with a chief complaint bloody an abdominal pain in the epigastric and lower abdominal stool one day prior to hospitalisation. area. There was history of , but there was no

Volume 3, Number 3, December 2002 99 Ivo Novita Sah Bandar, Ari Fahrial Syam, Chudahman Manan, Marcellus Simadibrata K, Murdani Abdullah vomiting. The patient went to RSCM again and was The result of ultrasound examination was chronic liver hospitalised in the Melati ward. During this time, he disease with a differential diagnosis of non-alcoholic suffered from diarrhoea with blood and mucous for about steato-, minimal ascites and slight enlargement eight times per day. The amount of the blood was about of the spleen, and the laboratory results for the serologic 100 cc each. He also had a slight fever, and was getting marker (B and C) were negative. The weaker. patient was then scheduled to have a liver biopsy. The The patient was a college student, who did not smoke result of the liver biopsy showed there is nothing or drink alcohol. He used to be obese. His weight prior contrary to non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis. So, the liver to his illness was 100 kilograms. problem of this patient was a non-alcoholic steato-hepa- Based on previous history, when the patient was in titis. the first grade of elementary school, he was hospitalised because of dengue haemorrhagic fever, and was given blood transfusion because of low platelet count. The DISCUSSION patient denied any history of diabetes mellitus, liver The patient was a 19 year old male with the history disease, or hepatitis. of recurrent haematochezia. With a history of infective Based on family history, his father had hypertension colitis two months prior to admission, haematochezia was and had a stroke two years previously. The patient first thought to have been caused by infective colitis, denied history of diabetes mellitus, cancer, colorectal even though in infective colitis, such as amebiasis or cancer or any disease of the gastrointestinal system, and shigellosis, the blood usually cannot be seen or there is in the family. usually only a little amount of it, and it rarely causes Physical examination demonstrated a weak general severe anaemia requiring blood transfusion.7 condition but the patient was fully conscious. His blood The recurrent hematochezia in this patient could have pressure was 140/90 mmHg, his pulse rate 90 times per been caused by several problems, such as infection, minute, respiratory rate 20 times per minute, body especially with a prior history of infective colitis. temperature 37.9 oC. His conjunctiva were pale, his sclera Another causes, such as inflammatory bowel disease, demonstrated no jaundice. His jugular venous pressure haemorrhoid, tumour of the colon or , as was 5-2 cm H2O. The lungs and heart were normal. well as were still possible. Abdominal examination revealed slight epigastric and Repeated colonoscopy was performed, resulting in lower abdominal pain, the liver and spleen was not hyperplastic polyps in the ileum, with a differential palpable, and the bowel sound was normal. There was diagnosis submucosal tumour, Crohn’s disease, and no oedema of the legs, the palmar erythema was not hyperplastic lymphoid follicle. The size of the polyps were found. The digital revealed dark red smaller compared to those found in the second faeces on the hand glove. colonoscopy. Laboratory findings were as follows: haemoglobin Since the mucosa was relatively normal, there was a level 14.4 g/dl, haematocrite level 41 vol%, erythrocyte possibility that the tumour was a submucosal tumour, and count 4.9 million/ml, leukocyte count 16.700 per mm3, since the biopsy only took the surface of the polyps (the and platelet count 529.000 per mm3. Ureum level 27 mg/ mucosal part), the condition beneath the mucosal part dl, creatinin level 0.6 mg/dl, and random blood sugar level was undetected. It required further examination such as 148 mg/dl. The patient’s sodium level was 138 mEq/l, polypectomy, followed by a complete pathological and his potassium level 4.3 mEq/l. Urinalysis revealed examination, in order to examine the whole mass. proteinuria, ketonuria, and bilirubinuria. Chest x-ray Treatment should be considered according to the demonstrated a cardio-thoracic index of less than 50%, complete pathological finding. and there was no infiltrate. Electrocardiography Crohn’s disease is also known to cause demonstrated sinus rhythm, a QRS rate of 100 times per haematochezia, and this disease could attack the ileum. minute; while NA, ST changes, T inverted and U wave Since the aetiology of this disease remain unknown, the were not found. treatment is only based on theories such as reaction to a Repeat colonoscopy was performed and resulting in persistent intestinal infection, existence of a defective multiple polyps on the ileal mucous. A sample of the mucosal barrier to luminal antigens, and a dysregulated polyps was then sent to Department of Pathology to be host immune response to ubiquitous antigents.8 The most analyzed and show inflammatory polyps. common agent that was used for this disease is steroid,

100 The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding due to Colonic Inflammatoric Polyp such as prednisone and methyl prednisolone. Other This case is presented as a problematic case of a agents such like methotrexate and growth hormone had young patient with recurrent haematochezia, with some went through several studies and was said to have some difficulties in making the diagnosis of this patient and effects on this disease.9, 10 making the decision of the best treatment to this patient Surgical therapy should be considered if there is a considering the age, cost, and efficacy. complication, or if there is no improvement after conservative therapy.3, 4 Since the third colonoscopy REFERENCE showed smaller size of the polyps, the most possible cause 1. Laine L. Gastrointestinal bleeding. In: Braunwald E, Fauci AS, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Jameson JL, editors. of these polyps was infection. 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N Engl J Med 2000; 342: 1633-7. Treatment usually involves weight reduction, and a 11. Pratt DS, Kaplan MM. Evaluation of abnormal liver-enzyme results in asymptomatic patients. N Engl J Med 2000; 342: literature said that the degree of fatty infiltration is 1266-71. usually reduced with weight loss in most patients, 12. Bravo AA, Sheth SG, Chopra S. Liver Biopsy. N Engl J Med although the degree of necro-inflammation and fibrosis 2001; 344: 495-500. may worsen. The rate of weight loss is important and 13. Angulo A. Non alcoholic . N Engl J Med may have a critical role in determining whether liver 2002; 346: 1221-31. histological findings will improve or worsen.13 Low cholinesterase and cholesterol levels in this patient may indicate a worsening process and the beginning of . It may have been caused by the rapid weight reduction in this patient. No medication have been proved to directly reduce or reverse liver damage independently of weight loss, but such medication as Gemfibrozil, metformin, Vitamin E have been shown to improve liver test.13 One study also said that treatment with various antioxidant improves the fatty liver that develops in rats.13 Volume 3, Number 3, December 2002 101