Doug:as -J, Austin -hadcleus E Morg!'lll'\ Jared A qoborts f'l.eli(e,;l FraserTrebilcocK Mlchasl E. C$\lllMl>Qh 810!\ ?, Morley David J, Housfoll Dona!d A Hines LAWYERS Darrell A. Li1d'T!an Janritter Utter Hesloo Me1lsa M, W, Mysliwiec John J. Loose Ga:y G. Rogers Marlaine C, reahan Sh.lino A, Read Michael H, Perry Viark E, Ke~ogg Archie C. Fras0t Thomas J, Waters Ryan K Kluffman l1902-1991!i 124 West Allegan Street, Suite 1000 Michael S, Ashton P!l.lfa J. Maocierf,eld OfCOWSFL Everett A. TfSlJilcook {t9l~002} Lansirig, Michigan 48933 H. Krny Albright Paui V. McCord Daw:! E. S. Marvin James A. Oavis T {517) 482-5800 F {517) 482-0887 Graham K Crebltea Brian T. Gal>agt1er _.__ Ste¢teo L Bvrllngamc iHJ-18-2005} www.fraserlaw1irm,com Mlclui.81 P. Drnvuily Jonathan T. Walton. Jr. Rona.d R. Penteoost EdwardJ.CastellarJ l_lU,!($ & fausslfl Brandon W, ZUX (1932-2006) ~ E. Raven Norbert T. Maolson, Jr. David S. Fry Metk A. R;x H96J,,2011l Peter D, Houk Aaron L. Davis Thomas L Spar'..:s Biza'oath H latchana Pal.If C. Mil!!on, Jr. Max A, Hotf,nan Pete!' L Dunlap, P,C,
[email protected] (517) 377-0816 December 30, 2019 VIA HAND DELIVERY Clerk of the Court Ingham County Circuit Court 315 S, Jefferson, 3rd Floor Mason, MI 48854 Re: Fox v Pavonia Life Insurance Company ofl\fichigan Case No. 19-504-CR Dear Clerk: Enclosed for filing please find an original and Judge's copy of Supplement to Objection of Interested Party Independent Insurance Group, LLC, together with the Affidavit of Edward W.